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  • Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chief, ROD. WHS lAW EO 13526\ SectiOn 3.5

    Date: JAN 2 3 2013

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    This document is part of the Air Technical Index [ATI] collection. The ATI collection is over 50 years old and was imaged from roll film. The collection has deteriorated over time and is in poor condition. DTIC has reproduced the best available copy utilizing the most current imaging technology. ATI documents that are partially legible have been included in the DTIC collection due to their historical value.

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    Office of the Secretary of Defense SU~L ~'1-.Chief, RDD, ESD WHS '\f Date: 2 ~ ~A (\J lD 13 Authority: EO 13526 Declassify:)

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    Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chief, RDD.,WHS lAW EO 13526~ SeQtion 3.5 Date: JAN 2 3 2013

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    Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chief! RDD, WHS lAW EO 13526! Section 3.5

    Date: JAN 2 a2013

  • DECLASSIFIED IN FUL.L Authorlty: EO 13526 Chief. Records &Oeclass'Olv. WHS Date: .

    JAN 2 3 ~013

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    !bt. s.. til'.t q1W't..11" PI'OP'.'. "pan _ JII'o~_t; ICnrorIIIIIL ,reY1au prap'." .....t .... 1.8__ tirat "1IclJ' uuI lat... -=thlT up tbftnaP Ootober 1148. In tilt. tirat qua.rt.r17 report. aD awr-a11 8UJIIIU'7 at PI'OII'8" ,... the bechuWl, ~ the prop"- to u.aiMv 11. lH8, hU been 1D.oluded.

    let........ la the tollCJ1r1q r.,n 1;0 pnYlou or .... detail.d r.,arta 1a ..u 'bJ' aupenOl'l" _nll, tile ....1' oorr .,OZId.S.q to tile UI'" me Sa the 81~Uo~.

    DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL Authority: EO.13526 Chief. Records & Declass Dlv, WHS . DattJ: JAN 2 3 2013 "

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    fIIIIG. 1

    I. II!IODUCTIOI ~.............. I

    II. I'l'A!IIS OF DBVILORIBWl A. AlBfRIII 8 B. IiVIDA!%OI ,.................... g C. IITBLLlGSlCB 14

    1. ~.1a or "'10 s,at... 1. '1. CbaraD~erl.tla. o~&.l..ta4 B~t.a 1&

    AAt8aD& 18 J,ladlil..tor /I 'fran.tter. U!xer 20 Dat&Aa&l,llDc 22

    D. 8BIVU 8UTlIII........... . 2. 1. AAteana 5tabtl1...tlam 24 z. MAia.Gantra1 s.rwo ao

    I. POIII BUPPm' 10 P. UI!lI.JIIIIf!A!}c:.' 18


    DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL Authortty: EO 13S2~ Chief. Records &: D.eclass Div, WHS

    'Date: JAN a3 2013

    ...........;e~-----~------------....-"!!"""'i.-;,....--------.-.........----..,. " :". ..,~;.


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  • .... Pap I

    I. IlftIODtmIOI

    ft8 mOPISB!l 11 ndar-ooutrolbcl. lublODio, 1l'-hoIdDc. drbol'lle 1'11"'-.11111. delipe4 to deUnr &II .xpla.i" alIarp 'belaw the ....terl1ae q,dDat tlo.t~ tar~ta. It i. int_d8cl that I:IHOPISBBR b. releuecl troa _ aVoratt ..11 beyDIul the nap ot COAYeDtioaal Ultla1roratt tin orip-:tiDe .t the targ.t. 1'he KlIGPISUEB. in turn. will rel.... torpedo .t .ou dl.taaae Ihort ot the tarpt.

    Projeot KIHGPISIIER 11 an outp'OWtb ot the PBLlCAW Ulcl BAr Projeot wbloh ..ere carried 011. durinri the ar. at the tiooal Bur.... of StuJdu'da WYler the'lhip ot the Ilatloaal Detea.e Relara COIB1tt.e aDd the lIIr_u of Ordnanoe. .a"'7 Departmat. Fir.t clnip ooruid....tlon .. pftll to IUlfOFISHBR in .ept.ber 19M, 1Ib. the BurMu ot Ordnanae requ.ted. that botI1D& glicle ai..U. be deftloped oapable of cU'I71D1 III airoraft torpedo al ~lo..d. d.ipd to _ter the ...t.r .bort of th. tarset, ocapletiDc it. I'UD UDder ...ter.. Howner, ...17 11ttle ... dOM .t that tiM beoau.e of 12w IlIK tor coaautr.tiOll ot .ttortl 011 the Ill! dn'elopuat.

    Ia .o......r 194.6. the IIlV DepartllleDt truuaterred aop1aaDO. of the 1tA'I' to the Bureau. of .uromwtl0' but re1:ll.1md oor.m1sace ot KIIOFISfIER in the Bureau ot OrclDanae.. !he U.I.!. ti.14 aperu-at atati01l which had. wvrDd Oli the eleatroa1c part ot th. dnelo~t ot flLlOd u.d SA! ... DO loupr ..'ftllable tor oontlnuatiOll ot the lIQrk. 4t thb time. the .at1oaal Burem of 8tUldlU"da .... reque.tecl 1;0 undertake the o...r-all dneJ.op.ent of 111lOFISHIR.. The Of'&aD1tioDal letup .t lIBS for Projeot KlIGFIBlmR i. Ib_ in Fipre 1.

    At pro.eDt" tin KlI'GFISJIBll type ail,Ue, haye be. proribed tor c!n'e1o~t:

    Tn- 41 811DD Uark 11

    To b gr&Yity-dri"ftD nb101. haY1D& 20-1111. rua law:u:hed troa all aircraft .. t high altitllCl., total wei.Pt ~ Wlit to b. about 1,000 pcnmcll. ill cludlDG the payload. a IIIrk 21 &Couatl0 ~ torpedo.

    'l)pe I. 'l'o b... panty-driy_. fthiole .:dnc a 2O-Id.l. rue latmOhed tl'Oll .. airoraft at hip altitude. total -i&ht ot UIl1t to b. about 1,000 pouad.a. 1D.01ud:i.q the p&7load. S&O-poUD4 D.GII-ponrecl DOIlbDa1D.& balab-torpeclo ,:IJI11_ to the Ge.-.a Bf.

    DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief, Records &Oeclass Oiv. WHS

    Date: JAN 2 3 2013


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    RE- 9E OOII)R. D.E. lie GRAOID



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  • !p o. 'fo b. a powr-cII'lyea 1I1U. bAw:l:q a ao-.u.. 1'&11&. _. law:aobe4 tr_ .. UI'Ol'iLtt at 1_ alt! taad.eJ total weich' of the UDi' to be abo", '.000 pCJ'llll.da. lMl"cI1ac the Nload. a poww-vly.bcaI.D& tol'p. bninS a 3&D-pouad ...,.M_ "'S

    to be a ponr-d.rly_ 1dU. hay1ZlC a 10411. nuc. wIl_ l&UllDbe4 has IU aircraft at 1_ alti ....... total weleb:t of the w:dt to be abov' 1.000 poUllda. irIolvclilll th. paylaad. a l1p......tpt ponr-driy_ ham1Ds 1;01'1'_ (;ret to be dtmtlape4) ha'l'bl& a 200- to 4OO...paUDCI .....JwH oh..., tne.. 'fa be a p...-dr1"." lII1..t 1. 11...1111 a 10- to I"UJ&...... lllllllCud tna a IUrtU. Ild.,.total ....lpt at thII U1l1t to be abou.t 3.000 pouada. taolud1Jl.& the dHp-Cl1nilS hCllln& torpedo IIDW la tl:uI I'e.earob atac

    Altllaqb all tiy. t;pII ar. b.lZaC 11.... aoui.....t1aa. ildtial dn'tiop= ... ie ooaoDvaW oa '.l'JPIA. with .NOtabl. parall.l worl: oa!'Jpe ~.I.I

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: eo 13526 Chief. Records &Declass Dfv. WHS

    D~te: JAN 2 3 2013

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  • -t



    ,tr.t d..lp GCllUlifler..:tloa tor all a1rfnM tor IIIGrlIBD .... tor & Cl14. atU. oapabl. ot oU'l'fiD& ...t&n.darC:\ llu'k 11 eirONtt torped.o. ft1e UI. ~ ihie pq1_ prted requir.-lta that. ocabinld to oate tM delip at aD. airtrllM ..uh ,,&dar bClliDC inteU1s-o.. liM. the torpedo i. 1101" thaD. twic. al lang ... a G ,ll.. boIIb of OOIIplI'ILbl. nipt. probl... of ~aat:lrtrah ncidi t7 for 11ft allowabl. wipt are ......t .,.. diffioult thea tar au'. UIO. thtt pqlcad hu to be r.l.a.ed betor. --tv .tr'J'. .

    Aero"'ical17" the Mcealit,y ~t ba'l'iq th. eleotroaics lMNI1nS tnt.UlI_a Mead at thta 1allll*l"laacl iJIpoaed pro.luIa at ad.quatt&biliV to oope wltll tha larp lonptud1Dal _t. at iDel'tie. !ha0, the "quired __ -tr.r .ttitude ..... it ch.1l'able to iDcol'por.t. tba ..rodJDUIlc o_trol ':vatM all"..q in u aa tU BAT chde boaiD. 'lh1. qat_ "I tba ad.1'Utaa. at procSuoiq !arC' ollaDc" iD the 'ftlu. at the J1ft. ftCItor witil .-.11 ohUCI in the 111&1. of ..ttack.

    I th. ftr.t 'llar't on UIOPlII'Hlll .... done ... a l.aW-pl'iorlty,.... or th. Ill! Projeot.. 1t. _1IaIl &l.nubl. to adapt: a ..... OClllpODat paru at th. BAt atrfr_ .. t ....ibl.. '.rbi. 1IOu1411Ot on17 taailitate raamalactur. b7 the ... or a.a1lttns .toNi and jig., but aha be r:I ulue in aenl" baG..,..e at iAtarolwlpab:l.U,V" Coalid..at1DD., tbarator." ... ely. to th. 1.a at _d1t;Pq th. axiltln; Z.OOO-pouDd BA! airtrkIHI (SiIOD JIU'k 14) b)" reM.ip.111& th. 'boq to uaaaoclat. rol......l. 1iGrpeclo pq1014. .llanftr~ upm ... .-11111. it .... f'oUDll that tor "quate .true_al 111_,. the boq would "' .....:I:ye1, h.eaY,V UtI bulq w:lth the ob'ri.oua dtlaclftD.'tal;l of' baDdlSDc 1& 'lI"Ylo.. It .. oOllDlu4ed. th..e.tOH, ..t :l.t 1IIINl4 b. a4...ta... , ..... to attach the _111 .upportlDr; ri1lI;8 ad the .'ta1liUainl ...,....p dv.otl7 to the torpedo. With thl. in mad. till arzods_t .... Uti that ~ ua. of the ezbUDS Uark 1" 8A.'r wiDp with .impl. pm ..'ttUl1I:II.-ta to a oeatral tna. wh1oh, tD tllJ":Q....... atrapp. to th.. torpedo near it. o_te, ot ,",'tit,.. lhie a_tnl rr... IOl'llll4 '''per.vuatW'. !D. which WIt,.. hau.ed the _tt..l ... 1:IuI Hn'O.. ad ... at til. e1eotroaiD ecpipalnt.. 1M aua,. that hal. thiII ......17 ta tba torptdo tem.1Datad ..t a .tu.clar4 14-1Doh bodI I.Ja., tim, allowtns rel at the 'Wlac' 'bJ ._ el.otrloal prior to _te:r -trJ .A.t th. _ame 1;111... thill DO'... taU .....1.1 ooul4 .. 4ataohall b7 1UtIlI. ot o .. lab r.le... latah.

    A 1/S-IOall IIOde10t tibia deaip aa.d ira. wid tumlel .t 181. !h. r.R1t. 01 thea. ta.a Ihowe4 ac"lIptabl. pertOlWDC' obaraCttIrlatlol. '1"1'11 tu11-lOala XImJPlSUIIl thn ol'4erll4 troa the Vidal Ruroh Cor~atd.oa.. wtdcb had ...nabl. tb.e I'l10141 IIDd Jic' tor tbe M7 .1z'tnatI1. Tn of the....irt..... wer....__1114 GD. cIuaq vark 11 torpedo.. IIDd. preparecl tor tUp' te.t.. 'tIw deoalat;. (1IIICl. beta_ the obord at t.hI willi .. the bori.antal tau aurtaoe) at a.5, whtob ... thII be.t Mjutlin:t troa 1dDd 't1.1IDlel teata at til. __1. Ilw UDit.

    OECLASSIP'IEO IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief, Records & Dec/ass Div, WHS

    ., - ... .- .... -.....-.~..~~,. ~ :1 2013~ ,


    :".. . -" .. . .' _j. -~ ' *

    '.. ' 'f..

  • .Pac.' ..... tICluppe4 with & "l.ue .lleotum1_ tor mtIdUnc the u wiaS Uld tail ...."11.. atter 30 ._ends of tl1Pt. Tileall J.Ulit. oont&tlled r.o .qsal~Jlt wt we" 1'011-lt...,1111ed. u.inS the 'tandard oontrol Ql'o &~1DO llark 8 ad .el"l'O Si1Oi) I.faric I) Uad 0,

    The tir.' unit (Fl1(;bt "--9. J_ 11 ;;'9tG) .... launched at 100 knot. 1I'0Il .. a1t1tutSa ot .[.000 teet. It descended at an an~e or about 3,,0 1:0 thII hol'iaontal. 8tab1lllat1oD.LD roll ..a. obt.inu. 'but with a l.r,. roll bunt uplltud11 tJULD 1. a.omaJ. with t.he 11&1' fAilul.. The .IIi.s11e hit the ~ be1'ore the rele RUtchan'i .. cad. tJ'IIe 1.'(0 Q!,ttrate.. The .eeond. unit (Fll&ht 1-1Q) ... lauDClhed &t 200 boT-. f:o:.\ 1m alt1tllde ot 6,.1)00 feet. It duollD4ed. &t a elide ot 290 to the horb~ntal. mak1n, & ateaq tUI!:ht !he me..e _c~.. opera"ed ,uau..fullr at; :so .ec-ODd. &t an a1 btude ot abaut 1.000 teet. The re.ult. cf these t.eru wwe c"u1d.ered. /Sw'l'1ci_t17 .atbtaotor7 to aUow u.e ot this It.u-frUit (d".1~ted al S\1lD Uuk 15) u UI SAt.ria t ..t ...ehtcle tor future de"lopent of' n .. radar hoIUnl!j .quipJIIIIlt. PI"",. 2 ahowa a PbotolS .... ph 01 the Uaric 1& )(!NGrl~JIER .u.rf'rarrae..

    'fa thi. enel a contract 'ft. let: tf) Camden KaISt-ern Marine COII:.pIl.rl to build 18 additional 'Plywood urtrlUll" 11IJ11l, t.h~ 1It.rk 1" au Will&. then on hand. . Later. auother contru.t ...8 let t:c the Gool!:t_r Aircraft Comp&D7 to npI'Odu.ce tb1. UJ'frau in _tal becauae this ...terial lends ltflolt to qwm:tity' product1on Alao .. aernce ezperl.BDCe with the SAt' alrtraaa8 ahond thl.t W'lde.lrable wuplnr; occ~red wh." the plywood /Structure. were subjeoted to adverae climatic conditions.

    Ia I'ov"'.r" two &dditio:n&l fliGht te.t. wlfre ot the Jf&rk 1.5 airtI'aut. Siboe the tint tMJ unit. te.tod (flight. 1:-9 aDd X-IO) descend_ toG Ite.p17, the cleo.lage .... .:IoDer...ed to 30 on on. unit and 3.50 OD the 1800nd unit.. Zach ml ..1.1.... equipped with !lark 1 (PELICAJI) radar .lp_t tor hOlliDC ap1nat & .tat1onary beacon The t1rst um.t (Plight X-23) .. I'el..aed ..t200 blot... It cli.playeci a ratber lar,e roll Jwnt amplitude clurizte tU.sht aI'ld llllld.ed about 1 Illib .hart of the target. The leeond unit (Flight 1 .. 24) dropped a., nI'111&1\1 but' att.,r about three second. attainsd a ItHP angle ot bUlk IWd d.elK'lenrled Jr, a aplral. \andl~ at a pOlnt nearly below the I'ele..e point ~ RPftorda obtained showed th.t a t&ilure c!lcurred in the radar equipment.. Failure ot the rl,.lIt '.lDl", to l'8&Ch the target .... to ". due to the etfect of the lute ~11 hUllt ....litun 011 the opera. tion of "- pltah gro. Cb.aD&- ..u be.lD(; ~ 1D the uxt un1,t. to cOl'reot tid. acaI1tlGn.

    S1no coapl.Ct r&d&r boIIiDg eqqii...t :ia in Foce.. ot developr.act (a fart C)~ 1t a.ama d.a1rable tc a1mplify the airframe to the extent or ,11.11:1_1:1111 the boq portion. It .... ttr.' propued to attach the wing. dl"Gtl,. to the torpedo b7 _ana of latche. iacorporated 1:n the torpedo .truatur.. Dal,.a1a ot tbla. howfter. ahond that latchu could not be plaaed at appropriate po.itiOlJlll becau.e Gt 1J1te .. t'erence with the torpedo'. airtluk. AD. arl"llDSC.nt ... tMa. de'ri..ed tG .trap the wiD,. directl,.. t'hl. baa oertain ad'ILDta,e. tor te.t1nc. u& that tbe wins 1l\a7 be .bitted 10DCitucllDal17 t:D oOllp"ate tor any c:h.eDC. 1:n the pOl1tlon Gt the CIInter

    DECLASSIFIED-IN FULL Authority: eo 13526 Chief. Records &.Oeclass Div, WHS

    . gate: :JAN Z 3 2013 ';~

  • t

    ot craft". 'rhtI tlalbtlltt or 1Ib1l desiQI. lellda iUelt co .. c_",ulcm into a ~ C PC7Q1"erl 1111.11 ill .!ldoh. c... it. is propos_ to at1ltlGh. a tul'bo-j';; _tor to th. 1'.'" ot th. eIu'oud. riDl ul-11 at tile torpedo tail bId t_&1 telY at 1/e...cal0 _d.l ot thl1 dSr;g &1'. DOW fa prop'e.le Uld zoaulte to datlll U. oooediq17 u ..tUr1q. 'lb. ItI'uotul'al c1..iQ' tor .. lull....l. "r.1oa i. w.ll \Ulder..,.. With. th.e capletloa ot theR dr.... iAp... hll"loal. protot.)"p. will bs _de tor rUght. telt. A Ik.tcb. or thil duiG" t. .baIm in 'iGurl S.

    f_tatl... deelfFI tor the pqlaad tor Typo B Alr:G~srum 1.... beea 1I01'n4 up ud to tlav,y tor .valuation at the ~odpud.o oharaaterlltlol. 'fWD dellpa wen iDol"d,ed. ono tor a tOO-pouad p&)"load., U. 1a.ob.. ill dlaet_, &Dd the other with. a ZIiO..poWld payload, 11 lDch fA d,1..... l-.ta1:1.,o d.-ip. h..yo al_ bean preparod tor the wins attaoJnenu aDd taU ....141 tor thel. pQ1old.. JlDWeftr,. lIOul. w11l aot. be pr.pared 1"01' w:bul tuanel te.t. 1dD1awb..tion ot _ 1atlIUSellC. sl.t.t baa "'0cr...ed to th. pofAt whero lpeolt1oaUoa ot praotical liJd.til ot i til 11.. .wpe 11 pOliliblo. (See Part U..c ot thi. report) .

    I. anGlnOi hat. apeJ'll11ftOs .1th. De.....11 ... IlWUI'OUI _tIl_tioal .tudies. _

    .boa the punult.-cour tn. or ~ to 1M' tor \18. acUZlllt. tII.~ tarpt Aooord1DG1r, 11; .... d.ol~ th&1; .Oft 1Qrps ot oourR u:ri.p.uoa would, b. desirable tor tile 10ICWISHD mildl.. _ tn. of autalatlo nanptloA 'ldlioh oau... the :ni U. t:o n., a 00\11'1. dirt_inc tr_ a plII'.\li\ oourl. _~ oau. the .11.11. to tl)" at ... -el. to thl 1111...ot ip_ path. Therefor.. the ~ r.twano. ax.. 0111 DO 1aacer ~..ta. ill a t1:u4 HlaUoA to the 11111. ae... Sw. the .t.t.b:lllsr.tloa ')'IIt.. ot the 1I1U. i. reteZ'red to m1l.11, axel. \lAd,ollrul. cro.. .tfeotIJ IIlpt OCRI' Us the hoI\lIJ& .1pal. du.e to the d1ftrc... ot the two axe. wl'uII. the lIi.ttl. ohaJIc.. itt attitude...peolally 1a the 0... or a roll1n& _tic.. 'the oro .ttee1:l mpt r10\1811 &tL'eat .:itbor the stabllity or the uC1II"_r or til. D1I.ll.. It 1. expeot_ ttat w1th. adequate aa.put.llJ" tor lJoth uilll:th aa4 .1....t1oD, d.itt101l1t.t trOll oro.. ettoot. will b. r ol....d.

    At the 01011 of tile -.r, MDJ' Ilt.1l1.. ILDd. r:d..alls OOftWOZIOIlt. rl!llll&lDed tr-. the P.BLtC.t.JI ad. BU d,.....lopuat prOIl'.... SillCe tib IIDlt. "1" 1IVpl\ll ad r.ld11;r a1'a11ablo. a .eri or t ..t., pre1i2a1D111'J' in na1re. nro outUnM to da.matra:te the practicability ot uiD& cour coapute1'. :la halams .b.l1

    Pol' tut. ot tbl. aplnat JIO'dnc tar,, lID. 8,ooo-toot railro.d, ball __ B.. ".1'1". 't..'!: P:leld.ooutruotMld at the lI'Iu'I'_ GrOft.. rhe tarpt. wb1ch. 1. a radar b.acon. 1& IIIDUDtecl on. a railroad aeotloa 0IIl'. UtiI' .tU't.m" the oar I'IUII uaattudctd with a fraa1i: _tabu alcmc th. raUZ'Oad. ~t.:laal1)' record the tarpt pol1d_ at 1'IU"iou. t1u lllt_. ftJ., .ad opera. ateOJwallu tIo ltop t.h.e ON' at tile ..s. ot the traoll:.

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Cttie'. Records & D,ecrass Div. WHS.

    ?~e: JAN 2' 3 2013 ...

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  • s. r.c. 10 DllrID& the tlr.t t'hreo moutha ot 1946. 9 PBLlCdB (SIIIlD]lark T .d 0) lIVe

    dropped OD th. aoriag tAro-t at \farr.. OraY. (.nipta It-I to 1t_8).ft n ..... ot two ot t."J. walt. werc ottt 1D ulath by tbed lead angl ot lao and sO, r e.tlaatecl to gift tJ'tUJ coll1.1011 cour tor th. partlcular tUGht cODlliClcms. On twa ether 'U.Illt. where the tarpt aoftd at ft8 IIpb. the ant_a. are lsr an IIIZICIWlt la thU1 that required tD produoe a true ool1i.ion course" The- antmma ot one ot the.e WIl. ol'l'aet. by 1/2 th. ftlll wallie. or 60 QIld t.laat ot tho other. b7 3/" the full &IlIOWlt, or go. For co.parhon, the other four wUt. were dropped witil taro leali angle or:apeaaat10n~

    In allot tho teat the ..:Unum tl1cht path WIll Ulcorcli.QI to expect.tiOlUl. In the Que ot th. two Idth fuUleali an~h cClllpeDlatlon. the flight path .... "f'fJry .1.rai&bt tbroupout the lIIajor portion ot the t11cht. lion",.., 111m. the lin. at pao4 the target path .11ptly ot the target. it ..,. b. conoluded tba t; the l~&d &rlGlo .. a h ttle too larg.. TIUt two uatt. with 1/2 IU'KI. 3/" ot tull

  • l = .,..18 two _U OODtda... a rate S'PO to .,... with 01l'o1li1:. arral'1f:H

    H ~ uateaDa rcrt&1:e4 a~ GOD.tat ap"d to 'the rip~ __ the a.a. or tIM rate or 1ft.. to the lett, UlIl to the lott a1: oou't'.aft .peld .hIIl the rata or ,.. ..... to tile npt. 'rb otbllr two 'toIDtta oontalaecl rol.,. 1n th. cmtp&1: olroult or tM radar hoIIiJIC UJIltUlt 'oSPCKli1: U'I'IIItICl 10 that the IIltllma wolllcl be turDed to the npt at oo...tu.t Bpeed. 1"01' a l.rt error .1tu! .. to tIa lert EoI' a richt errer lio-l. ':he apeed. or J'01:aUoa. or th. iUJttll'lOA Sa ada1ltJa 1'01' 0111 wut ot ...oh type ....60/ .0 .... the other, .,80/aea_ Th. tarSet: .peecl 011. all te.t....... IaIlpro.1:iJllAt.l, 60

    .Iltbou&h u yet the o_ra data haft a.ot buD 1IlI&lJ&~ .. the pertomanc. or the urdu .. cletU'ldaad. by 01l.01"l1ll'" Itt the t ..t 1"!.1~ ft. Dot very aat'll t'I.otor,. One IArd:t with the rAte "r .,.... CP'o control on. antemul moUon (rUpt '1-13) tatle" to _. dIl. to railur. at hcMIL1DR equip-.t ia the IdI.U.,. ?he oth_, 'Upt 1-1... luded about 1.200 tOR ahort at the tarp1:. 011. UIl1t 1dtll the error aisaaJ. oontrol 011. tIlo :mteaa& IIlCItioD, Pllp1: 1-1&. paecl aeo t , .as.. at the tars" car. 11.Dd1DS .ut26 ree1: 0...1' tile traok. IIld tbe other _t (nlpt 1-16) abOu.1: 700 teet .hort and who tlipt trajeotor, ~ would tnt...eot the track fiB teet Idlo. or tho oar'. potitlOD at ti_ ot OI'O"iDI..

    In 0....1' to b tisato the ptl'tarmuoe of 1B0tMr lead aoapu.'1D& a,yll'f:al in ....til. .b S'IIQ) Varll: B 1Ictd 0 uaJtI ....e ta.ted. apilUlt a mOt'lDf: t&rC41~ a1: ~ Groft clurtac AUp.t IIIcllloy.u.r. 1948. Tha. tie.......1 lU.d.e tor the purpo at oIuIoldJI& a part1al IlAftp.tinS .pta in ut.aui:b.. fIuoee or tII-.e UD1te we... arJ'UCtCl .0 1:h&1: tho uternmr. ... rotated. 121 ...1IaIl1:h tbroqh OII...halt tlae UCl. tu.rnlld b)' th. 1II1U_ fiaa it. hlachug ju.a1: prior to ral.... (ll&'ri,a. td.oo oorreotiOli rU1:or.2). aa thrD units til...tersna ... tun:utcl rel.tbl to 1:Ila .s..dle tJaree..tou.rtha tJao Ubl. tumocl 'by tho J:ll.lile Iro. 11:1 hea4lDl jut pl"1or to 1'.1.... (II&"I"1Qlti.aa correot1cn rutor, .)..

    Ot tile thre. 1111..11.. with JJ&Ti&a1:tcm tactor 2, dIa ftr.1: (FUcJlt 1~1?) laW a1Ktut: 1.000 t t over tho faUroell -*' C1'al.ed uoat tOO ttat ahed at the target oar. Thill lIocoDd uait ('11l#&t 1 .. 18) orolllecl th. nlllQacl abollt 160 t t behiDd the car ao4 &b0l&' 1" 1".at abo"t 01' tbo beaooa. 'lbo 'third UlU.t (J'llp1: 1-18) 10.1: trllCII:in& or ito hoatAc lligtal va 1'.1.... 1ID4 thu. JUCl DOD-oholdJt.& tl'l8 rl1p~~ 'l!he nr.t UQ11: with u'f1p1:1oD carrNtiOil tactol' .. (1'11ght 1...20) pa......beNt 160 toat 4 or tM car IBd ... -.bOld; 2& teet IMrt or tile beacon. n. .ec:;oDCl unU (Ph&ht 1 .. 31) lfAW aoo reet; beMDd del 800 f toter the tarpt car. tIw thud unit (PUi:ht (42) llUlU4 about 1.000 reet Ihol't aDd 100 1M" beh1D4 the c ..... All rel.......... -.40 trorrt .pproztatel1 &.000 fe.t,. a1: a &11. -1:1- ot ""So to 10 _ at .. air .peed ot 180 k:a.o1:.. The .peed. at tho tarpt oar 1D' eaoh cue approxlllllLt.l, 80 ft/.eo" 1a11:b.aush the erron ..... rairly larp, with rather larGe a.twl'. the aaour_7 in ..butll 1t.taa.ot_ to be better t.bM woul4 be obtaheel CIa a 'barG" ....iD& aot i!lat -pe_ withaut: a DA'Wlpt1on .,..t..

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records & Oeclass Dlv, WHS

    Date: JAN 2 3 2013 -- -.......... ~..----"'P""......----- .....--...-.. ".. "'.....--~-..--,......


    , ...f/t

    . ' ..


    1 .a.1p1l of iJdlc a,..t:...

    '!b. aal,.t. or tatelliSoac. '7SOu lDr ltDllrtaua hu .... COIl" fl84 to acti.. rad.10 lIord.q (ao1:1,. bpl,J'1Dc U-oout&iDtld truall1t,or) ad to the X IJImd. '1"10 bade '1'-' w.lthift w. tr......rt .... ua4er OOUidlratiaa, 1.... " .imultabeo~ CcapuUClll aa4 .equatial cc..,.rl.aa. 0Ia1J' paleed _pt illwduatioa :u coai4llnd.. qa d.e.,.lopMAt lMdnc \IIIII_rak_ OIl C'W .,.teu,

    ail._~'th _iaIlltauoua uui quat!'" cotlpltrilaa .ob... are .10111 IoOU"'11 uad.r ccQ1deratiOft~ l' 'AS decided. oar17 iA the pr0l:r.. tbat. GOIlCHIGvatioll f4 iAltial .t1'on aa OM .... hilSh17 d irlbl.. The ",rpo wall the UIOlUlt or 1Dtor..t1CID wh1&dl ocnald be obtataed 0Il1J' rn. neld. te.t... VUlJ' ot .... t t. coulcl be pqt'ol'llllcl em .1t;h.r .,......... wau14 11.14 r ul-ta at IIlt:ert to both, at .11 a. rNulu DeCH..,. tor proV'" in airi'rUle uul d"'ea.

    111 Y.1_ of th.,.". or -aoo...M fi.ld trial. OA au eu IIOti_ ..,...t:1.a1 0..,...1.aa loh_)$o :l.t w. t.a that th .,..1:- to 'be DrOUp,t to the fi.ld .at point .rtnt lhoald 'be the ....'I11II.1I1&1 tne.

    a.obriou. d.1tr....a. b..... aJaulta.Deoal ..... e.queatbl OOliparillOft .~... 11 that the for..,. !wi \he. po1b111..., of oU_M:llin, errorl 1ft clirlOt:ioaa1 iIlto....t1ca .ril1q.t"l'OCl tlUAtuatiOU tA tM .ipl 1...1 ....1q the IO_ins cl"Ol. ami that th1IIultlAeou qat_ 0Ul flmUu direot;1oaaJ,llitol'Mt10Q mol" r.pidly. fh... adftAtaC" .... obtai:aild .t thI ell(MDl' ot JIIllt1p1pac the _bill' ot uul !.nol... the 1l1lC.'.It, of piA-balqomS or pha....b.luoinC tu rneir.. AD o:tm.oua paiDt for ift....US.t1ac the 1a tho exta' &ad rapidity or aicna1 .vaeth 1'1uct1lllti0Al eDCoUlLtored. 1A tni.:.l tactical dtuatiGDI.

    lbe tint .ndtllm. 'bear1D& Oft thb po~ ....piA tbe partol'lllADCa of BAt'.. ",,11e improT""t. OTer tiUs pltrf'ol'mllrlc, Ie ct.lired" l' i. 1'....0_1.1 good, aDIS ... ot tho c1epa.rtuI" rr(JI. idMl _, b. atvlbuUCl to othel' taotor.. AiIonC tho 1I1ght. b. olta the Yg' podUaa. of-thppar..t e.te.. or redlatum t.roa. the tal',.,,",. tho lact or .", proYi.SDA tal' tlNlnG otblt'" thaD a pW"lIUtt cour, __riou otll. illP.,tec~o.. (:lD. new ot l.ter dllYalopma'.) 111 th. de.i",.. OD tNt oi;'Mr hIID4# the tlua'uat.1OD ....te at tho ntnr taqua7 eX ratbll,. tha a) .... upeat.d. rrOll 'theor.tical cou:lderat1ou 10 'be hipr1 aD4 tile propa.1CI ..... ot: 'ar,.t: error rate iA .oaa aanc.UOIl .,pte.. pu1III hiIMr p..-lUII oa DOOt:hIutt. ot -CUlM' d.ta tha fA tb. B&'l .,at- ....... the aac;ular DOt rlittereatt&W. ('lbe pno... at cl1tt_.UatiaC .. tluo1:uaUIIC .ienal eIDph&IJ. the tluo_tioa.)

    Searoh or tile 11t:....ture ILD4 conaultat1oa yitb other. labor.torle. proctuoed 110 1IIt....t1oa of direct banas OA 11M q ...... tiloa. DaR OD a1pa1 fl_tati.. 1D echo r.tuna trma a1.rplt.1SU .... a...Uabl bioi' ........ tor .-lle.. tare.... etten ot the .... _, .. the p.....,. at the rotaUq propell... oa.plioaW _tter.. COlIllquat:17, U1 iDMp__" i.lweatiS'UOD ... b.....

    .oeCL.ASSiFlelllN FUI.L _ Authority: eo 13526 ~ Chief. Records & Oeclass Dlv. WHS

    Dab!: JAN 2 3 2013


  • -sa rr

    'ft.. _ X-lad,_ .....lft1' _rl.. I'UIUI~ ..... _ "l1li'1_ .11 of *.. .1: .... tl'Olll ftI'1aW1 U,..1:.. 1'he radar WU oar.... 1& tka DO.. of 111\ alrplae. 1Ib1oh n .. :111 .1: 'llU'iCNII Sl1-ct-. cmtr the raDS- up.otld ot G1i~1IC 1IlUa ADd. 011 1cnr na, t:raj101lDri.. IUGh .. IIl&ht 'b. a:oouat..... w:lth JlGftrM at.aU.. lato....ttaD ... rMOl'dld DB tha _pUtudII ot eIIOh iDlil'1'1dual eobo palaa.

    la t.Iw tlr.t .vi of iDutlptAou, nrtlcaJ. po1arltiaa .. ,.....Ii (81:1111&1' t t Uh h.".-:laaa1lal polaris'1:ioa .~ oOllt.-pl.te4.) lIoqhl)'. the Clozao1uiau .... tiIl .. t the tluc_tioraa .... of couaid.n.ble 00l1li...... at ., IOIUl n.t. aD" ttat tbq did _t deplDd ~ OD ~ 01' .....,,_ S....... thtbln 1. I'edu.oad bJ' blp .0aD rata

    !h. da.1nd Jap' 0'hI' th. 11&1' (pvtiJlallt to dealp ot CODvola) v. liated balow,

    (II) Iur.... probabtUt,. ot hU by

    (l) Up_ to llYOid 1011' or tarpt or chuJ&o til _&*1:11.

    (U) a...... ,...01111J1OII 11I I'UIp ad ucla. tor .... pt..-poa .

    ( ill) Prorilloa tor ClOIIlMltiJI, iatal'O.ptlOIl CO"", olldatiDe lleaU,. Dt lmpob1. r.t.. of tUI'II at aad ot vajeotcaz07.

    (b) 1110...... rap.

    (0) U.crauacl .alum. l1li.4 ..lpt. IIDd better u~ properU.. lJt. I'

    (d) IitlflloU,.:1II WI... ' ..lao pJ"OcNolMlltT.

    i. Chal'aoter:laUO. f4 Seleotlld It-

    D...d. oa the .'boye I.1IIIlytll aDd the c1lr. 1IIpro~tt onr the DU iJlt.lll'..... .,.t_. the tollcnria& onr-a11 tv-twlatlo...... lII1eoW ~ 'tile tlr" proiDf:IJp. tor KDIOFl8HBR.

    (.1 I,na, aIflUaatt...l CKlWpU'llGllld

    (11) .......,.t., 1IGll-lOuaiq tra_"1I' with npt.4 ooaloal tolA - HO.lYv, _taaa RabiU... IIDd .....u1a tor cCIIP'ltlq purpoau.

    (0) 1-1" .,.0.. 1/" aiol'O'tIOOlId pul 2.000 1*1'.'; 60 Ir.'W PId panr. tuDabl........ (2JI1).

    I .,

    DECLASSIFIED ~N FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Rti'P,rJs ~Dtf'ass Oly, WHS Date: ,lIAN ~J':J 201l .


  • J -, ........

    .,.. (d) ...i ..... bu1I1d4th 6-6 -I.eo; 1/. moro.eo_

    dUo pt1D& with IUItGII&tlo tI'II.Dti.D& 1D nap, aDd. rqe ftlool t.1 -.,.; .leoboaio o-.tatioo ot dinotioaal iDtoratiOIl.

    (.) I'I'IU17 panr supply, tOO-o,.,1. pwrator dd... (at OOllltant apeed) b;y yarlabl. pitch wlBdalll (d.aor:lbec! 1D aec. II-B).

    III .. tollCMiI2l diaoWl.ioll. the liD... ot ....atl_ .... abo .... oaaiIt b. respeoted. due to the lnt1laM;y ot the lat.raatl-. b__ th. ftl'iaua d..Ip tutor.. BDough baa alrea.c1 be_ .aid of (a) to ,eI'!Iit pul111& d.lreou, to the oth.....

    (b) AD........)"It

    (i) R-t Propwti

    'the ')"It- oha tor tint teat. oo_i.t. or four heraa a oo...,let. .. .mI,. is .hOllA .Ia "11'11"" 8 aDd 7. Cae bora poiDt. alaaa the axil. em .,0 UP. oD.'0 do-. uuI 70 left. ud the t01ll'tb .,0 dcrm uuI 70 right. !he oro.I-Oftr' III the racU.atioa , .."va. an at about th. halt-ponr poiJdl.. !be bora tb&t poillta alOIlS the axil I. 118. tor tl'&ll.la1ttiq nl,. The other thr.. are broupt to a apeolal aritah ._tloll. when 11_1, cleftloped r-t .witoh tIlbe ,atell eleotrOA1call;y b,. the tf.aUIc utait, p.l'II1t ot the higbe.t ,olbl. 1081& rat. (a .111&1. aOaD opl. 1_1wl.a au pUla. tI'OIl _ob reoe1~ bon.). the aipala fro. ...... tMa "c1owD," bonl .... added (arter th. llIOO1Ill _t..otlaaa. ao JlO que.tloa ot phaI. ari) tOI" a W. dnft dpal to COllp..... wi.til. tbat tro. _ "uyt hol"D, rlpt-Iett Wcmat101l 1a alao IItIOtlNd traa the two dOIIIl harDI.

    n.. p1DI ot all hol'JUl .... ot the on.. of 110 (or 20.' db) aD 1I0traplo radiator. AA addltloaal etteatl,.. pta ot db 0"" triM WI. ot lUI "na-coura." rathv thaa a 1Ou.a1a& tnaa1tter. A portioa ot thil il 10at api:D dwt to the u at thr ratJllo'" tba four reo.Inns hol'lUt. _t apu. ooaald.ratiolla an rulbc be.'

    to. addition, it 11 b.Uu".d that a 1I0000ao...Iac trIuuIIdtter will p;Jl'IIit better 'ltl'..u:t.Ja1q ot the rad.aIH. 1f1th a polDtia& dish &Ill! a lCa:na:1as tI"...rdtter (u 111 M'r) .., ...... llhape other thaa apb.r1oa1 caa b. e:ltlNtOtld to Gi'" a eftect 011 the sap__ 1Ih1oh 'fU'i.' put1;y at IOU tnqulllDY. 'thIt 1'U'latioDl iD trUllld.ttv pcnrv .... tnCluuoyww1d sift ri.. to tal cU.reotioaal llIforatiem. '1'bi. 41ttlC'Ult.y ......t h', the au ud MO...itatld uae at a h-.i.phar1oal 1 '&0 011 the a u., whioh ... uroc),Jl.uul1o&ll., uuatlataa1lol7.

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div. WHS

    Date: JAN 2 3.2013




  • ,

    .. Pas. 18 11; i. l'ecop_eeS that tM. antenDa .,.. utt... f'l'o. the

    drawbuk ~ aiDs ODly 1/, the aftilable IUlWJID& ..perture at U1 OM ta... rin.l'thelesa. it. \Me w111 b .-lWAtaceou' m .8'ftral partioular... lIeaau at 1t1JIplidty &DIl the t b1. mt.r.. aoUoD bet:na. horu. ooutructicm and d.eaip ftl'. l'elaU....l' ....7. &D4 th\l... tl)'&ble hoII1nS hea4 will b. 1101'. quiokl, aohin.ll. S.colMS. d lgu ooa.ideratlons iDdio.t. tbat thia q.t. alA Q\l1ok:17 be ohallg.d to .. a:lllU1taDeo .... .,lit&ad. Ca.pari.OD 'Y.ttor t t. ot the oasparatlY......1t. at til twa .;pt... ~ (Thi. _t-. OUl bardlr b. cOIl.... rt.ecl ....tlltlOtol',. phal. OompAri.OD _taaa, howner, dua to pllue re1.tlol11 ariliul: ,tl'Cll the p..,..loal 'epU'aticm ot the ant.... o_t.I'.. 1'.......&1 at direa t1ot&al iatonatioD will b. encountered with lOod elpa1 .tl'csth at l'e1. '""lJ' _11 errol' ansle'lf) Thirc!., di. .PIO. b.twe811 borDa 11 \, ta 1;he prat b1,y. the uptroD. pul trcItOl':lUtl'-. looal oao111&1;01'ip1 CIT.tal. n1tob tS.0Jl aDd. I'-t nitoh bab AJV ol'y.tal. aDd aoal.ted ooup11Dp ......11 _uatecl m tb.1. .PM., with .0_ roo. into 1Ih1oh OOlllpGUllt. ot the _t.uaa .tabUhill& IIIOhai.. OU iDtI'lICl

    Lack ot nJ.toll tub.. to the Pl'.'. hal pl'eo1udecl ...aul'''' _t ot the radar width ot tbrat... ProduotiOll ot .w1toh tuba. ~ twa JUde b7 1IIOCl1.f)'iDS 182' m tub.. haa .uttered .,..&1 cle1ap but i. MIr be,lDDiDG ..t a good rate ad tame. &1'. ezpeot41d -17 .hortlJ'. DeY.lopllaDt ot the 2lW nitch 1iI&b. 1. baiD&; daM at 871ftDia \IIlal' contl'aot tro. the NaTal ae.evch Laboratol',. I. prepracluotlOD tuba. de.1gu.t.d- .1-70'1. 1. UGWIl in Pigur. 8~

    The tour-hom .;pt_. de.orib_ a\lld probab1, be too 1arc. tor \I in KIWPI8llE1l Type B. All appreciable reductic lD dl. appear. =.t pr_hi.. wi th oOJllllDn aptl"tur. .,.It_. IIDd thAI &1'. bdDC i ...1:1pted. ID1:eraotloa between the tem. ot the OOJIIIOn apDl'tuI"e t.. the lIID.t '.I'io"" probl II1d .0 E.:r. good aperture 11l~iD&tlon hal DOt been uhi.nd. I. leu appear. .ar. aultab1. thaD .. "neatol' beoa\lle or the bulk ot the tHCl 1)"81:_ ot ftl'io.... l.u... acm.aideredJl oue at 1:h.e Ji'I'.IIIl.l zon. pl.te t;ype ahowId ooa.iderable pl'QD~.e. prlmarily beoau.. ot ~he high l'atl0 ot to tooal lelllth. Such. leu ., be I In P11W'e 9 !hia lena baa 100d opt10a1 proputi aDd a toO&1 1_1th. at on17"1.Dah... .uah 1_.... rat..tins .mll. t.eel oould OODoelftb17 be II.eeS, b\lt thl. 1IOuld raintl'oclUa. the d1rt10ulti 0aa&H4 b7 .0UDlJIG the tranu1tter aDd 1IOUld. 1D addiUOD. ..t hip aou ratea. iDtl'odua... rup-c:lep.dst rotaticmal Thi.ari... beau.. the JII&1WIIwI r&n&.' _n.ag_ si" eaho del.,.. ccapWab1. to the iDttl'ftl b.twe.a. pu1.... It ia b.U... that the t1uot1l&tiOil dat.. pl' reternll to illdioat. .traDll7 iD tawal' ot hiP. aOID rateJ and a blp .e... rate &110 t .. wan t1&'1t tnoIdDC at ..xs... r~ du. to the 1.... AI u.. oaD.tat a11.,...b1.. (Ther. 1... po.a1bl11ty a1.o tlat 1t sq rmuae the requ.ll'_ta Oft the -...or)" oil'cuit tor the .... reuoD) ~ It 11 that the prob1_ at .Murine pod ap.rtur. t11uaiJ:latloa with .ultlp1. teeda 1olubl

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div, W/;fS. "

    \. D!te: ...JAN, ~- 3 2013 .. ......

    - .. .


    . -,f ' ..

  • DECLASSIFIED IN FULLAuthority: EO 13526 Cpief. Records & Declass Dlv. WHS

    Date: JANi2 :3 2011 ; '.


    In the al.Uq 1Ulteru1.. '1.t.. IIII.IOh .ltol'ta hal b cll'fQted. to the pI-iDS f;pta at sr...t band. width .a u to aploit the ccnmtw-oalmt........ pl'OpeI'Ue. mhol'S' 111 tIaa t1.a:IUI. UQletroa. !he nttcb t",be ."tloal.... the _.~ WftGult it_. but efta heN broad di", ta beU"'IOcl to haft b.. achi.ftd.. Actual mouurementa at width ha.... 1HI. made Gall' with appraxi_tloll. to the tinal tub t1u1 procbacticm ..,10' not hayi. bUll received; hcnrw'eI\. Jot 1. b.l1e'l'8d that th;pta will b. op_able .t 10'" 0..,... the rup traa 1.2 'ton I.a.... 4t P"'lIDt.. ohug. oye, fIIJ.Y w,. haotiOD af thil 1'&lIC. requirea 'l'8tun1ns ot the DIU.", local uuillatol',. aDd_tGh tuIM.. AI ..11 .... t.he MGD'Cl'OD. HaIre.,... t brod.....

    . l1dtoll with DO tu.Dtna &djuatllat. required O'l'el" 1:1:1. ruce a.l to a..i ':It ..,.. UIldM' de....OJIIINI." .11......... ftJ"Jot, ot :aU-band local a.el1later 'tub are al.o under dh81u~t. .1.......' ad. eocw work ia bo1Da don. here ....11 .. e1.nbere OD *' dl&1l ot a broad-baQcl 111:':81', .4 braacJ...baad Ai'C thaIdtter ccupUr.a; ,.. &lre&d.y beSlS do91.o4..

    (U) lleoJuud.olll Propel't1esl ItabUh,t10a~' ..

    Th. tateana 11 ta be IIOUfLtecl OD a 1'SIIbal .pta '0 _'to O.,utaUOD UJ be dan. by ro-ra1:iDs the radt.r ala relati..,. to tU 1.lne ot tllpt.. Ih. nul&!" ari. 1a to be .tabIU__ ..1n.t pitch IZIfl yaw ot the 1Ii..dle. 1t.b:a.Ut1OD .;r.t... 1m_ W are ti.e...... 'IIIUIIn" .eno 4 ..... lo~t .P.... ..1 of W. report.

    'l'ha ..1ab" at th- tlr.t protof:t/P* _teuna withou;t the .tabU:LdnC l'leolulrd.... i. abO'ld as pO'lllld

    (0) a-t Sptlllls Jlladulator. 'frUWl1.tter. uri 1Jizer t.rn1ts th. modulat.or 1 oODVOIlt1onal pula.-to'J'JWaG lin.. bydroS_

    ~.trcm and pule" t.rall1"orlMr tI,,,t.. the n_ ,udtlJ"a :In will pnllabl;v be .pl01lCl, .11&111'1 10 .hon the apue laYiDa ..m.ob oan be ucaa.pll.lbld bT th....... ot tlt1. cl1.1aotno~ 15D1ib Uuo. ar., 8B8~ 1/4.2.000, 60.. the aal.T d1ft.l'oao. baUte 'that tb.. lare" UN paP'1' a ... dI.leotdo.

    The thYl'atroa. ia .... , ... iC3GJ bDIN.,..r" dllYolopllCUlt ot a tub. at amaller .111 11 under con.tderatioD.. Tbe low dUty 0101 .... po.dble l'e4nction in Ut. roqu1rOlllDBt lIbould .a a -.111.. ab. pnot1cabltl..

    the pyl.. WUPltOI'Ml" 11 MWLW 1A oa ooat&1A1q al.o th ....troll lOCket, .... botll ..,.. pla0a4 ta tt. .pac. b..... th. hom. 011 t:'b. _'-- ...tIIIbl)'. Botatsq jam. 111 tI.Itt r-t q.t. md 10D& ~ 1....... thUa rIOid.ecl.

    ---------_........'.~~f.~., '.~" ,



  • I Pac. 21

    All unballDDed 1Iixe1' ot .implt't7Pe i t p.....t iD 11.... U til'.t roup w.ta !adie.t 'ILtiltaatoq DOlt. tlpre aID be obtalDe4 in tbia 'ft- A .poei.l requil'.mt 11 the DH4 tor. prea1ur AGe l1'a" to pr.....t a~tal Oftl'loacl .t _ort I'ancea.. D.ta 011 preprocluotiOD ...,1 iDd1cate that the aUlO 'tJ'PtI at tube Wled for tile I'-t IW1tch am pel'tom tbil .twu:rtiOA, the .tt.....tiGD beiDc ftI"l.ble troaa lome &0 .1beb .lIIOOtbl dowa to about 10 decl'bell .. the control electl'Ode eNl'r_t 1. 'l'&l'ied. .lt abou.t 10 deaibelll. the .1'0 goea out &DCl the .ttenuation cJropbrupt!,. to the i.ertiOD 10.' ot Ilbout I daalbal.. :l1th. del.,- 'in the AGC apl'llod. to tht.. electrode. thi;rat.. om be u.ed. without detl'1aterDt to pertot"llanoe .t aw_ J'lIDI,e.. 'J'here aro bmwtlcial bl'-produotll or the UM or the pl'_lxep- .tteu.u.tol'. %he blllDkin& I'equir_c:m:t. tor cloaa-I'!IDg' opel'.lOll are cr.1I1, reduood (fir.t ....ur__t in fact iDd1c.tinc that till. te.ture. colibiDad with tile .bortel' pula leD6tD, m&:'I elUdl'l&te tho AeoIlt)' for IUppl11ns bllUlklas pulaJ. Ia ad4ltiOA, WI' or tAe atotmuatioD 1D tho reoeiriDS I'lh.aIIMla 0Dl7. tdth tull pawel' .... iDWud iD tho tl'aamlttiD& ohannel, 18 lYmtaceoue r... the pOUlt of yl_ or cou.nter-oOUlltone.aul'e'. Cd.) BeoelYlng uul D.ta-A:nal,..~ 6)'....

    .to P'e.t deal ot detalleel'dewlopalDt OD l'eoelYi:as _d d anal.;ya~ In.. hat b.. do.adbed 1D report. alrea.d 1.lIU_lO11';16..18 01' DCnr iD pl'ep ...... tioa... !he uoeit)' tor .uch dft8lOPlICt lU'O.e traa reduction 1D pul.e leD&th. I'equir;inc &l'8atel' buui widthl mel iJapo.1Dg 1IIOI'e .tI'll15_ r.qulr.-a.ta 011 traclclq o:f.l'cnlita. ",e ot electronic rather tIIm uchlDlcal .cll.tlftlJ.t&; .. "'. ot a three-oolllpOUDt rather tIwI tour-qua4l'mt tCUIIIDlc .oh....

    III the 1-t &llplltlel', band width ot 01117 1.6'1 .. whe... T 1. the pula. length, or about S me, 1a ",ed lD order to OGonolllia. OD_be. IIld produoe hip dQl&I-to-nobe ratio. Fb:ecl tuned a"ta6gel'ed. paln are LlIed o.nd. pre.ant ~.I'iel&ce iDdic.u. that 1t sbould be poible to .lad all 0011a to mec~c.l apecltlo.t1oDB without electrical ohecldnr; or tube ..lectiOD. V ot Il0l'0 IOphi.ticated .o~. (doubl. csoupllnc~OI'ed triple. 01' CJUU"tett~ Degati'flt f.edback) Jllipt y. one .ta, 1Mt .t the .POJUl. of tWliD lI1juatMDta. fhe pre.eDt IIIIIPlltlel' haa none. Further., the -aqual'eroutott or the.e wauId requi.... greater band crlth tor .qui....leDt pulle nproduotlOD. 'lh. Arat throe .tace..... pia. ooDtl'oIled by CODtI'Ol-gr:l.d blume. the ti_ CODItu.t: or the AGO (u.-to_tlo pia. oODtrol) oirou1t 11 teDtati....l,. ae" at ZO mUllHOODdil. thi. low figure b.1DK po.aibl. bMauM ot 'the rapid tem. Coaputattor.w lDdioate that the p...u... atoteD_tol' _:I .a pottlble the "'. ot flull pm ti...t .tago.. with to.. I'oaultant b_ttftt ID Doi t1&"UN1 expertmctll 1D thl. direct:1OD an prooo.dme.

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records & Declass Dlv. WHS Date: JAN 2 ,3 lOll



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  • fa

    plat. deteotol', opel'atetl 1.10 .. low a 1._ U will-pT. redoubl. 11.....1tl. ia prariad. Ko .pcUl0 IIltl"J~ II_aura. aN lDcl'Llletl 1'1l the tirat prototype un1t~ wah .. back 'b1u 01' iDataatanaoua AOC, 'b.owreftl', the low 1 .....1 datllGtiOll Ii........l1_t onl'10a4 pl'operU tIDIl thu gi..... good .. l'eJ_tloll.. A rid., .tap ad oathod. ro11onr OOIIlplete thi. unit; a maderate uouzst ot r..t t.t.zu .. cana tut 1. ..ployed to rejoot the lonl' _wl.lon tl'.qwmch. wi:thOllt'atiou ot pula. .hap.. .

    !zper1ment. &1'0 belDg carried OIl al.o with ~1e1' t\lb.. as s..,los becOile amlabl., F1SIll'. 11 shan the !'eductiou 1A 11 uhi....ocl 1a an ezpel'imea.ta1 l-t _pUttel' cspl011D1 pl'eproduotiO'll supl.. ot pentode. 1D th. t-a (.utNdnia.tur.) Ill

    n .......toIat:io tnqu_cl control walt U coll"Na.tloDal.!q .. OOlIparllon ot. the trlLl1ll'littecl GIld local olOUlator tl'equtn01, ud OOIltrol1:lDC the latter tbroup I'ell.otol' TOltac. IIadIIlat101l. au NluatiOB o.ol11atol' cau.ita the looal oloUlator to "hw:&tt' hI' the tr"lI1ttel'. On oro..1Z1g tile proper trequlllOJ'. 11pl. f'l'0III t;.'he c!1.oriailJator t11'e ...aoon.d thyratroll. --_111 ..ttiq tile hUD't cycle 'back alltJ1t1l'. 'lb. hIuIt tIl.I'1IM., 1et 'baolc 1Pi'll. UIIl thII 1001.1 oso111ator -rook.- .hsht1l' &l'oWl41h. proper trequcoJ'. All i-t .p11t18rl1.11... to tha't in till _u 1'110.1..... is a oo__lonal dual-d1ocl. di,01'1m:Lna1:ol'.. 'lite UN of tbpatrou I'athel' thUl th. mol'a 001llllOll 'bloc1ci.DI o.o111&toI'l .1111_te. tbe HqIIir....'t tor oae 01' two pul'.. a. b.1m't GIOI. 18 ao...tsa't .low.... t.IuIn 1. COlllOJl 111 thl1 tlIP. 01 o_trol, .11lDe lt is e.elllt1&l, tha't the COI'HCt:iou to 1:I1e tl'equeaol II.Ot 'be _de at about tbree-pube blt.naJa, a. 1. cammoll, .iDae tJU. 1ftIIIld p .... 1'1.. to a .l1p1: .cc .rreQU8llCl lIIOdulat1ou at the echo.. _1Gh wulcl 'be Snterpreted .. directtoJULl. iDtomatiOll.

    !he ",ideo unit p8l'tOl'lllJl the; J"ImotLou: (1). pnt .. trl"ol' tbr modul.tor IIlld pro-tl'iG6.... 6'C' other tuuctlOUJ (11) pn.1'....... pt tor r-t aw:l;1;ch tubes; (11:l) geDal'.t.. ranee pte tor ..laotiO'll at a alDl. echo; (iT) tru.nt.1ta .a1lecho ud podt1ou o~ I'IU1p late up to _nitor in DOtb.... .hip. (..., ..,11tlI11 cho._ 801ao tor QGI'IIIIII.\.tattoil. ot dil'ect1oDal i.n.1\JrmatiOl1; (n) oontaiu 01l'0uit. required to look pte OB the aha echo and traall: &\lu...t1ca11;r in I'Ulp (a I'IIllGe ye10clty lI8II01'1 i.' probed tor 0 o~ .hort 1'Ilt.rruptloll ot .1s;aal). ('ril) .....lop. ADO. 'tOltase tna phd eGho0T" (YiU) pMr cate. 1u -1Dchr_- with (U) hI' c.-ulilI'oa o l1pal into .ppropl'late dittal'_tial 1I1I!p11t1.I'J (tz) proTld.., .rr.. the dU'ter_ti&1" UllplU'ler., outlN't otarr_t. proportlonal to __til ad pitoh erl'ol's, tol' pr..e .toa at gro ut., aa4 (x) Call" tdDa tIIo raDI. IIWltoba. tor aotua'tiDC 'torplNlo "Ie.....ohaDl...

    0a17 ,. Seul'll ~t...Ill 'be _de. 1't 1a 'Hl1e'" tbat a 'III'aYU&l1;r eoolloalclll nltoblDc _ co_tatlq .rna hal be_ clnelop_, aa.d a d.tall_ report oODOeral11& 1't is 1a JlI'Ipan.tiOU.

    DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL Authorfty: EO 135Z6 Chief. Records & Declass Dlv. WHS Date: JAN 2 ,3 2013 ------,

    ' .. '.

  • ~ ,AIr: Pas. 2.

    !Jut I'I1II. pte tnoId.zIc ',It. r.qu1red -..oIl .tt_\:Len .Ue. tlw r.q\d.r__tl are approz1at.1y lix timel .. ItriDllIDt .. ln BAT, (n. pul loath 11 JIIU'I'OIm' by a tactor ot I eml,. but tu cn,.-a!l wlclta ot tI.ut t:raold.ns p.te. b cmly one pull.> _ to tho U1l8 ot Ih 1I101'O .,oDCl traotinS &atea. In the BAr. O~/-N.oroaacoDd trao~ln, pt. .... .tacked eels. to e. ;iviJ1G.. with .. 0 ?-lI1oro..cond pllh. _ 0...,.....11 riclth twio. the pulH widthy) Ccma!IAUstl, ttm ",eteml were cle...loped, one ... dual. oleillator .,stI\r.l117 a1milAr :i.11 prinolple to that Wled in tlUI ..It-IpM:hroDoul a~t.. ill PELlCAl; the 1I.~ODd as a clelq -.lti..Yibrator l,e.. aimilar in prinejpl. to that mnployed lD DA'f (report in pr.pu..tlon). Both h .,. been dewlopMl to .. po:u:.t: ot_"iDe beDoh teata. the IIllllti-Y1brator a,.t. bon".,. _pIa,s t ..., tub.i-~ Part at thtl d:Ltt....uae 111 in the caunterUses r red to d..ri.. pulat r.pet1tlcm rll.te int:ern.h (loI.pprox1l11atel1 tCOO cpa) trota the dabl. ol')"ltal oaoUl.tor rUDldDC .t prt aroUDd 50 ko/.ee. Deftlopaent ot lanr trequ.oJ' oryatal. or ot .cme other atabll1lt.Ds'1liii', IUah ... a _peto-atriotl". rod. mipt el1lliDate w. !bo.. tutor. are beillS 1:IrItlp.tect.

    n....loplllllt of ..._.,. olrcw.t ak., pOIl1bl. lOll&eI'1IIIIIIOry .. 15 .. effort 1, b8iDl Md. to tnallat. th1........tas. into "bort.r I_rD iD& tiM, .0 tbat ald._ ad.'l'Utap ., b. d.erlYed t'toa the ~q oin1l1t in traakinG _Ilk sipl.. the po:I.Ati:ac ant... and. the lIlert MJC t1ae OODatent Ibould. ocmapir. to red.uc. the .....lAirnt tDl' leml .-or.r tillite..

    A 11ft pul......tretohiD& .,.t. :1.11 b.IDI Uled to eff.ot power utpll.. tloat:l.oa without prodllolq "rotational .hitt.- by oarr,...ov.r of :.ntorma~ 111_ tram OM reo.:l.ylac mt.... te the I1Ixt A "port d.aoribi~ the 1J'IIt. h 111. preparat:l.oD..

    StudU'Cl __ !-I 1/2 tIab are ua. t'hrouchO\&t_ S_plea or aeY en1 Tarl.t1 ot 'fool and. 1-2 tub.. han b proourecl fbI' ap.rilll4t8 _ 1I:I.D11.tu.ri.lat2.0n;o with partiaular .spbaab OIl reducing the dl' or ~ equ1~nt .0 that it will be !LCo.ptable tel' Klllil'lSllEii '!"./p. B III ad.d1td.OD, the poa.ibllity at llI1D& printed oirouit. 1D. IJIal'1f parta at 11M .1eotl'Oll1o aamJ3ly 1& under oODll1derat:Lon ... & IIftUl. ot tul'theZ' rec".d.n,: the .:1 (tt tbe equ1,...t.

    D. _YO BY8'l'D!S

    1. AntlNlDa .Stabill.atiOll

    It II deair.d tbat tbe uteana ot nSFlSBER biiG111..d .pwt the pitoh aad ,.. ot the 1Il11. t;o witJdD. appl'OJdJaWly 1/4 dell''' ad 1I'1thout UW' olOUldlOl1. 81D.o. the na .,atea optlq ttl. bird aantrole ...., .... lIJl't;ana rate well a. aD.taD& poaitlon... dead-b.t (ncm.-hw:I.tiog) .,.-. i. oon.idered. .atiel. n. ma:da1a ftlaalti.. r.quil"ed or the etab1l1,lbc a,et. are upeoted to b. at the ord.r at acO/.fIO. It weuld be d.edrab1e to ba .... the 1DUa.D& tr.. to tip in uv direction to IUJ -Sl. ot 46 troll tbII o_ter line of the Ihip. Haft..r. tIw laa..tiOll oi' th.

    .... DECLASSIFIEO IN IfUa. Authority: eO 13~26 Chief. Records&'Oeclass Div. WHS Date: JAN 23 ~D13.... ,fI' .~. ~ . .".. ., '



  • , 's. Pap II _,...1oa. .-b.r .., be auoh that the -1.' .., be UalW to aoO.'pu. 111d.tat1ou .110 oo.,1Ioat. the rea1i.atloa. at tiltabi1:l..aUollftCl1d.I'--t.. fhre. lI..thodi ot atau. are under Ja....Upo"'_. a4 .1IPport1DI deftlo~ 1. wuler' ."..,. .t the B~d BDcin..... 1q r.a'boratori, 'tn. P. H. Sb.Iparcl Laboratorl, .. nl,l a. at UBI.

    Ia the J."lrlt at tJ..e .tuIa, tIIo gro. an Uled. ... lar,., heaY7 gro hal it. al. t1x.ed 111 the _terma, ad. .ern the priJnU7 .tab:l.1iJIDB .l__t u4 .. a torque motor. 'l'bla li/l'o 11111 .tabil1 th. ateana ap1nat jerk. troa the airoraft. bownar, torque. till. to oODUottnc caDle., UDbalaIlo." aoc.l.ntloDII, eta., .ill c.~. alow preo...iou ot Itl .al., aDd ther ot the u.tenD&. 'thell. preoionl will be detectecl by a lecODd, truly tree QrO moWl'ted on the _tama. !he iD1'onutiOll o'bta1Qed rrom pick-ott"l on thl. Q'ro wil1 be 1.1Ied to app11 oounter-torqu.. to the Cbbal. of the ateNSIL. \'ItaeD. 1.t 1a de.ired cle1i'berately to preoe.. th. a.a.tama fbr reuolll ot Daug.tiOll, the tr.. gro a1l 1a preceed to zunr .ero, h plck-otr ay.t_ will th. toro. a corretpondilll preoeloll at t1sII _Ja c:.vro. A __tio diasrof tiy.te.. labeled a P18Cf b.cJt'l .tabUl.w, i. 1h0'llll in 1i~. 13.

    SiDae the tree ~.cope :La to 'be IIIOUIlted OIl the an'telma. :l.t Deed IlDt ba.... mor. thIIIl 1 of freedom ia u:/ d1reotloa. f.b1. _ana that QTO pual. are IlOt Il.eded and. .CIIft. t,yp. ot a 'ball ad .ocket or ~oillt -.y b. accepta'ble 1'br the gro IIIpporb. S .... era1 .uah g,yroIOOp ha... b.... t azul th.y mo. con.iderable pl'Oll1... Two at the are abowa ill 'ipn 11. 'fheH BYJ'O.copttl are dri,,_ by a IIOtor AlIIi uae .elt-allp11&1 Marillca. lha gro.COp. wheal. are dri'ltlrl by the triot:i.oa ot the bearfna.. fbie 1ut'.t101_t tit dri". the lUG_ wheal at 8,000 rpa ... the motor 11 1'UIUl1ac at 0,000 rpaa. ADotiler po.dble for the fr.. gro 1 .tawul 1D the Ua:rk 18 pliGht. fhi. eiGht .... JOillt QI'O.cope at a Yflry liQlt q,d COlIlpaot OOll.truO" tlOll. .A. photoGraph o~ the oriCillRl ad the modified srroacop.. 11 IboIn:a in Flgu:1"e 14. 'the IUIt..... directiOD will 'be cOlltrolled b:r pre-oelac thi. tree G)TOIOOpe wldl. the large gyro.cop. w111 b. oODtrolled .". pickup co11. mOUllted near the tree gyro.cope ""eel. Then coil. OeD be .HIl in Figur. 14. .....titatt"e raeaau.rlllllmti on tM 1n.herent .tabllit7 at the gro.cop.. cU..cua.ed are in procre.. but .a yet iIloapIete..

    Both the oth.r '1IIt.. Uti a dngle tree C)'I'o ill the antanna and dil't'er 01117 in the .8no eye_ uBed 'to kYp tho antcna al8 alipod w1th the G)'rO ad... .lp1n. deUberate rotatioDII ot'the HD.tarnn& ut ..... acooapl1ahed. 'by pree"ine the gr'o ul" the HI"'WD tIlu. lw.da, __ liIl&le duty ot Jceeplac the ataua and gro axe. &1ip.d. In oae 'pt., all .rrADi....a't ot' -.petie cl'll'tohe. oporatilll'trc. a rwmiDg motor &iT" propcrtioul oontroll ill the other. the o111tohttr. rc.p1aoed by a .peeial ditfercti.l .... Q'ltell. The dirterOllt1al par .,.te. i. ahowa .ohuatloa11;.r1n riFe 1&. ud a pbotop'llPh at the tiret laboratory.raode1 1e .hoa Ja F1s.ure 18. Wlthau1l ati-hUllt teatunl, W ,.tea held a 'IIaOk-up anterma .table to 1d.thio 1/4 decr" with. Ter:/ little built. 4 oollple. _del w1 th antiIuat. teature. 1. I.Ulder COUtruct1OD

    , . -,~-------i DECLASSIFIED IN FU.,L ... Authority: eO 13526 Cttie'. Records &Declass Dlv. WHS Date: ,JAN '2 3 201l


    ......~ ..

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    2. JI&iD. Coatral Sena

    the reqll1rellllM1ta 1'01' the rltG1'''lSlWR coatrol-I\lrfa.oe .eryo _n not.1 J" be_ t1ZecI. UI4 "'1'7 little work ... b.en done 1n ttl1a aaaectioa, 1.ib. 11111 btha... AI a !:r.. Falco,. .. tar ... ,.. UlCl pttoh art concerned. 1t will b. palalbla t.ft ..... the IIDt...... a refor.... tor tilfiabl11.at1~a at missile .. a whole.. Ueoawse or the tac:.t

    . that the IBton:l& uil anct th" ship axil IlID!I nO't ::a1JJolde. an 11gb re.ol.,.r- ma,y 11&.. to ba "'.. to proride .. f'rAI:W or rat&l'l!IIDCt: fot thtt 1IiUe.. A leparato trq ani can. "r I:OW'IIS. bo uan to obtaiD the .... result.

    ~tho ata.bllua1:iaD at roll can bit obtaiued by .l.ble a ran I'o.cope or a suitabla G.."1[;ulAr accelol"'olaetor. :'oIcb acceleromaterlt DI"t 00....1'o1&l1y a'ft:111A'ble.. and a lIIiOdel Il.ltC1a.lly d1l'Pt9d. tor y.I:lGrI&~iBK 11 now belnc teated. Thill laod.ol 18 lhawu in 1i'1sure 11, It cODllillta ot .. ba1u.o.1l NIIlbar llOWJ.ted CIJ. ball 'bear1nca a."IfI held 111 a tixed rob,tion" aip to the .t"nI:uI 'by .. sprixu:~ The natural l'requenay at tbe syat.. 1a 10 cpa. Piok-01'l' 001la are IIIOlU1teci OIl both ald at thia ...... 10 that an Olltput ..,oltA,,_ 11 .....necl DatA 1Jl pba,. UIllloapitude.. fhl. Y01tago can bp10yecl tbroustl the cont.!"Oj aeno to CGuntoruot the roll 01" th. ship.. The a,buntag. at the acceleraaetor on:" a ura,oopt 11 the e11a1D&tion or hieb-Ipeed ratat:mr; Qlt.. arul tho ne_ 1"01' dr1YiDc pcme.... An aooelerClt1ete" should b. JIIIoh more :l.'olpl'oof and depedable than a !yI'OIICOpO. to aay nothU1g ot be:l.n& oheape:-.


    th. prllllllty 60urce at .erg.. 'bo'til ror tho lII,ciar and antelUl8 Ifiab.l1iatuc le~. Uld tor tho cOIltro1"lurf'llce a.I'W'~ 'I.e thd air.tram. TwD &=eraton. 01'1.... by oa.e or two 'YIU'1able .. pUab Gcmatant*lIpoer.i w1odl1d.ll. ceo to b. used Tht radar CeDel'awr will lupply "'Pi, me tcilawatt at 400 -:,101.... 111 YOlta, the lIe'l"YO ,euerator will ha... a aiJIl.lar aapaci ty. 'tNt tbl to!'

    .at the output ......1t. fUrtb.. dettn1tion or leryo rellu1reMnt

    !he ftriab1e-I'J.toh wi:adlll111 i. IL apeoal ,Je&ign J.a 1111.ic" t~'Ul' i'Owr to rotate the blacies .I.. not d.nYeti trom tit.. apeer.i-coDtl'Ol networic. Imltead. the a1"led-ooatl'01 network operate... clutcb wla1ch u. the power 01" the airat:reu:a .iueU LI.. "ttect the rotat10n neoaaald'.;r tor -;he;ed c.hIm6e 01" p:l.t.oh, The prh..clple 111 shnn. .c~tlmatlcall1 in i'1CUn 18. \find twmel teat. on the tust IIIDdel., picb.&red in .riGUf'e 19.. Ar. "'1:"1 1,rC'.llniSiDc..

    Ia. acldit10D to pa..ible ohan,;e.ll iD. Q'PO of.' pri:aaJ""1 JUl't,ly dodre4, IIDQthel' 1'...... exista for UQ.DG .ep....te radar aDd aena pMratol"l~ The load lila:;! tluctuate quia .barpl3'. _ 1t 18 hiGhly ur' -.!rable to haft l'ap1d fluQ t&lation in radar supply "to] tq.. iIOW'O'Wer. goa.erILtor iner hia ..., be suttioi..t to penllit 1ICNDt1Dt; both on a call1DDD &SbaJ"t &lid. dri..,iq with .. sinGle 11'1&=111.

    DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records & Declass Dlv. WHS

    Date: JAN I 3 2013

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  • l"IGURI 17

    JJi;lUUB ACCt:LE!lct::et:sn Ull1lER COt1S1DW'1'ImI FOR Ul.log II ~IIi C.Olll'rtOL 5~tVO Sys-rOl

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526

    ~ Chief. Records & Oeclass Dlv.,WHS ,. ,;~-~-'~"'--c'D8t~':~:2':~lAN': 2~'3"20nl---

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    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records &peclassDi,y. WHS Dat~: JAM 2 3 201J



  • DECLASSiFIEC INFULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records & De'class Div. WHS

    Date: JAN 2 3 201l

  • 4 ausa!

    D"ign or the n.der gonerator 1, woll alo~. _ BOO-qclo IIOdel Wi '" a CllIlU'bon :pUe re""lator ho.a boon co::apioted. 'th:1a 18 .hOlm JCh..t1calI1.m li&ure 20. Uxpari=.onta OIl other I'oc;ulation !IOharaea. suoh aa a:dal dbplao...111..' ot tho rotor, and CIG altorno.t!ve. poaaibl)" moro COnlploO~. d.edena emploJinlj purm.anent ~t rotaI'd. ur'o in prosrola. 'the ,ollera.tol' 1ri.ll n:>t be luger than tho Invert.or roquired 1D i..l'r to con'l'ort fro:.1 batter; p.,.,.r. thWl 1I&&1d.a; tho ,pac. oouu,ttiod bl the batteries thUUlIl.,ol plU"e profit. the air-drl't'en &Ofterator 1nc1' drat; on the misdlo "bollt 1;;.

    Dr_es will ba Gurplic:d ::'0 that tho GeI1cru.tor noed noli: rUll cmnt1rluo.All,1 throuGhout tho ti140 tho bird. is carried. 1MI pOWIII' alPPly will lake it u_oe.l.....,. OftI' to power to radar i"roJll the IIIOthor pl.o. tbul 1Il1Dp1117iac tlut w:lrtns m tho l."llical corel.

    1'h.tlavlaGa inaidlDt nil o11l111_ tin.C tho lociatici pl'oble &laoalated with battaP,Y' llUi'pll need barcll.7 be mant:lonacl.

    ? m:lm SIwr....'I.'OJl A fl1g1lt limulator I.... 00. e.YGlopud uad cOJUltructM .tor .."IIollltat:lng

    the d..,elOpat,Ollt work on 1OlGnama. It 11 OG._tJa1~ a device tor lolving bh.o equatioDi ot motloa or tho t1it;ht at II. lIl.alla. &Del tIw8 rapradUo1ac in tile laboratol'l the behavior or r.dau1lo in tllr,ht. 4 f11Ght 11m:qlator pro'l'1claa a laboratory bool 1Ihich 1D Yer'1 IllSotlll in the appraisal ot th.l'otical aDLl practlaal f1iGht control aystcn. und ahollid conllderabll I'educ. thIt uount of' J.'ield tltstinr; I'oqulrod in t.'1a d.volo.....n'b or suitable cuidlmae _ oODtrol Ill"" l~r KUlGFtliilKH. AlthOQP dell&1led AI a telter fbI' the lCIflGlISiIEH, the IS mlator hal QjJi.lioation I milr::ihl of the 'DIlle Cdlleral 'by",o. A I:.el'al de,cl'ii'tioQ ot tba altllllator is G1 yen 1D "'the Gui.u.ed 111110- f'or Jul;f l:liG.

    Pleul'e 21 abo.. the platl'orlll on which th. {3roa 01' elementl or the con vol qat_ seadthe to Wlbll1ar IIIaltion aro DIOuntecl. 'fhiu plattorm 11 IIIOUIltecl in a ~:L~l tru."fID froo ~ rotate. about threo 1lOrl'onc.lloulul' UX"I. On. the center or rotatlOrl 18 %IIOuuted an optia&1 .hollllnc 1;Yllt_ to a1::1lllate oharact.rilltic. ot tho rado.r hcna1nr; alatom ot the mi..ll.,. In thu fiFO.. the biro. or tho S.Mii l!ul'k 5) :~od 0 UAT aro ahown 01" ojJpoalto aida IIIod bela tho oj)t1oal hominG hoad.

    Fl&uro 22 ::hen. at tho lal.'t. t.ho lir;ht lourae uleel ... u. siJlUll.ated tarS.t and. whioh :novDa in. ...ach a :i1tU111Q1' .11 to I'GpI'ONQt tho mohlan ot tho I'I1ll1le 1D apaoe. In tb8 center ia th". thrao-azl1 JIIOUIltlng which carl'i .. the platram Ihom 1n Fi~uro 5. J~t; t;.!:.o I"il-.ilt ia u. conlorol plWd .l'or the cona'ttl.nt, of tho syaWla to cot'rallpoucl to tho aOl'oc1:1lwdc charaotol'latloa or Ute =daatlo undol' teat.

    Pil;ur. 23 t;ivea lUlotbol' vicnt oJ.' the &amral arruatS8l11Oflt, uhmdnc the track: alone which tho I:IOVOlJ t" I"CPI'OGcm.t the llP&JI'Ouh 0.:." tho m&8110 1ID tha tari~ot

    .tIlrat testa OIl tbe .1mulatol' wel'~ OOAGllOt;ad m October. unQ conrdderai.ltU. baa been SpGAt in mukq reviaionl wblch \'fare i'ound 1l0CdGIS:U'J' "Z"fJJll pro 11JaiD&l7 orctl'atlonl.

    DECLASSIFIED IN FU!..!.. Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records & Declass Div. WHS

    Date:' dAN 2. j lOll

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    DECLASSiFIED IN ~ULL Authority: eo 13526,;..


    Chief. Records & Declass Div. WHS ".Q~t~: ' .

    :. ," y' ,JAN' 2.3 '1013 tl,.,"

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    PUl')'OfM OF In.l\HlT II!rut.A.TC.Q Oli muaH rag GYROS (Ok ID'j"-'mxrs or CQ}.'TROt. STStSl aSlfBIT1VE 'l'O iJlGUI.l.R HlJllot') A.HS WU~:i"ED


    .DecLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: eo 13526 t~ ~ Chief. Records,& De~t13ss DiY. WHS Date: JAN' 2'3 2013

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  • "''1" IIut tollG.ta.c .e.tip.tl_ an =- la propoes. "Iiq tba tlipt ....


    (1) COIlpU'hclIl at tM'Ol I17Stca of' the Uod 0 ID4 tbe IID4 1 BAT with respect to aocllrl.O;V at tm. mJ...Ue UJId... n.17inI: 111M coneii tiona.

    (I) !Iw inY.ltl,atlcm at the .tteatl at squinta iD. tM r:tro Q1ltem, s.nn 'f,taa. md. haldDS 011 the accuracy at th. lI1uI11

    (I' !be bI:t'ti~aticm at the perf'OI'l11&M. ot propod. DA't'1p.t1OD. l17a teIIlI tor rtllOP'ISIIBll. It... (1)., 28 nUUl haYe been taken 11'1th the oontl'Ol IPt-. ot the 1104 0 BAt', milk wiDd. t f'or 40 mph ript, aa-ruD. with w:bul 40 mph let", ad 40 nm. no wiDel. The awrage doriatiou ftri troa M teet to 80 f'.et. rhe'l'b"t:I.ou at error doo. lIot t"ol1cnr .. DOnal probabiltt d1.tributiOD du.. to " 11&11 laDS-period o.oillatiou ill y.. erid.eDt 1A the ruaa. The reaul til llI'e 1A lIXOellent aero_lit .1tb lIOt1al n..1d. teat. of' IIDd 0 BAt'. thua d.tI'IIOutratbag that with the Illll.Ulator, of' th. u:d.p.tion ayat.. ot .. lIdalile CloD b. proctloW WIder YlU'loua .L"l.lpt CODclitiona.

    the Inlt;rumentatioD qat_ tor KlNGFISUER II lat..... to prona. ciata aD the p.rf'ol'llUlDGe at the lIu.Ue and. It. componentl 1Ib11. 1A tll&ht. 'rhe nipt te.ta ruterred to abo... (undor 11--4 and II-B) haYe u.eeI tho luWwuntatiOD qate d.emopoa f'or BAT. t'his qstcm 11Icl., two recol"d.iDS Olaor... within the mi.:o11e IU1Il two &f01UUl ItatioDl tor obta1lliDc tr.... otor;v data b;V optio "ethod.l. In. camera. withlD the Di.ln. are enclOlo4 in J"U~ ca.ueB t", {.Irenr,.. tho rocorn tr.. duIaso c.ustKl bJ' ilImaot ot the .11.:11., ODo Cl.lllwt. photoU&pha IoD :l.natrumet\t plILol III1d. the other, tho "1._ ci1rectly Illiead of' the lliaailo. In ',CI1II8 ca.... a third. clIIIlera. hal be. addtKl to aD a.cillograph oonnected. to tho iDtollipac.apt.... . .

    Appruiabl. work hal be_ done toward. iIIlproviDr; tho BU iutrUll1eDtatiou .,.stea, :l.nDlwlinc better lIynohroDiaation. ot the airbome camaraa. more r.Uable erecto... .!'or the 1011101 u.nIl mirror., a.a.cI inlt..ll..ticn ot AlklUlia NOOrcllng thood.olit.. :in the grcNDd atation.. lD ad.rlltion, riou.l attenid.ou 1a beiDl dirocted. tawud. d.eYcloPiD& 01' ad.aptiDc t.1eeterluc IIJ'tau ad radar plottiD, _thad.. the te1_torlns a;vat_ will supplement rathOl' tIum. replace the recardins OUteral.

    A pulae-t1nIt tel_urine ay.taD. hal be_ deY.loped which requires DIlly one tube POI' chaDnttl.. It also allon conliderable f'ledbUit,y in loan rate aud in the nwibor or clwmeb. 'the tull poIsibilitloG of'the l;Vltea ...e ltill bein& im"oltlgated.. bOYDr, in view of' the tl.Ot that IlI)st of' th.e toltift& 01 COtIIP1ete KIUGl

  • DECLASSIFIED IN FUL.L Authorrly: eo 1~526 Chief, Records &Oec!ass Olv. WHS

    Date: JAN 2 3 2013

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    1" ".1IlIcq Propwl. Ileportt up thz'oush .... erlcU.nC; I. 1IKIS. b' Speotal Pro,jeau I.tlon. Ileohaalol and. 80uad LJi...blOD, rrat1OD&l BuI'tIa1l ot.taI:IduU. to mrk on ProJoct. IIDGFlSllBR. PaLtCWI &1ld al.':.

    I. Jlrmth11 Prosro Report., i'obl"llU"J' to .11.\11 194.6, 1ncluld. ..... by .I1eotrOllice llOtson, Ordzwlce .... "nlopllCt Div.lltClQ. ".tloual Danau or &tIIIId&rd., pertaUd.a.g to work on eleotronic. cltmDlopment fbr Project rIBGF1sum.

    I. ..tilly hogl"O's Report 1'or AugUlt. Uept_ber UId Oatober 1946. by t1o_l Bur...u ot t&~lD, pol'tlWl.iD; to 1lDrt on Project KltklPlSHSI.

    ... IndlYldu.1 F1:I.&11t Te.t Heportll. i ..uod by ~1!Lt1oa&l JlurftU ot atud..dl: on 1"11ht. 1-1 to r...12, 1nolulI1vQ (lat.r tll&ht t ..t report. m prllp"" t1~. .

    1ID1 mmlRlD Rl:PORtS AR'.) J,lBWlW~

    IS. OD-6-I01l. Jun.e 20.. 194G, Fl1l.ctu.tlO1l :lD Amplitude ot Kobo a.turn tzooa Seaborne 'larc;e,t.. I - Vertical Po1a:d.t1cm.

    8. OD-2.S1OU", nocembor 21. 1945. Coulderat1rma OQ .rolll'-1lW ....r.u. 'two-1It.y Plua Altilll..tor-Rang. Control., .

    T. cm-a-lUJC. J&1ll.lary 2, 1940. "4 Propo.ed Method ot, and Ita Bl:t:lUlcm to JIlI:,h SO&1l RaM....

    B. OD-2-S1SU. Juua.:ry 10.. 1046:" Wte.nta.tlT. Speait1c..UOIl.tor sSmcm. 9. 00-2-31811. JanulUT 20. 1946, -lU.,o,t ot i1ectl'oDl0' IDteUlgoac. allpOrt

    Wo. 18/46 on GemA'd Guided lJ1ed1

    10. OD-2-Sl9U. JU.UAI')" 20. 1946,. "K.l.t:l.on of io'tlCtor. 1IL Propori:1onal W.Y1pt1011. to Into111gouce Road Uao1&o.

    l1. OD-2..alaR, Je.nual7 29. 1946, froporUQnal rra~ptlcm..

    12.. JlII...S.lR... r.brulll7 4:. 19"6. AD InveltlcatlC11 ot ICIIIIIl!ItthDd. ot Gain COI'lt'tol to th. Fil'lt St&p. of Heoeiwr.

    IS. X111-S-2R... F.bru617 8. 19415. Lll1lw:tu.eou Compar1lon lIethodll.

    1.. XlII-6-ea, IIarOh 4. 1946, "Odn Control f t. OIl SAlta U.1BG Hlp ImptKIaDoe So,.... Volt&&. SUpply."

    11. XIII-6-1R. lIarah 6, 1948" itA Pentade Ifflll1017 Circuit."

    16. IIII-S-IOR, ltay O. 1846. "Proportio. 01 V.dOlll utmna By.tau.

    17. XIII-S..UR. _ 29. IH6. "l:u.tual Intertoruae B.... l\al JIadar JlcIId.Dc Ulf.lDle. Operl.tlng 1D the a... Ar

    DECLASSIFIEO iN FULL Authority: EO 13529 Chief Records & Declass Dlv. WHS Da~:' JAN 21 3 2013

  • ..


    18. .......... Ja.e II. INt. - .. Uul-GlOll1a.. ~pt i.tor.

    II. ClJ-l..e711, oJ"l,- 11. 11M, -flOlla1oal JI.a1'llZlllua aD ....,. Cirout fl.ter.

    10. OD-d-IG. Auplt 14. UNI. -Statu ot ),).....lo.._t ot PrDtot,p. I.11. OD-8-lR, Olotllllber 2. lMI, ItS... lW:IaI' llethode ror 0lt1'1'b:Ic ucl Plottlns

    1111. ~.atori


    II. 08RD ..port 110.' &&13, 110'1'_'" ao, lMI, PJaal Report OlD .....lopdllttA w.r 1IoIISas rall.., b1 P. Latout, D. L. math Uld. B. ,. Iiabt.lUIl~ -.Aprttat Had1&tion Cater of .hlp farptll .. , by CoD1aallJ' IotlDDiDfi DlrlOtlDD i"!Ddlnl Radan U.... In lImd.D& 11111

    II. .RIpon 719, AUCU.t n. 1"8, It, Tbaoret:loal !l'ai:laDt of 8adar !upt Ie'tum- by P. D. Cl'OIlt ad. r. I. 10-.11

    VI IIIfOR!

    at. nqrl.... nlp.t Is.datol'. 'bJ B. It. __W. -". Chd.Ud. 1IlU., p. II, Julr lite.

    DECLASSIFIEO IN FULl. Authority; EO 13526 Chief. Records & De(::lass Dlv. WHS

    Dale: JAN 2' 3 201l

    ~ : .... , . ," : oj..t .,~

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    COIf 10.






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    Qt.... 0"" the DI&Z'.1Ul or Ord:raDo. I .., 1)8pII'\llMt. \fUh1zIgt;oD 26. D ... c~ Au_tion. ReO.

    Cblat" Itt tho DW"eaD ot OJ'dnuoe 11."1' D..,.I'1::IIIIm't lI'ub:J.D.gtor. 26. D.. C. AttatiolU h

    Chie,r at 'th. au.r...A of D~ ....". Depar'tuI;t iI~25~ D_ C.. A'ttatI.OI1 a ... ChlU' ot the lkLNIU ot Ordllaa.a .....,. DepartlllAt "h~toa 26t I). C.. ltd

    Ohl .... at the 1\.1.1'."" ot 01'_"" Jr ..,. D8iJartllwrlt tfawn,toJI a6. D. C..

    Atttmt!.OA:' Ite9d

    Cb:Let ot the BlIre- r.,r OrdDaM ..,. Dap.....tMzt,t. Wuh1DCtoD 25, D. C.. Attattoa.l .l41

    Chief or tlh. B:J.rea.u or O.tdJ!pc ...., D.,..tlllUt "h1D&toD 26. D. C. ~ttGt1on.l lce91

    Otaicle4 Wadl Ca_itU. Jo1Dt. R..,.ch and U ....lo,pat BGu4 1_ .... DOp6r1:llellt iluilcl1D& \Tamwtr:toD. 'D. C.

    Co-.dillC C_ral ,AI:q. Ail" Foro.. ...hlftltoD 2&" 11" COo Att_ti01... /,/J/u-;'d DRS-I

    CGllll'lfoll41q General All' Hat.lel C..-D4 Wdpt ft.14. DqtoI1. Qh10 4tteatioa. '1'5101'.. 2

    DECLASSIFIEOJN FULL.. , .. ' iAuthorrty: EO 13526 Chief. Records &Oeclaps Div. WHS

    Date: JAN 2' 3 f013 ....

  • can 10: tlto60 Chid' or the UWI'MII ot ~lol

    ..ow, Dttp...., l'alhiactoa. 26, a. C .I.ttutlo.u 'l'l)-4,

    61.IiI.A Clli.t ot the Hure.. at Ship. I.V DopU'1a_t lfMh1a&tcm 2&, U. C. Att_t10111 Coda:sa

    Ch:le.t at Chuioal Cor.,. Ko. ".8, hQ1abOA Builcl1ac iluhillf:iioa 2i,. D. C.

    Old.,. or U1Il n vallIf.:.., UepU'tme:Qt lfuh1D;toa 21. u. C. . .ltotsttoAI 'leoludaal IDloru.ttOA SIlO.

    Chi .t, Oulad. ll1.dle. anaall. reobaloal eClClllUd .I4p1Iood .lrI_IIl, Ilaqll11Cl

    C.,....u.n.r: O.-nl AIMra.. l'ro.UIi; GrolUld, r.N711U1d AttIDtlcmr Ual.u..ta.o a._vab lAbora.to17 .i":rcwlar; Cr01.llld CGIIIlaAd _lb. nud, rlorida .l1:ttmtioal t'lr.t Bl:perlMntaJ, Outd.

    , Ill.dl Group

    Ca~nS orrioor ADtlaircntt Artil1o.,. Sehgal Nart 811, 7....

    81 e~DC Ot.1'icol' PlUktord Ar.tDal Pbl1aUlpbla 37.. 1'esm.lqnia Att_tiazu Vin Coa.trol U..l. iY1.laa

    Co..ad1l1C O.t.1'loOl" JIla'Rl Air llatori&1 e__ !'1d.11.01pbi.a. JlalrDqlftDia

    II e~DI ottiolP I&ft.l Ah'onft 1lacl1t1aatiQA UDi:t; Ja1an1U..,lY11lia

    DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 1352() Chief, R~cords &JJectass Div, WHS Date: JAN I 3 201l


    ~.. .. ;.,,~~ ...6....l .,..~ .. ~ .... ,. . ' ~H... *"~'.~~_,w ... :~ ..

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    OECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authorlty~ eo 13526 Chief. Records &.Oeclass Olv. WHS

    Oat~: JAN 2: 32013

    COIr.IUldiq ott1cw alpa1 Corp, *,1II..l'1nc LaOoratarie.Hr." hach, R. Jerle, Coamandlng ottiaw u. s. Daval All' UiuUe 'len Ceter Pomt :.b.l1Pl. Ca11fo",iaa/o u .a;. n..val Oitatlon IOn lIu...... California

    C~diDG otricor tf. a. 1..".1 o.duM. re.t Statloa lDyokem., CaUfornia

    CawnendiDsottioer, ....... 1o'iold 1'fIacIowr. Utllh

    DiI'eotor, u..:ricl Taylor I1oU1 Bada \1'..h~ u. C. Attentionl 1.01"0 14eohaD1o. Di"i,ioa

    DirMtor. HatloDAl A4...b01'1 tor AttrODlllltic.

    UiDO lluplhire Ava\,e, B. W. ~DCtoa, D., c. Attentiont UI'. C. II. Uolmi

    DireotOr, la.... l RouDaI'ch LaGoratol7 Amt.coltla Station lTuhi~ton. j). C.

    Dlreotor. Spacial lIni", ClIltel' Ollio. ot laval a..oanh 8uda Point Port lfMhiDGton. Loft, hI..d" ... York AttlintiODI rlOhrda.l Iaf'o....tloa _ Dlr_tOr, 11. I ....." 81"tI'Onio. ~lIoratol7 aait Di.~. Calif'ol'l1ia

    iliad at Po.tcradwt.t. 8cbool u. a. lIa'llll .A.cad-.r Aamapolll. 'lIutlu4

    ......1 Liai.on Ofticer Slpa1 Corp' En&ineer1Jlc laborato." Port XOmnauth, U.. Jer.,.
  • DECLASSIFIEO IN FUl..L Authority: eo 13&26 Chief. Records & Oeclass Dlv. WHS

    Dat~: JAN 2: 3 2013 ....,"' . aOJlll'IO.

    II attlo. ot tM Cht..1 ot Ol"dauaa a..Ml'Oh ... Un.lOPllllllt .no."kit D....lopaeat 1Uri.loa 1M ,..... 8C1Ud1ac lJubtDstoa 2&, u. C.. .... orA_ at the Cht.r Uipal Otrt.... Iastne.riDt u4 'lOGl'JAloal h",..., lD&iaeerlD& bivl.lca ftut .....ta.. Sui1dtnc ~toa 15. U. C.

    tlOlr-ta...charp 'tal Ordmule. Labo.I'ato:yII..... Qua 'aotol7 \'fulda;toa 26, aJ.. C.

    II O1''p a.......m u4 IJeHlopmat 8U'9loe

    Bubo.tr1al (Roaket) lOr' 81i, 'lezaa

    wataoa Laboratori Air .tvi.l CCllIIIIUJd IatoAtowa, 1_ Jar.,

    watlOll loabor.atorl, _ CUll:Jrlclp Field .itatioa 110 Alb~ :iJtr..t Cabrldce n. s:allaaJutta

    81 l.'I'1&Uoa auppll' ornoar o.tord A..-"... Ul.l'till i till ... HdbclelpMa, l'enna11ft1da. A.-tt._loa., Capto1n ';'(.lbom

    Burelll of UI'O'QQ.Ut1a. G.eral ..,..... __tath... ED 10 Churall Iv....

    .... Yolk 1. V.. YON

    11 a....... of' A,'l''OJIo,u,t101 G_era1 bpre._tatb. - cu

    "ip.~ 11.14. Da:;-toD, Ohio

    hN&1& at .bl'Ollalltlo. O.uJ'&l a.lI..... atat.ift .. 11)

    6a. Va tlu7a Bu11d.tna Loa _.1 l4, C&1ttOftda

    --------.....--- ... ~ ..--~-----....

    ' c.



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    .. ,~ .. ~~___ - ___ .f.! .'

    DECLASSIFIEJjlN .FULL . Authority: EQ13526 S Chief, Refords&Declass Div. WH

    Dattt: dAN 2 3 2013

    chi.f or I .....t OpvatiOQ.1.'11 Depart.l:l.ont , ....lDgtoa 2$, .D. C. Attention. Op"""

    ~p 111 Chl.t.. U .s. At1lbtl0 0/0' Po.....,.,, Jl_ YOI'k. U .. York

    ~I' :in Chi." U'~ I. Pilall'lo no. 0/0' 1\)_' .. ' am rrtDoillOo. C&li1'ornl.

    C~cGau..ra1 IxJrtJIo1l'tora ~toZl as. ,I). C. At_tlaa. Ae/AS-4. DlII-I Caa...adlns G._ral ,.,., GraUlUl 701'0" :rOl't~. Vll'cilda . Att_t10111 ClUe" at Dtmtlopa_ d.atia ., ." (GltDSY-u)'

    COIII'IIDIIt D a.a.,..1 4bvd.. Provine Ul'OWI4. lIaqlu.4 Ball1at1o ltiIaearob r.bor..tor,r

    c:o...ncbmt at the J:ariQ Corp.JI-...n..... u. S. Ltariao Corp.,rallJUngto:n. D. c.

    AttllltlOA' 01-3- (Cpeoll&l ll...pcaa)


  • DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: eo 13526 Cnief, Records &.Declass Dlv WHS Date: ~

    JAil ~'3 201l'

    COPr xo. 111,111











    COIIUDcler.. Operational Denlopamt 1'01'0' 0/0 1'1_ (to.t ottice 1_ York', :1_ York

    Director ot ."4IIU'Oh IIA4 U....loJIIUA' .. Dopvt:::Hat a..,1'1l. Starr lb. :PIlOt_con Uul1cU.zq;'I1'&ahiDctCIID 26, U. Q.

    UUlOwr, 'eaooutJ SorY1" toa' .s.,~o. .., Jnnmd Ibra.. lIoarci ti~. 1 I'ort .1Ik,I'. Calitol"llia

    Bod or 0rcIu:n0, .nil GUDU1'7 'U'. I. .awl AoadllD Aaaapoll lI&r:fllUlll

    Ottioe ot tho $ecr_tarr ot ..... ft. ,.tll&OJI. Bu11cllDl (a.. 1-1-880) lJaahlAct:on 26, U. O.

    OrdIwaoe Advbor.f COJIUd.'ttM on t'halclecl 1IiU Claeral Had!0 OOUlP&nJ' &76;t. A,VImI1e Oubrielp SO. u....uJw.a,tt. 4t1;atlon, Ill'. 11. ll .. K1cJ.ond

    IT'aident, .., around Force. BoAI'd lio. 1 Fort Brasil' IOl'th Carol1Da

    PrU.n, AftfI'1 GroUDd Force. Board Ho. I l'ort Ul1" :r... l~te:u.ol' ot Ordlulno. U. S. U111t&l'7 Ac~ iie.t Point. U... York

    lecr.t.aI"1, Air tactlell. oliohool All' UD.1...rl11;)" ~1 now. 1.1.01'1. AttMtlolU aearoh arul Deftlo~t DI.... leoretaJ.7. Bpeo1a1 Board COIIIII',ndat ot the t:.U'ine OOI'P' ~In. OOI'PI SChool. ~t1co, Ylrctala

    otnc. ot Ohlet 811,11&1 artio,.. aap..r1n,. l'eohn1oal a.rd",.....IIHI'lDI ..... 'l'Iut hntaGoa BIl11d:l.D& "lD.&ton 26. D. C.

    -....,~---------.. ----- ... "

    . . ". ~ '0'

  • f

    DECLASSIFIIO IN "UI-I. Authority: eo 13&26 Chief. Records & Ceelas! Dlv. WHS

    Date:, JAN 2 3 201l

    CO,.. MO.

    121,111, 127










    App1s..4 _aloa Laboratol'7 JoJma HopJdu trD1Y1trltltJ' IllYV' iP'US&. Ua171u4

    S.l1 Ail'Cratt; Corpol'atloa '1!lpft Fall_. 11_ York.'.td..1 1Ir." H. atu1-.v leU AlJ"cn.t't; CorpOl'atlOA 11apN Palla, X.. York .tt;.~\l.on& UI'. 8. n.11a

    0.11 telephone Laboratorl JlluTq Ht.1l. 1_ Ju.,. .'_tlonl DI'. W. u.oIaIr

    II_ell" 1.Y1..t;lon. Corparatlcm Sp8Clal P.taduct. DtIftlopllllllt. .. 11600 lb.,..... '6.7 lIorth IiGll,ywoo4. C.U.tol'lli. "'"-'lUJ" 1Ir. R. ]I. a.a...11 Ben4ix Avia.tioa. COl'po1"at1oa. iplJ01&l .Produot. Den1o,.." .... :r.t.l'boroJ ... J.I".,At_tica. 111'. !tam... aalYlclp

    Doelnc Ail'Cra..ft CorporatlollS.tflle 14, lfUh1nr;toa . Att.nt;lolu J:It. 11.. 11. ..1_.. 1:oa.ol14atec1 .. Yu1t .. Ail'Ol'lIlt CO..,_ lou StM' LPol'atol'7 UaiDcel'tl.ld, !.x..;u .uroran Cor, .,....,.. CalUanda A.Ueatlolll ... W. If. lobi__

    Co,.,l1 Ml'cmautloal Labol'''tory Butralo. I ... yortAt_tioa.1 Dr. C. C. PUI'DU


    u.nlOpDt Coatnct Ot.tta...WaJ8111 a.or&ia ..._.U....... IpriDC .....,1_ aa.... ~ "'rallatloa Iep. Cora.l1 WOIIaIttica! Lab. BcdI: ae aattalo..... Y~k

    Detwlo~t ~I'IO' OttlciN' CCIIIOl1da.....Vu_ AUOI'att

    COJ'pOl'ati::lD 1la1111_1'1.14, r...

    Be,pl'e.eatatlYe-la-charC, WeI'

    Couolidat.d.-V1.tltft .ll'ontt COI'pDratlca

    VultM field. 1Ioaq, Cautol"D1a

    Dewlap_ CoatHat Ortlc., CcmuU "er'01WltlcwJ. z..b. BIlftIa1o. I. York

  • DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records & O!,class Dlv, WHS

    D8te:,~2 '3 2013 Pap ISO

    E!!!.!!. UI






    CV1d.....Wript COrpo .... t1011 Col...., 0b10 A"-tlOll& 111'. Bnca 81.1:011

    ~'II-''fri.cht CO..pO....tiOll ColWlbua. Ohio A"-tionl lIr. H. w.rb)"

    OllC1a. 41rotatt C~p&DY JQ. .Ipa.d.o B....1I &1 Sapn4o, Cal1toJ'D1a JIr. B. u. u.m.u.a

    DoU&1u Airora.n ComplUl7 aooo OCI.. DoWeftl'd. I ..ta JIoD1oa, C"l!torll1a AtteDt.1oua lo1I'. B. B. ..- (1)

    1Ir. B. ".!Urton (1)

    ..... X'odak COIIIPUI Sa..,. Orcbul.aae Dl'1'ilioa Ioobe.t.r. Jr_ York Attatioa.l Dr. lIerbert trott...

    Fairchild BrlPn. 41rplcm. Corp. .P110tl... Pl... Dlulion JlUDdca,l.ouc IalaDCl, JI.. fo.. k AttllltioAI Ur. J. A. S10Jda

    'DIe I'ruIJcll11 IDititute Laboratori.. tor Helevch IIDCl

    ..Dne1opll'MlUt Jlbiladelph1a, J.nnayl'I'UI1.1& &.ttllDld.OIIa Ur. R. U. lIcCl ......

    Oaura1 Sleotria COmptUlJ" Proj_t lkmIIo. 1ob.tuotacJ;r, 1_ York .t.t_tio.D.a Dr. R. if .Portei'

    Oaeral. bctric COMpUy Pedera! Karin. Co_roid 01.... lobaactady'. U. York AttIIl1d.olu J. 1'. Frick

    BurNII ot Ae~u.vtio' Kepretati....

    Curtl-Irllkt Corporatioa. 0011Ulbda 10" Obio

    Il'IahM or Ael'OUUtio' lepraI.tati"

    IJDql.. UroNtt COIIpuI,1 &1lap.ndo" Ca1:l.ton1&

    l'a...:L 1.,.tor or Ordauo 1' ...,. Orduao. Di",bioa . ..... .tad" COIIIpIDJ IiO 1taSA Strait Iloahter 4, Ii... York

    a.prel.ubatlyo-1D.-Char~ BuAer

    PairohUd lZgine &: Airp1'" Corporation

    PIlot1... Plano DiTl.10n llM-lO JlllllAica AnnUl Juaica. Lo~ hlund, If. Y.

    CoMaluUag Otrioer, laftl Aircraft Uodit1cation

    Unit Joan11e" PCIIUlql...a.1I1a

    Deft10JMa Ccmtrut Otriol.. a..-a! Bll!lOtI'lo Compu,---tad,J.... Yolk

    ...............". ....


    .. 1

  • "

    con 10. 141











    DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL, Authorfty: eo 13~26 Chief. Records &Declass Div. WHS Date: JAN 2 ,3 2013

    Page &1&

    JWIB ARD ALIPlIGSi ftUBUtrrKD vu. :

    Qcer&l. Bl_trlc Com;.aD &riatiDa Di.i.iOl1 acm-otady. 11_ York AtteDtlozu Ur. I. A. lohuler. Jr.

    ),Ir. Phillip Dlua

    ba.. ot leroaautioa Jl8pr... Ialtbore. I.taryland a.tatlft Ola= L. lIaztt1A COZIIIJaD7

    Attutlont JIr .". If1 Glema r.. :.sartin COIIpUQ' BaltS-n a. Karyluul

    ellell L. IlartlD C~ 8al~r ~U71ancl Att_tlDJU 1Ir' D. Bal'l:_

    Oood-.r Airor&i't Carporatioa DLlNU ot .\erODaUtloa IlIpr... Akr'... Wo a.tatift .tt_tlona Dr. Carl A,rnate1D. CJoodpar AlI'Orai't Corporatioa

    Akroa 1&. Ohlo

    Oood,l1&r 4lrcraf't Corporatioa Droa 17. Ohio Atttatloaa Mr. A. J. Petel'8OD

    GI'UIIIIIIl Airoraft Bnginaarlll& Corp. 8IaI'NII ot ~l"ODaaltica RF,lNa.thpap. LOBS IsllUlll. Jl_ fort le.tati.,. Att_tioaa 'III'. 1Ira. f. Soh...uer ONillAn Aircraft KDSiDlisrlDS

    Corporation Bethpap. L. I., llrrrr york

    lIuZ'eau. 0t AeI'OIUI.Utica RepreCul'Hr City. Calltomi& a..taU.e lfu&baa Airoraft COIIIlIU

    Attatloal 1Ir. R. I. HoppaI' lICN!1U Aircraft: ColIp&Df Kl Sep,ndo. California

    lIaapi Alroratt Comp_, Clll..r City. Calii'omia Attllntion: 1Ir. u. H. la."fu18

    J~t lropulaiOll Laborator" ottlcar-la.-Chal'p. Heaearoh Calitol'llia Inatitute ot TIOlmo10g De...lo~ denioe

    IIIabortioe (Rook.t)Puadeaa '. Cal1.t'ond.a CalU'omia IDatltllt. ot

    taolmolop-l'uadfIIA '. Caliiomia

    BVIaU or Aeronau tica depre-Sriatal. 1'ImlqlTU11a ..tative Kai.aer 'laetrial 1JI.c.

    "AttatloDa JIr. Carl DeOuahl Kala.. 'ltwln~.. IDe. Briatol. PennaylT..ia

  • MM,


    t~ -:"'::., _. 't-;: ~~'~: : . ...t;F-'~. " . ", / ..... .

    DECLASSIFIEC IN FUL.L Authority: EO 13526 , Chief, Records & O;class Dlv, WHS

    t?afe: JAM 2 's 1013

    110 ...11_ COl'pGl"a1d.oll " IDIpeotior of Bani Uat'l __ York; II- tort ~ Cl:Iuroh Itr..,

    YOlk 'I. H'_ York

    lDQ_tor o~ 1I....a1 lJat'llISl 102.0 Bro_ Iv... III'RI'k I. 1_ Jar

    la Jot. 'II. Xel10cC e~ ibot ot IIlIlforth ........ J.,.i., ~lV S. I ... J....., 4~UOllI lIf'. G. 11. :.~.I..q

    lU,lM GhainlaJ1. JlI'l'. am laW 0rdMn0e a ldea.+:.Pro,,"t %tateor ortio. 2e01m1oall4ailaa or.t.Lc... IluIUhWlettl lIalt1tut. ~ lIaI. Iliat1tate or '1'_lmolaQ

    'l'aoJmoloQ' .' Mo&a 10-0-11& 01llll:lr1dp....aalu.wnt. C.abr:ld 31" 1Ia.I&Ghutta

    111 """"aUA:1JtGl'IItt Corpol'aUoa B__ ot 4erOU\at;101 ReF"" at. .Lou1a. 1I111O&U'l I._"'ftAttutotaa, Ur. H. ... ateel Unnf1: Corp.

    P. o... 618 It... .tou.1I 21. W.OIU'i

    la JIoIIoaDell .urcraft CoJopofttloa111. :La_. IlillOuri Atteatliolu Izt. a. v. CoftDCtca

    11'1 Worth _rlCUl A:d.atioa., Ino. ......... of Mroa&\t1:tc. He.l _t hpre.lII1:&ti...Loa _el.l. Calltorrda AtnIo_tlCllu u-iol,.J. Ai..,..t111'... Dollq

    ... AJaa:el.. 46, CallfoJ12ie

    118 '101'thl'op All'ol'att, lDo. J.IaIrtbDI:'I. CoJ.l:tora1&

    Pr1zlce1loD. Unin"liV ......loJl81t COILvMt or.ts.c.r ay.:lCI Depal'1:lont Prino.toIl trlU~eJ'1itr PriDe.toll, B_ Jon., . ,..Ia.tun. lew ,,"S.,Att_icllu Dr. II. U. Sa:tth

    Dr. JahD. A.....1.1'

    171,17' M:noetloA UId:'eJ'lIitr c...."" attia.... B..u. lTi 1'I'!DNtoa. _. J...., o.tno.

    ."-tlo.rn lro;tllCi+: B'IJID CJttic. or Nllylil lluoarch 80 Chunh av.. (aa.. 1118' v. York " air York

    1'1" "'0 Carp. o~ _rior. .PrSIIa.taa. If.. J.....,. Ai*IILtloa.l Kr. A. W. v.a.

    " ..-~.--.~------ -----------------------


  • DECLASSIFIEO IN FULL AuthoritY: eo 13526 Chief,Records & Deglass Oiv, WHS

    Dat~: JAN 2 a2013


    17' 1a.J't1I- .."tacturin, c..pIq.,.tas.. 1lu'~Iet1:.' k.tteUonl 1Ir. I .. C. BIwa....

    17i 8Itpubl10 AYiat10ll Corporaticm IU:ll1:u':f COlltnoC lMpaI'tzIIaat. ~1 l.on& ;tllud, B_ lort Att.dd.01l1 Dr. W1111_ D'lIdD:all

    1" Rpai MI'OIWltiC-.l Ca.p.;r L:lzMlberC Field. . 8aa Di.p 12. C-.lltomia .tot.Uonl n. a. 'l. BallllDli

    ~,. I. W.......ll Camp~Shor__ BIlil411lG WuJaiIlCtaa, 1). C.

    171 .;.nor a,l'DlODl* Co.. lu. Ona...., LoDe I.lmd. Bew 'fork


    111 'D'Jdtecl A1rcratt OorporatiOlt. ChIao. VG1p .l1ror&t1l DiT. 'trattord. CoanIlOt:iau1l ,ttet1onl 1Ir. 1'. a. Dllcer

    181 Ua1tecl 41rcnft Gorporattoa. " .vela Pepart'lDlrlt. ..1: Uuttol"d.,Cormiotliaut Attat;1OD. ... .rohll d.. 1M

    111 UJdTvl1t7 olw.chip.aDept. ot lnti.._riDG H...... AIm Al'bor, UiohiGl'll A1It.e1ltt..OI'U ur. RDbt. r. Jla

    Ur.. 1&. B. Eilftdl

    1M UIli'IV.5:ty of t.zu W ... .Re..",h I&bol'ato"."'.tin, r... ttI_iolu Dr. C.!'. JloaII'


    IMptlo of vu Dat'l Parle ....... F,.tilcUUC la.tIm. 18. Kuu.olluetW

    Iap_'" of kftl ....t1 .1 a1l.. ftn.t 8II1t.... 2, llI.I71md.

    lap_to. of l1aftl .t.r 1 10 CWrob .l1Irut .... 'fOlk ., ~. lIew rOl'lf

    ....... of ~1o. a.,111111:114 Ail'Ol'.tt Corpor.t.toa aMaU Yaupt .uroran Dl.1F Itnttorcl. 1, Coan_tiO\lt.

    Bur... of Ael'Qft&utlOi Rap. [1&111_ tiiantt. llorpora1l101l Pntt. \'lbj.tDq AJ.I'cr&tt )1" But: Bu1:torcl 8. CQll2D.ectiout

    a.,.....1I.tift-tn.-Cbu1: hUr

    GauolU.tecl-V' ,urcntt Cdrpontioa.

    Powaq. CaUtorala


  • _I":

    DECL.ASSlFlEO \N FULL ltv- eo 13526

    Author"1' d &oeclasS Oiv. WHS Chief Recor s oate:' JAM Z ~3 10\3

    "_5"*-_"'~'" ....... _ """.__"'._~ .. -"", ..... -~ ... ~ ........ - ~ .-~- ...... ~---. "' ..

    ,..H COJIII' 10

    1".117 188

    lie DI'. B. J. Killer l.t1ou1 Bureau ot Btudar4.

    110 ... lIar". .01"" t1onal Dupeau 01 Btuldard.

    111 DI'. A. Y .. A.till l.fI1oaa1 Bure.. ot 81ia1:ld11rd.

    ltl UI'. B. U. CaadoD, DinotoI' . 1.t1aul Bun&ll fit Ktuarlard8

    18. 0rdIIaaa. U....lopunt .DlduOA O_nl )"il.. (Clra1l1.tecl to aeouon. Chi"".) iklrdU ot Standard.

    1M OrdDaoe Uewlopltlllt u:!:t'1.:lo:Il allldecll&111 Libl"U7 I.tot_l IVHIl ot Stu.d.ardll

    U Ua40 ..,~. ~... ......... __-...\.____._ ___.r---

  • yo .

  • CEOLASSU11!O iN FULL. Authority; EO 13526 Chief. Records & Oeelass Oiv. WHS

    Date: JAN 2 ;I 2013

  • .. ~.


    OECL.ASSIFI!O IN FULL Authority: eo 13526 Chief. Records & Oeclass OivI WHS

    Date: JAN, 2;3 2013

  • DECLASSlfilliO IN FULL . Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records& Oeclass Dlv. WHSDate: ' ...

    JAN ~')3 2013

  • .Pag~ determined to be Unclassified Revl8wedChief, ROD; WHS '. .

    ... -.-~.,.---- -.----..-.. IAW-EO-1352l,SectfoIt3~51:-----........-.... Qate: OCT-l.l 2012:------',,... IL_"'-.

    F-- -.-~----...----.-.--.,------~~~~----=-~~.-~-=:.-::::=-=.-=--:-=:::=:--:-==-:=:=-i=::===':~=-.=-==--:--:===::' i ;


    Reproduced by


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    I.e> "0" . . " r '. \ ," ..'.'. ". ~ ','I:iI1 ~. .?t

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    . -/ '\, " ... ' " ,l'" . ~", . , ,,'"'..,-.". .: .:c::.... ~ t'; .. :....... ,,' "', '~.

    Office of the Secretary ofDefense t. t t!!:'? Chief, RDD, ESD, WHS :'~'J' 1.5,

  • i . :.

    Page detarminedto be Unclassified Reviewed Chief, RDD. WHS

    --lAW- EG-13628.-Sectlon-3.5Date:- O~l 1 1 2012

    t "~-~ .. ~: ~" -~ .. .... ,-- . -. -' ~ --, - ,', ", . ~. .'







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    a:. ~.~., I~ .. ~_~ 1 ~\',' l

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  • Page determined to be uncl~ssifi;d .. Reviewed Chief, RDD, WHS; -lAW EO 13526, Section 3.5 . Date: OCT'l 1 :.20i2 ,,:.. r ,,,; ..~~

    \' ..:'~:. . ,/'(" . ..., ~ I 1 .. T......~ lOr"

  • 'e.

    DECLASSifiED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 , Chief Records &Daclass DiY, WHS Date:' OCT 1 1 20,12



    I I


  • " l .'




    .... JIll'

    '. .~'

    r. II!RODUCfl01 Z II. Ala....

    A. Sf..utJI 01' DSVEtOPUm .......................... a. CtIRRBlI'f 1ROORBSS

    1. Mark 11 Alrtr................................... I. lfJnc-Attachecl Glider ............................. I. ow.re4A1rt.r... (Typ. C)

    III. aVI_.,I01f it.. STATUS Oil DSVELOP:..Imf ............................. I. CUllRB'ft ~

    1. P.lllbt Simulator Tta 2. Altltw1. Control .........................

    IV. MUla_I A. St'At'ua 01 llEVBlDftfEII'.r ............................ I. c:oxa:m't JIlItOGRESI

    1. TJP. C Protot,pe 2. iUnla'tUrSttaa uclD ..... 1o...t ot ImpI'Ol'N Ca.

    paDlnt ....................................... I. A11d.ter ...................................

    V. PROtV1.810W A. S!A%U8 0' DBf!LD8~


    1. ADt~ Stablltlatlan 2. UatD CoDirol Ser.o

    Yll. POilBll SUPPL!' A. 8fA!UB 0' D3VEtOP.~ 8. COaalllf l'ROGREIS

    1111. IHSTROUBNTA!!OI A. STAtUS O'u~ffnml B. CUDREH! iIOGBE18

    IX. BIBL~



    ...... ~,...,.. .... .. t .. , . .,., ~.' .

    t.. . . .....


    .~::: i.,

    ," ..


    IS 8



    21 21



    II 3'


    II 41





  • DECLASSlflED IN_fUIJ.___ --- - - -


    Authority: EO 13528 .' . '. Chief, RecordS& O-eclass DIV, WHS

    ------ Data;__ n~"[-1-1-2o-t2--~------.--:-_---------~-----------------------~ - u\"T -- . _ q ~. I

    '1M IDIOP1Sa 18 rada..-oaut:rolt.dub..l0lt~. a1rbol'lll

    saWed ai..Ua 4a.lped ~ dellver .n .zplae1ft .... below t .. a_rUM !Spb'" tlaatm& t.rpt.. It 18 sm.Deled that; lIKOrISBII will '- tre. UI. .1Nraft _11 beycmd ~ rtl. ot ooo_utl101Ull an'Ola1Joo....ttJ tire ori&1Ia1;:Iq at; t_ tarpt. !be IUUGrJSHER. ill tunl. will ,...1 a torl*lo a" ... dlatua. ahort ot the tarp.. All .ao.pUon is t.. type B KIKGrISBIR, 'llbl_ 1. 1Qtezadld tar subaa~bIIi t.r.ta alliS 11 to 'b. mlpboard.

    hojeoil IIlICFI91 18 an outlronh ot tNt PBLlCA!f Iud BAt; wh1ah ... CQrridd 0,,",. clurlDS tM ."'0 tM Natt.cmal Bu...~ of ~d.rd ....1" tIw .pGD.orllblp ot tha blatlC11lal, Dwf-a HI...rch CCIIJIIlltta. ami tM Bure.u ot OrcilWloe at the B ."., Des-rtInInt. S'Uppol'UnS Nur cl."lo~t; work .a. ,doa. 'bJ tbi Mdlatt.oll Labo,.tary at tM Inatlt\lt. ot '1'.o_ol"S7~ Firat d.sip OGu1.ftration &i_a to mOFISHEJt in IS.pt_be. l~, but aott... d.ftlor:a-t work aa tbe Proj.ot dt.d nat beSlu

    JullUl aner thl .ad ur Wo.ld W.r 11. the ProjeoiJ a. ar~1ul1~ unct.. the ..heDe at the Bure.u ot ONaDce. but durin; tM current quart.r,. tM 1I.t.taaae oE tlUl Burw.u ot MrcrDa\ltt.a......"lbted, mel Projaof: kIllGJ"ISHBI U DOW coat;rollAlcl jomtq by tM. _ Bure.,.. ot tbt. %fa.., De.-rfad t r.ohIll01l1 dl...otioa at tt. Proj.ot 1. tt. ra~ODdb1l1~ ~ tlw latiOD&l ~~.u at Stalld."'.~ 'l'- orpllu."1011 o_n tor t .. ItIHGFIS3R d....laPIIIl" Pl'Ojlot 18 .bawD 1111 flp"" 1. .

    A. ot Janual7 1. 19lt1. aoa81d.ratlOD ft. belllS SiTeD to flft KIBCWU,HBR Vpe.. A lUIel B. whioh ...... SNvit, (s114er), lAd Ct D Iftd I. wbloh we,. j"-pOWIrecl1iU.Ue.. IlariDI the curreat 4\lal'te, dbeotlioa at CWO. tIw Sl1d.,. v.-., A an4 II, .N abamlane4 becaq .. of laat ot .!l OpeNUcmal 4.lIllUld. .\ ntw tyP. 'l'JJ8 F, na .dded, ..hlab 11 ....att.lly powered .,.rala at the .to.... rn- B. Cul'rwritly, the four tyr"" r4 DltGFISIlBR .baU... de.!ca.t.d tor do'We1opilla." aN ... tollcnrlt

    2)pe C. A paPl'-clrtna mial1le hlViaC a 20..11. nap wbeD la'UUalwd tro. aD ail'Ol'llf'b at law altltude, total we1p'fJ ot

top related