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Post on 17-Apr-2020






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V V J i t?r

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-,/ t M u . Oneida As, a JWA.H. tAOOOtt.

/ SB0A.K,BW4:Otnto JB;15r.K, BWftOtndn lB:4P*,*.Aoaom,

Bon* « • » • <X»b|* Biufoon iHtw JfcOroad

^{onnirWskuitsWtfc ^ J f * ^ -SaSJUMiiceQDX..

" n*.*-4JW00»V-

-SRtfEffe 1 11:85 en BWAOttdl,

6M6AV BWAO art

Whe» I t itrclnt the Fire AUtm Bell

According to astronomers there will be ^Wj^f!^#,'iot*™Bi«t^>?&--ettber, tomorrow, Ttswiawy or Friday moping between *4j«lliiiKfe_andJL ^!filocfe.i||to tapected

|j!?*&tfffi££* _J that the display "Will be unusually b~fir

«aa mtVettern Sx.



•>•—*-* n«*»


i:10N,TrBir6«. > J B.-86P.K. AtSurtto to. 2Te» roriL-OntflHo *Wetter* SaOroad, „

SjEAVX BOM. I ABBJVK AX BOMB, «;U M . I ^ M I . ' J„ Tgn wj. «

'',-*"'" To BvbWlbart. SubBOritoers^ailiBK to receive* their

. BapgnLfftjealarlv w i l l oblige tha pub­lishers by i e id lng woraTlo the ieffiee^ giving name, street and number, that mistakes and oversights aaay be promptly corrected- ' Subscribers "who change their residences or order the de­livery <Jt their papers changed from One place to another, wiU-confer.afaver-by' stating where the paper-has, beeh left as well as where it Is t o be left.

' WABWBtOH.^N^ti^Eastern .flew York, rain amd warrMT. tonightr-fttfd-Wednesday, Winds shlfasg.^J^aaterly winds, southerly and increasing in force tonight.

Western New York, Tain and warmer tonight, high easterly to southeasterly, winds, Wednesday rajn.^ ~ .

. ".'." "JottTSSS.TT "'.""" \' =rBegtiiar meeting of the Knights.of

Columbus this evening, . —The W. C. T. U„ will hold their.rest*

—lylffg-pinnthly- Jirta<ni>tffi nqpnt.lng a t MT3, TC

B. CaBe'a-bn Wednesday evening,Nov. 15,

i|ant and nioHpeopTe"a50fiaouB-tcr»itF-p S B l t ^ • — "r— •"HS^^ery W"1fteTe-i8^ unoer-^Rinty-asJiafliBjaai&nnon^^ play will be given, not many are inclined to keep watch and vigil fo> three nights

Under theea circumstances it has been inggegted-to-thW^ie-and ..pollr^-j»mmls_ sloners that arrangements be made tor a signal by the police department on the ifl«^arm^8ll%nd«^Bam-g<]»ng wherUihe, meteoricfcliower begins.

In response to this the commissioners will arrange tb^have six tajs sent in on the fire bell When the; display opens. The taps will-^BBeftttningroups of two with 4SL internal beiiwe^n,JBo; that ijhey^may not be confounded with an alarm of fire, tiros: _ 141 1-1 :-'lnl. The sfeam gong will sound four long blasts.

Two ThwtsmA Dollar* fdr*fMwlfcnht]»» TiT16he'"Tnsli BolwDl -ProTHloBL—f r—*

thiB^gSv T l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gatejs court this forenoon. Jt i s a s f o l lows _ 5

I, lazrfeMrBOTifl^jWihe-oitjr-of-Bome,

THE DOCUMENT FILED IN 8URRO- „ . *fc?taMiW " ^ Utfca, N o * 14 - r h e supervisors or-

ganUed * # * board of county canvassers at nodr^^tdaayr-TJ^putrCounty^telfW.-Hr^ifforttcalled ther board tcoxder, Mr. Hlnckley-nomlnated Superviaor-O.-K

Christum Brt»ao>-Cl»»P«l~B*qn*<faLAt(-3ackns of Kftmw aw chairman. qThaati-griamU-and Raiativet. nervjaoM were then sworn in as can


^ Arl*tt» O P«cMii»m Arietta C. Peckham, daughter of Will

lam N.OPackbam, died at her father's res­idence in Verona last eveningr ag*d^& years. ~Sfie leaves, beslde8_%er iather; orie brother, ^rank E. Peckhatn of But* falo,a^d one sistisr, Mnr. Gteorge H. Gag-win of Verona. Funeral pervlces -to b» held at the home an Thursday, Nov. 16, at 1131) p. m. '."" - •—'---— ~

-• ,\1. H v Fonfl». f • • I. H..Fonda of Patroit, Mioh., died on

Sunday mornthsc; Nov. 12, after a linger­ing illness. He was a brother-in-law of the late B S Esselstytf of this city.

EmpJoyedAt thoTnbo Work*. *.

in the! county of Oneida and State of New York, being of sound mind and memory, do makeVpubiiEtrattd declate-thtwny last will and testament, in manner following, that is to Bay ?

First-I direct that all my just debts and funeral expanses be paid. .

Second-Iglvetothe Rome CeWietery association of Borne, N, J., |503, the uae, interest and income therefrom tp be need in keeping mf burial lot in faW cemetery in proper condition and order forever* ..

Third- If prior to my death I have not erected a monument upon my said burial lot, I direct my executors, hereinafter named, to erect a monument thereon, like the one; iii theldt of 3 . J(. 1Bea<ai,.iii Wid cemetery, itogether "with:: -sui&ible/ inarkets ior,.myseIt ftadha|(b$nd, he expense of s'ach monument and inarkere tiTbeHnthe diaoretlon of said execntora as.to amount. " . • ' . .* . .

iPdurfeh^^ ^ive *nd bequeath to the cT!^t-^rrar*o-betaah«g^^ of edu,cjatlon ofsaiffcit^perpetBaliy, the sum'of f$',0t)Df aud direct tftat thet Same be invested-and the annual interest and income therelrom ne used to maintain tw^%Marsfiipft3in -the" high school-dt saiaoitytobekn(Jwn, one as The Slto' KertandSpholtfWhfp, and the:o$her as the »isf i"jSs©#Si | f btie*iat m annuW interest of.fiafd funcl lib "BT glveh ~fis*'a prize! annually- for the best effort in elo-

- ' — - •-«--'* — - prize to



A. Wt*m*r F<nM»<a»toa N«M«d for the Beat KerafK-To~B«^Bim«dlately u»e-

—b»JB>ptJHot—Wfamt the OatfltJmUJOfllK

_eB5S7 Oblulei Knight^ ,,S*. W. Wattnuth, G. P . Beers and Isaac Weat

Theoommlttea.dn footings w i s selected TM^oUoprv:Ship^sor«^lto^*HH««l<iyj-Hinckley, Ellis Griffith and Sothers. ,

Stuart F. Da* was directed W tabulate the^e"topa~TheiupwisorMhfcn Wnded up their returns. ^

The board adjourned to 2 p. in. - * • *


Foar «t«B VlaV Qnwr Aatle* With » r«»m«r-FcT(oiia1, «ie

GiMbjar, NOT, 14 --Still another tale of a hold-up is circulatea in this viljag*. The story tells how a wellJiuiown-farroer^ livlng a fewtmile«,out1 was overhauled by i gang of four highwaymen and runs a? follow?: TB^iarmer w w t o hUtway^roinj Camden to i s hbme in the ;weateri^ por­tion df the ^ w r K ^ t a^hi^p^fc%|fee; . road,. 'jOJiraeaanTwagT-l^ttMlrl6n|i; ge9tl?» • be" ^^ifpsBaiTeci:: -•-•••'

"MrSTBWlSwisT-^tfiHa- «mployeA,«fc ^uM«i»ATAdjMbJharh£f as a prize to ie Tempsran#-acitel, reported at the pb- the tuptl writlng^TO"*be3t-ejs^r."^^ t h e ' . , . . .

Tlce atattbnJrest^tday aftetnhDn that cer*


at 7:30 instead o t 3 p. m. —Regular meeting of Borne COUDCU,

No. „150, Boyal Arcanum, thla eve­ning. Six-candidates will be Initiated and refreshments will be served. " —There will be aV"impSHat(6 meeting

. of the Golf Club,atthe Arlington Hotel on Wednesday, Nov. i$, at? p. in. AH members are requested to attend,"

—A letteraddressed to^Mrs. Golehian, cgt. Armafl House, DLiorence street, Bbmr, ~1SrT7~tH"hBM at the post-offlce for4>etter dlrectlonp, as-4her-e i s noeuihstreetor number in Rome.

weeks ego and that she has not seen him since. Lewis was employed at the tube works and boarded at the hole!where his wife works He bad said nothing of go­ing, away and his wife Is worried, abqnt hitn. ..

Mrs. Lewis says that her name before ^aiidagewasOwenB-and'lhat she Hveu iuOriskany. She married Lewis, four yearn ago after an acquaintance of one month. •

FER80NAX,. —F. B. Bacon Is speeding the week In

New York. , -—Mtef BenTah Tobey of Oneida i s viBit-

lngMeda B. Hughes at her home, 312 N. »eor£e_streot,

—Post Office Clerk John a Schroth, who has been 111 for some time, was out today'for the first time.

—l^^UesrW.Brownrh'e and daughter, Louise of Sioux Cltyylowa, are guests at the home of Arthur J. Wylle, 400 N* Washington street.

- O . Knowlton of Rome, who under­went an operation at Faxton Hospital, Utica, Is doing as well a* can be expected. He i s still at the hospital but It 1B ex­pected-that he Will be able to return home In about ten days.

Bat«Tt»ibad Airltun i«m»te«j ••. Last evening the young people, whore-

oently gate the •'Deestriot &knle" enter­tainment at the-Baptist Church went to the C^Btodla^J53ylum andniave the* performance before-about 150 of the inmates and 50 visitors. The entertain­ment was given in the flue new hall,' the stage and arrangements, of which greatly" pl»aB8d those who took: part. Besiderthe play itself there were excel­lent specialties- b y Fred Caswell'Ern­est Roaenburg" and Daniel and - Harold Wardwell, who gave- a cake walk and-Bklrb dance, and by Ernest Rosenberg, who sang two topical coon songs and danced. Thw undlanns ahfririid Its • appreciation

husband, 5kitt Lewis, disap^emrelrTour •feeTlaim^teraTd-th^one-f^est^essay- jag^matmjpmi prize for

he" ^rl^sBafle^Jsgppr^Sft'. reaching- WtO-Ugl: bngtJ-ri^:|i(#ifetio; pull hiiih but; itf&eems tlmmMt^M'Sm, ping" along aridjrhenheloffil^^^liit' coareifour m M ^ e fltr^kBh^^ho/lifaS; trytng7torge^rit.<iBie jm&gS0Md8$ grSund andmaleTaf ew^efWief'iiriOp® at the ot^hiig^hwayraanjhat iiMhir«;p flight. Jfhile; Mb sotirll'ft..w%>*>iang place t;he' 6^er.$£Q unhj.t^)i i, hi|i. tejan.

The, tej6"?rtt« ^ew auxDiiSy~Bteam pnn^T«S~Binl|r"ItBls con«nt«B7-The pump was started «b >ut ten o'clock Mon day morning and run during the rest of theia&y. Itwaa not operated during the -night bt*w»#*t»rted-agato tlusmornlng.

The start this morning was made at Dineo'clocjk and £ the. steam pump was kept; running ,at the rate at 35 or 40 revo latlana per minute, the water power pump at the same time being operated slowly to keep the water in the reservoir ^pt© the usual level.~~ =• - -

At two; o'clock this afternoon the water power pump was Bhut off and the steam pump ran slone The reservoir was full and only one pnmp was needed.

The highest rate of speed attained on Monday-w*a 5$ revolutions a minute this was in pumping into the reservoir This rate, however, ifcisnot deemed pra<; ticable to maintain for* Jury length ot •jiima -tintilwttie platform upon whlchthe pnjoipg»tand8;lB'rendered flnner. This pla^^ds^orMf a-covered bridge, out-.

tetnpftto c*tchdt.»b.ut ii»X^^jQi&Jc0ji^

man found roat^te, tearuhala;; fiinVAp the road a short distance %i#\i0^j^$i '.afs a _ .

. _ ^ .^ „m^^.^^.. .,.11 farmlhon8e^dU^be.en_ptfe the,pnmp toward one end of tbe> l . * S « « D J ^ ^ - s C ^ ^ # f c f e j O f i f l d Jiave^a:flrmer

' Scotch 8oo(t sod Mnslc. An Opportunity wDl bB* afforded lovers

of Scotch iongsand "music to enjoy thefe-Belvea on Wednesday evening when MIBB ^^•"Mnrray-Ttnd'-MiBB-Minni* Scott ap-; pear at- the Preshyterten Church, la ppeaklng of'Mles Murray the Mlddletown JN. Y.) Argus says; »'Her sweet and well-trained voice la rcost admirably a"da'pted™to-the nimicoftheserold-songs,

filling them with her own spirit and en-thuBiaent and making -those wi8h„they Were Scotch who never beTore-jfrlshedto

.urrfbcHtnythlflg-but good-AraerioanflTit-The^

to be called the DavlB prize. Saldprizw to "be given only to bona •fide pupils of said htgh'schbol abd be awarded by dis­interested committees. •

Fifth-I give and bSqaeath my father's and mother's portraits to Carrie France; andr 'vif wearing appatiel, my opala and my diamdnd- bracelets to Mrs. Oharlotte „BDfi0ted rei Pettfe of HwueT^T.; and, aBssemy ^ ^ S f 1

huBbaild Bhallilot survive me, I also give seripusiyju,. to said CharlottjPetrle, allmyhous^ hold fnriiituris, books; brlca-brac and ornaments, with the request thatshegiTe to my personal friends buoh articles thereof as they may desire. ^ > -• Slxfcn-"A11 therest, residue and remain­

der 'df-rny sstateyMaV-and-perfonaV hw-cludtog my «ald household furniture,* bboks, bric-a-brac and ornaments, fn case* he shall survive me, I gite, devise acd' bequeath to my husband, M. M. DavJs with full power and authority to use and

JLrt.ii BBTKIW ilnrlnyt blB l i t e t ime,

sailed by wouldrbe. th.ird attempted: hold-iip*,Iit, thia^|pwn .within as mafiy months, and,ifeis singular that in nobnedfcthe ossfei haye .%& H«:

satlants been sucoessinl in securing *val-uftbles,.,. . .;..•*,•t*; '1. ' ."; ,"..'•':•' V^-t'»-

Mrs. ^rtj^Qor|nor,«r>,hg6dMndh|g^ray ^ j r ^ d e M o f Voorfaees avenue;ja

Newburgh Journal has this: -t'-MIss.Min-* MS Scott accompanied Hiss Murray ppoh the'platio with that a^lfc intelligence, In­sight and sympathy of which so few pos­sess the Blft." «^

Cat Looia From EUcantt. OHKIDA OABTLB, Not. 14.—Oneida Cas­

tle's Union-School trustees have had a falling out>with the board of regents, and concluded that- hereafter the school shall bo distinctly separate in nil things from ttie 'state regents. The, reason for this\is with regard to mone­tary al!owahoeai_ Thejbpard of regents requires an attendance- equivalent to one pupil's attendance for 1,000 days and this rmuk was not reached in the eohool during the-past year. -By re­turning to the old system, it is said that the--^ salary of at leakb one teacher, and perhaps two can be saved. —Several pupils came in from other dis­tricts and took the examinations, but al­lowances for these pupils were refused by the board of regents.

of the play and Dr. Bernstein, in Bpeaking of It this morning, sayathat it was finely rendered. After the perform-anMxefr«hmeh*vferer8if«red theyounr people and danclngrvfas-enjoyed until 12 o'clock. • ..','. - ..j. .... .

Twi Nlshta in a B»r Boom. A grand production of Ten Nights in a

Bar Boom will be given by Charles J. Lincoln's Big Company at Sink's Opera House nex^Tflnrsday evening, Nov, 316 TDSJ carry: a S SB—BeeesBasy ajee^i scenery and mechanical effects. They also carry a big band .and every one con­nected with it is a soloist. Likewise a superb orchestra.- There- will be a grand novelty street parade by the Bumtown Bandjat noon anjtajjraM free concert at 7 p . r o . _ "."..-... ••...'." ~

Going to Vernon, ..... . _ -. , . - , ^., J. > .. ^ Henry Mackey, Joseph Juackey, John SBc^ir^jaWlr^sn^Monda]^^ - B 3 e m r i 3 r T E u T M a W ^

arocarlM Otrartnracd.

L J L J L .

as TeamBtsr Audas,' Who drive* one ot J. Graves & Company's tracks, was turning away from the platform at^tbe side ft Ethtidge & Co.'M Btdrej cbrner W . Dorfti-nlckaridS. Washington streets, the king bolt of his track ^broke.-.Mir. Audas was thf own.to the'ground and the entire load o£mercha»dIse was precipitated upon one oi the horses beating the animal to the ground. 'Bystanders-helped to right the rig. Neither Mr. Audas nor the horse was hurt. . , . . . . ,_ , .

yticipf ic«w yfaitjf. Company. The Consolidated^ Water Company of

Utica hassled articles of Incorporation with-the secretary^ of state.* The new co&sern.nas .bougTitj.bufc.Jine. TJtica and West Canada Creek Compantes> TBJa amoal^^tStS capital .Bj^ckte::fa.?i00,fl00; of which.#l)000,000.!te b be 5 per cent. non-comulative, preferred stock of the class aMa^liPP.j^j^pftj^nimon stock. --*•••--;-; ,2J.I ^gpempuskih y- •> -, • •-. -' , .Tw0stoe:vbacks^att xhibiteainfrowt of Evans & Son'a meatbarket. One was5

brouaTifelrlbls-lfeiC Binpftrni "whtefhot Ife'at Big Mooseiand theother, was'bsgge'd by J> H. Northrup Whq has just returned feoatnejr^lSyioirX^ "

— TOi8SSrIiSi*8oi»iii.- ••.•?>

*Mmw&-M&*"*>t &ticftj. *M, mi known. baUplayw. has enedthe Brooklyn l^?fi^;lauV!pr) |S^.^i is%idrl 'IMpT^ legedbreac

-iMB^estimaJ iatov<ri3jO0ft ^persotiai

p u

havCflig^e^plefltlons.M^^t^^ ofGen-BiggetttobeppetniaaterofUticn The committee will try to secure 7.0W

L. M.MartUiotClintonr«*«eTnWyman elect, has flMaitataraeht derkp^:hi»HecUwexr^sei! .wete^04; of wrdch 1300 wMp^Id to the Republican

M^N»tiJK«ting breath oonrtlpafcion. Karl's ' • ah«<*rU*Cureand

.... » J .



nu '" "tfjfMfleta.

if he shall so desire. Seventh—If any part ot said estate

shall'remain -undisposed ot by him at the irtnie-of-hJs^deatb, then tgivefdevise and bequeathBuchremalnderasfollows; On*' half x>t such remainder (if any) I give, de-vlBtfanffb>qrxe«h-tothej First Christian Science, Society of ftome, N. Y., to be used in the erection ot a chapel for the use of said society; If said society be "not Incorporated at the time of my death, then this legacy to takp effect if said so­ciety becomes .incorporated within one year thereafter. , ' *

One-fourth of such remainder I giver devise and bequeath to Charlotte Petrle" for and during her natural lite, and after her death I give the saute absolutely .to

— - ; ; - y » l l In th i Oi Charles Button, sp'mewhat' the Worse

for liquor,, walked Into the Brie Canal near~the-£ames' street bridge this morn* ing : about JLJo'clook. A canal boat was lying on the h,eelpath side near where Button fell in and a boatman threw him a robe whioh he grasped and hung on to until he was pulled out, a little wet but otherWise uninjured.

Oo&c to the B o n War. •^HlsuiBrSatbj fsBsasfly- si-TJ^esj

De&nsboro and WestmorelaM, will ssfi on Saturday on the hospital ship Maine, in catapany with others, as a-nurse in the Boer war. The ship is tilted out by American women. -The men will nurse British and Boers alike.

and John Bominick, prisoners in Rome jail under sentence for terms of various length, were taken to Ut)c% today and within a day o£ two"will beiransferttd to Vernon to. Work on the road.

Faru. -C t i w n i f , Nov- i4.-^-The Ladies' Aid

Society of ttie M. E. Church wfll serve a chicken pie supper on Wednesday at this, week from 5 until 8.

The pulpit Of the Congregational Church was filled on Sunday last by Rev. M..J. Congdon, Rev, Mr. Owen officiat­ing at Washington Mills, - ••_- •"; ,vM.

The maralage of Miss Arriie Corrlgan »rid George "Nor this announced to take place the 15th.of this month. rf . . . .

C^aainife. Mm. liL-iinn. Adkbas srho i§-September started-for Oberlin College,'.and was taken suddenly ill with hemorrhage of 'the bowels, and is now in

ha hospital in Buffalo, suffered a relapse last wee%, and his father Was telegraphed}

J. J. I)avis: and wife; who. have been Visiting friends, in Iowa and MinneBotaj have returnedhome,

i i r J im- -JUii

*-I ,1am very pleased to state that sin 'took the agency of Chamberlain's ini„ cinea the sale has" beeii very large, more

xM »cau|e,otAip pe^M^lifpJdrjnbre^^thlipattloutar m. .,,{ y ^m«dy-J4i*''^M'!6iffiei!'.,hJftk«i'jor tbg

wMmMtfa^imk' *»J^tt-elaca6^r-'I have beeninformed^bv scores Ot persons of the good resuite>!tirey have received from it, and Juiow its value fronFtheme o f i t in nty«#AWJus^^^ ,ant to take tbarwahav^WijlacBthe bot-&t iBeyottd3Wis iteacf o3C %m enildren.~ E. 3, S(^»i^bt^k-%!ia,sale by Brongh-ton &^afe^:frtftf{riir^t.''/ "

: •Lwrj8T-!^,.Ji#e'.-4a^ltr0ceiv^d.those Ne,#.Honai'5lWJ;#pefJi.i -'Tjtejafenlov'eiiy. Alstr«6W.Shirt Waisti; Separate .Skirtrv Iidiints' 0*B8. ; J g o ji% sinaU-Ddlls and Heads. ' Our Motto^Not how cheap, but how good for Me,j?rle»f."*

"BBjXiS, DHAEB. CAti at Gross-.

tne-Htoah^--f^tHpj shoes polished &«

^©tGonrior's and see !eest^tf^B&oeB; Also

eeWcharge at our store. Mile* Pj Atf draggistti. gBMshte*tVt> ^ . _ . _.

Headaoho; /Oneccntadote. FBitS

side 01 ana east ot the bid building? span­ning the ''tail-rape,'' through whlchthe w^teralows after IthaS turned, the water

d*hesl||l»htoh^pejateJhex)ld4»nrnps.^ btetforin consists of four heavy timbers, Melty^flyg- V-,thfety-ieet long, upos which .:isi «: dorible fliSor. Tfc is trussed peheath arid each end rests upon a stjone foundation. The pump stands. in Jthe middle o£,theplatform. When>the pump


. i »


lief thairsuch-an cttted-at^man^«xpensft

:d be se_ The pnrchTase

wa7iade-at4^. t toP^pl ih( |Jgr^

Franklin went tp. BplTaloTCplarEW001' E pnmpToj 4% TA« boUers -bought at Warren,

were toV $5??o, each.

j&Wgtf^ oF/ATOiToi; TllE p o i | | 6 H {JpUl^cm MEETS


chased B « f c f f l g i J J 2 _ ^sto4tS,8JUhft^^tartuq^tdU«*^»i?,fi7i n_

roSS^as^pSj^ '- c w£5 made kHOwnf ejMayprrWhite-bia be -£ft£c$ leTWV

of erection, DUUOIJIK «gu w . * ^ Z W M \ Operation, will c o a ^ e ' t h i n g l i k e | | 5 0 0 .

It can pump^earlpasmucl:as thre,e good flre engines., are ;r$ed t<J: B P f t J J do it at lees expense, , J ^ r a ^ a»j»*tt scarcity with the old pimping plant has become a frequent thipg^i| pari not: be

for helping bntthe oldpnmp^, the mm outfit is worth all it cost; /,»*• PM PE, odt of the receipts from watet tentals. It it is not to be presumea, however, that for$3 500 thecity. of Rome has»«an»fLa_ pumping plant that will • pertnanently meet the city's neieas or that, alone, and without help fromthp water pciwer ma­chinery, could supply the clty'|maximum consumption of the future at the rate of thai' cSniuxnptiq^s;~gr,6W%,- w*-**'-

Mftyor White

—- -,„.- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ e - a u d % g

adopted ands the#ni^|igt? allowed. car-

" •'Aldl^o^ittl^iovla^hat • thfe cham feerlain &&8$mt1gmB; of WoetvuZ. to, levy ijhe amountL8^17 468:90 on the taxablej?r?p«ty^the^ffh of Rome to paythe^clilin1li,^Carrie|j^ . w

Ald^C^Ml^oli&JrtiafcMe chamber

'- Ala: lT%fim%BfflV&M<titib boara of sufiervI«PWs bi^aested toleyy the sum

aha^tfereihigliffprt^p^elJ^ae^^ " tlon which might loosen some of the lead

i^^'.>^cj$^^g-:pip.es.-- .To xemedy #a^ibj^o^MOi.prtns;1hay.a^^ gested; One is to build a stone pier.di-

under the pump and another is

no Wrat Dn ' i Re«lit*»tloii -Showed _ _ jP*ei*nt-The Prdjftam.^

V'CAHBEIT, NoVt i 4 ^ $ h e Jar&nalisacit ere' institute ot the third eommissionfer district ot Oneida cpuiitywaa Opened at thehigb school baading yesterday+un:. i3er-Charles«-BL_Shja,yirr^fW^rtpira.

«eveB^»|ft^e>-#aB^ jtogia^rm^oundatfon^lch will obvlarft He ^ . ^ / y ^ b ^ ^ f f i i s S B S m B C

Mis. 0<i Al Tfpmr^ttta^tda,ugtiterr Viylani wejee ;ia SJe w ybtk^Wthie : tm

MiBsfiurJi to'visit hfer fityir, atfdr«x'ilects to be abEenttwoxir.three xnonths.'; -

Th* dlnne^nd apron-^aleyirhioh w«» to haye bjeti giy«n \>f fthe/JUidieS^ ir»-the Presbyterian Church parlors tomorrow evening, ^tsb^ejfcpoatponfijiipiill&iday; eveningonaijeount ot the death ot . Mrs., S«r«h:A.. Crouoh, a prominent member of ^he-ehnrch,,;^:;.,, J1,.»,iS,'

George Collecfc, who^t^^a^^SaxkTet farm just west oLthla -Village, has moved into town toshes winter. H * will rmote baok l u the spring in tirne. to -resume his business.

nMiiim oikaii. •"

—r»-w.-^--«- ™ - T=T^ ^ - >~ -%-it4 aegl^ce^fthft weefcofcprayer tot young Baidr.fIritjChrI|t&n^Selene* SoBle^af j ^ g m f S ^ " - - — — « - - « * ^ Rome, N. Y., wlffi ihb privilegebrTTelnr incorporated within one year after iriy deith if not then'Incorporated. .

The remaining one-fourth Of such re­mainder (It any) I give, devise and be­queath to the following named persons, orthesurMvor or survivors of them, to. be divided between them, share and share alike, to wit: Mary Sllngarlana findBllaSUogeriandOf Central Bridge, N. Y ; Naney France and Carrie France of EyotB.Mton; Almira Thompson of

aitfrNy^4-PBifth Stanton JtOflfe: dleburg, N. Y ; Helen Parseir of Port1

Ewes. N*. Y.; Helen .Sugdon of HUls* dale^May A. Brown, ot Hudson; Mrs. Josephine Hunter ot Albany N Y.; Sars,h Parry of Rome, N. Y.; Nettie Banks of Rlahton, England.

Elghth-I hereby authoflze and em-power my executor hereinafter named to sell ahdrconvey and give: good deeds of conveyance of any and all my real-estate for the purpose of carrying out the pror visisns.sfthfewfflfoatM intent and purpose. • • • t •

Lastly-1 hereby appoint my hUBbatia, Mv,M. Davis, executor of this, my last willandtaatament; hereby revoking all former wills by me made,

dn witness whereof, I have hereunto snbecrlbed my nametheninthday of Sep­tember in- the year of our Lord, one • thou­sand eight hundred and ninety eipht. .

^Signed-)—^LizztK-M.-.D^vtB. [r, H ]__ The signature is witnessed by J. S.

Baker and J. H. Helmer. --The estate! is estimated at 140,000 to

$50,000. Citations were Issued for-the probate ot the will returnable Jan 2,1900.

. A BominoB of Iodl». TnefouracuibijThe Cherry Pickersj

the cerebrated military spectacle, which will be Been at # 6 W^hlhgton

associations of lha; World, inclndlng the cpllegoaeaoolatipni in India, Japan and Otner heathen lands, "All men are asked toattendtbesetnforma.1 meetings. . . . . lht gymnasltim'ilasl; for bmlhessAna professional men will-itatfe'work tomor­row afternoon at 5 o'cloqk. AH men in­terested are invited to'^attend either, as participants-of as speotf tors., Eaohehould .bring some, rubber soled shoes, light weight trousers, some kind ot outlsg shirt and a towel..' ^ " ^ ; ./, .

ratha atoiicehighly pictnresqneaa ; » S f ^ idecided^ novel. -Thefpl«pt€e- # W 3 S S t t ^ S ^ B a. teceotibn- «iveh to^the; native • " ? » " » but ttepej*

tains a series of incideriti entirely "meloarama. Its author, Joseph Arthur,haB select*dIridlaa>hIsiocaIltyandCOEStract-.eda drama Well as pjct» a. deception'igiveja to tn#:"r»iitiv«i Rajas. The interior of,a rich4>ungalaw. .serves a* the back ground to the second aojs. rhllerUia fajcae«S g^m-rbgia ;Pf: the-Castle Candanar Is used in the-thtrd act; , life Cherry. Pickers, valiant soldiers that they ate, caa,i thfnis^ivetf^o^tte^Wi^a-:of dishonor' by a.ifeMee;Of brisk ihcidehta iSrhich tell wlthpoweriulfs

X The-bbard of education has employed

Regular.; size 6^aMbl**iiKvery -boi guaranty or prjp^fundea. . . 6

Skin BtoptioiiB rob life of joy. Bucklen's

^; -,.- .... "*•' ' * •' "'•',"'rrf, t ^ j i K ^ " ^ ' ."••'.'•'-.* ^^^.-^Itaiiiiiiiilitoklta^'»•'-' \ ,~f-l iOr^^-Ma;4errot-«it •&&&$)$§&

soagonlEing arM frequently fatal:- s Shir lohls (^|i|a>an^.OonBlMnp^

Uevedlnntii&aiataly. Price 26& t ^ i and f W ^ S 0 » # r Broughton & GraTre|6na SOiXmlmi •'X\\'Z^'°.?..[:S% '& '•"- •'••';"•'?:-.''

•"'-\ -^^'^h^i' **ii»jsai* &~~*M*:<e( Ofteh 1p|^jlrtt1^61uB%||,^fti||Mpi heat; chafe biUy^ndsriWi'^tidlille^ Mtt. B.-A GO^wm^Ofc Lynnv'-I^i^ i u ^ * i S S « C ^ i f e ^olr%rlPlwS;

der ia.ajble^ihg^jn»ii,

k£*^m?m? we l'aJre:,Mve isltfgi<ilf-:8t andlt.98; ^ 6 « i j t a l ^ | l i : l t ^ v J

>i*mmi iitertii: fwteTetybodyre t&ebllndbaveit]

Tonight thegymnaslTim class will meet at7:30. After this, class,, at nine o'clock, Will be heldan Intormal song service. -

OrtWWnesday,^Kur»aiy,la&a, OKriday n i g h ^ p s o l s l raBS^^o^Etteetings for men will bo held^at wWoh Bey* S- J. Greenfield will spealfc^.These -are"in ob-

pump stands now it-is deemed by Super­intendent Franklin of the Borne Gas Llgst Company, who planned this steam auxiliary, ^afe to run i t at 40 revolutions a^minnte, 'each revolution pumping 48 gallbnsi . . - . , . . , ' •'• » 1 J^Mondaj^afternoon for about three hours the w^St power pumps were not? HighSehoofc run-while the stftamoutfit was pumping. About 4t80 o'clock, a demonstration was made of, what both steam and water power jfjinipa together could do-in fur-nlghlng pressure., Thepnmplng waalpto the direat ffre main> T|erie was plenty o t witer^dn jbe river ana ttie water.pOw;er phmpsrrwere • run -at> their full capacltv-;The two steam boilers are tested to" 150 pounds at the factory. At the time of pumping into, the:, fire main on Monday the boilers carried 110 pounds ot sCeam. When,- -both -4teara- and water!' power gpttmJHI WcrAJ^PMiing^JiBSSjnre^^ city-water pipes of 5 f o r 58 ponnrfsMwaa registered at the-englne house on E Lib­erty street. There were then two hj£ drant.streams playing. Later three hy-

— ^raufcatreamswere onr.o.naatthejBomer. of Liberty and Spring streets, one near

" lle^XSrb^Tyatie^trTirglne huuseaud the. third at the corner of Washington and Park streets. With the three streams on the pressure I was a Htfcte' less ^ i a u 55 pounds. At a test of direct pumping last spring with art • abnflpnce of water in the river the water power pumps alone maintained a pressure of 48 pounds. No hydrant Btreams were runntng at the.

maximum consumption how & abouti 4,-000,000 gallons- per day.- - The; greatest demand fpr water usually comes at a time when the "river is lowest and. the, water power pumps can be/ run the least;

Thenewlpunap will M xmerftteia daily for a few aa^s and can be Been by any who desire to inspect it. ^

ensumg::$earf ;ni^le44.: ; *

Fi Paysi-


_^„ _.„ ,tirnB.yea;...tKa' _ cians be app1)iftMmt%iirlaiaries _ aaMb^a , | | e t t i sa 1 iDfcH ; JJ. SnttoiT f l % secpMJ?arfli53afc,-rA. B. Dietrich' $90;.tMrd,.sra!dj•'!?&. & R.. Post, |uo-fawth^wa^Pi^SiJteafir^ $75 afth i^Vt:%j^smjm. Carried

Aid. B*y«esfeARSihB BBlarifes the eame •aslftstyear?-.' • -:.• v . •, •. •- Al i^r^a^^es ,%*f=- - .

Ald-^Grtf^^MlMlnstomJo make' specl^^evy for the^Rome a*speciai. levy ior ine;jttome Hospital

Fbrthe lBBt ten or twelve years thlslen has been $500. raalrtMcrl-as the hospital has becSniealefege iiistitutibn; as acol-

Camden H3gb School; Miss FlorehOe B, Himes, state instructor .in drawing; O. R. Weils; Clifton-Springs;'Mrs. Ella»B. Hal-lock, Sontholdt Mrs. Mary Rogers Miller, Cornell University.

The entertainment committee consists of the teachers and faculty of Camden

There wese today reglsteifea fldteach-era as follows:" Hhae F. Skerritt, George C' Hjde; "Walter E. Lob'dell, GarhdeB-, Charles W. Higham, Rome; Ralph F. Knayp, Camden; Louis W. Ford,,Foid; laitsrC. ^aighti -^emhar*s m& 2 ^ -fira^llea^rk^Wl LoyeUina, Taberg'f E. M. Donnelly, F16r;

ence; William )HV Blake, Gleuriiores Will-1 Ghurch ,a lam F. Kennedy, North^Bay-^TeciH:*— "*" Swansonj- Camden; O. J. Davh?, Vienna^ De "Vere Godfrey, West Vienna; Ge6r<5el M. -Edel,' Stacy Basin; Warren N. -Os-bjumej.. Camden; r Giles Stanford, Bast Florence; George A. Bryan," CamtTenT

•e^-Brlfidelr New Lon«OBt*-A4bei»-^

dents, are l S .of.fre|a|nt ocquirence; as mapy sfcKt- peop|e,v -"•- "" ' :'M - ... . , _ . . . .. taken to the-~h06prtalt-- ^ - i p n y -operstiour • ate now performed there and as • many- perS'onsl 4re • poor ana unable

^^ayf6rtr*4trhen^-lt%.aeemeawiBeto " :] 4flcraas^iakahJi^y«Ltj| |jp^ y Aft the apT^priatlohr la iilllne with poor expenseey i moVe tuatthe amounTlo "be appfopriat*dfOirthe'hol8|iItal for the en-Buihg-year beflxeai^af |1,000 and that the chSmberlalhrbe^ire^t»a?t64take.the same froiii the exblse mOneyin the contingent fund.' Carried: _ ^


UfflVTERB^UST^EkCH ER3. Centi«i Now Yoric;C»rs»nitifton Hilda Its


Xhaflrstnionthly.rneetii of the Cen-Assa-

timo. No broaks in the city water pipes have-been reported as the result otMon-dayjaprejgnrf*,:_ - . .-. - . - .

saiaztBat there was a time In the history of Rome's water works when a pressure of 90 pounds was attainable. That was years ago. The cement pipes.

PLEADED. GUILT^iTO ASSAULT. Th« Clinton ^onuff SfwiHlho. UBltr«attd ^ Stciin. BJ-owuB»d E#«lor«rooa.

CMBTQN, NOT. 14T-TWpdHhethree young meh, who .issaulted George L. Brown election nrgkt,'pleaaed guilty to assault in the third raegreer and were sestanoeaby* Police-."' to 50 days a , fine of BnS tit ths and. is to be They were imm

Meff ..tomorrow. 6ely rearrested on

warrants Issued by Pblloe JOstice Easing-wocd'for assault«in the secQndaegree, committed on Patrick Morgan the same night; and their .examination set down

hojrever, would notatand that pressure, so the rule was not. to allow the fire pres­sure to exceed 60 pounds. Ifc.isalong time.since even GOppnnda was attainable, so caution was taken Monday not to do damage to- the pipes, since considerable of the old cement pipe still remains in use. The pressure was left on only about fifteen'.minutes. While i t was on the

for1 NOT. I6* - They; ;g«VBc$ail-*rrifiifc ^t^p^steam-waoii. appearahce f or exauUnatioh. if held bn this charge- their 08861- will have to go

meanwhile, Morgan, although^ot out of danger, Is improving. - . . . • •*

MisS Lulu Porter,, a graduate of the Clinton- Union School, after passing a very creditable examinatibh, has taken a position in the Deerftelct Union School

Work on the elettclc light plant is be-mg pushed vigoronBiyt-YestertaTtwenty men and five teams were at. *ork clear-

before tH5 ne-sr~g|kuar "^rrK^rlnr-thTr -woad-nht-4)e-^pOS»ible-4»-^t-4H)miihe ^.^^—i.«i. xr—i* , .-^x%.^i.M3iSx-^ui^i steam outfit ladaitional flre preesure im­

mediately When an alarm is sounded. It isnotilkely that either the- steam or the water .power pomp alone could be de­pended upon to give fire preseure suf­ficient to relieve the fire department of the .necessity of keepiiig flre engines in reaainess; The. work of both together, "at such timeV as theircombinea efforts Eeii%^tois?Cv-NisbB^ C? Wlnfred JoneB,

ing ready for the hew* dam and;, waste WeirV- - - - ; -j.'-' y.-fr •--:-"r-"-'-.T' ----- -

•The spire of the Stone Church is prac-u . ^ , 4 - ^ — ^ i ^ . ^ - " ^ - | ( i j i haffe ^li

., ,_.jther;vane ia riot readytbbeplacedihpoaitionV ,

;N— - . . . . . . . - --;' '•'.' ilJ |l l ,LAT . i t . ,-La, T,Uir".T , JUmon*-fllfenAw»y...

-ItiBoeortaMygfiitlfjaing tothe'.fnljlio; to know Of one cohpern in theland -Who-areinot afratu%^^^nerouait^ilj^ tieedy.and. Surteriig^JaChe ipifeprietera of

Wm Bonghiand $§ffiffi&§^§W&. ^ g ^ ^ S ^ M ^ ^ f e ^ f e f i o i y -overieh million trial bottlee of tthj great medicme^andfhaTe;ifcft'Wt4sfaction. of ^ w i n g 4 t - h s j ^ p ^ ^ ^ p ^ I .tti^n-sands of hornless ceases. .Asthma, Bron


otw. Corns; WartaiCots, Bruises, Burns, t^S|^s^«PsT^! Pile Cure on^ar^^DTives out Pains

druggists. •-•< <%hj-:?-;>,;>--ravt^Vwr \--,


rsvolutlons a minute, somewhat less than they do when worked independently with the -same head- of-water, andlthe steam punip, witft trie 110 pou^aaotateam,jran. at the rate of 26 reyolutiona a minnte. For a .time the steam pumps alone pumpedtoto the fife mains, making 42 revolutions a minntes .and showing a pressure of 80 pounds, or about 5-pounds-

than^HieHSrdlnary »rea^oa-^|re»-Superlntendent Franklin estimates

Bouck, Geo.rge F Mer.ry, Terona;Fred N. Maber, Oneida; John O. Evans, Verona Station; Edgar N.'Wright, Ro.me; Louis M. ialllslJer, Williarhitown; D. J. Go-vllleriJSih^m\vulBr-HIram. L. Hylariay State Bridger^Bunie Ai-Ryani^Blor«n.c6i Harriet SoirwenT^BoVville; Bessie M. Proaser, tfapefgj'AUcoM, Chandler, llion;, Amelia . Zimmerman, Verona; .Nellie Craig, West VTepna; Mary C. McLaugh.-lih, Qarndenj Sirs. Mary C. COHinB, Ford; Alice S, McCtaniac, .R6m6; Teresa Fitz­gerald, Florence:' Endora M. Tanner, W«tYiefca% Minrite'M. Santotd, Canx-den; Jennie' Moore, Camdefa; Maine Fitz­gerald, Florence^Edith M. Young, Auna A. YOjang, 'Mabel CBaihVars, Camden; KatruffMeF^eratdj FioreactftBlraella BiBTan, West Vienna; EHefcM^owefy-, Ella E. Erwin, Camden; Glendora Leigh, West Camden; Jessie M. Cook, Vienna; EffieDnnton, EffleM Clelland, Camden; Bertha A. Hall, Tabergt Nellie HOrrigan, Florence; Mamie E. Blake, Glenmore: Anna M. Bteckenriage-, Anna H. Steli-wagbn, Higgiflsville; M^FrNileai-CauT-den; Kate E. tfeniter, Florence; Theresa G Moore, East Florence; Mayme Moore, East Florence; Julia McElroy, Kathryne McElroyt Taberg; Mary O. Healy, Will-ia^tbwn; Tgabeira M. Johnson, Borne; Mary A, KUey, Florence; Flora A. Stan-ford, East Florence; Imogene Gardner, Rjosamona M, BlOsSom, Clara E. Curtlssj, Cimden; Mfs. Jfulia firtrmtaoridr New-London; Jtula Hall, West GamaSn, Jd-sephine E. Parry, Camflem Mary Bv Sautter, New London; Mollle Wright, Florence;, Clara E. Limebeck, O3ceola; Lillian. gergUBon^Tabffrg, Mary Maha^

oiatipn; waSi.beil-ln tftf chapel of the ChurchjDt$ft% HeooneigMton, Utica, on "Mpnaly. ."TneYe"Wera~pieseJSKP»ev. F. W. Betta of SyrBPPBe,.Bew J . W. Catter of Herkimer, Rfjv. L- D. Case of. Rome,Rev. G, V?;. Po^yelJ of HnDbarasville, Roy. J. N, Parker Of U«?>,iBev; V. E, Toxailn-


Whspu yife|a^n^sfrA%^a^rmlisl5MJId^^^ ThayeTLffig^iisvaiB; Linda conquered and both steam and water power pumps are run at their best, a pressure of 73 pounds can. be secured. The matter of flra pressure, however, must bl considered in the light of the fact that it.takes an tion| and a half to

boilers are cnld; soy unless the the "boilers is kept hot In someway, it

fcen^efSpni aterin

are available, may give a good .pressure,' but when the river lslqwthe water power

otbedepenaeduponto fur nish much, assistance. .uGhftf Briggsof the fire department saja the streams at the test on Monday were nob power­ful..- enough to cope with a flre In $»'tim^gfrs&iM* oi%,-airice, through .one.and one-quarter ^lch; aez-i^hM^^i^ .j^i^-Mla^i tbs Me

u|^j|re^rQ||cw»|^; ;^ni


iportahfe b Bartng

niBhau; adequate supply: ahd to relieve the situation u M , s ^ n > ^ shallB^ure awjvteranppl*that constant­ly and certainly gOJlrantWs.no trouble

• When t*« firrt fire-preature t«t of ths Rome water works was made on Decern-tar 2, 1872, a stfe«r;fforn> hydrant was thrown over the ^npola^ of the Ameri"


ey, Maggie A Ferrlter, flofencerJehuie .Wflcoxj Camden; Mary M. Meays, Vleu.-

Haaklha, Vleniia;iulttB-MOr«e,Vexonai Nellie G. Edel, Stacy Basin; KUaibethN. Stainter, TeronS; Clara C. Barnes, Mari­etta Coegrlff, ClaTO A, SchaTler, Anna BedmOna, Nettie Et York, Anna Fitz gerald, Mary M. Dunton, Angela M. SiHil^^^an^ejp^Martha P, Tracyi Fleming; N.eflle M. Doran, Durhamviliet Julia p . Stevens, Delta; Battle Goffc OjieldajJUUlian.A Weat^VernhaUErani ces Shedd, Lowell; Mrs. Ida A. Erwin, Verona Mills; Bessie G-Murray. Oneida; LpluM. Riple, Rome; Florence A. Gil-ohrlate, Oneida; Addie Copperholl, Oneida Valley; Mary H. Allen, Newport; Lillian Bnrnham, State Briage; ArrhaH. JSand-fora, Lowell;-StelJaC. Thayer*-BAme^ Elnora- L. Longshore, Utmaj- Mary'Gi

Charlj)tte,K. Crpnk, Rome; Helen Mont gab, pnrharnvllle; Charlotte E. Skinner, Oneida. ' " , ^^PWing.waBtaW upbytheteg-Istfy of.tephers, Thelnstifttte wi$ |o%i-ally .ppeneain the afternooij by Commls-Bioaejf, eiaen^L. Saraing. iifot.Mi opening; exercises, .which. fipTtujisted tof prayer ana singing, the cbnaucbi'talked 9 f 4 T ^ M ^»mlnajaoh%.'>aaa;Piin-

"SWmtlttiyft Disciplinf^-L u S?!^Te%8anWoi£at^oepttftnfas imm ffullcal anaiifeary prblrrtnt#aH ^ W l g a , %tterwM5hTiihttffi^hMiriM

W J B f e ^ * KHa^dtCiieW


en has

Mrs. .J; . § ^ 0 6 1 9 ^ ^ 0 6 6 * tke- aame..

Utica. jhis. Is tbS flr>6ti&e the Univer-eallB,tr'rnini8te?a' haV^ assimblea in this manherj and it veiyljorofltable meeting was" held, I^as"aeciaea iq meet in Utica

-it^-loifewirjg^^mtieHf^wera elected for this 0W)S«tt ,y>a>r* JB&i G. W. Powell of Hubb^rasvfto' preBiaerlt and -ROT, B. B. Wltrnorel otNja'ftrtSjt ie^tary.

Papers weTce'ra^^nu discussed: Bev: L. D GaBe'oi'jSom'eJhada pn^er on,' The Helpfut Use of this Blfele;"

Quality ifl: the ftrpt 'essenUai with all manufacturers with tatablished repnta-tionfc -' -ffihe^nlmblfciifokel orksTOndto .toalllineauift^ae^ahuitJie oftenerit la turned: the^g'teater Js the- purchasing pow.e -j a^y linear •;• •,; • -'-

"jVith the'flimble'iiickeTyou can got one. .large 10% pw1ia^B^r^ifReaGfcss,' starch, one large ltjc, package^ bt-'-HnWogerM Best" etaroh, witibi the. premiums, two S¥akspearf^Tftelitef-or • one Tsrentleth Century Girl Calendar. .„_-. .-

the , Bnuliki Chain', gtaroh Book will enaDleiou'to ge'tthel abb>e'goods as ad-yettisfid. aausoff^ris'ntaae inintrodnc-ing the goodt only anavpl be withdrawn in a phOrt time,' arid ttie Staxuh said at the regular price Of 106. pjfr package, Ask your gjtbceftfbr tbU'stlrch and obtain the l^tffuTtjfeuiairpremi^free.

- -JB©wS»-—:-- • BAft»i»n-Ta-.Sdml>;.'H&V,iR, 1899, toSIr.»wl

Wr*. Walter F. Barnard, arson..

^.k.lfcDOKdFff^tSatoittakeR Office. U* S,. WasM^ton: jitoefc- Ewilaence, BUN.H*H eon street. Prompt »erri«.


ASHmGTCNlSlC OPERA HOUSE. -E.J.Gatley.....Jtonager.

"" 11 NOV 1*

Srand titoduciiblvilif £s»!e|test Temperance

•id High

^i^pppssfw mmmwmWBmw

g&fc mam'*



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