near infrared few-cycle pulses for high harmonic generation

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Near infrared few-cycle pulses for high harmonic generation

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2014 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 204013


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Near infrared few-cycle pulses for highharmonic generation

Steffen Driever1, Konstantin B Holzner1, Jean-Christophe Delagnes2,Nikita Fedorov2, Martin Arnold1, Damien Bigourd1, Frédéric Burgy2,Dominique Descamps2, Eric Cormier2, Roland Guichard1,Eric Constant2 and Amelle Zaïr1

1 Imperial College London, Department of Physics, Blackett Laboratory Laser Consortium, London SW72AZ, UK2Université de Bordeaux, CEA, CNRS UMR 5107, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications (CELIA),FR-33400 Talence, France


Received 15 March 2014, revised 28 May 2014Accepted for publication 5 June 2014Published 8 October 2014

AbstractWe report on the development of intense tunable few-cycle pulses with central wavelengthsranging from μ1.6 m to μ2 m. These pulses were used as a proof of principle for high harmonicgeneration in atomic and molecular targets. In order to generate such pulses, we produced afilament in a four-bar krypton cell. Spectral broadening by a factor of two to three of a 40 fs near-infrared input pulse was achieved. The spectrally broadened output pulses were then compressedby fused silica plates down to the few-cycle regime close to the Fourier limit. The auto-correlation of these pulses revealed durations of ∼ three cycles for all investigated centralwavelengths. Pulses with a central wavelength of μ1.7 m and up to μ430 J energy per pulse wereemployed to generate high-order harmonics in Xe, Ar, and N2. Moving to near-infrared few-cycle pulses opens the possibility of operating deeply in the non perturbative regime with aKeldysh parameter, γ ≪ 1. Hence, this source is suitable for the study of the non perturbativetunneling regime in most generating systems used for high-order harmonic generation andattoscience.

Keywords: high harmonic generation, few-cycle pulse, non perturbative regime

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction

During the interaction of intense laser fields with atoms andmolecules, an electron wavepacket initially bound to thetarget can be ionized through different interaction processes.These ionization channels determine the evolution of the coreand the electron wavepacket in the continuum. To identifywhich of these processes is predominant during the interac-tion, L V Keldysh [1] introduced a parameter given byγ = I U/2p p , where Ip is the targetʼs ionization potential andUp is the ponderomotive energy associated with the stronglaser field employed.

In the perturbative regime, γ ≫ 1, the targetʼs potentialremains largely unchanged by the laser field. In this case,multi photon processes are necessary to emit a single electron

wavepacket from the ground state. The electron wavepacketcan absorb many photons, reaching energies just exceedingthe ionization potential (multi photon ionization), or absorbmany more photons to overcome the ionization potential.After ionization, the electron wavepacket in the continuumcan be considered only subject to the laser field [2–4]. Whenthe laser field reverses half a cycle later, the electron wave-packet can be redirected to the ionic core and then rescatter(above threshold ionization [5]).

When γ ≪ 1, known as the non perturbative regime, thetargetʼs potential is deformed by the strong laser field. Thisdeformation happens at every maximum of the laser field (i.e.,twice per optical cycle). Every optical half-cycle, the electronwavepacket initially bound to the target sees the tail of theCoulomb potential evolve in time, hence creating a barrier

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 204013 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0953-4075/47/20/204013

0953-4075/14/204013+07$33.00 © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK1

whose height and width change over time. Thus, the electronwavepacket reaches a greater probability of tunneling out ofthe system through this potential barrier. The probability oftunneling through the barrier increases with the laser fieldstrength, to the point where the barrier drops below thebinding energy level and the electron wavepacket is directlylaunched into the continuum (barrier suppression ionization).The latter situation is the asymptotic limit of the tunnelionization regime and usually results in an electron wave-packet which cannot be redirected by the laser field back tothe ionic core. As a result, recombination or rescattering ofthe electron wavepacket does not occur.

In order to understand how ionization occurs, we need tofollow the transition between the different regimes of ioni-zation. To study these transitions, most of the experimentswere performed using an infrared (IR) laser field ( μ0.8 m)with a typical intensity of = −I 10 W cm14 2, interacting withatoms (noble gases) [3, 4, 6, 7], molecules [8], nanoparticles[9–11], or periodic solid structures [12, 13]. For these targets,the ionization potential is kept below ∼25 eV, so that ioni-zation regimes correspond to γ values between 0.5 and ∼5.Under such conditions, only high Ip atoms subject to a stronglaser field are in the non perturbative regime. Two routes canbe followed to enable the study of dynamical processes underthe non perturbative regime for most atoms and molecules.

First, one can increase the laser field intensity, keepingthe wavelength in the IR region ( μ0.8 m for instance). Thisapproach has been employed widely, owing to the develop-ment of Ti:Sa laser technologies [14]. However, it is stronglylimited by the field strength that a target can withstand beforeits ground state is strongly depleted. One way to circumventthis limitation is to use few-cycle pulses and to control theirintensity profile. In this case, one has to reconsider the Kel-dysh parameter in a non quasi static situation, as shown byYudin and Ivanov [15]. They defined a general expression fornon perturbative ionization rates based on a modification ofthe ADK theory [16], which is suitable for the case of few-cycle laser fields.

The second route is to decrease γ by increasing wave-lengths (λ) to the near-(NIR)or mid-infrared (MIR) regionwhile maintaining low enough intensity to avoid depletion ofthe ground state. As a result, it is possible to study theultrafast dynamics of charge migration involved in atoms andmolecules after ionization, using high harmonic generation(HHG) [17–25]. However, analyzing HHG driven by few-cycle NIR to MIR pulses offers the possibility of extendingthese studies well into the nonperturbative regime and allowsus to study how these charge migrations evolve while tran-sitioning from one regime of ionization to another.

2. Employing a NIR to MIR laser field for high-orderharmonic generation

In recent years, efforts have been made to push the devel-opment of multi cycle NIR to MIR femtosecond sources todrive strong field interaction, such as that found in HHGexperiments. Indeed, using laser fields at longer wavelengths

(i.e., in the low frequency limit to generate high order har-monics) has the potential to dramatically extend the max-imum photon energy produced (cutoff position). This isbecause it scales with λ∝ 2 [2, 3, 26, 27] and goes beyond thecarbon K-edge. Hence, the coherent XUV and x-ray radiationproduced can provide a unique source to study ultrafast innercore dynamics [28], opening the possibility of producingisolated attosecond pulses in the soft x-ray regime [29, 30].However, the efficiency of the high harmonic generationprocess decreases when employing laser fields at longerwavelengths as it drops with λ−5.5 [31–33], which can limit thedetection. Nevertheless, experimentally, Colosimo et al havesucceeded in studying the wavelength scaling of the harmonicgeneration by employing multi cycle laser fields at μ0.8 m,

μ1.3 m, μ2 m, and μ3.6 m [34]. In their experiments, theKeldysh parameter was varied from 1.3 to 0.3. Henceforth,they could resolve the transition from multi photon behaviorto the classical limit at the longest wavelength. In addition toexperimental work, the theory was adapted to the wavelengthregion up to μ5 m to match the experimental data for highharmonic generation [32].

To access more complex dynamics under the non per-turbative regime, Ghimire et al [35] demonstrated the gen-eration of high harmonics in periodic solid structures usingmulti cycle MIR laser sources. This experiment enabledaccess to intraband currents of these structures on the atto-second timescale. Transitions between bands of states withinsolids have already been described by Keldysh [1]. Thus, thetransition rate of structure bands appears to be similar to thatof the tunneling rate in atoms. This study has been extendedfurther to cosine band structures for time-averaged transitionrates [36].

Hawkins and Ivanov [37] have derived an analyticapproximation for the transition rate in the low frequencylimit to describe intraband sub-cycle electron dynamics. Theyshowed that the transition depends on the band structure. Thisis due to electron acceleration after and during transition tothe conduction band. Therefore, to really access time-depen-dent sub-cycle electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, orperiodic structures, it is crucial to employ few-cycle NIR orMIR sources. In this article, we show the possibility of pro-ducing tunable few-cycle pulses via filamentation with centralwavelengths tuned from 1.6 to μ2 m. As a proof of principle,we show how this source can be used to drive HHG experi-ments in atoms and molecules. This opens the potential toinvestigate sub-cycle dynamics of various targets in the nonperturbative regime.

3. Perturbative versus non perturbative Keldyshparameter in the low frequency limit

When γ ≪ 1, which is the case for long wavelengths (low-frequency limit) and high intensities, the ionization rate forhydrogen atoms described by Keldysh [1] coincides with thewell-known tunnel ionization formula for static fields[38, 39]. In particular, the exponential dependence of the ratewith respect to the field amplitude is present. When γ ≫ 1,


J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 204013 S Driever et al

the formula reduces to a sum describing the ionization via thesimultaneous absorption of several photons. In the tunnelingcase (i.e., γ ≪ 1), the perturbative approximation holds andthe atomic structure can be reintroduced by means of both aneffective *n and the usual ℓ and m quantum numbers in theexponential prefactor [40]. This approach has been furtherextended to any arbitrary ionic state by Ammosov et al [16],which is today known as the ADK theory.

The results of these formulae are in excellent agreementwith experimental measurements [41], accounting for cycle-average rates over one half-period of the alternating electricfield, under the assumption of a sufficiently slow varyingenvelope between two consecutives cycles. With the possi-bility of producing and designing few-cycle laser pulses,which is the frame of this article, this assumption is not validanymore. Therefore, one has to use the non perturbativeionization rate formula developed by Yudin and Ivanov [15]for any arbitrary γ:


Φ γ θ= −⎛⎝⎜

⎞⎠⎟t N t

E f tt t( ) ( ) exp

( )( ( ), ( ) ) . (1)0

2 2


It explicitly takes into account the sub cycle dynamicsthrough the envelope, f(t), expressed in the time-dependentKeldysh parameter, γ γ=t f t( ) / ( ), and in N(t) and through theinstantaneous laser phase, θ ω ϕ= +t t( )

0[15]. We applied

this formula to the calculation of the ionization probability ofargon by three cycle pulses generated at an intensity of

−10 W cm14 2 and for μ1.7 m, μ1.8 m, and μ1.9 m wavelengths(see figure 1). Once again, these long wavelength pulsesensure that they are in ‘better’ tunneling conditions than theusual experiments at μ0.8 m, and the three cycle of the pulsesjustify the use of equation (1).

Clearly, non perturbative ionization probabilities (thesolid lines in figure 1) build up in a stepwise manner duringthe laser interaction, but do not differ much at the end of thepulse for all considered wavelengths. By comparison, ADKionization probabilities are lower by a factor of 1.5 to 1.7, and

the probabilities are separated further when the interaction isover. This shows the strong influence of the sub cycledynamics on the ionization processes and the necessity to takethem into account when a theoretical description is required insuch conditions (i.e., for HHG experiments). It is worthmentioning that these two calculations asymptotically con-verge for ω → 0.

4. Production of tunable NIR few-cycle pulses byfilamentation

Few-cycle pulses have been generated via various methods inthe IR over the last decade. The two most common methodsare hollow-core fiber compression [42] and filamentation[43–46]. These methods are used in a post compressionscheme after the amplifier system.

These techniques have been successfully adapted to thespectral region beyond the Ti:Sa wavelength of μ0.8 m andhave been investigated experimentally as well as theoretically[44, 45, 47, 48]. In the μ2 m regime, an optical parametricamplifier (OPA) scheme was used by Hauri et al generating55 fs, μ330 J with carrier envelope stability [45]. By fila-mentation in a xenon cell, they managed to compress theinput pulse down to 17 fs with μ270 J pulse energy. Further,supercontinua spanning up to three octaves have beendemonstrated by Kartoshov et al, stretching from ∼ 0.35 μm–5 μm [49] and employing a 80 fs, 20 Hz laser with a centralwavelength of μ3.9 m. Mücke et al [50] focused specificallyon using μ1.5 m and managed to achieve a compression factorof three to four, with pulses as short as 19 fs and 1.5 mJ pulseenergy generated in an argon cell.

In parallel to these studies, the very well-establishedhollow-core fiber compression technique has been used at

μ1.8 m to generate 11.5 fs pulses at μ400 J of pulse energy[51]. These studies show how post compression can beemployed to produce few-cycle pulses in the NIR to MIRregion. The next step is to show if conditions can be found toprovide tunability of these sources.

A first study was performed using filamentation to gen-erate tunable few-cycle pulses in the region of μ1 m–2 μm[52], but it was not clearly shown if the pulse energy wassufficient to perform strong field interaction in the non per-turbative regime. We demonstrated the capability of fila-mentation to produce μ1.6 m–2 μm tunable few-cycle pulses[53], and we report in this article how these pulses providesufficient energy per pulse to produce non perturbative HHGin Xe, Ar, and N2 molecules.

5. Experiment

In order to generate the few-cycle pulses needed, weemployed an OPA, which generated μ1.6 m– μ2 m radiationwith a pulse duration of 40 fs. It was seeded by μ0.8 m,1 kHz, 40 fs, 5 mJ pulses from a Ti:Sa amplifier. The gener-ated NIR beam is produced with 0.7 mJ–0.9 mJ pulse energyand was loosely focused with an f = 75 cm concave mirror.

Figure 1. Non perturbative ionization probabilities calculated inargon for three cycle Gaussian pulses, λ = 1.7 μm, 1.8 μm, and 1.9μm; I = 10014 Wcm−2 m2 and ϕ

0= 0 (solid lines) compared to ADK

ionization rates (dashed lines).


J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 204013 S Driever et al

The 1.2 m cell was filled with 4 bar of krypton. The cell wassealed with one-mm windows with an anti reflection coatingspanning μ1.2 m– μ2.2 m.

In the generated filament, self-phase modulation is themain contributor to the spectral broadening, but other effectslike self-steepening can create a pedestal on the blue side.Further, ionization blue shift of the fundamental wavelengthand high-order Kerr effects can also be involved. We showedin a recent study how tunable spectral broadening and com-pression from μ1.6 m– μ2 m can be produced [53]. Figure 2shows an example of the tunable spectral broadening andcompression obtained. We managed to generate three cyclepulses for several central wavelengths of the OPA. Thespectrum was broadened in the filamentation process by afactor of two to three to 250–300 nm full width halfmaximum.

The accumulated positive group delay dispersion (GDD)was compensated by ∼4 mm of fused silica. Since the fusedsilica has a negative GDD for these wavelengths, it wasrobust and straightforward to compensate for the phase. For

μ1.7 m and μ1.9 m, we generated pulses of ∼15 fs duration,whereas at 1.8 μm the duration was ∼18 fs. The auto-corre-lation was very close to the Fourier limit of 12 fs for μ1.7 mand μ1.9 m and 15 fs for μ1.8 m.

We employed the μ1.7 m filament for our HHG experi-ment after identifying the filament size [54]. The centroid ofthe spectrum changed to μ1.74 m in the process. The whitelight in the center of the filament determines the size of thebeam transverse to the propagation direction. This was esti-mated to be ∼5 mm, whereas the longitudinal extent of thefilament can only be inferred from the optical path distance

needed for collimation and the focal lengths of the optics.This showed a discrepancy of 12 cm, which is thus estimatedto be the longitudinal length. Selecting this spatial regionensures that we only use the few-cycle pulses for high har-monic generation in the subsequent semi-infinite cell (SIC).

The high harmonics were generated in an SIC in a vacuumchamber. The SIC was sealed by a one-mm fused silica win-dow and a 150 μm stainless steel foil at the exit. The 15 fspulses centered at μ1.74 m were focused by a f = 30 cm mirror(denoted FM) resulting in an interaction length of ∼30mm(cell size). The SIC output foil was drilled by the laser itself,providing an additional differential pumping stage. The pres-sure can subsequently be used as an additional degree offreedom to enable efficient HHG. The beam size at the entranceand exit of the cell was estimated to be μ260 m and μ65 m,respectively. Due to the fact that we focused on the output foilof the SIC, short and long trajectories for HHG can be phasematched [55, 56]. This, however, is mitigated by the longinteraction region, which results in a harmonic spectrum solelydue to the short trajectories. The generated HHG is subse-quently redirected to a 600 lines/mm XUV grating (denoted G)at grazing incidence. The separated wavelengths are redirectedwith a toroidal mirror (denoted TM) onto the multi-channelplate (MCP) with phosphor screen and CCD camera. Theexperimental setup is shown in figure 3.

6. Results

In figure 4 from top to bottom, the HHG spectra for xenon,argon, and nitrogen are presented. The current observation

Figure 2. Upper panel: input spectra (blue, dashed), spectra after filamentation (red, solid). Lower panel: auto-correlation for 1.7 μm, 1.8 μm,and 1.9 μm. The purple dots are experimental data, and the pulse width is given by the Gaussian fit. The fit gives 15 fs for 1.7 μm and 1.9 μm,whereas 1.8 μm, reveals a pulse duration of 18 fs. The Fourier limit of 1.7 μm and 1.9 μm was 12 fs, and the Fourier limit of 1.8 μm was 15 fs.Adapted with permission from [53]. Copyright [2013], AIP Publishing LLC.


J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 204013 S Driever et al

window reaches from 14 to 40 eV. The xenon spectrum wasacquired for a pressure of 41 mbar and μ180 J. This shouldlead to a cutoff energy of = +E (3.17U 1.3I )p pcutoff

= =93.95 eV(I (Xe) 12.13 eV)p at the focus, which is at theend of the cell. Estimating the maximum photon energy fromthe intensity at the entrance of the cell, we can expect a cutoffat 20.6 eV. The best spectrum for argon was obtained for85 mbar and μ430 J, potentially generating harmonics up to200.9 eV =I( (Ar) 15.76 eV)p at the focus. Considering theintensity at the entrance of the cell, we estimated a cutoffenergy of 32 eV. The N2 spectra, on the other hand, weregenerated at 105 mbar and μ320 J pulse energy

= =−(E 154.8 eV, I (N ) 15.58 eV)pmax cutoff 2 . The minimumcutoff energy should be about 28.4 eV. The pressure ratiobetween xenon and argon, ∼P P/ 2.1argon xenon (nitrogen mole-cules and argon, respectively, ∼P P/ 0.81argon N2

), is close to thesquare root of the inverse ratio of their masses,

=M M/ 1.73xenon argon ( =M M/ 0.87N argon2, respectively), so

that the density of emitters for HHG in the volume of inter-action is comparable. This mass ratio gives an estimation ofthe difference of emitters in the volume of interaction from

one generation gas to the other. Therefore, this stays belowone order of magnitude, and hence the harmonic signal is ofthe same order of magnitude.

A shift is observed in the harmonic spectra generatedfrom xenon and N2 compared to the argon one. This shift canbe attributed to a fundamental wavelength shift of about50 nm. This shift of the fundamental wavelength can be dueto plasma formation in the SIC [57] (xenon has a lowerionization potential than argon and nitrogen) or due to mod-ification of the filamentation conditions.

7. Conclusion

We managed to produce tunable few-cycle pulses in the NIRregion using filamentation as a post compression stage. TheseNIR few-cycle pulses have sufficient energy per pulse toenable the generation of high-order harmonics in the nonperturbative regime. This tunable source can enable the studyof transitions between ionization regimes of atomic andmolecular targets in gas or condensate phases.

Figure 3. Schematic of the experimental setup. After entering the generation chamber (left), the beam is redirected (mirror M) and focused(focusing mirror FM) to the interaction region in the semi-infinite cell (SIC). The beam then enters the XUV spectrometer chamber (right).The toroidal mirror f = 30 cm (TM) directs the spectrum onto the XUV grating (G). The spectral components are subsequently detected bythe MCP.

Figure 4. High harmonic spectra for xenon, argon, and nitrogen for optimized generation conditions (top to bottom).


J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 204013 S Driever et al


This work was supported by UK-EPSRC project EP/J002348/1 CADAM, UK Royal Society project IE120539, the Eur-opean commission (EU program Laserlab Europe III withGA-284464 CNRSCELIA001889 and Inrex), the regionaquitaine (Nasa-20101304005), and the ANR (ATTOWAVEANR-09-BLAN- 0031-02). The authors acknowledge tech-nical support from P Ruthven and A Gregory from ImperialCollege, London.


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J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 204013 S Driever et al

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