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Reference Code: 2010/19/1714

Creation Date(s): 21 January 1977

Extent and medium: 8 pages

Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs

Access Conditions: Open

Copyright: National Archives, Ireland. May only be

reproduced with the written permission of the

Director of the National Archives.


JU'11 -·ulE 'C'UURT OF APPEAL ( CRH:r::d ... DIVISI01I)








Ed\>iard Butler


FILED . .., . - 7

Messrs George E. Baker & Co. Norfolk House, 187 High Street, Guildford, Surrey GUl 3AY Solicitors for the Auoellant

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Edward Butler



< 977 .

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Messrs George E. Baker & Co. Norfolk House, 187 High street, Guildford , Surrey GUl 3AY Solicitors for the Annellant. . ~


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I ED\·TARD BUTLER of H.M. Prison -Brixton, Jebb Avenue, London -SW2 .!>lAKE OATH and SAY as follows:

1. There is now produced and shown to me marked "A"

a copy of a statement the original of w~~ch was in the

handwriting of Mr. James Still and signed by me together

with one plan marked "EB 1" and initialled by me .. - -

2. . There is nm'l produced and shown to me marked "B"

. a verbatim transcript of the interview between myself,

Mr. James Still and Mr. Alastair Logan in the presence of

my Solicjtor Nr. Rose-Smith taken on the l::t November 1976c

My statement the plan and the verbatim transcript of

· the interview are true to the best of my recollect~on

knowledge and belief.

4. I am prepared to attend Court and testify at this

. Appeal if required to do so.

SWORN at \-\.1\- ?, n ~ ~ ,~~

this ')_ I .,. day of 1977 Before me,

- (f '(7 .F, L. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

~mmis~io~r-£~~s/Solicitor ~:l" '~

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I ED\'lARD BUTLER of H.M. Prison .Brixton, Jebb Avenue, London

SW2 !-1AKE OATH and SAY as f ol l ows:

1. There is now produced and shown to me marked "An

a copy of a statement the original of which was in the

handwriting of Mr. James still and signed by me together

\,/i th one plan marked "BB lit and i nit ialled b..: me " - -

2. . There is nm'l produced and shown to me marked "B"

a verbatim transcript of the interview between myself,

Mr. James still and Mr. Alastair Logan in the presence of

my Soli c· tor Hr . Rose-Smit h tah:en on the 1st !'ovember 1976

My statement the plan and the verbatim transcript of

. the interview are true to the best of my recollect:on

knowledge and bel i ef.

4. I am prepared to attend Court and testify at this

. Appeal if required to do so.

§WORN at \-\. ". '0 \') ~ ~ \,,~ this <J- ( .,~ day of 1977

Before me, . (J '/7 .F, L. .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~~is~ioner f~~~s/Solicitor ~:.l- ~

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' A "


A copy of a statement signed by me together with Plan marked "~B 1"


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, A 11


A copy of a statement signed by me to~ether with plan marked I1~B 1"

'· .· · .. . . .


. '

Hri xton Pri ROn let November, 107G.

' Stntem~nt of 'P.IJ WAJW uu·rLTm, No. 338637, fJri xt.on Pri so , S. W. 2.

I have been cnutioned thnt I nm not ohli~ect to any nnything

unleeR I vi~h to <lo so and th~nt anything I any "Will he recorded

and may be di scl osed to the prosecuting nuthoritiee, i.e. The Home

Office, Police or both.

(Signed) E. Butler.

I I am not involved in the Guildford incident

' Coun try at the time - I think it wns August. 1974

October 1074.

I't in the

came middle or

On 6th November 1974 I was in a rented room in Fulhum with th ree

other men.. The bomb us ed on Kings Arms, Woolwich, ·as made . in the

room ~n Wednesday- the others were linrry Duggan, Jo e O'Connell

and Brendon Dowd. It had been arranged for me to meet O'Connel l

and Dowd on my arrival in this Country.

The bomb vas made of about 6 1 bs gelignite i.e. about 12 sticks

nnd about 2 lbs of bolts - not too sure e.bout 3 inches long- to make

anti per.sonnel bomb, commercial detonator o.nd fus e- ot' 7 scconrls dele.y

' the fuse vas off a roll - cut at 7 seconds. I o.m not. sure I thin!' nuts

ns vell. Probably two matches taped to fuse stic''=-S topr>d vith ma~king

tape boi.ts tare·d out~ide - carried it in a duffle.bng. O'Connell was ' i

the leader of the group. The group had intelligence on the pub. I ~ I

di dn't know before coming it wns discussed by t e oya ns to ~hich

pub - bec.ause soldiers were in ·it.

About 7 o'clock that evenin~ Do,d and Dugf!,o.D.. ll'ent for a car

steal pne. O'Connell and I 1\rr(tn.;~rt tCl meet th~~~t about 9 o'clock

in Sloane Square. I th ink i t' a 1\lonaaidc the tube ·station.

0 1 Connell had the gag and we went to the pub we hnn one or two

drink~ while vait'in~. One- Drendon nowd- in lool,ed 1\rouncl and saw . and went. hnclc outside. O'Connell nnd I then left . ct Brenrton Dot¥d

out~ide - then to t\ nen.rhy street vhere there wns " car. White

Corsair 4 door "Went in that car - it was my first job nnd I remember

it fairly well. Dowd drove straight to ~ool,ich got there nbout half

ten- parked in Frnncis Street. 0 1 Con11cll R.nd Jlovd n.t sepnrntc tim~B

-went Ui> t o aee if there were mnny aoldJ era in it - decided to CO!lle hnck

next night - This had hnppencd on 'Vedneartay evening. lteturncd to city


Hri "ton l'riRon let November, 1070.


Stntel1l~nt of EIJIVAlW UU'£LTm, No. 338637, Ori At.on Pri. ~on, S. if. 2.

I have been cnut.ioned thnt I am not oh1i~ect to any nnything

unles8 I 'Wi~h to <10 80 and th~at anything I sny will he recorded

and may be di scl osed to th e prosecuting /\u.thorities, i.e. The Home

Office, Police or both.

(Signed) E. Butler.

I I am not involved in the Guildford incident

, Coun try at. the time - I think it WAS August. 1914

October 1074.

I't in the

ceme midctle of

On 6th November 1974 I was in 8. rented room in Fulho.m with th ree

other men.. 'rhe bomb u sed on Kings Arms, Woo1yich, as made · in the

room ~n Wednesday - the others were HArry Duggan, Jeo c O'Connell

and Brendon Dowd. It had been arranged for me to meet O'Connel l

and Dowd on my arrival in this Country.

The bomb vas made of a.bout 6 lbs gelignite i.e. about 12 sticks

nnd about 2 lbs of bolts - not. too sure about 3 inches long - to make

anti per.sonne l bomb, commercial detonator nnd fus e- of 7 seconds delay "-the fuse 'Was off a roll - cut at 7 seconds. I om not. sure I thintc nuts

ns 'Well. Probably two ma.tcl es taped to fuse ~ stic~,=-s tV'1(>.l ,dth masking

tape boi·ts·d outJide - carried it in a duffle . bag. O'Conncll was i

the leader of the group. The group had intelligence on the pub. I ~ I

di dn't knoW' before coming it "/\9 discu9~ed by t (' oya fl.S to .,-hich

pub - bec.ause soldiers "ere in ·it.

About 7 o'clock that evenin~ Do"d a.nd Dugf,4n vent for 8. en. r

st.eal pnc. 0' Connell and I l\rr(\n';I;>,1 t(l meet th~1I1 about 9 0' clock

in Sloane Squnre. I th ink it 's n.lonBside the tube ~tntion.

O'Connell hnd the Bag and 'We "ent to the pub we hnn onc or two

drink~ "hile 'Waitl.n~. Onc - Drendon Do"d - came in ootced n.round and saw . an(1 "ent. hnclc outside. O'Connell nnd I then left . et, Brendon Do-vd

outf!ide - then to f\ nenrhy street vhere there "ns f\. car. White

Corsair 4 door "cnt in thnt ca.r - it "na my first job nnd I remember

it fairly yell. Do"d drove straight to ~ool"ich got there about half

ten - part<ed in Frnncis St.reet. 0' Conllell n.nd novd nt s epnrntc time/'!

'Went ui> t o see if there were mnny sold! ere in it - decided to come bllck

next night - This haft happoned on 'Vednel3dny evening.. lteturncd to ci ty



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'-...... left cnr- O'Connell nne\ I returned to fln.t 21 1Vo.ldemn.r Avenue, Fulhn.11.

Dowel returned ae~n.rnt~ly from other two. I

Next rlny, Thurscla.y, Dug~nn n.n1l no ... d vent out to get A. car. 0 1 Cor:!nell

And I Raid we'd ~eet ~n anme pub, Sloane S~unre. O'Connell carried

"bomh in duffle gag. We hn.!l dri nlt r\nrl about 9 o 1 c l9ck Tlowd and Duggan

come in, iilao harl drink. J...eft to street a.s before. Not aa.!lle

cnr but a dnrk Cantina. })rove atrnight tt-~re, Dowel drove.. On mai n


rond j at before Kings Arms I got out - the others drove on and left

into Francia Street. I 1ralked into car park of pub to look in wi nrlow

eav good few soldiers in pub and went to Francia Street to meet the boys I

in car - sn.iti "Good, worth doin~11 • O'Connell aai<i he vas going to 'look "' at an entry near pub -na he thought we migh do it from there. . nid

high wnll - couldn't do it - decided to throw· in 1rinrlow· ng Frnncia

:St.rvet. O'Connell,: Dugc~a.n and I got out.;.. O'Connell hnd bomb- Duf!;gan

was going to cover him - he had a gun - there wo.s a covered in l~rry

do"u from the pub - middle aged man sitting down in lorry. I was to

keep an eye on him in case he got suspici ous. O'tonnell threw bomb -

the boys rnn back - bomb went off before we got into car - we got in

Dowd hnd motor running - and drove a:wny. It 'fBS da.rk - r don 1 t hi nlc

· · · the car h.Hl pnrking lights on when stor>r>ed. Just as we drove n-v.ray

a woman running or hurrying to"R.rns pub on O!)?Osite side to pub -1

furthe~ down on left crowd ca~e from another pub but no one took

notice of cnr so far ns I could tell. ( '

About 2 miles from pub decided to abandon cnr in anyone

had noted number. On vn.y passed bus going to LO"ndon, bit . furthe r

turned left and left ngain into houain~ eRta.te. Got out, Dugrrn nnd

O'Connell hurried back to catch bus. Dowel and I followed, ~here was

etop Jfter turned right. O'Connell and Duggan got on stnyed down

etnir~, Do.,..d and I wont U?atairs. After bus got 6." t~·be-to Putney·


· We listened to LBC on radio to hear what hnd hnp~ened. Lnter

follo.,..ed reports in pnpers ns well.

ttpu i.s pub on my sketfh - 11 0" where ! left the cn.r (~l<etch ig ~Rl). I 11 L11 ie lorry, 11 C11 compressor, "D" is car, "X" is winriow where bomb wns

thro ... n, ·nul" is! where I stood, "CP" is cnr pn.rk, "W" is where I snw ' 70man, Arrow indicn.tea direction 'We drove off .. I didn' see any signs

of lf'Orlc hn.vin6 been done to the rond.

Looking at Lonrlon Stree t Guide I think lt ·ns junction o

L--------------------------.._ __

. ;. I

f. .

• -2-

'-, left cnr - O'Conncll n.nd I ret.urned to flf\t 21 'Valdemnr Avenup., Fulhn:ll.

Dowel returned Be~n.rat~ly from other two. I

Next rlny , Thurscla.y, Dug~nn nnd Dowd went ont to get ~ car. O'Co~nell

~nd I Raid we'd meet ~n same pub, Sloane Squnre . O'Connell carried

"homh in duffle go.g. We hn.e! drinl, Plntl o.bout 9 0' clgck Tlowd and Duggan

come in, lilao had drink. J.left to street 0.8 before. Not en:ne


" anr but 0. dark Contina. J)rove strnight thy-re, Dowel drove.. On mai n

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r. . ! .' I · .

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rond j at before Kings Arms I got out - the others drove on and left

into Francis Street. 1 walked into car park of pub to look in wi ndow

say good few soldiers in pub and went to Fro.ncia Street to meet the boys I

in Cnr - snid "Good, worth doinc.t". O'Connell sf\.i Ci he vas going to flook ... at an entry near pub -0.8 he though t we migh . do it from there. . nOd

high wl\l1 - couldn't do it - decided to thro~r in winriow' fncillg Frnnci a

:St..rv"t. O'Connell, : Dug{;o.n a.nd I got out, ~ O'Connell hnd bomb - Dut?:gan

waS going to COver him - he had a gun - there was a covered in l orry

d01fu from the pub - middle aged mlln sitting down in lorry. I wae t

keep an eye on him in case he got suspicious. O'tonnell thre. bomb

the boys rnn back - bomb went off before we got. into co.r- - we got in

Dowd hnd motor running - nnd drove awny. It was dnrk - r don't hinlt

the car h.Hl pnrldng lights on when stor>r>ed. Just as we drove n,,!o.y

to woman running or ~urrying to,t(\rns pub on o~?osite side to pub -1

furthe~ down on left crowd ca,'-le from another pub but no one took

notice of car so fo.r o.s I could tell. ( , About 2 miles from pub decided to abandon cnr in Cf\se anyone

had not ed number. On ."o.y passed bus goinG to LO'ndon, bit . furth er

turned left and left ngain into housin~ eRtate. Got out, Dugrrnn nnd

O'Connell hurried back to catch bus. Dowd t\nd I followed, .there W'o.~

atop ,fter turned right. O'Connell nnd Duggan got on stayed down

etni r:i, Dowd and I woot U?s tai rs. After bus got &' t~'be - to Putney'


· We listened to LBC on radio to hear what had hnppened. Later

followed reports in pl\pers PlS well.

"p" is pub on my sleeteh - "0" where r left the cnr (~l,etch ilJ "=Rl). I "L" ie lorry, "C" compressor, "D" is car, fiX" is ",inciow where bomb wns

throW'n, ' ''lll'' is! where I stood, "CP" is cnr pnrk, "w" is where I anw I

woman, Arrow indicntes direction we drove off . I didn' see any signs

of worle h I\vi ng been done to the road.

Looking t\t London St.reet Guide I thi nlt it. or,s jnncti on 0



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Francia Street nnd nillrench - I'm not sure but I think it was

Clivedon Plnce where Dowd pnrked ~t Slonne. Squnre.

I didn't go on any reconn~isRancc. I don't know where holts

v-nme from, I didn't purchase them. "Ve had two rooms in Fulhnm, one

·do1rn, bornb mCldc upstairs - I dido' t mnk e it . 'rhe .cnr wM four door,

dark coloured Cortina. One of the boys told me usually w:na n Cortinn.­

I do 1 nr know where it was stolen from- I don' t think there waR a rndio

been in so mnny ensy to get ~ixed up. I do'~know number of bus we

took after leaving car. Dowd drove, O'Connell in front, I Ant behind

O'Connell, Duggan ant behind Dowd. When I got bnck I got in behind

Dowd - Dowd hnd stnyed in car. I was wenrin~ blue coat ~ length -

Police hAVe it - didn't vaR.r hood which zipped on - ha.rl green bush

hat on, blue trous ers, blnck shoes, grey pullove r inside cont - not

sure whether weari ng; sports ,jacket tts well - I thi nk the other three

had plnstics rna.cs - Brendon could have been wearing A hn.t - nll four

· · yere armed. Not any of us went into pub . I think there 'vere cou? I e

· cars pnrlcecl in fr ont of ours in Francis Street. When driving away

.. ·.' _.. __ ._ve didn't go hecn.use we didn't wo.nt to drAw attention to ouselves • . · .. : ..

-:·· .. ·: .·. i was - looking to my right and behind when we drove away. ~ ...... ~ ... .. ..

When got to Putney Bridge station I was with Dowd - the other

. · t1ro were travelling apart from Dowd and mys-elf got. roughly

same time.

I am not Jure where Corsair vas dumped but ne~rer to town

got home by tube- don't know car numbers.

This has been read to me and it is true.

(Signed) E. Butler

Statement t~cen and re~d over to Edw~ni Butler by me and

signed by Edv~id Butler after he h~d agreed that it represented

the subs.ta.nce of Yhat h~ had said during an interview Yith him

(Signed) J. Still .. ..

. ---- -~-


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" . . " " ; . .. ' . A' ••



Frnncis Street nnd - I'm not sure but I think it was

Clivedon Vlnce where now~ pnrked ~t Slonne. Squnre.

1 '

I clidn't go on any reconnaisRnnce. I don't know where holts

V' from, 1 didn't purchase the·m. '\J{e hnd two rooms in Fulho.m, one

'down, bomb made upstnire - I didn't mnke it. The ~nr wnn four door,

dark coloured Cortinn. One of the boys told me usually "',1\8 a Cortinl\­

I rlo'nt!cnoW' ",here it wns stolen from - I don't think there W'nR a rndio

been in eo mnny ensy to get ~ixe~ up. I do'~know numher of bus we

took after lenving cnr. Dowd drove, O'Connell in front, I Ant behind

0' Cannell, Duggan so.t behind Dowd. When I got bn.clc I got in behind

Dowd - Dowd hAd stl\yed in car. I was weo.rin~ blue coat i length -

Police hnve it - didn't V8f\r hood which zipped on - had green bush

hat on, blue trousers, blAck shoes, grey pullover inside cont - not

Bure whether wearing sports jacket f\S well - I think the other three

had plnstics macs - Brendon could have been wearing f\ hnt - all four

, ' were armed. Not any of us went into pub. I think there were cou~le

. cars pArked in front of ours in Francis street. When driving a.way

" ---~-

:,-.::/~:.: ' ... .'"e didn't go fnst beca.use we dirln't want to drf:\1I/ attention to ouselves • .... "

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i yas'looking to my right nnd behind when we drove nw-ay.

When got to Putney Bridge station I was with Dowd - the other

t.wo ",ere travelling apart £1'"0:;] Dowd and myself got. back roughly

same time. \.

I am not sure where Corsair vas dumped but nef\rer to town J

got home by tube - don't know car numbers.

This has been read to me and it is true.

(Signed) E. Butler

Statement t~(en and ref\d over to Edw~ni Butler by me and

signed by Edvatd Butler nfter he hf\d agreed that it represented

the subs.tance of what h~ had said during an intcrviev with him

(Signed) J. Still ".,:.

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(CRIMINAL DIVI-SI Ur' J . . . . .. , ..... -. - ·· ...




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This is t he e xhibit marked nAn referred to in the f~fidavit of Edward Butler

Swor n this ?..1 "1- day ofcl~ 1977

Before me • ~ ,( 0 ~~& •• ~~(\~ • • ••

Oe-rem-~'±on~-T-:.-eur-Oa:th~ solicitor ~

George E r Baker & Co .P Norfolk House, 187 High Street, Guildfor d, Surrey GUl 3AX Solicitors for the Annellant

I t o

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(CRIMINAL DIVtSI UNj • . '. ..., . -! - • _ .....



. ; PATRICK Aru-1STRO G , .....


.. -_ .. - .... -_ .

This is the e xhibi t marked "An referred to in the Affidavit of Edward Butler

Sworn this 1 .. 1"). ay ofc:t~ 1977

Before me, ~ ,{

. ~o;,;";"~~h~ Solicitor ~

George E Baker & C ., Norfolk House, 187 High Street, Guildford, Surrey GUl 3AX Solicitors for the Annellant

I '. ~. . (

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top related