nativity of our lord · 2019-09-19 · nativity school sock drive - february 25-26 the nativity...

Post on 13-Apr-2020






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Co l lege S tudent s Of fe r Sp i r i tua l I n sp i ra t ion JO IN US FOR PANCAKES


Nat i v i t y of O ur L or d C A T H O L I C C H U R C H

7 T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E · F E B R U A R Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 7

Images Cover Art Rom, Vatikan, Petersdom, Cathedra Petri (Bernini) By Dnalor_01 / 15 May 2005 Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA 3.0 Photos Wanted! Have any great photos that you took at Nativity? From weddings to Doughnut Sunday, we’d love to highlight the vibran-cy, faith, and beauty of our parish in the bulletin and other print publications, on the website, and through our various so-cial media outlets. Please send photos to and let us know who should get the credit. Thank you!

Men’s Club Catholic Watchmen Night - Thursday, February 23, 6:30-9pm Don't miss Catholic Watchmen Night this Thursday! Father Peter Williams will speak on Confession: How can I actually make frequent confession work? How can confession be more than a routine—how can it lead to gen-uine healing? Come learn how to make confession more fruitful in your life. Join the Catholic Watchmen Night on Thursday from 6:30-9pm for adoration, confession, a talk, snacks, and open discussion. And sign up for our emails at, even if you are already on the Nativity Men's Club list. 2017 Dues If you haven’t yet, submit your $20 yearly dues via mail or on the parish website:

NCCW Family Service Morning - March 25 Save the date! Nativity families of all ages are invited to vol-unteer at the 2017 NCCW Family Service Morning on Saturday, March 25 from 10-11:30am in the school cafeteria. This is an opportunity for us to serve the less fortunate in our community by completing service pro-jects together. Volunteers of all ages and abil-ities are welcome. This year, our service sta-tions will be led by volunteers from the NCCW, Nativity Girl and Boy Scout Troops, the Social Justice Club, and Student Council. Watch for a flyer coming home next week to find out how you can contribute to the success of the Family Service Morning. Please contact Jane Russell at with any questions. Bread for New Life Are you expecting or adopting a baby or know someone who is? The Nativity Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) sponsors an ongoing Bread for New Life Ministry that coordinates meals for families who are welcoming a new child. Families are able to set meal preferences, times of day, and frequency of the deliveries. Friends, parishioners, or school members can then sign up to bring a meal or donate a restaurant gift card. All meals are coordinated by Bread For New Life Chair Carolyn Wollan through the Meal Train website. If you know of someone who would benefit from this ministry or have additional questions, please contact Carolyn Wollan at

Nativity School Sock Drive - February 25-26 The Nativity Middle School Social Justice Club is sponsoring a sock drive for The Doro-thy Day Center after all Lord’s Day masses next weekend. Please place your new socks donation in one of the bins by the church doors. Thank you for your generosity!

Faith Formation Nativity Catholic Kids Camp - June 19-23 Nativity will again be sponsoring Catholic Kids Camp this summer. Save the dates for June 19-23, 2017! The theme will be “Tracking Mary: Mysteries and Messages.” Children will follow Mary all over the world, with mysteries and messages revealed at each stop as we discover how Mary brings us closer to Jesus through the power of the Rosary. The program includes fun crafts, exciting games, upbeat music, delicious snacks, and more! Watch for more information and registration forms on the school and parish websites. Contact Susan Neuville at(651) 925-9799 or Jen Rolfes at (651) 231-2940 for more information.

Respect Life March Book Discussion - March 13 Frederik Backman’s novel about the angry old man next door, A Man Called Ove, is a thoughtful exploration of the profound im-pact one life has on countless others. Con-tact Karen McCann at (612) 964-4522 or to get a copy of the recent New York Times bestseller for $11, and join us on Monday, March 13 from 6:30-8:30pm at the Karen’s home. Dessert will be served, and all are welcome! 40 Days for Life - March 1—April 9 Our Spring Campaign begins on Ash Wednes-day, March 1. Please join us in praying, fasting, and reaching out to our community to build up a culture that respects life. To find out more about this world-wide campaign, visit or call Karen McCann at (612) 964-4522 to help our parish partici-pate in this important work.

Submissions Publishing Deadlines Content is typically required by Monday at noon for the follow-ing Sunday’s bulletin, while digital content requires at least two business days prior to desired publication. Visit for more infor-mation or to submit copy online for the parish bulletin, online calendar, social media, and email newsletter. Images must still be sent via email to Publishing is not guaranteed, and is generally granted on a first-come, first-served basis, giving priority to official Nativity events. Bulletin submissions can be sent to

–Isaac Huss, Communications Manager and Bulletin Editor

Information Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell (pictured) Mass & Prayer Times Lord’s Day Mass Saturday 5pm; Sunday 7am, 8:15am, 9:30am (Steiner Hall), 11am, 5pm Daily Mass Mon-Sat 8:15am, Mon-Fri 5pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:30pm, Monday-Friday 7:45-8:10am, 4:30-4:55pm Hearing aid devices are available in the sacristy.

Emergency Anointing of the Sick (24 hours) (651) 696-5401 (press 1) Prayer Line 9-7pm Bette Hoffman (651) 699-8249 Mary Kay O'Rourke (651) 698-5638

Staff Contacts Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell (651) 696-5401 Parochial Vicar Father John Powers (651) 696-5440 Permanent Deacon Deacon Russ Kocemba (651) 696-5401 Business Administrator Laura Barr (651) 696-5423 Secretary/Assistant to Pastor Leah Driscoll (651) 696-5401 School Principal Kate Wollan (651) 699-1311 Early Learning Center Director Nicole McGie (651) 696-5437 Faith Formation Director Randy Mueller (651) 696-5454 Director of Music & Liturgy Patrick Henning (651) 696-5430 Director of Nativity Choir Rob Pontious (651) 653-3655 Pastoral Care Coord. Nancy Shatek-Suek (651) 696-5444 Development/Comm. Director B.J. Kranz (651) 696-5441 Facilities Director Bill Beltz (651) 696-5434 Communications Manager Isaac Huss (651) 696-5425 Pastoral Council Chair Tom Kirchner

Lannan Parish Center Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, Fri 8am-Noon 1900 Wellesley Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 Fax: (651) 696-5458 Phone: (651) 696-5401

School Office 1900 Stanford Avenue (651) 699-1311

Website Email

@NativityStPaul NativityStPaul @NativityStPaul

Stewardship Catholic Services Appeal 2017 In the reading from Leviticus today, the Lord commanded that we love our neighbor as ourselves (Lv 19:18). In the Gospel, Christ commands us to love even those we dislike (Mt 5:43-48). On this Catholic Services Appeal Commitment Weekend, we are looking forward to partnering with you to love our thousands of neighbors who are supported through the 17 Collective Ministries of the Archdiocese. If you have not already done so, please fill out your 2017 pledge form and drop it in the plate or mail it directly to the CSAF processing center using the prepaid envelope you re-ceived in the mail from the CSAF. You can also donate online. Visit the CSAF website at for more infor-mation to donate and to learn more about the 17 Collective Ministries the Appeal supports. The 17 Collective Ministries served by the Catholic Services Appeal are:

American Indian Ministry Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) Campus Ministry – Newman Center Campus Ministry – Saint Paul’s Outreach Catholic Charities Deaf Ministry Elementary Schools Evangelization and Catechesis High School Scholarships Hospital Chaplains Latino Ministry Marriage, Family, and Life Parishes Prison Chaplains Saint John Vianney College Seminary The Saint Paul Seminary Venezuelan Mission

Thank you so much for your continued support of the Catholic Services Appeal!

Young Adults Urban Catholic Lord’s Day - Sunday, February 26, 4-7 Increasingly it seems that our fellow young adults are looking to political philosophies and ideologies to shape their worldview and thus political movements—and their figureheads—can become their prominent sources of hope (and despair). Fortunately, we Catholics al-ready have a Savior and a worldwide movement in which to place our faith and our hope: Jesus Christ and his Church. Join us next Sunday for Lord’s Day, an opportunity to worship God, be formed in the mind of the Church, and build up meaningful relationships with other Catholic young adults. Confessions are available beginning at 4pm, Fr. Byron’s presentation, “Politics and Christian Community” is at 4:30, mass is at 5, and a social hour will follow. #jointhemovement

Archdiocese WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference – Saturday, February 25 Women of all ages are invited to the WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference next Saturday, February 25 from 9:30am—3:30pm at Mary, Mother of the Church in Burnsville. Our 2017 theme is Small Things, Great Love: It's What We Do. The day includes inspirational talks, music, lunch, prayer, shopping, confession, chocolate, and more. It is the perfect way to pre-pare for Lent! Registration is $65. This conference is spon-sored by WINE: Women In the New Evangelization and the Archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. For more details and to register, visit Lenten Bible Study - Wednesdays beginning March 8 This six-week Lenten Bible Study led by Father John Echert will examine the final days of Jesus Christ from the perspective of the four Gospels. Registration is $20 and is available at Study materials will be provided, but please bring your Bible, and join us in the lower level of the Cathedral beginning March 8 from 7-8:30pm. Contact Susanna Bolle at (651) 291-4411 or for more information. Catholics at the Capitol - March 9 Join Minnesota’s bishops, dynamic Catholic speakers, and over 1,000 Catholics from across the state for Catholics at the Capitol, a day of inspi-ration and advocacy in St. Paul. We’ll be informed about the issues, in-spired to bring our faith into the public square, and equipped to have meaningful conversations with our legislators. Hosted by the Minnesota Catholic Confer-ence, the morning session will begin at 9am at the Saint Paul RiverCentre and will move to the State Capitol building for the afternoon. To learn more about how you can help protect life and uphold human dignity as well as register, visit 2017 Archdiocesan Men’s Conference – March 18 Join men of all ages and walks of life from around the Archdi-ocese for a morning filled with faith and fellowship. Archbishop Hebda will pre-sent Lessons from Saint Joseph, the Ulti-mate Watchman. The conference begins at 7am with adoration and confession in the Anderson Fieldhouse at the University of St. Thomas and includes mass, breakfast, dynamic speak-ers, and a Eucharistic procession around the UST campus. Registration is $25/adult and $10/student and is available at Group discounts are available. Con-tact Enzo Randazzo at or (651) 291-4483 for more information.

Community Carondelet Gala Help Wanted - Tuesday, February 21, 9am Spend some time with your friends at Carondelet Village and help a great cause—St. Mary’s Health Clin-ics. This marks the 25th year the clinics have provided quality health care at no cost to uninsured women, children, and men in the Twin Cities. We need your help stuffing and stamping invita-tions for this major fundraiser this Tuesday from 9am-noon in the Carondelet Village Auditorium. Contact Mimi at (651) 690-7058 or There will be treats and door prizes for your help! Depression Support Coalition - Starting Tuesday, February 21 St. Richard’s Catholic Church in Richfield will host the 2017 Depression Coalition Spring Speaker Series starting this Tuesday from 7-8:30pm. The first month’s presentation will be an “Overview of Mental Health in Youth” by Naysha Stone, MSP, AT. More information is available by calling Russ Shupe at (952) 890-9671 or at All are welcome, regardless of religious affiliation. Theology on Tap - Wednesday, February 22, 6:30pm Join the Cathedral Young Adults on Wednesday for their final winter Theology on Tap event. The talk is free, donations are welcome, and all are encouraged to support our generous host, O'Gara's. All young adults ages 18-39 are encouraged to join us as we mix good beer with bet-ter knowledge! Social hour is from 6:30–7:30pm and the speaker begins at 7:30pm. Visit for details. Local Grief Group - Thursdays 5:30-7pm The Capital City Grief Coalition will meet every Thursday from 5:30-7pm at Unity Church-Unitarian on Portland Avenue through the end of February. All are welcome! St. Helena CCW Spring Tea - Sunday, February 26, 2-4pm Enjoy sweet and savory breads, scones, hand-cut sandwich-es, and delicate desserts next Sunday at St. Helena’s Rowan Hall in Minneapolis. The vocal group Esperanza will provide musical entertainment. Reservations for ladies ages 6 and older must be made by Wednesday by calling Lucy at (612) 729-9445. The registration fee ($10/person) can be paid at the Tea. Liturgy Help Needed Cerenity Marian of Saint Paul offers mass seven days a week, and we have lovely spiritual care volunteers that help us make this possible. However, we are finding ourselves in need of a cantor to sing during mass 1-2 times a week. Our mass times are: Monday-Friday at 1pm, Saturday 10am, and Sunday at 9am. Anyone interested can contact Jackie Bruns in Volunteer Services at (651) 793-2116 or

NativityStPaul @NativityStPaul

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Marriage Banns Please keep the following couple in your prayers as they pre-pare to receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony: Saturday, February 25 Krista Mahowald & Nicholas Judge To be married at Nativity, the bride, groom, or one of the par-ents must be an active, registered parishioner for at least six months prior to scheduling a wedding. Contact Leah for more information at

Deceased Please remember in your prayers:

Gerald “Jerry” Kelly Lynn Olson Jacqueline Tursso May their souls and those of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, amen. Online obituaries:

Retreats Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat - February 24-26 It's Time to Forgive Yourself! Pope Francis said, "God forgives always." If you or someone you love is grieving the loss of a child or children to abor-tion, come and experience the healing mercy of Jesus Christ on our weekend retreat. The next Rachel’s Vineyard Twin Cities retreat is next weekend. For more information contact Nancy at, call (763) 250-9313, or visit Discerning the Will of God - March 4-5 Find clarity to discover where God is leading you at this two-day Ignatian retreat lead by Father Timonty M. Gallagher, O.M.V. offered March 4-5, 9am-3pm in the Woulfe Alumni Hall at the University of St. Thomas. Visit for more information or to register by February 22. The re-treat is sponsored by Catholic Studies and the Office for Spir-ituality at UST. Retrouvaille - March 31-April 2 The Retrouvaille (pronounced REH-tro-vie) Program provides the tools to help put your marriage in or-der again. Consisting of a weekend experience combined with a series of 6-12 post -weekend ses-sions over three months, its main emphasis is on communication in marriage between husband and wife. It will give couples the opportunity to redis-cover each other and examine their lives together in a new and positive way. Thousands of couples have suc-cessfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program. Visit for more information.

Scouts Religious Award Winners On February 5, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Nativity celebrated Scout Sunday at the 8:15am mass, followed by the Pan-cake Breakfast. This Mass honored the scouts and they received Religious Awards that they have earned through their study and service. Boy Scouts were awarded the Light of Christ (9 boys) and the Parvuli Dei (12 boys), and the Girl Scouts earned five different awards: Saint Teresa of Calcutta (34 girls), Naomi and Ruth (16 girls), Arch-bishop’s (20 girls), Family of God (8 girls), and Mary, the First Disciple (1 girl). For names of the scouts who received each award, and for more information about each, visit

Facilities Lannan Center Construction This past week you may have noticed a construction lift was in place in front of the Lannan Center to assist workers in removing and repairing two sections of the flat roof on the rear of the building. This work is necessary to repair recurrent leaks. Fortunately, the hours of the par-ish office and the Nativity Early Learning Center will not be affected by the work. Watch the bulletin for updates as this repair project proceeds.

Senior Services Carondelet Circle Carondelet Village offers a monthly membership program for seniors age 55 and better that offers access to classes, pro-grams, amenities, and resources within Carondelet Village. Our goal is to reach seniors still living in their current commu-nities or homes so they can continue to live well regardless of their living situation. Visit for more infor-mation about the membership program and for whom to con-tact to sign up.

Pope Francis The Pope's Monthly Intentions for February Comfort for the Afflicted

That all those who are afflicted, espe-cially the poor, refugees, and marginal-ized, may find welcome and comfort in our communities. Sacredness of Life

We pray for the children who are in danger of the interruption of pregnancy, as well as for persons who are at the end of life — every life is sacred! — so that no one is left alone and that love may defend the meaning of life. Visit for more info.

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Monday, 2/20 Tuesday, 2/21 Wednesday, 2/22 Thursday, 2/23 Friday, 2/24 Saturday, 2/25 Sunday, 2/26

7th Week in Ordinary Time

Presidents’ Day

School, ELC, and

Parish Office closed

Mass Church 9am**

**No other masses and

no confessions

St. Peter Damian*

Grandparents’ Apostolate Rosary

Marian Chapel 8:45am

Conferences School


RCIA Lannan Center

Conference Room 7-9pm

The Chair of

St. Peter the Apostle (pictured on front cover)

NELC Grandparents Event

Steiner Hall 10-11:30am

Faith Formation School


Boy Scouts District Commissioner Mtg.

School Library 7-8:30pm

Young Adult Video Study

Lannan Center Conference Room


St. Polycarp

(pictured below)

Catholicism Video Study

Gather Room 8:45-10am

Conferences School


Catholic Watchmen Night

Church & Steiner Hall 6:30-9pm

Children’s Adoration Adoration

Chapel 9-10am

Sock Drive

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sock Drive

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Gather Room 9:40am

Urban Catholic Lord’s Day Church &

Steiner Hall 4-7pm

*Denotes Nativity Relic

Parish Calendar · February 20-26, 2017

8:15am 5pm

T Mother Marie Ange Harold Wasserman +

W Jim Kieser John Peter Creighton +

Th Milton Stensland + Mary Kaye Jones

F Mary’s Helpers Kathryn Jones

S Barbara McCarter + -

Mass Intentions Mass Readings Monday: Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Sir 2:1-11; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 16:13-19 Thursday: Sir 5:1-8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Sir 6:5-17; Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34-35; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Sir 17:1-15; Ps 103:13-18; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Is 49:14-15; Ps 62:2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34

Adoration Adorers are most greatly needed: Sunday: 12am, 2am, 4am Monday: 4pm Tuesday: 1pm Thursday: 3pm Saturday: 2am

Please contact Jim at or (763) 746-8244 to sign up for a peaceful hour with Jesus!

Heritage Room Relics on display for February: St. Blase 2/3 (feast day) St. Agatha 2/5 St. Jerome Emiliani 2/8 St. Scholastica 2/10 St. Cyril 2/14 St. Peter Damian 2/21 For more information about Nativity’s relics, visit

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