nalaar legacy chapter two: it's on

Post on 04-Jul-2015



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Chapter two


Nalaar Legacy

Chapter Two

It's On

Hello and welcome back to the Nalaar Legacy! Previously, Ava moved to Tawel Valley, showed off her skills at snarkiness and complaining. She married a man who proved to have a rather annoying LTW and used cheesecake to make herself have twin girls, Maria and Rosa. She and Joe also improved their financial situation pretty quickly all things considered.

Not that action-packed of a chapter, but they did pretty well. Now let's get this show on the road!

So why is Rosa passed out on the floor you ask? Because the butler I hired is great cleaning, but he is absolutely awful at taking care of the twins. If they need to use the potty, he'll give them a bottle, if they're hungry, he'll put them in the crib, and if they're tired...he won't do a darn thing. I really need to get around to replacing him.

Especially since he only ever serves instant meals as opposed to actual food >.<

Thank goodness Joe is there.

He takes care of just about everything with the twins.

Joe: “Come on, Maria. Just say 'chair.'”

Maria: “Fire!”

Joe: “No...that's not right.”

Eventually, Joe does get Maria to say something besides 'fire' and moves on to teaching her how to walk.

A task he repeated with Rosa. For a Fortune/Pleasure Sim, Joe has certainly proved himself to be quite the father.

Joe: “Don't sound so surprised. Of course I love my children. Becoming rich isn't worth much unless it's used to provide for your progeny.”

Man, sometimes I wish I could hug Sims.

Um...Cyd...I don't think that's the best idea.

Cyd: “If I see you using that telescope again, I will leave so many flaming bags of dog poo at your door that the smell will never come out!”

Maria: *thinking* [That man is really dumb for threatening Mommy.]

I couldn't agree more, kiddo.

Ava: “You listen here, Cyd Roseland, if I find one single bag of dog poo outside my house, if my newspapers go missing, or if I find the trashcan knocked over even once, I will make you the sorriest man who ever lived. You will spend all your days wishing that you had never come here. Do you understand me?”

Cyd: “Um...y-yes, ma'am. I'm very sorry for threatening you. I'll j-just be leaving now.”

Best idea you've had all day.

Unfortunately (for him) Cyd's good idea didn't seem to stick around for very long. He came back several times to threaten and generally antagonize Ava.

An act that she never really took well.

This should have been warning enough for him.

Spoiler: It wasn't.

After he showed up to yell and threaten a third time, even the random townies that Joe brought home from work knew that Cyd was headed towards some serious trouble...

And, oh boy, he really was. No one really should have been surprised at what ended up happening.

At the Roseland House

Cyd: “Alright, Porthos, I'll take you for another walk, but please try not to...go...on anyone's lawn today. I'm all out of bags.”

Porthos: “Woof!”

Ah hell...well, at least they're not here.

Cyd: (from outside) “Come on, Port! I just need to grab your collar and we can head back out.”

Uh oh...

Cyd: “Oh God what happened! Porthos! Stay outside! Stay!”

Cyd: “Hello? Fire Department? Get over here now!...what?...Oh, okay, sorry. Please get over here now. My kitchen is on fire!...No I wasn't cooking anything!...Yes I'm sure! Please hurry!”

Firefighter: “Okay, here we go. Time to be a hero!”

FF: “Woo! Yeah! Nailed the landing! Now where's that fire?”

It's inside. In the kitchen. Please hurry.

FF: “On my way, weird echo voice inside my head!”

...*sigh* NPCs...

Cyd: “Oh God I'm burning! Please put me out!”

Cyd: “Oh thank goodness. I thought I was a goner for sure. What would poor Porthos do without me?”

Angry Firefighter: “Stupid Sims always starting fires....when will they learn that they need to know how to cook before they use an oven...or at least get a fracking fire alarm. Should have let him burn...”

Cyd: “But I wasn't even cooking anything. I was taking my dog for a walk and the kitchen was burning when I got back...”

AFF: “Yeah...sure. Dumb guy can't even take responsibility...”

Don't worry. Porthos was outside the whole time. He's fine.

You know you could have killed him, right?

Ava: “Yeah right. The fire department got there in time. And if they didn't, I'm sure you would have found some way to keep him from dying.”

Just promise me you won't set anyone's house on fire again...please?

Ava: “Don't worry. You only have to do it once and everyone gets the message.”

I don't even know what to say let's just move on...

Well, um...Joe got new clothes! I was sick and tired of looking at his hoodie/jeans combo since they absolutely don't suit him at all. So I sent him out to the local H&M and got him a much nicer outfit.

He likes it quite a bit.

Even if he does try to fight his reflection from time to time.

Joe: “Wait wait wait. Are we just going to pretend that my wife didn't just try to burn a guy's house down?”

I think that would be best, yes.

Joe: “Well, okay. Just as long as she doesn't do it again, I guess.”

No worries. I'll be keeping a much closer eye on her from here on out.

Joe: “That's probably a good idea...just don't tell her I said that.”

Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.

After her...catharsis...Ava took over the task of teaching Rosa how to talk. Joe had covered all the other skills, and all of Maria's skills, so Ava figured it was her turn to pass on some toddler-sized wisdom.

She had a much easier time coaching Rosa than Joe did with Maria.

Not that there weren't any difficulties, of course.

Speaking of difficulties, I made it my mission to get one normal, sweet toddler picture of Maria before her birthday.

Believe me when I say that this was not easy. When she wasn't looking downright evil or aggressive, I either couldn't get her face in the picture, or she looked like she was about to do something...well, not very nice. Not much of a surprise considering who her mother is.

But I finally got one!

Isn't she just adorable??

You know what this chapter needs?


Umm...okay. And with that troublesome image, the toddler pic spam ends...

And childhood begins! As usual, Maria gets to go first since she is the older twin.

And yes, I did take it upon myself to attend the birthday party.

Ava: “Alright, Maria, remember: wish for friends. Friends are the best!”

Maria: “Okay, mommy.”

Usually it's a little sad when they leave the adorable toddler stage, but the cheesecake twins have been pretty hard to handle. I am very much looking forward to seeing how they are as children.

Maria is adorable, even if she has already joined the dark side of the force.

Honestly, I am digging the tomboy look on her, but I think this outfit is a bit too tomboy for her. So let's get her fixed up.

There we go. Now she has the exact right amount of tomboy in her look.

Rosa's turn! Once again, Ava gets the privilege of holding the birthday girl.

Ava: “Friends, Rosa. Wish for friends.”

Rosa: “But Daddy says that money is better.”

Ava: “I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear that.”

Alright, let's see what the sparkles have to say...

Hahahahaha! No. That is...that is not going to work.

There we go. Much, much better.

Is it just me or does the Ta-Da Pose always make Sims look like they have a broken leg?

After entering childhood, Rosa decided to celebrate with her very first smustle.

Isn't her smustle face adorable?

I just can't tell you how much I love the twins, especially now that they can take care of themselves a little more.

While Rosa danced, Maria took to the chess table and was quickly challenged by their unusual birthday guest.

Whom she quickly tried to cheat.

Maria: “Hey, look over there! Is that a dapper gentleman on the lawn?”

Cap: “That's a wall, and you're cheating.”

Maria: “What? How did you know?”

Cap: “Oh, please. How could I not know?”

Rosa: “Come one, come all! See the greatest show in the Valley! Watch as one brave young Sim attempts the impossible! See this mad girl balance on her own head!”

Maria: “Yeah! Woo! Go Rosa!”

Rosa: “Umph...ungh! Come on, Rosa, you can do this. You've just got to *grunt* get up there...”

Rosa: “Umm...ta da!!”

Maria: “Yay!”

Maria: “So that's the first part of the plan...of course we'll have to find a way to get the skunk to run the right way, but after that we--”

Hey, what are you two planning?

Maria: “N-nothing. Nothing at all.”


Maria: “And then the womrats will start to stampede...”

Not planning anything, huh?

Maria: “Of course not. Now go away. I'm trying to talk to my sister.”

Rosa: “All we have to do after that is make sure that we're at school by the time the flies start swarming and we get away scot-free!”


Rosa: “What? We're not doing anything. We're just having a nice, adorable, twin sister discussion. That's all.”


Maria: “Hahahahahaha! Creator doesn't expect a thing! Hahahahaha!”

Rosa: “I know! Hahahahaha! She's so gullible! Hahahaha!”


Maria: “So did you get the stuff?”

Rosa: “No. When I went to get it, it had been moved! I can't find it anywhere!”


So, I know what you're thinking. Is this chapter going to be full of the twins being adorable? The answer, of course, is yes. Because they are adorable.

Ava: “The first thing you need to know about doing homework is that you should always include subtle hints as to what you'll do to your teacher if they don't give you an A+.”

Rosa: “Like what?”

Ava: “I've found that it's best to mention that fire is incredibly dangerous because it most often occurs to people who are rude to the wrong person.”

Rosa: “Got it.”

Ava: “Are you paying attention, Maria? It's important for you to know this, too.”

Maria: “My teachers are too scared to give me homework anymore. They promised to give me an A+ as long as I didn't make eye contact with them anymore.”

Ava: “That's my girl.”

I don't really have anything to say here. I just think that this is a nice picture of the girls eating breakfast together.

A breakfast which was made by Ava, by the way. The butler still refuses to prepare anything but instant meals.

I really need to get around to replacing him.

Both Ava and Joe got a chance card today, and they both ended up being pretty awesome.

Joe heard that the president of his company might be planning to move to EveryTech but decided to trust his loyalty, and Joe ended up being offered the role of CEO at EveryTech instead, thus promoting him to the role of Business Tycoon....if only that was his LTW. I'm still dreading the 6 pets.

What's even better is that I was able to send him right back to work, and he got the chance card about building a seaport and got an extra 35k!!

Ava's wasn't quite as spectacular, but it was still pretty awesome.

Ava decided to have Mrs. McPear settle out of court with her son, who was suing her for being a bad mother. Turns out, the McPears were just playing a prank on her! Ava's superiors were so pleased with how she handled it that she got immediately promoted to International Corporate Attorney!

After netting all the bonus money from the chance cards and promotions, I just had to wait for the butler to head home for the night before sending the family outside to wait for their awesome surprise.

Ava: “Just what is this surprise, anyway?”

Just wait a bit and you'll see.

Alright, all done!

Here's the front view during the day.

And the back.

I'm not a particularly good builder, but I am pleased with how this turned out.

After placing just about everything in the house, I realized that the pattern on the crib sheets and the pattern on the nursery walls actually match each other rather well. I hadn't really looked at the sheets before, but I think this is pretty cool.

I'm pretty sure that a picture of a kid burping at the podium has become a requirement. So here you go. I was kind of surprised to see that it was Maria, though. I was sure that Rosa would be the one to do it. I didn't know that kids with 10 neat points would ever allow themselves to burp, even as a joke.

Maria: “Wooo! Yeah! Go Rosa! Show that townie girl who's boss!”

I decided that since the twins were out of toddler-hood, and the Nalaars were doing pretty well financially, I should go ahead and get started on Joe's LTW. Since Maria had been holding on to a want to get a puppy, I sent her along with Joe to Pepe's Pets to get a dog.

Of course, once they got there, I realized that you can't actually buy a puppy. You have to adopt them. Oh well. They have to have six pets after all. Only one of them actually has to start as a puppy.

What a cute little Rottweiler! What's his name?

Maria: “Grima.”

Grima? As in “fell dragon come to destroy the entirety of mankind” Grima? That Grima?

Maria: “Yep.”

Why am I even bothering to be surprised at this?

I can't really mind too much when they're this cute.

After they played for a bit, I sent everyone on home in order to get that puppy.

Joe: “Hello, pet adoption agency? Yeah, this is Joe Nalaar. Turns out, the pet store doesn't actually sell puppies, and one of my little girls is just dying to have one. Really? You can be here that quickly? That's great! I'll see you soon!”

Say hello to the second pet for Joe's LTW. This little puppy's name is Chrom. I figured that if we're going to have a villain, then we'll need a hero.

Unfortunately, I forgot to even look at Grima's personality when I bought him. Turns out, his intelligence was set to 'doofus' which means that it takes forever for him to learn new commands. Since his entire purpose is to top a career, this is a definite problem.


Maria: “Hey, Rosa, if I win, then you have to do all my chores for a week.”

Rosa: “Okay, but if I win, then you have to do all my homework for a week.”

Maria: “It's on!”

Maria: “Haha! Yeah! I win! I am the SSX3 queen! Yeah! Have fun scrubbing those toilets, loser!”

Rosa: “Oh man...”

Look at that. They both look so angry about showing each other any affection. I love these two so so much.

Who would have thought that Maria would be the one who always ran outside to give her parents hugs when they got home?

Alright, we have a triple birthday to get to...

First up, as always, is Maria.

Maria: *thinking* [I wish to be the tyrant that rules the world with an iron fist!]

Well, can't really say I was expecting her to wish for anything else.

Alright, sparkles, do me well. I always cross my fingers when it's time for the teenage face explosion. You never really know how it's going to turn out. Just wow. Maria is gorgeous. I mean...just wow... Look at that face. It's beautiful.

Maria: “That's really awesome, Creator. But you think I could get a different outfit? This dress really isn't what I'm into.”

Of course, my lovely little Sim.

What do you think? Is this better?

Maria: “Way better. Dresses are weird.”

Agreed. I don't like them much either.

Maria: “Want to bet that Rosa insists on wearing one?”

Nope. The answer to that one is way too obvious.

Speaking of Rosa, it's now her turn to enter the puberty years.

Rosa: *thinking* [I wish to be so beautiful that everyone will do whatever I tell them.]

That one doesn't surprise me, either.

P.S. Please ignore Maria in the background wearing her transition dress. Technically, she didn't change until after the party.

Let's see if the sparkles are as good to Rosa as they were to Maria.

Hmm...well, she's pretty, but let's see what happens after she gets her makeover.

There we go. A dress suited to her personality and a more flattering haircut and Rosa is just as incredibly gorgeous as her twin sister.

Right after Rosa, it was Ava's turn with the cake and sparkles.

This was actually the first time I managed to catch her throwing someone a finger-gun. I think it's oddly appropriate that she would do it in her last few seconds as a non-elder.

Ava: *thinking* [I wish to become the most popular and feared elder of all time.]

Well that one was a little bit surprising. I was expecting something a bit more...violent. Gotta say I'm happy with this, though.

Ava: “Like I said before, it only really takes one act of violence to get your message across. After that, you really never have to lift a finger again.”

Point taken.

Please, oh please, give me something funny.


Hahahaha! Yes! Thank you, game!

Okay, now that I've gotten my jollies, I guess I should get her changed.

There we go. Nice and sophisticated...and not half swimsuit/half Cassandra Goth.

And that's the end of chapter two! I know, it was a long one.

Grima is from the Fire Emblem series. He is a deity whose purpose and desire is to bring about the destruction of mankind.

Chrom is the hero of Fire Emblem: Awakening. He is the prince of Ylisse and the main driving force of the story.

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