ncep atp iv guidelines: 2013 update kerry haney, pharmd, bcacp, cpp um skaggs school of pharmacy...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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NCEP ATP IV GUIDELINES: 2013 UPDATE Kerry Haney, PharmD, BCACP, CPP UM Skaggs School of Pharmacy 1/12/13 Slide 2 Learning Objectives 1. List three anticipated changes to the ATP IV guidelines 2. Compare and contrast two validated risk assessment tools used to stratify risk of developing cardiovascular disease and individualize LDL-c goals 3. Describe the primary treatment targets from the ATP III guidelines and potential changes for ATP IV Slide 3 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) Guidelines U.S. guidelines for the detection, evaluation, and treatment of hyperlipidemia in adults Developed by an expert panel for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Division of National Institutes of Health (NIH) Long history of developing clinical practice guidelines First JNC report published 1976 ATP release history: ATP I First released in 1988 ATP II 1993 ATP III 2001 Slide 4 For more information or to check status: Slide 5 Potential Changes for ATP IV Current guidelines ATP III Focus on LDL-c Greatest intensity of treatment for patients at highest risk Other dyslipidemia management guidelines Changes in LDL-c targets for those at highest risk Some modifications of risk factors Direction from expert panel for ATP IV Critical questions Scientific evidence from clinical trials Slide 6 U.S. Guidelines for Management of Dyslipidemias 2001NCEP ATP III guidelines 2004NCEP ATP III implications 2008ADA/ACCF Consensus Statement on Lipoprotein Management in Patients with Cardiometabolic Risk 2011AHA/ACC guidelines for secondary prevention 2012 AACE Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia and Prevention of Atherosclerosis 2013ADA Standards of Medical Care in DM AACE = American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, ACC = American College of Cardiology, ACCF = American College of Cardiology Foundation, ADA = American Diabetes Association, AHA= American Heart Association Slide 7 Critical Questions for ATP IV What evidence supports LDL-c goals for secondary prevention? What evidence supports LDL-c goals for primary prevention? What is the impact of the major cholesterol drugs on efficacy/safety in the populations? Slide 8 Slide 9 Overview of Potential Changes for ATP IV Modification of CVD Risk Estimation Adjustment of major risk factors and CHD risk equivalents Alternative risk assessment tool to Framingham Risk Score (FRS) Changes in Treatment Targets Changes in LDL-c goals More aggressive treatments in those at elevated risk of CHD Changes in target emphasis Recommended Pharmacologic Treatment Continued use of statins at optimal dosing Highlight lack of CV outcome evidence for adjunctive therapies Slide 10 Slide 11 ATP III Classification of Cholesterol Concentrations LipoproteinConcentration (mg/dL)Interpretation TC< 200 200-239 240 Desirable Borderline high High LDL-c Slide 12 ATP III Treatment Targets Exception: TG lowering is an immediate target if 500 mg/dL Primary Target: LDL-c Secondary Target: Non-HDL-c (Once LDL goal met and if TG 200) Slide 13 NCEP ATP III: Determining LDL-c Goals Yes No Presence of ASVD, DM High-Risk: 20%10-20% Potential Change for ATP IV CHD Risk Equivalents Chronic kidney disease (CKD) Potentially added as a CHD risk equivalent Increased risk of CHD and premature CHD Evidence suggests patients with CKD have expected 10-yr risk CHD > 20% Guidelines National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) Group 2003 AHA supported recommendation 2003 Slide 16 NCEP ATP III: Determining LDL-c Goals Yes No Presence of ASVD, DM High-Risk: 20%10-20% NCEP ATP III: Determining LDL-c Goals Yes No Presence of ASVD, DM High-Risk: 20%10-20% NCEP ATP III: Determining LDL-c Goals Yes No Presence of ASVD, DM High-Risk: 20%10-20%

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