national disaster risk reduction and management plan (ndrrmp) 2011-2018 by bernardo rafaelito r....

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    National Disaster Risk Reduction andManagement Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018


    Regional Director

    Office of Civil Defense V

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    1. DRRM under RA 10121

    1.1 Progress of Implementation

    Framework (NDRRM Framework)

    1.2 Related National Plans and Policies

    2. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMPlan)

    2.1 NDRRMP Thematic Areas including the goal, objectives andoutcomes

    2.1 NDRRMP Priority Programs and Projects

    3. Implementation of the NDRRM Plan

    3.1 Implementation Strategies

    3.2 Implementation Mechanisms

    3.3 Resource Mobilization

    3.4 Monitoring and Evaluation

    3.5 Linking DRRM with the PDP


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    The Philippine DRRM Law was signed on May 27,2010

    Implementing Rules and Regulation was signed on

    27 September 2010 and took effect 15 days after

    National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

    Framework was signed on June 16, 2011

    National DRRM Plan was approved on February 7,

    2012 by the National DRRM Council


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    Republic Act 10121 and

    the National DRRM Framework

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    1.4 Related National Plans and Policies

    The NDRRMP is cognizant of the development context ofdisasters and seeks to leverage on the PhilippineDevelopment Plan (PDP) 2011-2016, which is the nationaldevelopment roadmap of the country.

    The NDRRMP also seeks to gain synergy with the NationalClimate Change Action Plan (NCCAP)2011 to 2038 whichoutlines the long-term agenda for climate changeadaptation and mitigation of the country.

    The NDRRMP likewise leverages on the National Security

    Plan (NSP),which defines the overarching strategy andprograms in response to threats to opportunities thatwould have bearing on the peace and stability of thenation and well-being of Filipinos.

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    2. The National DRRM Plan

    Four distinct and mutually reinforcing Thematic Areas

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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 1: Disaster Prevention

    and Mitigation

    Overall ResponsibleAgency

    Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

    Goal Avoid hazards and mitigate their potential impacts

    by reducing vulnerabilities and exposure and

    enhancing capacities of communities

    Objectives 1. Reduce vulnerability and exposure of

    communities to all hazards

    2. Enhance capacities of communities to reduce

    their own risks and cope with the impacts of all


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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 1: Disaster

    Prevention and Mitigation


    1. DRRM and CCA mainstreamed and integrated in national,

    sectoral, regional and local development policies, plans

    and budget


    2. DRRM and CCA-sensitive environmental management DENR

    3. Increased resilience of infrastructure systems DPWH

    4. Community-based scientific DRRM and CCA assessment,

    mapping, analysis and monitoring


    5. Communities access to effective and applicable disaster

    risk financing and insurance


    6. End-to-end monitoring, forecasting and early warning

    systems are established and/or improved


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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 2: Disaster


    Overall ResponsibleAgency Department of Interior and Local Government(DILG)

    Goal Establish and strengthen capacities of communities

    to anticipate, cope and recover from the negative

    impacts of emergency occurrences and disasters

    Objectives 1. Increase the level of awareness of the community

    to the threats and impacts of all hazards, risks and


    2. Equip the community with the necessary skills to

    cope with the negative impacts of a disaster3. Increase the capacity of institutions

    4. Develop and implement comprehensive national

    and local disaster preparedness policies, plans

    and systems

    5. Strengthen partnership among all key players and


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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 2: Disaster



    7. Increased level of awareness and enhanced capacity

    of the community to the threats and impacts of all



    8. Communities are equipped with necessary skills and

    capacity to cope with the impacts of disasters

    DILG and OCD

    9. Increased DRRM and CCA capacity of Local DRRM

    Councils, Offices and Operating Centers at all levels


    10.Developed and implemented comprehensive

    national and local preparedness and responsepolicies, plans and systems

    DILG and OCD

    11.Strengthened partnership and coordination among

    all key players and stakeholders


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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 3: Disaster Response

    Overall ResponsibleAgency

    Department of Social Welfare and Development(DSWD)

    Goal Provide life preservation and meet the basic

    subsistence needs of affected population based

    on acceptable standards during or immediatelyafter a disaster

    Objectives 1. Decrease the number of preventable deaths

    and injuries

    2. Provide basic subsistence needs of affectedpopulation

    3. Immediately restore basic social services

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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 3: Disaster Response


    12. Well-established disaster response operations DSWD

    13. Adequate and prompt assessment of needs and damages at

    all levels

    DRRMCs, OCD,


    14. Integrated and coordinated Search, Rescue and Retrieval

    (SRR) capacity


    15. Safe and timely evacuation of affected communities LGUs

    16. Temporary shelter needs adequately addressed DSWD

    17. Basic social services provided to affected population

    (whether inside or outside evacuation areas)


    18. Psychosocial needs of directly and indirectly affected

    population addressed


    19. Coordinated, integrated system for early recovery



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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 4: Disaster

    Rehabilitation and Recovery

    Overall Responsible


    National Economic Development Authority (NEDA)

    Goal Restore and improve facilities, livelihood and living

    conditions and organizational capacities of affected

    communities and reduce disaster risks in accordance

    with the build back better principle

    Objectives 1. To restore peoples means of livelihood and

    continuity of economic activities and business

    2. To restore shelter and other building/installation

    3. To reconstruct infrastructure and other public


    4. To assist in the physical and psychological

    rehabilitation of persons who suffered from the

    effects of disaster

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    2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 4: Disaster

    Rehabilitation and Recovery


    20.Damages, losses and needs assessed OCD

    21.Economic activities restored and if possible,

    strengthened or expanded

    Agency to be


    based on the

    affected sectors

    22.Houses rebuilt or repaired to be more resilient to

    hazard events; safer sites for housing


    23.Disaster and climate change-resilient infrastructure



    24.A psychologically safe and secure citizenry that is

    protected from the effects of disasters is able to

    restore to normal functioning after each disaster


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    2. NDRRMP Priority Programs and Projects1. Development of the following plans Joint work plan for DRRM and

    CCA, Local DRRM plans , National Disaster Response Plan (to include a

    system for Search, Rescue and Retrieval SRR; scenario-based

    preparedness and response plans), Risk financing

    2. Development of understandable and consistent IEC and advocacy

    materials on RA 10121, DRRM and CCA

    3. Development of guidelines Communications and information protocolbefore, during and after disasters; Creation of DRRM teams;

    Criteria/standards for local flood early warning systems; Evacuation;

    Infrastructure redesign and/or modifications; Manual of operations of

    disaster operations centers

    4. Development of tools DRRM and CCA mainstreaming in the nationaland local-level planning, DANA and Post-DANA; Psychosocial concerns

    5. Establishment of DRRM Training Institutes; End-to-End local flood

    early warning systems through integrated and sustainable management

    river basins and water sheds; local DRRM Councils and Offices and their

    operations centers

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    2. NDRRMP Priority Programs and Projects

    6. Conduct inventory of existing DRRM and CCA resources and services7. Development and implementation of DRRM and CCA activities using

    the 5% of government agencys GAA

    8. Hazard and risk mapping in the most high-risk areas in the country

    9. Institutional capability program on DRRM and CCA for decision makers,

    local chief executives, public sector employees, and key stakeholders

    10. Mainstreaming DRRM and CCA in local development planning.

    11. PDNA capacity building for national government agencies, regional line

    agencies, and local offices

    12. Review, amend and/or revise the Building Code and integrate DRRMand CCA; Executive Order no. 72 s. 1993; Implementing Rules and

    Regulations of RA 10121; Various related environmental policies

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    3. Implementation of the NDRRMP

    3.1 Implementation Strategies include Advocacy andInformation, Education and Communication (IEC), Competency-based capability building, Education on DRRM and CCA for all,Institutionalization of DRRMCs and LDRRMOs, Mainstreaming ofDRR in all plans, to name a few.

    3.2 Implementation Mechanisms: Integration of DRRM into relevant national plans such as the

    Philippine Development plan

    Development and implementation of respective action plans ofgovernment agencies as indicated in the NDRRM Plan.

    Roles and responsibilities of the NDRRM Council, Office of CivilDefense, Agency Leads and Partners, and theRegional/Provincial/Local Disaster Risk Reduction and ManagementCouncils

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    3.3 Resource Mobilization

    1. General Appropriations Act (GAA) through the existing

    budgets of the national line and government agencies

    2. National DRRM Fund

    3. Local DRRM Fund

    4. Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF)

    5. Donor Funds

    6. Adaptation and Risk Financing

    7. Disaster Management Assistance Fund (DMAF)

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    3.2 Monitoring and Evaluation

    Results-based programming shall be used in ensuring thatimplementation is on time and learning from experiences isbuilt into the DRRM system

    OCD and the members of the Technical Management Groupwill develop a standard M&E template

    The stepwise M&E process includes the LGU, regional andnational levels

    Will likewise use the HFA Monitoring Tool as a working formatto undertake national multi-stakeholder consultation processesas progress is reviewed and challenges are systematicallyidentified

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  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    2011-2016 Philippine Development Plans Goals and

    Strategies on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

    (DRRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)

    Chapter 9 Ensuring National Security

    Section 2.3 To achieve the highest standard of capability and

    preparedness against natural and man-made calamities and disasters, the

    following will be undertaken:

    Strengthen the role of the security sector in emergency relief and rescue operations tomaintain public order and safety during calamities. Mechanisms to improve alert warning

    and monitoring before and during disasters will be enhanced to pre-empt loss to lives and

    properties. The sector will be transformed to become more dynamic, proactive, and

    responsive to prevent and prepare for disasters through improvement on technical and

    institutional capacity, and by promoting synergy among stakeholders and building

    resiliency of communities to disasters; and

    Support national development programs by securing and protecting critical infrastructures

    and facilities, and other high value projects of the public and private sector

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    2011-2016 Philippine Development Plans Goals andStrategies on DRRM and CCA

    Chapter 10 Conservation, Protection & Rehabilitation of the Environment& Natural Resources

    Goal 3. Enhanced Resilience of Natural Systems and Improved Adaptive Capacities ofHuman Communities to Cope with Environmental Hazards Including Climate-RelatedRisks

    Strengthen institutional capacities of national and local governments for CCA and


    a. Mainstream and integrate DRR and CCA in national,

    sectoral, regional and local development plans, including

    integration of hazard and climate change vulnerability maps

    in the updating of CLUPs by LGUs and enforcement of

    zoning regulations; and encourage more provinces to

    mainstream DRR in their plans, and build capacities of

    national and local agencies assigned to lead the effort;

    d. Enhance the self-reliance of local DRRM councils and

    their ability to implement the program through responsible

    DRMM offices;

    b. Support the initiatives for mainstreaming DRR and CCA

    in by granting it priority in budget allocation

    e. Devise cost-effective means to off-set socioeconomic

    losses from disasters; prepare for disaster recovery by

    establishing an enabling environment for both public andprivate sectors to increase their contribution to risk

    reduction activities; develop a common understanding of

    resource needs and include DRR and CCA in the regular

    business, policies, and actions of organizations;

    c. Adopt a responsive national and local legal and policy

    framework through multi-stakeholder dialogues that will

    create an enabling environment for all Filipino citizens and

    the government to guide them towards an integrated DRRand CCA approach

    f. Enhance national and local capacities for monitoring,

    forecasting, hazard identification, early warning, and risk

    evaluation and management

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    Strengthen institutional capacities of national and local governments for CCA and

    DRRM (cont)

    g. Complete the geological mapping of hazards using a

    larger scale (1:10,000);

    i. Make the newly established national DRRM fund more

    accessible to resource-poor LGUs; explore new

    mechanisms to expedite fund releases during

    emergencies; provide information

    h. Improve the post disaster rehabilitation and development


    j. Harmonize the implementation of the DRRM Act and the

    Climate Change Act.

    2011-2016 Philippine Development Plans Goals andStrategies on DRRM and CCA

    Enhance the resilience of natural systems

    a. Conduct vulnerability assessment and mapping on the

    different ecosystems

    c. Establish a network of protected areas in coordination

    with other LGUs based on ecological, social and economic

    considerations (ecosystem resiliency and biological

    connectivity) to address the impacts of human-induced

    factors and climate change

    b. Issue guidelines for the review and approval of design

    proposals and projects that are climate change-resilient

    under the EIA and risk assessment system of the EMB;


  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Improve adaptive capacities of communities

    a. Conduct geo-hazard mapping, vulnerability and risk

    assessments especially for highly susceptible communities

    and areas for the formulation and implementation of

    disaster risk reduction and management plans;

    e. Use science-based tools and technologies to support

    decisions in identifying, preventing and mitigating potential

    disaster impacts; collect and disseminate data according to

    risk knowledge needs and develop information systems to

    support decision makers and apprise stakeholders;

    b. Integrate CCA and DRRM in all education levels and in

    specialized technical training and research programs;

    f. Enhance disaster-preparedness through multi-

    stakeholder coordination; and

    c. Raise public awareness of DRR and mitigating the

    impacts of natural disasters through the formulation and

    implementation of a communication plan for DRR and


    g. Conduct an extensive IEC campaign for an increased

    public awareness of DRR.

    d. Conduct gendered vulnerability assessment, recognizing

    the differing vulnerabilities and capacities of poor women

    and men across economic sectors and geographic


    2011-2016 Philippine Development Plans Goals andStrategies on DRRM and CCA

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    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 3 - Competitive Industry and Services Sector

    Globally competitive and

    innovative industry and

    services sectors contributing

    to inclusive growth and

    employment generation

    Create a better business


    Establish compliance

    mechanisms for business

    sector on DRR standards

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Strengthen theimplementation of or reform

    existing laws on land-use

    and related laws such as

    building code for disaster-

    resilient industry and

    services sectors; and

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Assess the level of DRRawareness and activities

    among the private sector

    and disseminate IEC

    materials on DRR to ensure

    their support, participation

    and cooperation.


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  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 4- Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries Sector

    Competitive, sustainable and

    technology-based agriculture

    and fishery sector, driven by

    productive and progressive

    farmers and fisher folks,

    supported by efficient value

    chains, and well-integrated in

    the domestic and international

    markets, contributing to

    inclusive growth and poverty


    Increase sector resilience to

    climate change risks

    Reduce climate change-

    related risks and the

    vulnerability of natural

    ecosystems and biodiversity

    through ecosystem-based

    management approaches,

    conservation efforts, and

    sustainable environment and

    natural resources-based

    economic endeavours;

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Increase the resilience of the

    agriculture communities

    through the development of

    CC-sensitive technologies,

    establishment of climate-resilient agricultural

    infrastructure and climate-

    responsive food production

    systems, and provision of

    support services to the most

    vulnerable communities;

    Prevention & Mitigation

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    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority AreasChapter 4- Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries Sector

    Competitive, sustainable and

    technology-based agriculture

    and fishery sector(cont..)

    Increase sector resilience to

    climate change risks

    Strengthen the agriculture

    and fisheries insurance

    system as an important risk

    sharing mechanism;

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Incorporate natural hazards

    and climate risk in theagricultural land use plan or

    the Comprehensive Land Use

    Plan (CLUP);

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Strengthen the capacity of

    communities to respond

    effectively to climate risks

    and natural hazards; and


    Continue vulnerability and

    adaptation assessments

    especially in food production


    Prevention & Mitigation

    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

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    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 5- Accelerating Infrastructure Development

    Speed up the provision of

    safe, efficient, adequate,

    reliable, cost-effective and

    sustainable infrastructure

    To adapt to climate change

    and mitigate the impacts of

    natural disasters

    Institutionalize DRR and

    CCA in infrastructure sector

    Prevention & Mitigation


    Practice Integrated

    Water Resources


    Prioritize construction of

    flood managementstructures in highly

    vulnerable areas;

    Apply DRR and CCA

    strategies in the

    planning and design of

    flood management


    Develop a mechanism

    to expedite immediatefinancing for the

    rehabilitation of flood

    management structures;


    Increase local

    government and

    community participation

    in DRR and CCA


    Rehabilitation & Recovery

    Prevention & Mitigation


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

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    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 5- Accelerating Infrastructure Development

    Speed up the provision of

    safe, efficient, adequate,

    reliable, cost-effective and

    sustainable infrastructure


    To adapt to climate change

    and mitigate the impacts of

    natural disasters


    Intensify development

    and utilization of

    renewable energy and


    alternative energy

    resources/ technologies;and

    Assess the vulnerability

    of energy facilities to

    climate change and

    natural disasters (e.g.,

    El Nio and La Nia)

    Prevention & Mitigation


    Institutionalize DRR and

    CCA strategies in the

    National Transport



    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 5- Accelerating Infrastructure Development

    Speed up the provision of

    safe, efficient, adequate,

    reliable, cost-effective and

    sustainable infrastructure


    To adapt to climate change

    and mitigate the impacts of

    natural disasters

    Social Infrastructure

    Develop and implement

    the appropriate standards

    in the construction of the

    housing units; Explore the use of

    indigenous and recyclable

    materials that are

    environment-friendly to

    reduce costs and

    incorporate DRR and CCA

    concepts in building health

    facilities; and

    Design and construction of

    disaster-resilient school

    buildings and classrooms

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Rehabilitation & Recovery

    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 8 Social Development

    Improve general welfare

    through equitable access to

    adequate and quality social

    services and assets

    Social protection to

    empower and protect the

    poor, vulnerable and

    disadvantaged individuals,

    families and communities

    from individual life cycle,

    Mainstream DRR and CCA

    in social development


    Mainstream DRR and

    CCA on on-going

    researches on impactof climate change on

    diseases, like dengue;


    Prevention & Mitigation

    Introduce DRR and

    CCA in school

    curricula, alongside

    the promotion of green

    technology in

    constructing houses

    and social

    infrastructure and

    social safety nets for

    vulnerable groups, like

    farmers dependent on



  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 9 Peace and Security

    Advance peace process and

    guarantee national security

    Improve response

    capability to non-traditional

    security concerns

    Strengthen the role of the

    security sector in

    emergency relief and

    rescue operations tomaintain public order and

    safety during calamities;




    Enhance mechanisms to

    improve alert warning and

    monitoring before and

    during disasters.

    Prevention & Mitigation

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRMPriority Areas

    Chapter 10 - Conservation, Protection, & Rehabilitation of Environment & Natural Resources Towards

    Sustainable Development

    An environment that is

    healthy, ecologically-

    balanced, sustainably

    productive, climate-change

    resilient and provides for

    present and future

    generations of Filipinos

    Enhance resilience of

    natural systems and

    improved adaptive

    capacities of human

    communities to cope with

    environmental hazards

    including climate-related


    Strengthen institutional capacities of national and

    local governments for DRR and CCA:

    Mainstream and

    integrate DRR and

    CCA in national,sectoral, regional and

    local development


    Prevention & Mitigation

    Grant a priority to

    mainstreaming DRR

    and CCA initiatives in

    budget allocation;

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Adopt a responsive

    national and local legal

    and policy framework

    through multi-

    stakeholder dialogues;

    Prevention & Mitigation

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 10 - Conservation, Protection, & Rehabilitation of Environment & Natural Resources Towards SustainableDevelopment

    An environment that is

    healthy, ecologically-balanced,

    sustainably productive,

    climate-change resilient and

    provides for present and future

    generations of Filipinos


    Enhance resilience of natural

    systems and improved

    adaptive capacities of human

    communities to cope with

    environmental hazards

    including climate-related risks

    Strengthen institutional capacities of national and local

    governments for DRR and CCA:

    Enhance the self-

    reliance of local DRRM

    councils and their ability

    to implement the



    Devise cost-effective

    means to offset socio-

    economic losses from


    Rehabilitation & Recovery

    Enhance national and

    local capacities for

    monitoring, forecasting,

    hazard identification,

    early warning, and riskevaluation and


    Prevention & Mitigation

    Improve the post-

    disaster rehabilitation

    and development


    Rehabilitation & Recovery

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 10 - Conservation, Protection, & Rehabilitation of Environment & Natural Resources Towards Sustainable

    DevelopmentAn environment that is healthy,


    sustainably productive,

    climate-change resilient and

    provides for present and future

    generations of Filipinos


    Enhance resilience of natural

    systems and improved

    adaptive capacities of human

    communities to cope with

    environmental hazards

    including climate-related risks

    Strengthen institutional capacities of national and local

    governments for DRR and CCA:

    Make the newly-

    established national

    DRRM fund more

    accessible to poor

    LGUs; and


    Harmonize the

    implementation of the

    DRRM Act and the

    Climate Change Act.

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Enhance the resilience of the natural systems

    Conduct vulnerability

    assessment and

    mapping of different


    Prevention & Mitigation

    Issue guidelines for

    height review and

    approval of design

    proposals and projects

    that are climate change-

    resilient; under the EIA

    and risk assessment

    system of the EMB; and

    Prevention & Mitigation

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the DRRM

    Priority Areas

    Chapter 10 - Conservation, Protection, & Rehabilitation of Environment & Natural Resources Towards Sustainable

    DevelopmentAn environment that is healthy,


    sustainably productive,

    climate-change resilient and

    provides for present and future

    generations of Filipinos


    Enhance resilience of natural

    systems and improved

    adaptive capacities of human

    communities to cope with

    environmental hazards

    including climate-related risks

    Enhance the resilience of the natural systems

    Establish a network of

    protected areas in

    coordination with other

    LGUs based on

    ecological, social and

    economic considerationsto address the impacts

    of human-induced

    factors and climate


    Prevention & Mitigation

    Improve adaptive capacities of communities

    Conduct geo-hazard

    mapping and riskassessments

    especially for highly


    communities and areas

    for the formulation and

    implementation of

    DRRM plans;

    Prevention & Mitigation

  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Proposed Inputs for the 2011-2016 PhilippineDevelopment Plan based on the National DRRM Plan

    Vision/Objective Goal DRR/CCA Strategies Incorporated in the

    DRRM Priority Areas

    Chapter 10 - Conservation, Protection, & Rehabilitation of Environment & Natural Resources Towards Sustainable

    DevelopmentAn environment that is healthy,


    sustainably productive, climate-

    change resilient and provides forpresent and future generations of



    Enhance resilience of natural

    systems and improved adaptive

    capacities of human

    communities to cope withenvironmental hazards including

    climate-related risks

    Improve adaptive capacities of communities

    Integrate DRR and CCA in all

    educations levels and inspecialized technical training

    and research programs;


    Raise public awareness of DRR

    and formulate and implement acommunication plan for DRR

    and CCA;


    Use science-based tools and

    technologies to support

    decisions in identifying,

    preventing and mitigatingpotential disaster impacts;

    Prevention & Mitigation

    Enhance disaster preparednessthrough multi-stakeholder

    coordination; and

    In all 4 priority areas

    Conduct an extensive IEC

    campaign for increased publicawareness of DRR.


  • 7/27/2019 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 by BERNARDO RAFAELITO R. ALEJANDRO IV


    Thank you for your attention.

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