network computing laboratory brainstorming practice - warm-up exercise network computing lab

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Network Computing Laboratory

Brainstorming Practice - Warm-up Exercise

Network Computing Lab.

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


By this week, Warm-up exercise UbiSeoul 2030

Next week, Hunting for research topic New service applications New hardware devices Etc..

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

UbiSeoul 2030

Think about the FUTURE! DATE: March 5th, 2030 PEOPLE: You & your friends (have a bunch of time, 18 years) PLACE: Seoul, Korea

Office, Home, School, Ball park, PC room, Sports Stadium, Movie complex

HOW: You tell me

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

UbiSeoul 2030

Team Activity Each Team chooses 4 places (one per each place) Digital appliances

Pictures of today’s appliances for each team You assign “properties” to appliances

Need not have any relation to current properties Can adjust size, etc. subject to physics and usability Some are portable, some are fixed, some can be embedded into the

thing or the environment

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

UbiSeoul 2030 - Rules

Any reasonable extrapolation of technology E.g. Moore’s Law

No Laws of Physics Disobeyed No Miracles, no breakthroughs

E.g. No Star Trek Computers

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

UbiSeoul 2030 – Procedure

Design Future Technologies (or Future applications) Useful, Usable and Attractive in your scenario

Record Specifications on each appliance Be Precise (e.g. 10GB, NOT “ 적당히 충분한 양의 메모리” ) Choose appropriate metrics & Consider tradeoffs ( screen size vs. us


Describe a rough scenario to illustrate the technologies Discuss What makes UbiSeoul 2030 Different?

Physical-virtual integration?

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

To do list for Daejeon 2030

In-class presentation with ppt file 30 mins for each group

Your ppt file should include Records about your brain storming session Your assumption about the environment Basic descriptions about your hardware/application

shape, capability..

Literal Contents should not exceeds more than 40% of the entire contents Use pictures, photos, figures excessively!!!! show your intention!! Describe your intention verbally, rather than let audience read your slides

Submit your Brainstorming session schedule by tomorrow midnight! Post it on the Course Web Bulletin Board Include your team name, your members, session time, place

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