naomi carmon 2016 curriculum vitae - technion · 2016-06-13 · naomi carmon 2016 faculty of...

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NAOMI CARMON 2016 Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning Residence: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 8 Givat Downes St. Haifa 32000, Israel Haifa 34345, Israel Tel.+972-4-8294075 Fax+972-4-8294617 Tel. +972-4-824-2590 E-Mail: +972-52-260-4045



Naomi Carmon is an urban planner and a sociologist, Professor Emerita at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. She is a researcher, teacher, writer, advisor of graduate students and consultant to

public and civic organizations. She is Past-President of Israel Sociological Association, and has recently

received a Life-long Achievement Award – 2016 distinguished Planner – awarded by Israel Planners Association.

Her research and teaching areas are: social aspects of urban and regional planning, housing and urban regeneration, social capital and community development, quality of life of minorities and immigrants,

and also, sustainable development and water-sensitive planning. Her research and writing combines

creating theoretical knowledge with developing tools for policy making and urban planning. She is especially proud of the 60 graduate students, for whose PhD and MSc theses she served as an advisor.

Currently, she continues advising graduate students, serves as co-principal researcher in several funded research works, advices (pro-bono) public agencies and NGOs, serves on Technion committees and

functions as the Technion Commissioner for Preventing Sexual Harassment.

Professor Carmon gained her academic degrees at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Technion in

Haifa and MIT in Cambridge MA. Her writings comprise books (in English and Hebrew) and about 200

other publications, including refereed articles, chapters in books and monographs. Her recent book, co-edited with Susan Fainstein, is about Promoting Justice in Urban Development. Her consulting work has

been commissioned by governmental ministries, including Housing and Construction, Interior, Infrastructure and Environmental Protection, by municipalities, other public bodies and NGOs. She often

served and is serving on public-professional committees appointed by the government of Israel, large

municipalities and civic organization.

For above 30 years Professor Carmon has been a member of the Faculty of Architecture and Town

Planning in the Technion, where she held the Joseph Meyerhoff Chair in Urban and Regional Planning, served as Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, Head of the Graduate Program for Urban

and Regional Planning, Head of the Center of Urban and Regional Studies and held other academic and academic-administrative posts at the Faculty and the Technion at large. She had intervals of academic

appointments at MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UCLA – University of California in Los

Angeles, UBC – University of British Columbia in Canada and the University of Auckland in New Zealand. She travels widely and has been invited to lecture in universities and conferences in many countries in

five continents.


B.A. Sociology and History of the Middle East The Hebrew University in Jerusalem

M.Sc. Management and Behavioral Sciences Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion

Diploma Special Program for Urban and Regional Planning Department of Urban Studies and Planning MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.

Ph.D. Behavioral Sciences Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion



Diploma Directors in Governmental and Municipal Cortporations IMC – Israel Management Center FIELDS OF TEACHING AND RESEARCH

Social Aspects of Urban Planning

Urban Renewal and Neighborhood Regeneration

Housing Policy and Planning

Planning for Immigrants and Minorities

Social Capital and Community Development

Evaluation of Urban-Social Programs

Water-Sensitive Urban and Regional Planning


Since 1982 Since 1982 2012 - 2009 2006-2008

Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Full Professor, Professor Emerita Holder of the Joseph Meyerhoff Chair in Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion Senior Researcher and Member of the Board, CURS - Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion Member of the executive management, the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion

Member of the Research Evaluation Committee of Israel Science Foundation President, Israel Sociological Association

2006-08 2003-06

Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion Head, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion


Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion

1994-96 Head, Graduate Program of Urban and Regional Planning, Technion 1992-94

Head, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion

1980-82 Senior Research Associate S. Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion

Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Haifa University 1976-79 Lecturer, Faculty of Social Science, Tel-Aviv University

Co-founder of the Graduate Program in Applied Sociology Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel-Aviv University


Winter 2009 1997-1998

University of Auckland, New Zealand Visiting Professor, School of Architecture and Planning M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Visiting Scholar, Department of Urban Studies and Planning Visiting Scholar, The Center for International Studies


Inter-University Committee on International Migration, Cambridge Mass. U.S.A. Appointed member of the committee under the auspices of MIT, Harvard University, Boston University and Tufts University

Summer 94 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Visiting Scholar, Center for Human Settlements

1990-1991 UCLA., Los Angeles, U.S.A.

Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning 1984-1985 M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.

Visiting Scholar, Department of Urban Studies and Planning PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE (Selected List)

1990s 2000s

2014 - 2010 - 2008 - 2007 – 14 2010 - 13

2010-12 2009-10 2007-09 2007-08 2004-07 2002-05

Advisor (by request) to Knesset (Parliament) committees; among them:

The Economic Committee – on housing provision in general and public housing in particular

The Interior Committee – on planning for the Arab sector; on the future of the Kibbutzim

The Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee – on housing foreclosures

The Science and Technology Committee – on allocation of research budgets for the social sciences

The Committee of Immigrant Absprption – on housing solutions for immigrants

The Committee of Education – on women in higher education

The Committee of the Status of Women – on preventing sexsual harrassmsent in institutions of higher education

Member of the Israeli steering committee of ESS – European Social Survey Technion Commisioner, Prevention of Sexual Harrassment and Handling Complaints Member of The Public Adisory Council of Statistics, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Member of the Committee on Human and Social Sciences (MOST) of Israel National Committee for UNESCO Member (Public Representative) of the apponited-by-Israel’s-governemert committee THE ROTKOPF COMMITTEE on “Selecting appropriate policy for Israel’s agricuulture lands” (about one third of the total area of the State of Israel is defined as agricualture lands) Member of the team of experts advising the Long-Term Master Plan for the Water Sector in Israel, focusing on Stormwater Management Policy Member of the Research Evaluation Committee of Israel Science Foundation Member of the steering committee of Tel Aviv-Yaffo municipal project of updating the housing stock in the city (following the internationally-published Phoenix Strategy that I developed in the late 1990s) Member of civic-professional consulting committee for the future of Haifa, Headed by Architect and vice-mayor Shmuel Gelbhart Member of the Technion Committee for Research Awards and Technion Cmmittee for Post-Doctorat fellowships Member of the public-professional committee for supervising the renewal of Hadar HaCarmel, Haifa’s former CBD (Central Business District)


2002-04 Member of the apponited-by-Israel’s-governemert public-professional committee “On the future of the Kibbutzim and their legal status”’. This committee created the term “Kibbutz Mithadesh” and enabled a gradual process of differential salaries and semi-privatization of residentail apartments, simultaneously with continuing commitment to “mutual responsibility” and “joint safety net”


Director (public representative), Board of Directors of Haifa Economic Corporation Ltd.

2000 - 01 Member of the advisory committee on Water Issues, Life and Environment – Non-Governmental Umbrella Organization (60 affiliated organizations) promoting the quality of life and environment in Israel

1997 Member of the evaluation committee of the annual competition of plans, administered by

the Israeli Association of Architects and Town Planners and the Israeli Association for Environmental Planning

1997 Advisor to the public committee (Ronen committee) on Reforming the Public Land Policy of

Israel, reporting to the Minister of National Infrastructure

1996 - 97 Member of the public planning committee of the city of Haifa

1995 - 96 Advisor to the Municipality of Nathereth on issues of social development and housing

1994 - 96 Head and member of The Planning Committee of The Council for Beautiful Israel

1994 - 95 Member of the public steering committee for guiding a new master plan for Haifa

1992 - 95 Member of the secretariat of the Israeli Association for Human Rights

1993 Member of the advisory committee on community issues to the Mayor of Haifa

1992 Organizer of Bama LeOlim - a forum of lectures and discussions for new immigrants in Haifa

1991 Advisor to the Los Angeles chapter of the Mega Cities project for transfer of urban innovation among the big cities of the world

1990 Member of the advisory committee on rezoning the city of Haifa for tax purposes

1988 - 90 Regional editor of NOTES, International Working Group on Housing and the Built Environment of the International Sociological Association

1987 - 90 Member of the organizing committee of the section on Social Policy of Israel Sociological Society

1988 - 89 Program head of a series of public symposiums under the auspices of The Center for Urban and Regional Studies at the Technion and the Israeli Association for Environmental Planning; among them: "Pollution in Haifa's Sea Shore: Can We Prevent It?" (March 88); "Transportation in Haifa Metropolitan Area" (December 88); "Hadar HaCarmel: Alternatives for Revitalizing Haifa's CBD" (December 89)

1987 - 90 Chairperson of The Planning Committee of The Council for Beautiful Israel

1987 - 88 Member of the Mayor of Haifa Committee for Non-Jewish Population in Haifa

1987 - 88 Advisor to the Golda Meir Mt. Carmel Training Center for Developing Countries

1986 Organizer and Program Head of an international symposium on Neighborhood Policy - The State of the Art, M.I.T, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Sponsored by the Technion S. Neaman Institute and MIT Laboratory of Architecture and Planning

1985 Lectures in the U.S.A. for the Union of Students for Israel


1983 - 85 Member of the President of Israel Committee for the Welfare of Children

1982 - 83 Member of the Mayor of Haifa Committee for the Advancement of Women

1980 - 82 Chair of the section on Evaluation of Social Programs of Israel Sociological Society

1978 - 88 Advisor to the Government of Israel, Inter-Ministerial Committee for Project Renewal - Israel's national program for social and physical rehabilitation of distressed neighborhoods


Israel Sociological Society

Israel Planners Association

International Sociological Association

Member of the Executive Council on Housing and the Built Environment

American Planning Association

Evaluation Research Society, U.S.A

Social Administration Association, Great Britain

FUNDED RESEARCH (Principal or Co-Principal Researcher)

(Selected Items)

2016 - Housing Regeneration and Structural Reinforcement in Israel’s Peripheral Towns With Yechiel Rosenfeld, Tami Gavrieli, Inna Burstein and Doron Assis. Supported by the

Ministry of Construction and Housing (230,755 NIS) 2015 - Water-Sensitive Urban Design: Evaluation Study. With Tali Alon-Mozes, Elisa Rosenberg

and Michelle Portman. Supported by the Technion and with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (30,000 NIS).

2015 - Water-Sensitive Urban Design: Best Practices and Beyond. With Tali Alon-Mozes, Elisa

Rosenberg and Michelle Portman. In collaboration with Monash University, Australia. Supported by JNF (KKL) (375,000 NIS).

Part of a comprehensive research initiative on Creating Water-Sensitive Cities in Israel 2013 - Social Protest in a Thousand Cities in One Year, 2011: Understanding Motivation and

mobilization, with Sarah Goldberg. Supported by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption. 2012 - Strategies of Renewal of Urban Residential Areas, with Nava Kainar-Persov. Supported by

the Council for Higher Education in Israel and Balaban-Glass Foundation (40,000 NIS). 2011 – 2015 Studentification: The Impact of Students’ Housing on the Surrounding Community,

with Chen Naor, Supported by the Council for Higher Education in Israel (14,500 NIS). 2008 - 2012 Housing Rights and Housing NGOs in Israel, with Emily Silverman and others.

Supported by the Ford Foundation / New Israel Fund ($ 95,000) and Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion (Hebrew)

2010 - 2011 Runoff and Drainage: Policy Statement and Recommendations, commissioned as

part of a comprehensive research and planning effort for preparing a Water Master Plan for the State of Israel in the New Millennium. With Uri Shamir, supported by the Ministry of Infrastructure, The Water Authority (30,000 NIS)


2008 – 2010 Affordable Housing in Global Cities, with Nathan Marom, Lady Davis Foundation 2008 – 2010 Religion, Design and Settlement: Synagogues in the First Moshavot in Eretz Israel,

with Talya Abramovitz. Supported by Balaban-Glass Foundation 2007 - 2009 Affordable Housing in Tel Aviv-Yaffo, with Emily Silverman and others, supported by

the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yaffo (130,000 NIS) 2006 - 2011 Social Capital in the Context of Urban Planning and Immigrants’ Absorption, with

Einat Amoyal, supported by Mifal haPais and the Glass-Balaban Foundation 2006 - 2009 Updating the Housing Stock of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, with Emily Silverman, supported by

the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yaffo (33,000 NIS) 2006 - 2009 Population and Housing in the City of Tiberius, with Haim Kehat and others,

supported by the Ministry of Interior 2005 - 2010 Culture Industries and Urban Regeneration: Theory and Practice, with Elvira Molin,

supported by Mifal haPais 2004 - 2006 Social Planning and Housing for the City of Haifa, supported by the Ministry of

Interior (200,000 NIS) 2004 - 2007 Mortgage Arrears in Israel: Magnitude of the Problem, Its Causes and Ways to

Cope With, with Gilat Benchetrit, supported by the Ministry of Construction and Housing (140,000 NIS)

2003 - 2007 Water-Sensitive Planning – Development of Policy and Guidelines, with Uri Shamir,

supported by the Ministry of Construction and Housing (108,000 NIS) 2002 - 2005 Housing for Tel Aviv-Yaffo, part of Strategic Plan for Tel Aviv-Yaffo, supported by

Tel Aviv-Yaffo Municipality, Long-Range Planning Department (30,000 NIS) 2001 - 2005 Water Conservation by Urban Households, with Uri Shamir and Shlomit Be’eri,

supported by the Water Commissioner in the Ministry of Infrastructure (208,000 NIS) 2001 - 2004 Cultural Projects as a Means for Regeneration of the Central City: A Case Study in

Haifa, with Elvira Molin, supported by the Technion VPR Funds 1999 - 2004 Social Justice and Economic Development: Theoretical Analysis and a Case

Study, with Yulia Ziflinger, supported by Mifal HaPayis 1999 – 2002 Migration of Arab Families into Jewish Development Towns: The Case of Nazereth

Ilit, with Hana Hamdan-HajYihya, supported by the Technion VPR funds

1999 - 2003 Towards Community-Sensitive Planning of Social Services: The Case of

Inmigrants’ NGOs in Haifa, with M. Bleiman and R. Kallus, supported by the Israel Center for Third Sector Research

1998 – 2003 Urban Run-off in Residential Areas, with S. Burmil and U. Shamir, supported by The

Ministry of Environmental Quality and the Ministry of Construction and Housing 1998 - 2002 Culturally Sustainable Housing: A Study of Population and Housing in the City of

Gaza, with Yosef Jabareen, supported by the Technion VPR funds 1998 - 2001 Updating the Housing Stock of Israel, supported by the Ministry of Construction

and Housing and the Technion VPR funds 1996 - 98 Immigrants as Carriers of Urban Revitalization Processes, with H. Har-Shuv,

supported by the S. Neaman Institute.


1995 - 97 Water-Sensitive Urban Planning, with U. Shamir and others, supported by The Water Commissioner of Israel, The Ministry of Environmental Quality and the Ministry of Construction and Housing

1994 – 96 Home Telecommunication: Initial Study of Social Implications, with Razia Zehavi,

supported by Technion VPR Funds 1991 - 96 ISRAEL 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s, a senior member of the leading

acdemic-professional team, headed by Adam Mazor. The project, with~250 researchers and planners, was supported by 13 Israeli ministries, including: the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Environmental Quality, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education, and by 2 public organizations: Israel Land Authority and the Jewish Agency

1994 – 95 Underground Space in Israel: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Potential Benefits,

with Zvi Lisar and others, supported by Israel Land Authority. 1994 - 95 Revitalization in the Center of Tel-Aviv, with Tamar Erez, supported by Mifal

HaPayis and Tel-Aviv Municipality 1992 - 95 Jewish-Arab Relationships in a Mixed Region: The Case of Central Galilee, with

Oren Yiftachel, supported by Mifal HaPayis, the Negev Center for Regional Studies, and The Centre for Peace Studies, Curtin University and the University of W. Australia

1991 - 95 Immigration and Integration in Post Industrial Societies - Innovative Research and

Policy Implications, an international workshop and a book, supported by the American Technion Society.

1990 - 92 New Immigrants in Haifa and the Revitalization of the Central City, with Smadar

Amir, supported by Mifal HaPayis 1989 - 90 Developing a Model of a Planning Process for an Arab Village: Citizen

Participation in Housing Programs in Iksal, with M. Meyer-Brodnitz, J. Yonish and T. Alfandari, supported by the Ministry of Construction and Housing

1989 - 90 Post-Occupancy Evaluation of an Old-Age Home: A Case Study, with T. Eyal,

supported by The Brookdale Institute for Gerontology 1988 - 90 Comparative Evaluation of Self-Help Housing Renovation, with O. Hacohen,

supported by the Ministry of Construction and Housing 1987- 89 Evaluation Research of the New Settlements in the Galilee, with A. Amir, D.

Czamanski, B. Kipnis, H. Law-Yon and G. Lifshitz, supported by the National Planning Council of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Housing, the Jewish Agency and Israel Land Authority

1986 - 90 The Impact of Project Renewal on Migration Patterns in its Neighborhoods, with M.

Baron and U. Ben-Zion, supported by the Ford Foundation and the S. Neaman Institute

1984 - 86 User-Initiated Housing Enlargements in Multi-Family Buildings, supported by the

Ministry of Housing and the S. Neaman Institute 1982 - 86 Comprehensive Evaluation of Project Renewal - Israel's National Program for

Social and Physical Rehabilitation of Distressed Neighborhoods research director with R. Alterman and M. Hill, in collaboration with A. Churchman, M.

Shechter, A. Frenkel and others, supported by the International Evaluation Committee of Project Renewal at the Vice Prime Minister Office and the S. Neaman Institute

1980 - 83 Comparative Study of Institutional Rehabilitation and Individual Rehabilitation of

Old Public Housing, with T. Gavrieli, supported by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the S. Neaman Institute


1980 - 82 Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation of Public Housing in Israel, with R. Oxman,

supported by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the S. Neaman Institute 1978 - 82 Distressed Neighborhoods in Israel, co-director with M. Hill, in collaboration with E.

Alexander, R. Alterman, A. Churchman, A. Gonen, M. Maier-Brodnitz, R. Oxman, C. Rapkin, E. Roze, D Shefer, supported by the Ministry of Labor and Welfare and S. Neaman Institute

1977-79 Criteria for Eevaluating the Quality of Urban Neighborhoods, with E. Borukhov and

E. Werczberger, supported by the Ford Foundation 1973-76 Housing Policy as a Tool of Social Policy, with B. Mannheim, supported by the

Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption PUBLICATIONS


Carmon, N., Reference Groups and Professional Self-Image of Students of Architecture in Israel. M.Sc. thesis, submitted to the Senate of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, 1968. Supervisor: Prof. Bilha Mannheim, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management. Carmon, N., Attaining Social Goals through Housing Policy: Evolution of the Aspiration and Empirical Study of its Implementation. Ph.D. dissertation, submitted to the Senate of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, 1976. Supervisor: Prof. Bilha Mannheim, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management. BOOKS PUBLISHED INTERNATIONALLY

Carmon, N. and Fainstein S. (editors and authors), Policy, Planning and People: Promoting Justice in Urban Development. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013 (ISBN 978-0-8122-2239-5) (Paper and Ebook. 416 pages). Carmon, N. (editor and author), Immigration and Integration in Post-Industrial Societies: Theoretical Analysis and Policy Implications. London: Macmillan, 1996 (285 pages) (ISBN 0-333-65113-8 hardcover; 0-333-65114-6 paperback). Published simultaneously in the United States, New York: St. Martin Press, 1996 (ISBN 0-312-15962-5). Carmon, N. (editor and author), Neighbourhood Policy and Programmes - Past and Present. London: Macmillan Academic and Professional LTD, 1990 (257 pages) (ISBN 0-333-49516-0). Published simultaneously in the United States, New York: St. Martin Press, 1996 (ISBN 0-312-04499-2).

Aaron Wildavski Award, presented by The Policy Studies Organization, USA, 1997.


Markus L., Gasith A. and Carmon N., Water Sensitive Design (WSD) of Inerurban Highway Corridors in Israel: Using Road Runoff for Enhancement of Ecological and Social Benefits. Tel Aviv: Porter School in Tel Aviv University and the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2014 (Hebrew, 107 pages) (ISBN 987-965-409-057-5). Molin. E. and Carmon, N., Culture in Urban Development: The International Experience and the Case of Tel Aviv. Haifa: S. Neaman Institute and Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2014 (Hebrew, 272 pages) (ISBN 987-965-409-053-7).


Shamir U. and Carmon N., Water-Sensitive Planning: Integrating Water Considerations into Urban and Regional Planning. Haifa: Technion, The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 2007 (Hebrew, 270 pages) (ISBN 965-409-032-5). Abstract of the book (26 pages) in Benchetrit G. and Carmon N., Mortgage Loans in Israel: Defaults and Forclosures. Haifa: Technion, The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 2006 (Hebrew, 200 pages) (ISBN 965-409-031-7). Also in Be’eri S., Carmon N. and Shamir U., Water Saving in the Urban Sector: A Feasibility Study. Haifa: Technion, The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 2005 (Hebrew, 230 pages) (ISBN 965-409-027-9). Katz, S., Carmon, N., Burmil, S. and Shamir U., Water-Sensitive Urban Planning: Reference Book for Architects, Landscape Architects, Environmental Planners and Drainage Engineers. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 2002 (Hebrew, 192 pages) (ISBN 965-409-025-2). Carmon, N., The Social Alternative for Israel 2020. Haifa: Technion, The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, 1996 (Hebrew,186 pages) . Carmon, N., Israel Project Renewal, 1978-1995: An Annotated Bibliography. Haifa: Neaman Books, 1996 (Hebrew and English, 92 pages) (ISBN 965-386-018-6).

646&IID=7760 שיקום שכונות בישראל 1979-1994 ביבליוגרפיה מוערת בעברית ובאנגלית Zehavi, R. and Carmon, N. Home Telecommunication in Israel: Preliminary Evaluation of Social Consequences. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1996 (Hebrew, 210 pages) (ISBN 965-409-018-x). Eres, T. and Carmon, N. Urban Revitalizatopn: Literature Survey and the Case of Florentin in Tel-Aviv – Jaffa. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1996 (Hebrew, 95 pages) (ISBN 965-409-017-1). Meiron-Pistiner, S., Carmon, N. and Shamir, U., Towards Water-Sensitive Urban Planning. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1996 (Hebrew, 176 pages) (ISBN 965-409-016-3). Carmon, N. (editor), Immigrants: Liability of Asset? Innovative Research and Policy Implications. Haifa: Neaman Books, 1993 (English, 540 pages). Yunger, M., Carmon, N. and Shamir, U., Who Benefits from Israel's Water Resources? Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1993 (Hebrew, 161 pages) (ISBN 965-409-008-2). Carmon, N., Planning of Housing for a Small Arab Town in Israel: A Case Study in Iksal. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1993 (Hebrew, 161 pages) (ISBN 965-409-003-1). Carmon, N., Project Renewal - Social and Physical Outcomes. Haifa: Neaman Books, 1989 (Hebrew, 376

pages) (ISBN 965-386-002-X).שיקום-שכונות-בישראל.pdf שיקום

.Ruppin Book Award for the best book in the Social Sciences, 1990 שכונות בישראל - הערכת תוצאות

Carmon, N. and Oxman, R., Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation in Distressed Neighborhoods. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1981 (Hebrew, 162 p.; English, 24 p.).

Israel Local Government Award for Best Publication in Urban Planning, 1986.


In Refereed Journals and Books Marom N. and Carmon N., “Affordable Housing Plans in London and New York: Between Marketplace and Social Mix”. Accepted for publication by Housing Studies 2015, pp. 993-1015. See on line:


Carmon, N. and Eizenberg E. "Neighborhood". In: Wright J. (editor), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2015. Carmon, N. “The Profession of Urban Planning and its Societal Mandate”. In: Carmon, N. and Fainstein S. (editors), Policy, Planning and People: Promoting Justice in Urban Development. Philadelphia: Penn Press, 2013. Available via Carmon, N. and Palgi M. “Kibbutz”. In: A. T. Carswell (editor), Encyclopedia of Housing, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications, 2012. Amoyal, E. and Carmon N., “Social Capital: Meaning, Measurement and Significance for Urban Planning”. Planning – Journal of the Israeli Association of Planners, Vol. 8, No 2, 2011, pp. 20-43 (Hebrew with an English abstract). Carmon, N. “Policy Forum: Israel’s Occupation of the West Bank”. Town Planning Review, Vol. 81, No. 6, 2010, pp. 598-605. Benchetrit, G. and Carmon N., “Mortgage Loans, Defualts and Foreclosures: An International Perspective”. Accepted for publication by The Economic Quarterly, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2010, pp. 319-355. Jabareen, Y. and Carmon, N., “Community of Trust: A Socio-Cultural Approach for Community Planning and the Case of Gaza”. Habitat International, Vol. 34, 2010, pp.446-453. Carmon, N. and Shamir, U., "Water-Sensitive Planning: Integrating Water Considerations into Urban and Regional Planning”. Water and Environment Journal, Vol. 24, No 3, 2010, pp. 181-191. Available via Carmon, N., "Housing for the Elderly: Post-Occupancy Evaluation". In: S. Carmel (ed.), Aging in Israel: Research, Policy and Practice. London (UK) and New Brunswick (USA): Transaction Publishers, 2010. Carmon N., “Housing Strategy for a Big City”. Planning – Journal of the Israeli Association of Planners, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2008, pp. 9-26. Be’eri, S, Carmon, N. and Shamir U. “Water Saving in Israel's Urban Sector: A Feasibility Study for a Renewed Policy”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Demand Management. Aman-Dead Sea, Jordan, 2004. Carmon, N., “The Future of the Kibbutzim: Dissenting Opinion”. In: Ben Refael E. (editor), The Future of the Kibbutz. Jerusalem, The Prime Minister Office, 2003 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., “The Phoenix Strategy for Updating Housing Stock: Preventing Neighborhood Deterioration and Promoting Sustainable Development”. Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 68, No. 4, 2002A, pp. 416-434. Available via Carmon, N., “User-Controlled Construction and Renovation: Desirability and Feasibility”. European Planning Studies, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2002B, pp. 285 – 303. Carmon, N., “Housing Policy in Israel: Review, Evaluation and Lessons”. Journal of Israel Affairs, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2001, pp. 181-208. Available via Also published in: D. Nachmias and G. Menahem (eds.), Public Policy in Israel. London: Frank Cass. 2002, pp. 181 - 208

Carmon, N., "Neighborhood". In: Smelser, N.J. and P.B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 15. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2001, pp. 10490-10496. Carmon, N., “Preventive Planning: A New Role for Planners”. In: Schmeidler, K. (ed.), Planning in a


Turning Point. Brno, 2000: Proceedings of the XIV AESOP Congress. Based on a Keynote Lecture. Carmon, N., "Housing in Israel: The First Fifty Years". In: D. Nachmias and G. Menahem (eds.), Public Policy in Israel. Jerusalem: The Israel Democracy Institute, 1999, pp. 381-436 (Hebrew).

Shamir U. and Carmon N., "Water-Sensitive Urban Planning: The Case of Israel’s Coastal Aquifer". In: Ellis, B. J. (editor), Impacts of Urban Growth on Surface Water and Groundwater Quality. Oxfordshire: IAHS Press, 1999, pp. 409-418.

Carmon, N., "Three Generations of Urban Renewal Policies: Analysis and Policy Implications”. Geoforum, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1999, pp. 145-158. Available via

Carmon, N. "Immigrants as Carriers of Urban Revitalization: International Evidence and an Israeli Case study". International Planning Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1998, pp. 207-224.

Carmon, N., "Neighborhood Regeneration: The State of the Art". Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1997, pp. 131-144.

Carmon, N., "Urban Regeneration: Three Generations of Policy in Tel-Aviv Neighborhoods. In: D. Nachmias and G. Menahem (eds.), Tel Aviv Studies, Volume II. Tel Aviv: Ramot Press, 1997, pp. 105-137 (Hebrew).

Carmon, N., "Post-Occupancy Evaluation of a Life-Care Community for the Aged". In: Pastalan, L.A. (editor), Shelter and Service Issues for Aging Populations: International Perspectives. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press,1997, pp. 63-81. This chapter is a revised version of a former article in Journal of Housing for the Elderly (1996). Carmon, N. and Shamir, U., "Water-Sensitive Urban Planning: Concept and Preliminary Analysis". In: Chilton, J. (editor), Groundwater in the Urban Environment. Rotterdam: A.A.Balkema, 1997, pp.107-113. Available via

Carmon, N., Shamir U. and Meiron-Pistiner, S. "Water-Sensitive Urban Planning: Protecting Groundwater". The Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol. 40, No. 4, 1997, pp. 413-434. Available via

Yiftachel O. and Carmon N., "Socio-Spatial Mix and Inter-Ethnic Attitudes: Jewish Newcomers and Arab-Jewish Issues in the Galilee ". European Planning Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1997, pp. 215-237.

Amir, S. and Carmon N., "New Immigrants in an Old City Center: Transitory Station or Urban Revitalization?" Ofakim BeGeographia, No. 44-45, 1996, pp. 7-25 (Hebrew). Carmon N., "Immigration and Integration in Post-Industrial Societies: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis". In: Carmon, N. (editor), Immigration and Integration in Post-Industrial Societies: Theoretical Analysis and Policy Implications. London: Macmillan, 1996, pp. 21-35.

Carmon, N., "Post-Occupancy Evaluation of a Life-Care Community for the Aged". Journal of Housing for the Elderly, Vol. 12, No. 1&2, 1996, pp. 63-81.

Carmon, N. and Baron M., "Reducing Inequality by means of Neighborhood Rehabilitation: An Israeli Experiment and its Lessons". Urban Studies, Vol. 31, No. 9, 1994, pp. 1465-1479. Available via

Carmon, N., "Achieving Population Dispersal through Tailor-Made Community Planning: An Israeli Experiment in the Galilee Region". Environment and Planning A, Vol. 26, 1994, pp. 639-656.

Carmon, N. and Hill, M. "Neighborhood Rehabilitation: The Israeli Example". In: Froessler, Rolf (ed.). From Planning to Practice: International Perspective on Housing and Social Renewal. Dortmund: Universitat Dortmund, West Germany, 1993, pp. 103-118.


Carmon, N., "Affordable Decent Housing: Expanding the Stock Through Assisted Upgrading by Incumbent Residents". In: Kilmartim, L. and H. Signh (eds.), Housing in the Third World: Analysis and Solutions. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 291-316.

Carmon, N., "Israel's Project Renewal: Evaluation of Goals Achievement". In: D.J. Elazar and Z.R. Marom (eds.), Urban Revitalization - Israel's Project Renewal and Other Experiences. New York: University Press of America, 1992, pp. 51-83. Carmon, N. and Czamanski, D., "Housing in Israel: From Planned Economy to Semi-Free-Market Management". Housing Science, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1992, pp. 47-60.

Kaufman, J. B. and Carmon, N., "Encouraging Residential Revitalization: A Method for the Selection of Target Neighborhoods". Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1992, pp. 1-18.

Carmon, N., "Housing Renovation of Moderately Deteriorated Neighborhoods: Public-Individual Partnership in Israel and its lessons". Housing Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1992, pp. 56-73.

Yiftachel, O., Carmon, N. and Rumley, D., "The Political Geography of Minority Control in Israel and Malaysia". In N. Kliot and S. Waterman (eds.), The Political Geography of Conflict and Peace. London: Belhaven Press, 1991, pp. 184-200.

Carmon, N. and Czamanski, D., "Housing Policy and Practice in Israel". In W. van Vliet (ed.), International Handbook of Housing Policies and Practices. West Port, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, pp. 517-536.

Carmon, N., "Israel's Project Renewal: Describing and Explaining a Relative Success". In N. Carmon (editor), Neighborhood Policy and Programs - Past and Present. London: Macmillan Press, 1990, pp. 74-94.

Baron, M., Carmon, N. and Ben Zion, U., "Evaluating the Impact of Project Renewal on the Reduction of Socioeconomic Disparities in Israel". The Economic Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 143, 1990, pp. 440-471 (Hebrew with an English summary).

Hill, M., Alterman, R., Carmon, N., Churchman, A., and Shechter, M., "Integrated Evaluation of Israel's Neighborhood Revitalization Project". In Daniel Shefer and H. Voogd (eds.), Evaluation Methods of Urban and Regional Plans: Essays in Memory of Morris (Moshe) Hill. London: Pion, 1990, pp. 43-62.

Oxman, R. and Carmon, N., "The Open Form". Open House International, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1989, 15-20.

Carmon, N. and Hill, M., "Neighborhood Rehabilitation Without Relocation or Gentrification". Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 54, No. 4,1988, pp. 470-481. Published also in French: "Rehabilitation de quartier sans relogement ni gentrification". Paris: Ministטre de l'יquipement, du logement, de l'amיnagement du territoire et des transports, 1987.

Carmon, N., "Planned Social Change: An Evaluation". Megamot - Israel's Journal of the Behavioral Sciences , Vol. 31, No. 3-4,1988, pp. 299-321 (Hebrew).

Carmon, N., "A Neighborhood Program that Works: Israel's Project Renewal". Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1987/88, pp. 362-376.

Carmon, N., "Who Needs Neighborhood Policy?" Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1987, pp. 263-278. Carmon, N. and Gavrieli, T., "Improving Housing by Conventional versus Self-Help Methods". Urban Studies, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1987, pp. 324-332. Available via

Carmon, N., "The Current Depression in Housing Construction - A Desirable State". The Economic Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 132, 1987 (Hebrew).


Carmon, N. and Oxman, R., "Responsive Public Housing: An Alternative for Low-Income Families". Environment and Behavior, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1986, pp. 258-284. Available via Carmon, N., "Poverty and Culture: Empirical Evidence and Implications for Social Policy". Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 28, No. 4, Oct. 1985, pp. 403-417. Carmon, N. and Oxman, R., "Small is Beautiful, in Public Housing as well". In Fred Lazin and Yoram Neymann (eds.), Cities, Communities and Planning in the 1980's. London: Gower Publishing Co., 1984, pp. 308-338. Alterman, R., Carmon, N. and Hill, M., "Integrated Evaluation: A Synthesis of Approaches to the Evaluation of Broad-Aim Social Programs". Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 6, 1984, pp. 381-389. Available via Carmon, N. and Hill, M., "Project Renewal: An Israeli Experiment in Neighborhood Rehabilitation". Habitat International, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1984, pp. 117-132. Available via Carmon, N., "Housing Policy in Western Countries: Toward Broader Social Responsibility". Social Praxis, Vol. 8, No. 3-4, 1981, pp. 53-71. Carmon, N. and Hill, M., "Neighborhood Deterioration and Rehabilitation: The Israeli Experience". In D.Soen (ed.), Urban Development and Urban Renewal, London: Godwin, 1981. Peres, Y. and Carmon, N., "The Problems and Challenges of Applied Sociology". Megamot - Israel's Journal of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1981, pp. 375-389 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "Economic Integration of Immigrants". The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 40, No. 2, 1981, pp. 149-163. Available via Carmon, N. and Mannheim, B., "Reference Groups and Professional Self-Image: The Case of Architects". The Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1979, pp. 169-180. Available via Carmon, N. and Mannheim, B., "Housing Policy as a Tool of Social Policy". Social Forces, Vol. 58, No. 1, 1979, pp. 336-351. Carmon, N. and Mannheim, B., "Reference Groups and Professional Self-Image. Megamot - Israel's Journal of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1975, pp. 168-178 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "Social Planning of Housing". Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1976, pp. 49-59. Papers In Israeli Professional Journals

Markus L., Carmon N. and Gasith A., “Tool Box for Water-Sensitive Planning of Inter-Urban Roads for Achieving Ecological and Social Benefits”. Accepted for publication by Adrichalut Nof, The Journal of Israel Association of Landscape Architects, September 2015. Markus L., Gasith A. and Carmon N., “Using Stormwater from Inter-Urban Roads to Achieve Ecological and Social Benefits”. Trafic and Transportation (Tnoo’ah veTakhboora) – The professional magazine of tranportation engineers in Israel, # 115, pp. 8-15, June 2015


Carmon, N., Book review: “Purging the Poorest: Public Housing and the Design Politics of Twice-Cleared Communities” by Lawrence Vale. Social Security (Bitahon Sotsiali) # 94, July 2014, special issue on Public Housing, pp. 243-245. Carmon, N. and Shamir, U., “Run-off Management and Drainage as an Subject in Israel’s Water Master Plan”. Handasat Maim - The Israeli Journal of Water Engineering, No. 73, March 2011, pp. 36-45 (Hebrew). Abramovitz, T. and Carmon N., “Religion, Design and Settlement: About the Special Design of the Synagogue in Zichron Yaakov and its Design”. Et-mol - Journal of Eretz Israel History 182, August 2011, pp. 4-7 (Hebrew). See Katz, S., Carmon, N., Shamir U. and Burmil, S., “Water-Sensitive Urban Planning”. Adrichalut Nof, The Journal of Israel Association of Landscape Architects, No 15, September 2004, pp. 4-6 (Hebrew). Shamir, U. and Carmon, N., “Housing Construction and Water Conservation”. Handasat Maim, The Israeli Journal of Water Specialists, No. 47, April 2001, pp. 18-20 (Hebrew). CHECK Carmon, N., “The Grass Could be Greener: Analysis of Regeneration of Distressed Urban Areas in the World and in Israel and Their Lessons for the Future”. Binyan veAdrichalut. A series of 3 articles: First in No. 67, 2000, pp. 58-68; Second in No. 68, 2000, pp. 62-73; Third in No. 69, 2000, pp. 81-87 (Hebrew).

Eyal-Elimelech, T. and Carmon, N., "The Relative Importance of Individual and Public Spaces in a Home for the Elderly". Mivnim - The Construction Journal, 150, 1995, pp. 73-82 (Hebrew).

Eyal-Elimelech, T. and Carmon, N., "Post-Occupancy Evaluation of a Home for the Elderly". Gerontology, No. 59-60, Winter 1993, pp. 5-17 (Hebrew).

Carmon, N., "Migration from the USSR to Israel: Its Magnitude, Characteristics, and Requested Housing Solutions". Environmental Planning - The Israeli Association for Environmental Planning Quarterly, No. 42-43, June 1990, pp. 26-40 (Hebrew).

Carmon, N., "Long-Range Impacts of Neighborhood Rehabilitation". Architecture of Israel No. 6, 1990, pp. 20-32 (English and Hebrew).

Carmon, N., "Residents' Attitudes Towards Their Neighborhoods in Project Renewal Areas". Environmental Planning - The Israeli Association for Environmental Planning Quarterly, No. 36, June 1987, pp. 18-32 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "Project Renewal - Integrating Physical and Social Rehabilitation". Mivnim - The Construction Journal, No. 50, Oct. 1986, pp. 26-32 (Hebrew).

Carmon, N. and Hill, M., "Neighborhood Deterioration and Rehabilitation: The Israeli Experience". ITCC Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1981, pp. 40-49.


Kainr Persov, N. and Carmon, N. Densifying and Upgrading the Existing Housing Stock: An Evaluation of an Innovative Program. Research report submitted to Glass-Balavan Foundation, 2015.

Amoyal, E. and Carmon, N. Social Capital in the Context of Urban Planning. Rsearch report submitted to Mifal haPayis, 2012 (Hebrew, 200 p. with an English abstract).

Molin, E. and Carmon, N. Development of Culture Strategies in Cities and their Implications for


the Local Population. Rsearch report submitted to Mifal haPayis, 2010 (Hebrew, 250 p. with an English abstract).

Carmon, N. and Shamir U., Management of Runoff and Drainage as a Component in the Water Master Plan of Israel. ( ). Submitted to the Water Authority, 2010 (Hebrew).

Silverman, E., Pasternak, E. Yocale M. and N. Carmon, Affordable Housing in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Haifa: Technion, The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 2009 (Hebrew). Adiv, H, Galor, D, Silverman, E. and Carmon, N., Housing Enlargements: Tools for Tel Aviv and Lessons from Abroad, Tel Aviv: TA Municipality, 2008 (Hebrew) Carmon, N., Attractive Urban Housing: A Strategy for the City of Tel Aviv – Jafa. Included in: Tel Aviv – Jafa Municipality, Strategic Plan for the City of Tel Aviv – Jafa, Part II: The City's Vision. Tel-Aviv, 2006 (Hebrew). A brief version inקו%20אסטרטגי

/pdf (retrived April 2011).%20עיר%20לכל%20תושביה Carmon N. and Alfandari T., The Social Fabric of Haifa. The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2005 (Hebrew, 60 p.). Submitted to the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Construction and Housing as part of: I. Freund et al., Master Plan for the City of Haifa. See (retrived April 2011). Carmon N., Shamir U. and Be’eri S., Water Demand Management in the Urban Sector: A Feasibility Study. The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2004 (Hebrew, 270 p.). Submitted to Israel Water Commioner. Carmon, N. The Future of the Kibbutzim: A Position Paper for the Government of Israel. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2003 (Hebrew). Burmil, S., Shamir, U., Carmon N. and Be’eri S., Urban Runoff in Residential Areas. The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2003 (Hebrew, 120 p.). Carmon, N., The Phoenix Strategy for Updating the Housing Stock. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1999. (English, 37 p.) . Carmon, N. and Shamir, U., Water-Sensitive Urban Planning: Protecting Groundwater. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1997 (Hebrew, 227 p.).

Carmon. N. with others, Spatial Planning and Development for Israel in the 21st century: A Alternative that maximizes Social Benefits. A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1996 (Hebrew, 190 p.).

Carmon, N., Three Generations of Neighborhood Regeneration in Western Countries and Tel-Aviv: Analysis and Demonstration through the Stories of Neve Eliezer, HaTikva and Florentin. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1995 (Hebrew, 30 p.).

Yiftachel, O. and Carmon, N., Jewish-Arab Relationships in a Mixed Region: The Case of Misgav in the Central Galilee. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1995 (English, 60 p.).

Carmon, N. with 'The Social Team' of Israel 2020, Planning for "Quality of Life for All". A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1994 (Hebrew, 398 p.).

Carmon, N., Towards Quality of Life For All: Principles of Spatial Planning and Development. A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1993 (Hebrew, 47 p.). Carmon, N., Modes of Life in the Israeli Society - Analysis, Forecast and Planning Considerations. A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1994 (Hebrew, 60 p.).


Carmon, N. and Trop T., Population, Education, and Labor Force in Israel - Trends and Forecasts, 1990-2020. A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1993 (Hebrew, 65 p.).

Trop, T. and Carmon, N., Welfare and Distress in the Israeli Society - Changing Trends and their Implications for Planning. A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1993 (Hebrew, 45 p.).

Yiftachel, O. and Carmon, N., The Population of Israel and its Characteristics: Basic Data and Forecasts for Spatial Planning. A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1992 (Hebrew, 64 p.).

Carmon, N., Law-Yon, H., Lifshitz, G., Amir, S., Czamanski, D. and Kipnis, B., The New Jewish Settlements in the Galilee - an Evaluation Study. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1990 (Hebrew, 230 p.).

Baron M., Ben-Zion U. and Carmon, N., The Impact of Project Renewal on Reduction of Socio-Economic Disparities and on Migration to and from the Neighborhoods. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1988 (Hebrew with an English summary, 100 p.).

Kaufman, B. J. and Carmon, N., Selection of Target Neighborhoods for Urban Revitalization. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1987 (Hebrew with an English abstract, 180 p).

Carmon, N., Goals Achievement by Project Renewal. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1986 (Hebrew, 43 p.; English, 54 p.).

Carmon, N., Social and Physical Outcomes of Project Renewal. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1986 (Hebrew, 330 p.) Alterman R., Carmon, N., Hill.,M. and others, Comprehensive Evaluation of Project Renewal - Final Report. Haifa: Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion,1985. Five volumes (Hebrew, 1000 p).

Kally, E., Carmon, N. and Shamir, S., Regional Organizations in Israel Water Economy: Decentralization in a Centralized System. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1984 (Hebrew, 62 p.).

Carmon, N. and Hill M., Evaluation Study of Project Renewal - Interim Report. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1982 (English, 199 p.; Hebrew, 175 p.).

Carmon, N., and Gavrieli T., Alternative Methods for Improving Public Housing in Israel - A Comparative Analysis. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1982 (Hebrew, 192 p.).

Werczberger E., Borukhov E. and Carmon, N., Planning Standards as Indicators of Residential Satisfaction. Tel-Aviv, The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Tel-Aviv University. Submitted to the Israeli Ford Foundation, 1981 (English, 34 p.).

Carmon, N. and Hill, M., co-editors of a series of reports and working papers of the research project: "Rehabilitation of Distressed Neighborhoods in Israel". Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion. Among the participants: Chester Rapkin and Edgar Rose (1979), Edgar Rose (1980), Ernest R. Alexander (1980-82), Daniel Shefer and Eliyahu Borukhov (1981), Hubert Law-Yone, Arza Churchman and Rachelle Alterman (1981), Richard W. Mayer and Ruth Enis (1981). Carmon, N. and Hill, M., in collaboration with E. Alexander, R. Alterman, A. Churchman, A. Gonen, M. Maier-Brodnitz, R. Oxman and D Shefer, Neighborhood Rehabilitation in Israel. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1979


(English, 174 p.; Hebrew, 137 p.). Havkin, D., Gat, D., Amir, S., others and Carmon, N., Development Plan for Haifa and its Surroundings. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1979 (Hebrew, 138 p.). Enis R., Shechter M., others and Carmon, N., The Demand for Recreation in Mount Carmel. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1974 (Hebrew, 266 p.). Enis, R., Baron, M., Shechter M., others and Carmon, N., Evaluation of Sites for Location of Quarries. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1972 (Hebrew, 203 p.). Enis R., Bashan M.,others and Carmon N., The Banias - Landscape and Recreational Planning. Haifa: Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1969. (Hebrew, 45 p.). Kennedy, J., Carmon, N. and Stone, M., Evaluation of the Comprehensive Model for Local Office Reorganization (COMO) of the U.S.A. Training and Employment Service. Office of Policy Evaluation and Research of the Manpower Administration of the U.S.A., Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1971 (Vol. 1: 467 p.; Vol. II: 600 p.). OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Selected List)

Kainr Persov, N. and Carmon, N. Densifying and Upgrading the Existing Housing Stock: An Evaluation of an Innovative Program. Conference paper in ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) annual conference, Lisbon, July 2015.

Carmon, N., TAMA 38 – An Israeli Innovative Plan with an International Potential. Urban Regeneration, a special issue of Ha’Aretz, November 2013. Carmon, N., Demolision and Redevelopment as an Urban Renwal Strategy: Is It Desirable? If Yes, How? Ynet 28.1.2013. See,7340,L-4337493,00.html Carmon N. and Shamir U., Water-Sensitive Planning as Part of Sustainable Development of The the Water Sector in Israel. Presentation in Haifa University, February 2012. See third presentation on Amoyal, E. and Carmon, N., Social Capital: Meaning, Measuring and Relevance to Planning. Interim report submitted to Mifal haPayis, September 2011 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., The Target Ppopulation of Aaffordable Housing. Public presentation in Tel Aviv University, a slide-show, May 2010. See (retrived April 2011). Carmon, N. and Shamir U. Stormwater Management and Drainage. Summary of a professional-academic workshop on July 1st, 2010. See Shamir U. and Carmon, N., Runoff Management in Water-Sensitive Planning: Goals, Principles, Tools and the Way for Implementation. Proceedings of the Annual Cconference of Israel Association for Water Resources. Tel Aviv, 2009 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., Segrated Blocks for the Poor – A Social Dissaster. Technion Magazin, summer 2009. Carmon, N., Mortgage Loans in Israel. Reportage in “A Second Look” in Channel 2 of the Israeli TV. May 2008. Carmon, N., The Benefits of Density: Comments in the Wake of MIU conference. P. 24 in: The Quality of Density. Bat Yam: MIU – Movement for Israeli Urbanism, proceedings of the third conference, May 2008 (Hebrew).


Carmon, N., Turning a Low-Income Small Town into a Sustainable Mixed-Income Place, in: Planning for Diversity and Multiplicity: A New Agenda for the World Planning Community. Pp. 70-71 in Proceedings of the 2nd World Planning Schools Congress, Mexico City, Mexico, July 2006. Carmon, N., A Housing Strategy for the City of Tel Aviv-Yafo. Pp. 67-77, in: Strategic Plan for Tel Aviv – Yafo: The City Vision. Tel Aviv – Jafo Municipality, 2006 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., Project Renewal: 25 Years of Operation. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2004 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., “Jews and Arabs in the Galilee: A conference to commemorate Architect Dov Tchernovroda”. Mivnim - A Professional Journal of the Construction Industry, July-August, 2003, pp. 14-28. Carmon, N. Housing Demand: A Re-Eevaluation. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2003 (Hebrew). Partly published in HaAretz, 6.3.2003. Carmon, N., The Israeli Society in Transition: From Modernity to Post-Modernity. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2003 (Hebrew). Carmon, N. Establishing New Towns and Villages versus Strengthenning Old Ones. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 2001 (Hebrew). Carmon, N. Preventive Planning in Urban Neighborhoods: The Phoenix Strategy. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1999. Carmon, N. Sustainable Development as a Paradigm for the Profession of Urban Planning. Working Paper. Cambridge MA: Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, 1998. Carmon, N., Regeneration Policy for Deteriorated Urban Areas: Lessons for the Future on the Basis of Past Experience in Western Countries and Israel. Working Paper. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1997 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., Urban Renewal and Neighborhood Regeneration: Past Experience and Lessons for the Future. Working Paper. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1996 (Hebrew and English editions). Carmon, N., "Usage of Underground Space from the Point of View of the National Planner". In Zvi Lisar and others, Underground Space in Israel: Background, Potential and Possible Projects. Tel-Aviv: Zvi Lisar Ltd. Submitted to Israel Land Authority, 1995 (Hebrew). Carmon, N. The Establishment of Modi'in – A Position Paper. Submitted to the Ministry of Interior. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1994 (Hebrew). Carmon, N. and Yiftachel O.,The Population of Israel and its Characteristics: Basic Data and Forecasts for Spatial Planning. Working Paper. Haifa: The Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Technion, 1994 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., Goals for Israel of the 2000s. Working Paper. Haifa: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1994 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., The Implications of Peace for the Israeli Society . A report of 'Israel 2020 - A Master Plan for Israel of the 2000s'. Haifa: Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, 1993 (Hebrew, 25 p.). Carmon, N., Democracy in Action: Citizen Participation in Urban Planning. Working paper for the Russian-Israeli Symposium on Democracy and Identity, Moscow, Russia, June 1993. Carmon, N., Refaeli E. and others, The Development of Haifa as Capital of the Northern Region of Israel. Working paper of the advisory team on Haifa Metropolitan Region. Haifa: 1993 (Hebrew). Amir, S. and Carmon N., The Prospects of Revitalization in Hadar HaCarmel, Haifa. Working


Paper. Haifa: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1993 (Hebrew). Carmon, N. and Baron M., Has Israel's Projest Renewal Succeeded in Changing the Status of its Neighborhoods? Working Paper. Haifa: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1993. Carmon, N., A Strategy for Regional Development: Lessons from the New Settlements in the Galilee Region. Working Paper. Haifa: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1993. Eyal-Elimelech and Carmon N., A Home for the Elderly - Evaluation of its Physical Planning. Working Paper. Haifa: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 1992 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "The New Settlements in the Galilee Region - An Evaluation Research". Magazine of the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, No. 7, Fall 1992, pp. 12-14. Carmon, N., Achieving Population Dispersal by Custom-Made Community Planning: An Israeli Experiment in the Galilee Mountains. Working Paper. Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, UCLA - University of California in Los Angeles, 1991. Carmon, N. and Czamanski, D., Housing in Israel. Working Paper. Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, UCLA - University of California in Los Angeles, 1991. Carmon, N., Public-Individual Partnership in the Renovation of Housing Estates: The Israeli Case and its Lessons. Working Paper. Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, UCLA - University of California in Los Angeles, 1990. Kaufman, J. B. and Carmon, N., Encouraging Residential Revitalization: A Method for the Selection of Target Neighborhoods. Working Paper. Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, UCLA - University of California in Los Angeles, 1990. Shitrit, M. and Carmon, N., Mass Immigration to Israel and the Required Housing Solutions. Jerusalem: The Jewish Agency, June 1990 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "The Meaning of Social Policy". Pp. 115-120 in Haifa 2000, proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute for the Study of Haifa and the Galilee and the Municipality of Haifa, 1988 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "Tailoring Evaluation Study to Needs". In Korazim, Y. (ed.), Methodological Lessons from Evaluation Studies of Project Renewal. Jerusalem: The Jewish Agency, 1987 (Hebrew). Alterman A., Carmon, N. and Hill M., Comprehensive Evaluation Study of Israel’s Project Renewal. Working Paper. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1986. Carmon, N., "The Impact of Housing Policy on Social Stratification in Israel", in Y. Zdaka (ed.), Disparities. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, 1984 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., and Gavrieli, T., Self-Help Rehabilitation Versus Institutionalized Rehabilitation. Working Paper. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1982 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., Hill, M. and Alterman, R., Multi-Group Integrated Evaluation: A Synthesis of Approaches to the Evaluation of Broad-Aim Social Programs. Working Paper. Haifa: The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, 1980. Carmon, N. and Hill, M., "The Causes of Neighborhood Deterioration in Israel. Pp. 4-37 in Shpiro, S. (ed.), Neighborhood Rehabilitation. Jerusalem: The Ministry of Interior, The 7th Conference on Local Government, 1980 (Hebrew). Hill, M. and Carmon, N., Guidelines for Neighborhood Rehabilitation Program. Invited by and submitted to Prof. Daniel Shimshoni, Deputy Prime Minister Office, 1978 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "The Social Impact of Housing - Empirical Studies", in Y. Kadman (ed.), Social Work in


Multi-Cultural Society. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, 1978 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "Social Goals of Housing Policy", in S. Reichman (ed.), Contemporary Urbanization. Jerusalem: The National Council for Research and Development, 1977. Carmon, N., "Housing for Immigrant Absorption", in E. Leshem (Ed.), The Absorption of Soviet Jews in Israel. Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference of Jewish Communities on Soviet Jewry. Jerusalem: The Government Printer, 1977 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., "Social Considerations in Housing Planning", in D. Soen (ed.), Dialogue in Development: National and Human Resources. Tel-Aviv: The Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel, 1974. Carmon, N., The Social Structure of Israeli Society. Haifa: Technion, The Students' Association Publishing Co., 1972 (Hebrew). Carmon, N., Considerations in Replanning Poor Neighborhoods. Working Paper. Graduate School of Education and Social Policy, Harvard University, 1970. Carmon, N., New Towns in Israel: Three Case Studies and Discussion. Monograph. The Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Mass. Institute of Technology, 1969.


July 2015 Oct 2014 July 2014 July 2013 July 2013 Oct 2012 July 2012 Oct 2011

Annual conference of ENHR - European Network for Housing Research, Lisbon, Portugal Paper (with Nava Kainar Persov): Densifying and Upgrading the Existing Housing Stock: An Evaluation of an Innovative Program. 54th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA Paper: Rethinking Social Mix and Social Capital in Housing Projects Annual conference of ENHR - European Network for Housing Research, Edinburgh, UK Paper (with Nava Kainar Persov): Strategies of urban regeneration in residential areas: typology and evaluation 5th Joint Congress of ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, and AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Dublin, Ireland. Co-chair (in collaboration with Susan S. Fainstein): Special session welcoming our new book on Promotong Justice in Urban Developemnt: The Role of Planners in Coping with the Number One Global Risk – Severe Income Disparity RC43-2013, Conference of the Research Committee on Housing and the Built Environment of the International Sociological Association, University of Amsterdam Paper: Deliberate Social Mix in Residential Areas

53rd Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Cincinati, Ohio, USA Paper (with Sarah Goldberg): Protest in 2011: Is it a global social-urban movement? Annual International Congress of AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Ankara, Turkey Paper: Regeneration of urban residential areas: Typology of strategies 52nd Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Paper: Envisioning the future of the planning profession


Oct 2010 June 2009 Apr 2009 July 2008 Oct 2007 Nov 2006 July 2006 July 2006 July 2005 April 2005 June 2004 June 2004 July 2003

51th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Paper (with Uri Shamir): Water-Sensitive Planning (WSP) as a vital component of sustainable development on all scales

Initiator, organizer and Co-Head of the academic program of an International Workshop on Planning with/for People, which brought to Israel and the Technion two dozens of distinuished professors of Urban Planning from North America and Europe Chairperson: Social equity and the good/just city

LIUDD (Low Impact Urban Design and Development) Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand Paper: Water-sensitive planning in Israel

4th Joint Congress of ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, and AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Chicago, USA. Chairperson: Planning with/for People Paper (with Yosef Jabareen): Community of trust: Conceptualization and the case of Muslim Communities in Gaza

49th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA

Paper: Mixed-income housing: A success story with lessons Chairperson: The social message of urban planning

48th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Fort Worth, Texas, USA Discussant: Mixed-income housing XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Durban, South Africa Chairperson: Housing, poverty issues and metropolitan governance Paper: Social diversity versus social cohesion as a housing policy dilemma. World Planning Schools Congress, Mexico City, Mexico Chairperson: Urban regeneration Paper: Turning a low-income small town into a sustainable mixed-income place.

Annual International Congress of AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Vienna, Austria. Paper (with Yulia Ziflinger): Urban regeneration strategies: A social equity perspective Jerusalem 2050: Visionaries Conference, International symposium for invited colleagues, MIT, Cambridge MA International Housing Research Conference under the auspices of Housing and the Built Environment, Research Committee 43 of the International Sociological Association on Adequate and Affordable Housing for All, Toronto, Canada. Chairperson: The power of informality Paper: User-controlled updating of housing: A prime way to satisfactory affordable housing

First international conference on Water Demand Management, Aman-Dead Sea, Jordan. Paper (with Shlomit Be`eri and Uri Shamir): Water saving in Israel’s urban sector: A feasibility study towards policy renewal. 3rd Joint Congress of ACSP and AESOP, Leuven, Belgium. Chairperson: Social integration and ethnic identity. Paper: Palestinians and Jews living together: A case study in Nazareth Ilit.

Nov. 2002 44th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Boston, USA Paper (with Yosef Jabareen): Trust, risk and culturally sustainable housing. Paper (with Shmuel Burmil and Uri Shamir): Sustainable urban planning: Can urban runoff be made a valuable resource instead of being merely a nuisance?

Mar. 2002 32nd Annual Meeting of UAA – Urban Affairs Association, Boston, USA.


Paper: Urban renewal and regeneration: Can we benefit both people and places ?

Dec. 2001 International Workshop of Israel Science Foundation on Social Equity and Housing, Tel-Aviv University. Chair and Discussant: Socio-spatial differentiation of housing.

Nov. 2001

43th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Paper: New immigrants, urban regeneration and the role of housing policies. Chair and Discussant: Infusing collaborative practices in planning.

July 2000 14th Congress of AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Brno, Check Republic. Keynote Presentation: Preventive planning: A new role for the planning profession.

June 2000 International Conference of ENHR - European Network of Housing Research, on Housing in the 21st Century: Fragmentation and Reorientation, Gavle, Sweden. Paper: Updating the housing stock: An innovative approach and a Research agenda.

Mar. 2000 International Workshop on Globalization, Minorities and the Israeli City, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Paper: The role of immigrants in urban regeneration processes.

July 1999 13th Congress of AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Bergen, Norway Paper: Housing update and neighborhood regeneration.

July 1999 IUGG General Assembly, HS5 Symposium on Impacts of Urban Growth on Surface Water and Groundwater Quality, Birmingham, UK. Paper (with U. Shamir): Water-sensitive urban planning: The case of Israel’s coastal aquifer.

June 1999 International Ecology Congress, Jerusalem. Paper (with S. Burmil and U. Shamir): Water-sensitive urban planning: Increasing infiltration in residential areas.

Apr. 1999 29th Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Louisville, Kentucky, USA Paper: Neighborhood regeneration and the Phoenix Strategy. Chairperson: Housing renovation.

Feb. 1999 International Symposium on Housing Renovation at the International Building Construction Fair, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Keynote Presentation: Updating the Housing Stock: The Phoenix Strategy.

Nov. 1998 3rd International Metropolis Conference, Zichron Yaakov, Israel. Paper: Immigrants as carriers of urban regeneration.

Sep. 1998 International Conference of ENHR - European Network of Housing Research, on Housing Futures, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Keynote Presentation: Updating the Housing Stock: The Phoenix Strategy.

Mar. 1998 94th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston MA, USA. Paper: Urban revitalization: benefiting both people and places.

Jan. 1998 International Seminar on The Profession of Planning: Challenges, successes and Failures, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. Discussant and Commentator.

Nov. 1997 Mayors' Institute on City Design, a special conference on Housing in the City, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA. Discussant: Demolition versus renovation of public housing projects in the US.

Nov. 1997 39th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.


Paper (with U. Shamir): Water-sensitive urban planning: preliminary analysis. Chairperson: Housing and neighborhood revitalization.

Nov. 1997

International Symposium on Open Building Implementation (CIB TG26), Building Museum, Washington DC, USA. Discussant: Using the open building concept in housing renovation.

Sep. 1997 27th IAH (International Association of Hydrologists) Congress on Groundwater in the Urban Environment, Nottingham, UK. Paper (with U. Shamir): Water-sensitive urban planning: the role of urban planners.

Aug. 1996 International Conference of ENHR - European Network of Housing Research, on Housing and European Integration, Helsingor, Denmark. Paper: Evaluating gentrification in the context of urban revitalization policies. Paper: Urban revitalization patterns: Towards a new generation of policies.

July 1996 Joint International Congress of ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, and AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Toronto, Canada. Paper: Regional development: Can growth go with equity and enhancement of tolerance? Chairperson: Equity and economic development: compatible or contradictory goals?

Oct. 1995 37th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Detroit, USA. Paper: Social planning - a new agenda. Paper: Urban regeneration: third generation programs and beyond.

Aug. 1995 9th Congress of AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Paper: Neighborhood regeneration - the state of the art.

Mar. 1995 International Symposium of the European Center for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Jerusalem. Paper: Diversity and integration as leading principles for long-range planning in Israel.

Dec. 1994 Russian-Israeli Symposium on Community and State in a Changing World, Jerusalem. Paper: Social planning for Israel. Chairperson: New value systems in changing societies.

Aug. 1994 Bi-National - Canadian-Chinese - Conference on Urban Development and the Environment, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Discussant: A viewpoint on development from a newly developed country.

Oct. 1993 35th Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Paper: Urban growth and quality of life in Israel 2020. Chairperson: Urban quality of life.

June 1993 Russian-Israeli Symposium on Democracy and Identity, Moscow, Russia. Paper: Democracy in action: citizen participation in urban planning.

May 1993

International Symposium on Immigration and Integration in Post-Industrial Societies - The Interface Between Research and Policy Making, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. Organizer, Program Head, Chairperson and Principal Commentator. Paper: Migration in post-industrial cities.

Sep. 1992 41st World Congress of IFHP - International Federation of Housing and Planning, Jerusalem. Paper: Old and new policies for urban renewal. Chairperson: Social challenge and urban change.

Mar. 1992 IAS - Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, IASA - Institute for Applied System Analysis, Laxenburg, and IFS - Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm, International Conference on Mass Migration in Europe: Implications in East and West, Vienna, Austria.


Paper: Planning for immigrant absorption: the case of Soviet immigrants in Israel. Charperson: Social aspects of integrating immigrants into the host societies.

July 1991 Joint International Congress of ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, and AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning), Oxford, United Kingdom. Paper: Neighborhood upgrading: what planning can and cannot do.

July 1990 International Housing Research Conference, La Villet, Paris, France. Paper (with M. Baron): Reducing inequality by means of neighborhood rehabilitation: evaluation of the Israeli case. Chairperson: Housing affordability.

Dec. 1989 Sapir International Forum for Economic Policy, Jerusalem. Paper (with M. Baron): Evaluating the impact of Project Renewal on the reduction of socioeconomic disparities in Israel.

Aug. 1989 31st Conference of the ACSP - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Paper: Custom-made communities in regional development: an Israeli experience in the Galilee mountains.

Apr. 1989 World Congress of the Regional Science Association, Jerusalem. Paper: Population dispersal as a strategy for regional development: an Israeli experiment in the Galilee Mountains. Chairperson: Urban revitalization.

Jan. 1989 2nd International Conference on Political Geography, Haifa University. Paper (with O. Yiftachel and D. Rumley): Ethnic minority and political stability: A comparative analysis of Israel and Malaysia.

Oct. 1988 Dutch-Israeli Binational Symposium, Dan Acadia, Hertzelia. Paper (with M. Baron and U. Ben-Zion): The impact of Project Renewal on migration patterns.

July 1988 10th Conference of the International Association for the Study of People and their Surroundings, Delft, The Netherlands. Paper: Self-help improvement of public housing.

June 1988 International Research Conference: Housing, Policy, and Urban Innovation. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Paper: Public-individual partnership in housing renovation.

Aug. 1987 U.S. National Science Foundation Workshop on "Research Issues in Design Theory and Methodology", Plaza Hotel, Boston, U.S.A. Discussant: Planning effectiveness.

Aug. 1987

27th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Athens, Greece. Paper (with M. Hill, R. Alterman, A. Churchman, and M. Shechter): Integrated evaluation of Israel's revitalization project.

May 1986 International Symposium: Neighborhood Policy - the State of the Art. MIT, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Organizer and Program Head. Paper: Israel's Project Renewal - lessons for the future.

Mar. 1986 International Conference on Urban Revitalization, Hilton Hotel, Jerusalem. Member of the Steering Committee. Chairperson: Social rehabilitation. Paper: Israel's Project Renewal: evaluation of goals' achievement

May 1985 Institute for Policy Studies, Housing Policies in the Eighties. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Discussant: Public-individual partnership in housing.


Oct. 1984 Evaluation Research Society International Conference, San Francisco, U.S.A

Paper: An innovative methodology for integrated evaluation.

Oct. 1984 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, New York, U.S.A. Paper: Integrated evaluation in practice. .

June 1983 2nd World Congress on Land Policy, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass, U.S.A. Discussant: Shelter for human survival.

Jan. 1982 The International Interdisciplinary Congress on Woman, Haifa Univ. Discussant: The impact of community and environment on women.

Dec. 1981 Humphrey Center for Social Ecology, International Conference: "The 1980's – Cause for Alarm or Optimism", Ben-Gurion Univ., Be'er-Sheva. Paper: New forms of public housing.

June 1981 "Planning with People", International workshop. University College, London. Paper: Self-help housing rehabilitation.

Dec. 1980 Sapir International Conference on "Social Policy Evaluation", Tel-Aviv Univ. Paper: Multi-group integrated evaluation: a synthesis of approaches to the evaluation of broad-aim social programs.

Nov. 1980 World Congress of the International Federation for Housing and Planning, Jerusalem. Chairperson: Strategies for rehabilitating distressed neighborhoods . Paper: Project Renewal: an Israeli experiment.

Apr. 1980 Annual Conference of the American Planning Association, San Francisco, U.S.A. Paper: Neighborhood deterioration and rehabilitation - the Israeli experience.

Jan. 1980 5th International Congress of Engineers and Architects, Tel-Aviv. Paper: The Israeli approach to neighborhood rehabilitation.

May 1979 34th World Congress, International Federation Housing and Planning, Gothenburg, Sweden. Discussant: Methods in social planning.


May 2016 Mar 2016 Feb 2016 Feb 2016 Nov 2015 Oct 2015

Annual conference of Israel Water Association, TLV Convention Center Paper: 20 years of water-sensitive planning (WSP) in Israel Symposium on Urban Regeneration, Planning Administration, Haifa region, Paper: Strategies of urban regeneration Annual conference of Israel Sociological Association Plenary lecture: The forefront of sociological studies in Israel: sociology in urban planning Annual conference of Israel Planners Association, Tel Aviv Paper: Urban regenration: The organic strategy. Paper (with Chen Naor and Yosef Jabareen): Studentification in peripheral towns and villages of Israel The Akko National Convention on Urbanism Paper (with Nava Kainar Persov): Tools for urban regenration in Israel of the 2000’s. 43d Annual conference of the Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Jerusalem


June 2015 Feb 2014 May 2013 April 2013 Feb 2013 Mar 2012 Feb 2012 Feb 2012 Apr 2011 Mar 2011 Feb 2011 Feb 2011 May 2010 Nov 2009 June 2009 Mar 2009 Feb 2009

Paper (with Liad Markus and Avital Gasith): Using stormwater from inter-urban roads to achieve ecological and social benefits. Israel Sociological Association, Presidents’ forum Discussant: The position of the Sociological Association in Israel’s community of sociologists HAGAR – The Affordable Housing Center, Tel Aviv University Paper: Affordable housing and social mix in housing Conference of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Union of Local Authorities in Israel, Tel Aviv Paper (with Uri Shamir): Urban aspects of water-sensitive planning 10th conference of Israel Water Association, Conference center of Ben-Gurion airport Paper (with Tali Alon-Mozes): Promoting urban quality of life by means of water-sensitive planning: The Israeli case Annual conference of Israel Planners Association, Tel Aviv University Paper (with Sara Goldberg): Social protest in a thousand cities around the world Paper in a workshop on Urbanism: Good urbanism and planning for good urbanism Affordable Housing: Mutual Learning, Bostonians experts meet Israeli colleagues, Technion Paper: Housing in Israel: history, problems, threats and opportunities Towards Climate Change: Water Aspects, conference in Haifa University Paper (with Uri Shamir): Principles of water-sensitive planning and their implications for sustainable development of the water sector in Israel Annual conference of Israel Planners Association, Technion, Haifa Paper: Sustanable development of infrastracture: discussion of principles and examples MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism, Mayors’ Workshop on City Renewal, Zefat Keynote: Global transformations, life style changes, and their implications for urban planning Annual conference of the Water Associations in Israel, Kfar HaMaccabiya Paper (with Uri Shamir): Runoff management and drainage in Israel’s Water Master Plan 42nd annual conference of Israel Sociological Association, Tel-Aviv Academic College Plenary Presentation: The position of Israeli sociology as a discipline and a profession Chair: The contribution of sociology to social professions Annual conference of Israel Planners Association, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva Chair: Urban revitalization Paper (with Elvira Molin): Culture Strategies in Tel-Aviv and their implications on the local population Symposium of Affordable Housing in Israel, Tel Aviv University Paper : The target populations of publicly financed affordable housing 6th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association of Engineers for Construction and Infrastructure, Tel Aviv Paper (with Uri Shamir): Water-sensitive Planning (WSP): Goals, principles, tools and the way to implementation

Annual Conferernce of Israel Association for Water Resources (IAWR), Tel Aviv university Paper (with Uri Shamir): Runoff management: Goals, principles, tools and the way to implementation Annual conference of Israel Planners Association, Hebrew University in Jerusalem Paper (with Einat Amoyal): Social capital in the context of urban planning

40th annual conference of Israel Sociological Association, The College of Management in


Oct 2008 Apr 2008 Feb 2008 Feb 2008 July 2007 June 2007 May 2007 Mar 2007 Feb 2007 June 2006 Mar. 2006 Feb. 2006 Feb. 2006 Dec. 2005

Rishon leZion Paper (with Tamar Lanir-Shatzberg): Affordable housing: Analyzing Western countries’ Experience nd Lessons to Israel Symposium of The Center for Ethics in Jerusalem and Center for Technology and Society of Tel aviv University, on Urban Regeneration and Affordable Housing, Mishkenot Sha’ananim Discussant: Urban regeneration, affordable housing and the process of housing updating Joint conference of the Institute for Technology and Society In Tel Aviv University and the School for Public Policy in The Hebrew University in Jerusalem on Shaping the Israel Space: 1948-2008 Chairperson: Regeneration of the City Center Paper: Decline and regenration of the city center as manifistation of socio-economic changes in Western countries

Joint Symposium of Israel Planners Association and Israel Association of Architects, Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Paper: Urban Regeneration 39th annual conference of Israel Sociological Society, Tel Aviv University Member of the academic program committee Chair of plenary session on: Current and future trends in Sociology in Israel Chair of a session on: Intentions of planners in light of the socio-economic reality

Conference of Lake Galilee Authority (Rashut Nikuz u’Nechalim Kineret) Paper (with Uri Shamir): Watershed master plan as a basic component of Water-Sensitive Planning 35th Annual Meeting of Israeli Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Weitzman Institute Paper (with Chen Hadad and Tal Alon-Mozes): Runoff as a resouece for urban landscape develpment National conference on Israel Land Policy, Neaman Institute, Technion Chairperson: Land and property rights in the agricultural sector

Annual conference of Israel Planners Association, Technion Paper (with Uri Shamir): Urban planning and water considerations 38th annual conference of Israel Sociological Society, Haifa University Co-Chair of the academic program committee Chair of two plenary session on: Being a minority in Israel: Comerative perspective Chair of a session on: Social aspects of planning Paper: Mixed-income housing: A case study 34th conference of Israeli Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Congerss Center, Haifa Chairperson (with Uri Shamir): Water Sensitive Planning Paper (with Uri Shamir): A comprehensive approach to water-sensitive urban and regional planning

Gated Communities symposium, Interdisciplinary Cener, School of business, Herzlia Paper: Gated communities in Israeli cities: 37th annual conference of Israel Sociological Association Discussant: The status of sociology as a discipline and a profession Aannual conference of Israel Association of Planners, Hertzlia Paper (with Yulia Ziflinger): Is development in place also a development of the place?

First National Conference of Merhav – Israel Association for New Urbanism, Beer Sheva Paper: Strategies for New Urbanism and the position of New Urbanism among them


Jun. 2005 Mar. 2005 Feb. 2005 Jan. 2005 Nov. 2004 June 2004 Dec. 2003

Israel Symposium on Sustainable Development, Min. of Construction and Housing. Paper (with Uri Shamir): A new approach to integrating urban planning and urban water developemnt. Aqua Israel – Urban Water in Israel conference, Congress Center, Tel Aviv. Paper (with Uri Shamir): Water-sensitive urban planning: Developing a Policy Document 29th conference of Israel Sociological Society, Tel Hai College, Upper Galilee. Chairperson: Urban Planning: Social Aspects. Paper (with Hana Hamdan): Mixed cities: The case of Nazareth Illit.

Annual conference of Israel Planners Association, Congress Cente, Tel Aviv. Chairperson: Planning for minorities and immigrants. Paper (with Hanita Shuvi): The role of immigrants in urban regeneration. National conference: Judaization of the Galilee or its Development for the benefit of all its Inhabitants. Collaboration between The Jewish-Arab Center in Haifa University and the Center for Urban and Regional Planning at the Technion, Haifa. Co-Organizer and Program Head Chairperson: Promoting equality between Jews and Arabs in the wake of the conclusions of the Orr commission. Paper (with Hana Hamdan): Mixed housing of Jews and Arabs: A case study in Nazareth Ilit and its lessons. 33rd conference of Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Tel Aviv. Paper (with Shlomit Be’eri and Uri Shamir): Water demand management in the urban sector in Israel. National simposium: 25 years to Israel’s Project Renewal, Jerusalem, Binyanei haUma,. Paper: The contribution of Project Renewal to the Israeli society.

Nov. 2003 3rd Congress of the Israeli Association of Engineers in Construction and Infrastructure, Tel Aviv. Paper (with Uri Shamir): Groundwater management in an urban neighborhood.

Oct. 2003 June 2003 Dec. 2002 May 2002

The Annual Meeting on Israel’s Internal Security, Jerusalem. Plennary Presentation: The Israeli society at the beginning of the 21st century. Symposium on Urban and Regional Planning in the Arab Sector in Israel, Technion, Haifa Co-Organizer and Program Head Paper (with Hana Hamdan): Arabs in mixed cities: A case study and open questions. Symposium on Urban Regeneration: For What? For Whom? Honoring Architect Phyllis Lambert from Montreal, Canada

Paper: The professional context of urban renewal and neighborhood rehabilitation.

Annual meeting of Israel Association for Regional Sciences: Closing Spatial, Economic and Social Gaps, Technion.

Chairperson: Gaps in resource allocation and services.

Oct. 2001 Tel Aviv University in collaboration with Israel Center for Local Government. A Symposium on Land Conservation and Strengthening the Periphery, Tel Aviv Univ. Paper: The social rationale for opposing plans for new settlements in Israel.

Jul. 2001 Symposium of the Center of Local Authorities in Israel in collaboration with Life and Environment – Umbrella Organization of Environment–Oriented Organizations in Israel, Tel Aviv University. Paper (with Uri Shamir): Water-sensitive urban planning.

Apr. 2000 Heschel Center series of lectures on Sustainable Planning in Israel, Tel Aviv. Paper (with U. Shamir and S. Burmil): Neighborhood planning and water conservation.


Dec. 1999 The Israeli Association for Environmental Planning, Tel Aviv.

Paper: An international review of the development of planning approaches to urban renewal.

Feb. 1999 30th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Rishon LeZion. Chairperson: Immigration in a global and Israeli context. Paper: New immigrants as carriers of urban revitalization processes.

Dec. 1998 50 Years of Planning in Israel, Technion, Haifa. Chairperson: Housing policy in Israel. Chairperson: Urban Renewal and Revitalization. Paper: A critical review of urban renewal and neighborhood rehabilitation.

Feb. 1997 29th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Tel Aviv University. Chairperson: Social policy and planning in Israel. Paper: The social alternative for the future of Israel – the sociological contribution to Israel 2020 plan.

June 1997 Sapir forum for Economic Policy, Tel-Aviv University. Discussant: The impact of the availability of new lands on the housing market.

Dec. 1996 Annual Conference of Israel Association for Water Resources, Technion, Haifa. Paper (with U. Shamir): The impact of urban construction in Israel's coastal plain on groundwater in the coastal aquifer.

Dec. 1995 Annual Conference of Israel Geographical Association, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem. Paper (with T. Trop): The social alternative for Israel 2020.

July 1995 Annual Conference of Israel Assoc. for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences. Paper (with S. Meiron-Pistiner and U. Shamir): Water-sensitive urban planning.

Apr. 1995 Annual Conference of Israel Geographical Association, Haifa Univ. Paper (with O. Yiftachel): The impact of accelerated regional development on inter-ethnic relationships: the case of the new settlement in the Galilee.

Feb. 1995 26rd Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Bar-Ilan Univ. Paper (with O. Yiftachel): Regional mix and Jewish-Arab relationships in Misgav - a regional council in the Central Galilee. Chairperson: Urban Sociology.

Jun. 1994 Mar. 1994

Symposium on Current Issues in the Housing Market in Israel, Technion, Haifa Discussant: The role of the Ministry of Housing 25rd Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Haifa Univ. Paper: Demographic and social trends as a basis for preparing a long-range plan for Israel. Chairperson: Social changes and public policy.

May 1993 Symposium on Housing and Population in Need, Technion, Haifa. Paper: Renewal, rehabilitation and revitalization of old residential areas.

Dec. 1992

Annual Conference of Israel Geographical Association, Ben-Gurion Univ., Beer Sheva. Paper: Social issues in long-range planning.

May 1992 The Center of local Government in Israel, conference on City Building, Tel-Aviv. Paper: Goals for Israel in the 2000s.

Feb. 1992 23rd Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Technion, Haifa. Chairperson: Immigrant absorption: the contribution of research to policy making.

Feb. 1990 21st Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan. Discussant: Inequalities in the Israeli society.


Feb. 1989 20th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Haifa University. Paper: Measuring success of a deliberate social change. Chairperson: Project Renewal after the first decade.

June 1987 2nd Conference of the Israeli Regional Science Association, Rehovot. Paper: Conclusions and hypotheses following a comprehensive evaluation study of Project Renewal.

Dec. 1986 Annual Conference of Israel Geographical Association, Tel-Aviv Univ. Paper: Project Renewal as an area-targeted program.

June 1986 1st Annual Conference of the Israeli Regional Science Association, Technion. Chairperson: Issues in regional planning.

Feb. 1986 17th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Technion, Haifa. Paper: The impact of Project Renewal on reduction of disparities in Israeli society.

Dec. 1985 Special symposium of Israel Sociological Society on Women in Community Development, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan. Paper: Relevant findings from the evaluation study of Project Renewal.

Feb. 1984 15th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan. Chairperson: Measuring the Social Impacts of Project Renewal.

Apr. 1983 Israel Association of Social Workers Conference, The Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem. Paper: Housing policy in Israel.

Feb. 1983 14th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Haifa Univ. Member of the organizing committee. Chairperson: Towns and communities.

Feb. 1982 13th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Ben-Gurion Univ.,Be'er-Sheva. Paper: The impact of self-help housing enlargement on the family and on the community.

Dec. 1981 Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel, conference on "Neighborhood Rehabilitation - Principles and Reality". Paper: Social and physical rehabilitation: a necessary and possible combination.

Feb. 1980 Symposium of the Section for Evaluation of Social Programs of Israel Sociological Society, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan. Chairperson: Methodology of social services evaluation.

Feb. 1980 11th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem. Chairperson: Social aspects of neighborhood rehabilitation.

June 1979 Symposium of the Section for Evaluation of Social Programs of Israel Sociological Society, Tel-Aviv Univ. Chairperson: The evaluation of neighborhood programs.

May 1979 The American Cultural Center, Tel-Aviv Discussant: The urban dilemma. A public discussion with Prof. Nathan Glazer (Harvard University, U.S.A.) and Mr. Adam Mazor (Tel-Aviv, Israel).

Feb. 1979 10th Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan. Chairperson: Urban sociology.

Feb. 1979 Neaman Institute Conference "Preventing Neighborhood Deterioration", Zichron Yaacov. Program Co-Director. Paper: The causes of neighborhoods' deterioration. Chairperson: Area-targeted social programs.



Work in Progress At the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology 61. Aya Dolev, Ph.D. “From Capital Resources to Urban Resilience”. In collaboration with Amnon

Frenkel as Principal Advisor. 60. Inna Burstein, MURP Final Project, “Housing Renewal Alternatives for the Town of Kiryat

Shmona”. 59. Richard Mapes, Fulbright Research Student. “Housing Regeneration in Declining Suburbs in USA”. 58. Aviv Negbi, M.Sc. “Hosing Cooperatives: Models in the World and their Application in Israel”. In

collaboration with Efrat Eizenberg as Principal Advisor. 57. Sarah Goldberg, Ph.D. “The 2011 Protests and the Formation of a Global Social Movement”. 56. Nava Kayner-Persov, Ph.D. “Strategies of Renewal of Urban Residential Areas:

Conceptualization, Charecterization and Equity-Oriented Evaluation”.


At the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, if not otherwise stated. Please note: Master theses at the Technion are full-scale research, usually submitted in Hebrew (100-250 pages) with an English abstract. Recent M.Sc. theses and Ph.D. dissertations are accessible at

55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48.

Chen Naor, M.Sc., 2016. “Studentification in Peripheral Communities in Israel: Socio-Spatial Relationships between College Students and Local Residents”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Yosef Jabareen. Jenifer Holzer, Ph.D.Pilot Study. 2015. “From Ecological to Socio-Ecological Research: A Global Paradigm Shift”. Supervised in collaboration with Daniel Orenstein as Principal Advisor. Liad Markus, M.Sc., 2014. “Design of Interurban Highways Corridors: Opportunities for Enhancement of Ecological and Social Benefits by Using Road Runoff”. Supervised in collabotation with Prof. Avital Gasith, Porter School, Tel Aviv University. Eeinat Amoyal, Ph.D. 2012. “Social Capital in the Contexts of Urban Planning and Immigrant Integration”.

Nathan Marom, Post Doc., 2009-2012. “Affordable Housing in Global Cities”. Nurit Tzafrir, M.Sc. 2011. “Kfar Shalem – A Unique Story of Demolition and Redevelopment”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Emily Silverman.

Shai Shalev, M.Sc. 2011. “Stormwater Management as Part of Water-Sensitive Planning: A Case Study on the Carmel Mountain in Haifa City”. Supervised in collaboration with Prof. Uri Shamir as Principal Advisor.

Elvira Molin, Ph. D., 2010. “Culture Strategies in Urban Regeneration”.



Lila Chudnovsky, M.Sc., 2009. "The Relationships between Urban Open Space, Place Attachment and Social Networks”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Michal Mitrani.

46. Tamar Lanir, M.Sc., 2008. “Affordable Housing: Analysis of International Experience and Lessons to Israel”.

45. 46. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40.

Emily Silverman, Post Doc., 2006-2008. “Housing and Urban Regeneration Policies: Lessons for Israel from US and UK Research”. Chen Hadad (Sella), M.Sc., 2007. “Runoff as a Resouece in Urban Landscape Developemnt”. In collaboration with Dr. Tali Alon Mozes. Ornit Morgenstern, M.Sc., 2007. “Influence of Transitions in Planning Paradigms on Urban Planning and Development in Tel Aviv”. In collaboration with Prof. Itzhak Schnell as Principal Advisor. Yulia Ziflinger, Ph.D. 2006. "Social Equity in Urban Regeneration Processes: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Measurement".

Elvira Molin, M.Sc. 2006. “Cultural Projects as a Means for Regeneration of the Central City: A Case Study in Haifa".

Muhammad Kimmeri, M.Sc. 2005. Place Attachment and Social Networks in Modern and Traditional Arab Neighborhoods in Jerusalem”. In collaboration with Dr. Gustavo Mesh.

Shlomit Be’eri, M.Sc. 2004. “Water Conservation in the Urban Sector: A comprehensive Feasibility Study”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Prof. Uri Shamir.

39. Merav Bleiman, M.Sc. 2004. “Towards Community-Sensitive Planning of Social Services: The Case of NGOs in Haifa”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Rachel Kallus.

38. Hana Hag Yichya, M.Sc. 2003. “Migration of Arab Families into Jewish Towns: The Case of Nazereth- Nazereth Ilit”.

37. Yafit Bar-Lev, M.Sc. 2003. "Housing Preferences of Middle-Class Consumers”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Rachel Kallus.

36. Eyal Ofek, M.Sc. 2003. “Back to Demolition and Redevelopment as an Urban Renewal Method: Initial Evaluation”.

35. Tlila Uzan, M.Sc. 2002. “Integration of New Residents into the Moshavim as Part of their Community Expansion Program”. In collaboration with Dr. Leviah Apelbaum as Principal Supervisor.

34. Yosef Jabarin, Ph.D. 2002. "Socially Sustainable Housing: A Study of Population and Housing in the City of Gaza".

33. Orit Meretz, M.Sc. 2001. “Updating the Housing Stock in Israel: Analysis and Evaluation”.

32. Yulia Ziflinger, M.Sc. 2001. “Development in Place and Development of the Place: The Case of Or Yehuda”.

31. Abu-Sharkia-Doula Samahir, M.Sc. 2001. “Social Services for Arab Youth in Nazareth: Supply, Use and Preferences”. In collaboration with Prof. Arza Churchman.

30. Sharon Katz, M.Sc. 1999. "Enhancement of Rainwater Infiltration through Design of the Urban House Lot". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Shmuel Burmil.

29. Hanita Shuvi, M.Sc. 1999. "The Role of Immigrants in Neighborhood Regeneration Processes: Comparing the Cases of Neve David and Hadar HaCarmel in the City of Haifa".

28. Hadas Druker, M.Sc. 1998. "Secular and Religious Jews - Together or Apart?" Principal supervisor,


in collaboration with Prof. Arza Churchman.

27. Rivka Ventura-Farchi, M.Sc. 1997. "Neighborhood Regeneration - the Advanced Stage: The Case of Rosh HaAyen". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Rachel Kallus.

26. Park, Hyun-Ok, Post-Doctorate 1997. “Housing Management Systems in Israel”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with colleagues at Chungwoon University in Korea.

25. Razia Zehavi, M.Sc. 1996. "Home Telecommunication: Initial Investigation of its Social Impacts".

24. Tamar Erez, M.Sc. 1996. "Urban Revitalization in Florentine Quarter in Tel-Aviv: Losers and Beneficiaries".

23. Graham Tipple, Post-Doctorate 1996. “Transformation of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings in Distressed Neighbourhoods”. Principal supervisor, in collaboration with collegues in the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

22. Liora Erlich-Hai, M.Sc. 1995. "The Influence of the Attachment to the Hamula on the Residential Layout in Arab Villages in Israel".

21. Sigalit Meiron-Pistiner, M.Sc. 1995. "Water Sensitive Residential Planning For the Coastal Strip of Israel". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Uri Shamir.

20. Yossi Ofer, M.Sc. 1993. "New Housing in Old Distressed Neighborhood - an Evaluation". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Mira Baron.

19. Smadar Amir, M.Sc. 1992. "Housing Revitalization and Immigrant Absorption in Hadar-HaCarmel, Haifa".

18. Miri Yunger, M.Sc. 1992. "Who Benefits from Israel's Water? A Comparative Analysis of Kibbutzim and Moshavim". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Uri Shamir.

17. Tamar Farnik, M.Sc. 1990. "Quality of Life in the New Settlements in the Galilee Region".

16. Tamar Eyal, M.Sc. 1990. "Evaluating Homes for the Aged by the Needs and Preferences of their Residents".

15. Orly Hacohen, M.Sc. 1990. "Self-Help versus Institutionalized Renovation of Residential Buildings".

14. Oren Yiftachel, Ph.D. 1990. "State Policy and Political Stability in a Biethnic Democracy: Israel's Land Use Planning in the Galilee and Jewish-Arab Relations". Joint supervision with Dennis Rumley, under special arrangement with Department of Geography at the University of W. Australia.

13. Alex Lamdoon, M.Sc. 1988. "Flexible Housing - Expansion of Dwelling Units in Multi-Storey Buildings".

12. Bracha Kaufman, M.Sc. 1987. "Developing a Method for Selecting Target Neighborhoods for Urban Revitalization".

11. Shlomit Sha'ar, M.Sc. 1987. "Who Benefits from Project Renewal?".

10. Ariela Weinberg, M.Sc. 1986. "Housing Enlargement in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings".

9. Itai Becker, M.Sc. 1984. "Migration from and into Distressed Neighborhoods - A Case Study in Morasha, Ramat haSharon".

8. Ran Afek (Carlos Pressman), M.Sc. 1983. "Housing Preferences of Ethnic Groups in Israel". Principal supervisor in collaboration with Prof. Bilha Mannheim. Faculty of Industrial Engineering anf Management, Technion.

7. Haim Friedman, M.Sc. 1983. "The Impact of Ideological Background on Intervention Strategies


of Physical Design Professionals". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Alan Kirshenbaum. Faculty of Industrial Engineering anf Management, Technion.

6. Zvi Veinstein, M.Sc. 1983. "Citizen Organization for Purposes of Rehabilitating their Neighborhood".

5. Tamar Gavrieli, M.Sc. 1982. "A Comparative Analysis of Improvements in Public Housing". 4.

Rachel Glazer, M.A. 1982. "An Empirical Study of 'The Culture of Poverty' in a Population of Poor Young Couples in Israel". Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University.

3. Irfat Atili, M.A. 1982. "Change in the Status of the Elder Person in the Arab Villages". Depatment of Labor Relations, Tel Aviv University.

2. Yael Shavit, M.A. 1981. "The Impact of Social Factors on Satisfaction with Residential Neighborhoods". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Prof. Efraim Ya'ar. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University.

1. Sara Chernijovsky, M.A. 1980. "Evaluation of a Neighborhood Renewal Project". Principal supervisor, in collaboration with Dr. Shimon Shpiro. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University.


Apr. 2009 Apr 2009 Mar. 2009 Nov. 2006 Nov. 2006 July 2003 Sep. 2001

Beijing, Peking University, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences New Zealand, University of Auckland, National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries New Zealand, University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning USA, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, Graduate School of Design USA, MIT, Cambridge MA, Department of Urban Studies and Planning Canada, University of Toronto, Center for Urban and Community Studies Canada, McGill University, Montreal, School of Architecture

Aug. 2001 USA, Cleveland State University, College of Urban Affairs

Sep. 1999 UK, University of Glasgow, Department of Urban Studies and The Center for Housing Research and Urban Studies

Apr. 1999 USA, University of California in Berkeley, Department of City and Regional Planning and IURD - Institute of Urban and Regional Development

Feb. 1999 The Netherlands, TU Delft University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Planning

Sep. 1998 UK, University of Bristol, School of Policy Studies

Mar. 1998 USA, Columbia University, New-York, Graduate School of Architecture and Planning

Mar. 1998 USA, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Department of City and Regional Planning

Jan. 1998 USA, UCLA, University of California in Los Angeles, Graduate School of Architecture and Town Planning

Jan. 1998 USA, University of Washington, Seattle WA, College of Architecture and Urban Planning


Nov. 1997 USA, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Oct. 1997 USA, Harvard University, Cambridge Mass., Graduate School of Design

Apr. 1997 Poland , Krakow Academy of Economics, The Research Center for Public Economy and Administration

Apr. 1997 Poland, University of Lodz, Department of City and Regional Management

Oct. 1995 USA, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Department of City and Regional Planning

Oct. 1995 USA, Rutgers, The State University of Jew Jersey, The Department of Urban Planning and Policy Development

Sep. 1994 Canada, UBC, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, School of Community and Regional Planning and Center for Human Settlements

Sep. 1994 USA, UCLA, University of California in Los Angeles, Graduate School of Architecture and Town Planning

Sep. 1992 USA, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Sep. 1992 USA, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Department of City and Regional Planning

May 1991 USA, UCLA, University of California in Los Angeles, Graduate School of Architecture and Town Planning

Apr. 1991 USA, University of California in Berkeley, Department of City and Regional Planning

Mar. 1991 USA, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Center for Real Estate Development

Mar. 1991 USA, Hunter College, The City university of New York, Department of Urban Affairs and Planning

Mar. 1991 USA, University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Planning and Design

Feb. 1991 USA, University of New Mexico, Department of Community and Regional Planning

Nov. 1990 USA, UCLA, University of California in Los Angeles, Department of Sociology

Feb. 1987 USA, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Laboratory of Architecture and Planning

Feb. 1986 USA, Princeton University, New Jersey, School of Architecture

Apr. 1985 USA, MIT- Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mar. 1985 USA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning

Nov. 1984 USA, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., SPURS and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Oct. 1982 University of Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Institute of Environmental Planning

Jun. 1981 United Kingdom, University College, London, Department of Development Planning

Nov. 1979 USA, MIT - Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Oct. 1979 USA, Columbia University, New-York, Graduate School of Architecture and Planning

Oct. 1979 USA, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, School of Public and Urban Policy


PERSONAL Israeli ID: 6061998 Israeli Passport: 11482292 FAMILY

Married to Yosi, Mechanical Engineer.

Mother of:

Ziv, Full Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behavior at INSEAD, married to Avital, Architect and

Executive Coach, and father of Daniel and Yonatan.

Nogah, M.D., Pediatrician, married to Raanan, M.D., Otolaryngologist, and mother of Nitai, Ido and Itamar.

Barak, Business Manager, married to Orly, Lawyer and Coacher, and father of Ethan and Avigail.

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