naeq - the cipher of liber al vel legis (concordance)

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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The Cipher of Liber Al vel Legis :


Version 0.1

Copyright © 2006 Anthony Testa / 2555 Working Group


The Cipher of Liber Al vel Legis : Concordance Copyright © 2006 Anthony Testa / 2555 Working Group

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AL I,54: Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein. AL I,55: The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them. AL I,56: Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark. AL I,57: Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God. All these old letters of my Book are aright; but [tzaddi] is not the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise. --Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX

Liber Al Vel Legis, more commonly known as the Book of the Law was “received” by Aleister

Crowley in Cairo Egypt on April 8-10, 1904. The Book was Crowley was told, to be the

annunciation of the New Aeon, the next spiritual Age in the cycles of time. The concept of Aeons

was, at the time, the subject of some debate; the discovery of evolution had taken root and was now

applied to almost everything, the subject of religions and their development yielded many interesting

arguments that the religious thought of mankind could, indeed, must be viewed as a process of

evolutionary unfolding, putting the lie to the claims of revealed religion and similar doctrine. In

conjunction with the (less controversial) idea that much of ancient pagan religion was in fact

astronomical in nature – particularly Egypt – the ideas struck a chord with the Victorian ages more

outré thinkers, Mme. Blavatsky perhaps the most well remembered but Gerald Massey is certainly

no less important.

The concept of the Aeon was intrinsic to the Book of the Law, it was so to say the reason it was

“revealed”. The being who delivered the book, Aiwass, was according to Crowley

an objectively separate being from himself, possessing far more knowledge than he or any other human could possibly have. As Crowley writes in his Confessions: "I was bound to admit that Aiwass had shown a knowledge of the Cabbala immeasurably superior to my own" [4] and "We are forced to conclude that the author of The Book of the Law is an intelligence both alien and superior to myself, yet acquainted with my inmost secrets; and, most important point of all, that this intelligence is discarnate." [5] Finally, this excerpt (also from Confessions, ch.49): "The existence of true religion presupposes that of some discarnate intelligence, whether we call him God or anything else. And this is exactly what no religion had ever proved scientifically. And this is what The Book of the Law does prove by internal evidence, altogether independent of any statement of mine. This proof is evidently the most important step in science that could possibly be made: for it opens up an entirely new avenue to knowledge. The immense superiority of this particular intelligence, AIWASS, to any other with which mankind has yet been in conscious communication is shown not merely by the character of the book itself, but by the fact of his comprehending perfectly the nature of the proof necessary to demonstrate the fact of his own existence and the conditions of that existence. And, further, having provided the proof required." [6]


However, Crowley also spoke of Aiwass in symbolic terms. In The Law is for All, [7] he goes on at length in comparison to various other deities and spiritual concepts, but most especially to The Fool. For example, he writes of Aiwass: "In his absolute innocence and ignorance he is The Fool; he is the Saviour, being the Son who shall trample on the crocodiles and tigers, and avenge his father Osiris. Thus we see him as the Great Fool of Celtic legend, the Pure Fool of Act I of Parsifal, and, generally speaking, the insane person whose words have always been taken for oracles." Perhaps more importantly, Crowley later identified Aiwass as his own personal Holy Guardian Angel and more. Again from Equinox of the Gods: "I now incline to believe that Aiwass is not only the God or Demon or Devil once held holy in Sumer, and mine own Guradian Angel, but also a man as

I am, insofar as He uses a human body to make His magical link with Mankind, whom He loves 1

The New Aeon or Aeon of Horus

The day, or a day of judgment, was periodic, like the deluge. It was the ending of a time, an age or aeon, sometimes called “the ending of the world” by those who were ignorant of the sign-language. It was but an ending of the world, according to the astronomical mythology --Gerald Massey Ancient Egypt - The Light Of The World, Book X

The term aeon refers to the idea that the cycles of time are a refection of the same motion on Earth.

These cycles represent, amongst other things, the regions of a particular age or aeon.2 This is an

astronomical concept which refers to the precession of the Equinoxes a phenomenon brought about

due to the fact that

(t)he axis of the Earth undergoes precession due to a combination of the Earth's nonspherical shape (it is an oblate spheroid, bulging outward at the equator) and the gravitational tidal forces of the Moon and Sun applying torque as they attempt to pull the equatorial bulge into the plane of the ecliptic. The portion of precession due to the combined action of the Sun and the Moon is called lunisolar precession. It consists of a progressive long period motion around the mean ecliptic pole (the values mentioned above), and a small, short periodic (18.6 years) oscillation around the true pole, known as nutation, caused by the changing positions of the Sun and Moon in their orbits. In addition to lunisolar precession, the actions of the other planets of the solar system cause the whole ecliptic to slowly rotate around an axis which has an ecliptic longitude of about 174° measured on the instantaneous ecliptic. This planetary precession shift is only 0.47 arcseconds per year (more than a hundred times smaller than lunisolar precession), and takes place along the instantaneous equator. This is releavent to the Book of the Law in that Crowley (or Aiwass) declared the Book as the

“Word” or Logos of the next Aeon which arrives/arrived somethim in the 20th

or 21st century. The

basis of the theory is based on the fact that

the polar axis precesses from one direction to another, then the equatorial plane of the Earth and the associated celestial equator will move too. Where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic there are the equinoxes. As seen from the drawing, the orange grid, 5000 years ago one intersection of equator and ecliptic, the vernal equinox was close to the star Aldebaran of Taurus. By now it has shifted to somewhere in the constellation of Pisces.3


2 Aeon as used here should not bet confused with the Gnostic concept of Aeons.



History is taken and broken down into a series of Aeons, each with its own dominant concept of divinity and its own "formula" of redemption and advancement. According to Aleister Crowley, the last three Aeons have been (1) the Aeon of Isis, (2) the Aeon of Osiris, and (3) the current Aeon of Horus which began in 1904. The three Aeons …The modern Aeon of Horus, with our times of self-realization as well as a growing interest in all things spiritual, is considered to be dominated by the Principle of the Child. The Word of its Law is Thelema (will) which is complimented by Agape (love), and its formula is Abrahadabra. Individuality and finding the "True Will" are the dominant aspects; its formula is that of growth, in consciousness and love, toward self-realization. … the crowned and conquering child, who dieth not, nor is reborn, but goeth radiant ever upon His Way. Even so goeth the Sun: for as it is now known that night is but the shadow of the Earth, so Death is but the shadow of the Body, that veileth his Light from its bearer. (Heart of the Master) And also: The Aeon of Horus is here: and its first flower may well be this: that, freed of the obsession of the doom of the Ego in Death, and of the limitation of the Mind by Reason, the best men again set out with eager eyes upon the Path of the Wise, the mountain track of the goat, and then the untrodden Ridge, that leads to the ice-gleaming pinnacles of Mastery! (Little Essays Towards Truth, "Mastery") 4




(T)he story begins on March 16, 1904, when he tries to “shew the Sylphs” by means of a ritual to his wife, Rose. Although she could see nothing, she did seem to enter into a light trance and repeatedly said, "They're waiting for you!" Since Rose had no interest in magick or mysticism, he took little interest. However, on the 18th, after invoking Thoth (the god of knowledge), she mentions Horus by name as the one waiting for him. Crowley, still skeptical, asks her numerous questions about Horus, which she answers accurately—without having any prior study of the subject. Crowley also gives a different chronology, in which an invocation of Horus precedes the questioning. Lawrence Sutin says this ritual described Horus in detail, and could have given Rose the answers to her husband's questions.[4] The final proof was Rose’s identification of Horus in the Stele of Revealing, then housed in the Boulak museum, with the exhibit number 666. On March 20, Crowley invokes Horus, “with great success.” Between March 23 and April 8, Crowley has the hieroglyphs on the Stele translated. Also, Rose reveals that her “informant” was not Horus himself, but his messenger, Aiwass. Finally, on April 7, Rose gives Crowley his instructions—for three days he is to enter the “temple” and write down what he heard between noon and 1:00pm. Crowley wrote The Book of the Law on April 8, 9, and 10, between the hours of noon and 1:00 pm. The place was the flat where they were staying for their honeymoon, which he descibed as being near the Boulak Museum in a fashionable European quarter of the city, let by the firm Congdon & Co. The apartment was on the ground floor, and the "temple" was the drawing room.5

Crowley wrote about AL in great detail throughout the remainder of his life, attempting to decypher its mysteries. He became convinced that Liber Legis introduced a spiritual Law comparible with those spoken by Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed, and that the Book was itself to be the basis of all modern religion: "This Book is the foundation of the New Aeon, and thus of the whole Work." [9] The general method that Crowley used to interpret AL was the Qabalah, especially its numerological method of gematria. He writes, "Many such cases of double entendre, paranomasia in one language or another, sometimes two at once, numerical-literal puzzles, and even (on one occasion) an illuminating connexion of letters in various lines by a slashing scratch, will be found in the Qabalistic section of the Commentary." [10] From Magick Without Tears, he writes: "Now there was enough comprehensible at the time to assure me that the Author of the Book knew at least as much Qabalah as I did: I discovered subsequently more than enough to make it certain without error that he knew a very great deal more, and that of an altogether higher order, than I knew; finally, such glimmerings of light as time and desperate study have thrown on many other obscure passages, to leave no doubt whatever in my mind that he is indeed the supreme Qabalist of all time."6


6 ibid.


The Cipher

AL II,76: "4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word." --Al vel Legis, II-76

It is the prophet, the 'forth-speaker' who is never to know this mystery. But that does not prevent it from lying within the comprehension of the Beast, kept secret by him in order to prove any one who should claim sonship. (Cf. the note in brackets to the new comment on verse 75. The last part of this verse presents no difficulty.7

Whatever else the Book of the Law might be, it was clearly intended to be a message to the citizens

of the “Nuclear Age” which began nearly 40 years after the book was received8 and only 18 months

or so before Crowley’s death. Immediately following this sequence of events, the “UFO”

phenomenon manifested itself and has, through various turns, defied categorization and baffled

serious researchers of whatever perspective, be it the “nuts and bolts” variety, the Ascended Master /

Contactee cultists and lately the abductee experiences, with their obvious relation to the

demonological lore of the middle ages. Allen Greenfield’s work on this subject is essential if one is

to make full use of this tool and his two books are now available (see bibliography).

(That) Crowley was a master occultist, though, is certainly true. Central to our premise is a single occult event in which Crowley, then on an extended honeymoon with his wife Rose in Cairo, acted as scribe in the transcription of what purports to be a Holy Book for the New Aeon, known as Liber AL vel Legis, or The Book of the Law… It refers to an internal cipher or secret code which, it predicts, Crowley himself would never transcribe. Predicted, however, is its deciphering by another, who turned out to be Crowley’s magical child and one-time heir-apparent, Charles Stansfeld Jones, sometimes called Frater Achad. Achad, in his Book 31, does indeed find the key to the code, but 70 years passed before a full transcription of the code was made. In the original handwritten manuscript of The Book of the Law, a single page is inexplicably overlaid with a grid, a line, and an enigmatic mark sometimes referred to as a Rose Cross, although it looks much like one of the four keys to the Royal Arch Masonic Cipher. Liber AL was dictated in 1904, according to Crowley, by a preter-human some of his successors say extraterrestrial intelligence calling itself Aiwass. Long after both Achad and Crowley were dead, one Carol Smith and a group in England calling itself the OAA fully deciphered the code. Another 10 years were to pass before a member of OAAs American counterpart, Frater Lamed of QBLH, was to apply computer technology to the cipher solution and produce Lexicon, a computer program that provides a vast, powerful tool for deciphering the code of Liber AL, as well as many variants.9 --Allen Greenfield, Secret Cipher


8 The fact that the Cipher was incorporated into the Book with the obvious intention of having it found at some point

“post-Crowley”, so to speak, seems compelling evidence, as Crowley himself is told of its inclusion and that, correctly,

he will not be the one to decipher it. 9 Allen Greenfield, Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts.


The Manuscript Page from Al vel Legis from which the Cipher is drawn



Order Letter Value

1 A 1

2 B 20

3 C 13

4 D 6

5 E 25

6 F 18

7 G 11

8 H 4

9 I 23

10 J 16

11 K 9

12 L 2

13 M 21

14 N 14

15 O 7

16 P 26

17 Q 19

18 R 12

19 S 5

20 T 24

21 U 17

22 V 10

23 W 3

24 X 22

25 Y 15

26 Z 18

The Values of the English Kabala

The structure of the Cipher was obtained by

examination of the original manuscript Liber Al

vel Legis.

A key has been left by Crowley, under the direction of Aiwass, wrote Carol Smith in 1980, in order that Thou shalt obtain the Order and Value of the English Alphabet (Ch.1 V.55) The instruction is in Ch.1lI V.47 This shall be translated into all tongues but always with the originals in the writing of the beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another; in these are mysteries no beast shall divine. Aleister Crowley, in sardonic commentary on his fundamentalist Plymouth Brethren upbringing, called himself the Great Beast. In Crowleys original Liber AL, Sheet 16 of Chapter III is a page containing the balance of verse 47 written over a grid made with simple lines. An unexplained diagonal line crosses the page, and a circle with an X in it appears near the end of this line. Published versions of the text that do not reproduce the original omit this peculiarity, which the text itself cautions against. Carol A. Smith continues: There are letters along the top of the page, and it would seem to be obvious to continue with the alphabet in the manner indicated, but the clue is in the numbers down the side. A is written instead of 1 which suggests that B is 2, C 3 and

so on. Fill in all the squares on the grid in this manner, repeating the alphabet when one gets to Z. To proceed to the next step the instruction is written on the page, for those who have eyes to see. Then this line drawn is a key. The line drawn is a diagonal line across the page. If one reads any diagonal across the square one gets the order of the English alphabet to be used in the English Qaballa. Whichever diagonal is read the order of the letters is obtained. There is only one order which can be obtained and all 26 letters appear in this order. Crowley writes, Then this line drawn is a key...and Abrahadabra. Abrahadabra is an 11-fold word, and counting down 11 spaces and numbering the letters thus obtained in sequence gives one the Value of the English Alphabet. Thus we have both order and value, as mandated in Liber 10 --Allen Greenfield, Secret Cipher, 37


Allen Greenfield, Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts.


A Brief Note on Gematria

Gematria is numerology of the Hebrew language and Hebrew alphabet, and is used by its proponents to derive meaning or relative relationship. Several forms can be identified: the "revealed" form and the "mystical form". The word itself comes from the Greek word 'geometry' and the concept or system is the same as the Greek isopsephy and the Islamic Hisab al-Jumal. Although Hebrew Gematria is the best known now, Greek Gematria predates it by many centuries. There is also a Gematria of Latin-script languages, dating from the early Middle Ages, and very possibly back into Roman times, too. Recent times have also seen an emergence of new gematrias, though these lack a length of exploration that more ancient versions have seen.11

In practice, using the Cipher is very simple. To get the value of any English word, you simply

convert the values of the letters on the word (or phrase) into the Cipher value using the chart on the

previous page. Then add all of the values together and that’s the Cipher value of the word. You can

also “reduce” the value of the number using a technique often called “theosophical reduction” or Aiq

Bakir, which essentially involves taking each number in the cipher value and adding them together

to get a single (1-9) digit value of the number. According to the theory, two words with an

equivalent value are related by means of this phenomenon, which is to say, the words have an

equivalence of a sort. An example of this are the words

Word Aiq Bakir Cipher Value


3 174


3 174

have the same value, 174. Therefore, if a word (often a name) also had the same calculated value, it

could be examined in reference to these two words. The Aiq Bakir value, 3, is also relevant and is

usually applied in relation to the Kabalistic Tree of Life, the 10 Sephirot of spheres are assigned

numbers (10 is Malkuth, the Earth, and not used in these situations). In the example, 3 is the value of

Binah, the sphere to which is assigned, among other things, the planet Saturn and metallic lead.


In order to demonstrate the concept, I will use the word “dragon”. First I will get the Cipher value of

dragon: d=6, r=12, a=1,g=11, o= 7, n= 14 which gives

6+12+1+11+7+14 = 51 the Aiq Bakir value is found

5+1=6 and 6 is Tiphareth, the Sun, etc.

Words with the same value are: drugs 6 51

sorrows 6 51

adore 6 51

knew 6 51

ones 6 51

island 6 51

large 6 51

bed 6 51

sorry 6 51

sink 6 51



The Cipher of Liber Al vel Legis :




Word Verses

11 1:60;

418 2:78;



718 3:19;

abased 3:46;

abide 3:38; 3:39;

abomination 3:19;

abrahadabra 3:1; 3:47; 3:75;

abramelin 3:23;

abrogate 1:49;

absolve 1:53;

abstruction 3:11;

accursed 1:41; 2:29;

achieve 3:45;

adorant 1:49;

adorations 3:38;

adore 1:11; 1:21; 3:37;

adorer 1:21;

adulterous 3:44;

aeons 1:41;

ahathoor 3:38;

aiwass 1:7;

alienate 3:43;

all-touching 1:26;

alphabet 2:55;

altar 3:30;

amen 2:49;

amn 1:51; 2:33; 2:49; 3:18;

an-hungered 3:43;

animal 2:70;

ankh-af-na-khonsu 1:14; 1:36; 3:37; 3:38;

another 2:24; 3:25; 3:34; 3:47;

answered 1:26; 1:27;

anything 3:17;

apostle 1:15;

apparel 1:51;

arched 1:26;

ardours 1:14;

armies 2:24;

armour 3:46;

arms 3:17; 3:46;

arouse 1:61;


Word Verses

asar 1:49;

asks 2:31;

assuage 1:44; 1:53;

assume 3:34;

attack 1:56; 3:42;

attribute 2:55;

aught 1:58; 1:64; 2:20; 2:63; 2:70; 3:2; 3:17;

aum 1:56; 3:37; 3:75;

avail 1:23; 2:54;

availeth 1:23;

awake 2:34; 3:34;

awful 3:42;

axle 2:7;

azure 1:14; 1:19;

azure-lidded 1:19;

babe 2:49;

bahlasti 3:54;

battle 3:9; 3:46;

bear 2:67; 2:70;

beast 1:15; 2:24; 3:14; 3:22; 3:24; 3:34; 3:47;

beasts 2:24;

beat 3:38;

beauteous 1:26;

beautiful 3:39; 3:68;

beautifully 3:39;

beauty 2:20; 2:35; 3:56;

beauty`s 3:56;

because 1:59; 2:12; 2:13; 2:27; 2:28; 2:29; 2:30; 2:33; 2:54; 3:20;

become 3:25;

bed 2:24; 2:66; 3:34;

beds 2:24;

beetles 3:25;

beggar 2:58;

being 2:15;

bes-na-maut 3:38;

beware 2:24; 2:59; 3:2; 3:43;

beyond 2:51; 3:60;

bind 1:22;

black 1:26; 1:60; 2:5; 2:52; 3:39;

blessing 2:79; 3:34;

blind 1:60; 2:14; 3:42; 3:52;

blindness 2:14;

bliss 3:39; 3:62;

blood 1:59; 3:11; 3:23; 3:24;

blue 1:14; 1:26; 1:60; 1:64; 2:50; 3:70;

blue-lidded 1:64;


Word Verses

body 1:26; 1:27; 1:32; 2:21; 2:62;

bond 1:41;

book 1:35; 1:36; 1:48; 1:57; 2:38; 3:39; 3:47; 3:63; 3:75;

bosom 1:61;

both 1:11;

bound 1:42;

bowels 1:55;

brass 3:30;

breast 3:38;

breath 1:28; 2:68; 3:37;

breathe 1:28; 2:68;

breathed 1:28;

breed 3:27; 3:45;

bride 2:2; 2:16; 2:37; 2:50; 3:22;

bright 2:22;

brilliance 1:64;

brothers 3:58; 3:59;

brows 1:18; 1:27;

buddhist 3:53;

burn 1:18; 1:61; 1:62; 1:63; 2:6; 2:24; 3:25; 3:30; 3:34; 3:40;

burnest 1:61;

burning 2:24; 3:40;

burns 2:6;

burnt 3:34;

business 3:41;

buy 3:21;

cakes 3:25;

call 1:15; 1:40; 1:46; 1:62; 2:27; 2:53; 3:19; 3:35;

called 1:15; 2:27; 3:35;

calling 1:62;

calls 1:40;

caress 2:24; 2:63;

caressed 2:24;

cast 2:5; 2:21; 2:58; 3:43;

catch 3:16;

cattle 3:12;

centre 1:6; 2:3;

certain 1:58; 2:58;

certainty 1:58;

chance 1:29; 2:59; 3:39; 3:47;

charge 1:61;

chaste 3:55;

chief 1:23;

child 1:5; 1:12; 1:15; 1:55; 1:56; 2:39; 3:12; 3:24; 3:43; 3:45; 3:47;

children 1:5; 1:12; 1:15;

choose 1:57; 2:58; 3:4;


Word Verses

chosen 1:15; 1:17; 1:31; 1:50; 1:57; 2:19; 2:25; 2:53; 2:65; 2:76;

circle 1:60; 2:7; 3:47;

circumference 2:3;

city 3:11;

claws 3:53;

clear 1:56;

close 1:40; 3:10;

cluster 3:22;

coiled 1:61; 2:26;

coiling 2:26;

cold 3:43;

colour 1:60; 3:10;

comment 1:36; 3:39; 3:40; 3:63;

company 1:2;

compassion 2:21; 3:43;

complement 2:2;

concealed 1:34; 2:59; 3:75;

concubine 3:14;

confound 1:52;

conquer 2:49; 3:11;

conqueror 2:49;

consciousness 1:26;

console 2:48;

consoled 2:48;

consoler 2:48;

consume 3:38;

continuity 1:26;

continuous 1:27;

convert 3:42;

convey 3:11;

coph 3:72;

core 2:6;

count 3:19;

courage 3:46;

covered 1:61; 3:44;

cowards 3:57;

cower 3:46;

crapulous 3:54;

crawl 3:43;

creation 1:30;

creeds 3:54;

creeping 3:25;

cries 2:30;

cross 3:51;

crown 2:72;

crushed 3:72;


Word Verses

cube 2:7;

curse 1:41; 2:28; 2:29; 3:16; 3:50;

curses 3:16;

damn 2:33; 2:49; 3:18;

damned 2:33; 2:49;

danger 2:27; 3:11;

dare 3:57;

dark 1:56;

daughter 1:64;

day 2:24; 2:38; 2:42; 3:10;

days 2:38;

dead 2:17; 2:18; 2:49; 3:42;

deadlier 3:42;

deal 1:32; 1:33; 1:34; 1:38; 1:49; 1:50; 3:3; 3:22; 3:42; 3:62; 3:64;

death 1:51; 1:58; 2:6; 2:41; 2:45; 2:52; 2:63; 2:66; 2:72; 2:73; 2:74; 3:37;

deem 1:32; 2:58; 3:16;

deep 1:33; 2:68;

deep-die 2:68;

defunct 3:2;

delicacy 2:70;

delicious 2:20;

delight 2:22; 2:43; 2:64; 3:46;

delivered 1:44;

demand 1:58;

deny 2:22;

depart 1:41;

desert 1:61;

desirable 2:61;

desire 1:32; 1:61; 1:62; 2:61; 2:74; 3:14;

desires 2:74;

desolation 3:19;

despise 3:43; 3:55; 3:57;

despised 3:43; 3:55;

destroy 3:42;

devour 2:14;

dew 1:27;

didst 3:39;

die 2:21; 2:68; 3:43; 3:57;

difference 1:4; 1:22;

din 1:26; 2:1; 2:79; 3:39; 3:53; 3:75;

dine 3:39;

direful 1:52;

disappear 1:47;

discover 3:47;

disposed-& 3:10;

dissolution 1:30; 2:44;


Word Verses

dissolve 2:21;

divide 1:25; 1:29; 1:41;

divided 1:29; 1:41;

divine 3:47;

division 1:30; 3:2;

dog 2:19; 2:27; 2:33; 2:45;

dogs 2:27; 2:45;

door 3:38;

double 3:34; 3:72;

double-wanded 3:34;

doubt 2:72;

dread 2:44;

dress 1:51; 1:61;

drink 1:51; 1:63; 2:70; 3:39;

droop 2:26;

dropping 3:24;

drugs 2:22;

drunk 1:61; 2:22;

drunkenness 1:61; 2:22;

dung 3:6;

dusk 3:43;

dust 1:61;

dwell 3:38;

dying 2:17;

eagerly 3:16;

earnestly 1:61;

earth 1:21; 1:26; 1:40; 1:53; 1:58; 1:61; 2:18; 2:26; 2:58; 3:17; 3:45;

east 1:15; 1:49; 1:56; 2:24; 2:36; 2:37; 2:38; 2:39; 2:40; 2:41; 2:42; 2:43; 2:44; 3:14;

3:21; 3:22; 3:24; 3:34; 3:38; 3:47;

eat 1:27; 1:28; 1:30; 1:49; 1:51; 1:57; 1:58; 2:6; 2:14; 2:24; 2:27; 2:41; 2:45; 2:52; 2:63;

2:66; 2:68; 2:72; 2:73; 2:74; 3:11; 3:25; 3:27; 3:34; 3:37; 3:38; 3:61;

eating 3:27;

ecstasy 1:13; 1:14; 1:26; 1:53; 1:58; 2:21; 2:44; 2:66;

egg 2:49; 2:58;

eight 1:46; 2:15; 2:70; 3:46;

eighteen 1:46;

eighties 3:46;

eighty 1:46;

elements 2:36;

eleven 2:16;

emblems 1:51;

emphatically 2:53;

empress 2:15; 2:16;

empty 3:72;

enemies 3:24; 3:26; 3:68;

enginery 3:6;

english 2:55; 3:39;


Word Verses

english-and 3:39;

enter 1:51;

enthroned 3:61;

entrap 3:42;

equation 1:56;

equinox 1:49; 2:40; 3:34;

eternal 2:44;

eternity 1:59;

evil 2:5;

exalt 3:22;

exceed 1:61; 2:70; 2:71;

excellent 2:67;

exhaust 2:63; 2:69;

exhausted 2:69;

existence 1:26; 2:9;

exorcist 2:7;

expiration 2:63;

exposure 2:22;

expound 2:76;

extended 2:2;

eyes 1:62; 2:24; 2:50; 2:51; 2:53; 2:61; 3:51;

eyesight 2:51;

face 3:52;

factor 2:32;

fade 3:10;

faery 1:28;

fail 2:46; 3:47;

failure 3:47;

faint 1:28;

faith 1:58;

fallen 2:48; 2:53;

fates 3:17;

fear 2:22; 2:46; 2:53; 3:16; 3:17; 3:42;

feasts 2:36;

feet 1:26;

fever 3:34;

fierce 2:24;

fifth 2:49;

fifty 1:24;

fight 3:57; 3:59;

filthy 2:57;

fine 1:50; 1:51; 2:70;

fire 1:50; 2:20; 2:24; 2:41; 3:11; 3:34; 3:67;

five 1:60;

flame 1:16; 1:26; 1:61; 1:62; 2:6; 3:38;

flaming 2:24;


Word Verses

flap 3:52;

flesh 3:11; 3:53;

floor 1:51;

flow 1:26; 3:11;

fly 3:33;

foam 1:51;

folk 2:17; 2:18; 3:17;

follow 1:32; 2:76; 3:44;

folly 1:36; 2:22; 2:54; 3:17;

foods 1:51;

fool 1:11; 1:31; 1:48; 1:57; 2:7; 2:15; 2:59; 3:57; 3:63;

foolish 2:7;

fools 1:11; 1:31; 1:57; 2:15; 3:57;

forbid 2:73; 3:11;

forbidden 2:73;

force 2:20; 2:24; 3:17; 3:29; 3:45; 3:72;

forest 2:24;

forge 3:32;

forsaken 2:56;

fortify 3:5;

fortress 1:57;

found 1:52; 2:3;

four 1:46; 1:51; 2:78; 3:49; 3:67;

fourfold 3:49;

foursquare 2:78;

fourth 3:67;

fresh 3:23; 3:24; 3:34;

friends 2:24;

full 2:63; 3:25; 3:39;

fullness 2:63;

further 2:15;

garment 2:58; 3:44;

garments 3:44;

gates 1:51;

gemmed 1:14;

girders 3:61;

girt 3:11;

giver 2:6;

gives 1:61;

giveth 2:22;

glad 2:53; 2:66; 2:76;

gladness 2:53;

glass 3:10;

globed 3:34;

glorious 3:74;

glory 1:15; 1:60; 2:22; 2:74;


Word Verses

god 1:11; 1:21; 1:49; 1:57; 2:19; 2:22; 2:23; 2:40; 2:78; 3:3; 3:17; 3:34; 3:36; 3:37; 3:49;


gods 1:11; 1:49; 2:40; 2:78; 3:17; 3:37; 3:49;

gold 1:51; 1:60; 2:50; 3:30; 3:31; 3:32; 3:65;

grades 1:40;

grave 2:24;

great 1:57; 2:24; 2:27; 2:41; 3:34;

gross 1:50;

group 3:22;

gums 1:59;

had 1:1; 1:6; 1:14; 1:21; 2:1; 2:2; 2:9; 2:21; 2:64; 2:79; 3:1; 3:17; 3:38; 3:40; 3:45; 3:47;


hadit 1:6; 1:14; 1:21; 2:1; 2:2; 2:21; 2:79; 3:17; 3:38; 3:40; 3:45;

hail 2:64; 3:71;

hair 1:59; 2:24;

half 1:34; 1:47; 1:56; 3:35;

hand 1:26; 2:11; 3:38; 3:39; 3:71; 3:72;

hands 1:26;

hangs 3:51;

hard 2:60; 2:62; 2:68; 3:3;

harder 2:68;

hardly 3:3;

harlot 3:43;

harm 2:22;

hate 2:11; 2:48;

hath 1:49; 1:57; 2:2; 3:25; 3:38;

hawk`s 3:51;

hawk-headed 3:34; 3:70;

head 1:61; 2:26; 2:68; 3:34; 3:51; 3:70;

headdress 1:61;

hear 1:6; 1:15; 1:32; 1:53; 1:61; 1:62; 2:6; 2:17; 2:22; 2:24; 2:42; 2:46; 2:62; 2:66; 3:40;

3:43; 3:44;

heart 1:6; 1:15; 1:32; 1:53; 1:61; 1:62; 2:6; 2:22; 2:24; 2:42; 2:46; 2:62; 2:66; 3:40; 3:43;


hearts 1:15; 1:62; 2:22; 2:24; 2:42;

heathen 3:11;

heaven 1:2; 1:21; 1:27; 1:33; 2:76; 3:17; 3:24;

hell 1:41; 2:60; 2:63;

hell`s 2:63;

help 1:5; 2:70;

her 1:4; 1:15; 1:16; 1:21; 1:22; 1:26; 1:27; 1:36; 1:40; 1:41; 1:43; 1:50; 1:51; 1:54; 1:57;

1:59; 1:61; 1:62; 2:3; 2:6; 2:8; 2:9; 2:14; 2:15; 2:22; 2:23; 2:24; 2:26; 2:27; 2:32;

2:36; 2:44; 2:45; 2:47; 2:49; 2:51; 2:52; 2:58; 2:59; 2:60; 2:61; 2:70; 2:76; 2:78; 3:2;

3:15; 3:17; 3:20; 3:22; 3:25; 3:27; 3:30; 3:31; 3:34; 3:35; 3:38; 3:39; 3:43; 3:44;

3:45; 3:47; 3:55; 3:58; 3:59; 3:60; 3:61; 3:69; 3:74;


Word Verses

here 1:4; 1:21; 1:22; 1:36; 1:40; 1:41; 1:50; 1:51; 1:54; 1:57; 1:59; 1:61; 2:3; 2:6; 2:9;

2:14; 2:15; 2:22; 2:23; 2:24; 2:26; 2:27; 2:32; 2:36; 2:44; 2:45; 2:47; 2:49; 2:52;

2:58; 2:59; 2:60; 2:61; 2:70; 2:76; 2:78; 3:2; 3:15; 3:20; 3:27; 3:30; 3:31; 3:34; 3:38;

3:47; 3:60; 3:61; 3:69; 3:74;

hereafter 2:44; 2:52;

hermit 1:40; 2:24;

hermits 2:24;

herself 3:44;

heru-pa-kraath 2:8;

heru-ra-ha 3:35;

hidden 1:54; 3:74;

hiding 2:1; 2:79;

hierophant 1:50; 2:16;

hierophantic 1:50;

higher 2:51;

highest 1:50; 2:19;

hither 3:2; 3:39;

holier 3:48;

holy 2:65; 3:34;

homeward 3:2;

honey 3:23;

honour 2:56;

hoor 1:7; 1:36; 1:49; 1:52; 2:21; 2:64; 3:1; 3:2; 3:11; 3:35; 3:37; 3:38; 3:42;

hoor-paar-kraat 1:7;

hoor-pa-kraat 3:35;

hope 2:70;

host 3:24;

hour 1:61; 3:14;

house 1:56; 1:57; 2:2; 2:78; 3:9; 3:11; 3:34; 3:38; 3:41;

how 3:21; 3:37; 3:38; 3:39;

hrumachis 3:34;

hundred 1:46;

hurt 1:22; 1:26; 2:59;

hurting 1:26;

ill 1:12; 1:22; 1:32; 1:40; 1:41; 1:42; 1:44; 1:51; 1:57; 1:61; 1:64; 2:8; 2:10; 2:22; 2:24;

2:30; 2:52; 2:53; 2:57; 2:58; 2:66; 3:7; 3:11; 3:18; 3:21; 3:37; 3:43; 3:44; 3:45; 3:46;

3:64; 3:71;

ill-ordered 3:11;

image 3:21; 3:22;

images 3:22;

incense 1:59; 1:61;

indeed 2:15;

indian 3:53;

infinite 1:4; 1:15; 1:22; 2:32;

initiating 1:49;

ink 1:51; 1:63; 2:21; 2:24; 2:70; 3:39; 3:43;

innermost 1:61;


Word Verses

innocence 2:22;

inspiration 2:63;

inspired 3:37;

intellect 1:50;

intimate 3:67;

inviolate 3:55;

invisible 2:49; 3:34;

invoke 1:57; 3:37;

invoking 1:61; 2:30;

isa 1:47; 1:49;

island 3:4;

itself 3:10;

jasmine 1:51;

jasper 1:51;

jesus 3:51;

jewels 1:61; 1:63; 3:44;

jews 1:46;

joy 1:13; 1:30; 1:31; 1:32; 1:53; 1:58; 1:61; 2:9; 2:21; 2:22; 2:24; 2:26; 2:35; 2:42; 2:66;

2:70; 2:72; 3:45; 3:46;

joyous 2:70; 2:72;


joys 1:31; 1:32; 1:58;

judgments 1:52;

just 2:15;

ka 3:37; 3:41;

kaaba 3:41;

keen 3:58;

kept 3:25; 3:29;

key 1:20; 1:46; 3:47;

khabs 1:8; 1:9; 2:2; 3:37;

khephra 3:38;

khu 1:8; 1:36; 1:49; 1:52; 2:21; 2:64; 3:1; 3:2; 3:11; 3:35; 3:37; 3:38; 3:42;

khuit 1:49; 1:52; 2:21; 3:2; 3:37; 3:38; 3:42;

khut 3:1; 3:35;

kiblah 3:10;

kill 3:18; 3:44;

kin 1:61; 2:15; 2:18; 2:21; 2:24; 2:28; 2:30; 2:58; 2:59; 2:64; 2:66; 2:74; 3:34; 3:43;


king 1:61; 2:15; 2:21; 2:24; 2:30; 2:58; 2:59; 2:64; 2:66; 2:74; 3:34; 3:43; 3:45;

kings 2:21; 2:58; 2:64; 2:74; 3:45;

kinsfolk 2:18;

kiss 1:14; 1:27; 1:53; 1:61; 2:44; 2:62; 2:67;

kisses 2:44; 2:62; 2:67;

kissing 1:27;

knew 2:12; 2:48;

knewest 2:12;


Word Verses

know 1:10; 1:15; 1:22; 1:26; 1:32; 1:34; 1:50; 1:57; 2:4; 2:5; 2:6; 2:13; 2:17; 2:22; 2:32;

2:56; 2:76; 3:2; 3:16; 3:21; 3:22; 3:42; 3:43;

knower 2:13;

knoweth 1:22;

knowing 1:57;

knowledge 1:32; 2:5; 2:6; 2:22;

known 1:10; 1:22; 1:34; 2:4; 2:32; 3:2; 3:43;

laid 3:25;

lambent 1:26;

languor 2:20;

lapis 1:51;

large 2:24;

last 1:22; 3:24; 3:54;

laugh 2:20; 2:56; 2:63; 3:17; 3:42;

laughter 2:20; 2:63; 3:17;

laughterful 2:63;

law 1:33; 1:34; 1:35; 1:39; 1:40; 1:46; 1:57; 2:21; 2:38; 3:9; 3:39; 3:53; 3:60; 3:63; 3:75;

lazuli 1:51;

leaping 2:20;

learn 1:37; 2:2; 2:10;

leave 1:56; 3:43;

leavings 3:23;

left 2:17; 3:72; 3:73;

length 2:74;

letter 1:36; 1:54; 1:57; 2:54; 3:47; 3:48;

letters 1:57; 2:54; 3:47; 3:48;

liars 3:68;

lie 1:61; 2:21; 2:22; 2:32; 3:42; 3:43; 3:48;

life 1:58; 2:6; 2:41; 2:66;

lift 2:26; 2:53; 2:58; 2:62; 2:66; 2:68; 2:78; 3:45;

lifted 2:58; 2:62;

light 1:9; 1:16; 1:27; 1:28; 1:56; 2:14; 2:21; 2:22; 2:24; 2:43; 2:50; 2:51; 2:61; 2:64; 3:17;

3:37; 3:38; 3:46; 3:61;

lighten 3:37; 3:61;

lightening 3:61;

like 2:78; 3:11; 3:21;

likest 3:11;

limbs 2:24;

line 3:47;

listen 2:75;

lithe 1:26;

little 1:26; 1:31; 1:53; 1:56; 1:61; 3:12;

live 1:44; 2:19; 2:21; 2:74; 3:23;

lives 2:74;

loathing 1:42;

locked 3:10;


Word Verses

lofty 1:50; 3:58;

long 2:56; 2:66; 2:73; 2:74; 3:29; 3:34;

longer 3:34;

longing 2:74;

lord 1:5; 1:21; 1:49; 2:18; 3:34; 3:37; 3:46; 3:70; 3:72;

lords 2:18;

lose 1:40; 1:61; 3:10;

loud 2:54; 3:44;

love`s 1:29; 3:56;

love-chant 1:62;

lovely 1:26; 1:27; 2:66; 2:79;

lover 1:40; 1:41;

love-song 1:63;

low 1:26; 1:32; 2:18; 2:24; 2:60; 2:76; 3:11; 3:44;

lurk 3:9;

lust 1:44; 2:22; 2:24; 3:22; 3:27; 3:34;

lying 2:52;

made 1:22; 3:38; 3:39;

magician 2:7;

magnificent 2:24;

make 1:38; 2:27; 3:11; 3:25; 3:37; 3:38; 3:40;

makest 3:37;

manifestation 1:1; 1:66;

mantras 1:37;

manyhood 1:42;

mary 3:55;

mask 2:53; 2:58;

masked 2:58;

masses 2:24;

master 2:60; 2:65;

matter 3:24;

may 1:38; 1:50; 2:29; 2:58;

me" 2:7;

meal 3:23;

meanest 2:54;

meaneth 2:76;

meaning 3:16;

means 1:51;

meetest 3:39;

meetings 1:62;

mentu 3:37; 3:38;

mercy 3:18;

mere 3:68;

middle 1:60;

midnight 3:74;

might 2:77; 3:37; 3:45;


Word Verses

mightier 3:45;

mighty 2:77;

million 2:24;

mine 1:14; 1:51; 1:61; 2:26; 2:72; 3:38;

mine-and 2:72;

mingle 3:34;

minister 1:7;

miraculous 3:10;

misery 2:21;

miss 2:27;

mistake 1:57;

mix 3:23;

mockers 2:56;

modest 2:52;

mohammed 3:52;

money 3:17;

mongol 3:53;

moon 1:16; 3:24;

more 2:63; 2:70; 2:72; 3:29;

moreover 3:29;

most 1:61; 2:43; 2:61; 3:37;

mountain 2:24;

multiply 1:25;

must 1:38; 1:50; 2:21; 3:41;

mysteries 1:54; 2:24; 3:47;

mystery 1:57; 3:48;

mystic 2:78; 3:34;

mystical 3:34;

naked 1:14; 1:64;

name 1:22; 1:49; 2:2; 2:78; 3:11; 3:19; 3:74;

naming 3:26;

nations 1:61;

neither 3:17;

nemyss 3:70;

never 2:4; 2:48;

new 2:12; 2:48; 2:55;

nia-but 3:72;

nigh 1:61; 1:64; 2:37; 2:43; 3:70; 3:71; 3:74;

night 1:61; 1:64; 2:37; 2:43; 3:70; 3:74;

night-blue 3:70;

night-sky 1:64;

night-stars 1:61;

nine 2:15; 2:70;

ninety 2:70;

none 1:27; 1:28; 1:45; 1:48; 2:15; 2:52; 2:58; 2:66; 2:78; 3:8; 3:42;

nothing 1:21; 1:22; 1:30; 1:46; 2:21;


Word Verses

nought 2:30; 2:54; 3:72;

nowhere 2:3;

nu 1:1; 1:4; 1:14; 1:22; 1:24; 1:26; 1:27; 1:58; 1:60; 1:66; 2:1; 2:2; 2:15; 2:21; 2:26;

2:43; 2:44; 2:64; 2:75; 2:76; 2:78; 3:17; 3:38; 3:45;

nuit 1:1; 1:14; 1:22; 1:24; 1:26; 1:27; 1:66; 2:21; 2:26; 3:38;

number 1:4; 1:60; 2:15; 2:75; 2:78;

numbers 1:60; 2:75;

obeah 1:37;

obey 1:32;

object 3:22;

obtain 2:55;

odds 3:39;

oh 2:64; 3:52;

oil 1:61; 2:26; 3:23;

old 1:7; 1:9; 1:15; 1:35; 1:50; 1:51; 1:54; 1:55; 1:57; 1:60; 2:5; 2:24; 2:50; 2:67; 2:68;

3:2; 3:30; 3:31; 3:32; 3:43; 3:49; 3:57; 3:65; 3:73;

olive 3:23;

omnipresence 1:26;

ompehda 3:54;

once 1:34; 1:51; 2:59; 3:75;

one 1:22; 1:26; 1:27; 1:28; 1:31; 1:36; 1:45; 1:46; 1:48; 1:49; 1:50; 1:51; 1:52; 1:61; 2:5;

2:9; 2:15; 2:23; 2:24; 2:26; 2:52; 2:56; 2:58; 2:65; 2:66; 2:76; 2:78; 3:8; 3:17; 3:21;

3:23; 3:34; 3:37; 3:41; 3:42; 3:47; 3:48; 3:61; 3:66;

ones 1:31; 1:50; 2:5; 2:58; 3:42; 3:66;

only 1:32; 1:56; 3:11; 3:39; 3:42;

open 3:30; 3:37;

ordeal 1:32; 1:33; 1:34; 1:38; 1:49; 1:50; 3:22; 3:42; 3:62; 3:64;

ordeals 1:32; 1:33; 1:34; 1:38; 1:49; 1:50; 3:42;

order 2:55; 3:11; 3:38;

original 3:47;

others 3:22; 3:58; 3:59;

outcast 2:21;

overmuch 3:42;

oversee 3:42;

overthrow 3:42;

own 1:10; 1:22; 1:26; 1:34; 2:4; 2:21; 2:26; 2:27; 2:32; 2:52; 2:58; 2:63; 2:72; 3:2; 3:11;

3:23; 3:34; 3:42; 3:43;

ox 1:48; 1:49; 2:40; 3:34;

pain 1:30; 1:32; 2:17;

palace 1:51;

pale 1:61;

pall 2:52;

paper 3:39;

particle 1:61;

pass 1:50; 2:9; 2:21; 2:64; 2:78; 3:43;

passionate 2:64;

paste 3:73;


Word Verses

peace 1:58; 2:64;

peck 3:51;

pen 1:18; 1:26; 1:57; 1:61; 2:11; 2:26; 3:30; 3:37; 3:40; 3:42;

penetrant 1:26;

people 2:17; 2:25; 2:34; 3:8;

peoples 3:8;

perchance 2:59;

perfect 1:44; 1:45; 2:15;

performed 2:35;

perfume 1:27; 1:63; 3:23; 3:25;

perfumes 1:63; 3:25;

perish 2:27; 2:49;

pillars 3:71;

pinnacles 3:45;

pit 2:27; 2:48; 3:18; 3:42; 3:43; 3:54;

pity 2:48; 3:18; 3:42; 3:43;

play 3:57;

pleasure 1:61; 2:43;

pointed 1:60;

poor 2:18;

position 3:47;

pour 3:31; 3:34;

poured 3:34;

poverty 2:58;

power 1:15; 2:31; 3:17; 3:27; 3:42; 3:45; 3:72;

powerful 3:42;

precious 3:66;

presence 1:26; 3:37;

presently 1:61;

pride 1:61; 2:24; 3:44;

priest 1:15; 1:27; 1:33; 1:36; 1:62; 3:24; 3:34;

priestess 1:62;

prince-priest 1:15;

princes 1:36; 1:53;

printed 3:39;

professional 3:57;

promise 2:66; 3:16;

promises 3:16;

proof 3:10; 3:11; 3:42; 3:46;

prophet 1:26; 1:32; 1:48; 1:53; 1:54; 1:56; 1:57; 2:5; 2:10; 2:22; 2:37; 2:39; 2:53; 2:61; 2:64;

2:76; 2:78; 2:79; 3:11; 3:34; 3:36; 3:38;

prophets 1:56;

prophet-secret 2:39;

protect 3:42;

proud 2:77; 3:58;

pure 1:44; 1:61; 2:9; 2:21;


Word Verses

purged 2:5;

purple 1:61; 2:24; 2:50; 2:51;

purpose 1:44;

push 3:38;

put 1:61;

quarter 3:38; 3:42;

quarters 3:38;

queen 1:27; 1:33;

quickly 3:39;

ra 1:7; 1:26; 1:33; 1:36; 1:37; 1:40; 1:49; 1:51; 1:52; 1:53; 1:58; 1:63; 2:8; 2:21; 2:22;

2:24; 2:26; 2:42; 2:61; 2:62; 2:63; 2:64; 2:67; 2:70; 3:1; 3:2; 3:9; 3:10; 3:11; 3:23;

3:30; 3:35; 3:37; 3:38; 3:42; 3:43; 3:44; 3:46; 3:47; 3:54; 3:61; 3:75;

ra`s 3:61;

ra-hoor-khu 1:36; 1:49; 2:21; 2:64; 3:2; 3:11; 3:35; 3:37; 3:38; 3:42;

ra-hoor-khuit 1:49; 2:21; 3:2; 3:37; 3:38; 3:42;

ra-hoor-khu-it 1:36;

ra-hoor-khut 3:35;

rain 2:62;

raise 3:2; 3:44;

rapid 2:63;

rapture 2:22; 2:26; 2:42; 2:64; 2:67; 2:70;

rapturous 1:63;

rare 1:51;

rays 3:38;

readeth 3:63;

ready 3:10; 3:33;

reason 2:27; 2:32;

red 1:26; 1:27; 1:32; 1:44; 1:46; 1:56; 1:60; 1:61; 2:50; 2:61; 3:11; 3:23; 3:25; 3:34;

3:37; 3:38; 3:39; 3:43; 3:44; 3:47;

redeem 1:32;

refine 2:70;

refuge 3:17;

refuse 1:41; 3:42;

regenerate 1:53;

regret 2:17;

reign 3:34;

rejoice 2:19; 2:44; 2:64; 2:66;

rejoicing 1:62;

remain 2:9; 2:21; 3:72;

remains 2:9; 3:72;

remember 2:9; 2:76;

reproduction 3:39;

resinous 1:59;

rest 1:41; 1:58; 2:24;

restriction 1:41;

result 1:44;

reveal 1:7; 1:57; 2:2; 2:54; 3:10;


Word Verses

revealed 1:7; 2:2;

revealing 3:10;

reverence 3:62;

reward 2:52; 3:1;

rich 1:51; 1:61; 3:23; 3:31; 3:44;

right 1:42; 1:52; 1:57; 2:5; 2:22; 2:35; 2:57; 3:10; 3:73;

righteous 2:57;

rightly 2:35;

rise 2:34; 3:34;

ritual 1:20; 1:33; 1:34; 1:49; 1:52; 2:5; 2:35; 2:36; 2:40;

rituals 1:20; 1:33; 1:34; 1:49; 2:5; 2:35; 2:36;

robe 1:61;

rose 1:51;

royal 3:58;

rule 1:10; 2:24; 2:70;

rules 2:70;

run 1:61; 2:22; 2:27; 3:37;

runes 2:27;

sacred 1:32; 1:56; 3:25;

sacrifice 1:58; 3:12; 3:34;

sad 2:18; 2:56; 3:15;

said 1:27; 1:33; 1:34; 2:53; 3:36; 3:38;

saith 1:26;

save 1:56; 3:42;

say-and 1:62;

saying 1:52;

scarlet 1:15; 3:14; 3:43;

scents 1:51;

scribe 1:36; 1:53;

seal 2:66;

seat 1:49; 3:61;

second 1:56; 3:65;

secret 1:6; 1:10; 1:14; 1:16; 1:20; 1:22; 1:46; 1:49; 1:57; 1:60; 1:62; 2:2; 2:15; 2:26; 2:39;

3:9; 3:10; 3:22; 3:38; 3:39; 3:49;

secure 3:40;

see 1:13; 1:21; 1:32; 1:60; 2:11; 2:24; 2:53; 2:66; 3:14; 3:42; 3:45; 3:47; 3:68;

seeing 1:60;

seek 1:32; 3:42; 3:47;

seem 3:68;

seen 1:60;

seeth 2:66;

self 2:22; 2:68; 2:78; 3:10; 3:11; 3:37; 3:42; 3:44;

self-slain 3:37;

send 1:53;

sense 1:61; 2:22;

serpent 1:18; 1:57; 1:61; 2:26; 3:42;

servant 1:10; 1:51; 2:21; 2:58; 3:42;


Word Verses

servants 1:10; 2:21; 2:58;

serve 2:58;

service 2:52;

set 1:64; 3:10; 3:21;

severe 1:38;

shadows 2:9;

shameless 3:44;

shape 3:47;

shattered 3:34;

shed 1:9; 3:72;

sheets 3:73;

shoot 2:26;

show 3:21; 3:37; 3:38;

showed 3:37;

shrinking 3:43;

shrouds 3:70;

sighing 2:17;

sight 2:21; 2:51;

sign 1:26; 1:49;

signs 1:49;

silence 3:70;

silver 1:51; 3:30; 3:64;

sin 1:22; 1:27; 1:41; 1:51; 1:59; 1:61; 1:63; 2:79; 3:34; 3:41;

sing 1:27; 1:61; 1:63; 2:79; 3:34;

single 1:61;

sink 1:51;

sister 1:53;

six 1:24; 1:46;

sixty-one 1:46;

skew-wise 2:32;

skies 3:34;

sky 1:64; 3:37; 3:70;

slave 1:26; 2:49; 2:54; 2:58;

slaves 2:49; 2:54; 2:58;

slay 3:26; 3:43; 3:46;

smite 3:8; 3:33;

smooth 3:23;

snake 2:21; 2:22; 3:34; 3:38;

soft 1:26; 3:23;

soften 3:23;

soldiers 3:57;

solve 1:53; 1:56; 2:21;

some 1:56; 3:24;

son 1:63; 2:27; 2:32; 3:25; 3:37; 3:74;

song- 3:37;

sorrow 2:9; 2:17; 2:19; 2:52; 2:53;


Word Verses

sorroweth 2:19;

sorrows 2:9; 2:17;

sorry 2:46; 2:53;

soul 3:34; 3:42; 3:61;

souls 3:42;

space 1:15; 1:22; 1:27; 1:52;

space-marks 1:52;

spangles 2:50;

spare 3:18;

sparks 3:67;

speak 1:27; 3:37;

spears 3:11;

spectre 2:52;

spell 1:37; 2:70; 3:2; 3:38;

spelling 3:2;

spells 1:37; 2:70;

sphere 2:3;

spices 1:61;

spit 3:42; 3:54;

splendour 1:14; 1:49; 1:61; 2:64; 3:38; 3:74;

splendrous 1:18;

squared 3:47;

stain 3:34;

stamp 2:21;

stand 1:25; 1:51; 1:56; 1:62; 2:27; 3:8; 3:34; 3:63;

standeth 3:34; 3:63;

stands 1:62;

star 1:3; 1:12; 1:14; 1:15; 1:16; 1:22; 1:28; 1:50; 1:57; 1:60; 1:61; 2:6; 2:21; 2:62; 2:76;

2:78; 2:79; 3:38;

starlight 1:16;

star-lit 2:76;

starry 1:14;

stars 1:12; 1:15; 1:22; 1:28; 1:57; 1:61; 2:62; 2:78;

star-splendour 3:38;

state 1:42;

stature 2:78;

steel 3:32;

stele 3:10; 3:19;

stir 2:22; 3:37;

stones 3:66;

stooping 1:16;

stops 2:30; 2:54;

store 1:61;

strange 2:22; 3:47;

strangely 3:47;

streets 3:43;

strength 2:20; 2:21; 2:74; 3:17; 3:46; 3:70;


Word Verses

strike 2:60; 3:42; 3:45;

strive 2:72;

stronger 2:11;

style 1:54; 2:54;

subtlety 2:70;

success 3:42; 3:46; 3:69;

suddenly 3:21;

sufferer 1:49;

sun 1:16; 1:64; 2:21; 3:74;

sunset 1:64;

support 3:22;

supreme 2:40; 3:37;

surpass 2:78;

swear 1:32;

sweet 1:27; 1:51; 2:63; 2:64; 3:43;

sweeter 2:63;

sweetnesses 3:43;

sweet-smelling 1:27;

swell 3:29;

swift 3:40; 3:42;

swoon 1:33; 2:67;

sword 1:37; 3:11; 3:34; 3:38;

swords 3:11;

symbols 2:55;

system 1:50;

tahuti 2:39;

taken 1:49;

talk 3:42;

ta-nech 3:38;

task 1:50;

teach 1:37; 1:38;

tear 2:52; 3:53;

temple 1:62; 3:10;

temple-and 3:10;

temple-to 1:62;

tenderness 3:43;

terrible 3:37;

theban 3:38;

thebes 1:5; 3:37;


thelema 1:39;

thelemites 1:40;

thereby 1:22; 3:47;

therefore 1:22; 1:51; 2:6; 2:58; 2:59; 2:60;

therein 1:40; 1:54; 1:59; 1:61; 2:49; 2:70;

thereon 3:30;


Word Verses

thereupon 1:36;

thick 3:23; 3:25;

thing 1:21; 1:22; 1:27; 1:30; 1:42; 1:46; 1:61; 2:21; 2:22; 3:17; 3:25;

think 2:21; 2:24;

third 3:66;

though 1:53; 1:56; 2:56; 3:11; 3:34;

three 1:35; 1:40; 1:50; 2:38;

threefold 1:35;

thrill 2:66;

throne 3:34; 3:37; 3:61;

through 1:50; 3:34; 3:37; 3:43; 3:62; 3:64; 3:65; 3:66; 3:67;

throughout 3:34;

thyself 2:68; 2:78; 3:11; 3:42;

time 2:5; 2:24; 2:36; 3:71;

times 2:24; 2:36;

tomb 3:34;

tongue 1:6; 1:32; 1:53; 3:47;

too 1:16; 2:21; 3:3; 3:16;

top 2:30; 2:54; 3:73;

torn 3:55;

torture 3:18;

toy 3:43;

traitors 3:42;

trample 2:24; 3:11;

trance 1:33;

translated 3:47;

trees 1:59;

tremble 3:37;

tribulation 3:62;

tried 1:50;

trodden 3:42;

trouble 3:11;

true 1:56;

truly 2:72;

truth 3:37;

tum 3:38;

twin 3:71;

two 1:28; 1:45;

tzaddi 1:57;

ultimate 3:67;

unassuaged 1:44;

unattacked 1:56;

under 1:12; 1:25; 1:56; 1:57; 1:61; 2:21; 2:27; 3:3; 3:16; 3:17; 3:63;

undergo 3:16;

understand 1:25; 1:56; 2:27; 3:63;

understandeth 3:63;


Word Verses

understood 2:21; 3:3;

undesired 2:61;

unimaginable 1:58;

union 1:29;

unique 2:49;

unite 1:41; 1:47;

unity 3:37;

universe 3:72;

unknown 2:32;

unlike 3:21;

until 3:34;

untouched 3:34;

unutterable 1:58;

unveiling 1:2; 1:5;

unveils 3:37;

uplifted 2:62;

use 1:41; 1:56; 1:57; 1:59; 1:61; 2:2; 2:12; 2:13; 2:27; 2:28; 2:29; 2:30; 2:33; 2:54; 2:78;

3:9; 3:11; 3:20; 3:25; 3:34; 3:38; 3:41; 3:42;

utterly 3:42; 3:55;

uttermost 2:43; 3:37;

value 2:54; 2:55;

vault 1:32;

veil 1:2; 1:5; 1:61; 2:14; 2:52; 3:37;

veiled 1:61; 3:37;

veiling 1:2; 1:5; 2:14;

vengeance 3:3; 3:43;

venom 2:26;

verily 2:21;

vice 2:21; 2:52;

vices 2:52;

victorious 2:24; 3:11;

victory 3:46;

vigour 3:17;

virtuous 2:52;

visible 2:49; 3:22; 3:34;

visit 3:43;

vital 2:15;

voluptuous 1:61; 1:64; 2:63;

wand 1:37; 3:34; 3:72;

wanga 1:37;

want 3:48;

war 1:5; 1:51; 2:24; 2:52; 2:59; 3:1; 3:2; 3:3; 3:6; 3:7; 3:11; 3:23; 3:28; 3:43; 3:46; 3:57;


war-engine 3:7;

warrior 1:5; 1:51; 3:11; 3:46; 3:71;

warriors 3:71;


Word Verses

was 1:7; 2:13; 2:58;

wast 2:13;

water 2:41; 3:66;

way 1:44; 1:50; 1:51; 1:61; 2:5; 3:37; 3:38; 3:41; 3:44; 3:47;

ways 1:50; 1:51; 1:61; 3:37; 3:47;

weak 1:31; 2:21; 2:31;

weakness 2:31;

wear 1:32; 1:61; 1:63;

weave 3:38;

well 1:50; 1:57; 2:52; 3:19; 3:29; 3:38; 3:41;

were 1:26; 1:27; 3:25; 3:39;

west 1:26; 1:56; 2:12; 2:76; 3:21; 3:31;

wet 1:22; 2:19; 3:43;

wheel 2:7; 3:55;

when 1:22; 1:51; 2:53; 2:56; 3:34; 3:47;

whence 3:47;

where 1:51; 2:3; 2:22; 2:23; 2:47;

whereof 2:22;

which 1:20; 1:22; 2:9; 2:12; 2:15; 3:21; 3:62;

while 1:58;

whole 1:27; 1:40;

whom 1:51; 1:53;

whose 3:37;

wickedness 3:44;

wife 1:41;

will 1:22; 1:32; 1:40; 1:41; 1:42; 1:44; 1:51; 1:57; 1:61; 2:10; 2:22; 2:30; 2:52; 2:53;

2:58; 3:7; 3:11; 3:21; 3:43; 3:45; 3:46; 3:64;

willing 1:61;

wilt 1:40; 1:41; 1:61; 2:54; 3:60;

wine 1:51; 2:22; 3:23;

wines 1:51;

winged 1:14; 1:16; 3:38;

wings 1:61; 3:52;

winners 3:22;

wisdom 1:36; 2:70;

wise 1:57; 2:32; 3:38;

withdraw 3:9;

within 1:61; 3:38;

without 3:42;

woes 1:31;

woman 1:3; 1:15; 1:19; 2:52; 3:11; 3:34; 3:39; 3:43;

women 1:61; 2:24; 3:55;

wonderful 2:78;

woods 1:59;

word 1:20; 1:24; 1:37; 1:39; 1:40; 1:41; 1:49; 1:50; 1:56; 2:7; 2:32; 2:52; 2:53; 2:64; 2:69;

2:75; 2:76; 3:2; 3:11; 3:34; 3:35; 3:37; 3:38; 3:39; 3:49; 3:61; 3:75; words 1:49; 1:56; 2:32; 2:52; 2:53; 2:64; 2:75; 3:11; 3:37; 3:75;

work 1:37; 2:66; 3:30; 3:40; 3:43; 3:44;


Word Verses

working 2:66;

world 1:30; 1:53; 2:21; 3:10; 3:71;

worm 2:63;

worship 1:9; 2:8; 2:22; 2:78; 2:79; 3:9; 3:11; 3:22; 3:24; 3:34; 3:45;

worshipped 2:8; 3:22;

worshipper 2:8; 3:24;

wrath 2:24;

wretched 2:21;

write 1:33; 1:34; 1:35; 2:64; 2:66;

writest 1:35;

writing 2:10; 2:38; 2:66; 3:47;

written 3:38; 3:75;

wrong 1:40;

yea 1:61; 2:58;

yearn 1:61;

yonder 2:58;

yours 1:13;


I. Alphabetized by Word

Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

11 1 2 11

418 1 4 418

4-6-3-8-a-b-k-2-4-a-l-g-m-o-r-3-y-x-24-89-r-p-s-t-o-v-a-l 1 9 351

718 1 7 718

abased 1 4 58

abide 2 3 75

abomination 1 2 155

abrahadabra 2 7 79

abramelin 1 2 119

abrogate 1 2 101

absolve 1 7 70

abstruction 1 7 160

accursed 3 2 92

achieve 1 2 101

adorant 1 2 65

adorations 1 1 100

adore 4 6 51

adorer 1 9 63

adulterous 1 8 116

aeons 1 7 52

ahathoor 1 6 60

aiwass 1 2 38

alienate 1 7 115

all-touching 1 1 118

alphabet 1 4 103

altar 1 4 40

amen 1 7 61

amn 1 9 36

an-hungered 1 3 129

animal 1 8 62

ankh-af-na-khonsu 4 1 118

another 8 6 87

answered 2 1 91

anything 1 7 106

apostle 1 9 90

apparel 1 3 93

arched 1 7 61

ardours 1 6 60

armies 1 6 87

armour 1 7 70

arms 2 3 39


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

arouse 1 4 67

asar 2 1 19

asks 1 2 20

assuage 1 2 65

assume 1 2 74

attack 1 9 72

attribute 1 8 170

aught 3 3 57

aum 3 3 39

avail 1 1 37

availeth 1 9 90

awake 2 3 39

awful 1 5 41

axle 1 5 50

azure 1 1 73

azure-lidded 1 6 141

babe 1 3 66

bahlasti 1 8 80

battle 2 6 96

bear 2 4 58

beast 7 3 75

beasts 1 8 80

beat 1 7 70

beauteous 1 6 141

beautiful 2 3 147

beautifully 1 2 164

beauty 2 3 102

beauty`s 1 8 107

because 10 7 106

become 1 3 111

bed 1 6 51

beds 1 2 56

beetles 1 9 126

beggar 2 8 80

being 1 3 93

bes-na-maut 1 2 128

beware 4 5 86

beyond 2 6 87

bind 1 9 63

black 5 9 45

blessing 2 6 105

blind 3 2 65

blindness 1 6 114

bliss 2 1 55

blood 6 6 42

blue 4 1 64


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

blue-lidded 1 6 132

body 6 3 48

bond 1 2 47

book 10 7 43

bosom 1 6 60

both 1 1 55

bound 1 1 64

bowels 1 8 62

brass 1 7 43

breast 1 6 87

breath 1 5 86

breathe 1 3 111

breathed 1 9 117

breed 2 7 88

bride 4 5 86

bright 1 4 94

brilliance 1 9 135

brothers 2 1 109

brows 2 2 47

buddhist 1 6 105

burn 4 9 63

burnest 1 9 117

burning 2 3 111

burns 1 5 68

burnt 1 6 87

business 1 6 114

buy 1 7 52

cakes 1 8 53

call 3 9 18

called 3 4 49

calling 1 3 66

calls 1 5 23

caress 1 7 61

caressed 1 2 92

cast 3 7 43

catch 1 1 55

cattle 1 8 89

centre 2 5 113

certain 1 4 112

certainty 1 7 151

chance 3 7 70

charge 1 3 66

chaste 1 9 72

chief 1 2 83

child 7 3 48

children 3 9 99


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

choose 3 7 61

chosen 9 5 68

circle 4 7 88

circumference 1 6 231

city 1 3 75

claws 1 6 24

clear 1 8 53

close 2 7 52

cluster 1 8 98

coiled 2 4 76

coiling 1 3 93

cold 1 1 28

colour 2 4 58

comment 4 8 125

company 1 7 97

compassion 2 5 122

complement 1 7 178

concealed 2 7 106

concubine 1 2 146

confound 1 6 96

conquer 1 8 107

conqueror 1 9 126

consciousness 1 9 153

console 1 1 73

consoled 1 7 79

consoler 1 4 85

consume 1 3 102

continuity 1 3 174

continuous 2 6 141

convert 1 6 105

convey 1 3 84

coph 1 5 50

core 1 3 57

count 1 3 75

courage 1 5 86

covered 2 8 98

cowards 1 2 47

cower 1 6 60

crapulous 1 1 100

crawl 1 4 31

creation 1 2 119

creeds 1 5 86

creeping 1 5 149

cries 1 6 78

cross 1 6 42

crown 1 4 49


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

crushed 1 1 82

cube 1 3 75

curse 5 9 72

curses 1 5 77

damn 1 6 42

damned 2 1 73

danger 2 6 69

dare 1 8 44

dark 1 1 28

daughter 1 1 100

day 4 4 22

days 1 9 27

dead 3 2 38

deadlier 1 1 100

deal 1 7 34

death 15 6 60

deem 2 5 77

deep 1 1 82

deep-die 1 1 136

defunct 1 9 117

delicacy 1 8 98

delicious 1 4 121

delight 4 5 95

delivered 1 8 134

demand 1 1 73

deny 1 6 60

depart 1 4 94

desert 1 7 97

desirable 1 2 119

desire 4 6 96

desires 1 2 101

desolation 1 6 114

despise 2 7 115

despised 2 4 121

destroy 2 4 94

devour 1 5 77

dew 1 7 34

didst 1 1 64

die 3 9 54

difference 2 8 179

din 1 7 43

dine 1 5 68

direful 1 4 103

disappear 1 8 125

discover 1 2 101

disposed 1 4 103


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

dissolution 2 7 133

dissolve 1 2 83

divide 1 3 93

divided 2 9 99

divine 1 2 101

division 2 3 111

dog 2 6 24

dogs 2 2 29

door 2 5 32

double 1 5 77

double-wanded 1 6 132

doubt 1 2 74

dread 1 5 50

dress 1 8 53

drink 5 1 64

droop 1 4 58

dropping 1 8 125

drugs 1 6 51

drunk 1 4 58

drunkenness 2 2 146

dung 1 3 48

dusk 1 1 37

dust 1 7 52

dwell 1 2 38

dying 1 6 69

eagerly 1 1 91

earnestly 1 6 123

earth 11 3 66

east 2 1 55

eat 4 5 50

eating 1 8 98

ecstasy 8 7 88

egg 1 2 47

eight 3 6 87

eighteen 1 7 151

eighties 1 5 140

eighty 1 3 102

elements 1 6 141

eleven 2 2 101

emblems 1 2 119

emphatically 1 4 157

empress 2 2 119

empty 1 3 111

enemies 3 3 138

enginery 1 4 139

english 1 3 84


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

english-and 1 6 105

enter 1 1 100

enthroned 1 5 131

entrap 1 3 102

equation 1 4 130

equinox 3 1 127

eternal 1 4 103

eternity 1 9 162

evil 1 6 60

exalt 1 2 74

exceed 4 8 116

excellent 1 8 152

exhaust 1 8 98

exhausted 1 3 129

existence 2 5 176

exorcist 1 5 131

expiration 1 6 177

exposure 1 4 139

expound 1 9 117

extended 1 3 147

eyes 6 7 70

eyesight 1 6 132

face 1 3 57

factor 1 3 75

fade 1 5 50

faery 1 8 71

fail 1 8 44

failure 1 8 98

faint 1 8 80

faith 1 7 70

fallen 1 8 62

fates 1 1 73

fear 8 2 56

feasts 1 6 78

feet 1 2 92

fever 1 9 90

fierce 1 8 116

fifth 1 6 87

fifty 1 8 98

fight 2 8 80

filthy 2 5 86

fine 2 8 80

fire 7 6 78

five 1 4 76

flame 6 4 67

flaming 1 9 90


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

flap 1 2 47

flesh 2 9 54

floor 2 1 46

flow 1 3 30

fly 1 8 35

foam 1 2 47

folk 2 9 36

follow 4 3 39

folly 4 8 44

foods 1 7 43

fool 3 7 34

foolish 1 3 66

fools 6 3 39

forbid 1 5 86

forbidden 1 5 131

force 6 3 75

forest 1 1 91

forge 1 1 73

forsaken 1 1 91

fortify 1 9 117

fortress 1 9 108

found 1 8 62

four 3 9 54

fourfold 1 6 87

foursquare 1 7 133

fourth 1 1 82

fresh 3 1 64

friends 1 4 103

full 1 3 39

fullness 1 7 88

further 1 4 112

garment 1 9 108

garments 1 5 113

gates 2 3 66

gemmed 1 1 109

girders 1 4 94

girt 1 7 70

giver 1 9 81

gives 1 2 74

giveth 1 7 97

glad 2 2 20

gladness 1 6 69

glass 1 6 24

globed 1 8 71

glorious 1 3 84

glory 4 2 47


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

god 10 6 24

gods 7 2 29

gold 7 8 26

grades 1 6 60

grave 1 5 59

great 4 1 73

gross 1 4 40

group 1 1 73

gums 1 9 54

had 2 2 11

hadit 11 4 58

hail 2 3 30

hair 2 4 40

half 4 7 25

hand 5 7 25

hands 1 3 30

hangs 1 8 35

hard 2 5 23

harder 1 6 60

hardly 1 4 40

harlot 1 5 50

harm 1 2 38

hate 2 9 54

hath 4 6 33

hawk`s 1 4 22

hawk-headed 2 3 84

head 4 9 36

headdress 1 8 89

hear 1 6 42

heart 11 3 66

hearts 5 8 71

heathen 1 7 97

heaven 6 7 79

hell 2 6 33

hell`s 1 2 38

help 2 3 57

her 24 5 41

here 1 3 66

hereafter 2 2 146

hermit 1 1 109

hermits 1 6 114

herself 1 1 91

Heru-pa-kraath 1 1 136

Heru-ra-ha 1 4 76

hidden 2 6 78

hiding 2 9 81


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

hierophant 1 5 140

hierophantic 1 5 176

higher 1 7 79

highest 2 6 96

hither 2 2 92

ho 1 2 11

holier 1 1 73

holy 2 1 28

homeward 1 7 79

honey 1 2 65

honour 1 7 61

hoor 3 3 30

Hoor-paar-kraat 1 9 117

Hoor-pa-kraat 1 5 104

hope 1 8 62

host 1 4 40

hour 2 4 40

house 9 4 58

how 1 5 14

hrumachis 1 1 100

hundred 1 3 84

hurt 2 3 57

hurting 1 6 105

ill 2 9 27

ill-ordered 1 3 120

image 2 9 81

images 1 5 86

incense 2 2 119

indeed 1 9 99

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ink 2 1 46

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intellect 1 8 152

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invoke 2 7 88

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isa 2 2 29

island 1 6 51

itself 1 7 97


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

jasmine 1 6 105

jasper 1 4 85

jesus 1 5 68

jewels 3 4 76

jews 1 4 49

joy 14 2 38

joyous 1 4 67

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joys 3 7 43

judgments 1 4 139

just 1 8 62

ka 1 1 10

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keen 1 1 73

kept 2 3 84

key 4 4 49

khabs 5 3 39

khephra 1 9 81

khu 3 3 30

khuit 1 5 77

khut 1 9 54

kiblah 1 5 59

kill 2 9 36

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kings 5 8 62

kinsfolk 1 6 87

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knew 1 6 51

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know 8 6 33

knower 1 7 70

knoweth 1 5 86

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knowledge 5 3 102

known 6 2 47

laid 1 5 32

lambent 1 8 107

languor 1 1 64

lapis 1 3 57

large 1 6 51

last 2 5 32

laugh 3 8 35

laughter 2 6 96


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

laughterful 1 7 133

law 17 6 6

lazuli 1 9 63

leaping 1 3 102

learn 3 9 54

leave 2 9 63

leavings 1 1 91

left 3 6 69

length 1 8 80

letter 2 4 112

letters 4 9 117

liars 1 7 43

lie 4 5 50

life 5 5 68

lift 7 4 67

lifted 1 8 98

light 15 1 64

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longer 1 8 71

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lords 1 5 32

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love`s 2 4 49

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lover 2 2 56

love-song 1 9 81

low 2 3 12

lurk 1 4 40

lust 6 3 48


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

lying 1 2 65

made 3 8 53

magician 1 8 107

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make 6 2 56

makest 1 4 85

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mantras 1 6 78

manyhood 1 3 75

mary 1 4 49

mask 1 9 36

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master 1 7 88

matter 1 8 107

may 5 1 37

meal 1 4 49

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meetest 1 5 149

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mentu 2 2 101

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modest 1 7 88

mohammed 1 7 106

money 1 1 82

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moon 2 4 49


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

more 3 2 65

moreover 1 2 119

most 1 3 57

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must 4 4 67

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oh 1 2 11

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old 3 6 15

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once 1 5 59


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

one 27 1 46

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

poured 1 3 93

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pride 3 2 92

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purpose 1 1 118

push 1 7 52

put 1 4 67

quarter 1 2 110

quarters 1 7 115

queen 2 1 100

quickly 1 8 98

Ra 4 4 13

Ra`s 1 9 18

Ra-Hoor-Khu 2 1 73

Ra-Hoor-Khuit 6 3 120

Ra-Hoor-Khu-it 1 3 120

Ra-Hoor-Khut 1 7 97

rain 1 5 50

raise 2 3 66

rapid 1 5 68

rapture 5 9 117

rapturous 1 4 121

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rays 1 6 33

readeth 1 7 97

ready 1 5 59


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

reason 2 1 64

red 5 7 43

redeem 1 6 114

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reign 1 4 85

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said 4 8 35

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scarlet 3 1 82


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

scents 1 5 86

scribe 2 8 98

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seat 2 1 55

second 2 7 70

secret 19 5 104

secure 1 7 97

see 7 1 55

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sign 2 8 53

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silver 3 5 77

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single 1 8 80

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sister 1 4 94


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

six 1 5 50

sixty-one 1 9 135

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sky 2 2 29

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smite 2 8 98

smooth 1 5 68

snake 4 9 54

soft 1 9 54

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son 1 8 26

song- 1 1 37

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space 3 7 70

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stand 3 5 50

standeth 1 4 103

stands 1 1 55


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

star 8 6 42

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stars 7 2 47

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state 1 7 79

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steel 1 9 81

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sun 3 9 36

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swift 2 1 73

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sword 4 6 33

swords 1 2 38

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system 2 5 95

tahuti 1 3 93

taken 1 1 73


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

talk 1 9 36

ta-nech 1 9 81

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teach 2 4 67

tear 2 8 62

temple 1 6 123

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theban 1 7 88

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trees 1 1 91

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

trodden 1 4 94

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true 1 6 78

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two 2 7 34

tzaddi 1 6 78

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verily 1 6 87

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

victory 1 5 104

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whose 1 8 44

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wife 1 6 69

will 30 3 30

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

winners 1 6 96

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woman 9 1 46

women 3 7 70

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write 6 6 87

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yea 1 5 41

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yonder 1 7 79

yours 1 2 56


II. Sorted by Cipher Value

Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

law 17 6 6

was 1 9 9

ka 1 1 10

oh 1 2 11

had 2 2 11

ho 1 2 11

11 1 2 11

sad 2 3 12

low 2 3 12

Ra 4 4 13

how 1 5 14

old 3 6 15

war 3 7 16

Ra`s 1 9 18

call 3 9 18

show 2 1 19

way 4 1 19

asar 2 1 19

glad 2 2 20

asks 1 2 20

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hand 5 7 25

son 1 8 26

gold 7 8 26

ill 2 9 27

lord 8 9 27

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cold 1 1 28


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

woods 1 1 28

word 14 1 28

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isa 2 2 29

ox 1 2 29

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khu 3 3 30

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hail 2 3 30

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

laugh 3 8 35

said 4 8 35

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mask 1 9 36

amn 1 9 36

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head 4 9 36

sun 3 9 36

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host 1 4 40

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woes 1 4 40

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gross 1 4 40


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

hour 2 4 40

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her 24 5 41

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star 8 6 42

new 1 6 42

cross 1 6 42

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ink 2 1 46

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

shoot 1 2 47

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

bed 1 6 51

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

beds 1 2 56

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

harder 1 6 60

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

blue 4 1 64

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

flame 6 4 67

teach 2 4 67

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

chaste 1 9 72

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abide 2 3 75

warriors 1 3 75


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

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hundred 1 3 84


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

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thyself 5 3 93

tahuti 1 3 93

shameless 1 3 93

original 1 3 93

apparel 1 3 93

bright 1 4 94

destroy 2 4 94

whereof 1 4 94

trodden 1 4 94

girders 1 4 94

sister 1 4 94

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delight 4 5 95

system 2 5 95

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mingle 1 6 96

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sphere 1 7 97

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company 1 7 97

itself 1 7 97

heathen 1 7 97

spices 1 7 97

secure 1 7 97

nothing 4 7 97

Ra-Hoor-Khut 1 7 97

desert 1 7 97

purged 1 7 97

cluster 1 8 98

lifted 1 8 98


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

skew-wise 1 8 98

mighty 1 8 98

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times 2 8 98

delicacy 1 8 98

smite 2 8 98

failure 1 8 98

tongue 3 8 98

covered 2 8 98

scribe 2 8 98

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eating 1 8 98

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nia-but 1 9 99

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children 3 9 99

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hrumachis 1 1 100

daughter 1 1 100

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deadlier 1 1 100

queen 2 1 100

little 6 1 100

adorations 1 1 100

enter 1 1 100

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discover 1 2 101

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mentu 2 2 101

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eighty 1 3 102

entrap 1 3 102

without 1 3 102

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knowledge 5 3 102

severe 1 3 102

thelema 1 3 102


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

refuse 2 3 102

unassuaged 1 3 102

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direful 1 4 103

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unite 2 4 103

eternal 1 4 103

seeing 1 4 103

thebes 2 4 103

alphabet 1 4 103

friends 1 4 103

disposed 1 4 103

standeth 1 4 103

victory 1 5 104

mystical 1 5 104

Hoor-pa-kraat 1 5 104

wonderful 1 5 104

secret 19 5 104

overthrow 1 5 104

object 1 6 105

jasmine 1 6 105

english-and 1 6 105

night-sky 1 6 105

buddhist 1 6 105

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

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Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

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priest 6 7 115

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ankh-af-na-khonsu 4 1 118

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princes 2 1 118

all-touching 1 1 118

miraculous 1 1 118

purpose 1 1 118

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incense 2 2 119

moreover 1 2 119

abramelin 1 2 119

utterly 2 2 119

creation 1 2 119

empress 2 2 119

sweeter 1 2 119

promise 1 2 119

desirable 1 2 119

poverty 1 2 119

emblems 1 2 119

strength 6 2 119

Ra-Hoor-Khuit 6 3 120


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

streets 1 3 120

Ra-Hoor-Khu-it 1 3 120

ill-ordered 1 3 120

despised 2 4 121

mountain 1 4 121

delicious 1 4 121

rapturous 1 4 121

rejoice 4 4 121

torture 1 4 121

compassion 2 5 122

temple 1 6 123

pinnacles 1 6 123

understood 1 6 123

night-stars 1 6 123

threefold 1 6 123

earnestly 1 6 123

revealing 1 6 123

promises 1 7 124

understand 3 7 124

prophet 25 7 124

written) 1 8 125

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comment 4 8 125

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written 1 8 125

disappear 1 8 125

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beetles 1 9 126

joyous-death 1 1 127

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neither 1 1 127

therein 5 1 127

equinox 3 1 127

throughout 1 1 127

bes-na-maut 1 2 128

war-engine 1 2 128

righteous 2 2 128

precious 1 2 128

wickedness 1 2 128

an-hungered 1 3 129

inviolate 1 3 129

exhausted 1 3 129


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

position 1 3 129

prophets 1 3 129

tremble 1 3 129

printed 1 4 130

equation 1 4 130

multiply 1 4 130

spectre 1 4 130

supreme 2 5 131

serpent 5 5 131

exorcist 1 5 131

universe 1 5 131

forbidden 1 5 131

passionate 1 5 131

protect 1 5 131

enthroned 1 5 131

sufferer 1 6 132

voluptuous 3 6 132

double-wanded 1 6 132

eyesight 1 6 132

blue-lidded 1 6 132

subtlety 1 6 132

foursquare 1 7 133

undesired 1 7 133

dissolution 2 7 133

sacrifice 3 7 133

perchance 1 7 133

laughterful 1 7 133

delivered 1 8 134

inspired 1 8 134

unattacked 1 8 134

sixty-one 1 9 135

brilliance 1 9 135

deep-die 1 1 136

Heru-pa-kraath 1 1 136

worshipped 3 2 137

ultimate 1 2 137

vengeance 2 3 138

enemies 3 3 138

enginery 1 4 139

unveiling 2 4 139

judgments 1 4 139

exposure 1 4 139

eighties 1 5 140

hierophant 1 5 140

night-blue 1 5 140

uplifted 1 6 141


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

beauteous 1 6 141

continuous 2 6 141

azure-lidded 1 6 141

elements 1 6 141

victorious 2 6 141

mightier 1 8 143

worshipper 1 8 143

perfect 5 8 143

terrible 1 8 143

rejoicing 1 9 144

perfume 2 9 144

professional 1 1 145

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invisible 2 1 145

presence 1 1 145

concubine 1 2 146

hereafter 2 2 146

drunkenness 2 2 146

minister 1 3 147

extended 1 3 147

beautiful 2 3 147

innocence 1 4 148

meetings 1 4 148

presently 1 4 148

meetest 1 5 149

perfumes 2 5 149

creeping 1 5 149

priestess 1 6 150

lightening 1 7 151

eighteen 1 7 151

certainty 1 7 151

therefore 5 8 152

intellect 1 8 152

performed 1 8 152

excellent 1 8 152

consciousness 1 9 153

thereupon 1 1 154

abomination 1 2 155

mysteries 3 2 155

intimate 1 2 155

tenderness 1 2 155

star-splendour 1 3 156

emphatically 1 4 157

uttermost 2 6 159

abstruction 1 7 160

remember 2 8 161


Word # Occurs Aiq Bakir Cipher Value

reverence 1 8 161

sweetnesses 1 8 161

eternity 1 9 162

beautifully 1 2 164

infinite 5 2 164

penetrant 1 3 165

tribulation 1 5 167

attribute 1 8 170

inspiration 1 1 172

unimaginable 1 1 172

continuity 1 3 174

regenerate 1 3 174

hierophantic 1 5 176

existence 2 5 176

expiration 1 6 177

understandeth 1 6 177

thelemites 1 7 178

complement 1 7 178

difference 2 8 179

initiating 1 9 180

unutterable 1 1 181

restriction 1 2 182

sweet-smelling 1 5 185

reproduction 1 6 186

magnificent 1 7 187

manifestation 2 2 200

omnipresence 1 3 210

prince-priest 1 3 228

circumference 1 6 231

4-6-3-8-a-b-k-2-4-a-l-g-m-o-r-3-y-x-24-89-r-p-s-t-o-v-a-l 1 9 351

418 1 4 418

718 1 7 718



Secret Rituals of the Men In Black, Allen Greenfield, Lulu Press, 2005

Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, Allen Greenfield, Lulu Press, 2005

Both of these books are no available from Lulu Press in print or e-book editions (which means you

can download them and read them right now! )

The Old and New Commentaries to Liber AL, Aleister Crowley

online at

The Law is for All, Aleister Crowley, New Falcon

Outer Gateways, Kenneth Grant, Skoob

Voudon Gnostic Workbook, Michael Bertiaux, Magickal Childe

Grey Lodge Occult Review


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