nccc atlantic region get to the point issue 13 volume xvii

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AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps, Atlantic Region campus newsletter, based in Perry Point, MD. Class 17. Issue 13


Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13

Get to the Point: The NCCC News

An NCCC Atlantic Region Publication

Perry Point

June 6-12 2011 Volume XVII Issue 13


Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 2

Inside Issue 13:

I’m a member of the National Civilian

Community Corps, an AmeriCorps

program. N-triple-C members are 18 to

24 years old and spend 13 months

getting things done for America while

developing their own leadership skills.

We serve on teams to help communities

prepare for and respond to disasters,

build homes, and help the environment.

Strengthen communities

and develop leaders through

direct, team-based national

and community service

Featured on the Cover- Upper left clockwise: Raven 1’s Kelsey Smith & Ryan Hatem move some, while Moose 2

TL Allen Hunt and CM Amanda Ambrass work on disaster clean-up. Leandro Lopez works outdoors and Thub-

nder 1& Buffalo 1 pose for the camera while Raven 7’s Sophia Neil picks up sticks. Center: Buffalo 2, Moose 3

and Raven 6 Plus Chris Quirk (OSTL) poses while working in a warehouse out on disaster.

Buffalo 4Update




Stress Balls



Weekly Alums 9

Brain Food



Alumni Spotlight 8

Bursting the Bubble 10

Healthy? 11

Socializing 12

Stress: Ms. Tuck 13-14

TL Application 15

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 3

assigned to work in a warehouse full of donated goods in nearby Northport, AL.

The atmosphere of the warehouse is slightly hectic, with shipments being brought

in and out nonstop and hundreds of different volunteers every day, with only

familiar faces to guide us through our tasks. We have been assigned to different

departments of the warehouse: Tracy manages the Toiletries section, Analisa

manages the food section, Joe manages the diapers, LeeAnne is manager of

clothes, and Nate has become the chief grill master and prepares volunteer meals,

all while Billy drives shipments back and forth. Kevante works alongside Buffalo 2

and Moose 3 at a Tuscaloosa location. Kevin had been working with the Red Cross

in Mississippi to alleviate the flood damages, but he came back to the “Force”.

After several weeks, Kevante and Joe move their work to the 15th street location

assisting “clients” (people in need of support from the destruction of the storm)

while the rest of the team works at 8th street, at one of the eight warehouses that

TES has stocked with emergency supplies. Buffalo Force sure has their work cut

out for them, but they are eager to serve the citizens of Tuscaloosa.

163 Days Until


24 Days Until

Summer Break

20 Days Until


18 Days Until

Return to the Point

AmeriCount Down


nothing clever to say this week, but

we’re not opposed to stealing other

people’s witticisms…

The Bermuda Triangle used to be the

Bermuda Square, until Chuck Norris

round house kicked a corner off.

Chuck Norris was in all of the Star

Wars movies. He played the Force.

Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear rug in

his living room. The bear isn’t dead, it’s

just afraid to move.

MOOSE 4 SHOUT OUT: Shout out to our sister team raven 4!

Danielle wants to shout out to Amelia! I

hope your bed is made!



Happy 24th

Birthday Darren!

Above: TL Kulfan & CM Reese

CM Choomack with Volunteers

You can find the “A” everywhere!

Where have you seen it lately?

PHOENIX 2 SHOUT OUT: P2 had a ‘reel’ fun time fishing with the kids this weekend.

Nothing like a baited pond to bring out the true skills of a little fisherperson.

M2: I could really go for some Lord Voldemort7 in my life…

Hey R4 see you soon! –Logan

B5 continue killing it at the camp without me. Is there ever a bad time for DOTA? - Isaac

B4 Bring ‘em out, bring ‘em out! Jon fight on Towson Tigers! -Sam

R1’s Maddy likes to cook in

her free time! Show what

your team does on YouTube!

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 4

Buffalo 4: Clockwise Starting Left– TL Caleb Kulfan, John Miller, Joe Ijams, Kevante Reese, Sam Saladino (Phoenix2) Nicole Rembold (Buffalo2) Analisa Sutherland, Kevin Slowe, Tracy Choomack, LeeAnne Jones

Buffalo Four: “The Force”

Buffalo Four, also occasionally known as Buffalo Force, had a serene and unencumbered work

environment at the beginning of 2nd round. We were working at the YMCA’s Camp Letts, the official YMCA

camp of Metropolitan D.C., outside of beautiful Annapolis, Maryland. There were barely any people around,

so the fitness trail we labored on was a peaceful oasis. The feeling of working for eight hours in almost

complete solitude and contemplation feels like a distant memory now. We had a feast waiting for us at the

end of each day, eloquently prepared by the cafeteria cook, Betsy. She will forever be in our hearts. The staff

members gave the team access to a game room/relaxation kingdom (Kevante and Joe affectionately dubbed

“the man cave”) there were flat screen TVs, two couches, Wi-Fi access, a mini fridge-microwave, and an entire

ROCK BAND game setup!

Buffalo 4 was distraught when some of our team members, John Miller and Kevin Slowe, got pulled

from our project to go work in the South on composite disaster teams. It was a shame to see them go, but

luckily there was the man cave and home cooked meals to ease the pain quickly.

After a full week at Camp Letts, rumors were circulating about disaster call. All of the speculation

suddenly dissipated once the call came in. Buffalo 4 was heading to assist on disaster. The six remaining

members of Buffalo Four, respectively Tracy, Kevante, Nate, Analisa, LeeAnne, and Joe packed up our stuff at

Perry Point and headed for Tuscaloosa, Alabama, we were also lucky enough to add Billy Gonsler from

Buffalo Six.

After a one night- travel stop in Eastern Tennessee, we arrived in Tuscaloosa… and drove right past it

to our housing location 15 miles or so outside of Tuscaloosa: Moundville, Alabama. Right away we knew this

was going to be an adventure, Moundville is a small township, and it gets its unique name from the large

hand built mounds, each bearing certain significance to the ancient civilizations that once lived there.

Our sponsoring organization is TES, which stands for Temporary Emergency Services. We are (Continued on page 3)

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 5

STL SHOUT OUT: Everyone is gone. It is

lonely here, luckily members of Freedom One

have arrived and Laura is slowly morphing into

a Field TL while Rod is transforming back into

RavenUSTL. Laura listened to NPR the other

day and is convinced she is going to get diabetes

– Jason mocks her. Bradley is still running.

AmeriGourmet: The Cooking Corner This week we are in the AmeriKitchen with Laura Mack CRSTL


Shout out to fS1! Tragically

separated at birth. But soon

reunited…skalicky we will miss

you, have fun with

freedom ..good luck yall…


BUFFALO 7 SHOUT OUT: Moose 2: Just you, and me, and some flowers… I

nstantaneous! .. Three! Or seven! Make it a baker’s dozen!

Oh give me a home, where the green buffalo roam… Miss you guys!

Preston, are you feeling hot hot hot? ~L, S, C

Emerald, I bet you can find some sort of hidden message here, if ya know what I

mean… ~Copper

Justin, are you ready for summer break and 50 ISP hours?! Hüdât! ~Carolanne

Shout out to Derwin Lee! ~Derwin Lee

I can’t wait to see all the lovely ladies of 155 on transition!! Sam, where the heck is

my letter? ~Carolanne

I miss you Lauryn and Aubrey! ~Steffi

Rob, I hope you are having a wicked fun time in Alabama! 3 more weeks till you will

have air conditioning! ~Steffi

Ryan, any koalas in Vermont? See you soon!

RAVEN 7 SHOUT OUT: Ms. Pricilla has

finally come around on Raven 7 and is giv-

ing us snacks and refreshments all the time.

All it took was to get out of her kitchen and

help with the food drive and she is the

sweetest woman in the world.

Thursdays in the Square=wonderful. Ed-

ward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeroes for free…


We love a hayride! Well we actually love

riding on a cart pulled by a forklift but we

were pretending that we were in a pumpkin

patch being pulled by a tractor.

Prep Time:

15 Min

Cook Time:

10 Min

Ready In:

25 Min

Ingredients: Yield 4 servings (add meat to liking) 2 medium zucchini, cut into 1 inch slices 2 yellow summer squash, cut into 1 inch slices 1/2 pound whole fresh mushrooms 1/3 cup olive or vegetable oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil 1 1/2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder 3/4 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper

Directions: On metal or soaked bamboo skewers, alternately thread zucchini, yellow squash and mushrooms.

In a bowl, combine the remaining ingredients. Brush some of the mixture over vegetables. Grill, uncovered,

over medium heat for 10-15 minutes or until vegetables are tender, turning and basting occasionally with herb


Vegetable (Meat) Kabobs

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 6

Stress & Stress Management By: Laura Tuck, Campus Counselor

I would like to personally extend my gratitude to Felicia Guynes, Buffalo 6 who has spear headed the

production of the stress ball program: a stress ball for every CM & TL. Each of the stress balls

were lovingly designed & put together with the assistance of some great CMs : Nicole Remboldt, George

Davis, Alexa Rossini. Ms. Felicia has logged some 50 plus hours making everyone has a stress ball.

THANK YOU FELICIA GUYNES for being instrumental in assisting every CM and TL in

practicing stress management.

As you know, stress is the number one health problem in the world due to the harm it can

cause the body. A stress ball is one tool that can be used to combat stress; it can be easily squeezed to

decrease muscular and emotional tension. Stress balls can be used anywhere!

When you squeeze your stress ball, you create grip and your muscles

relax. As you squeeze the stress ball and tense and relax your muscles, breathe

deeply to help yourself relax fully. Did you know by squeezing a stress ball, you

are diverting your attention away from the source of your stress?

Rules for Stress ball use:

Use when stressed

These are not toys

Do not throw at a teammate or team leader as in as this will result in

causing the receiving team mate or team leader much unneeded stress.

Remember, play is great but it must be safe!

Do not stab the stress balls

If overly stressed and your stress ball bursts on the first use, clean up the

mess and call a HWL or call Laura Tuck.

If you do not like the stress ball because of the decoration (Unit Mascots

were lovingly crafted & designed) Please remember all were hand

made and are gifts to you!

Rembold & Guynes with the stress balls

Check out the Support Team

Leaders relieving stress with

their stress balls at



Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 7

Brain Food: L&M Trivia Brought to you by: Laura Mack Community Relations STL & Melissa Jabat Programming Office STL

What is NCCC-Activity: Win the PRIZE! Answer the question to CRSTL Laura Mack and win (but you have to be the first one so hurry up with your answer) When is the next application deadline for

the Winter Cycle for Corps Members?

BUFFALO 1 SHOUT OUT: Shout out to Lauryn- Let’s get through

these next 3 weeks together! Aubrey I love Aubrey- Lauryn Shout out to Super Rob and Justin for coming back –Mike Miss you Thunder 1 we had some good times –Justin Raven 3 & 6 you are really cool. From Andrew Allmendinger Steffi vamos para europa pronto! –Roberto Shout out to the Disaster teams for hanging in there! –Buffalo 1 RACHEL MY LOVE I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH YOU THIS WEEKEND, CAN’T WAIT FOR TRANSITION I PROMISE TO REDEEM MYSELF THEN…. –Megs Shout out to Laura Mack, Buffalo 1 misses you…also can we get on the cover of GTTP again? Spanks.

RAVEN 2 SHOUT OUT: Raven 2 just left camp and are on our

way to help at the Lackawanna Valley Bike Tour. We are

really excited for what it has in store for us!!

Ellen, our time together was too short, please return to the safe

space soon.

RAVEN 4 SHOUT OUT: Raven 4 has retired their stormtrooping career and are

currently pursing pirate-hood as a source of income and entertainment. With a resounding

“ARGGGHHH” we will navigate our way along the weedy Mystic River as we eradicate

everything that stands in our way.

Place the digits from 1 to 9 in each closed area so that the sum of the digits in each complete circle is the same. 1 has already been placed.

Moose 2 Team Leader Allen Hunt reminds you to stay HYDRATED!

Now is the time to drink some water!

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 8

Alumni Spotlight: Sterling Thomason Sterling Thomason, served as a Corps Member in Class XVI at the

Atlantic Region. Recently, we were able to catch up with her before

she embarked on her adventure with the Peace Corps we were able to

hear her impressions on her service year. Thomason served as a

Corps Member on Raven 6 in Class XVI.

How did you find out about AmeriCorps NCCC?

I'd always been vaguely aware of AmeriCorps but didn't know

specifics about it, so one day during college I looked it up online and

discovered NCCC. I was in the middle of applying to the Peace Corps at the time, but I decided

to apply to NCCC anyway because it sounded like such a unique experience. When I found out I

got in, I withdrew my Peace Corps application to do NCCC!

What was the best part of your year?

It's hard to pick a best part of my year because I feel like every

round was better than the one that preceded it. My two favorite rounds

were in New Orleans rebuilding homes with the St. Bernard Project, and in

Massachusetts organizing an environmental/social justice conference with the

Marion Institute. They were polar opposites in terms of work--site supervising

drywall and insulation, and sitting in an office writing grant reports and

coordinating volunteers--but in both projects I learned amazing new skills

and had the opportunity to work with inspiring people and do work

that was meaningful to me, in a part of the country I'd never seen


What are your current plans?

By the time this Get to the Point comes out, I will be in Cameroon training

as an English education volunteer with the Peace Corps!

Do you have any advice for Class 17?

Enjoy every second of NCCC, even the seemingly unpleasant parts

(especially the seemingly unpleasant parts, because they will make the best

stories later!). And don't stress out about the little things because

they're all a part of the experience, and you will miss all of it when

it's over.

Thomason with a few of her St. Bernard Project NCCC teams

Thomason with a Raven 6 teammate

Sterling Thomason Class XVI Raven 6

Thomason with Anderson Cooper & Raven 1 CM

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 9

The National Conference showcased the work we do in Disaster, here are some Atlantic Region images.

AmeriCorps Alumni are involved in a great amount of Disaster Relief.

Weekly Installments: Alums Leading the Way

Connect & Network with Alumni (even while in the program), there are opportunities such as networking, chapter involvement, job postings, trainings, etc…


Follow them on Facebook:

Follow on Twitter:!/americorpsalums

AmeriCorps Alums represents over 700,000 alumni of AmeriCorps, a vibrant national network of

individuals who spent a year or more in national service. Bound together by a commitment to service,

leaders who share a common belief that civic engagement is an essential American ideal. Together, these

leaders constitute a powerful force for transformative change. Join

From the National Conference on Volunteering and Service in New Orleans, we want to share a powerful new video. National Service: Count On Us tells the story of service and volunteering in times of crisis. From forest fires and floods, to hurricanes and tornadoes, to terror attacks and oil spills, participants in CNCS programs have provided critical support to millions of Americans affected by disasters since 1994.

Watch Video: We encourage you to watch the video and share it.

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 10

Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant experienced full meltdowns at three reactors in the wake of

an earthquake and tsunami in March, the country's Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters said

Monday. Japan's nuclear emergency agency goes further in describing the extent of damage. The

Fukushima Daiichi plant was badly affected by an earthquake and tsunami in March. Tokyo Electric Power

Co. has avoided calling the event a meltdown. (

The latest caffeine product takes a new form: It's a stamp-sized gel sheet

that dissolves in the mouth like a breath freshener. The product,

called Sheets, is sort of like an energy drink without the water. A

promotional video shows NBA star LeBron James, in black and white,

placing a bright red gel strip on his tongue. James is not just endorsing the

product — he is a co-founder of the company. Caffeine has many well-known

benefits. Even so, last week the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a

report recommending that children and adolescents never use energy drinks. (

More than 100 people were killed Monday in and around the northern Syrian city of Jisr Al-Shugur in the

third consecutive day of violence there, according to reports from the government and opposition groups.

State television blames "armed gangs" for setting government buildings afire. (

Continuing failure to identify the source of the deadly German outbreak of E. coli poisoning points to a

flawed investigation that could shake faith in the global public health system. German officials reported

that initial tests showed that vegetable sprouts were not the cause of the food poisoning outbreak that has

killed 22 and sickened at least 2,300, including more than 660 people with a life-threatening complication

of infection that attacks the kidneys. (

Apple announced the introduction of iCloud, a music service that will allow users to listen to their music

from almost any Internet-connected device. ( iCloud, a breakthrough set of free new cloud services

that work seamlessly with applications on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC to automatically and

wirelessly store your content in iCloud and automatically and wirelessly push it to all your devices. When

anything changes on one of your devices, all of your devices are wirelessly updated almost instantly. (Apple


A jogger who Greensboro police said wasn't paying attention was injured by running

into the back of a stopped bus at about 8 a.m. The jogger suffered minor injuries,

police said . (

Bursting the AmeriBubble Brought to you by: Laura Mack Community Relations STL & a Multitude of Media Sources

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 11

BUFFALO 4 SHOUT OUT: Welcome back John.

We missed you.

Sam our heart cries out. Soon… Soon…

MOOSE 1 SHOUT OUT: Shoutout to all Corps Members-

see ya in 3 weeks!!!

Steph and Mike can’t wait to see Team SS.

Shoutout to Roneisha on R5- LaLa misses RoRo.

Melissa on M2- Expelliarmus! – Love, Stephanie!!!

MOOSE 2 SHOUT OUT: Brooke/Trudy: We will be make

Borscht when you come home. We want you like a house elf

wants a sock. –Michael

Moose 3: Nick and Mark, hope you guys are having fun down

here in Alabama. –Nolan

Also, to Buffalo 7: Coming to the reunion…Everybody get in

the pool!

Also, to JJ: Now IS the time!!!

Many times, food manufacturers use catchy buzz words to attract the attention

of food shoppers. (You may have seen this while buying groceries for your team)

For example, after the new food pyramid stressed eating whole grains, all kinds

of processed food, sugary cereal, crackers and even cookies advertised they

contain “whole grains.” While these words sometimes do have health benefits,

shoppers need to see these promotions with a critical eye to ensure their food is

as nutritious as it’s cracked up to be.

Here are some buzz words commonly used on food labels, and how

they relate to health benefits:

“Natural” - this word is not regulated by the FDA so always read the other

ingredients in a “natural” product. Usually consumers assume that

natural means the foods are not processed, fresh and healthy—but

natural potato chips are still a high-fat snack. Almost all packaged

foods are processed in some way. Check the ingredients and ensure that

the product really is minimally processed. The ingredients of natural

peanut butter should be peanuts and salt.

• “Made with real fruit juice” - this phrase is usually on fruit snacks, cereal

and fruit drinks. There is no law that requires there to be a certain amount of

fruit juice to make this claim, so a product could have one drop of juice and

advertise “real fruit juice.” Check the back label, if the first ingredient (the ingredients list is

always in order of prominence) is corn syrup or sugar, there probably isn’t much real fruit

juice in the food or drink.

Don’t worry that everything in the grocery store is unhealthy. Food labels are legally required to be truthful,

but marketing people sometimes spin what nutritional benefits they highlight. The best course of action

is to read the back of the label and ingredients to ensure the claims are factual.

Does Natural Mean Healthier? Reading Food Labels with a

Critical Eye by Laura Tuck, Campus Counselor

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 12

10 Social Media Rules to Socialize By: Here below are ten rules to follow if you are using social media related to

AmeriCorps NCCC. AmeriCorps NCCC is a program of a federal agency which is an

entity. You must remember at all times while using social media that represents NCCC

that you are representing the program and not yourself.


1. Do not follow or like and/or make status updates & posts about political parties,

political commentators, political candidates, state & local officials, celebrities, athletes, sports teams,

musicians or public figures

2. Do not follow/like any brands, any products to include books/movies, etc, companies or

entities other than project sponsors and recruitment partners

3. Do not post or upload pictures/videos with any brands or products visible

4. Do not post pictures/video with Members not in uniform- no casual photos, no casual videos

5. Do not post pictures/videos of Members not in full proper uniform at all times - no backward

hats, shirts not tucked in, etc.

6. Do not disregard the privacy and personal information of your Team Members

7. Do not make posts/status updates related personal/individual opinions about anything

non service related

8. Do not post videos or pictures of any behaviors or activities not permitted while in service

9. Do not make posts/status updates related to any religious or spiritual subjects/issues

10. Do not post gripes or negative content about the program, projects, the team, the staff or


Brought to you by: Sam McKenzie Community Relations Specialist

Socializing NCCC Style

BUFFALO 3 SHOUT OUT: Disaster told in haikus:

Word: 'bama needs us Quick! pack van floor to ceiling Much love Georiga, peace Big wheels keep turning West to Ameri- camp ground Each day something new Work in Birmingham Finding peace at a convent What next? No one knows :) Word to Marlee / Word to all our disaster compatriots, keep up all of your incredible work!

MOOSE 3 SHOUT OUT: Sunshine misses R6 at the warehouse

already :( Have fun in the Big Easy M6! Shout out to all of my

housemates and AmeriHomies! Cant wait to see you all during

transition. <3 Sunshine

Teach me how to govie. Teach me, teach me how to govie. All my

green team love me. All my all my Green Team love's

been great working and being with some of you down here in

Bama. Can't wait to see everyone else so very soon. Miss you all.

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 13

NCCC team members will experience stress for a variety of reasons, some of which arise from the particular nature of our work and structure. How NCCC team members monitor and manage their stress may dictate their successes throughout their Corps year.

Some sources of stress are unique to the NCCC and NCCC teams: 1.Team members will confront personal challenges, take on new responsibilities

2.Issues from home, unresolved personal issues, relationship issues

3. Team dynamics: unresolved issued between Corps members, issues with the team and team leader

4. Changes in location, living conditions and projects

What is stress anyway? Merriam Webster’s Dictionary-Stress is a constraining force or influence as:

A physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension

A state resulting from stress, especially one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that

tend to alter an existent equilibrium (Job related stress)

Strain, pressure: The environment is under stress to the point of collapse

Hans Hugo Bruno Seyle, an endocrinologist reported that there are two kinds of stress with

positive and negative effects. He called them eustress and distress.

Eustress derives from the Greek word meaning “good or well”. When attached to stress it actually

means “good stress” Some examples of eustress are: finding out that you have been accepted to NCCC or to

a composite team, planning a wedding or holiday, riding a roller coaster, engaging in exercise or weight

training, love, or coming in first in a race.

What are some sources of negative stress that you can think of in the NCCC? What are some

ways that you can tell that you are experiencing negative stress?

The effects of stress over time: Chronic stress is the response of the brain to unpleasant

events for a prolonged period over which an individual perceives he or she has no control.

If this continues over a long period of time, it can cause damage to an individual’s physical

and mental health.

What are the effects of stress over time?

Physical Symptoms:

Frequent Illness Weight loss or Gain Back Pain Gingivitis Nausea Missed Menstrual Cycles Rash Hemorrhoids Gastrointestinal Issues Cardiovascular Disease

By: Laura Tuck, Campus Counselor


Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 14

On a Continuum: Irritability Edgy Poor sleep Cannot stop worrying Fear of loss and control Emotional withdrawal Shortness of breath Avoidance of social situations Chest pains, tightness Sweating , trembling Interference with work Explosive emotional reactions Looks sad or flat Rigid negative thinking Crying spells Restless Agitated Poor concentration Feelings of guilt, worthlessness Self-defeating behaviors Isolates self Thoughts of harm to self or others

If you notice the signs of stress in yourself, what are some things to try?

Don’t try to “push through”. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a step back. Pay attention to yourself

Breathe slowly and deeply and move slowly to calm yourself

Exercise reduces adrenaline and releases dopamine (happy chemicals)

Avoid negative, repetitive thoughts. Find something “to replace the tape”

Fight anxiety by visualizing, rehearsing success

Identify what you can control and focus on that.

Set limits

Set measurable goals

Talk to somebody. Talking makes you feel better.

Strategies for team to manage stress:

Meeting with a predictable agenda including time to process and reflect

Process for team members to raise issues of concern

Rotate work and partners so people get a chance to work with each other

Regular PT together

Meals together

Take time to celebrate each other and enjoy

Mandatory fun team activities

Individual 1:1’s

Review of Team charter

The stressed out team exercise:

1.Sit together

2.Each person writes on a piece of paper something you do when you are under stress. Put these in your

stress bag

3.When everyone has put their paper in the bag, take them out and write them out

4.Devise a plan, using individual and team strategies to address your team’s stress, especially based upon

the signs of stress that you see.

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 13 15

Want to be a Team Leader?

This Could Be You! Applications close August 1st Those selected start January 2012

MOOSE 6 SHOUT OUT: Moose 6 is looking forward to being reunited

with their missing teammates soon!


Harley: Shoutout to Galla! I miss my roommate!

Brandon: Shoutout to my left pocket…When my cell phone

is vibrating and I cannot feel it, reposition yourself so I


up to the roomies, Griff &

Julian. –KJ

See you in a few weeks Green


We are currently accepting TL and STL applications for the next service year and these

must be submitted into the portal by August 1st!

If you are interested in wearing the green next year, the first step is to log into the web portal and complete an application. Applications can be found under the NCCC TEAM LEADER selection and submitted to WINTER 2012. Please remember to be specific to the Team Leader position you want if you are applying to be a Support Team Leader; for example, make sure to specifically express your interest in your motivational statement. It may also be helpful to notify the current STL or staff support of your interest because we may well receive over 200 applications and this will make it easier to retrieve them and forward them to the appropriate staff. If you are interested in multiple TL positions, you must submit a separate application for each one. When you have completed and submitted your application(s), the staff POC will review the applications. Regardless of whether you are applying for a field TL position or STL, one of the references must be from your current Team Leader. Typically our process is to review all applications and then determine how many we want to move forward to the interview stage. It is important to note that some current members who submit an application may not get an interview. If you have any questions about the process, please contact your respective Unit Leader, Vivian ( or the STL Staff Point of Contacts: Community Relations STL-Sam McKenzie, Program Office STL-Robin Nixon, Operations Office STL-Dernard

Remember: August 1st Deadline for 2012 TL Applications

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