natural gas conditioning and pipeline design a …

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A Technical Primer for Non-Technicians,

With Special Reference to Hydrocarbons from Prudhoe Bay

and the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline


Juneau, Alaska

March 11, 1980

Prepared for the State of Alaska

Department of Natural Resources






TABLE OF CCNI'ENI'S ••••••••••••••• i

INTR.C)a.JcrI ON • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i i

THE BASICS OF PIPELINE DESIGN ••••••••••••••••••••





Hydrocaroon Characteristics ••••••••••••••••••

Chemistry . ................................................ .

Heating values .. .......................................... .



3. Phase characteristics •••••

Gas Versus Liquids Pipelines ••

Pressure Specifications ....•.•.................................

Hazards of Two-Phase Flow •..••..••.....•••..••............•....

GAS Ca.11?C)SITION DECISIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

A. Intrcxluction . ................................................. .




Phase Diagrains . ...................................... .

The Relationship Between Gas Cornpc>sition and Upset Conditions ......... ....................................... .

carbon Dioxide Content ••...•••.•••••.•.....•.•....•.

1. The effect of caroon dioxide on hydrocarbon














dewi;x:>int. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . • • • . • 20


2. The effect of carbon dioxide on pipeline oorros100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3. The effect of caroon dioxide on downstream gas systems • ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••.•.•...•••

4. The effect of caroon dioxide on project economics ••••••••••

of Gas and Gas Liquids Available for Shipment •••••••••• Volumes

1. Reservoir production rates ...•.............................

2. Gas Cornpc>sition changes •••••••••

3. North Slope fuel requirements ••• . .................... . 4. Shipping intermediate hydrocarbons through TAPS ••••••••••••









The State of Alaska faces a variety of questions

related to the proposed Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline which

combine highly technical engineering considerations with

important public pol icy issues. These questions include:

location, design, and ownership of the gas conditioning plant,

choice of fuel for North Slope operations, and

- pressure and diameter specifications of the pipeline itself.

Some grasp of the engineering jargon and basic princi­

ples is essential if Alaska's elected officials and agency

staff are to identify the State's priorities correctly:

What issues really affect the State's interests, and to what

extent? Which, if any, of the other parties the produ-

cers, gas shippers, and federal authorities are likely

to share the State's interests in each of these questions,

and to what extent? How much can Alaskans depend on

others, therefore, to.look after the State's interests?

How formidable is opposition 1 ikely to be to the State's

position, and what burdens would the State's demands impose

on others? Overall then, where should the State realisti­

cally direct its efforts?

This report, in itself, will not answer those ques­

tions; it should, however, make State decision-making a bit

easier. We have tried to distinguish scientific facts from

matters of differing engineering judgment, and both from

differences of economic interest; and to present the range

of opinions fairly. Our goals have been to develop a primer

on gas conditioning and pipeline transportation that is

relevant to Alaskans, speaks to non-technicians, yet is

precise and complete enough to survive the scrutiny of



Special thanks goes to Harold R. Galloway and James L.

Shanks, Jr. of Exxon, D. J. Pritchard of Sohio, W. S.

Dickinson of Arco, A. J. Green of Westcoast Transmission,

Robert M. Maynard pf the State of Alaska's Department of

Law, and Robert H. Loeffler of Morrison & Foerster, the

State's Washington counsel.




1. Chemistry

The crude oil and natural gas produced from Alaska 1 s

Prudhoe Bay reservoir are mixtures of hydrocarbons ( com­

pounds of carbon and hydrogen), plus impurities like water

and carbon dioxide. The most fundamental classification of

hydrocarbon compounds is in terms of the number of carbon

atoms in each molecule.

Reservoir Fluid

natural gas

crude oil












Chemical Abbrevi­Formula at ion

Commercial Product











} c3






C n

dry gas

natural gas liquids (NGLs) or condensate

natural gasolines, naphtha, or


oils, waxes, tars

Hydrocarbons containing more than three atoms of carbon

in each molecule have several different configurations.

These forms or "isomers" often have different physical

characteristics. For example, Table 2 shows that "normal"

butane (n-butane] can remain in a liquid state in the TAPS

oil pipeline at higher temperatures than can the branched

isomer "iso" butane (i-butane].




H-(-C-C-(-H I I


11 normal 11 ( n) butane

2. Heating values


'C ,. H H

, I I H -C-C-(-H


11 iso" ( i) butane

The heating value of each hydrocarbon reflects, in

part, the number of carbon atoms that will oxidize as the

fuel is burned. Table 2 shows the heating values of 1 ight

hydrocarbons and their isomers, both in liquid and vapor


BTU's 1 ,

Normally, heating values are expressed in gross

also called the higher heating value. The expec-

ted heating value of gas that will be shipped through the

Alaska Highway gas pipeline (or Alaska Natural Gas Transpor­

tation System [ANGTS] ), for example, is invariably expressed

in gross terms.

The lower heating value, measured in net BTU's, serves

a very limited function, primarily in describing the fuel

requirements for various types of machinery and processes.

Net BTU's for hydrocarbon vapors have been used by some

parties involved in the design of the North Slope gas

conditioning pl ant; Table 2, therefore, includes net mea­

surements for hydrocarbon vapors.

The difference between gross and net BTU I s is highly

technical. The reader need only remember that ( 1) unless

specifically designated as net BTU' s, one can assume that

all heating value data represent gross measurements; and

(2) like apples and oranges, the two should never be con­

fused or mixed in heating value calculations.

1) A British 'Ihermal Unit ( BTU) represents the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by cne degree F.



Methane Ethane Propane i-butane n-butane i-pentane n-pentane



BTU/scf gross

1010 1769 2518 3253 3262 4000 4010

* BTU/scf net

909 1618 2316 3001 3010 3698 3708


** BTU/barrel gross

2,512,818 2,771,916 3,824,730 4,158,924 4,325,538 4 I 569 I 180 4,624,284

Source: Natural Gas Processors and Suppliers Association, Engineering Data Book, 1979.

* A Standard Cubic Foot (scf or cf) is the amount of gas that W)Uld fill a cubic foot of space at 60 degrees F. and standard atmospheric pressure. The following abbreviations are often used to represent large volumes:

Mcf = thousand cubic feet MMcf = million cubic feet bcf = bill ion cubic feet Tcf = trillion cubic feet

** One barrel= 42 U.S. gallons.


3. Phase characteristics

The more carbon atoms a molecule contains, the heavier

it is. The heaviness of a particular hydrocarbon will

inf 1 uence whether it exists in a vapor or 1 iquid phase at

various combinations of temperatures and pressures. Table 3

shows the boiling points of light hydrocarbons. At tempera­

tures below the boiling point, a hydrocarbon is a 1 iquid;

above, it is a vapor.


c1 c2 C

. c3 1-4 n-C

. c4 1-5 n-C 5 n-C 6 n-C 7 n-C cos 2



16.043 30.070 44.097 58. 124 58. 124 72.151 72. 151 86. 178

100.205 114.232 44.010

OOILING FOIN1' ( F. ) [at atmospheric pressure]

-258.69 -127.48 - 43.67 + 10.90 + 31.10 + 82.12 + 96.92 +155.72 +209. 17 +258.22 -109.30

Source: Natural Gas Processors and Suppliers Association, Engineering Data Book, 1979.

Oil is now injected into the Trans Alaska oil pipeline

(TAPS) at a temperature of 142 degrees F. At times, the oil

may experience pressures enroute as low as normal atmos­

pheric conditions. Under these circumstances, Table 3 shows

that hexanes ( c6

) and all ·heavier hydrocarbons would

always remain in a liquid phase during shipment through

TAPS. Mixtures of heavy hydrocarbons also have the ability

to carry small quantities of c5 and even c4

without vapor

formation. On the other hand, mixtures of the lightest

hydrocarbons (C 1 , c2

, and c 3 ) remain in the vapor phase

even in a chilled gas pipeline, and can likewise absorb some

c4 and possibly c5 without condensation.


The question of how much of these intermediate hydro­

carbons (C4

and c5

) will be carried as vapors by ANGTS,

shipped as liquids in TAPS or in a third "gas-liquids"

pipeline, used for fuel on the North Slope, or routed to

some other purpose, remains open. Resolution of this issue

depends upon a whole array of decisions, including pressure

and temperature specifications for operation of both the gas

and oil pipelines, the amount of co2 permitted in the gas

pipeline, the choice of gas conditioning process, the kinds

and amounts of fuel used in the field and for pipeline pumps

and compressors, and oil and gas production rates. This

report examines each of those factors, their relationships,

and the ultimate effect such decisions may have on the kinds

and amounts of hydrocarbons transported.


Pipelines carrying hydrocarbons in a liquid phase (such

as the TAPS oil line and a proposed gas liquids line) use

pumps to move these materials. Pipelines designed for

gaseous hydrocarbons, such as the proposed Alaskan Northwest

pipeline, use compressors.


The difference is subtle, but

In liquids, the individual molecules are packed tightly

together and, for all practical purposes, cannot be com­

pressed in to a small er volume. Instead, as more molecules

are pumped into a pipe, they shove the mass of hydrocarbons

in front of them into the next pump station, 1 ike a train

of boxcars pushed from behind. Naturally, the greater the

distance ( and the greater the rise in elevation) between

pump stations, the greater is the horsepower required.


Gaseous hydrocarbons, like all vapors, are compres­

sible. Each compressor station on a gas pipeline draws vapor

into its inlet at a relatively low pressure (called the

suction pressure), compresses it into a smaller volume, and

expels it at a higher pressure, known as the discharge

pressure. As the gas expands between the outlet of one

compressor station and the inlet of the next, pressure again

falls, and this pressure drop or differential causes the gas

to flow through the pipe. It is the discharge or operating_




being the greatest pressure experienced by the

that is limited by the strength of the steel


Pressure drop is usually measured as a ratio to dis­

tance, psi per mile. 2 Being the stimulus for gas movement

through a pipeline, it is therefore one of several factors

that determine how much gas can be transported each day.

Throughput is determined by the following components:

( 1) Discharge pressure, ( 2) Suction pressure, and ( 3) Compressor Station spacing determine the pressure drop, and thereby the SPEED of flow, while

( 4) ~line diameter determines the AMOUNI' of gas that can be shipped throll:}h a pipeline at any given speed.

2) Pressure is measured in I;X?Unds per square inch (psi) . Objects at sea level are subjected to an atmospheric pressure of about 14. 7 psi ( which results from the weight of several miles of air resting on the earth's surface) . Instn.nnents designed to measure artificially induced pressures like those inside gas pipelines, record or guage pressures in excess of this ever-present atmospheric pressure (psi.51). Absolute pressure measurements include the 14. 7 psi exerted by the atmosphere (psia). Hence, 1680 psig is the same as 1694.7 psia. -


Of these four variables, a pipeline's diameter and the

maximum discharge pressure that it can accomodate (that is,

the pipeline's operating pressure) are the only ones that

cannot be altered once the pipe is laid. The other two can,

in theory, be modified to accomodate changes in throughput:

Throughput can be increased either by adding more compressor

stations or by increasing the suction power of existing


There are, of course, practical and economic con­

straints on the number of compressor stations that can be

added. Likewise, the suction power of compressors exper i­

ences a marked drop-off in efficiency beyond a given range

of compression ratios.

The compression ratio is the ratio between a compres­

sor's discharge pressure and its suction pressure. Compres­

sion ratios are generally in the vicinity of 1.2 to 1.3.

Table 4 shows the suction pressures corresponding to a

compression ratio of 1.25 at four operating pressure levels

heretofore considered for the Alaskan and Canadian sections

of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline.

Operating pressure

1680 psig

1440 psig

1260 psig

1080 psig


Efficient Delivery Pressure

1350 psig

1150 psig

1010 psig

860 psig

The National Energy Board (NEB) has approved construc­

tion of a 1080 psig 56 inch diameter pipeline in Canada.

Though some contention still exists on the matter, the

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved the

design proposed by the pipeline sponsor, Northwest Alaskan,


with an operating pressure of 1260 psig for a 48 inch

pipeline in Alaska. EXXON and the State of Alaska have

advocated higher operating pressures, such as 1680 psig (or

even 2160 psig for a 42 inch diameter pipe) • ARCO at one

time proposed a compromise pressure of 1440 psig.

The controversy over the pipeline's operating pressure

and diameter stems, in part, from a recognition that manipu­

lating discharge and suction pressures or even building more

compressor stations after the pipe is laid are not neces­

sarily the most economic or practical responses to future

changes in throughput. For these reasons, designers must

choose pipeline diameter and wall thickness specifications

and compressor station locations that reflect a realistic

judgment of likely throughputs over the life of the facil­

ity. FERC and Northwest concluded that a 1260 psig 48"

diameter pipeline is the most efficient and economic compro­

mise for the volume of gas expected from the main Prudhoe

Bay reservoir (about 2.0 bcf/day). However, they agree that

at a throughput somewhere between 2.6 and 2.9 bcf per day, a

1680 psig line would make more sense. ["Report of the

Alaskan Delegate on the System Design Inquiry", FERC, May

17, 1979; p. 27.)

Unfortunately, the additional volumes of North Slope

gas likely to become available during the expected 20 or 25

years of gas pipeline operations are both uncertain and

controversial. No one can know with confidence whether the

1260 psig system ultimately will prove to be the best


A related issue that must be addressed during engineer­

ing design is the need for crack arrestors. Even if a

pipeline's wall thickness is sufficient to withstand its own

INTERNAL gas pressures, pipeline designers have to safeguard

against the effects of catastrophic EXTERNAL forces --- such

as a misguided bulldozer or a saboteur's bomb.


Obviously, localized damage cannot be prevented entire­

ly. In a large diameter, high pressure gas pipeline (unlike

TAPS), however, even a small injury to the pipe can result

in a fracture that spreads explosively up and down the

system, perhaps destroying pipe for tens of miles. Girdling

the pipe at regular intervals with sturdy metal crack

arrestors is one solution.

Virtually everyone agrees that a 1680 psig, 48 inch

diameter pipeline must be equipped with crack arrestors.

Opinions, however, vary with respect to a 1260 psig system.

Since crack arrestors are a significant expense, no conclu­

sive judgment about the relative economic advantages of a

1260 psig system can be reached in the absence of a decision

on the need for crack arrestors.

Probably the biggest source of controversy with respect

to the selection of an operating pressure for the Alaska

Highway Gas Pipeline centers, however, on the ability of

higher pressure pipelines to carry heavier hydrocarbons

without risking two-phase flow.


Long-a istance pipelines must be designed to carry

hydrocarbons either in a vapor phase ( 1 ike the Northwest

pipeline) or in a liquid phase (like TAPS and the proposed

gas liquids line). Transporting vapors and liquids together

in one stream results in a condition called two-phase flow.

The dangers of two-phase flow are as follows:


(1) General problems of two-phase flow. A pump or

compressor is designed to operate on material of a certain

density. Encountering bubbles of vapor in a stream that

should be totally liquid is a little like swinging a bat at

a baseball and missing; while coming across droplets or,

worse yet, big "slugs" of liquid in a stream that should be

all vapor is 1 ike being hit with a barrage of snowballs.

Either event can be rather jarring to the system.

(2) "Surge" and "slug" problems of two-phase flow.

If droplets of liquids condense in the vapor stream, they

tend to settle and accumulate in low spots along the pipe-

1 ine, constricting the room available for vapor flow. As

the amount of trapped liquid grows, pressure builds

eventually forcing the liquid up and over the next hump.

Large slugs of dense liquids are, therefore, accompanied by

an uneven or surging flow of fluids. Extreme surging

conditions can cause severe damage when a slug enters a

compressor station.

It should be noted that some pipelines are intention­

ally operated in two-phase flow conditions, while gathering

"wet" (unconditioned) gas in the field, or bringing gas

from offshore wells to shore-based facilities. Usually,

however, these pipelines

no pumps or compressors

slugs are located along







short and undersized;

be damaged by surging

In fact, some off shore

cannot be avoided empty

onshore into several miles of convoluted pipeline called

slug catchers. Here the tremendous force of the slugs is

dissipated, and the liquid itself is "scrubbed" out of the

gas, prior to entering pumping, processing, or compressing


pipelines for which slug formation


Designers and operators of long-distance gas pipelines,

like the ANGTS which has several compressor stations and

many ups and downs enroute, can take a variety of actions to

reduce the hazards of two-phase flow. They can:

* Avoid buildin an oversized line. One way to

prevent the accumulation of liquids at low points along the

1 ine is to ensure that vapors flow at a high speed. This

means choosing a pipeline diameter appropriate to the

expected throughput, maintaining a high pressure drop, or

both. If a system is designed to carry an average of 3. 0

bcf/day and only 2.0 bcf/day is available for shipment,

pressure drop would have to be reduced in order to ensure a

steady flow of the smaller volume of gas. The result is a

slower movement of gas and, hence, a greater danger of slug

formation and surging.

* Equip the line with drains. Valves to drain off

accumulated liquids can be inserted in low spots along the


* Ensure against sloppy pipeline operations. If

drains are installed, they must be used properly. If

adequate drainage is impractical, the 1 ine should receive

more frequent "pigging" ( insertion of a sol id object, or

pig, which pushes accumulated liquids out ahead of it). If

throughput is raised or lowered, changes in the input and

output pressures must be synchronized. If the line is shut

down temporarily, special care must be taken when operations

resume to prevent the passage of entrained liquids that may

have formed during the outage. For these reasons, no matter

how free of droplets the sales gas may be when it enters the

pipeline, sloppy operations can result in dangerous two­

phase flow conditions.


None of the above precautions are of much use in

long-distance pipelines, however, unless pipeline operators


* Restrict the volume of heavy hydrocarbons. Pipe-

lines must transport only hydrocarbon mixtures that pose no

threat of condensation at any combination of temperatures

and pressures 1 ikely to be encountered under either normal

or abnormal conditions. Determining the optimum mixture is

rather complicated, as the next chapter shows.



In designing a gas transportation system, everything

seems to affect and be affected by everything else. We have

seen, for example, that decisions about pipeline diameter,

operating pressure, suction pressure, and compressor sta­

t ion spacing are all interdependent. Further, these

specifications cannot be set intelligently except with

reference to some volume or range of volumes for expected

throughput. The same holds true with respect to deter­

mining the optimum chemical composition of pipeline quality

~; that is, the relative amounts of methane, ethane,

propane, butane, heavier hydrocarbons, carbon-a iox ide,

water, and sulphur compounds in the gas delivered to the



Temperature and pressure are the two factors that

determine whether any particular hydrocarbon or mixture of

hydrocarbons will be present in a vapor or in a liquid

phase. Thus, pipeline designers must choose a balanced

combination of pressure, temperature, and composition

specifications that will ensure safe operations and avoid

two-phase flow.


Almost everyone is familiar with "bottle gas"

pressurized containers of propane and butane used to fuel

appliances in isolated homes, mobile homes, and recreational

vehicles, and for camping stoves and lanterns. The propane

or butane exists as a liquid inside the containers, but

vaporizes upon release. Heavier hydrocarbons like gasoline

and diesel fuel are liquids at atmospheric pressures and

temperatures but vaporize when heat. is added. These are all

examples of ohase changes. Each hydrocarbon has its own

phase diagram, like that of Figure B, which shows how

changes in pressure and temperature affect its physical




dense-phase fluid



- 13 -




Notice first, that four phases are shown: solid,

liquid, vapor, and something called dense-phase fluid.

Unlike the other phases, it is hard to pinpoint where the

dense phase fluid starts and ends; but we do know that it

occurs only at extremely high pressures. It is also diffi­

cult to describe: A dense-phase fluid is dense like a

liquid, but compressible like a vapor. And unlike solids,

liquids, and vapors, which we all encounter in our daily

lives, dense-phase fluids exist only deep inside the earth

and within artificially created environments like natural

gas pipelines.

While this high pressure phase is technically a crea­

ture unto itself, for our purposes there is no practical

distinction between such fluids and vapors, and we shall

generally use the word vapor for both.

Point C in Figure Bis called the critical point. For

any pure substance, no liquid can exist at pressures above

the critical pressure (P ) no matter how far the C

temperature drops. Likewise, no liquid can exist at temper-

atures beyond the critical temperature (T) again, no C

matter how much pressure is exerted.

Unfortunately phase diagrams of hydrocarbon MIXTURES,

like that of Figure C, are more complicated to read and

under stand than are the diagrams of pure substances. For

volumes containing only a single hydrocarbon type, two

phases will coexist only at pressure-temperature combina­

tions represented by the thin 1 ine separating liquid and

vapor phases. But for hydrocarbon mixtures, the net ef feet

of all the individual phase diagrams is a tongue-shaped

region or phase-envelope in which both gas and liquid states

are present. To avoid two-phase flow in pipelines, there­

fore, any combination of temperature and pressure falling


inside the phase envelope must be avoided. Liquids pipe-

1 ine s must operate to the left of the phase envelope,

while gas pipelines must function above or to the right

of it.





/~~ 1 i qu id / : • • · • • \ T

' • ~ max / · · liquid • i • • + • • '; / vapor

; vapor • • 1 . I

, . / ~/


The temperature and pressure combinations that deline­

ate the right and upper boundaries of the phase envelope are

called dewpoints, marking the conditions at which droplets

first begin to appear in a vapor as the temperature or

pressure falls. The combinations along the left side of the

phase envelope are called bubblepoints, marking the cond i­

t ions at which bubbles of vapor first appear in a liquid.

TAPS engineers, therefore, worry about bubblepoints, while

ANGTS engineers fret over dewpoints. The next chapter

will examine how engineers use phase diagrams to determine

what mixtures of light hydrocarbons can be handled safely in




While the choice of operating ( or discharge) pressure

has thus far dominated the discussion of two-phase flow, the

operating pressure in itself does not limit the allowable

range of gas mixtures. Likewise, the temperature at which

gas is discharged from each compressor station is not the

limiting factor. Instead, project engineers concern them­

selves with the combination of pressure and temperature

conditions that would occur in a system upset.

As the term implies, upset conditions are those that

occur when the system malfunctions. Engineers study upset

conditions in order to forecast the most troubling combina­

tion of temperature and pressure ( from the standpoint of

two-phase flow) that vapors moving through the gas pipeline

are likely to encounter. Since ANGTS will be designed

to carry light hydrocarbons in a high pressure vapor phase

(more precisely, a dense-phase fluid), upset conditions

denote the LOWEST expected combinations of temperature and


How are upset conditions determined? First, the normal

operating window of pressures and temperatures must be

calculated. This represents the range of conditions likely

to occur, assuming that the system is functioning properly.

The lowest pressure experienced under these normal cond i­

t ions is the suction pressure, which occurs at the entrance

to each compressor station.

Calculating the lowest temperature likely to occur

under normal operating conditions is more difficult.

It depends, in part, upon the temperature at which gas is

ejected from the compressor stations. Interestingly, the

Canadian pipeline segments south of Whitehorse have an


advantage on this point. Compressor stations in Alaska must

discharge gas with a temperature no higher than 32 degrees

F., in order to prevent melting of permafrost through which

the buried pipeline is laid. However, south of Whitehorse

permafrost is a relatively minor problem and discharge

temperatures, therefore, can be higher.

The lowest limit of acceptable gas temperatures is a

function of the pipe's ductility and other physical charact­

eristics. In the present preliminary design, this lower

limit is -10 degrees F. Minimum normal operating tempera­

tures are, in turn, determined mainly by the Joule-Thompson

cooling effect: a gas naturally falls in temperature as it

expands between its d ischarg.e from one compressor and its

delivery to the next. The lowest operating temperature also

depends upon what ground or air temperatures the designers

expect to occur along the pipeline route. As long as the

pipeline in Alaska is buried, the temperature it encounters

will stay around 10 degrees F. throughout the year. If any

section of the pipeline is constructed above ground, however,

the cold Arctic winters become a real concern.

Once pipeline designers determine the normal o:e~rating

window of temperatures and pressures, they can forecast the

effects of specific malfunctions. Calculation of the

resulting upset conditions reflects the designer's judgment

as to WHICH malfunctions must be accomodated. Generally,

upset conditions that have been discussed with respect to

the Alaska gas pipeline reflect an assumption that the

worst case would be one in which a single compressor station

is totally shut down for repairs. But the implications

of this assumption depend also on WHICH station is out of

service. Moreover, the worst conditions under which the

system will operate are also a function of how much the

pipeline's designers and operators are prepared to reduce

throughput in case of an upset: Will they simply route the


the gas past the ailing station without increasing the

suction capability downstream? Or will the'next station be

forced to work harder in an attempt to keep throughput from

falling too severely? Again, determining how much the

operator can manipulate suction pressure at the downstream

station depends upon the minimum stress temperature of the

steel pipe (-10 degrees F, as we mentioned previously), the

mechanical 1 imitations of the machinery, and the dewpoint

characteristics of the gas itself.

Figure D plots the temperatures and pressures of

assumed upset conditions for the several pipeline operating

pressures under consideration, and illustrates how close

these points come to the two-phase flow conditions of

various North Slope hydrocarbon mixtures. While an under­

standing of the basic physical principles reviewed here is

important, no one can precisely assess the system's upset

temperatures and pressures except

detailed engineering and contingency

why different parties have projected

tions for ANGTS.

in conjunction with

plans. This explains

different upset condi-

Figure D shows, for example, why upset conditions for

the Canadian pipeline sections are of. no real concern with

respect to choice of gas composition. Even though the

Canadian pipeline will function at a lower operating pres­

sure (1080 psig, with a corresponding upset pressure of

about 860 psig), it will have a significantly higher upset

temperature (around 30 to 40 degrees F.) because the lack of

permafrost south of Whitehorse permits higher compressor

discharge temperatures. If one plots the inter section of

860 psig and 35 degrees F., it is evident that the design of

the Alaska portion of the pipeline will be what limits the

volume of intermediate hydrocarbons shipped through the

entire system.







Calculated Phase Boundaries -

J Various Prudhoe Bay Conditioned f8r81 :[ Gases (ti.II M/lf~ I ?o C0.,2 m1;<f.:imlliL[J :) exupt ''~&;5'' which i-s 13 7o c~)


::·:1:.: ••• 1 •••


, .. 1.:.

/: ·t··

.. , ... '1., .



! lei ·-g')


~ ::> V) V)

Or.l a:;




4ol 3




1680 psim.

1440 psh.

1260 puim. ·1· , .... , ... .........


-1 -1-:~ ~~~4~ "Upfiet" Condition!

1. / ! ii !

1250 psia @-10°r

1150 PAia@ o0 r

... n= ' ..

.,. 11; !''' .:1 ·


,; '1

FIGl:PE C page 2 of 2


{Hole Percent) -Unconditioned (D 0 0 © ® {~ G) ® ® @,1

Separator C1-C3 C1-50%C4 C1-C4 C1-C5 C1-C6 C1-C7


C~nent Off-Gu C1-C3 Ci-Ce Ci-Cg C1-C4 ----

N2 0.484 0.564 o. 5.59 o. 554 0.551 0.550 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.48f

CO2 12.659 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 12.773

Cl 74. 706 87.05) 86.296 85.554 84. 964 84.818 84.742 84.695 84.679 84.676 75. 38:Z

Cz 6.428 7 .491 7.426 7. )62 7.)11 7.299 7.292 7.288 7.287 7.287 6.486

C3 ).340 ).892 ).859 ).826 ).799 ). 79) ).789 ).787 J.786 ).786 J.37C

i-C4 0.450 -- 0.260 0.515 0.512 0.511 0.511 0.510 0.510 0.510 0. 45l..

n-C4 1.038 - 0.600 1.189 1.181 1.179 1.178 1.177 1.177 1.177 1.04 ·

1-C5 0.217 - - - 0.247 0.247 0.246 0. 246 0.246 0.246

n-C5 0.38) - - -- 0.435 0.435 0.434 0.434 0.434 0.4)4 . --c6 0.148 -- - -- -- 0.168 0.168 0~168 0.168 0.168

C7 0.081 - - -- -- -- 0.091 0.092 0.092 0.092

C3 0.047 - -- -- -- - - 0.054 0.054 0.054

C9 0.016 -- - - -- - - -- 0.018 0.018

C10 0.00) -- - -- -- -- - -- - O.OOJ

!1olecubr Wt. 22. 7 18.5 18.8 19.2 19.5 19.7 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.9 22.2

Heating Value 1027 1095 {Btu/cf*)

1113 1131 1150 1156 1160 1163 1164 1164 996

*Grose, Wet. Actual@ 60°F., l~.73 psis



-- ----

Alaska state officials thus far have argued that

decisions regarding pipeline design and gas composition

should not preclude shipment of intermediate hydrocarbons

such as butanes. ( This position will be discussed in more

detail later.) However, when the time comes to develop

firm contingency plans for upset conditions, the State's

interest in shipping intermediate hydrocarbons through the

gas pipeline may well be surpassed by its likely --- and

conflicting interest in maintaining high throughput

levels: As the preceding discussion shows, in the event of

upset, maintenance of throughput depends on an ability to

reduce the suction pressure at the next compressor station,

which in turn is partly limited by the proportion of inter­

mediate hydrocarbons in the gas stream.


Produced gas from the field (sometimes called raw gas)

contains about 13 percent carbon dioxide (CO2

). Whether

that amount is allowed to remain in the pipeline quality

gas, or is removed via condi tioning 3 down to a 1 percent

or 3 percent level, depends on several factors:

3) Some parties with an interest in AN:;'IS have used the words "gas conditioning" and "gas processing" interchangeably; and in many Lower 48 producing areas, the boundary between the tw:> stages of natural gas treatment is hard to define. With respect to Prudhoe Bay natural gas, these tw:> i;nrases have distinct regulatory defini­tions, which may result in very real differences in the price the law allows gas producers to receive. As a result, the producers are easily aggrieved by any "misuse" of the tw:> terms. We will make no attempt here at a rigorous distinction between gas processing and conditioning; the reader should simply be aware of the sensitivity of this matter.


1 . The e f feet of carbon dioxide on hydrocarbon dew­

point. Figure D shows that a 13 percent co2

mixture enables

the introduction of greater quantities of heavy hydrocarbons

than would be safe with a 1 percent co2

mixture, but the

effect is really rather small. Instead, the choice of CO2

concentration must be made on other grounds.

2. The effect of carbon dioxide on pipeline <=:_O~~osion.

Under certain conditions, carbon dioxide will combine with

water to form carbonic acid. If present in the sales gas

stream, carbonic acid will corrode the steel walls of the

pipeline. The question, then, is how various concentrations

of co2

affect the risk that carbonic acid will sertously

damage the pipeline during the twenty-plus years of gas


The producers collectively argue that carbonic acid

corrosion in the Alaskan section of the gas pipeline is a

false issue, in part, b~cause it takes two to tango. Carbon

dioxide in any concentration cannot turn into carbonic acid

except in the presence of "free" water (water that condenses

out of the vapor phase). Since enough water must be removed

to meet WATER dewpoint specifications of -35 degrees F. for

the section of pipeline in Alaska, no problem should ensue

unless the temperature within the pipeline falls below that

point; but the HYDROCARBON dewpoint specification will have

to be much higher --- somewhere around O degrees F. in order

to maximize shipment of intermediate hydrocarbons. Thus,

before carbonic acid formation could pose a serious threat

to the pipeline, hydrocarbons present in two-phase flow

conditions would already have made the system inoperative.


Northwest Pipeline Company counters the producers'

arguments with a different concern from its own standpoint

as pipeline operator. While thk sales gas containing more

than 1 percent co2

may indeed ENTER the pipeline at Prudhoe

Bay in a dehydrated condition that poses no threat of

corrosion, the pipeline operator must ensure that the gas

REMAINS corrosion-free throughout the several thousand

miles of its journey. Apparently, some water is expected to

contaminate the sales gas not only as a result of upset

conditions, but even during hydro-testing associated with

pipeline start-up. Whether Northwest's demand for a 1

percent co2

specification, therefore, is reasonable, has

not yet been decided by FERC.

Because of permafrost problems in Alaska, the tempera­

ture of the gas must be held below the freezing point of

water. Hence, if any water drops out in Alaska, it will

likely do so in the form of ice or more precisely, hydrates,

which are like ice crystals but encapsulate molecules of

light hydrocarbons or sulphur compounds within their struc­

tures. At the planned operating temperatures for the

Alaska pipeline segment, free water will form hydrates at

temperatures as high as 60 degrees F. But ice and hydrates,

unlike water, cannot combine with co 2 to form an acid.

Instead of gradual corrosion, the presence of sol ids will

present a more immediate problem: blockage of the pipeline

and its valves.

The Canadian section of the pipeline poses, perhaps, an

even more fundamental concern. Canadian regulators have

given preliminary approval to a water dewpoint specification

for gas added to pipeline sections south of Whitehorse that

is less stringent than specifications proposed for the


Alaska section. This difference, however, does not indicate

any malfeasance by Canadian pipeline owners and regulators,

but rather a difference in judgment about what constitutes

acceptable risks in the face of added costs for prevention.



The effect of carbon-dioxide on downstream gas

Purchasers of Prudhoe Bay gas have argued that a

high co2

content would adversely affect their interests in

several ways.

In its July 1979 comments to FERC, the Natural Gas

Pipeline Company of America states that a gas of 13 percent


would create corrosion problems within its own pipe-

1 ine system, because that system's low-co2

gas from other

sources has a relatively high water content. In addition,

if Alaska gas contained excessive amounts of co2

, it would

have to be mixed with large quantitites of gas from else­

where in order to ensure consistent burning characteristics.

Northern Natural Gas Company in its letter to the

Alaskan Gas Project Office of FERC (dated December 7, 1978),

advocates even more stringent co2

standards. It claims

that its purchased volumes of Alaska gas will first be

stored as LNG and, as such, cannot tolerate a co2


that exceeds about 200 parts per million (ppm). But as the

State of Alaska observed in its reply comment of June 1979,

all pipeline gas must undergo co2

removal at the LNG plant

site. The State concluded, therefore, that Northern's

concern should not influence the choice of co2

specif ica­

tions for North Slope gas.

The valid point raised by Northern, however, was that

most LNG facilities are now designed to treat pipeline gas

whose co 2 content does not exceed 1 percent. Hence, the

additional expense that shippers must bear to treat 3 per­

cent co 2 gas must be taken into account in assessing the

conditioning and transportation costs for Prudhoe Bay gas.


4. The effect of carbon dioxide on project economics.

One other area of concern has entered the debate on co2

specifications overall project economics. How would

different co2

levels affect the cost of conditioning

versus the cost of pipeline transportation?

The Ralph M. Parsons Company ( in its February 1979


specification study 4 ) estimates that by relaxing the


removal process to yield a sales gas of 3 percent


instead of 1 percent, the conditioning plant construc­

tion costs could be pared down by about 7 percent. If no


removal facilities were built (yielding a sales gas of

13 percent co2

) , con st ruction costs would be about half as

much. Fuel requirements for the scaled-down conditioning

plant would decrease by 8 percent in the 3 percent co2

case, and would drop by about one-third in the 13 percent



Construction cost

Fuel requirements


1% CO2 (base case)







4) The Ralµ1 M. Parsons' studies of oonditioning processes and facili­ties were financed jointly by the North Slope producers and a half dozen likely gas shippers ( interstate gas transmission companies) . It was conducted about t\\O years ago and, necessarily, had to adopt some ¼Drking assumptions in spite of the many unknowns. Consequent­ly these assumptions and the study conclusions are not totally satsifactory to all of the sponsoring parties. The study is, however, the only in-depth analysis that presently exists; and it is, therefore, widely quoted.


Table 5 suggests that from the standpoint of condition­

ing costs and fuel requirements on the North Slope alone,

the 13 percent co2

case is a clear winner. One must

remember, however, that such high co2 levels would impose

greater transportation costs, additional capital costs

downstream (since co2

must be removed prior to customer

distribution) , and it threatens pipeline corrosion. The

table also shows that a 3 percen~ co 2 specification is

preferable to one percent, but not overwhelmingly so.

On the other hand, Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company

in its February 1979 "CO2

Transportation Study", shows

that a 3 percent or 13 percent co2

specification would

cost MORE than a 1 percent specification from the standpoint

of pipeline transportation costs. (While the added volume

of co2

contributes no additional heating value to the gas

stream, it does require an increased investment in compres­

sion equipment and more fuel during pipeline operations.)

But here too, the cost differences between the and 3

percent co2

specifications are not very substantial.

In comparing how much money would be SAVED in the

conditioning process by moving from a 1 percent co2


fication to 3 percent, versus how much additional money

and fuel would be SPENT for pipeline transportation, even

Northwest admits that the conditioning cost savings are

of greater importance [p 5. of Northwest's "CO2


tation Study"] • The difficulty for FERC will be in judging

the significance of this net cost savings compared to the

_pipeline corrosion and downstream marketing problems previ­

ously discussed. FERC has, at least for the present, ruled

that the cost of reducing co2

content below 3 percent, if

required, is to be treated as a conditioning cost. Unt i 1

the issue of conditioning cost allocation is finally deci­

ded, however, we cannot know whether it is the producers

( and the State of Alaska) or the gas consumers who would

benefit from an attempt to optimize total project costs.



No intelligent dis cuss ion about sales gas composition

can take place without some agreement as to what volumes and

kinds of hydrocarbons will actually be AVAILABLE for ship­

ment through the gas pipeline. Previous debate on the

matter of gas composition has, in fact, been clouded by

differing outlooks on gas availability. Worse yet, those

discrepancies in underlying assumptions have largely been

over looked. Again, whether all the intermediate hydrocar­

bons will be ALLOWED to enter the gas pipeline for shipment

is a complex question with which the rest of this report is

concerned --- but that is all the more reason to make sure

that hidden differences in assumptions about hydrocarbon

availability are not ultimately responsible for disagree­

ments on other matters.

This section will examine the three factors that

determine how much and what kind of hydrocarbons are avail­

able for shipment through the gas pipeline: ( 1) reservoir

production rates, (2) North Slope fuel requirements, and (3)

the ability of the TAPS oil pipeline to carry intermediate


1. Reservoir production rates.

The field rules for the Prudhoe Bay reservoir currently

limit raw gas production to 2.7 bcf per day, and it is

expected that this rate can be maintained for 25 or more

years. This rate, in turn, will yield about 2.0 bcf per day

of conditioned gas. No one, of course, can guarantee that

such offtake levels will indeed be physically possible, or

that Alaska's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission will

approve them throughout the life of the field, because


the reservoir's production capabilities are based on predic­

tions of FUTURE performance; but no one is now arguing

seriously that any other figure makes more sense from the

standpoint of today's planning needs.

2. Gas composition changes.

The expected hydrocarbon composition of that steady 2.7

be f per day, however, IS expected to change through time.

During the early years of gas sales, solution gas bubbling

out of the · crude oil will comprise the greater portion of

total gas volume. But as crude oil production drops off, so

will the volume of solution gas. The 2.7 bcf per day,

instead, will increasingly consist of gas that comes

directly out of the gas cap. Since gas cap gas is "leaner"

in heavier hydrocarbons than the solution gas, the combined

gas mixture, as well, will grow leaner through time.

ARCO [Dickinson letter to Tussing; January 3, 1980]

estimates that by the 25th year of gas offtake, the natural

gas liquids (NGL) content of the produced gas will have

dropped by about 17 percent. Similarly, SOHIO [Pritchard

letter to Barlow; January 23, 1980] estimates a drop-off in

the ethane-propane NGL component of roughly 20 percent.

The crucial issue is not, however, the absolute volumes of

NGL's that must transit TAPS, but the PROPORTION of butanes

in the oil stream, a ratio that promises to increase over

time as oil production declines. It is nevertheless doubt­

ful whether this trend is significant enough to merit any

real consideration in system planning and design --- especi­

ally given the likelihood that during the 25 year operating

period other gas reservoirs with different gas compositions

will be tapped.


While the changing hydrocarbon content of PRUDHOE BAY

natural gas may not be a major consideration in the design

of ANGTS, system engineers do have to take into account the

likelihood that gas produced from other, still undiscovered

or undeveloped reservoirs on the North Slope may differ

significantly in chemical composition. Prudhoe Bay gas is

relatively sweet and wet (low in sulfur compounds and rich

1n NGL's), and has a relatively high co2

content. A

conditioning plant designed to treat this raw gas stream, or

a pipeline designed to carry it, would be uneconomic or even

inoperable for gas from another reservoir which happened,

for example, to be sour and dry, and contained little co2


Under the present plan for ANGTS, the initial condi­

tioning plant will be located on the North Slope and de­

signed expressly to treat the volume and mixture of com­

pounds1 the Prudhoe Bay reservoir is expected to produce. If

new and different gas mixtures later came on stream from

other reservoirs, the existing plant could be modified or

new facilities added at the same place or elsewhere specifi­

cally to accornrnod ate the new supply. In either case, the

pipeline itself can be built to accommodate pipeline-quality

(fully-conditioned) gas from any source in Arctic Alaska.

If the conditioning plant were at Fairbanks or further

downstream on the pipeline, however, system engineers would

face the far more difficult task of designing both the

pipeline and the conditioning plant to handle a stream of

raw gas whose characteristics might change radically over


Thus, the possible need for ANGTS to handle different

( and yet unknown) gas mixtures over its operating 1 if e is

one reason why the gas producers, Northwest Alaskan, the

prospective gas shippers, and FERC all seem to agree that

the conditioning plant for Prudhoe Bay gas should be located

on the North Slope, despite the belief of many Alaskans that

construction and operating costs would be less, and local

economic benefits greater, in an Interior Alaska location.


3. North Slope fuel requirements.

It takes a good deal of energy to produce, clean and

condition, and transport oil and gas from the North Slope.

This energy must be drawn out of the stream of produced

hydrocarbons. There are three general categories of North

Slope fuel uses: ( 1) FIELD FUEL, ( 2) TAPS FUEL, and ( 3)

PLANT FUEL (for the gas conditioning plant).

( 1) FIELD FUEL is needed for all of the activities

relating to oil and gas PRODUCTION. In addition to actual

oil production at the wells, energy is consumed in gathering

the oil into facilities where the crude can be separated

from the solution gas, dehydrated of its water content, and

cleaned of its impurities. Field fuel is also consumed by

the Prudhoe Bay electric generating plant. Produced gas in

excess of fuel requirements is currently compressed to about

4000 psi for re injection into the reservoir, pending the

onset of gas sales. This function is performed in the

Central Compressor Plant, which, likewise, requires a a good

deal of energy.

Estimates of future field fuel requirements, such as

those used in the Ralph M. Parsons Company report, must also

provide for additional production activities, which will

include more elaborate facilities for injecting back into

the reservoir the produced water that is separated from the

crude, and for the injection of source water from the

Beaufort Sea in order to maintain reservoir pressure. (This

is sometimes called waterflooding.) The "maximum" field

fuel case used in the Parsons report takes all of these

activities into account.

(2) TAPS FUEL is that which is needed to run the first

four pump stations of the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline. While

pump stations south of Station #4 provide for their own fuel



diesel fuel

by processing a portion of the crude oil into

in individual topping plants, the TAPS owners

dee ided that it would be cheaper to supply the more nor­

therly: pump stations with North Slope gas by means of a

buried gas pipeline beside the oil 1 ine. Unlike the TAPS

oil pipeline, the Alaska Highway gas pipeline will transport

a mixture of hydrocarbons that can be used directly in its

compressor stations, thus no provision has been made for

supplying even its northern portions with a separate energy


( 3) PLANT FUEL is needed for all aspects of the gas

conditioning process --- for (a) separating and fractiona­

ting propanes, butanes, and pentanes-plus from the 1 ighter

hydrocarbons; (b) for removing carbon dioxide from the

remaining methane-ethane stream; and ( c) for chi 11 ing and

compressing the conditioned gas to meet the requirements for

shipment through the gas pipeline. Sometimes PLANT FUEL is

discussed more specifically as HEATER FUEL and TURBINE FUEL.

The distinction is made because while heaters can run on a

relatively low BTU fuel, turbines have more stringent


Where does all this fuel come from? Currently, the

Field Fuel Gas Unit conditions a portion of the raw gas to

provide energy for most ongoing field activities and for

TAPS. 5 Since the TAPS fuel gas line experiences extremely

cold temperatures enroute to the pump stations, the Field

Fuel Gas Unit yields a gas stream with exceptionally strin­

gent specifications --- a -40 degree F. hydrocarbon dew­

point and a -60 degree F. water dewpoint. When waterflood­

ing begins, the Field Fuel Gas Unit can be expanded to

5) The gathering centers in the western part of the field furnish their own fuel.


accomodate the new demand. Or, as the Parsons study antici­

pates, additional FIELD FUEL requirements can be met by fuel

generated at the conditioning plant. The Parsons study has

chosen I the latter technique in an attempt to optimize the

entire system, disregarding ownership responsibilities. In

so doing, an outlet is found for the ethane-rich co2

"waste" gas that is a by-product of the co2

removal process

selected by Parsons. This stream is enriched with propane

to provide a fuel suitable for field activities. 6

Nevertheless, the producers make a point of emphasizing

that they have several options for taking care of all their

own fuel needs in the field and for TAPS, and they have not

yet decided whether it would be in their interest to enter

into ah arrangement with the owner of the conditioning

plant (whoever that may be) simply for the sake of overall

project optirni zation. After all, their gas sales contracts

commit for sale only the gas that is EXCESS to field and

TAPS requirements. The producers further stress the poten­

tial disadvantages of making their crude oil production,

processing, and transportation facilities dependent upon a

stream of by-products from the gas conditioning plant. This

concern would probably be even greater if the conditioning

plant were operated and controlled by another party, such as

the state.


Of course, the PLANT FUEL requirements will have to be

met by the owners of the conditioning plant. Parsons

Company, in its proposed plant design, has selected what it

6) No one knows exactly how much field and TAPS fuel will be needed in the future. Moreover, those requirments will vary almost daily. Parsons, therefore, calculated both a "maximum" and a "minimum" field fuel case. Most parties believe the "maximum" case data is the more relevant for planning.


considers to be the most economical co2 removal process,

given the raw gas composition and the probable gas pipeline

specifications. The process chosen by Parsons, however,

results in a waste gas that also contains about half of the

ethane that enters the plant. 7 Accordingly, Parsons

recommends using the ethane-CO 2 by-product for fuel.

Given the fact that SOMETHING has to be burned as fuel, this

is not necessarily a bad thing --- unless there is some

reason to view the ethane (and the propane that enriches it)

as exceptionally valuable hydrocarbons for which a better

use exists. There is little argument within Alaska that

ethane would be the most desirable feedstock for a local

petrochemical industry. It is still unclear, however,

whether an ethane based petrochemical plant is economically

feasible in Alaska, and even if it were, whether all of the

ethane would, in fact, be required for such a facility. For

example, the November 1979 study prepared by Bonner & Moore

Associates for the State of Alaska indicates that only about

one-fourth of the ethane is needed to feed a "world-scale"

petrochemical plant, in which case, the co2 removal process

chosen by Parsons Company in itself should cause no alarm. 8

One other major point of controversy arises with

respect to design of the co 2 removal process and PLANT

FUEL requirements. The ethane-rich co 2 waste gas has a

lower heating value ( net BTU) of about 200 to 220 BTU per

cubic foot. While this mixture may be adequate for use in



The Parsons design absorbs CO via a physical, rather than a chemical, process. 'Ihis process fs much like fractionation in that the components are separated by their different boiling points. Given that the boiling point of ethane is relatively close to that of co::>_ (see Table 3), some of the ethane necessarily will "flash" off wn:h the co2.

Bonner and Moore Associates, Inc., Promotion and developnent of the Petrochemical Industry in Alaska (November 1, 1979). See also the author's critical review of the Bonner and Moore report, "Prudhoe Bay Natural Gas Liquids, the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline, and Petrochemical Developnent in Alaska" (January 20, 1980).


the plant heaters, it must be enriched to meet the specifi­

cations of the local turbines and field equipment. The

Parsons Company design raises the BTU content by propane

"spiking" to achieve a net heating value of about 475 BTU/cf

for local turbine fuel, and 825 BTU/cf to suit the design

limitations of existing field equipment. The controversy

lies in the fact that while propane can easily be shipped

south in the gas pipeline, butanes are more troublesome.

Therefore, wouldn't it make more sense to use butane rather

than propane for spiking purposes?

Unfortunately, the answer is not so simple. Butane

could create the same hazards in the fuel system that

it poses in the Alaska Highway gas pipeline --- condensation

at low temperatures. In addition, its burning characteris-

tics are different from those of propane, because it packs a

bigger wallop of combustible carbons in each molecule.

While use of butane instead of propane is not entirely out

of the question, those responsible for smooth operations on

the North Slope naturally will look for system designs and

fuel compositions that promote simplicity and reliability.

Unless the State of Alaska can demonstrate a special inter­

est in the propanes or butanes that differs markedly from

that shared by the other gas owners, any second-guesses the

State might make with respect to fuel enrichment decisions

would probably be viewed by others as unduly meddlesome.

Table 6 provides a perspective on North Slope fuel

consumption. Of the hydrocarbons in the raw gas stream,

about 15 percent will be consumed as field fuel, by the TAPS

pump stations, and during the conditioning process.




Produced 2 FFGU 3 Conditioning Field 4 Plant 5 Available 6

Gas Outlet Plant Inlet Fuel Fuel Hydrocarbons --Billion BTU/day 2849 [ 95) 2754 [214] [ 113) 2427 (gross)

Million 2700 [ 100 J 2603 [236) [248) 2104 cf/day

Average BTU/cf 1055 953 1058 906 456 1154



1 • Source: Exxon, personal corrmuni cation ( February 1980) • Exxon personnel calculated these data using the Parsons reports maximum field fuel case.

2. An offtake rate of 2. 7 bcf/day is assumed, consistent with the Prudhoe Bay reservoir field rules set by the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Corrmission. Parsons assumed a 2. 8 bcf/day offtake rate.

3. FFGU outlet signifies the fuel products of the Field Fuel Gas Unit that are used in the northern pump stations of TAPS and for a variety of field activities. Heavier hydrocarbons removed during that process are routed (along with the rest of the produced gas) to the conditioning plant and its fractionators.

4. Field Fuel designates those North Slope energy requirements that exceed the output of the Field Fuel Gas Unit. The present capacity of the Field Fuel Gas Unit is 100 million cubic feet per day. Parsons assumes that this capacity will be utilized fully, but that additional field fuel needs will be met by products of the conditioning plant, rather than by an expansion of the FFGU.

5. Plant Fuel includes both turbine and heater fuel for the cond i­tioning plant. 456 BTU per cubic foot, therefore, represents the weighted average of the heating values for the relatively high BTU turbine fuel, and the low BTU heater fuel.

6. Available Hydrocarbons are the final product streams available for shipment through the gas pipeline or blended into TAPS crude.


4. Shipping intermediate hydrocarbons through TAPS.

As mentioned earlier, the Alaska Highway Gas pipeline

will have no problem carrying light hydrocarbons (C1



, and c3

) in a vapor phase, while the TAPS oil pipe-

1 ine can easily handle heavy hydrocarbons (C6

+) in a

1 iqu id phase. The question, then, is whether both systems

together can support shipment of all of the intermediate

hydrocarbons ( C 4

and c5

) without encountering the hazards

of two-phase flow.

Referring once again to Figure D, the reader will

note that upset conditions attendant to a 1260 psig system

limit the amount of butanes that can be transported through

the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline. The phase diagrams show

that while 50 percent of the available butanes might be

handled safely, shipping all of the available butanes would

not be possible. Nobody can precisely judge what will

constitute a safe limit, of course, until the pipeline

engineering and contingency plans are completed. But it is

clear that all of the pentanes and something less than half

of the butanes will have to find another means of transport,

such as TAPS.

Right now, crude oil enters the TAPS oil pipeline

on the North Slope at 140 degrees F. Table 3 ( on page 4)

shows that at 140 degrees F., c6

is a liquid but that cg and lighter hydrocarbons would be present in a vapor phase

What are the prospects for lowering the TAPS inlet tempera­

ture to enable it to accept all the pentanes and maybe even

some of the butanes?

9) The table, however, makes no provision for the fact that hydro­carbon MIXTURES can safely accomcrlate some small volume of light hydrocarbons which, as pure substances, would exist as vapors.


Most parties agree that the inlet temperature of TAPS

can not feasibly be reduced below about 110 to 112 degrees

F. Three factors account for this limitation:

( 1 ) Even if the inlet temperature were reduced, say,

to 100 degrees F., the warm summer months combined with

the heat naturally generated by the friction of flow

would result in somewhat higher temperatures in certain

parts of the pipeline. Thus the temperature threshold

that limits the introduction of intermediate hydrocar­

bons into the crude cannot effectively be reduced beyond

about 100 degrees [Pritchard letter to Barlow; January 23,


( 2) On the other hand, if the TAPS inlet temperature

is reduced, the heavy components of the crude oil ("waxes")

will solidify more readily, slowing the flow and thereby

reducing the daily throughput. At lower inlet temperatures,

the line will have to be "pigged" more often to strip away

the wax build-up. Moreover, if inlet temperature specifi­

cations were relaxed, TAPS would face a greater risk that

wax sol id if ication might cause real problems if the 1 ine

experiences an extended shut-down during the winter cold.

(3) Even if both of the previous limitations were

ignored, there are practical constraints on the amount of

intermediate hydrocarbons that can be shipped through TAPS.

In order to control air pollution in the Los Angeles basin,

government regulations permit no landing of crude oil with

vapor pressures higher than 11 • 1 psia at storage tempera­

tures of, say, 100 degrees F. That is, crude must emit no

vapors when subjected to pressures at or above 11.1 psia and

to temperatures at or below 100 degrees. Since the lowest

pressure at which TAPS operates is around the atmospheric

pressure of 14.7 psia, rather than 11.1 psia, a TAPS bubble­

point specification compatible with California's standard

would have to be somewhat above 100 degrees.


Given all three constraints just discussed, most

parties seem to believe that a reasonable minimum inlet

temperature for TAPS is about 110 to 112 degrees F. At that

temperature, both ARCO [Dickinson letter to Tussing;

January 3, 1980) and the Ralph M. Parsons Company [September

1978 study report, Volume II, page 2-271) believe that

essentially all of the available pentanes and butanes could

be transported through TAPS, at peak crude oil throughput

rates. SOHIO, however, suggests that only some of the

butanes can be accomodated [Pritchard letter to Barlow;

January 23, 1980) . 10

Nevertheless, assuming that the gas pipeline can safely

handle at least 50 percent of the available butanes as

previous discussed, 11 there appears to be little chance

that butanes will be stranded on the North Slope

at least in the early years of gas shipments. As oil

production declines, however, the ability of TAPS to carry

intermediate hydrocarbons will drop accordingly. This

decline is expected to occur much faster than the offsetting

feature of a progressively "leaner" raw gas stream mentioned

earlier. For example, assuming (1) a 1985 start-up for the

gas pipeline, (2) ARCO's oil production forecast [Dickinson

letter to Tussing; January 3, 1980), and (3) the Parsons'

phase diagrams [Volume II, pp. 2-287, 2-297, of the Septem­

ber 1978 conditioning study], all of the "available" pen-­

tane s and butanes could be shipped th rough TAPS in it i a 11 y,

but the oil line could no longer accept ANY butanes by the

seventh year of gas shipments.

10) Before one focuses on the apparent disagreement, it must be remem­bered that all calculations to date have been rough and fDSsibly based on different crude oil assays, or different decline rat2s for crude oil prcx1ucticn. Sohio is scheduled to cc.rplete a more refined analysis of this matter in early 1980.

11) Most parties agree that it is realistic to assume that Ac'\G'IS cc:n acccnrncdate atout 85 percent of the butanes available af' rerrova1 of the various fuel streams in the Parsens I maximum field fuel case. The State believes, however, that if N) ethane or propene is burnec on the Slope, 2nd those hydrocar'ccns are instead shipped through the gas pipeline, only atout 25 percent of the butanes could be accorrrncx3ated in M"GIS,


Is there, then, any real cause for alarm? First,

putting things in perspective, even in the early years

of gas production when butane content is greatest, it will

comprise less than 2 percent of the gaseous hydrocarbon

volume (though about 5 percent of the total BTU content of

the raw gas stream). Moreover, unless there is some reason

to believe that the producers and their gas purchasers have

less interest than the State in getting as many of the North

Slope BTU's to market as possible, here too, it may be

unreasonable for the State to make second-guesses on the

best overall system design.


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