national archives ireland...1972/03/01  · the issue dated 1 septrnnber 1969 details the events of...

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Reference Code: 2005/4/798

Creation Date(s): 1 March 1972

Extent and medium: 8 pages

Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs

Access Conditions: Open

Copyright: National Archives, Ireland. May only be

reproduced with the written permission of the

Director of the National Archives.


~~t:rconc:1.t submitted b~c ~-r Bill Hen "c:~so.1 1 _;orthcrn Ir:]l[.:nd !:c•:: ... ;·:r. cr ?,: .. bli::h.:;r ~-.:.1.2..

Vicc-C~1c-.irt.·.:1 o: t::~ "Ll:;·':;cr U:::.ionist i?·.rt~rrc. E:;~ccutivc Co·u1ittcc c> •• 1c~ Ch::-ir1·:c.r: of tbe Ul:io::list ::?'".rt~· ' rJ :!:t;_ )licity Co~.-:. .. ittee

CO::Ji~s .

inclu':in--; hiGh c::;;cv.tivc office.

::-to .• c.n C· .tholic:::;.

I · s::;rvc<.:. in the IriDL Gu2.rG.s r.:..t'.ril1';; 1939- ~? ·.:c~r

cmc-: ::aD proud to be in 2. rc:~ir::e~.t fift~,r-fif ~~~ Pro-~ c ct211.t

2.~·1 still '' rr:::cruitec:. :->.bo ·t on8 "t :ir(~. -"'ro:·1

Bri It is

'."Ji th

o:f Ir :lane: pre :-icrved a. strict ty CVG'1 to the

StateJ1G~t submitted b~r . r Bill ITel1~:e:"'so,11 .;arthcra IrJl ',nu I:c'::~":')~.'I)cr Pt:oli ,h ~r .1'1-: Vice-C ... 1c.irl:-,~1 o' t ::e 1:1:"~Gr 'C1A~ioniot j?'.rt'.,c .. ~~~ccutive Co'mittec c .. 1(1': of the

Uaionist ?<..rt~"8 2?l).bl icity Co, :.. .. ittee

i,:c.:,c.~. 1 ot. 1972.

I::r f""nily >r'.ve liv-- -1 in rTcrt~:.c: 1. Irel :-.::L O~.'lCO t~lG

':e :10 not , ... . ,J i --l' 0·' .... ,. ~ "C l'; , ; 1" .1.; 0'1 ~ ._ ~ .... J It... ...... _ •.• ___ \._.) _ J.

i ncl1.l'':in --; hi Vl ::2cl).ti ve off ic 0 •

norlC'.n v2.tholic G •

I ' sGrvoc' in the Iri £lL Guc.rtls C!.1..'.. ri:!.l':; 1939- V) ',:Cor

8.n:-:. 1,':au pr 0 1J.O. to bc in c.. rc ~-ir::e!'.t fift;'{-fif ~~. Pro'~ c Ct::l1.t

Bri .

of Irelanc"'. pre r;orved Co ctrict ty eve'l. to the

StateJ1G~t submitted b~r . r Bill ITel1~:e:"'so,11 .;arthcra IrJl ',nu I:c'::~":')~.'I)cr Pt:oli ,h ~r .1'1-: Vice-C ... 1c.irl:-,~1 o' t ::e 1:1:"~Gr 'C1A~ioniot j?'.rt'.,c .. ~~~ccutive Co'mittec c .. 1(1': of the

Uaionist ?<..rt~"8 2?l).bl icity Co, :.. .. ittee

i,:c.:,c.~. 1 ot. 1972.

I::r f""nily >r'.ve liv-- -1 in rTcrt~:.c: 1. Irel :-.::L O~.'lCO t~lG

':e :10 not , ... . ,J i --l' 0·' .... ,. ~ "C l'; , ; 1" .1.; 0'1 ~ ._ ~ .... J It... ...... _ •.• ___ \._.) _ J.

i ncl1.l'':in --; hi Vl ::2cl).ti ve off ic 0 •

norlC'.n v2.tholic G •

I ' sGrvoc' in the Iri £lL Guc.rtls C!.1..'.. ri:!.l':; 1939- V) ',:Cor

8.n:-:. 1,':au pr 0 1J.O. to bc in c.. rc ~-ir::e!'.t fift;'{-fif ~~. Pro'~ c Ct::l1.t

Bri .

of Irelanc"'. pre r;orved Co ctrict ty eve'l. to the

• • extent of denyinG the usc of Irish ports from which

Allied naval forces could have set forth to G::lve sone

of t 1e ohips anrl crews which r:crc S1).nk by the Nazi U

boats in the .. tln.ntic .

Never durin:.:; tho;;c ~rears of tri8.l an{~ tcstin~ for

freed on o..nd. de: the Southern Iris. Governraent

offer cny :::upDort anJ. i.n, eed r1c shoulr' recall the Irish

rebellion of 1916 nhc::: Dri tnin st~bbed in the b~ck

v:hcn o:1.c c the frc c rmr ld threc.t "'ned by

tyro.nnicc..l fore cs . Ei c·tory c crtc...inly rc_ co;ts it self . 11'

I was for fi vc yc<>.rs a r.1er.1bcr in the Parlio;:1ent of

ITort~.ern Irclo.n,: , a:ac.l presently .101: senior office in

th'3 Unionist P.::rty . T.1is part~· has rccv.l< .rly been

retu· neci P.t ~.:ucc0ssivc f,'rce, fully e:1frc..nchiccd. and

C:.e;·:ocrc.tic clcc tions to provide the Gov:rn: 10nt of the

provi~cc of Ulste_ .

Since 1921 tile Eire Govcl"l'"l.'1iTlt 1:1.s con~:;tc..:.'1.tly

r:~·.into.incd 2. polic:r of 2.ru1exc.tion to•:::;.rc'l.s ::-orthern

support for the Bri tisJ.1 CO!ulectioJ.l f:>horr.~.'l by the rno.jori ty

nill of !~ort:wr:..1 Irish vot crs .

Is it surt1ri~ ... inl~ tho.t the ms.jori ty co:.".11..L"li ty in

Ulster, rq:;c.r:~lcco of cl:.....r..:~; ~ rcli~ion or ot:1cr c.ffilic.-

tions, feel fcErful of our 0outhern nei f:;hbours ·:1ith

thai_ n::tionr:li..,tic c-~nd co·r .tou:~ Cj"CC continu8.ll·· on our

As a co:1!.1Vni t;.r, the Ulster Dco-ple or t1i.:; 3cots Irish

a.s rte often cc~lle(, clo::.:;e conncctio:1.s wi tb. the

USA . u0:'1C clever;, Prcci cnts of the u:3!'. C<.1C .rro!J UlDter

0tr::., in Co 11 'tl~on:"', ,·.c+11_ .1..~..' ,'1' pr~l· ~1+ry' +11 .iJccl~r~tl· o·1 u - u. - u-"" u. ' - '- '-• .. .

• • extent of denyin~ the use of Irish ports from which

Allied naval forces could have set forth to save sone

of the ships and crews which \'.'are sl,1l"k by the Nazi U

boats in the Ltlnntic .

Never durin,:., those :'J'eurs of trial ::m.( testing J.or

freed 0."1 cnd c:i the Southcrn Iri::.; ~ Governr;1ent

offer cny Gupnort un~. in 1 eed wc shoul r' recall the Irish

rebellion of 1916 r/her:. Dri tnin

r:he11. O:1.C e ug:lin the free r:orld.

\.,., C:' \(._U

thre2.tcned by

tyro.nnicr'.l forces. Eic·tory certLin1y rCl')'") (!.to itself.

I l,vas for five a I.Ie':lber in the Parli2.:1e~t of

ITort .. ern Irel["ll., 2.:1C' presGlltl: 101: senior office in

t.L Unionist P~.rty . Tlis party hUG rc~.l<.rly been

retu' nod Lt '.;nccl:!sGivc :i;'rce, fully C:1Irr'.nC.liced anC:

c:.e;':.ocr2.tic eleciions to IJrovicle the Gov-::rn:1J!lt ofl;hc

province of Llotcr .

uince 1921 t ... le .~ir~ GOVCrl"'LT[; 12S co !~t~.ntly

r:~.illt2.inod ~ polic~~ of 2.n'1.ex:::.tion to':::...rC:.s :,orthern

Irelc .. ll ': , not'::i t 18 i:;c.nt~inr~ the s~ro:::l.~;' co ... 1tinuing

support for the Bri ti:.c..h CO!1::.1c ctio:i.l f.;hor,'i.1. by the ffio.jori t

riill of I-ort:lCr:l Irish voters .

Is it , .. u.r l)r iL.)in f~ tho.t the 1:l8.jorit:, co: "1uui t:l in

Ulster, rCG2 .. r t:lcos of cl' .. '': ';, reliGion or ot:18r c.ffilic,-

tiol1s. feel fGt!.Y'ful of OU ::>outhern nei " 100urs ':/ith

thei_ n:: tion~ ,li..;tic r~nd CO°' .tou.J ~~/~ S COl1.ti:l ,.., lly on our :.:::1.0. prouperous le,.L an 1',., ~ ... u::tr;y'?

As a CO:'1!.llUli t:,:, tl" J Ulster 1J80-ple or t>.J 3cots Irish

0.8 \'le ure often c <..llecl, h",ve cl08e conncctio:1S I,"ii tl: the

USA . 1..)0:'10 clev:m Fresit e 1tS of t 13 U ,Jl~ C •. 10 fro'-1 Ul:::;ter

.J(.cl .. 1 <..'GiO~1 of L!u.3p:m" C~1C c: • In ':'c ccl., [~ : r Du 11r!p fror.

~tr~'..I.).' in Co 11~rrOn.3, [.Ct\..l ,llr nri:ltccl t.l J .0ccl['.rc. tion .

l • • extent of denyin~ the use of Irish ports from which

Allied naval forces could have set forth to save sone

of the ships and crews which \'.'are sl,1l"k by the Nazi U

boats in the Ltlnntic .

Never durin,:., those :'J'eurs of trial ::m.( testing J.or

freed 0."1 cnd c:i the Southcrn Iri::.; ~ Governr;1ent

offer cny Gupnort un~. in 1 eed wc shoul r' recall the Irish

rebellion of 1916 r/her:. Dri tnin

r:he11. O:1.C e ug:lin the free r:orld.

\.,., C:' \(._U

thre2.tcned by

tyro.nnicr'.l forces. Eic·tory certLin1y rCl')'") (!.to itself.

I l,vas for five a I.Ie':lber in the Parli2.:1e~t of

ITort .. ern Irel["ll., 2.:1C' presGlltl: 101: senior office in

t.L Unionist P~.rty . Tlis party hUG rc~.l<.rly been

retu' nod Lt '.;nccl:!sGivc :i;'rce, fully C:1Irr'.nC.liced anC:

c:.e;':.ocr2.tic eleciions to IJrovicle the Gov-::rn:1J!lt ofl;hc

province of Llotcr .

uince 1921 t ... le .~ir~ GOVCrl"'LT[; 12S co !~t~.ntly

r:~.illt2.inod ~ polic~~ of 2.n'1.ex:::.tion to':::...rC:.s :,orthern

Irelc .. ll ': , not'::i t 18 i:;c.nt~inr~ the s~ro:::l.~;' co ... 1tinuing

support for the Bri ti:.c..h CO!1::.1c ctio:i.l f.;hor,'i.1. by the ffio.jori t

riill of I-ort:lCr:l Irish voters .

Is it , .. u.r l)r iL.)in f~ tho.t the 1:l8.jorit:, co: "1uui t:l in

Ulster, rCG2 .. r t:lcos of cl' .. '': ';, reliGion or ot:18r c.ffilic,-

tiol1s. feel fGt!.Y'ful of OU ::>outhern nei " 100urs ':/ith

thei_ n:: tion~ ,li..;tic r~nd CO°' .tou.J ~~/~ S COl1.ti:l ,.., lly on our :.:::1.0. prouperous le,.L an 1',., ~ ... u::tr;y'?

As a CO:'1!.llUli t:,:, tl" J Ulster 1J80-ple or t>.J 3cots Irish

0.8 \'le ure often c <..llecl, h",ve cl08e conncctio:1S I,"ii tl: the

USA . 1..)0:'10 clev:m Fresit e 1tS of t 13 U ,Jl~ C •. 10 fro'-1 Ul:::;ter

.J(.cl .. 1 <..'GiO~1 of L!u.3p:m" C~1C c: • In ':'c ccl., [~ : r Du 11r!p fror.

~tr~'..I.).' in Co 11~rrOn.3, [.Ct\..l ,llr nri:ltccl t.l J .0ccl['.rc. tion .


• • The p~st three ye~rs of violence i n Ulster has

c ert':'.inly enjoyed rlorld:;ddc publici t;y <...nd \1'..2 r;oulcl

claim that 1.1a.ny o.ctivists prot'l[;Onists frau o..ll

<!Uarters have received a p2.tron<1.-:;.J, often hichly

rennrcling in cash terns 1 from the :1eclia of tl e world

that in ny opinion has exacerbated ~ hi~1ly intro..ctablc

problen .

r-11.o.t fer; re< sc i 8 t lett t:nc blueprint .lor the pa;;:,t

t~1rec of violence ·,rns rJrittc:"l as lon:~ :... _,o us 1966

c:..nL. I no'.r tt:cblc a photost·. t from the Bclf2-Gt lTci:slctt c;r

of 21 I.:2.y 1966 . This shows co;ne ::tlt:'.rr.1in0 plans .

:!. lc:1gthy 111~-~~1 to t2.h:c over i~ortl1CT,11. IrcJ_r'*n~

r:ith the of a:1. "c.r:.w ~ ctc-.11'~ 11 in the hc::::.rt of c.n~ em al)pcc-.1 to the Unit cd H:;.tions, it

nas c"lisclosed in Dublin :.1.i:;ht .

',;h£:t is so fri·7 tcnin;; c.bout th-:; docw-::cnt ?

Fro::-.1 reliable sources I lco.rn tl:::-.t it co 1t c:~ins not

only c:ctails of plans for an cv-:;ntuo.l nj_li tc.ry

tr:.kcover 1Jy t:1c I . ...,' L.:. L1 t:1e 1:ort:.1, but '1l.;o plans

The cloc nGnt al::;o conto.ins plans for the

c1..:ltur:::.l orc::ni...,:-- tionc, even rcli::-iouo bo dies

of "~ll pcr:~tJ.r.::.:ions .

U:1i versi t;r stuC.cnts C!.re to b-3 " in, octl"'i:1o.t cd".

Lost c;ynical of c.:ll, I u: ... :cr:::;t2.n2, i"" the

o.::> to rclicion in th..: plc.n . Scct"'.ric ... >'li::::;r:1

i s t o be cncour~ced ~ith the aim of prooot i ng

reli r:ious strife 211.C' civi l eli sord cr ."

I no•:1 refer to r. series of lL!'.:p:1lets C)l1titlccl

11 Ulstcr - t;he Facts".

- 3 -


• • The p~ct three ye~rs of violence in Ulster has

cert-:',inly enjoyed \'forld'Nide publici t;y ,-nd \/'..2 riould

c l aim that !.1::tny o.ctivists prot'1[;onisto fron 0.11

<!uarters ho.V8 received a patronn3c, often hi{::hly

re\7arding in cash terns 1 from the :1edia of tl e world

that in ny opinion has exacerbated ~ hi~lly intro.ctablc

problen .

t~lrec yeers of violence ','[1,8 rJritten t:'.S lon:~ :.. -,0 <.:s 1966 I nO',1 tD..blc ['. photost'. t from the :a_lf~Gt lTcimlett (Jr

of 21 I:D..Y 1966 . This shows co;ne alE',rr.linu plans .

11 The 1:1l. c:;.oC1)~le 1t c~.,pturC(l. in :'=ire include s

::. lC:1.gthy pl~~'l to to-ke over i;ortl1crn IrelE'.n":

'.':it11 the ail~ of 2.:1. " c,r::le ~ 8t2,n(" in the hc::.rt of ['.n~ cm apP2[',1 to the Unit cd H:;.tiollS, it

naG c'liscloscd in Dublin :1.i::;ht .

";h<.:t is :30 fri:j tcninG c,bout the docw--:ont ?

Froy.1 relio.blc sources I l02,rn tl:::-.t it co lt c:~ins not

only c:et8.ils of plc.nG for an ov-:;ntuo.l nili tc.r;y

t[:,koover 1JY t:1e Tit 1.1 t:le Eort:'l, but '"),1'-;0 plans

to for this b~r infiltrati:l '; tJ :e Dritir.:;h

I .. r:--:J.'Jr l:: . .':vy, the RUC rme. " 1311 .

The cloe l'lGnt 0.100 conto..ins plans for the

C1.,'.lturc.l orG~l1 ioJ["- ti011S] ::.nC (;von rclicio1J.G bo dies

of [~ll pcr:~ t}.C',:;ions 0

U::'li 'Tersi ty stu:':cnts to b~ 11 in' oCti.."'i:10,t ed" 0

Lo et c;Yllical of <.:11, I lli .. ,,: er:::; t['.n-'::' , i.:> the

c.:?proach to reliGion in th..: plc.n o Soct"'.ric ... '1.isn

i s t o be cncouTJced ~ith the aim of proDot i ng

rcli ',:ious strife 2.11.( civi l C:i sord er ."

I no':; :refer to [, series of lL:.:P:l1c"ts C)ntitlecl

l'Ulster - Ghe F2.cts" 0

- 3 -


• • The p~ct three ye~rs of violence in Ulster has

cert-:',inly enjoyed \'forld'Nide publici t;y ,-nd \/'..2 riould

c l aim that !.1::tny o.ctivists prot'1[;onisto fron 0.11

<!uarters ho.V8 received a patronn3c, often hi{::hly

re\7arding in cash terns 1 from the :1edia of tl e world

that in ny opinion has exacerbated ~ hi~lly intro.ctablc

problen .

t~lrec yeers of violence ','[1,8 rJritten t:'.S lon:~ :.. -,0 <.:s 1966 I nO',1 tD..blc ['. photost'. t from the :a_lf~Gt lTcimlett (Jr

of 21 I:D..Y 1966 . This shows co;ne alE',rr.linu plans .

11 The 1:1l. c:;.oC1)~le 1t c~.,pturC(l. in :'=ire include s

::. lC:1.gthy pl~~'l to to-ke over i;ortl1crn IrelE'.n":

'.':it11 the ail~ of 2.:1. " c,r::le ~ 8t2,n(" in the hc::.rt of ['.n~ cm apP2[',1 to the Unit cd H:;.tiollS, it

naG c'liscloscd in Dublin :1.i::;ht .

";h<.:t is :30 fri:j tcninG c,bout the docw--:ont ?

Froy.1 relio.blc sources I l02,rn tl:::-.t it co lt c:~ins not

only c:et8.ils of plc.nG for an ov-:;ntuo.l nili tc.r;y

t[:,koover 1JY t:1e Tit 1.1 t:le Eort:'l, but '"),1'-;0 plans

to for this b~r infiltrati:l '; tJ :e Dritir.:;h

I .. r:--:J.'Jr l:: . .':vy, the RUC rme. " 1311 .

The cloe l'lGnt 0.100 conto..ins plans for the

C1.,'.lturc.l orG~l1 ioJ["- ti011S] ::.nC (;von rclicio1J.G bo dies

of [~ll pcr:~ t}.C',:;ions 0

U::'li 'Tersi ty stu:':cnts to b~ 11 in' oCti.."'i:10,t ed" 0

Lo et c;Yllical of <.:11, I lli .. ,,: er:::; t['.n-'::' , i.:> the

c.:?proach to reliGion in th..: plc.n o Soct"'.ric ... '1.isn

i s t o be cncouTJced ~ith the aim of proDot i ng

rcli ',:ious strife 2.11.( civi l C:i sord er ."

I no':; :refer to [, series of lL:.:P:l1c"ts C)ntitlecl

l'Ulster - Ghe F2.cts" 0

- 3 -


• • The issue dated 1 Septrnnber 1969 details the events

of August in which bloody riots occurred in LonC.onC.erry

o.nd J3elfant betv:e en the police and ~::o-c:llled Civil

TI.iQ:lts protestors. The pamphlet rightly cl...,ims "The

violence nus nll according to the plc.n o 4"1ounc cd in 1966 ~'

It is si '";'lificn.nt that I.! iss Devlin :.:P i o pictured

on the front covel~ brec.kint; !;)E'.ving sto:1cs to

them for throrrin <; o. t the polic c in the Lonclon:.lcrr; riots .

:. iss Devlin coulc: be conp'".red to your ·riDs !..n _,o le:. Davis

o..s a. self-~"'.cknoilled.:-;od revolutionary, C:e~cr-Jincd on

rlestroyin3 the d0J:'ocr~.tic system of >ovcrnr:tent .

"Ulst . .:.r The F2.ctD" i ~~sue of;:,· 1970 tells the

::; tory of t·,·:o blooC:y \'/cckenc .. s i:'l Bclfc_st in r:hich n:::.ny

.;: ie e::nd t 12 security fore eo roc overed fror:.1 the

terrorists in the lo·:mr FaJlc '1istrict over 100 o..ssorted

r:cc.::9ons machine c.ns over 20. 000 rou..YJ.d s

of 2!l:r:nx:1.ition .

"Ulste.,.. - The .t•~ ctc" iss"J.c of -~.:..rcl 1971 c:::>:'ltinu"'s

the blooC.y saGe. oi violence fron tcrrori:~ t an.::. st:b-

death of the firnt British soluier in I;o_ tll~rn Ir0l~nC:.,

!.t to<:ay ' s cl2.te, 1 .I:::rch 1972, 55 solcj_e~~, 11 ,')olicencn

.,nc, 9 ''1e"'1'o..,rc-(....... .... ... ...... -- """' of the Ulster :Ocf _;YJ.c e Rc ·;i.Lnt (our

e r•ui valent of J'Ol...'.r u~.:'.tionc-.1 Gut:rd) hf'l.VC '.Jeen killc~i in

ass~ssinations or coYJ.fro~t~tions vith t~c IJA.

·,:e a t c:ai ble toll of over 1 :50 c i vilio..n

C.eo.ths at the"..s oi IR\ terrorists i 1.cluc"..inr: c. Unionist

S en.c.tor brutc.lly mur~_crcCl i~1. hi::> home l ;,c·t D:;;c e.1b2r n.nd

only lc.ot '::cck o. I.:ii:1icter in the Governr:-lc"lt nc.rro·;:ly

cscc.ped but is no':.r l:,ri~1.:; in ho..::pi t~-1 recovering

f .co".1 si:: bullet \/Oun.=.s fro1:1 a 1'ho:.1pson :..ub- ! gun .

I nO\.' t~-blc mother po.:nphlct fro!!! ::: lco.c".in ''" nc·:Js-

pa.pcr colw.mist in Ul...,;Lcr askin.'-' w,:oulC the people of

- 4 -

• • The issue dated 1 Septrnnber 1969 details the events

of August in which bloody riots occurred in LonC:onc.erry

o,nd Belfast betr/een the police D.rlG. so-c:llled Civil

l1i ~ts proteotors. The pal!lphlet rightly clc.ims "The

violenc e nas nIl according to the plrn 2.rh'1.0unC eel in 1966~'

It is si :;nific 'llyt t lat I.Iiss Devlin .,.F i 0 pictured

011 the front cover brec..kinb pe.ving to

them for throrrin,; C!.t the police in the Lon(on::'0:llJr riots .

: iss Dovlin coulc. be conp'.red to your -liDS Anr·clc:. DC!.vis

as c. self-2.cknoHled.::;Dd rcvol1.ltio!"lar . .:,

clestroyin~ the dCl"Ocr;,. .. tic system of overnt1cnt.

The Fncts" L~:::;ue of JiL;y 1970 tells the

:-Jtory of t..-:o blooC:y '.',cekml( 0 i:'1 Belfc.r::t in rlhich r12.11Y

Cie~ 8.nd the security forces recovered fron the

terrorists iYl. tne 10';lCr F~l,J 1:; c1istrict over 100 2..csorted

\":0,,::90118 inc ludil"..~-: :7luchine bV.l'1S [':~c: over 20.000 rOlL'lJ.c. s

of t::.n:''':11Lli t ion .

"Ulat e"" - The ::!ccts" iss"J.c of ::.:.rc11 1971 eO:"1tinu;s

the blooC.y sare. of violence from terrori::. t unO. 3 :0-

death of the first .31"i tish soldier in I;ort_L,rn IrclC'":. ,

t toc.ay t s cl:,:,te, .12.rch 1972, 55 Golcic;~J, 11 T)olieerlcn

C'.nc. 9 ::1e:-.1.)ors of the Ulster DcfJ'1.ce RC';i.Lnt (our

er'uivalent of Y01..'..r li:.. .. tton2.l Gu·~.rcl) . een killc~ in

C'.3c8.:-'sinatiol1.c or cO'lfro:'lt:-.tio:'ls '\,Ti th the 11_ .

',:0 have had 0. te:aible toll of over 1:50 civilio.n

deaths at the of IRA. terrorists i , c, Unionist

SenC'.tor brut8.11~r mur::~ered i~1 hiG home 12yt DGce.:lb2r anc:.

only lc.ut ':reck Co !,iinif)'l;er in thc Govcrnnc'1t nc.rro·::ly

88cc~ped but is 110':.r l;-,ri!l'; in ho~pi t2.1 recover-in;:;

frol.1 si:: bullet \loun':.s froQ a 'l'llor.1pGon S'J.b-!do~chi~lC ,;un .

I 110\.1 t ... blc mother pc--'"1phlct fro~ 2. lC2..Cin r l1C':IO-

paper colw:ll1ist in UL;tcr tiskin:: 1I".:oulC the people of

- 4 -


• • The issue dated 1 Septrnnber 1969 details the events

of August in which bloody riots occurred in LonC:onc.erry

o,nd Belfast betr/een the police D.rlG. so-c:llled Civil

l1i ~ts proteotors. The pal!lphlet rightly clc.ims "The

violenc e nas nIl according to the plrn 2.rh'1.0unC eel in 1966~'

It is si :;nific 'llyt t lat I.Iiss Devlin .,.F i 0 pictured

011 the front cover brec..kinb pe.ving to

them for throrrin,; C!.t the police in the Lon(on::'0:llJr riots .

: iss Dovlin coulc. be conp'.red to your -liDS Anr·clc:. DC!.vis

as c. self-2.cknoHled.::;Dd rcvol1.ltio!"lar . .:,

clestroyin~ the dCl"Ocr;,. .. tic system of overnt1cnt.

The Fncts" L~:::;ue of JiL;y 1970 tells the

:-Jtory of t..-:o blooC:y '.',cekml( 0 i:'1 Belfc.r::t in rlhich r12.11Y

Cie~ 8.nd the security forces recovered fron the

terrorists iYl. tne 10';lCr F~l,J 1:; c1istrict over 100 2..csorted

\":0,,::90118 inc ludil"..~-: :7luchine bV.l'1S [':~c: over 20.000 rOlL'lJ.c. s

of t::.n:''':11Lli t ion .

"Ulat e"" - The ::!ccts" iss"J.c of ::.:.rc11 1971 eO:"1tinu;s

the blooC.y sare. of violence from terrori::. t unO. 3 :0-

death of the first .31"i tish soldier in I;ort_L,rn IrclC'":. ,

t toc.ay t s cl:,:,te, .12.rch 1972, 55 Golcic;~J, 11 T)olieerlcn

C'.nc. 9 ::1e:-.1.)ors of the Ulster DcfJ'1.ce RC';i.Lnt (our

er'uivalent of Y01..'..r li:.. .. tton2.l Gu·~.rcl) . een killc~ in

C'.3c8.:-'sinatiol1.c or cO'lfro:'lt:-.tio:'ls '\,Ti th the 11_ .

',:0 have had 0. te:aible toll of over 1:50 civilio.n

deaths at the of IRA. terrorists i , c, Unionist

SenC'.tor brut8.11~r mur::~ered i~1 hiG home 12yt DGce.:lb2r anc:.

only lc.ut ':reck Co !,iinif)'l;er in thc Govcrnnc'1t nc.rro·::ly

88cc~ped but is 110':.r l;-,ri!l'; in ho~pi t2.1 recover-in;:;

frol.1 si:: bullet \loun':.s froQ a 'l'llor.1pGon S'J.b-!do~chi~lC ,;un .

I 110\.1 t ... blc mother pc--'"1phlct fro~ 2. lC2..Cin r l1C':IO-

paper colw:ll1ist in UL;tcr tiskin:: 1I".:oulC the people of

- 4 -


• Englund stc.nd it?". I you, nould the people of

America stand it?

To and ::nL:QJ.ify th~'.:t a..ucst ion I t L~blc a

booklet " The Terror an G. the" nhich s:r~or:s the real

misery c.nd sufferinr~ of ordinary innocent civilicms in

Northern Irelan·' rtho last yc<'.r <1lone en:~urcc.. 1011 bonb

cxplo:Jions. The borJb:J r;crc pl8.ced in(iscri!":iru:tcly 2.nd

in rx::ny c::toes no v:nrninG was ..;ivcn. This booklet tells

of the gi.l::'..Stly bo:1b ::'..ttc.ek ~-t Ale cr . .)hot in .... 1 slP.n~. l;;.st

week~ when the Iii.l'. .. blcn up :..:n c.rny officers ' nc ss an'

l:illcc five c i viliun ·:ror.12n clcn.1::;r:-1 ~ ::. ci vilic.n --;2.rde::1er

It is in tl:_ licht of t_lese co_1tin'J.i:1:; ~.troc i tics

th".t c:.. polic~ of i~1t ernr.. 'J:!:lt ..-:i thout trial r.·c.s introcJ.uc cc1. .

Our Govcr:r1ent ;·,a~;, reluct::-.nt to co 1t"':.1}!l· te s '..Ch a

oven:l:clnincl,; obvious t:1:~t tlw t::rroris~s r:3ru t.3in'~

tl;.c protcctio:1 ol' t.:e lc:.: to :estcoJ t'1c Jcr.:oc~:~:. tic

institv.tion of l:.:.r itself. .L • :;_JrC.CulCC of

cubv\,;rsivcs .

In t:hc -::10' of Jul:r 1971 before int .r:.:.T.G:""l.t! 1 ,·~08 lbs

of c;:~Jlo si Vc nr-.s used to C..r:v2.::>tt:tc Bclfu:; t ' s cit~l c c ... 1t· c -

thi3 ·:1ur.:. thrc~ times rJor,:; tlL.n tll2 u.:Olli1t 1:~:0 in Jw1~ .

fi e IRA of

i:1for::~r::::, cul.1i11<.t in:; r()ccntly in the r.rurd.e of <. bns

too rot .;p o.s he tri cd to )1l.·Jh his c.lilc:rc:'l out of th,

line of fire . I '.:oulcl r>.fJ : 2JOU to .. : o: r:i.:o is ~;o i:'..c

t o oo c:. \litne os if llo thou -~:t ... 1c ·:: -::l~.J li .bl-: ·~o be

of hur.: .. n li bort;,- :..:::1~ I ·.:ouL: in cccl ~.:.:rcc . It io ~!.

- 5 -

• England stc.nd it?" . 1 D.slc you, \"Iould the people of

America stand it?

To illustrc.te and mt:gnify th:..'.: t (luestion 1 t2..blc a

booklet " The Terror the Tee-rs" rlhich ohor:s the real

misery o.nd sufferin3 of ordine-ry innocent civilians in

:northern 1relo.n·: \f}1o last "02.r R.lone en(Llil'c!\..i.. 1011 bonb

explosions . The bombs rlcre pl~ced indiscriMin~t21y 2nd

in Ll:::ny c"'..scs no ,.'o.rnin[; \'m.G ""ivcn. This booklet tells

\7eelc) whcn t!18 I i1A blc'I' UD ~'..n 2.rr.,y offic crG I nc ss an'

l:illcd fi vc c i vilio....'Yl ·:!Or.l2:l cleo.nor" ~ :-. ci vilic.n :;2.rd e_ler

It is in t' __ liGht of t_1CSC cO:ltin'.J,i:1.:; ~.troci tics

th.t c:'.. polic- 0 i~1t ernr."l,)~lt i:i thout trial \~rD.S introc,uc e6, .

Our Govcr:1:Jcnt ':IC:v~:3 reluct::'.nt to co "1te:,.:pl·lt ~ G ' a

~,'.:;, r.1C['.8lL C [,,:1. l in~ cec. r,Tc '\':-:i t.d mtil it 00C .... '18

over\.'l:clninc1 r oovio1..1.<::' t::.~.t thc t::rrorist~ r: ~rc u3in (~

t}:c prot cctiO::1 or t>..e le:,: to :c.:t co,; t'12 JCi.:OC:'~v tic

insti t1J,tion of l~~';1 i tsclf . of

Gubversivcs .

1~1. t'r'.e :'.0,., ·t'L1. o1"J. J",l~ 1971 '00for f"I ;, J- r~"'T ('>'1'''' 1 OC: Ib'" • _ • • 1 ". <. _ _ _ ~_ l' _ ... _ .' . u • , . I.,; '"

of -1')lo 'v ~. "'~ca' to -"v,..."t,..L., 13cl-.i":.r.-,'t ' ~ e'; ·I--,,' e!" 'lt'c -C;'. Sl __ r;c.u ~_iJ !~i: '-v,,", <... ut] ~ ~..L. V _4

this ';/Us thr2 .. tiT.les more tlL.n tlL u .. :OUl'lt U;~cL in Jun~ .

'::.l _l~.t ~·co.r ''''.180 C[,.;;! t'.c i r"t c :ccvtio 18 b~T t, (~ IRA of

i::.lfor:-:::)rr:, e1.11:1il!['~tin; rC)e en tly in the T.1urc c of t. b1.1.s

\':itncsc. J~r'ney A;;nci'1 w~:s sLot r:0\"1 on hiD 0\111 fron~

,:oor:Jt 211 D.S hc tri cd to :)1 ,,,11 his c_lil ( re:1 out of th #

line of .0 • .

t o oc 8. '.litnC:J3 if he thon ~:t he ';:-::r2 li:-.hl_ ·co b2

fOUl1,~ ''':0['.(1 the :ilC::t l. O~l.ill ;'?

of ~lur.1, .n libt:!rt:; t.!:1~ I ';[oul': ill ' ceel ,:('7'00 . It is ~!.

- 5 -

• England stc.nd it?" . 1 D.slc you, \"Iould the people of

America stand it?

To illustrc.te and mt:gnify th:..'.: t (luestion 1 t2..blc a

booklet " The Terror the Tee-rs" rlhich ohor:s the real

misery o.nd sufferin3 of ordine-ry innocent civilians in

:northern 1relo.n·: \f}1o last "02.r R.lone en(Llil'c!\..i.. 1011 bonb

explosions . The bombs rlcre pl~ced indiscriMin~t21y 2nd

in Ll:::ny c"'..scs no ,.'o.rnin[; \'m.G ""ivcn. This booklet tells

\7eelc) whcn t!18 I i1A blc'I' UD ~'..n 2.rr.,y offic crG I nc ss an'

l:illcd fi vc c i vilio....'Yl ·:!Or.l2:l cleo.nor" ~ :-. ci vilic.n :;2.rd e_ler

It is in t' __ liGht of t_1CSC cO:ltin'.J,i:1.:; ~.troci tics

th.t c:'.. polic- 0 i~1t ernr."l,)~lt i:i thout trial \~rD.S introc,uc e6, .

Our Govcr:1:Jcnt ':IC:v~:3 reluct::'.nt to co "1te:,.:pl·lt ~ G ' a

~,'.:;, r.1C['.8lL C [,,:1. l in~ cec. r,Tc '\':-:i t.d mtil it 00C .... '18

over\.'l:clninc1 r oovio1..1.<::' t::.~.t thc t::rrorist~ r: ~rc u3in (~

t}:c prot cctiO::1 or t>..e le:,: to :c.:t co,; t'12 JCi.:OC:'~v tic

insti t1J,tion of l~~';1 i tsclf . of

Gubversivcs .

1~1. t'r'.e :'.0,., ·t'L1. o1"J. J",l~ 1971 '00for f"I ;, J- r~"'T ('>'1'''' 1 OC: Ib'" • _ • • 1 ". <. _ _ _ ~_ l' _ ... _ .' . u • , . I.,; '"

of -1')lo 'v ~. "'~ca' to -"v,..."t,..L., 13cl-.i":.r.-,'t ' ~ e'; ·I--,,' e!" 'lt'c -C;'. Sl __ r;c.u ~_iJ !~i: '-v,,", <... ut] ~ ~..L. V _4

this ';/Us thr2 .. tiT.les more tlL.n tlL u .. :OUl'lt U;~cL in Jun~ .

'::.l _l~.t ~·co.r ''''.180 C[,.;;! t'.c i r"t c :ccvtio 18 b~T t, (~ IRA of

i::.lfor:-:::)rr:, e1.11:1il!['~tin; rC)e en tly in the T.1urc c of t. b1.1.s

\':itncsc. J~r'ney A;;nci'1 w~:s sLot r:0\"1 on hiD 0\111 fron~

,:oor:Jt 211 D.S hc tri cd to :)1 ,,,11 his c_lil ( re:1 out of th #

line of .0 • .

t o oc 8. '.litnC:J3 if he thon ~:t he ';:-::r2 li:-.hl_ ·co b2

fOUl1,~ ''':0['.(1 the :ilC::t l. O~l.ill ;'?

of ~lur.1, .n libt:!rt:; t.!:1~ I ';[oul': ill ' ceel ,:('7'00 . It is ~!.

- 5 -

• U.cnio.l, however, thc'tt ha3 to be ':wic;hc'l very cr~rcfully

n.~o.inst the richt of L>. sto.te to !Jrotcct its cit i~cms '

li.vcs o.ncl pro,Jcrt~, . This is c.n o.cccptccl balancing at

I:~rt;gr_·uJ .. tionL:l L:J.\'1. I~rticlc 15 of the .. ';urope:J.n Convention

of 1't1L1a:1 Rights proviC:cs for dcroc.:'.tio:"ls "i'1 tir.12 of

r:c.r or public ~mcr-:;cncy thre~tc~"lin& tllc J i:'e of the

:1.ation" . In.::.ced . .1~:ny, if not o.ll, cow'1.trics used

detention r:ithout tri.. .. l - th.J Uni teLL St:...tcs o.n · Gre2-t

it~) ~ 'COGC crisis .... :1.' Sout_;.crn Irel; ... n on t_ reo occ2.sions

since 1921. In 1957 1lr De V~'.lcrr-., tlFm Pril.le I:L1.istcr

of Souther_:. Irclo.n· ii1ter:ncd 206 IRA. !.:c:;.'l for t·::o

2-nC. justified. this e .. t the Eul'O})ce.n Court of !It,_ ~"'.:1. Ri&-1ts

polic cr:mn hc.d c:icd.

~his is vnder trtc

c:l.:-.. irr::c: .. nsn.ip of c:. pro:-1i!1.G:i.1-:; jucl.:~c ~ ~:r Ju::tic e .Bro ·,·::rl, h2.s t·:1o other ··1-..r..bel':J, 0:1...:; of \';ho:J. I :r Ju::~cic c D::tlton,

record .

Finc..lly I ~·.roult.l like to sc.y thc'.t i:-1ternecs c...:re

not ireo.tcd C'.G crij,ji!lr".lG . r.rhcy h:.. .. Ve <.CCCSG to c".ll nornal

fc.cilitic:::; i·1c~.u~i'1, nc·::sp'lpcrs. boo;:;,, television. rCl.c'io


• aeni ul , hO':lcver, thni.; haG to be ',ve i ::;h!.!tl very e:.:~rcfully

(~[!;:J.inGt the riGht of 0.. ctc.te to !Jrotect its citizenc '

li"ves a.nd propert~r . This is <':11 2.cceptecl lxtlc.ncing at

I::.YLcrnntion<.:l L2.\,I. l~rticle 15 of the F;uropeD-Yl. Convention

of FUI.1a:1 :i1ichts provic:es for c..croGC'.ti0:18 "in tir.12 of

r:c .. r or public ~mGr-:-;ency thre~tc:'linG tIle li::e of the

nation" . 1n'::'eed ,:1<.:ny, if not c.ll) cot:.l1:tries he,v .... used

detention ;:i thout trii-l - t:L] United Sk'..tcG 2.11 Grect

Bri ti.. .. in in t~le 12.fJt ·,::::.r, t\lO ::C' .r.., aco (-..r ill'

it~) I~ 'caGc crisis ::::1.' Soutl:crn Irel[.,l1 on t. ree occe,sions

si'lce 19L 1. In 1957 i.r De V~'..ler:-,~, t:wn Priue I:Llistcr

of SouthGrl"-' il1terncd 206 IR1\. !',1C:1 for (;'::0 ycc,r~;

2.nG. justified. this ["t the EUl'OP ,2,11. COi.J.rt of II1.1':.:"'.:1. fiiGlts

It shoulc~ not b j suppoGec. "c.l~t [,'::1.j"0:1C i G ir .. :~ enled

r:i thout c::-,re.L 1)~ lc.~;:~l c':eclw . After "',rres'~ every CGoe

in epcnc:en"c ':2ribuno..l . ~hi8 i~3 v.Ytcler the

2,nd l:'['.S t"lQ other l.1cr.:bcl'::. 0:1..,) of '.";210:.1. I:r Ju::Jcic e D2.1ton,

is c. R02~n Cc.tholic . This ~rib nc.l conGi~crG c.ll the

cvi-5.cnce <:" le. m"'..'ws rCCOU'l1<.:m --... tions for It

] '\ · ... 1 ...... -,"'-


I'in2.11y I ','!oulJ l i ke to s:::<, thc.t i:lt crn~e s


.J.. "" ,... .t. vJ.' • V

• aeni ul , hO':lcver, thni.; haG to be ',ve i ::;h!.!tl very e:.:~rcfully

(~[!;:J.inGt the riGht of 0.. ctc.te to !Jrotect its citizenc '

li"ves a.nd propert~r . This is <':11 2.cceptecl lxtlc.ncing at

I::.YLcrnntion<.:l L2.\,I. l~rticle 15 of the F;uropeD-Yl. Convention

of FUI.1a:1 :i1ichts provic:es for c..croGC'.ti0:18 "in tir.12 of

r:c .. r or public ~mGr-:-;ency thre~tc:'linG tIle li::e of the

nation" . 1n'::'eed ,:1<.:ny, if not c.ll) cot:.l1:tries he,v .... used

detention ;:i thout trii-l - t:L] United Sk'..tcG 2.11 Grect

Bri ti.. .. in in t~le 12.fJt ·,::::.r, t\lO ::C' .r.., aco (-..r ill'

it~) I~ 'caGc crisis ::::1.' Soutl:crn Irel[.,l1 on t. ree occe,sions

si'lce 19L 1. In 1957 i.r De V~'..ler:-,~, t:wn Priue I:Llistcr

of SouthGrl"-' il1terncd 206 IR1\. !',1C:1 for (;'::0 ycc,r~;

2.nG. justified. this ["t the EUl'OP ,2,11. COi.J.rt of II1.1':.:"'.:1. fiiGlts

It shoulc~ not b j suppoGec. "c.l~t [,'::1.j"0:1C i G ir .. :~ enled

r:i thout c::-,re.L 1)~ lc.~;:~l c':eclw . After "',rres'~ every CGoe

in epcnc:en"c ':2ribuno..l . ~hi8 i~3 v.Ytcler the

2,nd l:'['.S t"lQ other l.1cr.:bcl'::. 0:1..,) of '.";210:.1. I:r Ju::Jcic e D2.1ton,

is c. R02~n Cc.tholic . This ~rib nc.l conGi~crG c.ll the

cvi-5.cnce <:" le. m"'..'ws rCCOU'l1<.:m --... tions for It

] '\ · ... 1 ...... -,"'-


I'in2.11y I ','!oulJ l i ke to s:::<, thc.t i:lt crn~e s


.J.. "" ,... .t. vJ.' • V

• anu l:.obbiec;. Apo.rt; fro;·1 the restriction of

li bcr ty cmd the reauirc .. wntn P.bout rcc..son...,blc vicitin;

hour.,, there o.r. no o ~lwr rir,our~3 <~tt::~.chcd to internnent.

At the rcr.ucct of the 1rorthcn1 Irel:·.ncl Govcrnncnt

te~:.:n~J from t~1c Intern ~bonc.1 U .C. Croce visited the

intcrnr.wnt c:-. .. mpo c.n" reportac1 .. nvour .... '.bl:· Oil con itions

o.n: the r1elf~ rc of tho a)

I ohould c1:1 lw.r..>ic. th'"'..t ·:1hilc nistr1.l;:es c·'..n

c.l~:cy::; occu. :i.1. an;y syct era of lo::;, it i:-.: 1oticoo.ble

the .. hnve o.p cc..recl c.t l)rcss Confcreneeo in Dubli::1. c.s

s..;lf ---.cb1.o·::led -;eel :neJ:focrc of tLc IRA . ' .. hi1c .:c

co~.1st:..'.nt l~r opt~ 1 to c.:·q .,u~ .)sst eel :. oC.:.ific· :tion::> <:bout

intcr:l!.lcnt ;'.11: -::1j· 8-llcvic.tio •. of the p ... ·:)1JleralG inter~·1ees

I.1tcr:1.'1e:1t <.=.c ~.,_ polic:r 1 ... _-, sv.ccccc::.;~ i rer.1o vi::1c GO

fro 1 ou:- nic:ct tcrroricts ·::ho/intilli(~D..t c1. the co:~'''1U!1ity

tht:! !'"il i!'l t1L. c 01.l.rt s .

IP..:\. ilo-.7 h<:.v. -:~o c--:·'Jlo.· o · ten "c1· ;::c<.'.rG ~o ~o

JJLily ~1 clc.::;r<. .. 1 iGG\.l.c o: 1'on '·•.y this r:ccl::: ·::hie~ C ~t .iln

Pinc.lly I to.blc c. l)OO!{lct II 27 r~rt lG ~hout Ul:-:: tcr"

- 7 -

• antl l:.obbiec !ll::'.terialfJ. Apo.rli from the r ~Gtriction of

li hert.! and the reQuire .wnts P.oout rcasoll-::.ble virJiting

lour." there c.r _ no 0 ~llClr rit;our~; ~_tt;:~chcLl to in:licrn.r.18nt.

At the rr)(,;uect of the rforthcTI1. Irel:-.ll(. Govcrnncnt

te~.jn~; from t lC Intern .tionc.l Hed CroGe visitcd the

cm: the rlelf .... re of -~l10 cc intonlccl..

the lKwe c.p loot IJrcs3 Conf .reneGe in Dubli!l t'.8

G01£ -~.Chl0·:!18cl ~;ed :neuberc of the IRA . '"hilc .;e

intCl':1!.le ... lt ;'.11: any :1.11cvi~.tio .... of the p o1)lems intcr:-lCec

in·~vit .. f2~c C , it ::1 :r;t be r.1c.rle clcc.r t!:r.-: i:n~ arT.lent

Interl1.1o:.t ::'.:::; c. polic? }~"'.'J r.n.:_ccccu.":!: i~. re!.10vi:':1" co

fro ra ou .... l'1ic:ct tcrrorists -::ho/intiJ,litD:t cl. t.1e CO:-~lUllity

them in th~ co~rts.

their t,;.r:1.1~r r:ork . I t[l.blc c. r~'port i::.~ t!lC L021-:'on

co.rriGa out ,.... -,-Co_ U

Pinc.ll. r I -t..:..ble o. booklet "27 r. t. 18 o.bout Ul:-:lior"

- 7 -

• antl l:.obbiec !ll::'.terialfJ. Apo.rli from the r ~Gtriction of

li hert.! and the reQuire .wnts P.oout rcasoll-::.ble virJiting

lour." there c.r _ no 0 ~llClr rit;our~; ~_tt;:~chcLl to in:licrn.r.18nt.

At the rr)(,;uect of the rforthcTI1. Irel:-.ll(. Govcrnncnt

te~.jn~; from t lC Intern .tionc.l Hed CroGe visitcd the

cm: the rlelf .... re of -~l10 cc intonlccl..

the lKwe c.p loot IJrcs3 Conf .reneGe in Dubli!l t'.8

G01£ -~.Chl0·:!18cl ~;ed :neuberc of the IRA . '"hilc .;e

intCl':1!.le ... lt ;'.11: any :1.11cvi~.tio .... of the p o1)lems intcr:-lCec

in·~vit .. f2~c C , it ::1 :r;t be r.1c.rle clcc.r t!:r.-: i:n~ arT.lent

Interl1.1o:.t ::'.:::; c. polic? }~"'.'J r.n.:_ccccu.":!: i~. re!.10vi:':1" co

fro ra ou .... l'1ic:ct tcrrorists -::ho/intiJ,litD:t cl. t.1e CO:-~lUllity

them in th~ co~rts.

their t,;.r:1.1~r r:ork . I t[l.blc c. r~'port i::.~ t!lC L021-:'on

co.rriGa out ,.... -,-Co_ U

Pinc.ll. r I -t..:..ble o. booklet "27 r. t. 18 o.bout Ul:-:lior"

- 7 -

' • I believe we have seen a skilful and devilish plot

unfold into the reality of a propaGonda and physical

subversive war the like of which has never previously

been perpetrated on a peo..ceful and largely tmsuspec tine;


I feel sure that the IRA or Irish Republican Army

are part of a worldwide conspiracy in 'Nhich Connn.mism

plays a large part. One could readily retitle the

IRA in Ireland us lending itself to International

Revolu.cionary Anarchy against the peaceful a.nd

progressive idenls of derncracy. I beg of you in your

deliberations to consider the fortitude and steadfast­

ness of the vast hlajority of citizens in Ulster in

their period of trial and suffering v1'flose only desire

is to retain thej.r Bri titJh identity and live at peace

with their Sou:;hern Irish neighbout's .

- 8 -

, • I believe we have secn a skilful and devilish plot

unfold into the reality of a propD.gcmda and physical

subversive war the like of which has never previously

been perpetrated on a peaceful aJ."ld largely l.ffiSUSpec ting


I feel sure that the IRA or Irish Replblican Army

are part of a v/orldwide conspiracy in which COr.ununiSTll

plays a large part. Onc could readily retitle the

IRA in Ireland as lending itself to International

Revolutionar-J Anarchy agatnst the peaceful and

progressive ideals of der~cracy. I beg of you in your

deliberations to consider the fortitude and steadfast­

ness of the vast majority of citizens in Ulster in

tlleir pcriod of trial and suffering whose only desire

is to retain thei.r Bri tiuh identity and live at peace

with their Sou~hern Irish neighbours .

- 8 -

, • I believe we have secn a skilful and devilish plot

unfold into the reality of a propD.gcmda and physical

subversive war the like of which has never previously

been perpetrated on a peaceful aJ."ld largely l.ffiSUSpec ting


I feel sure that the IRA or Irish Replblican Army

are part of a v/orldwide conspiracy in which COr.ununiSTll

plays a large part. Onc could readily retitle the

IRA in Ireland as lending itself to International

Revolutionar-J Anarchy agatnst the peaceful and

progressive ideals of der~cracy. I beg of you in your

deliberations to consider the fortitude and steadfast­

ness of the vast majority of citizens in Ulster in

tlleir pcriod of trial and suffering whose only desire

is to retain thei.r Bri tiuh identity and live at peace

with their Sou~hern Irish neighbours .

- 8 -

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