narrative theories

Post on 26-Oct-2015






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Theories of Narrative


Narrative Theories

Tzetan Todorov• Todorov’s theory is that all narratives of films follow the same structure; this structure follows the form of

Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and finally New Equilibrium. However Todorov argues that there are five steps involved with this theory; those being Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, Acknowledgement of Disequilibrium, Attempt to resolve Disequilibrium & New Equilibrium. Many gangster films follow Todorov’s theory such as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or The Godfather; However there are some that goes against it such as 44 Inch Chest or Pulp Fiction.

Equilibrium Disequilibrium New EquilibriumThe narrative world has balance

There is a negative impact on the narrative world

The disequilibrium is resolved-Doesn’t mean restored to previous equilibrium

Equilibrium Disequilibrium Acknowledgement Attempt of Resolve New EquilibriumThe narrative world has balance

There is a negative impact on the narrative world

The disequilibrium is resolved-Doesn’t mean restored to previous equilibrium

Characters learn of the Disequilibrium

Characters try to repair the Disequilibrium

Vladimir Propp• Vladimir Propp was responsible for the theory that you will always have one of the

following character types. Although Propp has said that a film doesn’t have to include all of the listed character types but will definitely include most of them.

Protagonist/Hero- Leads narrative, Is responsible for resolving disequilibriumAntagonist/ Villain-Tries to prevent Protagonist from resolving disqequilibriumHeroine- Usually the prize of some sort to the protagonist.Father Figure- An authority figure who offers reward to protagonist for completing their “quest”.Helper- Helps hero, acts as sidekickDonor-Gives protagonist something to help them on their “quest”Mentor- Teaches & guides protagonist

Roland BarthesRoland Barthes came up with a theory for the narrative of films that each narrative had five codes; these codes would signify when something would happen or trigger a certain thought in the viewer. These codes are:

An enigma code refers to some sort of mystery in the film but is only referred to via clues but no clear answer is ever given. Enigma codes are used to make the audience want to know more about these clues adding to the immersion and interactiveness of the narrative.

Semantic Code

Semantic codes are used to suggest multiple meanings. Parts of the semantic codes are called semes; these semes are used to add and extra layer of depth to its literal meaning.

Symbolic Code

Symbolic codes are used to show opposites within the narrative to display contrasts to the viewer and create greater meaning allowing for tension and character development.

Referential Code

The referential code is anything that refers to an external source of scientific, cultural and historical knowledge.

Action Codes

An action code is when the camera will make it very clear to the audience that there will be some sort of action very shortly. For example the camera might have a close up of one character then a shot of a gun then a close up of a different charcter.

Enigma Code

Claude Levi-StraussLevi Strauss' theory was called Binary Opposition and suggested that the narrative of films was driven by action which was caused by a series of opposing forces.

Light/ Dark

Noise/ Silence

Youth/ Age

Right/ Wrong

Inside/ Outside

Poverty/ WealthStrength/ Weakness

Binary Oppostion

Hot/ Cold

Good/ Evil

Acvtive/ Passive

Living/ Dead

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