natural hazzards and dissasters

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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THis power point is about when natural dissaster and haszzards happen some of the exampla that is stated are Volcano eruption, earth quake and tsunami


Landforms Inc. by Egan & Joshua



This is our earth it is always changing in physical form through…….




To the end of the show

This is a volcano exploding…….

After it dries it becomes normal piece of land and rock

If it has a lava flow or have a couple of small eruptions it thikens

If its near water or the sea ……..

it makes a new island or make it bigger

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Lets see that again but closer

This is a diagram that shows what actually happens when a tsunami occurs when we look closely. The magma in the earths crust explodes then the lava erupts to the oceans surface then it creates powerful waves around it and those waves are called tsunami. Sometimes when a tsunami happens an earth quake happens

Another way that a tsunami can occur is by a large scale of earth quake that happens under the ocean. Then the power full cracks that occurs going up makes the tsunami high and powerful.

Underneath is a demonstration of how it happens.

And that’s how a tsunami occurs

Safety tips : 1.When a tsunami occurs stay calm 2.Try to save others too do not be selfish 3. Find a higher place that u can reach Act quickly Stay there

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Earth quake is a disaster that happens when the tectonic plates under land cracks. When the tectonic plates cracks this is what happens.

An earth quake happens usually when the tectonic plates move upwards, downwards, left or right. When an earth quake happens the land usually vibrates which causes buildings, houses, walls and roads to crumble. An earth quake is usually measured in seismometers. The machine that measures its scale is called the

Richter scale.

So remember any time you are in an earth quake situation always find for safe shelter such as under the table, away from glass and under the door.

What we meant by under the door is this position

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Thank you for seeing our show

Credits: Animation & pictures: Egan (volcano and part of earthquake), Joshua(tsunami and parts of earthquake)Info: Egan (volcano), Joshua(tsunami and earthquakes)Tutor : Rafi Grand master of animation in 8B And special thanks to Pak Hendarto

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