navigating course ii: who is jesus?

Post on 11-May-2015






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In the highly Christological USCCB Framework sequence, Course II: Who Is Jesus Christ, provides the core opportunity for teens to know and understand how God fully reveals himself in his Son, the Second Person of the Trinity. Certainly, as with the other Framework courses, no apology is made for expecting the students to master some basic information including a deeper understanding about Revelation, the Trinity, the Incarnation, Marian dogmas, and discipleship. However, this course asks students to reflect on the meaning of what they are learning and to judge the relevance of Jesus to their personal lives. The course asks teens to provide an answer to the question, “Who do people say that I am?” Moreover, it returns to the corollary: “Who do you say that I am?” The webinar will offer a basic survey of Course II along with some enrichment exercises that can be offered in a variety of places throughout the course.Mike is executive editor of adolescent catechesis at Ave Maria Press and has authored and edited several books in the area of Catholic religious education. He has been a theology teacher, parish director of religious education, and a youth minister. For more than twenty years, Mike has been a coordinator and catechist helping teens prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. Mike has a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in religious education from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.This Webinar is brought to you exclusively by Ave Maria Press in partnership with the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership and the National Association for Lay Ministry. Visit for a complete listing of Webinars.



II. Who Is Jesus Christ?

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the living

Word of God, the Second Personof the Blessed Trinity. In this course students will

understand that Jesus Christ is the ultimate Revelation to us from God.

In learning about who he is, the students will also learn who he calls them to be.

Core Curriculum

I. The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture

II. Who Is Jesus Christ?

III. The Mission of Jesus Christ (The Paschal Mystery)

IV. Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church

V. Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ

VI. Life in Jesus Christ

I. The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture

• Creation (Unity of Adam and Eve, Original Sin, Protoevangelium)

• Covenant (Noah, Abraham)

• Community (Moses, Forming of a People)

• Continuity (Leadership, Worship)

• Conflict (Idolatry, Exile)

• Calling (Prophets)

• Confirmation (Infancy Narratives, the Incarnation)

III. The Mission of Jesus Christ (The Paschal Mystery)

• God’s promises of the Old Testament to Abraham and his descendants are fulfilled in Jesus.

• Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the source of our Salvation.

• The Paschal Mystery is the centerpiece of the Gospel and also of human history.

In a very Christological curriculum . . .

. . .Course II may be the centerpiece.

1. Revelation and Faith

2. The Mystery of Jesus Christ

3. Christ’s Revelation about God

4. What Jesus Teaches about Ourselves

Catechesis Centered on Christ

• Proclaims the name, teaching, promises, and mystery of Jesus Christ

• Helps to develop Christ’s personal relationship with each of his disciples

• Promotes conversion to Jesus Christ (especially through the Sacraments)

• Teaches in a way that can be understood by all cultures• Understands that the message of the teaching comes

from God−NDC, p. 76

1. Revelation and Faith

• Review Divine Revelation as “God’s self-communication”

• Review how God was revealed in the Old Covenant (Noah, Abraham, Moses, David)

• Review the mode of God’s Revelation in Scripture and Tradition

• Introduce Jesus as the New Covenant, the “fullness of God’s Revelation” continually revealed in the Church


Faith Is A Response1. This person said, “Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Messiah?” (Jn 4:29)

2. This man said, “Who are you, sir?” After Jesus revealed himself to the man, he found out that he was blinded. (Acts 9:5–9)

3. They traveled with Jesus for seven miles without knowing who he was, but came to realize who he was when they had dinner with him. (Lk 24:13–31)

4. He said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Mt 16:16)

5. This man thought Jesus was the Son of God because Jesus told him, “I saw you under the fig tree.” (Jn 1:48–50)

6. They recognized Jesus as a king when they gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Mt 2:1–11)

Faith Is A Response (continued)

7. Some thought this man was the Messiah but he said, “One mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals.” (Lk 3:16)

8. This person said, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus answered him, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” (Jn 20:28–29)

9. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him; in a loud voice he shouted, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me!” (Lk 8:28–30)

10. Jesus refused to perform miracles for this person. In talking with him, Jesus quoted some passages from the Old Testament including, “You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test” (Mt 4:1–11)

11. You. (What would you say to Jesus?) Write what you would say in your journal or as a short essay.

2. The Mystery of Jesus Christ

• Define Incarnation.• Trace the historical life of Jesus of Nazareth.• Examine mysteries of Christ’s life (e.g.,

Baptism, miracles, ministry) and his unique style of teaching (parables, Kingdom of God sayings)

• Understand Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man.

Infancy Narrative Comparison

Read Matthew 1:18--2:23 and Luke 2:1-39. Mark an “M” for those found in Matthew.Mark an “L” for those found in Luke.Some items are in both.

Mary __ Joseph __

shepherds __ massacre of infants __

Bethlehem __ inn __

Nazareth __ Herod __

magi __ angels __

turtledoves __ Simeon __

Quirinius __ manger __

Egypt __ star __

swaddling clothes __ Temple __

gold, frankincense, myrrh__

Anna __

Matthew’s Gospel• Was written by a Jewish-Christian engaged in converting other Greek-speaking Jews to Christianity• Was written to counteract tensions between Jewish and Gentile Christians• Quotes heavily from the Old Testament to show Jesus as the Messiah foretold• Tried to teach Jewish people about the origins of their faith .

Luke’s Gospel• Was written to a Gentile audience who lived well outside the region of Palestine• Attempts to show that God intended from the beginning of time to save all creation, including Gentiles• Includes many references to poor, women, and other of society’s outcasts who came to follow Jesus• Has a journey theme, with the Holy Spirit directing Jesus’ mission to proclaim the Good News to all people and with the

journey often being directed to Jerusalem and the Temple.

Infancy Narrative Investigation

Hypothesis More Information

Read Mt 1:1-17 and Lk 3:37-38. Why does Matthew’s genealogy trace to Abraham and Luke’s trace to Adam?

Matthew: genealogy through Joseph; at beginning to show it as extension of Judaism. Luke: inclusion of all people; placed prior to Jesus’ ministry as Moses’ genealogy is in Ex 6:14-17

Read Mt 2:13-23. How are these events similar to events in Moses’ life?

The flight to Egypt allows Jesus to relive the Exodus experience of Israel.

Read Lk 2:15-20. What is significant about shepherds being the first to offer glory and praise to Jesus?

The announcement to and the visit by the shepherds is consistent with Luke’s theme that the poor and lowly are singled out for God’s blessings.

Read Mt 2:12. What would a Jewish person considering conversion to Christianity find significant about the magi not returning to King Herod?

The courage of the magi not returning to King Herod was similar to the courage many young Jewish Christians shown in abandoning their traditional faith for Jesus.

Read Lk 2:22-32. How might verse 32 be counted as the main theme of Luke’s Gospel?

A major objective of Luke’s Gospel and Acts was to bring unity among Jewish and Gentile Christians.

Fully God and Fully Man

1. Review the Heresies Against Jesus

Gnostic Docetism: denied the Incarnation (Christ appeared as a ghost)Arianism: the Son of God came “from another substance than that of the Father”Nestoriansm: false belief that Jesus was two persons—one human, one divine (rather than one divine Person with two natures)Monophystism: Jesus had only “one nature”

2. Focus on the Creedal Statements about JesusJesus is eternally begotten of the FatherJesus is God from God, Light from Light (One in being with the FatherThrough Jesus all things were made

3. Christ’s Revelation about God

• Review the nature of God, now fully revealed by Christ

• Introduce Jesus’ unique relationship with the Father (Abba)

• Trace Jesus’ revelation of God as Holy Trinity, Three Divine Persons in One God*

• Explain the unique role of Mary as Mother of God and Mother of the Church*

Attributes of God (from the Psalms)

Jesus confirmed several attributes of God that were revealed in the Old Testament. Match these attributes to the Psalm passages below.A. ETERNALB. UNIQUEC. INFINITE AND OMNIPOTENTD. OMNIPRESENTE. CONTAINING ALL THINGSF. IMMUTABLEG. PURE SPIRITH. ALIVEI. HOLY

1. Psalm 1:39-1-2, 8-102. Psalm 139:73. Psalm136:1-24. Psalm 90:25. Psalm 50:16. Psalm 99:57. Psalm 104:24-25, 28-308. Psalm 86: 8-109. Psalm 84:3

Answers: 1-D; 2-G; 3-F; 4-A; 5-C; 6-I; 7-E; 8-B; 8-H

More Ways to Understand the Holy Trinity

4. What Jesus Teaches about Ourselves

• Reassess the meaning of human life based on God creating man and woman in his own image

• Understand how Christ’s offer of Redemption involves repentance, conversion, and grace

• Unpack the meaning of discipleship• Recall the importance of prayer, with a focus

on the Lord’s Prayer

The People of God

Who Do You Say that I Am?

Blind Man ofBethsaida Mk 8:22-26

The BlindBartimaeusMk 10:46-52

"For eight years of my life -- first at St. Thomas Aquinas High School(in Overland Park, Kan.) and then at Notre Dame -- service and charityand volunteering your time to those who are less fortunate was part ofthe plan. And as much as I enjoyed it, it was required. What I found was once it stopped being mandatory, I felt empty without doing it.”

Brian Smith, Notre Dame 2010

Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry

Course 21.God’s Revelation and Our Response2.Who Is Jesus Christ3.Tracing the Historical Life of Jesus4.Jesus’ Christ’s Revelation about God5.Jesus Helps Us to Understand the Trinity, Mary, and the

Holy Spirit6.Jesus’ Life Reveals His Mission7.The Church Knows Jesus by Many Names8.What Jesus Tells Us about Ourselves9.Friends and Disciples of Jesus10.Jesus Teaches Us to Pray

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Lessons and Links!

Contact me for links and printed copies of the lessons in this presentationMike

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