na ii ppt module 3

Post on 10-Jun-2015






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Module Title: Sterile Technique

Sterile TechniqueMicro-organisms-Defined as: living organisms that cannot be seen with the

eye. Present everywhere in the environment.Normal Flora- microbes that are helpful to the function of

the body that can cause illness if introduced into the wrong part of the body

E-coli is needed in the digestive tract but if enters the urinary tract, can cause a urinary infection

Staph Aureous everywhere on and in the body but if enters a place where it doesn’t belong, it can cause MRSA

Pathogens- microbes that cause disease. Bacteria –prefers a warm, dark, moist climate to grow in Viruses- cannot be eliminated by antibiotics but some

can be prevented by vaccines

Sterile TechniqueNatural Body Defenses-Number one way that the body protects itself is

through Intact Skin Prevent skin tears, rashes, abrasions, ulcersMucus membranes secrete mucous to rid those

areas of unwanted foreign objectsBody Hair- prevents foreign objects from getting

to the skin, trap objects and hold them until we brush them or scratch the area. The hair also stands up or lays down depending on the temperature of the air and the body

Sterile TechniqueNatural Body Defenses continued:Body Secretions- tears, sweat, saliva,

vaginal discharge, urinary discharge, phlegm or sputum are all used to flush those areas and rid them of foreign objects

Reflexes- blinking, sneezing, coughing are all used to rid of the body of trapped foreign objects

Sterile TechniqueNatural Body Defenses continued:

Temperature regulation- a fever indicates that the body if fighting a foreign object. It is not always necessary to stop a climbing fever.

Cell Repair/Replacement—Clotting blood stops bleeding, Phagocytes eat dead and dirty tissue, white blood cells fight infection, red blood cells deliver oxygen and other nutrients to an injured body part

Sterile TechniqueFactors that weaken body defenses:Poor nutrition– if the nutrition level is low the

white blood cells are affected and immunity levels drop allowing the body to be more susceptible to infections

Poor personal hygiene- an unclean body provides the perfect breeding ground for many bacteria, viruses and insects such as scabies, also allows germs to be spread from one area of the body to another; and because hygiene is not being kept up, many diseases can progress undetected

Broken skin/mucus membranes- any time there is broken skin, there is a opening for germs and insects to enter, exit, or just lay eggs

Sterile TechniqueAge- as we age, our white blood cells age also. Old

worn out white blood cells are ineffective against the stronger strains of pathogens

Illness- when we are already dealing with one illness within our bodies, there will not be enough white blood cells or enough energy left within the rest of the body to fight off any new illnesses or pathogens and leaves the body susceptible to further attacks

Certain medical treatments- Chemotherapy can damage not only the cancerous cells but also the healthy cells of the body causing the body to be susceptible to any and all illnesses. HIV attacks the immune system causing it to be ineffective against pathogens and actual begin to attack itself

Sterile TechniqueChain of Infection- is the process used by microorganisms to spread from one area

to another 6 factors necessary for an infection to develop Link 1- Causative Agent or the Germ Keep vaccinations up to date, wash hands, early recognition will lead to early treatment of an illness Link2- Reservoir/Source-suitable area for a germ to grow Practice Standard Precautions, Disinfect and Sanitize Link 3- Portal of Exit- any way the germ can leave the body such

as excretions, secretions, or body fluids such as urine, tears, saliva, drainage and blood.

Use proper PPE, Dispose of trash, Practice Standard Precautions,

Sterile Technique Link 4-Mode of transmission/transportation- method used to get from

one area to another such as fomites, unwashed hands, uncovered bedpans, unclean environmental surfaces

Wash hands, Practice Standard Precautions, Proper Food Handling, One-Glove method for environmental surfaces, Transmission-based Precautions Link 5-Portal of Entrance- any opening in the body where a germ can

get in such as, eyes, nose, mouth, urinary tract, vaginal tract, broken skin.

Provide good Catheter Care, Practice Standard Precautions, Practice Good Wound Care Link 6- Susceptible Host- any person who has a lowered immune

system and will not be able to fight off the invading germ Early Recognition gets Early Treatment, Keep Vaccinations up to


Sterile TechniqueMedical Asepsis-Also known as infection controlPractices used to prevent the spread of infectionHandwashing and/or using alcohol-based hand sanitizersKeep patients’ rooms clean and tidyClean equipment after each useKeep clean and soiled items separate away from each otherPerform procedures in the way in which you were taught-no

shortcuts• Never carry clean or dirty items against your uniformPractice Standard Precautions with gloves, PPE, and

handwashingDisinfect and clean environmental surfaces

Sterile TechniqueSurgical Asepsis- Also known as sterile technique Microbe-free method used for performing procedures within

body cavities and during certain dressing changes If a sterile item touches an unsterile item the sterile item is

contaminated If a sterile package is cracked, torn, chipped, it is contaminated If a sterile item becomes wet, it is contaminated Never turn your back on a sterile field Avoid crossing over or touching a sterile field. Sterile gloves will be worn to perform a sterile technique Avoid touching unsterile articles when wearing sterile gloves Keep your hands above your waist at all times Avoid talking, sneezing or coughing over a sterile field

Sterile TechniqueSituations requiring sterile technique:Insertion of a catheterSuctioningTracheostomy CareAssisting with Central IV Dressing ChangeCertain types of wound care and/or dressing


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