name 3 of the 5 characteristics of mammals: * 4 chambered heart * warm-blooded (endothermic) * have...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Marine Mammal Review Game

Name 3 of the 5 characteristics of mammals:

*4 chambered heart

*Warm-blooded (endothermic)

*Have hair/fur

*Have mammary glands

*Give birth to live young


All marine mammals arose from land ancestors.


Name 2 adaptions marine mammals have made to live in a marine environment.

*Streamlined body shapes

*Limbs modified into flippers

*Ways to retain large quantities of oxygen

*Concentrated urine

What 2 acts protect marine mammals?

*Endangered species act of 1985

*Marine mammal protection act of 1972

What do these acts protect mammals from?

*Prohibits the capture, harming, and killing of any marine mammal


Approximately 400 million years ago, mammals evolved from now-extinct reptiles.

*False – 200 million years


Mammals evolved before dinosaurs.

*False – dinosaurs evolved first

List the differences between sea lions and



1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.


1. External ear 1. No external ear

2. Long neck, able to turn in water

2. Short neck, cannot turn in water

3. Posterior flippers can be moved forward

3. Uses posterior flippers in swimming, they cannot be moved forward

What do walruses use their tusks for?

*Digging up mollusks

Why do walruses have stiff whiskers?

*They use them to feel around the ocean floor

What mammal is the largest pinneped?

a. Seals

b. Sea Lions

c. Walruses

d. None of the above


What is a keystone species and how does the sea otter fulfill those requirements?

*A keystone species holds the food chain together, they keep smaller organisms populations in check and are sometimes food to larger organisms. The sea otter is a keystone species because if it’s populations is affected in some way it will dramatically affect its prey and its predators.


Sea otters eat mostly cuttlefish.

*False - Shellfish

Sea otters are the _________________ marine mammals, weighing ________ lbs



Sea otters are members of the order ______________.






Why were the sea otters almost slaughtered to the brink of extinction and when did they become a protected species?

*For their beautiful fur and 1911

What is another name for sea lions? Why?

*Eared seal, they have external ear flaps

How do sea lions walk?

*They move their rear flippers forward.

What are sea lions anterior flippers used for?


What do sea lions’ long necks help them to do?

*Turn in water

Sea Lion Facts(True/False)

1. Sea lions are graceful and agile swimmers

2. Sea lions have no external ears.

3. Male sea lions have external testicles

4. Sea lions were once hunted for their fur.

5. Sea lions are rarely seen at aquariums

1. True

2. False – cross off no

3. True

4. True

5. False - often


a. Manatees and dugongs

b. Seals, Sea Lions, Walrus

c. Whales, dolphins, porpoises

d. Sea otter and polar bears

1. Order Pinnipedia

2. Order Carnivora

3. Order Sirenia

4. Order Cetacea

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C

Seal Facts:

1. Seals have real flippers.

2. Seals have ear flaps.

1. True

2. False

Describe how seals move.

*They move forward by pulling themselves along the ground

Why are seals protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972?

*Because they are hunted for their fur.


1. Pinnipeds live in __________ water

2. What do pinnipeds have that keeps them warm?

3. ___________ is the largest group of pinnipeds.

1. Cold

2. Thick layer of blubber

3. seals

Polar bears are semi-aquatic, what does this mean?

a) Live on the land

b) Live in the sea

c) Inhabit both the land and the sea

d) Live in both the sea and fresh water


Why are polar bears on the endangered species list?

*Because of global warming, polar bears have loss their habitat. They do not produce many offspring.

How do Cetaceans breathe?

*They breathe air through lungs and have nostrils on the tops of their heads called a blowhole.


Cetaceans have made the most complete transition to aquatic life.


Instead of teeth, what do Baleen Whales have?

*Baleen Whales have rows of flexible, fibrous plates, that hang from their upper jaws.

Whales are divided into two groups. What are these groups?

a) Apnea Whales and Brachycardia Whales

b) Cute Whales and Ugly Whales

c) Pinnipedia Whales and Sirenia Whales

d) Toothed Whales and Toothless Whales


Name 3 of the 9 adaptations for deep-diving:



*Lowered metabolism

*Blood circulation concentrated to vital organs

*Voluntary reduction of body temp

*Efficent exchange of air at surface

*Store most of oxygen in blood and muscles

*Collapsible lungs


Explain echolocation of dolphins.

*They release tiny bubbles through their blowholes and make clicking sounds to communicate with each other and determine distances, and warn others about danger.

What is the structure on the top of the head that focuses and directs sound waves?

*The melon


Genitalia are external in whales, dolphins, and porpoises.


Which of the following is NOT a reason for breaching?

a) For fun

b) Attracting mates

c) Scanning the surface

d) Warning signal


What are sirenians threatened by?

*Boat motors and severe winters

What happened to stellar’s sea cow?

*Hunted to extinction

What are groups of dolphins, whales, and porpoises called?



Dolphins are protected and not hunted anymore.


What is the closest living relative to the whales? What is the closest living relative to sirenians?



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