negative conformity

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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Why Negative Conformity? Negative Conformity: Most people allow their situation and surroundings to dictate their lives and just go with the flow, or just say it is what it is they conform why?….. ……….because that is what 80% + of the population is doing it’s called Follow The Follower and it becomes a endless cycle that can last generations…… Why does this cycle exist? Because of negative conformity of association, the easiest way to explain this is by the Old saying. “Birds Of A Feather Flock Together”……. Unfortunately being in the wrong situation or association could be devastating, for the ones stuck in the “Rut” who are flat out tired of the struggle and searching for some light at the end of the tunnel… The sad thing is That Schools do not teach this lesson you are sent out into the world with no knowledge of negative conformity.Some people are fortunate to associate with someone that has been exposed to change and are drown to their philosophy………… …..but most people live their whole lives with Blinders on wanting to make a change in their life but don’t know how because of tunnel vision from negative conformity… and “FEAR”I know you are wondering what the heck is Robert talking about “FEAR” please continue below. Fear Of Change | Fear Of The Unknown. Fear_Of_ChangeOkay Robert what do YOU mean by Fear Of Change ? “Fear of the unknown” What I mean by fear of change we get comfortable or better put secure with our current situation and associations and not realizing that it might be a negative situation due to conformity don’t want to loose that security nor our current associations…. and be labeled as and outcast but just like in AA or NA to change you must change the 3 p’s 1. People 2. Places 3. Things..If you are truly sick and tired of the struggle you are going to have to make some very hard decisions and its true once this is done… ……….you will be traveling to unknown territory and Fear will show it’s ugly face but the key is to take control because YOU are in charge of your own destination! The 1st step to making a change is Attitude…….Please Visit My Next Post Attitude Is Everything….. To Your Success Robert Gafeney More Info Visit My Blog Post


Copy Write 2013 Robert Gafeney

Hello Everyone Your Friend Robert Here

I just wanted to talk to you about the subject of

Dreams + Ambition

Why Some Will And Some Wont… Part 1 of 7


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Copy Write 2013 Robert Gafeney

Most of us as we are growing up

and thru-out our life constantly take……

notice to our Worldly surroundings and

We Start Dreaming about our Future….

Dreaming while sleeping…. and….

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Dreaming during the Day…

So Why do some Peoples Dreams

….become Reality and others Don’t?

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Well very few People “BELIEVE”

WHY?Because Of Conformity

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So The Question Is what is “Conformity”

Conformity is the tendency to align your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors with those around you. It's a powerful force that can take the form of obvious social pressure or slight unconscious influence. As much as we like to think of ourselves as individuals, the fact is that we're driven to fit in, and that usually means going with the flow.


We are going to cover negative conformity and it’s negative influence on ones LIFE..

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So What Is Negative Conformity ?

Well the best way for me to explain this is by example:

When I was growing up like most People. I also had Dreams & Aspirations..

However I had….

1. No: Plan

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2. No: To Do List

Which I Later found out that…..

Always Always Always

1 + 2 = 3

Meaning1. A Plan + 2. To Do List

I Promise You Always

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= 3. Success

Now remember there will be Obstacles

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When you are meet with obstacles what works for me

1. I Put On MY Blinders

2. Stay Focused

3. Keeping My Goals In Site

and Then The Most Important Process

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I Relax and Then Meditate

Because for every Obstacle or Problem there is a solution, YOU Just have to keep focused and believe.

Now as I am Relaxing and Meditating I go over the Process Again

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This is where most People Quit just flat out Give Up.


Copy Write 2013 Robert Gafeney

Until Next Time. Chapter 2 of 7Why Some Will And Some Wont…

To All Have A Very Blessed Day Of Abundance

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