national & kapodistrian university of...

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National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Surnames / First name KARALI – GIANNAKOPOULOU Ioulia (Lilian)


Office: Department of Archaeology & History of Art, Faculty of History &

Archaeology, School of Philosophy, 4th floor, University Campus, Ilisia,

GR-157 84, Athens, Greece



+30 210 7277421


+30 6947434379


Office: +30 210 7248979

E-mail ;


Hellenic (Greek)

Current Position

Professor of Prehistoric & Environmental Archaeology

at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Research Interests

Environmental Archaeology

Greek Prehistory (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic periods & Bronze Age)

Bioarchaeology (man, animals, mollusks)



Academic Degrees and


1976-1979 3rd

circle Doctorate of European Protohistory & National

Antiquities (Ph.D.). Subject of thesis: «The Use of Mollusks in the

Protohistory of the Aegean», University Panthéon -Sorbonne, Paris I.

Seminars , Study & application of Geophysical Methods at archaeological

sites, Garchy: Centre de Recherches Géophysiques ( prof. Albert Hesse)

Modern methods applied in Archaeology at the Department of Social

Archaeology, École Pratique en Sciences Sociales et Politiques,

Archaeological Drawing & Photography (prof. Paul Courbin).

School of excavating methods, Saint Marcel d’ Ardèche (prof. Paul


Prehistoric Art : Collège de France (prof. André Leroi-Gourhan).

Numismatics : École Normale des Études Supérieures. (prof.Julien Guey).

Prehistory: The Lithic industry: Paris I, Sorbonne, Nanterre, Paris X,

Institute of Anthropology & Palaeopathology (prof.Yvette Taborin, prof

Jacques Tixier)

Comparative Anatomy: Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (prof François


1979 Phd., 3e cycle Doctorate, University of Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris

1976 D.E.A. (Diplôme d’ Études Approfondies, D.E.A.) in European

Protohistory, University of Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I

1974-1975 Master (Maîtrise) in Protohistory & in the Modern

Archaeological Methods. Subject: «The Patterns of the Painted Pottery

in Central Greece, Thessaly and the Peloponnese during the Middle

Neolithic Period», University of Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I.

1972-1974 Degree (ptychion), in Byzantine & Modern Literature,

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Byzantine &

Modern Greek Studies, School of Philosophy.

1968-1972 Degree(ptychion), in History & Archaeology,

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Archaeology

& the History of Art, Faculty of History & Archaeology, School of


Native speaker Greek

Languages English: fluent

French: fluent

German: medium

Italian: medium

Academic Career/

Work Experience

2005 – to present: Professor of Prehistoric and Environmental

Archaeology. Department of Archaeology & the History of Art, Faculty of


Member of Electorates

Member of Boards

History & Archaeology, School of Philosophy, at the National &

Kapodistrian University of Athens and Director of the Laboratory of

Environmental Archaeology

2015: Visiting professor at BISU Beijing University

2014-2017: Director of the Library of the Department of Archaeology and

the History of Art

2014: Visiting Professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies

(SOKENDAI) for Advanced Studies in Japan.

2014: Visiting professor at National Taiwan University

2008, 2009, 2013: Visiting professor at Novosibirsk State University

2013: Visiting fellow at Cincinnati University

2011: Visiting Professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies

(SOKENDAI) for Advanced Studies in Japan.

2009: Visiting Professor at Harvard University

2007: Invited Scholar at The International Research Center for Japanese

Studies (Nichibunken), Kyoto, Japan

2005: Visiting fellow at Princeton University

1991-2000: Lecturer of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Branch of the

University of Paris X Nanterre-Sorbonne in Athens.

1989 – now: Professor of Environmental Archaeology. Department of

Archaeology & History of Art, Faculty of History & Archaeology, School

of Philosophy, at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.

1988-1991: Lecturer of Aesthetics at the Moraitis School International

Summer School in Athens.

1988-1991: Lecturer of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Branch of the

University of Paris IV-Sorbonne.

1981 – 1988: Curator and Lecturer at the Anthropological Museum of the

Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.

1972 – to this day: Archaeological researches (excavations, laboratory

research & other studies).

1976 – 1978: Associate Researcher at the University of Paris I-Sorbonne.

1972 – 1974: Researcher at the Historical Archives of the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs.

I have been a member of electorates for the election or for the promotion of

many fellows at the Department of History & Archaeology of the National &

Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as in corresponding Departments of

other universities in Greece and abroad (University of the Aegean, Ionian

University, University of Peloponnese, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,

University of Patras, Universities in France, Paris, Toulouse e.t.c.).

I have been and I am a member of boards at the Department of History

& Archaeology at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, e.g.:

Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology at the National &

Kapodistrian University of Athens

Board of the Museum of Didactic Collections of the Department of History &

Archaeology of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Delegate of the sub-field of Prehistory at the Coordinating Committee of Post-

Graduate Studies (ΣΕΜΣ).

Member of the examining committee of the sub-field of Prehistory for the

admission to the Postgraduate Studies, assessment of exams e.t.c.

Member of examining committees of the Department of Archaeology &

History of Art of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens for


Academic Teaching

Tutorials & Seminars

Supervision / internships

master, doctoral and post

doctoral theses

awards, grading exams and endowments.

1996 – 2004: Co-ordination & examination of the candidates for the

scholarship of the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.) for the domain of

«Environmental Archaeology», supervision of the students who achieved

postgraduate studies at Universities at home and abroad.

1980-1985: Examination of the French language of the candidate scholars of


2004-2009: Board Member of the Temporary Administrative Committee of

the University of Peloponnese.

2004-2008: Board Member of DOATAP(Greek NARIC), responsible for

the degrees obtained abroad in the field of Humanitarian studies.

2008- 2010 Member of the Supreme Executive Archaeological Committee

(KAΣ ministry of Culture)

1988 – to this day: Lecturing at the Undergraduate and at the Graduate

Program of Studies at the Department of History & Archaeology (National &

Kapodistrian University of Athens). Laboratory training with obligatory

participation at the annual seminars of Environmental Archaeology. Lectures

and speeches (collaborations, lectures and speeches with Greek and world

eminent archaeologists and specialists). More specifically:

2000-2005: Lecturing at the core course of «Neolithic Civilization and

Environment». Pilot study/course (in the context of the enriched, reformed

Program of Undergraduate Studies [European Operational Program for

Education and Initial Vocational Training ,O.P. "Education"), enriched

with tutorials, lectures by Professors from the Department of Geology & Civil

Engineers of Patras University, as well as of the Agricultural University of

Athens and postdoc students. It also included an intensive-reinforcing 30

hours seminar on Geoarchaeology.

1992-2000: Lecturing at the core introductory course of Prehistoric

Archaeology A «Prehistoric Aegean». Lecturing in auditorium and visits to

archaeological sites, museums and laboratories (Laboratory of Archaeometry,

Anthropology, Environmental Archaeology, the Fitch Lab of the British

Archaeological School and the Wiener Lab of the American Archaeological

School), supplementary lessons with lectures by Greek and foreign eminent

archaeologists and specialists on most archaeoenvironmental fields.

1988-2000: Lecturing at the course of «Environmental Archaeology» (an

optional course for the 1st semester and a seminar for the 8

th semester).

1981-1985: Participation in the lecturing group for the introductory course of

Biology (Medical School) at the chapter of the Evolution of man: «Evolution

of the species HOMO and his presence in the first human societies».

1990- present Post-graduate courses and seminars to students of the

Department of Archaeology and History of Art in relation to the importance

of the environmental research, the ways of re-establishment of

palaeoenvironments, the Greek, English and French terminology of the related

sciences, the palaeoenvironment of various geographical areas of Greece e.t.c

At excavations: at Akrotiri of Santorini, at Tharrounia of Euboea, at

Kamenitsa of Achaia (Group of Landscape Archaeology), at Kovačevo of

Bulgaria, Leontari e.t.c. (Study and practice of students –depending on the

case- on shells, bones e.t.c.).

At the Museum of Didactic Collections of the Department of Archaeology and

History of Art: Practice of the students on shells and bones from excavations.

At the Museum of Anthropology: Practice of the students on anthropological



Supervision of graduate students and member of the advisory board of master

and Doctoral Theses in Greek and European Universities.

Participation in many Doctoral Dissertation Defenses (supervisor, member of

three-member, seven-member advisory-examining committees) at the National

& Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,

the Aegean University, the University of the Peloponnese, the Faculty of

Geology of both the Universities of Athens and Patras as well as in France at

the Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, the University of Toulouse, Valencia




Museum-related Work &


Archaeology-related Work

GREECE (1974 to Present)

Director of the Leontari Cave Excavation

As a specialized member of the excavating team:

Thrace: Porto Lagos

Macedonia: Promahonas, Kavala, Thasos (Skala Sotiros, Kastri), Dikili

Tash, Dimitra, Pentapolis, Ag. Lydia, Vasilika, Stauroupoli, Mesimeriani,


Central Greece: Halae of Lokris, Thebes, Delphi, Kitso’s Cave, Athens’

Agora, Roman Agora, Leontari Cave, Thorikos

Euboea: Tharrounia, Kalogerovrisi, Helike

Southern Greece: Lakes’ Cave, Elike, Niokastro (Pylos), Vasilitsi (Koroni),

Alepotrypa, Kythera

Aegean: Poliochni (Lemnos), Akrotiri (Santorini), Ftelia (Myconos),

Maroulas (Kythnos), Kastro (Andros), Markiani (Amorgos), Skarkos (Ios),

Cave of the Cyclops (Gioura, Alonnisos), Faistos, Malia, Gournes (Crete),

Kalythies and Ag. Georgios (Rhodes), Keros


Bulgaria: Kovačevo, French-Bulgarian excavation

Cyprus: Kantou-Koufovounos, Audemos

Turkey: Ullucak

Tunisia: Carthage

France: Etiolles, Saint Marcel d’Ardèche, Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle

Japan: Tengu-Iwa Rockshelter, Nagano

Organization and presentation of comparative collection of human remains,

animal bones and shells at the Museum of the National & Kapodistrian

Museum of Athens.

Organization of a new exhibition at the Museum of the National &

Kapodistrian University of Athens (exploitation of the natural environment).

Organization of comparative collections of animal, plant remains e.t.c. at the

Museum of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Foundation and Organization of the «Group of Environmental Archaeology»

of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Foundation and activation of the «Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology»

of the Department of Archaeology and History of Art of the National &

Kapodistrian University of Athens (lab analysis and education).


Seminars & Conferences

Participation with oral


Organisation of

Conferences (in Green)

“26 χρόνια Περιβαλλοντικής Αρχαιολογίας στο ΕΚΠΑ”, Επιστημονική

συνάντηση Περιβάλλον και Ιστορία: Οι πολλαπλές όψεις μιας δυναμικής

σχέσης, Πολιτιστικό Ίδρυμα Ομίλου Πειραιώς, 22-23/10/ 2015.

2015 CASS speeches on Greek archaeology and purple dye

2015 BISU speeches on Greek culture, archaeology and arts

2015 Academia Sinica speeches on Molluscs and purple dye

2015 National Taiwan University speeches on Greek prehistory

2015 Sokendai speech on Molluscs in Greek prehistory

2015 Aegean Society speech on the Greek crisis: past and present

“The Impact of Aristotle in Archaeoenvironmental Studies” 2016

Moscow International Aristotle Conference “The Legacies of Aristotle as

Constitutive Element of European Rationality”, Moscow, 17-19/10 2016.

“Purple Dye Industry in Greece from Prehistoric Times to the End of the

Byzantine Empire” International Conference on "Η αρχαία Ελλάδα και ο

σύγχρονος κόσμος", Olympia, 28-31/08 2016.

“Musical instrument out of seashell. A parallel study of the Triton

seashell in Greece and Japan” (Karali, L., Yamaguchi, D., Dellios, P.) The

9th MOISA International Conference “Music and the animal world in

Hellenic and Roman antiquity”, Athens, 12/6/2016.

“Μαρτυρίες για το τοπίο: Τα οστά, τα όστρεα και οι καρποί από την

Αλάσαρνα στην Κο” 16η Ημερίδα Περιβαλλοντικής Αρχαιολογίας «Φυσικό

και ανθρωπογενές τοπίο: Μια αέναη σχέση» στο Νομισματικό Μουσείο, 1/4

2016. “The Thorikos Intrasite Survey: A Glimpse from the Top” (Roald Docter,

Floris van den Eijnde, Margarita Nazou, Andrea Perugini, Amber Brüsewitz,

Lieven Verdonck, Sophie Mortier, Winfred van de Put, Cornelis Stal, Alain

De Wulf, Kim Van Liefferinge, Thomas Pieters, Koen Van Gelder, Guy

Dierkens, Alexandra Alexandridou, Simon Claeys, and Lilian Karali),

Archaeological Institute of America 117th Annual meeting, San Francisco,

California, 6–9/1 2016.

“Σύμβολα και λατρεία στο Σπήλαιο Λεοντάρι” (Λ.Καραλή, Φ.Μαυρίδης,

Ειρ. Πέππα- Παπαϊωάννου), X επιστημονικό συμπόσιο Ανασκαφή και

Έρευνα: από το ερευνητικό έργο του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας και Ιστορίας της

Τέχνης, Athens, 22-23/4/ 2015.

“The environment and interactions of Neolithic Halai” (John Coleman,

Lilian Karali, Lia Karimali, Amy Bogaard, Charlotte Diffey, Effie Angeli,

Sonia Dimaki, Μelanie Fillios, and Jayme L. Job), International conference on

Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction in Neolithic Greece, Rethymno,

29-12/10/ 2014.

“Aegean and the Middle East in prehistory.

Purple-dye: invention, production and diffusion”, Tyre Foundation Annual

Forums, Forum V: THE ALPHABET ROAD», Piraeus, 29-30/5/ 2014.

“Η αναβίωση των μορφών: αρχαιοπεριβαλλοντικά ευρήματα και έργα

τέχνης” IX επιστημονικό συμπόσιο Ανασκαφή και Έρευνα: από το

ερευνητικό έργο του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας και Ιστορίας της Τέχνης, Athens,

6/4/ 2013.

“Implantations Humaines en milieu Littoral Méditerranéen : facteurs

d’installation et processus d’appropriation de l’espace, de la Préhistoire

au Moyen Âge”. XXXIVe Rencontres internationales d'archéologie et

d'histoire d’Antibes 14-17/10/ 2013.

“XIII International World Congress of Philosophy”, FISP Athens,



“Communities in transition: The Circum-Aegean later Neolithic

stages”, International Conference, Athens, 7-9/06/2013

“Τέχνη.Theoretical Foundations of Arts, Sciences and Technology

in the Greco-Roman World”, The Center for Ancient Philosophy

ND THE Classical Tradition, Novosibirsk State University,

Akademgorodok, 29/05-07/06/ 2013 “Keeping our past alive”, 15th workshop of Environmental

Archaeology, The UOA Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology and the

ASCSA Wiener Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology, Athens


“Excavation and Research IX: The research of the Department of

Archaeology and the History of Art UOA”, Athens, 05-06/04/2013

“Archeomalacologia de la Peninsula Iberica”, III Reunion

cientifica, Cadiz, 03-04/12/2012

“Archaeological Research and New Technologies”, 3rd

International Symposium ARCH_RNT, University of Peloponnese,

Kalamata, Greece, 3-6/10/2012

“Local history and Archaeology of Trichonis”, International

Congress Thermos, Greece 9-11/06/2012

“Democratic Culture: Historical Reflections and Modern

Transformations”, 9th ISUD World Congress Olympia, Greece, 22 -


“The Work of the UOA’s Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology

and the Wiener Laboratory”, Workshop, The UOA Laboratory of

Environmental Archaeology and the ASCSA Wiener Laboratory of

Environmental Archaeology, Gennadius Library, Athens, 14/05/2012

“Digital Museum Collections: Collectors and collections”, 3rd

cycle of

invited speaches, Theocharakis Museum, Athens,Greece,20/02/2012

“Seminario de estudios de la mujer en la Antigüedad” , SEMA XII,

Universitat de València (Projecto DRESS ID), Valencia, 11-12/11/2011

14th Archaeological Scientific Meeting of S.E.Attika, Kalyvia

Thorikos, Greece 6-9/10/2011

“Man, Animal and Soils” , Workshop, The UOA Laboratory of

Environmental Archaeology and the ASCSA Wiener Laboratory of

Environmental Archaeology, 10/12/2010

“Dialog among cultures”, 8th ISUD World Congress, Beijing, 2-7/7/2010

“Kosmos: Jewellery, Adornment and textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age”,

13th International Aegean Conference, Danish National Research Foundation;s

Centre for Textile Research, 21-26/4/2010.

“Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable

transport, Indicators of environmental sustainability in transport: An

interdisciplinary approach”, Final conference of COST 356 – EST Paris,


“Anthropogenic Environment and Culture”, Workshop, , The common

office of The Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology and Olympic Center

of Philosophy and Culture in Ancient Olympia, 12/02/2010

“Geosciences and Archaeology: Reading the Landscape”, 2nd


Netherlands Institute at Athens organization and speech on Geosciences and

Archaeology at Athens University, 07/12/2009

«Ancient Greece in Contemporary Japan» by Mariko Sakurai, Emeritus


Professor at the University of Tokyo. Organization of the Lecture at the

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 27/03/2008.

«Mythology and Archaeology in Modern Japan: The Timelessness of

Nostalgia» by Jun’Ichi Isomae, Associate Professor of the International

Research Center of Japanese Studies “Nichibunken”. Organization of the

Lecture, at the Cultural Centre of the National & Kapodistrian University of

Athens, 08/03/2008.

«The Management and the Protection of the Environment through

Research and Teaching at the University of Athens» Seminar of the

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and speech on the

«Environmental Archaeology at the University of Athens», 13-14/11/2007.

«Research and Digital Re-establishment of the Palaeo-environment of

Greece». Organization of the 8th Meeting of Environmental Archaeology at

“The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and the Cultural

Heritage” with two speeches of the Responsible Scientist on «Research and

Digital Re-establishment», 24/01/2007.

“Prehistoric Halae in Lokris- Preliminary studies”, CHELP, The Halae

archaeological project, directed by prof. J.Colman,Vivos,07/06/2006.

«New Technologies and Culinary Practices in Ancient Greece.». Topic of

«Round Table», organized in co-operation with the «Group of Environmental

Archaeology» and a paper on: « The Kingdom of Neptune on a plate:

Oysters, Clams and Fish in ancient Greek Diet», 31/12/2005 – 30/06/2006.

«The Present and the Future of the Archaeoenvironmental Research in

Greece». Organization of the 7th One-day Seminar of the Environmental

Archaeology in co-operation with “The Hellenic Society for the Protection of

the Environment and the Cultural Heritage”, 14/04/2005.

«Pilot Study for Isolation and Reinforcement of Ancient DNA Samples of

Human Bones from the Area of Delphi», at the 4th Symposium of the

Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, +Koniavitou K., Karali L., Kroupis H.,

Kapsalis A., Petridis PL. & Mavridis F., Athens, 28-31/05/2003.

«Homo Sapiens: Past, Present and Future. Paleoanthropology and

Modern Human Populations of Eastern Medidetranean» International

Congress of Anthropology, Athens, 21-23/01/2003

«Geosciences and Archaeology» Organization and speech, Scientific

Meeting at the Dutch Institute of Athens, 19/03/2003.

«Law, Archaeology and Environment» Scientific Meeting for the

Protection of the Cultural and Environmental, Law School of the National &

Kapodistrian University of Athens. Organization by L. Karali, I. Karakosta &

V. Lezine 11/12/2002.

ASOR (American School of Oriental Research), Annual Meeting,

Vavouranakis G, Karali L., Manginis G., Tsaliki A., Toronto, 20-24/11/2002.

"Petits animaux et sociétés humaines: du complément alimentaire aux

ressources utilitaires",XXIVèmes Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie

et d'Histoire d'Antibes, 23-25/10/2002.

“Archaeology as History”, International Conference of the teaching of

History, “Il presente del passato. Una conferenza europea su: La Storia nelle

Universita europee: comparazione, armonizzazione, innovazione”, Universita

de Pisa, Rete ECTS Storia, Pisa 28-29/05/1999.

«Conference on Archaeozoology of S.W. Asia and the Adjacent Areas”,

4th International ASWA Conference, (ASWA : Working group of

International Council for Archaezoology), Museum National d’ Histoire

Naturelle, Paris, 29/06 - 03/07/1998

“Application of archaeoenvironmental methods and scientific

approaches” Scientific Meeting and speech on the subject: Definition of


Speeches/Invited Lectures

Environmental Archaeology, new Scientific methods in the study of

malacological material Ελληνική Εταιρεία για την Προστασία του

Περιβάλλοντος και της Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς, Athens, 31/3/1998.

«Man and environment on the Greek territory», Anthropological

Symposium, Greek Anthropological Society Athens, 11-13/12/1987.

«Byzantine Thrace: Face and Character», 1st International Symposium of

Thracian Studies, 05-28/05/1987.

«Anthropology of the Greek territory», 1st Anthropological Conference,

Athens, 20-30/11/1986.

“Problems of the inhabited caves”, International Symposium, Greek

Speleological Society, Athens, 01-04/09/1983.

“1st Pan-Hellenic Symposium”, Greek Speleological Society Athens, 11-


Speeches on: Geoarchaeology and Aristotle, Novosibirsk State University,

Siberia, Teaching classics, October, 2016

Speech on: La pourpre et la mer Egée : production et distribution,

facteurs d’installation, Cultures et Environnements Préhistoire, Antiquité,

Moyen Âge CEPAM - UMR 7264, Université Sophia Antipolis, April 2015

Speeches on: Archaeology, Art and Culture in the prehellenic

Civilizations, BISU in Beijing, China

Speech on: Arts and Crafts in ancient Greece, CASS, Beijing, China

Speeches on: Greek Archaeology, the prehistoric periods and Leontari

cave from prehistory to history. National Taiwan University spring 2014

Speeches on: Greek prehistory, Palaeolithic and Mesolithic, Neolithic,

Bronze age, Novosibirsk State University, 2013.

Speech on: New methodological approaches in the Archaeo-

environmental Research, 3rd Symposium on Archaeological Research and

New technologies ARCH_RNT, Department of History, Archaeology and

Cultural Resources Management, University of Peloponnese, Kalamata, 3-


Speech on: Who needs the Greeks, 9th ISUD International Conference,

Democratic Culture: Historical Reflections and modern transformations,

Olympia, 22-27/06/2012

Speech on: Natural and anthropogenic landscape of Aitoloakarnania:

Scientific documentation and protection, International Conference on Local

History and Archaeology of Trichonia, Thermo, 9-11/06/2012

Speech on: Identifying floral species on Hellenistic crowns, SEMA XII:

Seminario de estudios de la mujer en la Antigüedad, Universitat de València

(Proyecto DRESS ID), Valencia, 11-12/11/2011

Speech on: Palaeoenvironmental alterations of Southeastern Attica, 14th

Scientific meeting of Southeast Attica, Kalyvia, 6-9/10/2011

Speech on: East-West, 8th ISUD World Congress, Dialog among cultures:

Peace, Justice and Harmony, Beijing, 02-07/2010

Speech on The archaeological studies at the Aegean University,

Celebration for the 10 years of the University of Aegean, Department of

Mediterranean Studies Rhodes, 09/12/2009

Speeches on: Archaeology, Prehistory and Environment in Greece,

Novosibirsk University, Siberia, Teaching classics 20/07-03/08/2009

Speech on Excavating Neolithic Caves in Attica: Rituals to Plan and the

Origins of Agriculture in Greek Prehistory University of Santa Barbara,


USA, 07/05/2009

Speeches on: Archaeology, Prehistory and Environment in Greece,

Novosibirsk University, Siberia, Teaching classics, 26/08- 03/09/2008

Speech on: «Alepotrypa: The Malacological Material» in the context of the

One-day Meeting «Alepotrypa, 50 years (1958 - 2008). The Archaeological

Value and the Developmental Aspect of the Neolithic Diros», Center of

Neolithic Studies of Diros, Pan-Laconic Society, Athens, War Museum,


Speech on: «The Archaeological Work of the University of Athens at the

Leontari Cave on Hymettus.» in the context of the Meeting «The

Archaeological Work of the Universities in Greece: from the Palaeolithic

Period to the Later Antiquity.», 6th & 7

th of December 2007, Ministry of

Civilization, Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Department

of Greek and Foreign Scientific Institutions, Organizations and International

Issues, 06 & 07/12/2007.

Speeches about Greek Archaeology for children, invited by the Médecins

du Monde, Greek section, Amman 15-22/11/2007.

Speech on The use of Murex in Greece with emphasis on the Prehistoric

Period, as a specialist on topics of production of Murex in Greece, at the

Centre of Fabric Production, University of Copenhagen, 01-06/11/2007.

Speeches on «Shells in prehistoric times», at the University of Kyoto as well

as at the International Research Center of Japanese Studies of “Nichibungen”,

01/01/2007 – 01/08/2007.

Speech on: «Environmental Archaeology and Natural Catastrophes», at

the «International Workshop»: «The Impact of Natural Catastrophes of

Ancient Mediterranean Civilization» organized by the University of the

Aegean at Rhodes, 28-30/10/2006.

Speech on «Land Snails» at Lisbon University, 01/07/2006.

Speech on «Caves and rock-shelters in Prehistoric Greece with emphasis

on the Leontari excavation cave» at Harvard University, 9/5/2006.

Speech on «Reconstruction of Past Environments: Leontari cave a case

study», at Princeton University, 14/4/2006.

Speech on «The Contribution of the Palaeo-environmental Material at the

Archaeological Research of Boeotia», Thebes, 16-19/09/2005.

Speech on: «Problems and Requests of the Environmental Education»

Pyrgos, Olympic Centre of Philosophy and Education, (ΟΚΦΠ) «Education

and Language», 28/03/2005.

Speech on: «Biodiversity in Greece – Habitats of the Aegean and

Biodiversity of the Past», “The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the

Environment and the Cultural Heritage”, Olympia, 03/11/2004.

Speech on: “Prehistoric caves in Greece: recent research”. Karali

L.and Ghioni, M., Xth Annual Meeting of the European Association

of Archaeologists, Lyon 2004.

Lagia A., Gregoropoulou I., Kontogiannes N., Karali L. & Manolis S., «A

Case of Syphilis from the Greek Territory», International Congress of

Anthropology «Homo Sapiens: Past, Present and Future. Paleoanthropology

and Modern Human Populations of Eastern Medidetranean», Athens, 21-


Speech on: “Relations between the University of Amsterdam and the

University of Athens on Paleoenvironmental Matters”, Αmsterdams

Archeologisch Centrum, 18/12/2003.

Speech on: «The Environmental Archaeology and its Teaching at the

University of Athens», at the University of the Aegean, Department of


Invited Lectures

Mediterranean Studies. Direction: Archaeology, March of 2003.

Speech on: «Man and the Environmental Heritage of Ilida» at the «The

Cultural Heritage of Ilia and its Effects. The Need for Developing and

Bringing it to Prominence », Pyrgos, Olympic Centre of Philosophy and

Education, (ΟΚΦΠ), a series of lectures on «Education and Language»,

01/02/ 2003

Speech on: “Caves, rockshelters and their environment: a theoretical

approach of the archaeological perspective”Karali L., Ghioni M., VIIIth

Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, Aristotle

University of Thessaloniki. 24-29/9/2002

Vavouranakis G., Karali L., Manginis G., Tsaliki A.: “The funerary rites of

passage in preBA2 Cyprus:The evidence from Avdemou-Kamares”,

Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Toronto,


Speech on: «Molluscs and the Use of Molluscs in Archaeology»,

Amsterdam, Aula Allard Pierson Museum, 01/11/2002.

Speech on: «Teaching Environmental Archaeology in Greece», at the

University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, 13/02/ 2002.

Speech on: «Studying the Paleoenvironment at the Site of Akrotiri», at the

University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, 13/02/ 2002.

Speech on: «Aspects of Prehistoric Palaeo-Environment in Greece» at the

Dutch Institute of Athens, 20/03/ 2001.

Vavouranakis G., Karali L., Manginis G., Tsaliki A.: “An integrative

approach towards burial practices in prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus;

Atrtifactual and Osteological Material from Avdemou Kamares, BABAO,

Durham, 14-15/7/2001(poster presentation)

Speech on: “Archaeology as History”, International Conference of

the teaching of History, “Il presente del passato. Una conferenza

europea su: La Storia nelle Universita europee: comparazione,

armonizzazione, innovazione”, Universita de Pisa, Rete ECTS Storia,

Pisa 28-29/5/1999.

Speech on: «Akrotiri of Thera: Diet and Fishing at Akrotiri», participation

at the program of the 9th Period of Teaching History of Art at the

Archaeological Society, Athens, 17/02/1997.

Speech on: «Archaeology and Environment», Athens, 6th European Congress

of the Soroptimistic Society of Greece, ΕΣΗΕΑ, 28/05/1995.

Speech on: «Environment: From the Past to the Present», Athens, One-day

Meeting for the Environment, «Help Save Marine Mammals», Goulandri-

Horn Institute, United Nations, Environment Programme, 03/06/1992.

Speech on: «Preliminary Research: the Malacological Material of the

Apidima Cave in Lakonia» at the One-day Scientific Meeting for the 100

years of the Anthropological Museum of the University of Athens.


United States of America

Harvard University

Princeton University

Santa Barbara University


University of Kyoto

University of Tokyo


Nagoya University

International Research Center of Japanese Studies “Nichibunken”

“Sokendai” The Graduate University for Advanced Studies

Aegean society


Sorbonne (Paris I)

Nice University

Lyon University

Toulouse University

The Netherlands:

Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam

Amsterdams Archeologisch Centrum Amsterdam

University of Groningen


Lisbon University


Valencia University

United Kingdom:

University of Glasgow (Department of Archaeology)

British Museum


China Beijing BISU

Chinese Academy for Social Sciences


Novosibirsk State University


National Taiwan University

Academia Sinica



Karali L., Ferentinos G., (ed.) 2015. ‘’Tetradia Geoarchaiologias’’, Olkos,

Athens (in greek).

Karali, L. 2011. Neolithic culture. In pursue of the human traces in the

neolithic Environment of the East and the West. Athens: Book Institute

A. Kardamitsa (in Greek)

C. Alfaro, L.Karali. 2008. PURPUREAE VESTES. II. Symposium

Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en el mundo

antiguo. University of Valencia

Karali, L. 2005. Environmental Archaeology. Athens: Institute of book –

A. Kardamitsa (in Greek)

Karali, L. 2002. The book of Archaeology. A guide for the explorers of

time. Translation from Francis Dieulafait: Copain de l’ Arcéologie). Athens,

Foundation of the Hellenic World.(in greek)

Karali, L. 2001. Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Practice.

Translation from C. Renfrew & P. Bahn, 1991, Athens: Kardamitsa

publications(in greek).

Karali, L. 1999. Shells in Aegean Prehistory. In BAR Int. Ser. 761,

Archaeopress, England (Translation: Alex Doumas).

Karali, L. 1998. Dictionary of Archaeological – Environmental Terms,


edition, Athens: Hellinika Grammata. (in greek and english).


Karali, L. 1998. Young Archaeologists: In search of the Human Traces in

the Environment. Illustration: Katerina Gouma,2nd

edition. Akritas, Athens

(in greek).

Karali, L., 1979. L’ utilisation des mollusques dans la Protohistoire de l’

Égée (The use of mollusks in the Protohistory of the Aegean. –Unpublished

Thesis), Université Paris 1, Sorbonne, Paris.


Kontogiannis N.D.,Grigoropoulou I.,Sakkari S., Barmparitsa E., Moutafi

I.,Lagia A., Karali ( 2015) ‘ From Mosque to church and back again”,

Hesperia 84, pp 771-856

Karali, L. (2015) “The Other Finds from the Special Deposit South, H: The

Shell”, in Renfrew, C., Philaniotou, O., Brodie, N., Gavalas, G. & Boyd,

M.J. (ed.) Kavos and the Special Deposits: The sanctuary on Keros and the

origins of Aegean ritual practice. Volume II. McDonald Institute for

Archaeological Research, Oxford. p. 329.

Karali, L. (2014) “Le matériel ostéologique”, in Déroche, V., Pétridis, P. &

Badie, A. (eds.) Le secteur au Sud-est du péribole. Fouilles de Delphes II,

Topographie et Architecture 15. École française d'Athènes, Paris-Athènes.

pp. 81-88.

Karali, L. (2014) “Le matériel malacologique”, in Déroche, V., Pétridis, P. &

Badie, A. (eds.) Le secteur au Sud-est du péribole. Fouilles de Delphes II,

Topographie et Architecture 15. École française d'Athènes, Paris-Athènes.

pp. 89-101.

Constantinidis D., Karali L.,(2014) “Floral emblems on Hellenistic Crowns:

Significance and Meaning”, Alfaro C., Ortiz J., Anton M. (ed) in P. PV.

Tiarae, Diadems and Headdresses in the Ancient Mediterranean Cultures.

Symboloism and Technology, Monografias del SEMA III, Valencia, 2014, pp


Karali L., Saliari C.,(2014) “Men in Power: the Crown of the Emperor in the

Byzantine Empire”, Alfaro C., Ortiz J., Anton M. (ed) in P. PV Tiarae,

Diadems and Headdresses in the Ancient Mediterranean Cultures.

Symboloism and Technology, Monografias del SEMA III, Valencia, 2014, pp


Karali L., Lambropoulos S., Bardani M., (2014), ‘’ The geographic area of

Elis through the centuries’’, Mercuri L., Gonzalez Villaescusa R.,

Bertoncello F., (ed.) in Implantations humaines en milieu littoral

mediterraneen : Facteurs d’Installation et processus d’appropriation de

l’espace, De la préhistoire au Moyen Age. Rencontres internationales

d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes. APDCA (éd.), Antibes, pp 45-52

Constantinidis D., Karali L.,(2014) “Designing a database to trace purple dye

trade routes during the historical period in Greece”, Alfaro C., Tellenbach M.,

Ortiz J., (ed) in Purpurae Vestes IV. Productions and Trade of textiles and

dyes in the Roman Empire and neighbouring regions . PV IV UV, Valencia,

2014, pp 143-148

Karali L.,(2014), “Recent Research on Purple Dye Production in the

Mediterranean: How many purple Dye Worlds! The case of Greece.”, Juan

Jesús Cantillo – Dario Bernal, José Ramos (eds.) Moluscos púrpura

encontextos arqueológicos atlántico-mediterráneos. Nuevos datos y

reflexiones en clave de proceso historico, Actas de la III Reunión Científica

de Arqueomalacología de la Península Ibérica, Edita Servicio de

Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádizc, Esta es la publicación nº 10 de

CeimarColección Ceimar nº 10 (Mayo 2014), pp. 283-286.


Karali L.,(2013), “ The Shells: the Marine Palaeoenvironment and the use of

the Molluscan Remains.”, Renfrew, C. (eds.) The settlement at

Dhaskalio: The sanctuary on Keros and the origins of Aegean ritual practice,

Vol. 1, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of

Cambridge, pp.443-450

Karali L.,(2013), “Culture and Universal Dialogue.”, Journal of the

International Society for Universal Dialogue, Vol. XXIII, No.4/2013, pp.181-


Karali L.(2012), “ Environmental Archaeology in Greece : the recent research

/ Περιβαλλοντική Αρχαιολογία στην Ελλάδα: Τα νεότερα δεδομένα”,

Proceedings of the 2nd

ARCH-RNT, Kalamata, (in Greek) pp.79-84

Karali L., Saliari C. Spyropoulou E.,(2012), Application of Archaeo-

environmental Methods for the Detection of Natural & Anthropo-genic

Changes in Messenia, Proceedings of the 2nd

ARCH-RNT, Kalamata, pp.85-


Constantinidis D., Karali L.,(2012) “Floral or Faunal? Determining Forces on

Minoan and Mycenaean Jewellery. Motif Selection with a GIS”, Nosch M.L.,

Laffineur R. (ed), “Kosmos: Jewellery, Adornment and textiles in the Aegean

Bronze Age”, 13th International Aegean Conference, Danish National

Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, 21-26/4/2010, pp 483-


Constantinidis D., Karali L.,(2011) “A Proposed survey of East

Mediterrranean Murex heaps from the Bronze Age to Roman Times: A GIS

Analysis of possible Trade Networks”, Alfaro C., Brun J.-P., Borgard Ph.,

Pierobon B. (ed) in Purpurae Vestes III. Textiles y tintes en la ciudad

Antigua. PUV CJB, Valencia, 2008, pp. 151-155

Karali L., (2011) “The molluscan remains from Prehistoric Helike”, Dora

Katsonopoulou (ed.), HelikeIV, Athens, pp157-168.

Karali L., (2011) “Malacological Material”, Adamantios Sampson (ed.), The

Cave of the Cyclops: Mesolithic and Neolithic Networks in the Northern

Aegean, Greece. Vol. II: Bone Tool Industries, Dietary Resources and the

Paleoenvironment, and ArcheometricalStudies. Prehistory monographs, 31.

Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, pp. 267-288

Karali L. and Tsaliki A. (2011) «Les suppliciés de Paléon Phaliron: un cas

d’exécution par apotympanismos dans l’Athènes Classique». Proceedings of

the 3e Colloque de Pathographie, Bourges, France 3 - 5 Avril 2009. Paris :

De Boccard, pp

Karali L.(2010) “Comments on: Indicator Assesment for Cultural Heritage

by K. Karkalis, Final Conference of COST356-EST,Towards the Definition

of a measurable sustainability in transport, pp. 166-169 & pp. 341-346

Karali L.(2010) “The seashells of Maroulas, Kythnos”, Sampson A.,

Kaczanowska M.& Kozlowski J.K.(ed.), The Prehistory of the Island

of Kythnos (Cyclades, Greece) and the Mesolithic settlement at Maroulas.

Krakow:The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences - The University of the

Aegean,pp 147-150

Karali, L. (2009) “Archaeomalacological Research in Greece (The project is

co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources)”, in

Adamopoulos, A. (ed.) “Ecological Crisis and Education/ Oikologiki Krisi

kai Paideia”, O.K.F.P., Pyrgos, pp. 128-140.

Karali, L. and Megaloudi, F. (2008) “I Mageia kai I Iatriki stin Archaia

Ellada/ Magic and Medicine in Ancient Greece” in “Celestia” vol.1.

November 2008, pp. 57-58.

Karali, L., (2008) «L’Alimentation: Appendice A. Mollusques marins dans

les sédiments archéologiques ; Appendice B. Les échinoides ; Le paysage


actuel », in. Luce J.-M. et al. (ed) L’aire du pilier des Rhodiens (fouille

1990-1992) à la frontière du profane et du sacré. Athènes, Ecole Française

d’Athènes. pp. 285-286, pp. 293-397

Karali, L., (2008) “Osteological Report”, in Kontogiannis N. “Excavations

of a13nth Century Church near Vasilitsi, Southern Messenia”, Hesperia,

vol.77, pp. 531-537

Karali, L. (2008) “Les apports de la malacologie à la paléopathologie” , in

Charlier, Ph. (ed.), “Ostéo-archéologie et techniques médicolégales,

tendances et perspectives pour un “manuel pratique de paleopathologie

humaine”, Collection Pathographie-2, De Boccard, Paris, 2008, pp. 77-80

Karali, L. and Megaloudi F. (2008) “Purple Dyes in the Environment and

History of the Aegean: A short review” in Alfaro C., Karali L. (eds.)

«Purpurae Vestes II. Vestidos, textiles y tintes. Estudios sobre la producion

de bienes de consumo en la Antiguedad » PUV, Valencia, pp. 181-184.

Karali, L. (2007) “The malacological material” in Marangou L., Renfrew C.,

Doumas C. “Markiani Amorgos “, Brown D. 2007, pp. 242-244

Karali L., Mavridis F., Yamaguchi D.(2005) “Excavations at Leontari Cave,

Hymmetus, Attica” Bulletin of the Aegean Society of Japan, 19, , pp. 1-10

Karali L., Vavouranakis G., Manginis G., and Tsaliki A. (2005) “The

contribution of salvage excavations in the comprehension of material culture

and historic-cultural process in prehistoric Cyprus: The graves at Avdimou-

Kamares / Η συμβολή των σωστικών ανασκαφών στην κατανόηση του

υλικού πολιτισμού και των ιστορικό-κοινωνικών δρωμένων της

Προϊστορικής Κύπρου: Οι τάφοι στη θέση Αυδήμου-Καμάρες». RDAC,

Cyprus (in Greek) pp.149-168

Karali, L. (2004) “Testimonianze della produzione della porpora nell’ Egeo

nell’ antiquità”. «Preistoria Alpina» v. 40 (2004) pp. 3-9, Museo Tridentino

di Scienze Naturali, Trento 2005.

Karali, L. (2004) “First evidence of the archaeological context of burials

from Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Greece”. Karali, L., Gkioni, M., in Smejda,

L. and Turek, J. (eds.) “Spatial analysis of funeral areas”, University of West

Bohemia, Department of Archaeology, Pluzen, 2004, pp. 9-14

Karali, L. (2004) “Alexandre Le Grand et l’environnement: Une proposition

sur les moyens de reconstitution”, in «SKEPSIS/ ΣΚΕΨΙΣ, Journal of

philosophy and interdisciplinary research. Special edition on honour of prof.

L.Bartzeliotis, Athens, XV/ii-iii, pp. 75-82.

Karali, L.and Gkioni M. (2004) “The archaeological approach of

environment/Η αρχαιολογική προσέγγιση του περιβάλλοντος», CORPUS 48,

April 2004, (in Greek), pp.72-81.

Karali, L., Gkioni, M. (2004) “First evidence of the archaeological context of

burials from Paleolithic and Mesolithic Greece”, in Šmejda L., Turek J.

(ed.),University of West Bohemia, Plzeň 2004, pp. 9-14

Karali, L. (2004) « Archeozoological material from Apollo’ s sanctuary:

Kardamaina Kos / Αρχαιοζωολογικό υλικό από το ιερό του Απόλλωνα στην

Καρδάμαινα της Κω», στο «ΧΑΡΙΣ ΧΑΙΡΕ, Μελέτες στη μνήμη της Χάρης

Κάντζια» Τόμος Α, ΥΠ.ΠΟ, Αρχαιολογικών Ινστιτούτων Αιγαιακών

Σπουδών, Αθήνα,(in Greek) pp. 99-110.

Karali, L. (2004) « Excavation at Stavroupolis (Part ii): Malacological

material / Ανασκαφή Σταυρούπολης: Μαλακολογικό Υλικό». Παράρτημα

Η΄ στο Γραμμένος Δ. Β. & Κώτσος Σ., «Σωστικές ανασκαφές στο Νεολιθικό

οικισμό Σταυρούπολης Θεσσαλονίκης, Μέρος ΙΙ» (1998 – 2003),

Θεσσαλονίκη, ,(in Greek) pp. 527 – 604.

Karali, L. (2003) “Molluscs in the Prehistoric Dodecanese” Mediterranean

Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 3, No 2, pp. 63-72.


Karali, L. (2003) “Law and Archaeology: Protection of the cultural

Environment/ Δίκαιο και Αρχαιολογία.: Προστασία Πολιτιστικού

Περιβάλλοντος», στο Περιβάλλον και Δίκαιο, τ. 26. Αθήνα 4/2003 (in

Greek), pp. 679 – 683.

Karali, L. (2003) «La porpora prima dei Fenici», Dentro la conchiglia. I

molluschi alla conquista del mondo, Catalogo a cura di O. Negra e G. Zobele

Lipparini, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Trento Italy, σελ. 410-413.

Karali, L. (2003) « The human skeleton from Trench Λ/ Ο ανθρώπινος

σκελετός του Σκάμματος Λ », στο Δωρή, Ε., Βελισσάριου, Π. και

Μιχαηλίδης, Μ. (ed.), «ΚΑΤΩ ΚΑΣΤΡΟ, η πρώτη φάση των ανασκαφών

στο Βενετικό φρούριο της χώρας Άνδρου», Ανδριακά χρονικά 34, Άνδρος,

σ. 205-209.

Karali, L. (2002) « Messimeriani Toumba: The malacological material/

Μεσημεριανή Τούμπα: μαλακολογικό υλικό». Παράρτημα Ε’ στο

Γραμμένος Δ. Β. & Κώτσος Σ., «Ανασκαφή στο προϊστορικό οικισμό

«Μεσημεριανή Τούμπα» τριλόφου Ν. Θεσσαλονίκης. Ανασκαφικές περίοδοι

1992, 1994 – 1996. 2000. 2001, Θεσσαλονίκη, (in Greek), pp. 359 – 437.

Karali, L. (2002) « Stavroupolis excavation: The malacological material/

Ανασκαφή Σταυρούπολης: μαλακολογικό υλικό». Παράρτημα Στ’ στο

Γραμμένος Δ. Β. & Κώτσος Σ., Σωστικές ανασκαφές στο Νεολιθικό οικισμό

Σταυρούπολης Θεσσαλονίκης, Θεσσαλονίκη,(in Greek) pp. 745 – 803.

Karali, L. (2002) “Exploitation du genre Murex en mer Égée” in Gardeisen,

A. (éd.), Mouvements ou déplacements de populations animales en

Méditerranée au cours de l’Holocène. Séminaire de recherche du thème 15

Archéologie de l’Animal (UMR 154 – CNRS) Lattes – Montpellier (France),

29 Septembre 2000, BAR International Series 1017, pp. 105-108.

Karali, L. (2002) “Ftelia on Mykonos: The Molluscan Material”. Chapter 9-

II. in Sampson, Ad. «The Neolithic Settlement at Ftelia, Mykonos»,

Rhodos. pp. 201-220.

Karali, L. (2002) “The animals of Prehistoric Cyprus”. In World Islands in

Prehistory, Waldren, W., H. & Ensenyat, J. A., (eds.), International Insular

Investigations, V Deia International Conference of Prehistory, BAR 1095,


Karali, L., Megaloudi, F., Marinval, P. (2001) « Carpology: Terminology

and methodology/ Καρπολογία: Ορισμοί και τεχνικές». Τεχνολογία, τευχ.

10-11, (in Greek) pp. 55-58.

Karali, L., (2001) «Archaeology and Environment: the importance of the

shells’ study/Αρχαιολογία και Περιβάλλον: Η Σημασία της Μελέτης των

Οστρέων», στο Μπασιάκος Γ., Αλούπη Ε.,Φακορέλης Γ.,(εκδ.)

«Αρχαιομετρικές Μελέτες για την Ελληνική Προϊστορία και Αρχαιότητα»,

Ελληνική Αρχαιομετρική Εταιρεία και Εταιρεία Μεσσηνιακών

Αρχαιολογικών Σπουδών, Αθήνα, (in Greek) pp.103-109.

Karali, L. (2001) «Preliminary analysis of the malacological material from

Youra/ Προκαταρκτική μελέτη του μαλακολογικού υλικού των Γιούρων»,

στο”, Αδ. Σάμψων (επιμ.), “Αρχαιολογική έρευνα στις Βόρειες Σποράδες

Αλόννησος, (in Greek) pp. 169-202.

Karali, L. (2001) « Marine World: Diet and Fishing at Akrotiri Θαλάσσιος

Κόσμος: Διαιτολόγιο και Αλιεία στο Ακρωτήρι», στο Ι. Μ. Δανέζης (ed.)

«Σαντορίνη: Θήρα, Θηρασία, Ασπρονήσι, Ηφαιστεία», Αθήνα,(in Greek),

pp .183-188.

Karali L., and Tsaliki A. (2001) “Paleoanthropological Remarks on

Skeletons from Neolithic Cyprus”, In M. La Verghetta and L. Capasso

(eds.), Proceedings of the XIII European Meeting of the Paleopathology

Association, Chieti, Italy, 18-23 Sept. 2000, Edigrafital S.p.A.: Teramo-


Italy, pp. 135-138.

Karali, L. (2000) « Paleoenvironmental material from the Neolithic site

Kantou-Kouphovounos/ Παλαιοπεριβαλλοντικό υλικό από την νεολιθική

θέση Καντού-Κουφόβουνος»,στο Γ’ Πρακτικά του 3ου Διεθνούς

Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία, (in Greek), pp. 237-244.

Karali, L. (2000) « Man and Environment in Prehistoric Elis/ Ο άνθρωπος

και το περιβάλλον της Ήλιδος κατά τους προϊστορικούς χρόνους», VIIIth

International Meeting on Logos and Art, “Polis and Culture”, 1-5/7/1997,

Olympic International Center, Ίφιτος; Αθήνα (in Greek) pp .9-26.

Karali, L. (2000) “Evolution Actuelle de l’archéozoologie en Grèce”, 4th

International ASWA Conference (Paris 6-3/7/1998) , in Mashkour, M.,

Choyke, A. M., Buitenhuis, H., Poplin, F. (eds.), “Archeozoology of S.W.

Asia and Adjacent Areas”, Groningen, pp.187-196

Karali, L. (2000) “La Malacofaune à l’âge du Bronze et à la Période

Géométrique”, Actes de la Table ronde Internationale, Université de

Toulouse-Le Mirail, 27-28/11/1998, in Pallas : Revue d'Ėtudes Antiques 52,

“Paysage et Alimentation dans le Monde grec Antique: Les innovations du

premier millénaire avant J-C”, pp. 115-131.

Karali, L. (1999) « The malacological material of Thasos. The sea shells as

raw material/ Το μαλακολογικό υλικό της Θάσου. Τα όστρεα ως πρώτη

ύλη», Θάσος, «Πρώτες Ύλες και Τεχνολογία ως σήμερα», 26-29/9/1995,

ΙΗ΄ Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Καβάλας και Γαλλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή,

Λιμενάρια Θάσου», Θάσος, (in Greek) pp.389-399.

Karali, L. (1999) «Ornaments in Neolithic Macedonia /Η Κόσμηση στη

Νεολιθική Μακεδονία: Κοσμήματα οστρέινα, οστέινα, λίθινα, μετάλλινα»,

ΣΤ΄ Διεθνές Συμπόσιο για την Αρχαία Μακεδονία, «Η Κόσμηση στην

προϊστορική Μακεδονία», 15-19/10/1996, Ίδρυμα Μελετών της

Χερσονήσου του Αίμου, Θεσσαλονίκη,(in Greek) pp.531-536.

Karali, L., Mavridis F. (1998) « The first appearance of vine in northern

Greece during the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. Reflections and

proposals/ Η πρώτη εμφάνιση της αμπέλου. Προβληματισμοί και προτάσεις

για την ένταξη της αμπέλου και των προϊόντων της στη νεολιθική και την

Πρωτο-Χαλκή περίοδο της Βόρειας Ελλάδας", στo «Αμπελοοινική Ιστορία

στο χώρο της Μακεδονίας και της Θράκης», Νάουσα, 17-19/9/1993,

Πολιτιστικό Τεχνολογικό Ίδρυμα ΕΤΒΑ, Αθήνα, (in Greek) pp.150-157.

Karali, L. (1998) «The study of the coprolites/ Μελέτη Κοπρολίθων»,

Αρχαιολογία, τ.66, (in Greek) pp.81-83.

Karali, L. (1998) « Environmental Archaeology and historical landscape

reconstruction/ Η Περιβαλλοντική Αρχαιολογία στην αποκατάσταση του

Ιστορικού Τοπίου», Ελληνική Εταιρεία: Ένωση Φίλων της Ακροπόλεως,

Μπενάκειο Φυτοπαθολογικό Ινστιτούτο, «Αυτοφυής Βλάστηση στους

Αρχαιολογικούς Χώρους», 22-23/5/1998, Ένωση Φίλων Ακροπόλεως,

Αθήνα, (in Greek), pp.84-87.

Karali, L., Vellidou Ch. (1998) « Markovits’ work at Antiparos cave / Ο

Μάρκοβιτς και το έργο του στο σπήλαιο της Αντιπάρου», Ημερίδα:

«Σπηλαιολογικές και Προϊστορικές Έρευνες του Α. Μάρκοβιτς στην

Ελλάδα», Αθήνα 30/11/1993, Acta Anthropologica, Ανθρωπολογικό

Μουσείο, Αθήνα, (in Greek), pp.95-102.

Karali, L. (1998) « Malacological material from Alepotrypa cave in Mani/

Μαλακολογικό υλικό του σπηλαίου Αλεπότρυπα Μάνης», Πρακτικά Α΄

Πανελλήνιου Σπηλαιολογικού Συνεδρίου: «Άνθρωπος και

Σπηλαιοπεριβάλλον», 26-29/11/1992, Τ.Α.Π., Α.Δ. 68, Αθήνα, (in Greek),

pp. 107-114.

Karali, L. (1997) «Methods for the reconstruction of the paleoenvironment


of Aetoloakarnania: Reflections and Proposals/ Τρόποι ανασυστάσεως

Παλαιοπεριβάλλοντος Αιτωλοακαρνανίας: Προβληματισμοί -Προτάσεις»,

Μεσολόγγι. Α΄ Διεθνές Αρχαιολογικό Συμπόσιο για την Αιτωλοακαρνανία,

13-15/12/1991, Παρουσία ΙΑ΄-ΙΒ΄, Αθήνα, (in Greek), pp.281-293, πιν.2,


Karali, L. (1997) « Historical and archaeological evidence for the purple-

dye/ Η ιστορική και αρχαιολογική μαρτυρία για την Πορφύρα», 1ο Διεθνές

Συνέδριο Αρχαία Ελληνική Τεχνολογία, 4-7/9/1997, Εταιρεία Μελέτης

Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Τεχνολογίας, Τεχνικό Μουσείο Θεσσαλονίκης,

Θεσσαλονίκη, (in Greek), pp.325-329.

Karali, L., Laoupi A. (1997), «An attempt for the reconstruction of the

palaeoenvironment of Thrace during the classical period/ Προσπάθεια

ανασύστασης του παλαιοπεριβάλλοντος της Θράκης κατά τους Κλασσικούς

Χρόνους», Β΄ Διεθνές Συμπόσιο Θρακικών Σπουδών: Μορφωτικός Όμιλος

Κομοτηνής, 20-27/9/1992, Κομοτηνή, (in Greek), pp.403-428.

Karali, L. (1997) « Significance of the shell material of prehistoric

Poliochni/ Η σημασία των οστρέων της Προϊστορικής Πολιόχνης», στο «Η

Πολιόχνη και η Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο», Διεθνές

Συνέδριο, 22-25/4/1996, Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Σχολή και Πανεπιστήμιο

Αθηνών, Αθήνα, (in Greek) pp.195-200.

Karali, L. (1997) «Significance of the sea shells in prehistoric Aegean and

Cyprus/ Η σημασία των θαλασσινών οστρέων στην προϊστορία του Αιγαίου

και της Κύπρου», Γ΄ Διεθνές Κυπρολογικό Συνέδριο «Η Κύπρος και το

Αιγαίο στην Αρχαιότητα», 8-10/12/1995, Πρακτικά, Λευκωσία, (in Greek),


Karali, L. (1997) “Dimitra-Matériel Malacologique”, στο «Νεολιθική

Μακεδονία», Δ. Γραμμένος Τ.Α.Π., Αθήνα, παρ. 11, (in Greek), pp..201-

211, πιν.34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 52, 54, 55, 56.

Karali, L. (1997) « Malacological material from the cave of the Lakes/

Μαλακολογικό υλικό από το σπήλαιο των Λιμνών», στο Αδ. Σάμψων, «Το

σπήλαιο των Λιμνών στα Καστριά Καλαβρύτων», ,Εταιρεία

Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών, αρ.7 Αθήνα, (in Greek) pp.483-484.

Karali, L. (1996) «Ornaments from bone, shell and stone in Neolithic

Greece/ Κόσμηση από οστό, όστρεο και λίθο στη Νεολιθική Ελλάδα», Γ.

Παπαθανασόπουλος (εκδ.), «Ο Νεολιθικός Πολιτισμός στην Ελλάδα»,

Ίδρυμα Ν.Π. Γουλανδρή, Αθήνα, (in Greek and English) pp.165-166,335-


Karali, L. (1996) “Marine Invertebrates and Minoan Art”, in “Pleistocene

and Holocene Fauna of Crete and its First Settlers”, Monographs in World

Archaeology no. 28, Prehistory Press, D.S. Reese, (ed.) University of

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, pp.413-422.

Karali, L. (1996) «Paleoenvironmetal material from the Neolithic site

Kantou-Koufovounos/ Παλαιοπεριβαλλοντικό υλικό από τη Νεολιθική Θέση

Καντού-Κουφόβουνος», Επίμετρο στo Ε. Μαντζουράνη, «Έκθεση

Αποτελεσμάτων της ανασκαφής στη θέση Καντού-Κουφόβουνος κατά τις

περιόδους 1994-1995», Επιστημονική Επετηρίς του Τμήματος

Αρχαιοτήτων, Λευκωσία, (in Greek), pp.25-28.

Karali, L. (1996) « Shells during the Paleolithic period/ Τα μαλάκια κατά

την Παλαιολιθική Περίοδο», Αρχαιολογία, τ.58, Μάρτιος, (in Greek), pp.54-


Karali, L., Gkogkolos, N., Meramveliotaki, E., Mpourmpou, Ch., Palli, O.,

Papadea, A., Papakosta, M.S., Salagianni, E., Tsaliki, A. And Psathi, E.

(1995) « The Neolithic site of Pousi-Kalogeri. An archaeoenvironmental

approach/ Η Νεολιθική θέση Πούσι-Καλογέρι. Μια πρώτη περιβαλλοντική


προσέγγιση», Αρχαιολογία, τ.56, Σεπτέμβριος 1995, (in Greek) pp.70-73.

Karali, L., Laoupi, A., Makri, E., Kavoura, I. And Tsota, E. (1995)

«Environment and Archaeology: Environmental Archaeology in modern

Greece/ Περιβάλλον και Αρχαιολογία: Η Περιβαλλοντική Αρχαιολογία στην

Ελλάδα σήμερα», Αρχαιολογία, τ.56, Σεπτέμβριος 1995, (in Greek), pp.64-


Karali, L. (1993) «Fossilized hair/ Απολιθωμένες τρίχες», Αρχαιολογία,

τ.46, Μάρτιος 1993, (in Greek), pp.65-68.

Karali, L. (1993) « Malacological material from Kalogerovrysi./Το

μαλακολογικό υλικό από την Καλογερόβρυση», στο Σάμψων Αδ.,

«Καλογερόβρυση. Ένας οικισμός της Πρώιμης και Μέσης Χαλκοκρατίας

στα Φύλλα της Εύβοιας», Αθήνα, κεφ. 7-ΙΙΙ, (in Greek) , pp.169-173.

Karali, L. (1993) «Seashells and Landsnails from Skoteini cave in

Tharounia/ Θαλάσσια όστρεα και χερσαία μαλάκια από το σπήλαιο

Σκοτεινή», στο Σάμψων Αδ., «Σκοτεινή Θαρρουνίων: Το σπήλαιο, ο

οικισμός, και το νεκροταφείο»,Αθήνα, κεφ. 10-ΙΙΙ, (in Greek) pp.370-377.

Karali, L. (1993) “La parure en Coquillage en région méditerranéenne”,

Αρχαιογνωσία, τ.7, 1991-1992, Αθήνα, pp.41-64, πιν.4-14.

Karali, L. (1992) “Les mollusques au site de Dikili-Tash”, Village

préhistorique de Macédoine Orientale, B.C.H., Suppl. XXIV, vol. 1, p.112-

113, 153-164, pl.164-166, 206-207.

Karali, L. (1992) « Malacological material from Santorini/ Το μαλακολογικό

υλικό της Σαντορίνης», Ημερίδα, «Ακρωτήρι Θήρας, είκοσι χρόνια έρευνας

(1967-1987) Συμπεράσματα-Προβλήματα-Προοπτικές», Αθήνα 19/12/1987,

Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, αρ.116, Αθήνα, (in

Greek) pp.163-172.

Karali, L. (1992) «Bracelets out of Spondylus / Βραχιόλια από σπόνδυλο»,

Ανθρωπολογικό Συμπόσιο: «Άνθρωπος και Περιβάλλον στον Ελλαδικό

χώρο», Ανθρωπολογικά Ανάλεκτα, τόμος, 50 (2),(in Greek), pp.57-61.

Karali, L. (1992) «The malacological material from the cemeteries Kastri

and Larnaki in Thasos/ Μελέτη του μαλακολογικού υλικού από τα

νεκροταφεία Καστρί και Λαρνάκι Θάσου», στο «Τα νεκροταφεία του

οικισμού Καστρί», Χ. Κουκούλη-Χρυσανθάκη, Τ.Α.Π., Δημοσιεύματα του

Αρχαιολογικού Δελτίου αρ.45, Αθήνα, τ.Β, (in Greek), pp.753-759.

Karali, L. (1992) « The protohistoric settlement of Dimitra -The

malacological material/ Πρωτοϊστορικός οικισμός Δήμητρας -

Μαλακολογικό υλικό», Ανθρωπολογικά Ανάλεκτα, τ.50 (2), Αθήνα, (in

Greek), pp 19-36, table.1, fig.33.

Karali, L. (1992) “Sources of Ivory in the Aegean Bronze Age: an

environmental approach”, in “Ivory in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean

from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period”, London 12-13/12/1990, L.

Fitton, (ed.) British Museum Occasional Paper 85, London, pp.57-60.

Karali, L. (1991) “Parure au site Dimitra en Macédoine protohistorique”, 3e

Rencontre Égéenne Internationale, Thalassa, “L’Egée Préhistorique et la

mer”, 23-25/4/1990, Université de Liège, Histoire de l’art et archéologie de

la Grèce antique, Liège, pp.315-322, pl. LXIV-LXV.

Karali, L. (1991) “Le Rôle des Mollusques à l’Ère Préhistorique dans l’île de

Thassos”, Table Ronde: “Les sites submergés -méthodes de recherche. Les

agglomérations côtières de la Thrace”, Sozopole, 6-12/10/1988, Sofia,


Karali, L. (1991) « The necessity and the importance of malacological

research in the ancient settlements in the region of Aetoloakarnania/ Ανάγκη

και σημασία της Μαλακολογικής έρευνας στους αρχαίους οικισμούς στην

περιοχή Αιτωλοακαρνανίας», Πρακτικά Α΄ Αρχαιολογικού και Ιστορικού


Συνεδρίου Αιτωλοακαρνανίας, 21-23/10/1988, Νομαρχία

Αιτωλοακαρνανίας, Δήμος Αγρινίου,(in Greek), pp.228-233, fig.1, table.57-


Karali, L. (1991) «Environmental Archaeology/Περιβαλλοντική

Αρχαιολογία», Αρχαιολογία, τ.38, Μάρτιος 1991, σ.84-86.

Karali, L. (1990) « The importance and the uses of seashells in Prehistoric

Aegean/ Σημασία και Χρήσεις των θαλασσινών οστρέων στο Προϊστορικό

Αιγαίο», Τριήμερο Αιγαίου, Παρνασσός, 21-21/12/1989, τόμος ΛΒ΄, Αθήνα,

(in Greek), pp.123-129.

E. Aloupi, Y. Maniatis, T. Papadellis, L. Karali (1990) “Analysis of a Purple

Material Found at Akrotiri”, Third International Congress, “Thera and the

Aegean World” Santorini 3-9/9/1989, Thera Foundation, London, vol. I,


Karali, L. (1990) “Sea Shells. Land Snails and other marine Remains from

Akrotiri”, Third International Congress, “Thera and the Aegean World”,

Santorini 3-9/9/1989, Thera Foundation, London, vol. II, pp.410-415.

Karali, L. (1989) “Les mollusques de Porto-Lagos”, Byzantinische

Forschungen, Internationale. Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik; herausgegeben

von Adolf M. Hakkert und Walter E. Kaegi Jr., Band XIV-Amsterdam,

p.247-251, pl. LXI-LX7.

Karali, L. (1989) « Homo-A short critical overview of the evolutionary

theories/ Άνθρωπος-Σύντομη κριτική των θεωριών της Εξέλιξης»,

Ανθρωπολογικά και Αρχαιολογικά Χρονικά, Ευβοϊκή Αρχαιόφιλος

Εταιρεία, τ.3, (in Greek), pp.7-10.

Karali, L. (1988) « Purple dye, a precious dye in antiquity/Η Πορφύρα, μια

πολύτιμη χρωστική της Αρχαιότητας», Ανθρωπολογικά Ανάλεκτα,

Ελληνική Ανθρωπολογική Εταιρεία, τόμος 49, τευχ. Β, (in Greek), pp.41-43.

Karali, L. (1988) « The history of the foundation of the Museum of

Anthropology/ Ιστορία της ίδρυσης και στέγασης του Ανθρωπολογικού

Μουσείου», Αρχαιολογία, τ.28, Σεπτέμβριος (in Greek), pp 74-75.

Karali, L. (1987) «The human skull/ Το Ανθρώπινο Κρανίο», Αρχαιολογία,

τ.24, Σεπτέμβριος (in Greek), pp. 77-79.

Karali, L. (1987) «Epigenetic characteristics in skulls of the Bronze,

Classical period and the medieval period/ Ασύμμετρα χαρακτηριστικά σε

κρανία, εποχή Χαλκού, Κλασσικών και μεσαιωνικών χρόνων». Μελέτη από

τη συλλογή του Ανθρωπολογικού Μουσείου του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών,

Αθήνα, (in Greek), pp 51, table.8, fig.13.

Karali, L. (1986) « Archaeology and the study of seashells/Η Αρχαιολογία

και η μελέτη των θαλασσινών οστρέων», Αρχαιολογία, τ.19, Μάιος, (in

Greek), pp.57-59.

Karali, L. (1983) « Malacological material from Alepotrypa cave , Dyros

Laconia/ Μαλακολογικό υλικό του σπηλαίου Αλεπότρυπα Διρού

Λακωνίας», Διεθνές Συμπόσιο για τα προβλήματα των διευθετημένων

σπηλαίων, 1-4/9/1983, Αθήνα, Ελλ. Σπηλαιολογική Εταιρεία, (in Greek), pp.


Karali, L. (1982) «Malacological material/ Μαλακολογικό υλικό», Επίμετρο

Α΄, στο Μπακιρτζή Χ., Αρχαιολογικές έρευνες στο Πόρτο-Λάγος (Θράκη),

Fondation européenne de la science. Activité Byzantine. Rapport des

missions effectuées en 1981, Paris, pp.71-74,100-104.

Karali, L. (1982) « The history of the cave of Kitsos/ Η Ιστορία της σπηλιάς

του Κίτσου», στο Πανελλήνιο Σπηλαιολογικό Συμπόσιο 11-13/12/1981,

Δελτίο Ελληνικής Σπηλαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1981-82, τευχ.18, Αθήνα, (in

Greek), pp. 189-190.

Karali, L. (1981) « Malacological material, osteological material/


Μαλακολογικό υλικό, οστεολογικό υλικό», Επίμετρο Α΄, στο Μπακιρτζή X.,

Αρχαιολογικές έρευνες στο Πόρτο-Λάγος (Θράκη), Fondation Européenne

de la science. Activité Byzantine. Rapport des missions effectuées en 1980,

Paris, pp.8-9.

Karali, L. (1981) «Malacological material/ Μαλακολογικό υλικό»,

Παράρτημα III, στην «Ανασκαφή σε οικισμό της Πρώιμης Εποχής του

Χαλκού στην Πεντάπολη του νομού Σερρών», Δ. Γραμμένου Α.Ε., (in

Greek), pp.115-118.

Karali, L. (1981) “Céramique Grossière”, dans “La grotte préhistorique de

Kitsos”, ed. ADPF, Paris, vol.1, p.349-372.

Karali, L. (1981) “Histoire récente de la grotte de Kitsos”, dans “La grotte

préhistorique de Kitsos”, ed. ADPF, Paris, vol.1, p.29-34.

Major recent

research projects

Membership in

Scientific Boards

(in the past and/or now)

Web-sites &

Web Documents

Enrichment of the database of the Palaeo-environment of Greece.

Purple dye database ,studies on purple.

Equipment and development of the «Laboratory of Environmental


Study of human and animal remains (bones, shells) from various excavations:

Akrotiri of Thera, Halae, Keros, Kantou Koufovounos, Karthage, Kovačevo,

Athens Agora, Thasos, Kos, Delfi, Helike, Thorikos e.t.c.

Organizing workshops and other activities with «The UOA Group of

Environmental Archaeology».

Organizing the final stages of study and analysis of the Excavation at Leontari

Cave, Hymettus.

Member of “The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and

the Cultural Heritage”. Member of the Board of Directors of the Board for the

Protection of the Natural Environment (ΣΦΥΠ)

Member of the Museum Committee and in charge for the organization of the

didactic collections of the Environmental Department at the Museum of

Didactic Collections of the Department of Archaeology and History of Art.

Member of the Board of Directors of the «Laboratory of Environmental

Archaeology» of the British School of Archaeology at Athens.

Member of the Académie de Paris, Attachée du centre de Recherches no12,

του C.N.R.S. of the laboratory of the Protohistory of Central Europe.

Member of the Laboratory of Archaeozoology of the Musée de Paléontologie


ISUD, General Secretary

Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture ,General Secretary


L.Karali (2013), “Environment and mollusks”, Journal for the prehistory of

Macedonia ,παραρτημα (in Greek)

L. Karali, F. Mavridis, L. Kormazopoulou, (2005) “Cultural landscapes

during the Late and Final Neolithic of the Aegean: A case study from

Leontari cave, Mt Hymettus, Athens, Greece”. Antiquity, 79,303, March

(Project Gallery).


Karali, L. and Tsaliki, A. (2001) Four Chamber Tombs at Audemou-

Kamares, Cyprus (ca 2000-1700 BC) – Preliminary Osteological Analysis.

Ancient Cyprus Web Project, (date of

access: 29/12/2002)

Karali, L. and Tsaliki, A. (2001) Paleoanthropological Remarks on Skeletons

from Neolithic Cyprus. In M. La Verghetta and L. Capasso (eds.),

Proceedings of the XIII European Meeting of the Paleopathology

Association, Chieti, Italy, 18-23 Sept. 2000, Edigrafital S.p.A.: Teramo-

Italy, 135-138 (Also re-published online at the Ancient Cyprus Web Project

site, (date of

access: 23/12/2002)

Karali, L. and Tsaliki, A. (2000) “The Team for Environmental Archaeology

at the University of Athens, Greece.

(date of access: 21/8/2000) (director of the site:

Environmental Archaeology in Greece) (database of Environmental


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