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Chapter 19: The World War I Era(1914–1920)

Section 1: The Road to War What were the main causes of World War I? How did the conflict expand to draw in much of Europe? In what ways did the United States respond to the war in Europe?

I. Causes of World War IA. The immediate cause of the Great War, later to be known as World War I, was the _________________________ of Archduke

Francis _________________________ in Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28, 1914. However, the main causes of the war existed long before 1914.

B. At the time of his assassination, Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, had been visiting Bosnia, a new Austro-Hungarian province. He was shot by Gavrilo _________________________, a 19-year-old Bosnian nationalist who believed that Austria-Hungary had no right to rule Bosnia.

II. Causes of World War I (Chart)

III. The Conflict ExpandsA. Convinced that Serbia was behind

the Archduke’s assassination, Austria-Hungary _________________________ war on Serbia on July 28, 1914.

B. _________________________, as Serbia’s protector, began mobilization, or the readying of troops for war.

C. France, Russia’s ally, and Germany, Austria-Hungary’s ally, also began _________________________.

D. Germany, located between France and Russia, wanted to conquer France quickly to avoid the need to fight on ________________fronts. To get to France, German forces had to pass through neutral Belgium; the invasion of _________________________ brought Britain into the conflict as well.

E. One week after the war started, all the great powers of Europe had been drawn into it. Germany and Austria-Hungary formed the _____________________ Powers, while Russia, France, Serbia, and Great Britain were called the _____________________.

IV. The War in Europe, 1914–1918A. When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, the complex

alliance system in Europe drew much of the continent into the conflict.

V. Stalemate and Modern WarfareA. Stalemate

1. By September 1914, the war had reached a _________________________, a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage.

2. When a French and British force stopped a German advance near Paris, both sides holed up in trenches separated by an empty “no man’s land.” Small gains in land resulted in huge numbers of human casualties.

3. Both sides continued to add new allies, hoping to gain an advantage.

B. Modern Warfare1. Neither soldiers nor officers were prepared for the new,

highly efficient killing machines used in World War I.2. Machine guns, hand grenades, artillery shells, and poison

gas killed thousands of soldiers who left their trenches to attack the enemy.

3. As morale fell, the lines between soldiers and civilians began to blur. The armies began to burn fields, kill livestock, and poison wells.

VI. The American ResponseA. Because many Americans were European immigrants or the children of European immigrants, many felt

_________________________ involved in the escalating war. Although some had sympathies for the _________________________ Powers, most Americans supported the _________________________.

B. Support for the Allies was partially caused by _________________________ rule by an autocrat, a ruler with unlimited power. In addition, anti-German propaganda, or information intended to sway public opinion, turned many Americans against the Central Powers.

C. To protect American investments overseas, President _________________________ officially proclaimed the United States a _________________________ country on August 4, 1914.

VII. The Preparedness and Peace MovementsA. The Preparedness Movement

1. Americans with business ties to _________________________ _________________________ wanted their country to be prepared to come to Britain’s aid if necessary.

2. In an effort to promote “preparedness,” the movement’s leaders persuaded the government to set up military training camps and increase funding for the armed forces.

B. The Peace Movement1. Other Americans, including women, former _________________________, Midwest progressives, and social reformers,

advocated peace.2. Peace activists in Congress insisted on paying for preparedness by increasing _________________________. Although they

had hoped that a tax increase would decrease support for preparedness, the movement remained strong.

Section 2: The United States Declares War How did Germany’s use of submarines affect the war? What moves did the United States take toward war in early 1917?

I. German Submarine WarfareA. To break a stalemate at sea, Germany began to employ U-boats, short for _________________________, the German word for

submarine. U-boats, traveling under water, could sink British supply ships with no warning. B. When the British cut the _________________________ cable, which connected Germany and the United States, only news with a

pro-Allied bias was able to reach America. American public opinion was therefore swayed against Germany’s U-boat tactics.

II. The Lusitania and the Sussex PledgeA. The Sinking of the Lusitania

1. On May 7th,1915, a German U-boat sank the British passenger liner _________________________, which had been carrying both passengers and weapons for the Allies.

2. Since 128 American _________________________ had been on board, the sinking of the Lusitania brought the United States closer to involvement in the war.

B. The _________________________ Pledge1. More Americans were killed when Germany sank the Sussex, a French passenger steamship, on March 24,1916. 2. In what came to be known as the Sussex pledge, the German government promised that U-boats would

_________________________ ships before attacking, a promise it had made and broken before.

III. Moving Toward WarA. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

1. On January 31, 1917, Germany announced its intent to end the Sussex pledge and return to _________________________ submarine warfare.

2. This action caused the United States to break off diplomatic relations with Germany.3. Despite this announcement, the German navy did not attack any American ships in February, causing the United States to

continue to hope for peace.B. The _________________________ Note

1. During this time, Britain revealed an intercepted telegram to the government of Mexico from Germany’s foreign minister, Arthur _________________________.

2. In this telegram, known as the Zimmermann note, Germany offered to return American lands to _________________________ if Mexico _________________________ war on the United States.

3. Neither Mexico nor President Wilson took the Zimmermann note seriously, but it brought America closer to entering the war.

IV. The War ResolutionA. When the Russian _________________________ replaced Russia’s autocratic czar with a republican government in March 1917, the

United States no longer needed to be concerned about _________________________ itself with an autocratic nation. This removed

one more stumbling block to an American declaration of war.B. As Germany continued to sink American ships in March, President Wilson’s patience for _________________________ wore out.

On April 6, 1917, the President signed Congress’s war resolution, officially bringing the United States into the war.

Section 3: Americans on the European Front How did the United States prepare to fight in World War I? In what ways did American troops help turn the tide of war? What were conditions like in Europe and in the United States at the end of the war?

I. Moving Toward WarA. Building an Army

1. Despite the preparedness movement, the United States lacked a large and available military force. Congress therefore passed a _________________________ Service Act in May 1917, drafting many young men into the military.

2. Draftees, volunteers, and National Guardsmen made up what was called the American Expeditionary Force (AEF), led by General John J. _________________________.

B. Training for War1. New recruits were trained in the weapons and tactics of the war by American and British lecturers at new and expanded training

camps around the country.2. Ideally, the military planned to give new soldiers several months of training. However, the need to send forces to Europe quickly

sometimes cut training time short.

II. The Convoy System and Americans in EuropeA. The Convoy System

1. To transport troops across the Atlantic, the United States employed _________________________, or groups of unarmed ships surrounded by armed naval vessels equipped to track and destroy submarines.

2. Due to the convoy system, German submarines did not sink a single ship carrying American troops.B. American Soldiers in Europe

1. By 1918, European nations had begun to run out of men to recruit. Energetic American soldiers, nicknamed _________________________, helped replace the tired fighters of Europe.

2. Many African Americans volunteered or were drafted for service. However, these men served in _________________________ units and were often relegated to noncombat roles.

III. Turning the Tide of WarA. New methods of military transportation, including tanks, airplanes, and German zeppelins, or floating airships, influenced the manner

in which the war was fought.B. In the spring of 1918, Germany provided safe passage for _________________________ Lenin, leader of the Russian

_________________________, from Switzerland to Russia. The Bolsheviks successfully overthrew the Russian republican government and made peace with Germany.

C. The resulting truce ceded valuable Russian land to Germany and also meant that the German military could concentrate exclusively on the _________________________ front. Before the arrival of American troops, Germany was able to gain ground in France, coming within 50 miles of Paris.

D. General Pershing’s troops, however, pushed back the Germans in a series of attacks. Finally, the German army was driven to full retreat in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive begun on September 26, 1918.

IV. Ending the WarA. In the face of Allied attacks and domestic revolutions, the Central Powers collapsed one by one. Austria-Hungary

_________________________ into smaller nations of ethnic groups, and German soldiers mutinied, feeling that defeat was inevitable.

B. When the Kaiser of Germany fled to _________________________, a civilian representative of the new German republic signed an armistice, or cease-fire, in a French railroad car at 5am on November 11, 1918.

C. Although guns fell silent six hours later, many more deaths were to follow. The _________________________ epidemic of 1918 killed more people, both in the United States and Europe, than all of the wartime battles.

V. Results of the War

Section 4: Americans on the Home Front What steps did the government take to finance the war and manage the economy? How did the government enforce loyalty to the war effort? How did the war change the lives of Americans on the home front?

I. Financing the WarA. Modern warfare required huge amounts of money and personnel. B. Many sacrifices within the United States were needed to meet these demands.C. The government raised money for the war in part by selling _________________________ Bonds, special war bonds to support the

Allied cause. D. Like all bonds, these could be _________________________ later for their original value plus interest. E. Many patriotic Americans bought liberty bonds, raising more than $20 _________________________ for the war effort.

II. Managing the EconomyA. United States entry into the war caused many _________________________ to switch from commercial to military production. A

newly created War _________________________ Board oversaw this production. New labor-related agencies helped ensure that labor disputes did not disrupt the war effort.

B. Using the slogan, “Food will win the war,” Herbert _________________________, head of the Food Administration and future President, began to manage how much food people bought.

C. Although he had the power to impose price controls, a system of pricing determined by the government, and _________________________, or distributing goods to customers in a fixed amount, Hoover preferred to rely on voluntary restraint and increased efficiency.

D. _________________________ savings time was created to save on fuel use and increase the number of daylight hours available for work. This involved turning clocks back one hour for the summer, creating one more hour of daylight.

III. Enforcing Loyalty (Chart)

IV. Changing People’s LivesA. African Americans and Other

Minorities1. With much of the work force in

the military, factory owners and managers who had once discriminated against minorities began actively __________________them.

2. The flood of African Americans ____________________the South to work in northern

factories became known as the Great _____________________.B. New Roles for Women

1. The diminished male work force also created new opportunities for women.2. Many women joined the work force for the first time during the war. Some found work on farms with the Woman’s Land Army;

others took jobs traditionally reserved for men.

Section 5: Global Peacemaker What expectations did Wilson and the Allies bring to the Paris Peace Conference? What were the important provisions of the peace treaty? How did the federal government and ordinary Americans react to the end of war?

I. President Wilson’s ProposalsA. As the war neared an end, President Wilson developed a program for peace around the world known as the

_________________________ Points, named for the number of provisions it contained.B. One of Wilson’s Fourteen Points called for an end to _________________________ alliances; another involved a reduction of

military forces. Another dealt with the right of Austria-Hungary’s ethnic groups to self-_________________________, or the power to make decisions about their own future.

C. Although both Wilson and the German government assumed that the Fourteen Points would form the basis of peace negotiations, the Allies disagreed. During peace negotiations, Wilson’s Fourteen Points were discarded one by one.

II. The Paris Peace ConferenceA. Wilson Forced to _________________________

1. Although Wilson claimed that he was not interested in the spoils, or rewards, of war, his Allied colleagues were interested in making the Central Powers _________________________ for war _________________________.

2. Wilson was forced to compromise on his views, especially concerning self-determination for former German colonies.B. The League of Nations

1. One of Wilson’s ideas, the formation of a _________________________ of _________________________, was agreed upon at the Paris Peace Conference. The League of Nations was designed to bring the nations of the world together to ensure peace and security.

2. Republicans in Congress, however, were concerned about Article 10 of the League’s charter, which contained a provision that they claimed might _________________________ the United States into unpopular foreign wars.

III. The Peace TreatyA. The treaty which was negotiated at the _________________________ Peace Conference redrew the map of Europe to the Allies’

advantage. B. Nine new nations were created from territory taken from Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Germany. Although most borders were drawn

with the division of ethnic minorities in mind, the redivisions created new ethnic minorities in several countries.C. France insisted that Germany be _________________________ and financially _________________________. The peace treaty

required Germany to pay _________________________ of dollars in _________________________, or payment for economic injury suffered during the war. Wilson, however, opposed this plan, claiming that these demands would lead to future wars.

D. On June 28, 1919, the peace treaty, which came to be known as the

_________________________ Treaty, was signed at Versailles, outside of Paris.

IV. Redrawing the Map of EuropeA. At the Paris Peace Conference, Britain, France, and the United States redrew the map of Europe.

V. Reactions at HomeA. Congress and the Treaty of Versailles

1. Despite Wilson’s intensive campaign in favor of the Versailles Treaty, Congress voted ________________ ratifying it in November 1919.

2. The United States declared the war officially over on May 20, 1920. It ratified separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary. However, the United States did not join the newly formed _________________________ of _________________________.

B. Difficult Postwar Adjustments1. The war had given a large _________________________ to the American economy, making the United States the world’s

largest _________________________ nation.2. Soldiers returned home to a _________________________ welcome but found that jobs were _________________________.3. African American soldiers, despite their service to their country, returned to find continued _________________________.4. Many American artists entered the postwar years with a sense of gloom and disillusionment.

Key People, Terms, and Questions: Define the following terms and answer the questions in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

NOT all answers are found in the notes; you will have to use your textbook to answer some of the questions.

Section 1: The Road to War

militarism mobilization

Central Powers Allies

stalemate autocrat


1. How did nationalism contribute to the start of World War I? 2. Which countries were known as the Allies? 3. Which countries were known as the Central Powers? 4. What was the main reason that the United States stayed neutral at the start of World War I?

Section 2: The US Declares War U-boat Sussex pledge Zimmermann note Russian Revolution

5. Why did Germany's use of U-boats lead to conflict with the United States? 6. How did the Sussex pledge affect relations between the United States and Germany? 7. Why did Germany end the pledge? 8. Why did the Zimmermann note enrage Americans?

Section 3: Americans of the European Front

Selective Service Act

American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

convoy zeppelin

armistice genocide

9. Why were convoys important to American war efforts? 10. In what ways was the United States unprepared to help the Allies in 1917? 11. In what ways did the United States offer immediate help? 12. Why did Germany agree to an armistice in November 1918? 13. How did new weapons change the way that soldiers fought during the war?

Section 4: Americans on the Home Front Liberty Bond price controls

rationing daylight saving time

sedition vigilante

14. What was the role of price controls and rationing on the home front in World War I? 15. What were three ways that the government intervened in the economy to help the war effort? 16. How did the government deal with newspapers, magazines, and movies during the war?

Section 5: Global Peacekeeper Fourteen Points self-determination

spoils League of Nations

reparations Versailles Treaty

17. Describe three of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. 18. How did the Allies both encourage and discourage self-determination in Europe? 19. Why did France and Britain demand reparations from Germany? 20. How did the United States eventually make peace with Germany?

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