name ms. tse english 10h, per. 2 17 september 2018 vocab ... · vocab #4 1. word guess: (guess part...

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Weekly Vocabulary Assignment NameMs. TseEnglish 10H, Per. 217 September 2018

Vocab #4

1. WORDGuess: (guess part of speech POS & meaning of word)Definition: (copy part of speech & definition provided)Roots & Related Words: (copy the root and its meaning)(find 2 words with the same root)

Synonyms (2): (find 2 synonyms – must correspond with POS)Antonyms (2): (find 2 antonyms – must correspond with POS –nouns are optional)Sentences (2): (write your own sentences incorporating the vocabulary word correctly)

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

1) ambivalent

Asked whether he wanted heads or tales in the coin toss, he just shrugged and remained ambivalent.

With so many options and time to choose, he had ambivalent feelings about his future.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

1) ambivalent

Asked whether he wanted heads or tales in the coin toss, he just shrugged and remained ambivalent.

With so many options and time to choose, he had ambivalent feelings about his future.

Definition: (adj) uncertain about something or unable to decide between two paths Roots: “ambi” – both and “val” – worth

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

2) confluence

Ideally, the United Nations is a confluence of state interests and powers.

Our camp is located near the confluence of the Green River and Colorado River.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

2) confluence

Ideally, the United Nations is a confluence of state interests and powers.

Our camp is located near the confluence of the Green River and Colorado River.

Definition: (n) a coming together Roots: “flu” – flow

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

3) consummate

The consummate professional handled all arrangements, so we didn’t have to worry about anything.

After the signing of the contract, the first transaction will consummate the deal.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

3) consummate

The consummate professional handled all arrangements, so we didn’t have to worry about anything.

After the signing of the contract, the first transaction will consummate the deal.

Definition: (adj) skilled and masterful; perfect and complete; (v) to fulfill an agreement Roots: “summa” – whole

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

4) convivial

Our convivial host effortlessly floated around the party, joining in conversations and attending to our every need.

The music and games created a convivial atmosphere at the reunion.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

4) convivial

Our convivial host effortlessly floated around the party, joining in conversations and attending to our every need.

The music and games created a convivial atmosphere at the reunion.

Definition: (adj) friendly and lively; fond of people’s company Roots: “viv” – live

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

5) curtail

To curtail crime, they instituted a neighborhood watch.

As the United States, we are lucky that government does not curtail our personal freedom as much as other countries.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

5) curtail

To curtail crime, they instituted a neighborhood watch.

As the United States, we are lucky that government does not curtail our personal freedom as much as other countries.

Definition: (v) to cut short; to restrict amount Roots: “tail” – cut

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

6) dejected

Upon receiving the rejection letter from his dream school, he felt dejected for the rest of the week.

Tired and dejected from the bad news, she decided to postpone the party for another day.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

6) dejected

Upon receiving the rejection letter from his dream school, he felt dejected for the rest of the week.

Tired and dejected from the bad news, she decided to postpone the party for another day.

Definition: (adj) low-spirited; depressed Roots: “ject” – throw

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

7) obdurate

Despite his reasoning for his choice, his obdurate parents refused to provide any financial support for college.

The dog’s suffering moved even the most obdurate of hearts.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

7) obdurate

Despite his reasoning for his choice, his obdurate parents refused to provide any financial support for college.

The dog’s suffering moved even the most obdurate of hearts.

Definition: (adj) stubbornly resistant to change, persuasion, or tender feelings Roots: “dur” – strong; hard

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

8) Resplendent

People clamored to witness the resplendent hues of the flowers blooming in the moonlight.

Flashing a resplendent smile, he captured the eye of all the guests at the ball.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

8) Resplendent

People clamored to witness the resplendent hues of the flowers blooming in the moonlight.

Flashing a resplendent smile, he captured the eye of all the guests at the ball.

Definition: (adj) gleaming, impressive, attractive Roots: “splend” – shining, bright

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

9) Sedate

She was instructed to be sedate and formal when dining with the queen.

In order to proceed with the operation, the drug was administered to sedate the rabid patient.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

9) Sedate

She was instructed to be sedate and formal when dining with the queen.

In order to proceed with the operation, the drug was administered to sedate the rabid patient.

Definition: (adj) dignified and somber; (v) to calm or relieveRoots: “sed” – settle, sit

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

10) vertigo

During the ascent to the precipice, he was overcome by vertigo, almost fainting and falling over.

The bright flashing lights and disorienting shapes provoked nausea and vertigo.

GUESS: ___________________________Definition: _________________________

Vocab #4 (don’t copy red)

(Make an educated guess about the word’s definition)

10) vertigo

During the ascent to the precipice, he was overcome by vertigo, almost fainting and falling over.

The bright flashing lights and rapidly transforming patterns provoked nausea and vertigo.

Definition: (n) a dizzying sensation of whirling and loss of balance Roots: “vert” – turn

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