navigating the intersections

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Navigating the Intersections. Navigating the Intersections My Personal Inquiry. So, how are you travelling with this new learning/inquiry?. How is the weather pattern? How are you feeling with where you/we are at? How is your work responding to the research that we are undertaking together?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Navigating the Intersections

Navigating the IntersectionsMy Personal Inquiry

So, how are you travelling with this new learning/inquiry?How is the weather pattern?How are you feeling with where you/we are at?How is your work responding to the research that we are undertaking together?

Victoria ScaleWays of approaching learning and teaching in a pluralising cultural context

preferential school identity option on theological grounds


‘meeting room’‘action centre’


An illustration of student opinion about engagement with dialogue based on 2013 Victorian dataHow might a Catholic pedagogy engage students in dialogue?

Intentions for the the Day• Deepening our Inquiry• Exploring our thinking around curriculum designs• Workshops• Processes for Designing Questions as anchors for Curriculum

Designs• Processes for Designing Curriculum – planning with staff

• Entering into Critical Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition

• Next Steps in the learning – Planning for Day 4

Deepening our Inquiry

To stimulate discussion about your question of inquiry through exploring an artefact of learning and to reflect on this in light of the learning hermeneutically indicators.

This is what I am learning?

This is how I know this about these learners?

This is what I learning about our team’s question of inquiry?

Connecting to the


Insights into the way of working and learning…..

Identifying different paradigms…..

Uncovering stance and assumptionsPaul to add his content/ processes

How is your work responding to the research that we are undertaking and to the data?Monologue School The ‘Island’ or ‘ghetto’

Dialogue SchoolThe Oasis

Colourless School The Meeting Room

Colourful SchoolThe Action Centre

Where does this take your thinking?

“Nurturing children’s spirituality is aimed at empowering children and thus at stimulating the ‘power within’” Dillen. A,. Empowering children in religious education: rethinking power dynamics

Where does this take your thinking?

“Teaching religion thus firmly starts from the places where pupils stand. Its goal is to challenge them to reflect upon their own identity and the formation of that identity” Boeve. L,. Beyond correlation strategies

Where does this take your thinking?

“The purpose of the Christian tradition is not to simply repeat the truth, but to go in search of it.” Boeve. L,.

Where does this take your thinking?

The Christian tradition is neither starting point nor end point of such an approach (HCM). Instead, one begins by taking seriously the initial situation of the students, not just the individual biography of the student but the society and class as well. This does not mean joining in hypes or being carried away by the currents of the day, Rather, it involves being continually bent on a sort of in-depth reading of reality, being attentive to the surrounding reality wherein religious or ideological questions, challenges and perceptions present themselves and are found.

Where does this take your thinking?

Once students are made religiously or ideologically aware of the questions and different interpretations that evoke their initial situation, an openness is created to illuminate and interpret these experiences of reality from different religious or idealogical frameworks. …this means that every time the temptation occurs to correlate ‘experience’ and ‘tradition’, the teacher consciously chooses not to succumb to it. S/he will then allow new questions to arise from experience and/or tradition that once again challenge the (nearly) given correlative answer, this from the belief in a truth that is always greater than the human answer we try to construe.

If we start with questions or issues….• What’s the learning like……

• What does the learning design enable for students?

• What else is possible here?

Workshops• Processes for Designing Questions as anchors for Curriculum


• Processes for Designing Curriculum – planning with staff

• Entering into Critical Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition

Designing for Learning – issues and questions as drivers….What kind of issues?….that reveal tensions……open to different interpretations….(from within the class and beyond)….thay are pertinent to our students, our community, our contemporary contexts

What kind questions?

‘..questions that burst through the boundaries of topics…’‘….the demand more than a smorgasbord of activities….’‘…they are the door way through to which to explore key ideas/concepts/understand issues…’‘…the pose dilemmas, subvert the obvious, bring different perspectives to our attention…’

Levels of government

Voting system


Features of a democracy



Fairness in politics; What does that look like?

How do leaders determine what is right?

What brings about political change?

Voting : Should we have a choice?

Does everyone have a voice in a democracy?

How do you lead for the common good?

How is your work responding to the research that we are undertaking and to the data?Monologue School- Traditional Catholic School- For Catholics and By Catholics- Emphasis here is on unity, protection,

solidarity with the Catholic world only- Function is the transmission of the faith- Intentionally rejects openness- Other religions or philosophies of life are

regarded as untrue, undesirable and threatening

Dialogue School- A Catholic School which places itself in the

middle of cultural and religious diversity- Privileges/preferences the Christian

perspective while at the same time taking seriously our multicultural world

- A multiplicity of voices, views and perspectives are recognised and engaged as contributors to dialogue

- In the midst of diversity this school searches for what it means to be Christian today

Colourless School- A secular and diverse school environment

where individuals remain free of engagement or obligations

- The school adopts a ‘radically neutral’ stand, religions is absolutely private

- There is little or no unity; people are non-committal in their interactions

Colourful School- A secular and diverse school environment

where people relate to well to each other- Characterised by an authentic desire and

interest in recognising others- Few in this school remain interested in the

school’s Catholic heritage- A preference for Christianity, over and above

other religions and philosophies of life is rejected

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