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Post on 27-Mar-2018






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Games to be Played.July 80—Chiiag.) at Cleveland, Brooklyn «t New

York. Phila.lelphlaat Boston, Baltimore at Wash- liut-i), Louisville at 1'itttburg, St. LuUii at Cincin­ nati.

Aug. 1. 2— piltshnrg at Chicago, Now York at Button, W'nshlniiti.n nt Brooklyn, St. Lnuls at Cleveland. Clncnm-li at'lo, Philadelphia at Ballimore.

Aug. A —Wa ninulon at New Y> rk. r.altimorp at Bo-- t.ii, Phila Ii-Mila at Brooklyn. Pillsburg at Ciuciu- naii. Cleveland at Louisville.

Aug. 4—Ctiiciiii, at St. Louis, Washington «t N«w Y.irk, Baltimore at Bo»!on. Pbinvli Iphia at Ilio.-k- lyu. I'iit-bur,; at Cincinnati, Cleveland H{ l.onisvHie.

Aug. 5—Clnc.ig» at St. Louis, Baltimore at New York, 11' Eton it Bn.i.klyn, W«-hlngtou at Philadelphia.

AUK. 0—Ciuciunatl tit Chicago, B.liimore at New York, Bootiin at Brooklyn, Washington at Phila­ delphia, Cleveland at Pilt-buig, Louisville at St. Louis.

The Record.The second season of the League has de­

veloped a wonderful rnee, nnd eo fnr R-mply, Justified the experiment of dividing (lie fea- eon. All of tlie teams ixresliowing up stronger than in the first season, ami thus make the struggle a fierce and exciting one. Never before was such interest shown in Hie race in the dullest month of the bnse hnll season— July. The first season champions made a poor start, nnd have been down in the second division, keeping company with such strong teams as Cincinnati, Chicago, Pittsburg, Louis­ ville and St. I.ouis, the latter two of whom bring up at the tail. Brooklyn and Phila­ delphia are having the struggleior first place to themselves temporarily, with the erstwhile despised Giants right upon their heels. No less than four clubs—Washington,Cleveland, Baltimore nnd Boston—are tied for fourth place nt this writing. The most surprising and withal gratifying improvement has been shown by the late tail-ender, Baltimore, which is now proving a mutch for any oppo­ nent. The record below is complete up to July 27, inclusive:

jflfji Ii i-i 8

o0 2

0 0, 1u 2! oo! o o

0 0I u


U 0

3| 51 C


1 4|

u io! o0

ll 0

e| 9| 6

6 .515 8; .727

.545 .455 .515 .455 .273 .600 7-27

41 .400 2 .182 6 .645


Brooklyn..... 8I'hilailelp'a.. 8New Yi rk... 6JJoSt,,!!......... 6Baltimore.... 6 Cleveland..... 6

Won. Lost. Pci.l3 .727|Wnshlnglon 6S .727jClilciutn..._ 54 .6(10 Cincinnati... 6B .6-IA8 .64S6 .645 St. Louis...... 2

Woo. Lost. Pet.

Piltslurg.... 4 L.n-sville.... 3

6 .5458 .4556 .4556 .4(108 .273» .181!

/Games Flayed Thursday, July 21.f PHILADELPHIA vs. ST. Louis AT PUILADELPIIIA

JULY 21.—B.-tii pitchers \\eie effective, aud the Browns we-ie whitewashed. Keefe piicbed tlie first six innings and a (art of llie seventh and tlieu re­ tired in favor of We>hm>r ttn account of a paiu in the Bide. Cn.oks was fined J35 ai>d taken out of Iho game b> Umpire Emsiie, auii G'easun was fiued $10 fur bick talk. Delei.nnty's batting won tbe fcatue lor the PhiMies. Tho <

ST. LOUIS. ABU. B. P. A.I| Pill LA. AB.B. B. P. A.I Cair,,ll, If.... 4 0 1 "2 0 0 Cro«,3b......3 00 2 21Crooks, 2li.....2 U 1Gli-a-oii. 2b_0 00 Uerden, Ih. 400 Glasn-ock, M 4 (I 0 Caruthern.i f 3 0 0 Brodie rt.... 3 0 1riiikuey, ob3 00 lini-kley, c... 4 00 (ialvju.p...... 4 0 <>~

2 3 1 4 0 0 10 000 00 Hallniau.2b.3 00 38 0 1 riiomp'n. rf. 2 0 1 23 2 1 Delehiinly,«r4 2 3 20 0 <j Clements, c.. 1 0 0. 22 If 0 Alien, '»...... 4 0 1 2

0 0 lUilly, If.. ...4 004

..BroutheV.ll. 3 0 1 4 00O'llrien, !f...3 20 Kiiuluw, c.. 4 1 2 Fuutz, p....... 3 (i 1

To-al ..... 3~45 8

6 1 0 Kiefe.'p-.—• 2 o 0 0 2( 5 * °|We\bing, p..l 0 I 000

Total...... 3lu 3 24 8 31 Total...... 31 2 U 27 11 -Bt. L.'ins..................... 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 t) 0—0Pli ladulpbia................ 0 I fl f> 0 0 0 1 x—2

turned riinu—Philadelphia 2. Home run—Dele- honty. Double | l«y—Ilailmau, Alleu; Crooks, (.!»«. cock, Werdeu. First on balls—Crooks 2, C.rutliers, Brottle, Pinknev, tiroas, Thompson 2, Uil by piliher— linl IIIHII. Stolen l.aae«—Br.nlie, Delehanly. Struck out—Carroll, C.iiutherB, Galvln, Uallman, Clements 2. Keef- 2. Passed bells—Clements 2. Time—2h Uurpne—Kinslie.BROOKLYN vs. LOUISVILLE AT BROOKLYN JULY 21.— The C.'loui-ls Lit Dave FouU har.l, particularly in tbe last two inning-, and earned seven runs off his de- livety. F'.n:£V*upport was of the best. Stratton wlio'pltched lor llie LoiiUvilies, was also hit hard, bn hi* fielders iut up a i henomenal gnne and took care of m»§t of the tide sbots that came from the Brooklyn bat*. Th>- score:BROOKLYN AB R. B. P. A.E LnflsVILLE.AB.R. B. P. A.I V art, 2b..... 611 2 31 Brown, cf.... 421 1}, rf..... 4 12301 Tajlor. II.... 5 1100Co"iorai.,»?_4 0 0 3 0 0 PMTer, 21..... 5 2 2 6 4Burns 3b..... 4 0 1 1 1 0 Weaver, rf... 4 2 2 0 0

' 8 0 1 Grim, c........ 5 3321200 Jrnnings, is 5 0 2 2 3 4 1 1 B,»s-tt,;«.... 5 1118412 Whistler. Ib5 0 0 16 n C 0 3 1 Slrntlun, p...4 0 1 0 3

2"" U 7| Tolal...... 42 fl T327 20 3LoUMVille...................! 0020004 4—1Br.oHyu..................... 0 01100021— C

Earn, d runs—Louisville 6, Brooklyn 3. Two bo»e hit—Pailey, tiilni. Three-ba« hit—Kin-low. Sncrl me hits—O.rcoriin 2. Klnslow, Fi.ntz. Tuyl..r2, Jen JJ|IIK«. S-olen l:a»es—O'Brien, Brown 2, Tajlor, Jen nii'g*2. Fii'ton eiror— Louisville 2, Brooklyn 1 First on I alls—(iff Strait..n 3. off Koutz 1. Struck on— IK Sitatt n 1, by Fontz 5. Double play—Brown PfeflVr. L-Ht i.n banes—LonUville ti. '

rtr.l bal — Gum./ Wild pilcli—Foutz. Umpinjgiiiiid. Time—1 44.Hi STON IS. Cll.VILAND AT B08TOV JULY 21.—The fetons played without science. Three lime* they

bad iw.. i.u (.Kites nnd un ne <mt, and did not score as tie m n failed to sacrifice. Siivetts pi ched well but iiis rtipport was utf. Kelly could not hold him and ibe J-pid'-isran buses at will. The score:

BOSTON. AB.R B. P. A.EjCLEVEI.ASU. AB.R. B. P, A.I Mrlaitliy,rl2 ll 0 0 0 0 t lulds, 21.... 2 0 0 1 1DuflT.c;...... 40110 0 Cnppi. rf..... 200 1 0 CL..IIIC ><...». 400 2 5 2 i O'Cnnni.r.lf_3 0 0 0 0 K-lly C.......4 1 1 6 0 OjDnvls. rl. 21... 3 0 1 1 2CN>irU,3h......3 0 1 0 3 0|»liKeun,-!... 3 1 0 5 4Tucker lb...4 0 0 10 0 0 Virtue, lb...41 191 I,o«e. If...... 4 0130 lljtlcAleer. cf.. 4 23 2 0Qninu. 2b....3 II I 2 2 0 Tel,enn,3K... 4 0 1 232biiVnfs, p.... 3 0 1_ 0 3 II Zimmer, C...4 0 0 6 1

Total...... 31 I 6 24 13 3J Young, p..... 200 1 10| Total...... 31 4 0 27 134RO.HIOII. ....................... oooooooi 0—;

Clev. lanil .................... 0 2000002 X—4Tarmd rtu.s—Boston t. Cleveland 1. Three-base

hit—filc\l.-e.r. Two-base lilts—Kelly, Tebeau. Suc- rlfic- liilr—t.ui g, Tel.ean, 'L mnier, Virtue. Stoiei baiwa—Davlf, Ttl.ean, Dnffy, Lowe, Yonne, SlcAleei £t«''ir t ou ball:*—McCarlt-y '2, Nnsh, Qutnn, Davis HP"..:.' McKean. OVomior. Fir-t on errors—" 2. CleTcli.nd3. Pa-fe-l balls—Kelly 2. Wild Bitch— Young. Struck out—Ziuiiner. Y'.uoir 2, nppy Lowe, Dnlfy. Double pUv —McKenn, Cbilds, Virtue

111:, On mi. Tn-ker; MiKian, Davi.; McKiau, Te- •ail. I'nii.ire—I'ur-t. Time—I.S6. WASIII>GTON vs. i INCINNATI AT WABIJJWOT-.N JUL

21.—l'w>ei was tix> nan b f.'r Wiifjhinnlok, while Cm clnn ti buiK-heil hits on Al.hey and VOTJ with com 1'nririve >as" Th- te«m got plenty of_men o bim • hui i-i.uid nol get them home. The B. P. A.» (-INrlNN'l. AB H. B. P. A. Ui.dhr.l rf... 3 0 1 2 0 0 Mi Phee.2b.. 4 1 2 4 2 D Mil 2li_... 5 0 0 I 4 1 Lalham, 3I...3 1 1 2 4 Hoy cf ..310 2 0 OlO'Neill. If... I 2 2 2 0 Million, 1K4 0 1 12 1 OjH.illida.v, rf..4 1 1 2 0 lirCnl'e ...300 4 0 pl('oi»iskey,lli4 0 1 6 0 in fl. P, If....4 0 0 0 0 OlSn.illi, -S.....4 0 1 3 3 Blchar.i'11,-1 4 1 1 1 4 o|w.-Ich, cf.....3 0 0 3 0 Alu- -v. p.... 4 0 2 1 6 0.1(nrHngfn,c3 1 1 4 I Robii sou, 3li4 'I * 1 1 "'Dwyer, p..._3 0 0 1 4

Total...... 33*" 6 24 16 ll Total..... 32 6 9 27 14Wnsi Inglou.................. ll 00100100—Cincinnati.............. .....2 0021100 I—«

Ertit.ej runs— W«Bbington 1, Cincinnati 3. Two- bii>e• i it— Jlill gun. Tbre-''tis, hit—Hi.Iliilay. Stole bine— Mcl'bi-e First 0-. balls -Off Abbey 1, offDwve 6 Minck out—By Al-l>ey 4, by Dwyer I. P^au'd bal— Mci;.,i e. Wild pitch—ALbey. Umpire—Lynch Tyfle-1 JO.

i YORE'B. CHICAOO AT NEW YORK JCLY21.— uate was a great p».7.zl- t<> Ai sun' s men, Kyan bei

tli<-• nit one i.f the Weetein.-rs to untile his deliver l.^.ii.-re (ban one h.t. Lul.y also pitched well, bu w.*'ltillur Eonie ttemendom smashes by D. Lyons Kiillei and t!.y<e. In Iheelitlith iiu-ing Denny Lvou ilrote the bull over tbe25-cent tleacberies, oulslileth ^r-.nnils nnd under the e'evated ntructure. It was on i f rhi- Ion**-t hiti! ever made nn the ground*. ScoreNfcW YOUK. AB R. B. P. A. ll CHICAGO. AB.R/B. P. A.

3 6 1 R.«D, cf.....4 1220 1 0 P«rrolt,31>... 4 0 0 0 0 Dal.len. »... 4 0 1

l»j be,


Iliitki-, 2b... S 0 0K.l.y'-ns, ci. 610

icrnnii, rf.. 4 0 1,. L>.us. 3b3 2 2

yl -, ....... 1 u I

.aalf l.cff I.uby 1. Blrock ont—By P.usle 4, by LubyDouble play—Burke, Bovle. L«fl on bases—New

'..ik 6, Chlcugo 5. Passed ball'-DovIe 3. Wild pitcb•Rnsie. Umpire—Gufiney. Time—160.

BALTIMORE vs. PITTSBLRO AT BALTIMORE JULY 21.— .. d Ehiet »a-i wild Mid was hit hard. Stovey gauged im fur three triples when men wore on bases, aud by is butting brought in eight of tbe ten runs. The

entute »ai a triple play by Farn-ll. Kt kley and hugart. Vickery pitched his flrsl game and did well, he visitors butted him bard, but the bits were •cat-

si el. The icore:ALTIUORE. AB.R.B. P. A. IIPITTSBItBO. AB.B.B. P.A.I•. mile, 3I....5 1243 0 Miller, c...... 4 12201'anllal' 3 4 1 3 1 0 Donovan, rf.5 1 1 111 utcliffe, 1I...4 3 3 8 0 O l Bierbau'r,2b4 0 2 3 61 :ovey, 1I.....6 1 3 2 0 2 'dhogart, «... 5 0 3 6 20

J' 0 1 0 1 fl' 6 0 0 8 SO Uallitan, rf4 0 2 2 0 1 Sulllb. lf...._.4 1 1 1 10trlcker, 2»..2 1 0 4 1 0 Farrell,3D— 4 0 3 t 21

R. linaou, c 4 0 0 4 10 Kelly, cf.......3 00311flckerv, p...4 0 1 0 1 0 Ehret, P.......3 0 0 0 20Total...... M fol327 8 3 Total...... 37 3 U 27 18 5

•alllmore .................. 2 0310010 3—10'itt-burir....................0 00001101—3Karnod runs—Butt.more 3, Pittsburg 1. Two-base

its—Vickery, Dolio'an. Tlin-e-base bits—Slovey 3,ttilib. Left on bases— Baltim.>re 5, Pitt3lnrg 11.olen b»se—Vim Ilallnn. Triple play— Fnrrell,

icckley, Shugart. Firiton bulls— Baltlmore5, Pills-'Ur(t4. Hit bv pfti her—Stricher. Struck out—ByVlcjrery 3. Putsed ball—Kobiiuon 1, Miller 1. Um-Iji— llitcbell. Time—2h.

Games Played Friday, July 22.KW YORK vs.ST. Louis AT Nsw YORK JULY 22.—

'he Ginutu hit Caruthers hard after the fourth inning, boy also played HU errorless game and furccil the to oaru the uuly run they secured. Burko's ehliug was ibo feature of the game. He also made a unie run. The score: F.W YuRK. AB.R.B. p. A. II BT. LOUIS. AB.R.B. P. A.I

liurke, 2b ... 5 1 2 2 4 U Gleasun, cf... 3 0 0 1 00 H. Lyouvf- 51120 0:Cr..oks.2t)....3 01320 'lerusii, rf...4 2 i 3 0 0 Werdon, lh..3 0 0 10 00

D. l.yons,3b.3 1 1 2 1 0 Glasscock,es.4 1 3 1 40 Doyle, c...... 40031 Oifaruilien, p4 0 1 1 20O'Rourke, lf.4 12320 Bojle, lb.... 3 1 0 11 00

Brodio, rf.... 402 3 00 Cinkney,:ib..4 00031

ne', p ..... 4 1 1 0 1 0 Mason,'if.... 4 0 1 3 00Fuller, M......4 1111^ 0 Buckley, c.. 3 0 1 2 01

Tot»l......36 B1027 10fl| Total...... 32 1 9 27112New York....................0 0161010 0—9St. Louis............. ........ 0 "tl 010000 0-1

tamed ruua—New York 6, St. Louis 1. Two-base ilu—II. Lyons, Fuller, Glasscoik. Home run—Burke.

Sacrifice hits—D. Lyoni, Doyle 2. Bases stolen—Tier- nan, D. Lyons. Flr»t on errors—hew Yoik 1. Firbt on balls—Off Ciane 3. off Caruthors 3. Struck out— Jy Crane 3, by Caruthers 1. Double pluye—Ourke, 3oi/e; GlasiCuck, Wei'den; Glassccck, Crooks, Werden. Atft on taaes—New Yuik 3, St. Louis 7. Pasted ball*

•y-l)oyle 1. Umpire—Uatlney. Time—1.40. WASHINGTON vs. riiT?BCRo AT WASIIINGTOM JCLT !.—\\ttjjhiugtun sent twelve men loti.oUU in the

irst inuiug and won t'.ie game through the aid of fonr >ad orion*, five singles nud a double, which noltel ight inns, only <ne (f which was earned. Kllleu niched hix iualnga aud was succeeded by Duryea. [lu-8. oie-

WASIIINO'N. AB.B.B. P. A. «;PITTSBUR«. AB.R.B. P. A.IKautur.l. II...6 2 4 2 0 OJ Jliller, If..... 4 0 0 102Dowd,lf.......4 1 1 0 0 O'Donovau, rf.o 0 2 201Duryea, p.... 2 1 2 0 0 o!B:erbaurr,2b4 0 1 832Milllgau Ib.u 1 2 V 0 OlMiugait. SS...3 0 1 3 42

- ' ' 1 0 (I lleckley, lb..3 00 7Cooney, es... 511 McGuire, c... 512 6 Killen, P, lf.3 1 1 0 l'liflee,cf..._5 I 1 3 Hlcnai'D,2b. 421 * Robiu»un,3b. 6

20 1 0 0 0 6 u 0 n

0 2 Mack, "c...... 4 01410Farnll,'3b... 411 4 40 Kelly, cf...... 4 01110ilaldwm, p..2 0 0 0 30

rus.:.."....! U 0 0 0 0Total...... 43127627 8 OJ Total...... 34 1 7 27 16 »

batted In Baldwin's place. Washington............... 80000002 2—12I'lttablirv.................... 0 00000001—1

Earned run*—Washington 3, Pittsburgh Twc-base him—Itudioid, Milligao. Tbree-bise bits—Farn " Kelly. Stolen bases—Cooney, McGuire, Bubinson. Double pliiya— Sliniciirt. Beckle); Kartell, Blerlianer. First on balls—Off Killen 2. oft Bald«in 3. Hit by pitcher— Kllleu, Shngart. Struck out—By Killeu 3, by llurvea 3, by Baldwin 3. Pasted ball— Uctiuire. Uuiplre—Lynch. Tinu—1.45.

.BAI.TIMUKI vs. IXIUISVILLK AT BALTIMORF. JULY 22. •/The Baltilnores kept up their butting slreaK and vou from the Louisviltes in great sliape. It mude their third consecutive victory. Tbe batting WAS done in ihe third anl la<t inuinza. L'.uisvllle hatted

hard, but the hits were scattered. Score:ABR.B. P. A.B LOUMV1LLI.AB.R. B. I*. A.I

Shiudle, 3I...5 2 0 1 1 Oj Grown, cf.... 4 2 1 4 Vantlurn.cfC 1^21 0 Tiiylor, If..... 5 122 ?ulcllnV,lb..6 3 3 12 0 Oi Pfeffer, 20.... 5 I 2 2Stovey, lf.....4 21 fl 00 Sanders. rf...4 112

an, rf. 4 3 2 2 01- " " 30

Uaa.elt. 3b...,4 010O'Kourke, nS 2 2 4 3 0 .Ie:mings,««.. 5 1 I 250 Quicker, 2b.5 1 1 1 6 1 Whi.tler, Ib5 1 3 13 00 R..l,ln«on, c. 6 2 2 6 0 (l|Vi»u, p........ 5 1 1 040Uc-Mahon, p 5 2 2 0 10 Weaver, c.... 4_ ()_ 3_ 2 04

Total...... 46 18 f« 2~7 1221 Total...... 4T 8~15 27 138BH timoiv.................... 1 0731000 6—18LuiiHi-ille................... 121000211—8

Kuriied runs—Haltiunre 8, Louuvllle 5. Two-ba33 hils — Robinson 2, ^ntcliffr, Stricker, Ilulll^an, O'Uuurke, Brown. Tlirec-bsse bits—Van Hultrcn, SfcMahon, fful:igan. Home run—Jennin^p*. Dunble ;ility—O'ltouike, ^utcllfie. Fir.t on balls—Baltimore 7, Louisville 3. Struck out—By McMahoa 3, by Vlau 1. Passed balls—%\ enter 3. Wild pitches—SlcMabon 1^'Inu 1. Time—2.20. Umpire—Mitchell.

BofTos vs. CHICAGO AT B srox JVLY 22.—The Ba­ tons btarted as if they would bat llutchinon out of tbe box. Ttiey noon stopped, huwever, making but one bit In the "last flve innings. Ansou won the gxme in the fourth on thiee hils and errors by Nash and Lowe. Cuuavan did phenomenal fielding. Kelly waa off In bis throwing. The score:

COST'S. ABR. B. P. A.E] CHICAGO. AB.B.B. P. A.I JlcCarlhv.rlS 1060 OlRynn, cl....... 6 01100

' 0 O 1, 3b... 5 1 fl 4 3 1 1 2Long, es,lf... 400 1 2 IjDahlen, SS...4 2 3 1Kelly, c...... 4 0 0 6 1 0;Anson, lb.....3 (I 0 11 00N«sb,3b......3 I 2 0 0 Ij Wilmol, II... * 0 1 3 10Tucker, lb... 4 0 1 6 1 OiCaoavan. 2h.4 1 2 4 41 Lowe if, M... 3 0021 l| Decker, rf... 4 00000 Quiun, 2b... 3 0 1 3 2 0|IIu(clil»on,p3 I 1 0 20 Nlchuls, p.... 3 0 2 0 1 0 Scbrlver.c... 3 !_ 1 312

Total...... 30 3 7 24 8 31 Total...... 35 B 9 27 14 4Boslon.......................... 2 0010000 0-;Chicago .......................0 0114000 x—(

£arued runs—Buston 2, Chicago 1. Three-hose hi—Duffy. Twti-baM Ml—Uulcblaon. Sacrifice hiu— Cunaviiii, Schriver, Parrott, Anaon. btuleu bases— Canivan 2, Wilnii.t, Kabh, Tucker, Dahlen. First on balls— McCarthy, Quinu, Dully, Kash, I.owe, Hutch- inoo, Anson. Scbriver. First on errors—Boslon 1 Chicago A Siruck out—\itii..n 2. Decker 2, Dablen Loug, Lowe. Double plays— Canavali, Aneou 2; Lowe (Juiun, Tucker. Umpire—llura'. Time—1.31. //'ruiLAptLpHiA vs. CLEVELAND AT PHILADELPHIA

•VL'LY 22.—Cie%eland alone figured ill tb.s game, auc cluchi-d itn hold by making four runs in the sixth In­ ning, three of which were earned. The local team coul'l nut hit Cnppy when hits weie neede-1. Del< Uitnty got Ihoh only run on a triple and an ont. A feensailunal catch by O'Conoor, on which he complete! a double p) OS was tbe te.iture. The scor*:CI.F.VELANI>. AB.R. B. P. A. II PHILA. AB.R.B. P. A.IO'Conuur.rf. 5 2 1 1 1 0 Hamilton, If. 5 0 2 1 0

4 0 (I Connor, lb...3 0280I'ui-kell, If... 4 0 0 D.ivts, 2b..... 420 4 C 1 IIallman,2b.4 0000

1 1 OJP«rrolt,31>... 4 0014 0 0 0 Dalilen. »... 4 0132 1 3 0 \nson, lb.... 4 0 1 11 106 1 I Wilmol, II... 4 09300

O'P. ilikeTi.4 6 3 1 0 0<'annv:it.,2b. :l 0 0 340 B-Ue II. 4 1 1 13 0 llDecker, rl... 400 0 00 litule p....... 4 00 I 1 0 : Liiby, p......3 0 1 022Fuller, s...... 1 1114 USchrivor, C..3 00431

Total..... 37ft ff 2*7 163' Total..... 33 1 6 27 164New Yorlt.,......-U u......O 00^12110-5Chcil.-u.......................l 00000000-1

Ktirheit runs—New York 2. Three-bos- lilts—Boyle, Fill e.. Home run—D. Lyons. SacilP.ce hits—H. L-V-OIIK, Tii-rnan. Anson, Decker. Si...en banes— O lluurke Fuller, Itynn, Parrott, Canavan. First on «iiora-N»w Yor« 4, Chicago «. Urst oa balls—OS

McKe'au. M..4 1 2 3 5 0 Tiiomp on.rf4 0 0 1 0 Virtue, Ih...4 1 2 8 1 0 Uelehantj,cf3 1 2 4 0 UcAlrer. cf. 4 1 1 6 0 OiClements, C..4 0 0 7 2 Tcbenu, 3b...4 0 fl 0 0 0 Alien, M......3 0 1 3 1Zinimer, c....3 0120 l,Cro», 3b......4 0136Cuppy,p......4 0 0 0 2 CliWeyhlng, p.4_0_0_ 9_ 1^

Tolal...... 367 7 2~7 f»2l Total...... 34f 8~ 27 104Cleveland..................... 2 01004000-PliiUdelphii................ 0001 0000 0—1

Earned rum.—Cleveland 3, Philadelphia 1. Two- base hit—McKean. Tnret—base hits—O'Cjnnor. Zim- uier, Delehanty. Bases stolen—Thompson, Drlehauty. Double play—O'C m nor, McKeao. First on b^l's— Burkett, Counor, Delehanty. lilt by pitcher—Xlm- nier. Struck out—O'Connor, UcAleer, Tebeau, Cuppy, Unrtilre—Emslle. Time—1.40.yTJuOUKLYN VS. ClSCIKXATI AT BROOKLYN JULY 22.—

^oth pitchers were batted freely, but Ibe Brooklyns mannged to bunch most of their hits in two Innings while tliuse of the visitors were pretty well scattered Brooklyn settled the game In tho eighth, when three-bagger, two singles, a hi.t by pitcher and a sacri­ fice netted four runs. The score:

BROOKLYN. AR.R.B. P. A. B^INCINNATI.AB.B. B. P. A.B Daly, cf....... 6 2 2 0 0 UjMcPhee, 2b..4 1 3 2 20Corcoran. ss.4 1 2 1 7 0 Litham, 8b..4 1 2 1 2 Broutlie'",lb4 0 2 11 0 0 O'Neill, lf....6 0 (I 2 0Burn«, 31...... 400 3 12 Holllday, rf. 5 0 3 I 0D&iley, rf.... 402 8 11 Coml-key,lb4 0 1 11 0Ward, 2b.... 4 0060 0 Smith, as..... t 0006O'Brien, If... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Welch, cf..... 4 0 0 2 0Ktn<luw,c... 3 2 2 4 0 1 Ilnrrlnj.rn.c3 1 1 6 0Haddock, p.. 2 1 0 0 5 0 Cnamber'u,p4 0 0 0 1

Tolal...... 34U10 27144! Total...... 373102410Br-.i.klyn......................O 0002040s—Cincinnati..................... 1 0100-0100—

Kurned runs—Brooklyn 4, Cincinnati 2. Three bate bit—Kluslow. Sacrifice hits—Ward, Haddock I.nlliam, O'Neill 2. Stolen banes—D»l', Corcoran 2 Dailey 2, HePliee. Latham, HolHdav. first on errors- Cincinnati 2. First on balls—Off Hud.lock 3, o Chamber! sin 2. Siruck out—lly Haddock 2 by Chain berlitin 4. Double pl-iy—Burnx, Waid. Hit by pilche— Hbdduck. Left on bases—BtooMyn G, Cincinnati 10 Passed bull— Kinslow. Wild pitch—liad(!ock. Uuipir—McQiiuld. Time—2.05.

/«amcs Played Saturday, July 23.—/WASHINGTON vs. PiTTSBt:Ro AT WASHINGTON Jcx

r23.— I'lltsbnrg played sharply and baited Killeu hart "but he kept Ihnlr hils scattered, except lu the futirl lining. The Senators (ell on Ebret after two mei were out In the sixth, and knocked out a victory t«o eiiiele', a d.inhle and a louie run yielding ton runs. Tliis gave tlie bomelcaio a winning lead wblc! was not relinquished. The score:

A.I P1TT8DUBO. AB.R. B. P. A.1 0 Miller, c....... 5 03410 1 Duunvan, rf. 4 002 0 1 BlerbdU'r,2b6 Oil 0 0'ShiKtarr, ss.. 4 1 0 2 3 Oi Beck ley, lb..4 007 0 2 Smith, If....... 3 1161 l!r«rrell, 3b... 4 1 2 1

WASHING'N.AII.R.B. P. lt»dford.rf.._6 I 2 3 Dowd, If...... 4 1 2Million, H.2 0 0 HOJ.CI........S 3 1Cooi.ey, fs... 401 McGuire, c... 512 Killen, p...... 6 0 1DnfTee, 1 1 1 O'Kelly, cf....... 4 1 2 3-'- ' ' ' 0aicha"'du,2b4 0 I 3 3 IJEbret'. p......4 0 1Rob'nion, 3b2 0 0 0 1 0 Mack, if...... 1 0 0 0 0

Total.......38 7U 2710 (il Total...... 38 410*26 "l•Mctiuire bit by baited ball.

Washington.........!........ 0 00114001Plltsbtir*.....................0 10030000—

L'arned ruus— WathlDs' 1 '" B . Pitlsburgl. Two-has hit—Radford. Thiee-i-ase hit—;. Home iun- lloi stolenhasrs—Di'wdl, McGnl:?, Smiib. Doubl play—Kadfurd, llcQulie. Urst ou balls—Ujr Kllla

Victories and Defeats of League Pitchers in First Season.Balte

W. L.

bbey, Wash... «ldwfn, Pitts.. reiten't'u, St.L uHiutin, Ball., amp, Pitts.....arsey, Pblla... arutbers, St. L bamberl'ii, Cin larks in, Bost. 2 0 larkion 'Cleve. 0 0 /obb. Bait........rane, N. Y......uppy, Cieve....

)avles, Cleve... olun, Wash.....wyer, Cin......wyer, St. L._ 1 uryoa, Clo...... 1

"luryca, Wash.. 0 .uton, St. L..... 0ihret, PltU.......-per, Phila......itzuorald, Lo's creman, B.tlt... oreoian, Wosbi 0 0

niz, Brook... 3 aljin, Flits....! 1alvin, St. L....I 1•i-trighl, Washl 1 etseln.St L...: 1 leason. St. L...I Q mul-ert, Ciii.jJ'" unibert, Pltts.

Iaddo:k, Urouk [art, Brook......lealy, Halt......

leunulng.Louisiutcblson, Chi.nks, Broc*_...J _ouee, Louis..._| 0 I

Keefe, Phila...... "enneJv, Brook

KHIen, Wash...

1 02 0

0 0

.iilroy, Wash.

N. Y......^nell. Wash.....

Luby, Chi.. .....le»kin, CM.....leekln, Louis..

Mullme, Ciu...IfcGlll, Cin......icMahon. Bait(icbo's, Bost....

Rettgcr, CleTe.Ibiuo', Cin......

Bnsie, N. Y......

TT-0 0 0 1

>atjders, Louis. ituilb, Puts......italey, Boat......! 0tein, Brook...... 0Itivetts, Botl.....itratton, Louis.. 'irry.Biilt.......'erry, Pltts......'hompson, Pitb

Tlionitoo, I'hils 0

•1 0 0 0 01 1 I

Woodcock, Pittsj 0 0 Young. Cle>e_...l 3 0

Tiau, Louis......Welch. N. Y.....Weyblng, Phila

Boat'n. Brook. Chlc'o

W. W. Li'w. L.

0 01 22 02 O


0 3

0 10 0n o0 3

0 00 2

0 02 001 0

0 00 00 0

0 00 10 00 10 0






Clnc'n Cleve Louis.! N. If.

W. L.

0 02 00 10 00 00 10 2•• M

0 00 00 t0 31 10 11 0—0 1. M0 10 01 02 00 00 11 11 01 10 00 10 0i-*-0 JL.'fj 1 Q0 11 10 10 0Q A


1 00 10 00 10 01 0n ,

W. L.JW. L.

0 01 11 10 10 00 00 01 11 1H .

1 21 1— w

. „0 00 00 10 00 00 flI 01 20 00 00 02 10 00 10 00 0\ a o

'1 1u o2 01 00 20 00 01 1*o o (0 28 20 0* 01 01 2II u

0 01 t1 11 10 00 00 02 01 00 00 21 01 02 10 10 00 01 01 00 00 23 0- .0 10 00 01 00 00 00 81 I.u 1<2 00 10 0

"T iTO.2 00 01 20 02 2

W. L.

1 02 00 0» 00 11 00 02 10 01 00 3

1 00 11 (1I 00 30 10 00 00 11 00 10 00 01 10 00 00 00 0

ll;i i1 00 00 11 0

0 00 11 20 01 00 0


W. L.

1 01 20 10 10 0«• >•0 02 10 21 01 10 02 01 10 00 00 00 10 01 01 1. .0 10 00 02 00 01 00 01 01 20 2.0 0 (0 10 11 10 00 11 10 00 2. .0 01 20 02 11 Q


W. b.

0 1

1 11 .?1 10 00 40 10 00 11 11 1! 10 00 00 20 00 00 0

1 00 00 11 02 0

1 00 10 01 11 10 01 01 10 10 00 03 2.1 (r"2 11 00 02 00 01 1

Si. L'.

W. L.

1 01 2. .1 00 01 2.2 1(0 10 01 22 02 00 20 00 0. „0 U0 1. »1 01 00 00 00 11 22 0.1 1.. ..


W. L.

0 30 00 10 02 1n ft*~ \ ~fo

^ 10 00 20 11 11 1.0 01 12 0M

0 01 01 10 10 0

0 00 20 1

0 1> 2 1

i' of>2 i0 0 f 0 020200 0 ' 0 21 fl ! 0 01 01 u1 1*G-t0 00 10 02 10 02 0rt n

0 00 02 01 00 10 00 0•• H

„1 2





















.38 ̂






3 .0008 .260Q726




.3:1:!s! .5110

12! .638g037C12



10 .3758 .6290



141 .4070

a o'o0212


0 . . 7,12i .368 S112J .400 0| 1|.OJO 7:11-.338

2012! I 1 8

16 4 1






3 .0670 0 illj 4J.733 2 n in o me.

0--0 0 1

9 .526 G"!739 S .407 I 1 .IXJO 3'.571 l ; .000 3! .0001' .000 Si .333 1 .000 8, .667 31 .2611 8 .652

2,l(v Ebret 5. Struck oot— By Killen 5, by JSbret 4. /ruuire— Milchell. Time— 2. '.0.

BALTIMORE vs. LOOIBVILLE AT BALTIXOR* JULY 23. — Louisville played Letter all round ball tbati Balti- Diore and mwde more ba*e bita, but tbe hcnie team won by darioit base-ruuMAg and by making their few bits cuuut. ClauBcn made bin debut with Louisville and pitched a great ^ame. The BCOie:BALTIMORE. AB.R.K. P. A. E EOUlfcYILLE. AB.R.BX P. A. BSliindle,:ib... 501 3 21 lironn. cf.... 501 U 01Vanll«rn,cf.4 0 0 1 0 0 Taylor, 1'..... 6 1 3 200Entcllfle. lb..3 1 0 12 0 1 Weaver, rf... 6 1 2 2 00Sto\ey, lf.....4 1 1 1 0 0>feffer, 2b...5 0 1 1 80lla.ligan.rf. 2 1 1 2 0 0,Ba»Sftt,3b...4 0 1 0100'l!ourke,ss.4 0 1 0 3 l.lirliu, C.......4 0 0 7 20Stricker,2b..3 0 1 3 4 o'jcimiDt*, ss.4 1 2 210

c.. 1 00000 Whistler, lb.3 0 1 12 00n, P-..3 0 0 1 20

Total...... 3831127 121Vickery, p... 1 00 0 21 Gunson, c... 3 11520 Cobb, p....... 300 0 31

Total...... 334 6 27 165Balilmore...................0 0000301 1-4Louisville .................... 0 1100010 0-3

Earned ruus—Baltimore 1, Louisville 1. Two-basebits—Ciunson, Whktler. Left on bases—Baltimore 7, Louisville 11. Dout-le play—Stricker, Shlndle. First oul.all8—Baltimore 5, Louisville 3. Sirnck ont—By C<(bb 3, by Clausen 5. Umpire—Jlacilllar. Time—2.16. ' PHILADELPHIA vs. CLEVELAND AT PHILADELPHIA JULY 23.—li.ith sidei hit hard and tiel.led loosely at limes, the Plilllles finally winning by bunching theirilts. The all-round play ol Delehanty was the fea­

ture. Cursey was hit bard and itave way to Esper Inhe seventh inning, when Cleveland's run-getting

ceased. The score:CLEVELAND. AB.R. B. P. A.I| PHILA. AB.B.B. P.U'Conuor, rf.5 1210 l'IIainilton,ir_4 002

10 6 1 3 2 l{ Mailman. 2b. 6 1 33




Burkett, If... 522 Davis, 2U....4 ISMcKean. ar.4. 0117 l;Tliomps'n,rf5 2 1 Virtue, lb....4 1 2 12 0 0 6 1 2 4 0 1 1 0 0|ciemeuli, c.4 1 1 310 Teteuu, 3h... 4 0112 0 Alien, is....... 4 11461Zliumer, c_- I 1 1 4 0 2it.:ross, 31.......4 2 2 0 11Young, P.....4 0 1 0 2 0 Carsey, p.... 3 1 0 031

Total...... 376H24 136,EsP'r, P......1 0 0 000I Tolal......40l013»26134

•Virtue ont for interfering. Cleveland....................I) 00012300—6Philadelphia............... 2 0030032 x—lu

£arued runs—Cleveland 3, Philadelphia 4. Two- base hits—Durkf-tt, filcKean, Delehitnly. Tbree-hHse bit—Burkett. run—C etnenta. Stolen base— Thuroison. Double pluvs—Carsey, A'len, Cunoor; Delehantj, Ilalloisn. First on balls—Hamilton. Struck out—McAleer, Tebeau, Thompson, Clements. UsKiirc— Emslle. Time—1.50. /BROOKLYN vs. CINCINNATI AT BBIOKLYS JULY 23 —

/this was a hurd-fotixht ^ame. The Brooklyua hit Rhines bard, but could not connect their hits until the last Inning, when singles by Klnfelow, Stein and Corci.ran sent In the winning run. Botli teams fielded brilliantly. Griffin reappeared with Brooklyn after a long Iny-offand was warmly welcomed. The/score:BROOKLYN. AB.R.B. P. A. EjCJKCINNA'l.AB R. B. P. A.I1'aly, rf........4 1 1 3 1 liMcl'bee, 2b.. 4 0 0 430

"'21 0 ! l.atham, 3b.. 4 01130 9 0 OlO'Jieill, If.... 3 12211

2 0 Uollidiv, if.4 1 1 1 00

Corcora 11,63.. 501 Bruulbe' 0 1 Burns, Sb.... 3 0 1 O'Urlen. If... 4 0 1 00 Coml9k'y,lb.4 0 0 12 2 nWard, 2h.... 4 1 2 0 1 1 Smltb, ss......3 0 0 130Giiffiii, if..... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Welch, cf......4 0 1 100Kluslow,c... 4 1 2 8 2 0 ;ie.rriuct'u,c3 0 1 210 Stein, p........ 4 0 2 0 1 0 Bblacs, p.._ 3 0 !_ 010

Total...... 35 3 1227 82! Tolul...... 32 2 7 *24 14 1•Winning run scored with none cat.

Biookljn...................... 1 1000000 1—3Cincinnati.................... 20000000 0—2

Earned runs—Brooklyu 1. Sacrifice bits—Corcoran, O'Brien, Ward, Gr.ffln. Stolen base—Ward. First on errors—Bruokhu 1. First on bulls—Off Stein 2, off Runes 3. Struck ont—By Stein 5, by Rhines 2. Double plays—Daly, Kiuslow; Comiskey, Latbam; 0 f.eill, Mci'liec, Comlskey. Left on bas«i—Brooklyn i. ClVcininai 4. Wild pitchei—Steiu 1, Rbiues 1, Umfilrt— SicQunid. Time—2li.

BOSTON vs. CHICAO AT BOSTON JULY 23.—Anson's men gave the chauij Ions quite an argument, but could not win, owing 10 Boston's superior babe-running. There was plenty of slugging, l>n<e-running and f*st fielding ou both sideK, McCarthy's bulling and ba»e- ruuning and Naah's fielding were tho fualurej. Score:

BOSTON. AB.R.B. P. A. t CHICAGO. AB.R. B. P. A. EMcCsrthy,rf3 33000 Uyan, cf..... 4 4 1 2 2 0 0 I'nnott, 3h ..5 2 2 111Long, M...... 4 0 1 2 4 1 Dablen. n... 4 1 1 6 2 (IKelly, c....... 3 0 2 6 2 0 Anson, lb ... 3 0 1 810Tucker, lb.. 4 0 2 11 0 ]. vVllmot, If... 4 0 2 210 Lowe, If...... 3 2 1 2 0 o'Caunvau, 2b. 4 1 1 241Quinn, 2b... 1 0 0 3 6 O'Decker, rf...4 0 3 000 Slaley, p.....4 00020 Gnmbert, p.. 4 00120Hash, 3b......4 1 2 1 6 O'Schriver, c.. 4 0 0 2 30

Total...... S37l"3 2710:"] Total...... 3~G 5 U 24142B,ist(,n......................... 1 2010120 x—7Chicago........................ 0 1100030 0—5

Earned runt—Boston 3. Chicago 1. Home ran—Pi roll. Three-base lilts—Tucker, DohJeu. Two-bass lil-s—Naub 2, Parrott, Decker, Anion. Sacrifice bin —Quinn 2, Stalev, Gnmliert. Kelly. Stolon bases— McCarthys, Lowe, Duffy, Wllniot, Rvan. First on balls—Aniou, Kyan, McCarthy, Lowe, Kelly. First on errors—Boston 1, Chicago 2. Passed balls—Kelly 2 Wild pitches—Gumbert 2. Struck i.ut—Ryan, Gnin- bert, Calm van. Decker, gchriver, Stalev, Tucker Donble plays—Anson, Dahlen; Long, Qulon, Tucker Dahlen, Canavan, Ansuu. Umpire—Hurst. Time— !.._

w YOBK vs. ST. Louis AT NEW YORK JULY 23 — Giants won hands down. Galvln pitched for

three innings and was hit so savagely that he was taken out, and KM Gleason tried his hand. The latter cmcludedio quit in the sixth and Ciiruthera finished the game. Unsle was very effective. Brodi< was fined $5 for back talk to the umpire. Tbo scoreNEW YORK. AB.R.B. P. A.E I ST.LOUIS. AB.R.B. P.A.IBurke. 2h..... 3 1 1 2 4 llGlea'o.lf.p.rf 4 1 1 1 00H.Lyons, IC..4 3 2 0 0 OiCrooka, 2b...3 1 0 670Tieruan, rf.. 6 2 2 0 0 1 [Wcrden, lb.. 4 0 0 11 1D.Lyons,3b_2 2 1 0 2 2!Glasscock. ssl 1 0 2 4Doyle, c.......6 3 3 9 2 0 Caruth's,rf,p4 1 I 1 00'Rourke,lf..6 0 4 0 0 0 Brodie, cf....3 0 1 4 1 0 V) 2 0 Plukuey, 3b. 4 0 0 2 2Rime, p......4 0 0 2 1 2iBnckley, c.,.4 0 1 3 3Fuller, BS.....6 I) 1 4 (! o'G.-lvln. p......O 0 0 021

Total...... 3712 f4J7 170 Uoran, If..... 2 0000Tolal...... 32 4 4 27 20

New Yoik..._............ 302052000-1St. Louis...................... 0 00004000—

Famed runs—New York 2. Two-bane hit -Doyle Three-base hit—O Rourke. Sacrifice hils—H. Lyons Dovle, O'ltourke. Stolon bss«s—Hurke 2. First on errors—Sew York 1, St. Louis 3. First on balls—O Ru'le 3, oil Gleason H, off Cnrutbeti 1. Sti uv.k out— By RnsleS, by Catuthrrs 1. Double plavs—Burke Fuller, B..yle. Left on bases—New Yurk 7, St. Loui 1. i'.wod balls—Doyle, Bnckiey. Wild pitch—Busie Umpire—Gaflney. Time—1.55.

./Games Played Monday, July 25.'"PlttLAbEl.Plin VS. '.'l VCINS ATI AT Plli LA DELPHI

JCLY i'5.— Weyhlng pIKhcl nii..«t .•rt'ectiveij' and le cetved faultless support. 'I he I'lnclnuatU got hot four scattersd hits and were shut out Allsu's work nt short field was phenomenal. DA>er retired alter :he fourth luulak, hlilaes taking bis place. The sa-re:

A. B] PHtLA. AB.R.B. P. A. R 1 1 0 Hamilton, If4 0 0 3 00

0 U Connor, It)...4 11300 0 0 Hallman,2b..4 2 3 0 0 Tliomta'u.rl 4 0 2 1 0 4 0 0 30 Clemonls, C..3 12

Total...... 33 Ii 9 27 7 0

NCINN I. AB.R.B.Icl'hee, 2b. 4 0 I.ailiaui, 5b.. 4 0 II'Nelll, If.... 2 0 0lulhJay, rf.4 0 I'oml~key,lb4 0 4 0 1Vel,b, cf..... 3 0 0 3 0 o Alien, ss...... 3 1 0larringt'n,c 200Hvyer, p..... 200 1 30 Weyhiug, p.3 1

Khluee, p.... 1_0_0_ 000 Total ...... 30 0 4 24 80

"incluuati ................... 0 0000000 0—0•hiladelphia.................O 0010140 x—GEarned tuns—Philadelphia 4. Two-base hits—Cun-

lor, Thompson. Clements. Stolen La^e—Ilallman,'irst uu balls—O'Neill 2, H.trrlnet.n, Clement*, Alleu.

struck out—McPhee 3. Smith, Shines, Ilallmau, Wey-ling. l'a>sed balls—Uiirriugtoii 2. Umpire—Hurst.

Tiniei-1.35./BROOKLYN vs. PITTSUURU AT BROOKLYN JULV 25.—ill kinds of base ball were served by the united edortjf the Brooklyus and Pittsburgh Goud sharp fielding u.l very rocky fieldiu;, good pitching and bad pitchingrt-re beantilully mingled. Puor batting and errors ofitd^rneut were rt-snonsible for Brooklyn's ultimatai^feat. Tho score:

BROOKLYN. AB.R.B. P. A. R FITTSBURO. AB.B.B. P. A.Ijriffln, cf... 4 2 2 2 0 0 Miller.c,^s... 4 0 1'oro.ran, ss. 5 0 1 1 !routhe,'s,lb3 0 2 11

Burni, rf....3 002Ward, 2b.....2 OilJoyce, 3b..... 4 0011'Brlen, lf._4 001

D«ly, 0........4 116IIart. p........ 4 0 0

3 1 Dolioran. rf. 4 0 1 0 0 Uierban'r,2b4 0 0 1 OSImifMt, Si.. 1 0 1 4 0, C........3 0 00 0 Beckley, lb..4 2 3 0 0 Smith. If...... 3 1 10 fl Farrell, 3b... 301? ° Kt'" v - <"'••—• * ° J

Total..™. 33 3»7 24 11 1 Baldwin, p... 3 1^0 211 I Tolal...... 334 9 *26 92

•Joyce ont for Interference. Brooklyn.....................! 0001000 1—3Pittsbui-g;..................... U 0020011 x—4

Karntd runs—Pillsburg 1, Brooklyn 1. Two-base lit—Becklev. Sacrifice hits—Corcorau, Joyce, Hart, Sraitd 2. Stolen bass—Farrell. First ou errors—Pilts- bnrgl, Brooklyn 1. First on balls—Off BaldwinG.cIT Hurt 3. Stinck ont-By Baldwin 5, by Hart 2. Double plays— Miller, Bierbauer, Becklev; Burns. Ltal); Ward, Bruu hers. Left on bajos—Pit:sburg 8, Broidrlyn 9. Wild pitch—Baldwin. Umpire—Knulie. Til*c—1.45./BosroN vs. LOUISVILLE AT BOSTON JULY 26.—Boston

'onlbatled and oiitfielded the visitors. Stlvetts v,ai very eflpctive, a ba*e on balln, followed by a home run. being all Louisville could do In rnu-geitlng. 1'feffer got tangled up trying t.) nuke a double play and protested the game when Gjffney refused to allow It. The (Core:

P. A.EILOIISVILLI.AB.B.B. P. A IBOSTON. An.B. BSl'Cartby, rf5 0 0 0 Duffy, cf......5 001Long, u...... 4 1 1Kelly, c...... 4 1 1Jieeb, 31....... 423

1 Ii 0 0


Brown, cf..... 4 0 0 Taylor, II... 3 0 0 Weaver, rf.... 400

0 3 OTleffer, 2b.... 3 1 12 3 1'Sanders, p.... i 0 0 4 0 1 15 0 0 Bassett, 3b... 4 1 3 Lowe. If.......4 1 3 1 0 OJJeimlngB, BB.-I 0 1Quiun, 2'J.... 4 0 1 » 4 O.WhUller,Ui..3 0 1 10 00Sllvells, p.... 4 00 1 2 0-Grim, c_......3_0_ 1 6_ 0 1

Total...... 38 510 27 17 l| Total...... 32 2 7 27 133Boston.......................... 0 0130001 0—5Louisville...................... 0 2000000 0—2

Earned runs—Boston 2, Louisville 2. Home rou— Bassett. Two-base bits— Giim, Kelly, Loug. Sacri­ fice hits—Sanders, Hush, Stive ta. Quinn. First on balls—Pfeffer, T«ylor. First on errors—Boston 2, Louisville 1. Passed ball-Grim. Struck out—DuUy, McCarthy. Donble plays—Taylor, Grim; Long, Qumu, Iptker. Umpire—Qaffuey. Time—1.24.

^N£W YOEK vs. CLEVELAND AT NEW Yuatt JULY 25.— Tbe GiauU outb.v.ted tbe Spiders, but their errors were costly. The new umpire, Wycoff, mado several dicisiuns uliicb cost tho Giants at least two run-, aud the spt-ctatoiB made it unpleasant for him. After the game he had to be eicoited to the club house by a couple of policemen. Tbe nagging be got from both teenia broke him up completely. Tne Clevelauds fielded teautifully, three great throws to Ihe plate being made. Tbe score:NEW YORK. AB.R.B. P. A. I CLIVELA'D. AB.R. B. P. A.IBurke,2l'.....5 0 2H. Lyons, cl 5 0 0 Tieruan, rf..3 012 D. LyoDS,3b.4 010 Doyle, c....... 3 0 2 «0'Ilonrke,lf..4 2 2 "

2 2Ulillds,2b.....3 100100 1 Burkett. If...4 10401 0 0 Davis, 3b..... 402 0 002 1 McKean IB.. 4 02210 4 0 Viitue, lb... 410 6 00 0 o'McAleer. cf.4 1 1 3 20

Boyle, lb......3 0 1 10 1 OjO'Cvnuor. rf3 1 1 4 10Crane, p...... 401 0 20 Zimmer, c... 301 6 20Fnller, ss.... 3 0 0 3 6 oluiarluon, p.3_0_ 1_ 220

Total...... 3421024 1641 Total...... 32 5 8 27 91New York....................0 1010000 0-2Cleveland..................... 0 3002000 x—5

Earned runs—Cleveland 1, New York 1. Two-base bit—O'ttourk. Sacrifice hit—Crane. Stolen bases— O'Kourke, Fuller. First on errors—New Yi.rk . Cleveland 2. First ou bolls—Off Crane 2, off Clarks'.u 6. Struck ont—By Crane 5, by Clarksou 3. Double play—Fuller, Burke, Boyle. Left on bases—New York 11, Cleveland 4. Passed balls—Doyle 1, /.limner 1. l/rapire—Wycoff. Time—1.50,

XASHINGTON v*. ST. Louis AT WASumorox JULY y5. St. Louis took advantage of errors by Cooney, Duffee and Richardson, and, with » few limely hits, won nut after Washington had the game well In hand. Galvln was bit hard m the first inulng, but afterward was invulnerable. Tbe score:WtSHIXO'N.AB.H.B. P. A. II «T. LOUIS. AB.B.B. P.Rndford rf.. 4 1 2 2 0 OJOarroll, If.... 3 11100Dowd, If .... 61210 0 Crooks, 2b... 431 2 61Hoy, cf....... 4 0 I 2 0 0 Werden, lb.. 4 1 1 - ""Comey, ss._ 5 1110 3|Glasscock,is. 4 2 3McGuire, c. 4 1 2 4 20Dnryea, p... 200 Abbey, p.... 100

.'arnttiers, cfl! 0 1Brodie, rl.... 4 00 Pinknev, 3U. 4 00

0 0

Balilmore....................0 00000010—1Chicago....................... 0 2130400 x—10

Kerned runs—Baltimore 1, Chicago 6. Two-bane hits—Ansou, Hyan. Three-base hits—HniolirT*, Wil- mut. llume run—Dablon. Dunble piny—Stricter, Snlcylfle. Firdton balls—Baltimore 4, Chicago 5. Siruck onLABy McMahon 1, by Uutchiusou 5, by Fersou 1. ycbpire— Milchell. Time—2.10.

O ames Played Tuesday, July 20.BA*H»OIII! vs. CHICAGO AT BALTIMORE JULY 26.—.

Ansuo'e Colts won a lucky game. Two of Iheir five hits brought lu Ibe winning run in Ibe i-lubtb Inning. The home team » uthatted tbe vinitors, Vickery being invulnerable after the first inning. A bu89 ou bulls and a wild pitch in that inning allowed the Colts to score two runs. In the eighth Dahlen made a hit, stole second and third aud scored the winning run on AnBon'shit. The score:BALTIUO'E. AB R. B. P. A.E; CHICAGO. AB.B.B. P. A.I bhlndle, 3b. 4 0 1 0 4 0 llyau, cf... .. 4 1 1 400 4 2410 o! Parrott, 3b... 3 10310 Sutcliffe, lb. 4 0 1 13 1 O'Dalileu. SS....4 11461 Stovor. If.....3 0020 OJAiiBou, lb....3 01810 Hulllgan, if. 4 0 0 0 0 Ii Wilmol, If.... 3 01200 O'Ronrke. ss4 0 2 0 4 O.Canavao, £b3 001 12 Stricker, 2b-4 0 1 6 3 0 Decker, if._3 0 0 0 00 Koblusun, c.4 0 0 2 0 o'Gnmbert, p...3 00220 Vickery, p... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Scbriver, C....3 0 1 810

Total....... 35 2 9 24 12 l| Total...... 29 3 5 27113Baltimore...............,......! 0000001 0—2Cuicago........................ 2 0000000 1—3

Earned ruua—Baltimore], Chicago 1. Two-ba<?e bit—Van Haltren. First on—Baltimore 1. Double plays—Dahlen, Au*on; Anson, Dahlen; Gtini- iierr, Ryau. ou balls—Baltimore 1, Chicago 3.

f" ck out—By Vickery 1, by Gumbert 1. Umpire— -hell. Time—1 311. JSTON vs. LOUISVILLE AT BOSTON JULY 26.—Boston up u slitT all-round game and won easily, as Str..t-

ton was an easy mirk for them. The visitors, onMde of Jeiinnms, could do little with Nlchol's fast shoots. Turn Brown's two assists from centre field were the features. The score:

BOSTON. AB.R.B. P. A. B [LOUISVILLE. AB.R. B. P. A.EMcCarthy, if5 2 3 2 0 Ol Brown, cf..... 4 1 1 5 1 1 2 0 0 Taylur, If...... 4 0 0 2 00

" ' 3 11 Pletler,2b..... 4 00 1 40620 Bassett, 3b...4 00830 340 Stratton. p.... 3 001406 1 1 Grim. C........4 013103 0 o;jenning», IB.4 23271 3 1 4 0 1 15 01

Tolal...... 34 7 7 27 92

0 0 0 0 2 (

Killen,p.'.... 100 0 00 Buckley, c... 400 3 00Dnffee, lb.... 4 0 1 10 0 2 Qalvin, p..... 4 (l 0 0 00Klch'd'n, 2b 4 0 1 432 - - • -•!•"-=-.- Robinsou,3b 4 0^0 0 S o|

Total...... 384102410 7Washington................. 4 0000000 0-4St. Louis...................... 2 0102020 x—7

Earned runs—Washington 3, St. Louis 1. Two-base bit—Radford. Three-base hit—Olasncock. Stolen bases—Hoy, Carutht-rs 2. First ou balls—By Durvei 1, by Galvin 3. Hit by pitcher—Carutbers. Struck out—By Duryea 1, by Abbey 4, by Galviu 2. Wild pj*fb—Daryea. Time—1.40, Umpire—McQuald.

X BALTIMORE v«. ClltOAO:) AT BALTIMORI JULY 25.— The Bullimores failed to bit Uutclilusou and he broke their record of viotorlce. The home team tried Ihrei pitchers and two catchers, but the Chlcagos were In II and earned six ol Ihe ten ruus. They alto played a floe fielding game. Tbe score:BALTIMO I AB R. B. P. A. Hi CHICAGO. ABB. B. P. Sblndle, 3b.. 6 0 2 0 3 OIRvan, cf...... 5 1 2 4Van llal'n.cfS 0020 o!Pi>rrotl.3b... 622

000 Dableu, ss... 612 2 0 0,Anson, lit....5 1 10 0 1 Wilmol, If... 4 2 4 2 1 d Caueven, 2b. 4 0 1 « 6 0 I'ecker, rf.... 4 1 22 0 2jHutchin'n',p. 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Schrlver. c.. 3 208,4 1 2 8'ovey, If.. .801 Balllgau, rf.. 4 0 1 O'lt'jurkeif. 3 0 0 Btricker, 2b. 401 Robinson, c.. 2 0 0 McMubou, p. 1 0 0Feisoa, p..... I 0 0 0 0 olCobb, UK...... 101 0 00Guuson, o. ... t 0 0 0 1 0)

Total...... o'4 f « 24 U »l

_ T»UI......8»1U1SS"" 9

Weaver, rf... 4 1 2 001

Louir, ss...... 5 2 1Kelly. C.......5 1 3Nash, 3b....... 612Tucker. lb..4 1 0 Lowe, If....... 4 1 2Qninn,2b..... 6 0 1Mchols, p.....4 1310 Oi

Total......42 101827 9 2 Total...... 35 4 8 27 21 3Boston........................ 0 0306001 1—10Louisville............. ...... 0 01030000—4

Earned luns—Boston 6, Louisville 3. Three-baseills—Na«h, riruwn. Two-base htt*--Nlcho!s, Kelly,'ash, Lowe, Jeuuings, Weaver. Sacrifice hits—Na-h,

C|iiinu, Taylor, Dutfy. First on balls—Lowe,trown. First on errors—Boston 2, Louisville 1. Hitly pitcher—Str.itton, Tucker. Passed balls—Grim, Kel/y. Wild pitch—Stiatton. Struck out—Duffv, Pfoffer, Weaver, faylor2, Brown 2. Uuioire—Gaffuey.Jfnie—1.26.

WASHINGTON vs. ST. Louis AT WASHINGTON JULY 26. —The WoahlnRtxjus batted out a victory in tlie lentnunulng in a game remarkable for Its unceitiluty. St. handicapped by Btoitenstein's wildntss, holiving uine bu^es on balls and twice fotciug in a run.Cillen was batted harJ all through tbe game. Score:

ASHING'N. AB.B. B. P. A. K| ST. LOUIS. AB.R. B P. A.E0 0,Carroll, If.... 4 3 3 0 0 Crocks. 2b...5 1 1

lad ford. rf...6 221 Dowd, II...... 5001Hoy, cf........6 1 2 1 0 OiBuckley. lb.3 2 3 0Cooney, ss...5 1013 0|Glae«cOjk, Si5 121 McUuire, c...2 2 0 6 0 0 1 2 2 Kilen, P......3 2 1 0 3 O.Brodie, rf.... 6 fl 0 1Duffee, lb... 3 1 0 17 1 OTinkni-y, 3b. 6 0 1 2 licbar'n, 2b 4 0 2 2 4 O 1 Moran, c..... 4 ll 1 B

Robinson, 3b 6 1 2 1 4 liBrelteus'u, p6 0 0 020 Total...... 33 10 9 3« 15 ii Total...... 43 8 13 30 12 T

Wasbingtou........... 0 14100200 2—10St. Louis................ 0 020411000—8

Earned runs—WashlLgt»n 3, St. L mis 6. Two-hose hits —Rudfurd 2, Iticliard-on, Robinson, Bnckley, jl..a«cock. Three-b.iBe hit—Bnckley. Stolen bases— Duwd, Hoy, BIcGnire, Rubiuson. Carroll. Double plays—Doffee, Robinson; Glas^cock. Buckley, Pinkuey. Fir.t on bulls—By Killen 2, by Breltensteln 9. Hit by pitcher— Killen 2. itruck out—By Killeu 5, b) Brei-

7. Passed ball—Uorau. Umpire—SlcO.uaid. —2 30.

NEW YORK vs. CLEVELAND AT NEW YORK JULY 26.— Both teams fielded brilliantly. The Glanta won the ?ame in the fourth Inning when they, a:ter Zinuner and Davis had made errors, jumped on Cnppy for six rnns and knocked him oul of the b>x. In ine absence

I Umpire Wykoff v bo bad a lame leg, Ned Ctane umpired acceptably. The scere:NEW YORK. AB.R.B. P. A. EJOLEVELA'D. AB.E. B. P. A.B

2 3 2 Child!, 2b....« 025200 0;Burkett, lf._4 002 0 liDavIs, 31...... 3 221

fl 5 c:McKeaii,ss..4 013 8 1 Oj Virtue, IK... 3 008 0 0 OIJlcAleer, cf. 4 1 1 4

Boyle, lb... 4 1 2 14 0 OjO'Counor, rf4 012¥>.._!,.., 111 n inVi n. n. n_« ,111 o


Burke, 2b... 401 H.Lyons, cf..4 013 Tieruan, rf.. 510 D.Lyons, 3b. 3 1 0 Do) le, c....... 300O'llourke.lf 2 1 1

0 02 13 0 9 0 0 0 0 1

Ituile, p...... 4 1101 0/injiuer. c.... 4 11221Fuller, SS.....4 1 1 2 4 O'Cuppy, p...... 1 0 0 000

Tolal__. 33 6~7 27 14 3] Vouu*;, P...-3 00020 I Total...... 34 4 8 27 11 3

New York..................... 0 0 0 6(0 0 0 0 0—6Clevel-md.....................O 0110011 0—4

Earned runs—Cleveland 1.. Two-base hit—Ch!ld4. rhree-'.aee hit—McKeiin. Home run—Davis. S.icri- Ico hits—RuMe, Cuppy, Your.g. lltston—Sew York 2, Cleveland 2. Flnt on balli—Oft Ruale 2. oft Juppy 2, nil Young '2. Struck out—By Unsie 2. Double >lays—B..yle, unassiitted; D. Lyons, Fuller, Boyle, illt by pitcher—D. Li ans. o Rourke. Left ou has. New Y "rk 5. Clevel ind 5. Passed ball—Doyle. Um-

'— Crane. Tune—1.5(1.I OKLYN V8. PlTTSBURO AT BROOKLYN JULY 2fi. hotue team bud no difficulty In defeating Pltts-

bnrg, fielding biilliautly and making timely bits. Terry attempted t.i pitch a^ilnet bis old companions, but after Ibe second Inning hegavo the place to young Guinbert. The score:

ROOKLYN. AC R. B. P. A. I 'PITT8BURO. AB.B.B. P. A.E Griffln, cf.... 1 2 0 3 0 o!3liller, H.....3 1 0 2Corcuian. ss.6 0 fl 4 Brontbe's,lb5 249 Bums, if..... 1 1 0 0Dalley.rf..... 1 1 1 2 0 OJBeckley, lb.5 0 0 9Ward. 2b... .6 13"' - " - -Joyce. 3D....3 0 0O'Brien, If... 411 Daly, c........ 2 205Uaddo.k,p...4 2 0 1 3 1 Gnmbert, p..2 0 0

Total...... 3*i It fl 27 12 1 Total...... 35 6 8 24 14 IIBrooklyn.................... 3 3101121 x—12I'itltbnrg....................0 21002000—5

Earned runs—Brooklyn 2, Pitti>burfl: 4. Two-base hits—Bronther' 2. Three-base hits—O'Brlen, Shugatt 2. Blerlianer, Ivtlly. Sucrllice bita— Ward, Joyce 3, O'Briei', Bielbaiier, Beckley. Bases stolen—G'iffiu 2, Br-.utbers, Daly, Haddock, Ward. First on errors—Diookiyn 3, 1'ittnburg 1. First on balls—Off Had­ dock 5. off Terry 6, off Gumbert 5. Struck out—By Had.Iock 3, bv Terry 2, by Gurobcrt 2. Double plnya—BItrbauer, Miller, Beckloy. Hit by pitcher—Miller, Mac*. Left on base —Brooklyn. C, Pittsburg 12. Uafplre—Kmrtle. Tune—2.12.

: vs. CINCINNATI AT PHILADELPHIA JULY 26 —Couiiskey laid off UWIDE to sickness, and llie Reds were like sheep without their leader. Ulnnes waa baited alt ovtr the field, and in (lie filth inning waa succeeded by Hulliday, who was hit as bard as predecessor. Hamilton retired from the game In ihe sixth inning because of his lame foot troubling Weyhlng laklng hii place. The score:

3 d'Sbugart, rf...5 1 31 C ! P.lerbau'r,2b.r. 1 10 OiMack, C......3 0 0

4 0 <mitb, lf.....2 1 20 1 ot Fan ell, 3U...5 1 1 2 000 Kelly, cf......3 012

(I 0 Terry, p...... 200 0- - " ~ - - 0

4 41 04 03 30 00 01 20 11 I0 0

PHILA. JB.S I. P. A.EA.E1 1 Hamilton, It.5 2 3 1 fl! Weyhlng, If. 1 0 1 0 1 Connor, lb... 7 1 2 1 I) Ililllumn, 21.7 4 3

CINCINNATI.AB.R B P.McPhee, 2l>_4 126Latham, 3h..5 121O'Neill, If... 5 OilHollld'y,if,u4 124Vaughnlbc5 0131 2 Tbonipsou.rf 5 313Smith, ss.... 6 1 1 0 0 0 Delelianly,cf6 5 5 2Welch, cl...-3 2 0 4 0 2 C enienls, C..4 2 2 1 Ilarri'u,c,lb.4 0231 1 Rellly, 3b..... 2 220Rhiues, p, rf2 0 0 1 1 0 Alien, si...... 6 5 4 1Chambe'n,rf2 00 2 0 0 Cros»,3b, c... 5 234

Total...... 3"96li 24 6 7 Cariey, p..... C 0_3_ 0 3 1i Total...... 532(121) 27 H

Cincinnati.................. 001300002—Philadelphia................. 5 0346620 x—26

Earned runs—Philadelphia 13, Ciiiciniipil 2. Two- base hits—Latham, Harr.niton, Connor 2, Delehtnty Clements 2, R.-llly 2. Alien, CKHS, Carsey. Stolen bases—Hallmau, Tbompom, Delehauiy. Base uu balis —McPhee, llullidav, Welch 2, Hamilton, Alien, 2ro« Struck out—Clements, Carter. Wild pitch—Rbiues Umpire—ButBt. Time—2b.

Games Played Wednesday, July 27/NEW YORK vs. LOUUVILLE AT Nr.w YORK JULY 27.— The Giants played all aruuuJ the Coh'in Is and won «llh e»ee. Clausen was bit hard. Basselt put up good game for tho visitors and was warmly wel­ comed. Ned Crane was In the best < f foim and the Culmels couldn't bat a little bit. The score:NEW YORK. AB.R. B. P. A. B j LOUISVILLE. A BR. BBnrke. 2b....u 0 2 2 3 2| Brown, if.... 6 1 1

P. A.I

H. Ljons, cf.4 112 Tieruan, rl... 5 001 D Lyons, 31.. 5 2 2 2 Dovle, c....... 3 1 1 2,O'Boiirke.lf. 3 021

Taylor, It..... i Oi Weaver c..... 3 01 Pfeffer, 2b... 310 Basset!, 3b.... 401 Jrnn'nzs. s>4 0 1

Boyle, lb.... 4 0 0 10 0 0 Whistler, lb. 4 0 0 10Crane, p......4 1 1 0 1 OJOrini, rf...... 3 0 0 1Fuller, «s..... 4_ 2 i^ 7 20 Clanten, p... 4 0 1^ 0

Total...... 37 f 9 27 10 il Total...... 34 2 6 27 12 iNew Yoik................... 0 20040001—:Louisville..................... 1 00100000-!

Earned runs—New York 1, Lonlsvllle 1. T«o base hit*—D. L>ons, Olausen. Threo-biue hit—Brown 11 .me run—D. Lvons. Sacrlflce bits—Burke, U Lyons, O Rourke. Fuller, Brown, Weaver. Siolen bases—Burke 2, H. I.jon*. First on errors—New York 6, Louisville 4. First on balls—Off CMne 3, ol Cliu;en 3. Sirutk out—By Crane 2, by Clamen 7 Double plays—Fuller, Dujle; Jeuning*, Whliller I^ft ou bases—New York C, Louisville 7. Uui-pi ILndie Kichardsun. Time—1.80.

WASHINGTON vs. CHICAGO AT WASIIINOTON JULY 27. '—For six innings tbe game was close, l.ut afterwards the coltn took advantage of the Senators'errors and pulled nhend. Hutchluson was very effectiye aud le- ceivcd pertect support. The score: WASIIlNa'N. AB.B.B. P^A.I| CHICAGO. ABB.B. P. A.I

Earned rnns—Wellington 1, Chicago 2. Three-has* ills—, lint; lni,»,,n. McGulre. Home run—

Rvan Slulen haim—lulil.-D, Cauavan 2. Donule pla>—lladfurd, Dnlte*. Bas.-s on bills—By Durvea

, by llntclilnson 2. Hit by pitcher—Duryea. StrncK ut—Bv Duryea 4. by llutcliin«oti 4. Sacrifice hilH— >owd 2, Parrolt, Wilmot. Umnlre—ilitobell. Time—

BOSTON vs. CINCINNATI AT BOSTON JULY 27.—Cham- erlmn was i ffwctive. ino^tof tlie lime, but slipped up :i the second, when he hit Iwo batsmen, who both cured on Kellysbit and McPhee's error. Tb» Cin-nnatis could not ovurcume tliis le id. The pcote:IliiST.tN. AB.R.B. P. A.E CINCIN S ATI. A B M .B.

•Id'ailhv, rffi 2 1 1 0 1, Mrpliee, 2b.. 4 2 2 5 )uffy,cf...... 6 0 2 1 0 0 Lalliara, 3b.. 4 0 0 1.OUR, ss...... 5 0 2tivelts, p... 3 0 1

NaHh, 3h...... 401

A.I2 16 0

2 4 1 O'Seill.'lf.... 4 00210030 Holllday, rf. 4 00001 080 Cou.itikey,lb4 0 0 10 10

Tucker, Ih... 3 I 2 19 0 liSmitb, us..... 4 11861we, If...... 400 0 00 Welch, cf.... 400 2 00

Cluinu, 2b.... 3 1 1 S 2 0, Van-lin. c... 4 13410ielly, c....... 3 1 1 1 i! OCIiiiiub»'n,p4 i) 1 0 lu

Total ..... 36 5 11 27 13 3' Total...... 36 4 7 27 17 3iiucinnati.................... 02000020 1—5

Bunion.......................... 10100000 2—4Earned runs—Boston 1, Cincinnati 1. Three-base

It—McPbee. Twu-bime bit—McCarthy. Sacrifice hits—O'Ne.1112. Stolen ba-es—Kelly, Quinn. Fliston alis—McPhuc, Kelly, Stive-tts. Fir-t on errors—Bos- ou 1. Cincinnati '2. Hit by pitcbtr—Tucker, Quiun. 'assed ball—Kelly. Wild pitches—S.lvetts, Chauiber- am. Struck out—Holiday, Q-iinn, Welch, Lowe, IcPJiee. Double plavs— Latbulu. McPbeH, Coml-ikey;

"«>Mise, Smith, Comiskey. Umpire—Gaffuey. Time

BROOKLYN vs.'ST. Loun AT BROOKLYN JULY 27.— 'he Wuitders got the bang of Clurkson's delivery la he fourlb inuinicnud pounded him fur two three— latrgen and three singles. These, wit'i two buses OB lalla, jieldtd six ruus—more than tnough to win the

game. Tlio score:A.E! CLEVIL'D. AB.R. B. P.

1 0 0 Chllds. 2U....5 0022 2 IjUnrkelt, If... 4 122

2 1 1 T 0 1

Radford, if... 2 1 1 Dowd. If......4 00Hoy, cf........3 01100 Dahlen. M... 410

RTRII. cl...... 533I'arrott, 3b...5 11

BROOKLYN. AB.R.B. P. UiirHu, cf..... 4 1 2 lorcuran, ss.4 0 0Br.iutb's, Ib3 1 0 10 00 Daly. rf........ 4 11 2 OnWard, 2b..... 401 1 J,-yc-,3b.....4 1 0 1O'Biim, If.. 3 21 Kin.low. c.,.4 22 Slein, p........ 4 1 2^

Total...... 34 U 9 27 ll 3

A.I 3 « II • 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 10

Total...... 36 4 8 24 123

D*vi», 3b..... 4 1 0, ss.4 122 Virtue, lb...3 1 1 11 McAleer, cf,.4 012 O'C'uuuor, if. 4 010 X.i miner, c... 4 014 Clarksou, p.. 4 0 0 i)

Bruokly n....... ......... ....... 0 01 60002 x— 9Cleveland..................... 0 1010200 U— 4

Earned runs — Brooklyn 4, Cleveland 2. Tv.o-l.asebit* — Kinslow, Ziuinit-r. Thr. o-t.a-e bits— Kaislow. Iteiu. Sacrifice blti — Ward, Kiuslow, Stein, Vn tue.

Stolen bases — Gr.fhn 2, McAleer. First on errors —Brooklyn I, Cleveland I. Bas» on ball.— Off Mi-ln 1,

fl CUrksou 2. Struck out— By S:ein 6, by Chuksocd. jLeft on bases — Brooklyn 3, Cleveland 6. Paused, laH— Kiusiow. Umpire — Euislie. Tiuie— 1.4'i. ''BALTIMORE vs. Si. Louis AT BALTIUORI JULY 27.— Pile Buliimores bo.4 an easy time bhuUing out the Clowns. Gitlvln, In tho flr«t five tunings was wild, ud several errurs a»*isted In giving the Ualtliu»rea ix runs. In the seventh luulug they made a home

run ami four triples ofi him. The score:BALTIMORE. AB.R. B. P. A.I; ST. UJUUJ. AB.R.B. P.Shiudle, 3b.. 4 2 1 1 1 1 Gure, cf .... 3 0 0 1Vaullal'u, Cf5 3 6 3 0 0 Ciooks, 2h... 5 0 0 2 SutcliOe, lb..5 1 S 11 00 Carroll, If.... 3 016Stovey, It. ....5 0020 l'| 01 7Hal.ijan. rf. 5 1 1 3 0 o;Glea».,n, 1U..4 0 1 4 O' 3 2 1 1 2 d Biodie, rf.....4 0 3 2Stricker, 2b..5 2 I 2 3 1-1'mkiier. 3b.4 0 0 0 Robinson, C..5 1240 OJBiickley, c.. 2 00 4 McMauun.p.6 0 1 0 4 ljGalviu,p..._4 0 0 I) 1 0 0 0 1 U ttoran, C.....2 0 0_ 2

Total...... 42127527 flsl Total...... 35 0 6 27 73Bultimore.... ...... ......... 0 1000060 0—12St. Louis..................... 0 00000000—0

£arued runs — Baltimore 6. Two-base hit — Snt- Oliffe. Three-base bits-'Sliiudle, Yau Uultren, Silt— cl ffe, Hobinson, McMahon. Home run — alncker. Lluuble play — O'Rourke, Sutcllfte. First on balls— Baltimore 2. St. Louis 2. lilt by pitcner— Hulligun,

<ore. Siruck out — By HcMabun 3, by Ga.viu 2. Pasted, ball— Buckley. Umpire — McQuuld. Time —

A. •00411021000000000 100


fuLY 27. — 1'itlsburg bad no trouble in winning. Wey- Inug made two niid thr..*a which netted the vinliors f ur runs, and they earned the other by guod hitting. The Plilllles c.-uld do nulhing with Ehret. Tlie ecore: PITTSBURO. AB.R. B. P. A. I, PI1II.A. AR.R. B. P. A. KMiller, c..... 402 7 0 Miami it..n, If 4 0 1

gait, ss. 5 0 0 0o o

1 l!couuor. lii... 2 00 7 00Bierbauer,2b 5 0222 O'Usllumn, 2I..4 01221 Duliovan, rf..& 0121 OiThoui|»on,r; 4 01200

""""01 Oll)elelian'y,cf4 103100 0 Clements, c.. 4 0 2 601

Beckley, lb.. 6 1 4 Sml h, !•'...... 3 1 0 3Farrell, 3b... 4211 Kelly, cf......3 1 0 3Ehret, p...... 401 0 1 0|

2 0 0 tl

_Total...... 3851127 8 2i

Plttslurg...................... 0

Alleu, si...... 4 00020Ciosi, 3I.......4 02330

" ejhing, p.. 4 0 fl 0 i t Total...... 34 1 7 27 94001301 0—5

Philndeipnm................. 01000000 0—1Burned run -Piiltbing. Two-base bits—Don .vnn,

FitrrHl, Clements. Siolen bas.-s—Ylilltr, BtCAiey, Uauiiltoii. D-uble plays— Delehaulj, Clement!,; Duu- ovan. Jlilltr. Urst ou balla—Miller, Smilli, Kelly, Connor 2. Stiuck out—Beckley, Smith 2l \Ye>uiug& Umpire—Hurai. Time—1.4ft.


Records of the Leading Batsmen to July 23.

Appended will bo found the averages of the leading batsmen of the League for the second season up to July 23, inclusive. The b.ttting in these opening games on the Eastern circuit has been something tremendous. Thirty-four play­ ers have started with batting averages of over .300 and six hare .400 or better.

Games. AB. BU. SH. Ave.1 uam?an, x»........................ 6 212—Delehanly, P...................... 8 311—Hallltan, Ba........................ 6 21 112—Delehanly, P...................... 8 31 143—St..vey, Ba.......................... 8 32 144—Nash, B.............................. 6 23 106—Pfefler, L............................ 8 32 136—Tlertiau. N. Y.....................8 33 147—O'Rourke, N. Y.................. 8 33 138—Smith. Pi............................ 7 28 110—, St. L.......................7 31 12

10—T. Daly, Br.......................... 9 40 1511—Connur, P........................... 8 32 1212—Radford, W......................... 8 38 1413—McKean, Cl......... .............. 8 30 1114—Grim. L..............................6 22 8

" 3! 1137 1337 13

^-... ........................... 26 919—Br.mthers, Br........'............. 8 29 10

- ajj H32 1132 11

— , . ......15— D.tis, Cl... ...... 16


f Donovan, Pi........................ 8I Dowd. W............................ 3


Fuller, N.Y........:............... 8Burit^t N. Y.....nKinslow, BrR. an, C............................. 8 32 11Latlum, Cm....................... 8 33 UHallmau, P....................... 8 33 11S'vetK B..................'.........4 15 6Lonii.H.................... ....... 8 34 11

20 f Tiiylur, Lou.................( Miller, Pi....................

28—chiMs, ci. "..jr.;................. 6 19" 35 11

35 118 328 298 338 33


31—Virtue. Cl............. .......32— Thompson, V...............

Irojs, P..... ...anvil, Pi....................33 {"...--..

36—Dully,' B..V.V.'.7.'.V.™".."..".V.V.".".. 8 8i Is)






.400 .894 .393 .387 .375 .375 .308 .367 .364 .355 .351 .351 .:(40 .345 .344 .344 .344 .341 .3)3 .31)3 .8:13 .324 .316 .3!4 .314 .313 31(1





The League Will Close Its Second Season 011 Sept. 11 The Dates.

This is the schedule adopted by the Ifliiiois-Iowa League for the balance of the season:July 26, 27, 28. 29—llockford at Jacksonville, llock Is-

Innil-.Mulln.i at J..liet.July 3U, Jl— Jacksonville al Rock Island-Holme, Joiiel

at liockfonl.Ann 2, 3. 4, .1—Jacksonville at Joilet, Rock Island-

Muline at KockTord.Auj. 6, 7—Jacksonville at Rockford, Joliet at Is.

land-.Moliue.Aug. 9, 10. 11, 12—Rock Islaud-Mollne at Jackson­

ville, Kucklvrd at Joliet.Anc. 13. H—Joliet at Kuckford, Jacksonville at

Aux. 16, 17. 18, 19—Rock Islaud-Uulloe at Jotlet,Rockford ut Jacksonville.

Aug. 20, 21—Joliet at Kovk Island-Mollne, Jackson­ ville «t Roikf .rd.

Aug. 23, 24,25,26—Jacksonville at Joliet, Rock Wand-M line at U.ckford.

Aug. 27, 28—Jacksonville at Rock Island-Mollne,Joliet at Ruckf .rd.

Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1,2— Rockford at Joiiel, Rock Islaud-Dlollno at Jacksonville.

Sept. 3, 4—Joilet at Ruck Itland-IIu'Ine, Jack-onvilaaat Kuckford.

Sept. S, Labor Day (tw.. games)—Ui'ckford at Jackoon-vllle, J.illet at Ro: k Isialni-Moliiie.

Sent.7. 8,9—.lackiouvihe at Joliet, Kuckfjrl at Docklilitnd ->Iol ne.

Btpt. 10, II—.lucksouville at Bock. Islaud-lluliufJoint at Rocklord.

0 0 2 0 2 0

Ooo'ney. ss... 4 1 1 f S olAnson,lb....3 0 0 11 00JIcQuire, c... 4 0271 0| \Vllmut, If... 3 01000 Duiva.p....... 2 0 0 0 3 1 Cauavnu, 2b. 3 0 0 030Duffee,lb.....3 0 0 10 1 1 D-cker, rf... 4 0 1 0 10Ricti»rd'n,2b6 0 0 1 6 o'Uutcliin'n, p 4 1 2 0 30

1 1Robinson, 3b 3 001 •Killen......... 100 0 00

Tot^l...... 28 "i 3 24 f46•Kllleen batted lu Dmyea's turn.

Washington.................. I 0 0 0Cbkag................ ....._0 010

Schrlver, c.. 4 12 400Tolal...... 33 7 ft 27 11 0



A Player Enters Snit Against Read, ing's Manager.

READING, Pa., July !!7.—The Kendinj Bn?« Ball Club, after a career of lens thnn two uiuntb", lust evening gave up the gbojt aa a State League team. The (ilayers hud become tired of pluyiiij" without salary and on Monday list one nf ih« men, second baiemati J. J. Johunon. had Maiu^er Rii.ilnll a-restel on the c'liirye of delraildlug him out of sabn-y.

Ye-terJay Manaper Raudall waived t hcur-ng and enteteit bi«i! fi;r lits at>I'»Hrance at court. Jolma-.o c'aiui* be re.ii£iieil liel.iri. th* clul. -tarted on Its teC'.'iil tour, and wl.e;. It relumed he rect-lTed i» nolle.- l-oia Ma:i.ieer Uand ill to tlie eOe t tli»t he hail I e-i 825 fur u. t I'la.vl. g xvith tbe club dliriug tli*. | as' and that n<m the niaiiii^einent usvel h 111 no JolniKi.n cla ms that his resignation bad beeu reg larly accei.ted.

The Board of Control bn> very properlj awarded In Koche*:er tb it Younf 0>n*!iii |.uc lei with, double-contract iustiuots—Mr. Darby

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