neograft: “state-of-the-art” solution for hair loss

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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The first minimally invasive FDA-approved automated hair transplant system is now available at The MIAMI Institute. NeoGraft FUE Hair Restoration is the new age of hair transplant. This revolutionary system avoids large, visible incisions and instead provides for nearly imperceptible scarring, minimal downtime and a speedy recovery. Your hair just got better!


The Global Leader in Hair Restoration Technology

Become a part of NeoGraft’s “state-of-

the-art” solution for hair loss …


Automated Hair Transplant System.

“Game Changing” Hair Transplant Technology

Least invasive

procedure of its kind

No scalpel incision, no

sutures, no linear scar

Fastest recovery time

of any surgical option

Reduces the need for

additional procedures

What is NeoGraft?

The NeoGraft machine is a revolutionary

automated hair transplant machine that

assists the doctor in performing a hair

transplant using the Follicular Unit Extraction

(FUE) technique, the latest hair transplant

technology to date.

Individual hair follicles are moved from one area of the

body—the harvest area—to a new transplant area in order

to generate new hair growth. No cutting and no incisions!

By automating the FUE process, NeoGraft accomplishes hair

transplantation in a way that is faster for doctors and more

cost effective for you.

And because of the no-touch technique, hair follicles are

less likely to be damaged and more likely to successfully

take root in their new home.

A special punch tool is inserted

around each hair follicle from

the back or side of your head.

Hairs are gently removed with the NeoGraft

machine. Any scars are healed within days

and new hair grows back within weeks.

Extracted hairs are harvested and

prepared for transplant.

Tiny needle sized impressions are made and

the hair is then implanted and ready to grow.

Depending on the amount of hair follicles to be transplanted, the procedure

typically takes 3-8 hours. You can relax during the pain-free transplant and even watch TV. Some patients require more than one procedure for optimal results.

NeoGraft is an excellent hair

transplant option for both men

and women.

A doctor can meet with you

privately to evaluate your potential donor, or harvest, areas

and discuss the results you can

expect from NeoGraft.

Body hair transplants, hair restoration on the head, and

even facial hair restoration can

all be achieved through


With STRIP surgery more complications can occur, such as infections, excessive

scarring, a feeling of tightness of the scalp, hair loss in the scar area, nerve pain,

bleeding, as well as a chance of damage to the occipital or temporal blood vessels.

FUE Hair Transplant surgery is considered

a minor procedure. There are rarely

complications and your doctor easily

treats any that may occur.

Since actual hair follicles and hair are transplanted during the procedure you will

immediately notice more fullness. However, it is important to understand that

these “new” hairs will shed during the 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

In the coming months—typically 3-4 months—new hair will grow from these transplanted follicles

and they will remain a permanent part of your hair growth cycle. Because NeoGraft uses only

the hair follicles genetically resistant to thinning and balding, this new hair is permanent.

Restore your confidence today.

Find out more atThe MIAMI Institute


World class plastic surgery, cosmetic & reconstructive dentistry, anti-aging

medicine and cosmetic

beautiful. medicine.

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