nationalism, sectionalism, era of good feelings

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Nationalism, Sectionalism, Era of Good Feelings

James Monroe

5th President, 2 terms VA Era of Good Feelings

16-19 American Revolution

Vet Acquired Florida Missouri Compromise Monroe Doctrine

James Monroe 1816, defeated

Rufus King Good Feelings were


Tariff of 1816

Economic nationalism: support growth Increased tariffs to help U.S.


Henry Clay’s American System

Kentucky, Congressman Plan to help the nation’s

economy Protective tariffs National bank Internal improvements

Internal improvements not in Constitution Madison & Monroe

Panic of 1819

1st financial crisis 2nd Bank tightened

credit Stop inflation

Money deflated, state banks closed

Increased debt, bankruptcy, unemployment

Changes in Political Party

New versus Old ideology

Political division Sectional


John Marshall’s Supreme Court Decisions

Federalist Alive Favored federal

government Empowered federal

government over states

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Gibbons v Ogden (1821) Dartmouth vs Woodward


The West…Effects of the Louisiana Purchase

Acquisition of Native Americans’ lands

Economic pressures Improved

transportation Immigration Slavery extension? Application for


Missouri applies for Statehood

1819 Issue of slavery was

debated Sectionalism Even in the Senate Southerners threatened Henry Clay idea for

“compromise” Maine, Missouri, 36-30’

Foreign Affairs

During Monroe’s Presidency


Rush-Bagot 1817: disarmament pact, limited naval armament

Treaty of 1818: improved relations with the Brits Shared fishing rights Joint occupation of Oregon Territory Establish northern border

Florida & Spain

Transcontinental Treaty of 1819

Adams-Onis Treaty Florida Purchase

Treaty 1819 $5 Million Andrew Jackson

sent for the mission

Monroe Doctrine

US worried about Russia & other nations

Policy towards Europe & Latin America

“not lands to be colonized”

Europe can’t interfere in the W. Hemisphere


Applaud but soon forgotten GB Foreign Secretary, George Canning

Insulted Monarchs were angry

Historians made it more significant Cornerstone of US foreign policy with


National Economy

Population increase Vast area need for transportation

Roads, canals, steamboats, railroads Growth of industries

Mid 1800, manufacturing surpassed agriculture

Manufacturing Industry Mechanical inventions (Patent laws,

Whitney) Factory system

Samuel Slater 1791 Taxes led to prosperous factories

Labor Competition w/ cheap land in west

Unions Help reduce long work day hrs

Agriculture Commercial

industry “cash crops” Eli Whitney 1793

Cotton Gin Increase slaves

Effects of Market Revolutions

End of self-sufficiency Developed more modern form of

capitalism Role of women changed slightly Slavery became an issue.


The North

NE, Middle States, and Old Northwest Improved transportation Higher, faster economical

development Industries produced various products

More populous Agricultural, grains Societies with slaves

The South “King Cotton”

Slave societies “slavery: the peculiar institution”

Southern states Agriculture foundation of

economy 1800: 1mil – 1860: 4 mil Cotton Gin= affordable

cotton cloth

John Quincy Adams 6th President 1 Term 1824-1829 Troubled


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