nejat newsletter - issue 4

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  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4


    To the memory of Yaser Akbari-Nasab

    The only state supporter of MKO sentenced to death

    Yaser Akbari-Nasab, a

    member of MKO, com-

    mitted self-immolation

    last summer in AshrafCamp, the base of MKO

    in Iraq. His aim surely

    was to end his misery in

    Rajavis terrorist cult.

    He obviously, like manyvictims of cults around

    the world, neither could

    find a way out of the cultnor he could cope with

    the mental pressure im-

    posed against him inside

    the Organi-


    Reports say

    that he was

    under enor-

    mous psy-chological

    p r e s s u r ewhen he did burn him-

    self. He was certainly

    burned in the flames of

    cultic unawareness. .

    C o m m i t -

    ting suicide

    has hap-

    pened in

    A s h r a f

    Camp on anumber of

    occasions before and most cer-

    tainly it will happen


    NOVEMBER16, 2006Nejat Newsletter


    The only state sup-porter of MKO sen-tenced to death


    To the memory ofYaser Akbari-Nasab


    Crisis of MKOFamilies Heightens


    No HumanitarianHelp for Rajavi CultRefugees in TIPF


    Terrorist MKO willnot stand in the wayof Franco-IranianRelations


    To the care of RoyalCanadian MountedPolice


    MEK, the West, andIran


    Memorial Ceremonyfor Yaser Akbari-




    Rajavis Visit toBelgium Unimpor-



    Meeting with Ms.

    Rachel Litman9

    A Terror Suspect at

    Floridas Jail10

    German Guarding

    Department Report11

    UK has no responsi-bility for MKO vic-

    tims in Iraq



    even do so at the present

    time. MKO has of

    course misused their

    ignorance about the na-ture and real political

    stances and deeds of the

    Organisation. One may

    ask why some individu-

    als are still supportingRajavis terrorist cult in

    the west despite the fact

    that it has been a closed

    ally of the former Iraqi

    dictator and has been

    listed as a proscribedorganisation in the US

    and in the EU.

    Those politicians who

    support the MKO in the

    west should question theOrganisation about howthey have treated their

    own discontented mem-

    bers and how they have

    dealt with their oppo-nents and critics. They

    should demand for inde-

    pendent investigations

    made to find the realities

    behind many suicideattempts in Ashraf Campin Iraq. MKO must be

    brought under tight scru-tiny and the leaders of

    the Organisation should

    face trial.

    left a bitter remembrance

    of the Organisation in

    the minds of the people

    of Iran.

    If the Organisation is

    aiming to find a place in

    the Iranian political

    scene, it should severelycriticise its past and

    apologise the Iranian

    people and try to wipeout that bitter memory.But on the contrary the

    Organisation has even

    refused to stop being

    proud of entering the

    war in favour of the en-


    Days of Saddam Hussein

    are certainly numbered.

    So are those of MKO,

    but there are some un-

    specialised politicianswho have supported the

    Organisation in the past

    and a number of them

    On 5th November 2006,

    the former Iraqi dictator

    Saddam Hussein was

    sentenced to death inBaghdad. This of course

    brought many in Iraq, as

    well as outside the coun-

    try, into jubilation.

    One could bear in mind

    that the deposed dictator

    was the only ever sup- porter of Mojahedin-Khalq Organisation

    (MKO) in a ruling gov-

    ernment. He backed the

    Rajavis terrorist cult for

    two decades against theIslamic Republic of Iran,

    and MKO in return had

    helped him suppressingthe Kurds in the Northand the Shiite Moslems

    in the South of Iraq.

    MKOs leadership

    moved to Iraq from Paristo form the National

    Liberation Army which

    fought the Iranian mili-

    tary along Iraqi Bath

    regimes armed forces in

    the war between the two

    countries. This of course

    was considered by theIranians as betraying the

    Iranian national inter-

    ests, and has therefore

    again if nothing is done

    to stop it urgently.

    Once again we urge all

    humanitarian organisa-

    tions and governments to

    make every efforts they

    can to save the lives of

    those still captive in

    MKO camp in Iraq. .

    Full report of the cere-

    mony held to the mem-

    ory of Yaser on p 6 & 7.

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4




    October 18, 2006

    Nasrallah Majidi, formerMKO commander, ex-pelled from the group byRajavi during the clean-sing operations in 1994and tortured severely byMKO torturers (whichcaused him psychologicalproblems), was forcedthis week by Camp Ash-

    raf's Gestapo to appearon TV and take up a po-sition against his family!

    In recent weeks, MKOleaders have repeatedlyforced MKO members tostand against their fami-lies; these families hadasked to meet theirloved ones or they had

    written lettersto the interna-tional commu-

    nities askingfor the rescueof their lovedones.

    The MKO's

    Gestapo has also forcedthese members to go to

    the US forces guardingCamp Ashraf and com-plain about their fami-lies!

    The presence of familiesin Camp Ashraf created abig crisis for the Gestapoof MKO so that they arestill trying to resolve the

    issue and keep the mem-bers in the Camp.

    The truth is that in orderto keep the members in-

    side the Camp, the MKOhas alwaystried to cutthe relation of

    its memberswith theirfamilies; they

    do not allow

    the membersto becomeaware of theirfamilies' efforts to returntheir loved ones.

    Following the fall of Sad-dam and breaking thecensorship imposed byformer security servicesof Iraq, MKO members

    somet imesfind a chanceto becomeinformed ofwhat theirfamilies do.In order ton e u t r a l i z esuch efforts,the MKO

    forces the members to

    take stance against their

    families and say thattheir families work forthe Iranian intelligenceministry!

    However, despite allthese efforts, more andmore MKO members ask

    to meet their families.

    Crisis of MKO Families Heightens

    The gang of Rajavi is de-

    termined to do anythingin order not to allow thefamilies to meet theirloved ones. MKO leadershave recently admitted

    in MKO's TVp r o g r a m sthat they

    have interro-gated, physi-c a l l ysearched and

    pressurisedthe families

    coming toCamp Ashraf to meettheir children. Now, bygoing to the US forcesand complaining about

    the families, they aretaking a new step. We

    should expect more ef-forts by the MKO to re-solve the crisis. This cri-

    sis is intensifying and itreveals more of the realnature of MKO and therelationships inside their


    In recent weeks, MKO

    leaders have

    repeatedly forced MKO

    members to stand

    against their families;

    MKO has always tried

    to cut the relation of

    its members with their


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    country has always attachedspecial significance to the de-

    velopment of ties with Iran.

    He further praised efforts made

    to develop political, economic,and cultural cooperation be-

    tween the two countries, and

    stressed the significant role of

    the two countries' parliamentsin paving the way for such co-


    Regarding the anti-Iran ter-

    rorist group Mojahedin-e

    Khalq Organization (MKO),

    which is presently operative

    on the French soil, the law-

    maker stressed that the

    French government regardsthe MKO as a terrorist group

    and that it may not allow the

    group to impair the two coun-

    tries' relations.

    For his part, Chairman of Ira-

    nian Parliament's National Se-

    curity and Foreign Policy Com-

    mission, Alaeddin Borujerdidescribed Iran-France ties as

    desirable, and expressed the

    hope that exchange of politicaland parliamentary visits by the

    two countries' officials would

    serve as a step forward in de-veloping cooperation based on

    mutual respect.

    Noting the issue of the MKO,

    he said, "It is of much sur-

    prise to us as representatives

    of the great Iranian nation to

    observe that a government

    which claims to be fighting

    against terrorism has allowed

    the MKO and recognized ter-

    rorist groups to operate in

    that country."

    Fars News Agency,

    November 9, 2006

    TEHRAN (Fars NewsAgency) -- Chairman ofFrance-Iran parliamen-tary friendship group de-

    scribed Iran's remark-able role in the establish-ment of regional peace

    and stability as uniqueand undeniable.

    According to a report released

    by the News Department of the

    Islamic Consultative Assembly,

    Xazier de Roux made the re-marks in a meeting with the

    chairman of the Iranian parlia-

    ment's National Security andForeign Policy Commission

    here on Tuesday.

    Also during the meeting,

    Xazier de Roux noted the pre-vious ups and downs in Iran-

    France ties, and assured that his

    Radio Farda, (USA)

    November 9, 2006

    Refugee describes unfa-vorable situation ofMKO's former membersin US-run camp in Iraq.

    More than 200 formermembers of Mojahedin-eKhalq organization live in

    US-run camp in Iraq. Al-though they were ac-cepted as refugees by

    the UN three years ago,they are still waiting in

    temporary tents to getlicense for living in a free


    Parivash Afarinandeh, aformer member of MKOin TIF camp who alongwith tens of others- andon a hunger strike- lives

    in improper situation andwaits for her future to bedetermined, talked toRadio Farda on thephone:

    "It's 75 days that we are

    on sit-down and 40 peo-ple went on hunger

    Terrorist MKO will not stand in the way of Franco-IranianRelations

    No Humanitarian Help for Rajavi Cult Refugees in TIPF

    strike on Tuesday be-cause we have not re-

    ceived a convincing an-swer, neither fromAmericans nor UNHCR.

    She says she and herfriends "wish to be inGuantanamo since the

    Red Cross, humanitarianorganizations and report-ers could make it thereto interview with theprisoners but unfortu-nately none of interna-tional humanitarian or-

    ganization have ever vis-ited this place".

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4




    Yonge St. #219Richmond Hill, ONL4C 9T3 Canada for Thought, Dia-

    logue and Human Rightsin I ran Toronto CTDHR

    Oct 2006

    To the care of Royal Cana-dian Mounted Police

    Re: Serious concern for thesafety of our client and ourdirectors

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing toyou in order toexpress mydeep concernsregarding thesafety of ourc l i e n t M r .M o h a m m a dMohammadi aswell as two directors of ourorganization including my-


    As Human Right advocacygroup it is our foremostduty to question and chal-lenge any system/individualthat violates the fundamen-tals of the charter that weall believe in. In the pastfew month we were work-ing on behalf of a Canadian

    Citizen, Mr. MustafaMohammadi, and his family

    to facilitate the freedom ofhis young daughter from amilitary camp in Iraq that isunder the control of thisIranian political organiza-tion known as Mojahedin eKhalgh or MEK.

    Since the storyof this familywas picked upby national me-dia and based

    on the interestexpressed byNational Postwe collaboratedwith the NP re-porter Mr.Stewart Bell, in various ca-pacity from translator tomediator and the resultwas a five (5) part seriesthat was published fromSeptember 23rd to Sep-tember 28th on the frontpage of that paper with themention to our Centre and

    repeated quo-tas from us.Needless tosay, this re-port was notwritten in thefavor of thisorganization.

    Since this or-ganization is active in Can-ada, as known by your of-

    fice, the local membershave informed their otherpockets in North Americaand Europe hence an ex-tensive campaign startedagainst us. The regularattacks on their variousmedia from TV/Radio pro-grams to the papers andWebsites accuses us as be-ing the agents of Iranian

    To the care of Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    This story can fit 75-125 words.

    Selecting pictures or graphics is an

    important part of adding content toyour newsletter.

    Think about your article and ask your-

    self if the picture supports or enhancesthe message youre trying to convey.Avoid selecting images that appear to

    be out of context.

    Microsoft Publisher includes thou-sands of clip art images from whichyou can choose and import into yournewsletter. There are also several toolsyou can use to draw shapes and sym-


    Regime, a very old andoverplayed rhetoric, and

    asks their members todeal with us.

    Since the youngMohammad, he is thebrother of the girl in campAshraf, was kept in thatcamp against his will for 4

    years in thepast he wasthe key wit-ness in prepa-ration of that

    article. In therecent daysand after thecontinuationof the threatshe is very

    scared about his own safetywhich makes us uncomfort-able too. Since the clearinstruction of this organiza-tion, as per their leader andstated in many of theirpublications, is to eliminateany individual who turnsagainst the organization,defector, his concern for hissafety is understandable.At the same time I and an-other director of our CentreMr. Saeed Soltanpour, awell known journalist in ourcommunity, have been in-cluded in many of thosethreats and accusations.

    Knowing the volume of theissues you are dealing with

    we are not requesting anyparticular protection at thistime but merely to informyou about the situation.

    Sincerely Yours

    Niaz Salimi

    Director, North AmericanDivisions

    The regular attacks on

    their various media

    accuses us as being

    the agents of Iranian


    The clear instruction of

    this organization is to

    eliminate any individual

    who turns against the


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    Payvand News,October 30, 2006

    By:Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

    The relationship betweenthe Mojahedeen-e Khaleg(MEK), the West and Iran isa curious one. A fatal at-traction that provokes im-ages of a decadent manwho must indulge himselfin his particular habits in ahouse of ill-repute; theMEK being the house, with

    the West maintaining a de-structive relationship forthe sole purpose of tor-menting Iran and Iranians.

    For years now I have shud-dered every time a Westerncountry has made contactwith the MEK; whether itwas their spokespersonJafarzadeh, or with MaryamRajavi, or some other low-life. Anxiety would fillevery conscious hour of my

    day and even creep into myresting hours and tormentme to think that Congresswas working on takingthese traitors off their For-eign Terrorist Organizationlist. How could MaryamRajavi be allowed to livecomfortably in a Paris sub-urb, this woman who is theleader of a terrorist cult?Further, how can she befree to walk into the Euro-

    pean parliament, meet with(some) British MPs and beembraced by BelgiumSenators?

    The West claims to havehigh moral values and forthe past three years, it hasbeen engaged in a war onterror. America has em-ployed extraordinary means

    to fight terrorists, yetwhen Ahmadinejad deliv-

    ered his first speech to theUnited Nations, the US, inspite of its declared valuesand its proclaimed war onterror, issued visas to theMEK terrorist cult to ensurethey would protest Ahmadi-nejads arrival in NewYork[i] The house was vis-ited, the US was gratified, Irantormented. This has been apattern for some time. Whoknows when it started.

    And so the West has be-come addicted to these vis-its to the MEK. I say theWest but in reality, I amconfident that it is ordainedby the US. As Irans be-havior becomes more in-transigent, the MEK seemto become more popular,and Maryam Rajavi sees acrown on her head insteadof a headscarf. So as Irankeeps adding centrifuges,

    more and more senatorswill visit the MEK wanna-be-queen. Embassy doorswill be flung open to herand she will no doubt accu-mulate a great deal of fre-quent flyer miles.

    The strength of this lethalrelationship with the MEKhas prevailed over the Is-lam- phobia that is preva-lent everywhere in

    Europe[ii]. Fear of Islam hasmanifested itself by rejectingwomen who choose to wear theIslamic headscarf or other formof hijab. The Islamic cover hasbecome symbolic of a chal-lenge to the Western democ-racy and secular society. Andyet, due to her extraordinaryposition, Maryam Rajavis Is-lamic headscarf, along with heractivities as a cult leader of a

    MEK, the West, and Iran

    terrorist organization is exemptfrom this rejection. She is wel-

    comed by Europeans head-scarf and all.

    In their fervor to torment,they have overlooked theIranian people. It is im-portant to remember thatin the volatile Middle East,the Arab Street, that is,the Arab public opinion andnot their despotic rulers,bear a great deal of hostil-ity towards the West,America in particular.Aside from Israel who is theonly US ally because it re-ceives $6 billion a year inaid so that it can go aboutits destructive business,Iranians are the only othernation in the Middle Eastwho have some degree ofamity towards the Ameri-cans. Even NATO memberTurkey blames and hatesAmerica for the recent up-rising of the PKK. The rela-

    tionship the West hasadopted with the MEK willnot go down well with Ira-nians.

    Iranians have not, and willnever forget the treacheryof the MEK. They are morehated than any enemyknown to them. If theWest, led by America, con-tinues its song and dancewith the disgraced MEK

    cult, whatever good will isleft among the Iranian peo-ple towards the West willquickly dissipate. The Westshould first uphold its val-ues before it takes it uponitself to attack anothercountry for lacking them.Sleeping with an enemy,the terrorist leader of theMEK, will not benefit any-one.

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    On 28th October 2006, a

    ceremony was held in

    Tabriz, to the memory ofYaser Akbari-Nasab, by

    the office of Nejat Soci-

    ety in Eastern Azerbai-

    jan province and the

    relatives of Yaser. Yaser

    Akbari-Nasab had com-

    mitted self-immolation

    in Ashraf Camp, the

    base of Mojahedin-

    Khalq Organisation(MKO) in Iraq, on sum-

    mer this year. One of theaims of the meeting was

    to reveal the fact that Yaser

    was under severe mental

    pressure as a direct con-

    sequence of mind ma-

    nipulation inside MKO

    in Iraq and hence in a

    sense was murdered.

    The relatives also an-

    nounced that they wouldtake a legal action

    against the Organisation

    to the International Judi-

    cial and Humanitarian


    The ceremony started by

    reading verses from the Holy

    Quran. Then Mr Asghari the

    chairman of Nejat Society in

    Eastern Azerbaijan Province

    expressed his condolences to

    the relatives of Yaser Ak-

    bari-Nasab and emphasised

    Memorial Ceremony for Yaser Akbari-Nasab

    that Nejat Society has been

    established to restore justice

    for the families of vic-tims and rescue those

    who are mentally and

    physically captive in

    Ashraf Camp in Iraq and

    even in Europe. Then

    the statement issued by

    Nejat Society was deliv-

    ered to the audience.

    Mr Reza Akbari-Nasab,Yasers uncle, who had

    spent several years

    struggling against Shahs

    dictatorial regime and had

    experienced many years

    of detention as a politi-

    cal prisoner in the jails

    of Shahs notorious se-

    cret police SAVAK,

    started his speech next.

    Mr Akbari-Nasab con-demned Rajavis terror-

    ist cult and called them

    into question for his

    nephews death. As he

    could not stop his tears,

    Mr Akbari-Nasab de-scribed his attempts try-

    ing to rescue his brother and

    his two nephews from Ash-

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    raf Camp in Iraq.

    According to him

    the MKO authori-ties did not even

    let him visit his

    relatives when heapproached the

    camp. He em-

    phasised that

    Yaser was under

    enormous mental

    pressure from daily brain-

    washing processes practiced

    inside the Organisation

    which lead him to

    commit self-immolation. In

    the end he urged

    all international

    humanitarian or-

    ganisations to

    identify those re-

    sponsible for his

    nephews death

    and put them on


    Mr Ebrah im

    K h o d a b a n d e h ,

    former member of the Na-

    tional Council of Resistance

    and MKO was next to de-

    liver his speech. He uttered

    his condolences to Akbari-

    Nasabs and reminded that

    inside the Organisation self-

    immolation has always been praised and encouraged.

    After I was arrested and

    jailed in Evin prison, the Or-

    ganisation had called my

    daughter in Britain and in-

    structed her to commit self-

    immolation he added. He

    continued his speech de-

    scribing how cults mentally

    confine their followers and

    quoted the book called the

    memoirs of an Iranian re-

    bel written by Dr Masud

    Banisadr former member of

    MKO. He explained that in-

    side the Organisation one

    Memorial Ceremony for Yaser Akbari-Nasab (cont.)

    would put her/

    himself on trial

    and give verdictfor her/himself

    and even carry on

    the punishmenta g a i n s t h e r /

    himself. In the

    case of Yeser of

    course he has ap-

    parently carried

    out the death penalty in the

    most brutal way against him-


    The last person

    who addressed the

    meeting was Mr

    Arash Sametipur,

    a key responsible

    figure in Nejat So-

    ciety, who re-quested the fami-

    lies of victims of

    MKO to fully co-

    operate and be ac-tive to rescue their

    beloved ones from

    Ashraf Camp in

    Iraq. He referred to previous

    cases of suicide attempts in

    Ashraf Camp such as the

    case of Alan Mohammadi

    who shot herself being under

    intense mental pressure. He

    mentioned that MKO is list-

    ing those volunteering forself-immolation and encour-

    ages everyone to register. He

    also urged the International

    Organisations to make inves-

    tigating efforts for such

    deaths and try to safeguard

    the life of those who are still

    captive in Iraq and are totally

    isolated from their family

    and the outside world.

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    IRNA, October 27, 2006

    A former member of terror-ist group of Mojahedin-eKhalq said the visit ofMaryam Rajavi, one of theleaders of the group, to thesenate of Belgium lackedpolitical importance andthat it proved Europe's des-peration in its nuclear ne-gotiations with Iran.

    Massoud Khodabandeh, for-mer senior member of MKOwho now runs "Iran-

    Interlink" in the UK, said toIRNA on Thursday:

    "Some Belgian politiciansuse isolated elements topress Iran and to get whatthe West wants from Iran."

    Khodabandeh said the visitof MKO's self-claimed presi-dent to Belgium Senate bythe informal invitation ofsome minor politicians in

    that country was a propa-gandistic effort from unim-portant groups in thatcountry that are seekingfame.

    Iran-Interlink official saidthis old method (usingpropagandistic meetings ofMKO officials with Europeanpoliticians) is unimportantand inefficient, adding:"Iran's strong response to

    this meeting and summon-ing Belgian and Finnish am-bassadors to the IranianForeign Ministry was due tothe terrorist and murderoushistory of this terrorist cultand it didn't meant thatIran is afraid of this groupor the group is important atall.

    "There are still some people

    who want to frighten Iranby using the remnants of

    MKO, but the fact is thatthe MKO should have beendismantled long time ago ifit wasn't for the US's poli-cies," Khodabandeh said.

    "If the MKO was able tochange the regime in Iran,it could have done thatwhen it possessed tanksand weapons backed bySaddam Hussein and notnow, when it's wandering in

    Iraq's desert without anyclear future," he added.

    According to this Iran-I n t e r l i n k o f f i c i a l ,"immediately after the fall

    of Baathist regime in Iraq,Americans wanted to keepCamp Ashraf for a rainyday and to put pressure onIran, but now they keep itto have the exclusive honorof dismantling it on theright time".

    Khodabandeh believes thatdespite the past when therewere restrictions for theresidents of MKO's terroristcamp in Iraq, now Ameri-cans support the group andin the case of cutting thissupport and opening thedoors of the camp no onewill stay in MKO's prison.

    He then rejected MKO'spropaganda that MaryamRajavi's charges have beendropped and said that hercase in French judiciary is

    Rajavis Visit to Belgium Unimportant

    still open and the time willsoon come for her to stand

    for trial.

    He stressed that liftingbans on Rajavi's movementis only because the investi-gations have finished and itdoesnt mean that she hasbeen cleared of charges.

    Also, on former members'efforts to bring to justiceMassoud Rajavi, the mainleader of the group, for ter-

    rorist activities and his co-operation with SaddamHussein, Khodabandeh saidthat Massoud Rajavi is nowunder the custody of coali-tion forces and a big casehas been prepared againsthim.

    He said copies of the casehave been sent to Ameri-can, European and Iraqiofficials but he stressed

    that the main issue in trialof Massoud Rajavi is findingthe country where heshould be tried.

    European Union and the UShave officially designatedthe MKO as a terrorist or-ganization, banning its ac-tivities.

    However, the cover organi-zation for this group (NCRI)

    is allowed to act in somecountries and a number ofEuropean and Americanofficials are in touch withthe group's leader underthis cover.

    Iran-Interlink in the UK iscomprised of a number offormer MKO members whotry to save other membersof this terrorist cult.

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    Habilian Association,October 9th, 2006

    On Tuesday, October 9th,the representatives of Ha-bilian Association in ameeting with Ms. RachelLitman a high rankingmember of DOS's delega-tion, describing the terrorissues in Iran, explainedthe objectives of the asso-ciation and the activitiesdone by that. During themeeting, Mr. Hashemi Ne-

    jad and Ms. Litman talkedtogether.Mr. Hashemi Nejad:Thanks for your time. Asyou know violence and ter-rorism is happening all overthe world everyday. Theterrorism of which ourcountry is one of the vic-tims. We are a group offamilies and children ofthose who have been killedby a criminal terroristgroup Mujahedin-e-Khalq-

    MEK. We have formed agroup to demonstrate thedimension of MEK's crimesand have collected a largenumber of documents andevidences on the assassina-tions made by MEK.Ms. Rachel Litman:

    I'm glad to talk with youand I'm sorry for the ter-rorist events happened inyour country killing the in-nocent people.

    Mr. Hashemi Nejad:When your country alongwith Western countriescame to Middle East withthe goal of removing ter-rorism, it seemed that thisdisaster would be eradi-cated from the world. As asurvivor of terrorism vic-tims, I got happy of yourcountry's action, but unfor-tunately the action ended

    with dividing the terroristsand protecting them. Ac-

    cording to the State De-partments report of 1994,the MEK has killed thou-sands of innocent peopleand you are surely in-formed that a few of themwere from your country.Ms. Rachel Litman:

    The group has been re-stricted and disarmed byUS and they dont have theright to operate and theyare designated as a terror-

    ist organization.Do you claim that thegroup is under our protec-tion?Mr. Hashemi Nejad:The presence of MEK inIraq while the Iraqi peopleand government detestthem so much (because oftheir crimes against thiscountry) is absolutely be-cause of the US support ofthem in order to use themin future. This is the main

    reason for American sup-port of MEK.Does your country dividethe terrorists into good andbad? Dont you think thatyour dual behavior towardour father's killers causedMKO to find a safe heavenand lobby in US congressand parliament freely? Whydo the terrorists contactyour representatives andcongressmen so freely?

    How can you justify thesupport for such terrorist ina country that has desig-nated them as terrorist?The double standard ofyour country toward terror-ism caused MEK membersto contact Human RightsCouncil in the UNand evenlobby that place.I have the background andspeeches made by them in

    Meeting w ith Ms. Rachel Litman a high ranking member of StateDepartment's Delegation

    support of terror and alsothe verdict issued by Inter-

    pol to arrest them that Iwill provide you with someother documents.Ms. Rachel Litman:Do you want them to betried? You mean they mustbe brought into trial in USor another country or byUN?Mr. Hashemi Nejad:Our goal is to fight terror-ism and terrorist thinking.We dont want the other

    children like us miss theirfathers due to the ambi-tions of some criminals whohave killed our people andalso their own members.Ms. Rachel Litman:

    You should know that inorder to achieve your goal,your presence in this meet-ing is effective. You shouldtry to contact different peo-ple and groups describingyour activities. Your coun-try and what is happening

    in your country has the pri-ority for us. Therefore wewant the reflexes of yourevidences and documentsasking you to give informa-tion and documents to mygovernment and send mein the future. I will surelytransfer your documentedevidences to concernedsources and I hope to becontacted with you in orderto reflect any thing you

    give me.Mr. Hashemi Nejad:

    Thanks for your favor. Wewill give you the documentswe have brought and wewill complete them in fu-ture through the contactway you put toward us.At the end, some docu-ment, evidences and bookson MEK presented to Ms.Litman.

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    New America Mediasent by Afaq Raha,

    October 12, 2006The following is a sum-mary of an article circu-lated by New AmericaMedia, Investigative Re-porting, Camille T.Taiara, Oct 10, 2006Although Camille T.Taiara, as the editor ofNew America Media, be-

    lieves that disappeared

    in America is a new,regular feature profiling

    immigrants who've beendetained or deported andwhose cases illustrateunjust or inhumane fea-

    tures of the Departmentof Homeland Security'simmigration and deten-tion systems, yet the

    nightmare of 9/11 trag-edy continues to disturb

    the minds of the nationand precau-tions aretaken to pre-vent similar


    Sept. 11 ter-rorist opera-tions set theparadigm for the US to

    approach persons who

    were accused of terroristactivity and had linkswith suspected groups.

    The US Congress hasgiven the Bush Admini-stration unprecedented

    rights to hold terror sus-pects overseas withoutcharge or the right to atrial. Masoud Hosseini is

    one such suspect held at

    Floridas Colquitt County jail now for four years.

    The US Department ofHomeland Security hasaccused him of involve-ment in the Mujahedin-eKhalq (MEK) which the

    State Department classi-fied as a terrorist organi-zation in 1997.

    Coming to theUS on a stu-

    dent visa in

    1995 afterhaving been

    arrested inIran threetimes, he hasbeen reported

    to have attended atthree political rallies in1997 and 1998 (in LosAngeles, Denver, and

    New York) sponsored bythe National Council of

    Resistance of Iran(NCR), anu m b r e l l agroup withstrong ties

    to the MEK,and helpingsell a Muja-

    hedin news-paper at one

    of them.

    He never registered atthe university he was

    supposed to attend inSan Diego and he wasalso one of 29 peopletargeted as the result ofa 1999 sting operationagainst Bahram Tabata-bai, a legal consultant inLos Angeles whod beensubmitting false visa ap-

    A Terror Suspect at Floridas Jail

    plications including,allegedly, for members

    of the MEK.

    But it was post-9/11hysteria that landed

    Hosseini in detention. Sept. 11 set the para-digm for how we ap-

    proach persons who areaccused of terrorist ac-

    tivity, saysMatt Adams,

    an attorney

    with theN o r t h w e s t

    Imm ig r an tRights Pro-

    ject in Seat-t l e who

    agreed to representHosseini for free.

    In October, 2002, a Joint

    Terrorism Task Forcepicked up Hosseini at the

    small corner store hedopened in St. Peters-

    burg, Florida, where hedmoved with his new

    bride. Hosseini says FBIagents interviewed himin jail in March, 2004,and cleared him as not a

    person of interest. TheFBI would neither con-firm nor deny the asser-


    Today, Hosseini says hewants nothing to do with

    politics. They took fouryears of my life just be-cause I told my opinion,he says. I just want to

    go to work, come back,have my own family. Iwant to have a peaceful


    Department ofHomeland

    Security hasaccused him of

    involvement in theMujahedin-e Khalq

    A Joint Terrorism

    Task Force picked

    up Hosseini at thesmall corner store

    hed opened in


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4



    Posted by Nejat NGO,October 19, 2006

    The organization MEKwants an absolute resig-nation and having au-thority over the whole

    world. The organizationis under the authority ofRajavis couple. The Na-

    tional Liberation Army isruled by women.Women's ruling in NCRIis presented as a model

    against the Iranian gov-ernment.

    The propaganda for de-mocracy made by theorganization toward theoutside world is not usedinside the organization. A

    type of leadership sys-tem, cult like, around the

    personality of Maryamand Masud with groupobligation and Stalinist

    Cult leadership and psy-chological suppressionhave causedthe members

    to suppresstheir own indi-viduality ino rde r t o

    achieve theirduties. Theyshould obeythe order of

    their leaders withoutcriticizing. The memberswere even forced to di-

    vorce their spouses, byMasud. They were iso-lated from their familiesto focus on their dutiesin MKO completely andwithout any deviation.Their children has been

    brought to Western

    counties and kept in theso-called Children's

    Houses.The management ofNCRI is under the au-thority of long timewomen members who

    have alwaysbeen respon-sible to report

    everything tothe leadersc o m p l e t e l yand continu-

    ally, in Iraq.Since they

    missed theircontrol headquarters inIraq, the leadership mustbe under the control oftheir headquarters in

    Europe, ei in France.One of the characteris-

    tics of MKO's leadershipis to circulate the mem-bers all over the world

    which is used in any di-mension of their work. In

    the past theyoften used

    this circula-tion to movethe femalecommanders

    of NLA toE u r o p e a nheadquartersor their

    headquarters in NorthAmerica.The continual circulation

    of members makes themnot having a specialty inonly a type of work sothat they are preventedto create another centerof power by side of Ma-sud and Maryam. There-

    fore, in order to circulate

    German Guarding Department - 2006 Report on MEK Leadersh ip

    This story can fit 75-125 words.

    Selecting pictures or graphics is an

    important part of adding content toyour newsletter.

    Think about your article and ask your-

    self if the picture supports or enhancesthe message youre trying to convey.Avoid selecting images that appear to

    be out of context.

    Microsoft Publisher includes thou-sands of clip art images from whichyou can choose and import into yournewsletter. There are also several toolsyou can use to draw shapes and sym-


    members in the worldand to keep the hierar-

    chy of leadership and tobe safe from Iranian In-telligence Service, theyuse a series of humansmuggling system. They

    used falseidentities tos m u g g l e

    members inthe past.They usetheir sup-


    The mem-bers of NLA receive seri-ous military training andalso guerrilla warfaretraining in about 15

    camps in Iraq. Theirweapons were firstly

    brought from Iraq.Therefore MKO was de-pended on Iraqi govern-

    ment and was supportedby Iraqi state obviously.

    The propaganda fordemocracy made by

    the organization

    toward the outsideworld is not used

    inside the


    Since they missed

    their control

    headquarters in Iraq,

    the leadership must be

    under the control of

    their headquarters in

    Europe, ei in France.

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 4


    signed agree-ments preparedby the force com-


    (6) if she will

    publish the com-munication dated7th October 2005from Major Gen-

    eral William Bran-denburg on behalfof the multi na-tional coalitionforces to the peo-ple of Ashraf; andif she will make astatement.

    Adam In-gram (Minister ofState (Armed

    Forces), Ministryof Defence) Han-sard source

    I have been

    asked to reply.

    Camp Ashraf,

    near Baghdad, isoutside the UK'sarea of responsi-bility in Iraq. Assuch, the UK hasno responsibilityfor, or involve-ment with, CampAshraf or its resi-

    dents. These arematters for the

    US and Iraqi Gov-ernments.

    ternational Coali-tion;

    (3) on what datein February theheadquarters of

    the Multi NationalForce-Iraq reaf-firmed its com-mitment to Article

    45 of the GenevaConvention rela-tive to the treat-ment of civilianpersons, 1949 inrespect of thepeople of Ashraf;whether the com-munication madereference to theprinciple of non-refoulment; and ifshe will make astatement;

    (4) on what datethe commanderof the multi na-tional coalitionforces authorised

    the opening ofbank accounts inIraq by residentsof Ashraf city;

    (5) whether indi-

    viduals in Ashrafhave abrogatedthe undertakingsthey entered into

    with the com-mander of the

    Mu l t i -Na t i o n a lForce-Iraq and

    which were de-tailed in the

    Written Answers,Foreign and Com-monwealth Affairs

    -IraqSource: Hansard,November 6,2006



    (Thurrock, La-bour) Hansardsource

    To ask the Secre-

    tary of State forForeign and Com-monwealth Affairs

    (1) how manyand what propor-tion of the people

    of Ashraf signedforms accepting

    their compliancewith the condi-tions stipulatedby the Com-mander of theMu l t i -Na t i o n a lForce-Iraq for

    their continuedprotection by theMu l t i -Na t i o n a lForces-Iraq;

    (2) whether theletter of the Dep-uty Commanderof the Multi Na-tional Force-Iraq

    to the people ofAshraf dated 21stJuly 2004 was onbehalf of the In-

    UK has no responsibility for Rajavi cult victims in

    Camp Ashraf

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