
Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Neuroscience review Brain Cerebrum o Grey Matter Large neurons: projection fibers (ascending and descending pathways) Medium neurons: commissural fibers (between hemispheres) Small neurons: association fibers (within hemisphere) o White Matter Corona Radiata Internal Capsule o Cortex: Frontal lobe: primary motor cortex, prefrontal cortex, premotor cortex, supplementary motor cortex Parietal lobe: primary somatosensory cortex Occipital lobe: primary visual cortex (calcarine sulcus) Temporal lobe: primary auditory cortex o Subcortical: Hippocampus Amygdala Basal ganglia Striatum (innervated by substantia nigra pars compacta, modulates input from cortex and output from thalamus, important in Parkinsons disease) o Dorsal Striatum: putamen, caudate nucleus o Ventral Striatum: nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle Globus pallidus (forms lentiform nucleus with putamen) Substantia nigra (pars compacta, pars reticulate) Lateral Ventricles Rhinencephalon Olfactory bulb, tract Anterior commissure Diencephalon o Epithalamus o Third Ventricle o Thalamus o Hypothalamus Optic Chiasma o Subthalamus o Pituitary gland Brain stem o Midbrain Tectum: inferior and superior colliculi Tegmentum: ventral tegmental area, Red Nucleus, crus cerebri Mesencephalic duct (of Sylvius) Cerebral peduncle Pretectum o Pons Respiratory centre: pneumotactic centre, apneustic centre Cranial nerve nuclei: pontine nucleus of trigeminal nerve sensory branches, motor nucleus for trigeminal nerve, abducens nucleus, facial nerve nucleus, vestibulocochlea nuclei, superior and inferior salivatory nuclei o Medulla Oblongata Medullary pyramids Cranial nerve nuclei: nucleus ambiguus, dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve, hypoglossal nucleus, solitary nucleus Cerebellum o Vermis o Hemispheres




Vascular supply - Vertebral Arteries Basilar Artery - Basilar Artery + Internal Carotid Arteries Circle of Willis o Anterior, Middle, Posterior Cerebral Arteries o Anterior, Posterior Communicating Arteries

Cranial nerves 1) Olfactory 2) Optic 3) Oculomotor 4) Trochlear 5) Trigeminal 6) Abducent 7) Facial 8) Vestibulocochlea 9) Glossopharyngeal 10) Vagal 11) Accessory 12) Hypoglossal Spinal Cord - Extends from foramen magnum, terminates in conus medullaris with filum terminale, forming cauda equina at L1-L2 - White matter: spinal tracts - Grey matter o Dorsal horn: sensory, Ventral horn: motor, Lateral horn (T1-L2): autonomic o Spinal nerve: union of dorsal sensory and ventral motor roots o Sympathetic fibers originate from lateral horn, exits spinal cord via ventral roots, white rami communicans to sympathetic ganglion, post-ganglionic grey rami communicans rejoins spinal nerves to innervate glands, smooth and cardiac muscle - 8 cervical (C1 above C1 vertebra, C8 below C7 vertebra), 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccyx Pathways - Ascending (Sensory) o Spinothalamic: pain, temperature, touch, pressure Decussates at level of spinal cord o Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus: vibration, conscious proprioception Decussates at level of medulla o Spinocerebellar: subconscious proprioception Does not decussate - Descending (Motor) o Pyramidal Corticospinal (rest of body) Decussates at level of medulla Corticobulbar (for head and neck) o Extra-pyramidal Tectospinal Vestibulospinal Reticulospinal Rubrospinal Sensory system - 1st order neuron o Receptors: Crude touch, pressure, pain, fine touch, vibration, conscious and subsconscious proprioception Skin, skeletal muscles, joints, viscera o Dorsal root ganglion o Synapses at dorsal horn of spinal cord nd - 2 order neuron o Axon travels along the ascending tracts o Decussates o Synapses at thalamus, cerebellum rd - 3 order neuron o Cerebral cortex or cerebellum Motor system - Upper motor neuron o Motor center of cerebral cortex o Axons pass through corona radiata, internal capsule, to midbrain and medulla oblongata o 80% decussate o Synapses at anterior horn of spinal cord


Lower motor neuron o Carries action potential to neuromuscular junction o Synapses on voluntary muscles

Organisation - Somatic nervous system o Sensory o Motor - Visceral nervous system o Sensory o Motor Sympathetic (T1-L2) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: ligand gated ion channel Parasympathetic (craniosacral outflow) Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor: GPCR that uses 2nd messenger to modify ion channels CN 3, 7, 9, 10 o 3: Intraocular muscle for pupil size and lens thickness o 7: Glands of head o 9: Parotid gland o 10: Parasympathetic stimulation of visceral organs up to 2/3 of proximal transverse colon S2-4: rest of GIT General Function - Sensory system: collect information about state of organism and environment - Motor system: organize and generate actions - Association systems: linking sensory and motor components to provide basis for higher order brain functions o Association cortex occupies majority of cortex (sensory and motor cortices account for ~20%)

Neurohistology - CNS o

Frontal: guiding complex behaviour by planning responses to ongoing stimulation Temporal: recognition and identification of highly processed sensory information Parietal: attention and awareness of the body and stimuli that act on it


Neurons: functional cells Induces depolarization along processes and axons Neurotransmitter production Glial cells: supporting cells Astrocytes: blood brain barrier Oligodendrocytes: myelination of nerve axons Ependymal cells: lining of ventricles Microglia: macrophages for brain Neurons: transmit signals Motor: neuromuscular junction Sensory: receptors (baro, chemo, mechano, noci, osmo, photo, proprio, thermo receptors) C fibers: slower due to unmyelinated fibers (thermal, mechanical, chemical) A fibers: faster due to myelination (sharp pain) Schwann cells: myelination of axons Satellite cells: similar to astrocytes and Schwann cells



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Reflex - Pathway o Receptor responds to stimuli o Afferent sensory carries stimuli to CNS o Integration of information in CNS Monosynaptic Polysynaptic o Efferent motor neuron carries impulse Polysynaptic: involves inhibitory interneuron to relax opposing muscle o Effector: contraction and relaxation - UMN: loss of inhibition by UMN, hence hyper-reflexia and clonus may be observed - LMN: loss of innervation by LMN, hence muscle is unable to respond to stimulus

Neurophysiology - Action potential o Resting membrane potential At equilibrium, there is a balance of opposing forces Concentration gradient causing K+ to move out of the cell and Na+ to enter the cell Opposing electrical gradient that increasingly tends to stop K+ from moving across membrane Na+K+ ATPase: for every 2K+ transported into the cell, 3Na+ are removed Net loss of one positive ion from cell, leading to hyperpolarization o Ionic basis Na+ channels open, influx reaches threshold, firing off action potential Na+ channels closed and becomes refractory K+ channels are opened during depolarization and continues to leave the cell, causing membrane potential to return to resting state K+ channels are slow to close, causing hyperpolarization Factors affecting AP propagation



Axon diameter: larger less resistance Membrane conductance: leaks charge if poorly insulated Myelination: nodes of Ranvier saltatory conduction Membrane capacitance: current is used up charging the membrane o Clinical relevance: Multiple sclerosis: demyelination and inflammation along axonal pathways Toxins: tetrodotoxin (puffer fish) / saxitoxin (red tide) blocks Na+ channel -toxin (scorpion) slows inactivation of Na+ channel Dendrotoxin (wasp) / apamin (bee) blocks K+ channel Synapses o Transmission AP arrives at synaptic bouton, deploarization opens voltage gated Ca2+ channels Influx of Ca2+ promotes vesicle (containing neurotransmitter) attachment to presynaptic releasing sites Vesicle membrane fuses with presynaptic membrane and contents are released into synaptic cleft Transmitter diffuses across cleft and binds to postsynaptic receptors Excitatory or Inhibitory Bound receptors cause change in postsynaptic membrane potential, magnitude depends on amount Effect terminated by 1) enzymatic destruction, 2) reuptake, 3) outward diffusion, 4) uptake by glial cells Type: summation allows subthreshold EPSP/IPSP to influence AP production (balance) Excitatory Increases membrane permeability to Na+, increasing resting membrane potential Neurotransmitters: glutamate and aspartate Extremely widespread throughout CNS (cholinergic system is used in brain for learning and memory, and primarily in the PNS) Inhibitory Increases membrane permeability to K+ or Cl- reducing resting membrane potential Neurotransmitters: GABA and glycine Found mainly in spinal cord interneurons Amines: dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, serotonin May be excitatory or inhibitory depending on the specific receptor Clinical relevance: Sarin and organophosphates inhibit acetylcholinesterase -bungarotoxin (Bungarus multicintus) irreversible nicotinic acetylcholine receptor inhibitor Atropine (Atropa belladonna) competitive muscarinic acetylcholinereceptor antagonist Aricept acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used for treatment of Alzheimers Disease



Spinal cord level - C3, 4 and 5 supply the diaphragm (the large muscle between the chest and the belly that we use to breath). - C5 also supplies the shoulder muscles and the muscle that we use to bend our elbow . - C6 is for bending the wrist back. - C7 is for straightening the elbow. - C8 bends the fingers. - T1 spreads the fingers. - T1 T12 supplies the chest wall & abdominal muscles. - L2 bends the hip.



L3 straightens the knee. L4 pulls the foot up. L5 wiggles the toes. S1 pulls the foot down. S3, 4 and 5 supply the bladder, bowel and sex organs and the anal and other pelvic muscles.

Memory Basic processes - Encoding: perceptual and sensory information is transformed - Storage: process which information is retained - Retrieval: process which we recover information and become consciously aware - Stages: young tend to have problems with attention and encoding, elderly tend to have problems with retrieval o Sensory input sensory memory Unattended information is lost o Attention working (short term memory in hippocampus) Requires maintenance, unrehearsed information is quickly lost o Encoding long-term memory (in cortex) Some information may be lost over time o Retrieval to short-term memory Types Sensory Memory o Very short term, temporary recollection o Large capacity, very short duration, dependent on attention Attention is the gate that lies between sensory and working memory (very selective) Working Memory o Short term o Sensations which are attended to become encoded in short-term memory o Limited capacity, short duration o 7 +/- 2 bits of information, usually lasts about 30 seconds o Transferred to long term memory by encoding Long term Memory o Memories of the past which form knowledge base o Infinite in capacity and duration o Encoding depends on feelings, emotions, and is hence coloured (selective encoding) o Elaborative rehearsal to organise memory o 2 types of memory Explicit: items, events, meanings, episodic, semantic Implicit: unconscious, programmed into cerebellum, eg. cycling, etc o Problems lie in retrieval Tip of tongue Freudian slip Requires specificity as encoding (context, state, mood) Association networks: different parts of brain stores different parts of the same memory To retrieve information, brain performs complex chain of chemical and electrical functions As one ages, these cells, synapses and systems deteriorate and function less efficiently Aging does not generally affect sensory or long-term memory Short term memory declines with age o Mild decline in memory o Slowing in rate of information processing o But does not affect daily function, nor acutely exacerbate



Ageing -

Dementia - Clinical syndrome o Progressive o Global deterioration in cognitive function o In a clear state of consciousness o Sufficiently severe to interfere with social and occupational function - Epidemiology o Exponential increase in age specific dementia prevalence as age increases o Dementia prevalence in societies will increase due to increased life expectancy o Often unrecognised and misdiagnosed and viewed as inevitable ageing - Cost o Healthcare costs, lost productivity o Emotional, psychological and practical problems for caregivers o Early treatment Proven effective treatments available Prevents costly and inappropriate treatment Avoids trauma of misdiagnosis Prepares patients and families to settle financial, legal, treatment and care plan issues - Early symptoms o Difficulty learning and retaining new information o Language problems o Difficulty handling complex tasks o Alterations in behaviour o Loss of reasoning ability o Loss of spatial ability and orientation o No acute exacerbation: not to be confused with delirium (due to general medical condition) - Types o Alzheimers Disease (amnesia, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia) o Lewy Bodies o Vascular o Frontotemporal Types Progressive mutism Semantic dementia Early stages Personality changes Changes in social conduct Loss of emotional warmth - Prevention o Risk factors o Disease process and modifiers o Biomarkers and neuroimaging o Lifestyle interventions Social networks, mental activities, physical activity Reduce vascular risk Enhance cognitive reserve Reduce stress Diet: wine/alcohol o Pharmaceutical and non-pharmaeutical treatments Symptomatic treatment Cholinergic drugs (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors) o Tacrine, donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine Glutaminergic drugs o Memantine Anti-psychotic drugs o Cultural issues - Imaging o Medial temporal lobe (hippocampus) o Increasing Alzheimers Disease enlarging temporal horn (normally not seen, indicates atrophy of hippocampus) o Modalities: CT, MRI, PET, MRA, fMRI - Markers o Beta amyloid and tau proteins

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Burden of disease (infarcts, white matter lesions) Neuronal loss

Communication Language - Interplay of: o Form: sounds, formation of sentences, function: verbal and non-verbal communication, content: meaning - And social interaction, different parts of the brain hold different skills, brain lesions may allow compensation of communication function - Good speech: cadence, speed, pitch, volume Communication deficits - Types o Aphasia o Apraxia o Dysarthria o Right hemisphere / cognitive communication deficits - Caused by: o Stroke o Dementia o Traumatic brain injury o Motor neuron disease o Cancer o Diseases of mouth, throat, lungs - Results in social isolation due to o Reduced communicative effectiveness o Difficulties with daily activities o Emotional frustration and reduced self-esteem Pathways - Somatosensory information is relayed to the primary sensory cortex - Sight is seen and relayed to the primary visual cortex - Speech is heard and relayed to the primary auditory cortex - Signals are propagated to Wernickes area where the signals are understood - Brocas area then responds with the desired expression and signals are sent to the primary motor cortex - Primary motor cortex then relays signals to the appropriate muscles for the production of speech Cognitive-neuropsychological model

Lesion Middle Cerebral Artery - Supplies lateral surface of brain o Upper division Motor and sensory of face, arm and hand: contralateral facial and upper limb weakness Frontal lobe Brocas area: non-fluent, expressive aphasia o Lower division Temporal lobe Wernickes area: fluent, receptive aphasia, auditory neglect

Aphasia - Brocas (non-fluent) o Good comprehension at simple level, slow, laborious expression, consists mostly of content words (nouns) o Short utterances, intact self-monitoring/awareness - Wernickes o Impaired comprehension o Long, grammatically accurate but empty speech, filled with neologisms or jargons, beating about the bush o Poor self-awareness - Global o Severe impairment in all language functions, stereotypical or over learned phrases o May be better at nonverbal tasks, due to impairments in understanding and talking Diagnosis - Past medical history, current case history, subjective assessment (physical status, behaviour) - Screen o Receptive language Understanding questions Following instructions (without visual cues) o Expressive language Naming objects (may need prompting, context of object) Conversation Reading Writing - Understanding o Attention: reduce distractions, face to face, one person at a time o Content: speak slowly, key words, break down instructions, repetition o Cues: supplement with gestures, pictures, drawings, elaborate with contextual information - Expressing o Time: allow time for them to think of words, search for clues o Questions: binary choices, yes/no questions o Alternatives: gestures, pointing to objects and pictures, writing, drawing Apraxia - Difficulties in speaking as a result of impairment in capacity to plan or program movements for speech - Due to damage to left side of brain o Left frontal, temporal, parietal lobe o Left insula and left basal ganglia - Co-occurs with aphasia in 80% of cases, not a result of muscle weakness - Clinical features: o Speech sounds in words may be distorted, left out or repeated o Difficulty in arranging order, groping for the right word o Difficulty with the correct word o Short functional phrases, writing may be better o Inconsistent errors, with slow labored rate of speech Dysarthria - Disturbance to muscular control, may involve damage to brain (cerebral cortex, cerebellum, basal ganglia) or physical structure (oral structures, throat, lungs) - 5 categories o Respiration: short phrases, running out of breath, uncoordinated speech-breathing pattern o Phonation: breathy, hoarse, strained/strangulated Parkinsons dysphonia: tremulous voice, watery and leaky o Articulation: slurred speech, unclear lip and lingual sounds o Resonance: hyper/hypo nasal speech Flaccid dysarthria: nasopharyngeal carcinoma, myasthenia gravis, LMN lesion Causing weakness of vocal muscles, leading to flaccid dysarthria and hyponasal speech o Prosody: monopitch, monoloud, uncontrolled changes in loudness and pitch Cerebellar dysarthria: lack of coordination, staccato, monotonous, may shout all the time UMN lesion: pseudobulbar (lesion above medulla) palsy, spastic dysarthria, gravelly voice, tongue is not moving well Pseudobulbar palsy UMN: dysphagia, distorted gag reflex, spastic tongue, brisk jaw jerk Bulbar palsy LMN: dysphgia, chewing difficulty, fasciculation of tongue, absent/normal reflexes Cognitive-communication deficits

Stress Stress -

Communication deficits often arising from right MCA infarct and traumatic brain injury Intact concrete and simple functional communication Deficits in cognition: attention, memory, problem solving Deficits in communication: pragmatics, higher level language function, difficulties with social rules of normal conversation

Brain -

Threat or perceived threat to organisms homeostasis Evokes reaction in the brain That activates physiological symptoms in the body Response is proportional to the significance of the stressor, intensity and chronicity o Acute: minutes, hours immune enhancement o Chronic: hours, days onwards immunosuppression Function may be enhanced with stress, but if cannot be resolved through adaptation, results in withdrawal or anxiety o Extremes: mutism, confrontational Amygdala o Inner most part of brain, anterior to hippocampus o Fear, stress response, elicits and sustains anxiety symptoms Locus ceruleus o Bluish tint grossly o Releases norepinephrine and induces corticotrophin releasing hormone from hypothalamus (adrenal glands) Nucleus accumbens o Reward mechanisms with fibres to prefrontal cortex Thalamus o Arousal, sleep, sensorimotor gating Hypothalamus o Stress response, sleep/wake/appetite regulation Hippocampus o Memory and emotion, storage of anxiety related information Prefrontal cortex o Decides actions and responds accordingly, motor cortex fibres as well Responds via sympathetic nervous system, and hypothalamus-pituitary axis (primarily stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline) GIT o Least important to stress, hence to the extent of expulsion and defecation o Limbic system increases stimulation of mast cells in the enteric nervous system inflammatory bowel disease Brain o Increased glucocorticoids decreased brain derived neurotrophic factor decreased dendritic branching neuron atrophy and death o Chronic stress hippocampus atrophy, amygdala hypertrophy Increased risk of premature death (suicides), higher frequency of adverse health behaviours, increased risk of IHD and respiratory problems Overall: o Fight or flight: aggression, conflict, flee, withdrawal


Body -



Clinical significance - Early depression: if untreated may cause hippocampus to decrease significantly in size o Due to possibility of neurogenesis in adults, where regenerated neurons will migrate to area of need o Decreased BDNF in depressed patients Stress coping - Problem solving: solve problems of stress, organization - Emotion oriented Neurobiology

Avoidance oriented: avoid activities that induce stress, or cause regret in future Supportive behaviour: befriending Counteract: tone down expectations

Sleep and wake Definition - Reversible state of decreased responsiveness to the environment - Behavioural quiescence - Species specific posture - Sequence of physiologic sleep stages Why Restorative function Thermoregulation, energy conservation Memory consolidation and information processing, brain development and growth: spatial memory replay during sleep in hippocampus, synapses and connections strengthen during sleep performance is proportional to hippocampus activity Development of oculomotor control Immune function, preservation and protection Synaptic plasticity and remodelling: inspires insight increased ability to see patterns



Sleep-wake behaviour - Wakefulness: aware of oneself and the environment, cerebral cortex is active - REM sleep: unconscious, cerebral cortex is active, paralysis of skeletal muscles, dreams and saccadic eye movements - Non-REM sleep: unconscious, with reduced cortical activity, reduced muscle tone Tests Sleep-wake scoring o Electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, electromyogram Reflects summation of extracellular currents (microvolt scale with poor spatial resolution) During sleep, neurons tend to fire with increased synchronicity, EEG shows large steady waves Clinical sleep study o Electrocardiogram, airflow sensors, oximetry, nasal pressure, oesophageal pressure, body position, respiratory effort Awake with eyes closed o EEG: predominance of alpha wave activity in 8-13 Hz range o EOG: predominance of alpha wave activity in 8-13 Hz range (leak from EEG channel) o EMG: tonic Stage 1 sleep: transition from wakefulness to non-REM sleep o EEG: disappearance of alpha wave activity, appearance of low voltage theta activity in 4-7 Hz range o EOG: appearance of slow eye movements, undulating waves o EMG: tonic, but slightly attenuated Stage 2 sleep o EEG: appearance of K complexes (large fluctuations) and sleep spindles (fast frequency) on background of mixed frequency o EOG: no eye movements, may have deflection o EMG: tonic Slow-wave sleep (stage 3 and 4) o EEG: appearance of high amplitude delta activity 8 hours a day with ear plugs is not allowed Exponential decrease in exposure with increase in dB o Presbyacusia Age induced, >60 years incidence increases to 23-30% Due to chronic damage o Ototoxicity Drug induced, bilateral, aminoglycosides, loop diuretics (disruption of electrolyte balance in scala media) o Acoustic neuroma Vestibular schwannoma, presses on nerve Unilateral in nature MUST be excluded (MRI to check) May press on brainstem, cerebellum, 5th nerve, 7th nerve late presentation: clumsiness o Central auditory processing disorder Anything along pathway Sound interpretation problems, unable to understand instructions Singapore tests have not found local normal yet

Assistive devices - Hearing aids o Amplifies sound o Processor that digitizes and filters sound o May be behind ear or in canal - Bone anchored hearing aids o Aids in improving bone conduction - Implantable hearing aid o Clipped to ossicles o Magnetic vibrator to enhance ossicular vibration - Cochlear implants o Electrodes coiled around cochlea o Direct nerve stimulation, coiled around full length of cochlea o Able to mimic tonotopicity - Brain stem implant, cochlear nucleus

Touch Dermatomes

Neuroaxis - Skin - Peripheral nerve o Compression Median nerve: wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome), cubital fossa Ulnar nerve: wrist, medial epicondyle Radial nerve: proximal to wrist, elbow, spiral groove of humerus (most common) o Peripheral neuropathy Genetic: Friedreichs ataxia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome Metabolic: diabetes mellitus (most common, symmetrical), chronic renal failure, porphyria, amyloidosis, liver failure, hypothyroidism Toxic: drugs, organic metals, heavy metals, excess vitamin B6 Inflammatory: Guillain-Barre Syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogrens syndrome Vitamin deficiencies: B12, A, E, B1 Others: malignancy, HIV, radiation, chemotherapy - Nerve roots/plexus - Spinal cord o Brown Sequard Syndrome: ipsilateral UMN weakness, ipsilateral proprioception and vibration loss (dorsal column medial lemniscus), contralateral pain and temperature loss (spinothalamic) - Brain o Stroke May have sensory stroke/transient ischaemic attack (loss of sensory but no motor weakness)


Pain -

Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage Protective mechanism: to remove tissue from pain stimulus

Classification - Duration: acute, chronic - Region and system o Location: headache, back pain, pelvic pain, etc o Body system: myofascial, rheumatic, neurologic, vascular - Aetiology o Somatogenic Nociceptive Stimulation: thermo-, chemo-, mechano- receptors Superficial or deep Neuropathic Peripheral or central Burning, tingling, electrical, stabbing, or pins and needles o Psychogenic Nociceptors - Pain receptors do not adapt, continuous excitation will become progressively greater (hyperalgesia) Classification Fast pain Slow pain Description Sharp, pricking, acute, electric Burning, aching, throbbing, chronic Location Superficial tissues Skin and deep tissues Transmission A fibres (myelinated) 6-30 m/second C fibres (unmyelinated) 0.5-2 m/second Analgesia - Input: peri-aqueductal grey (midbrain), raphe magnus nucleus (lower pons), pain inhibitory complex (spinal cord) - Opiate system: endorphins and encephalins are endogenously produced, opiate receptors present in CNS Treatment - Chronic pain o Diagnosis: location, mode of onset, provoking and relieving factors, quality of pain, duration, severity o First tier: NSAIDs, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), psychological therapy, nerve blocks o Second tier: opioids, neurolysis, thermal procedures o Advanced: neurostimulation, implantable drug pumps, surgical intervention, neuroablation - Medication: nociceptors (analgesics, NSAIDs, opioids), neuropathic (anti-depressants, anti-convulsants), anti-spasms


Adjunct: injections (anaesthetics, steroids), nerve blocks, physiotherapy, TENS, acupuncture, psychological support, surgery

Movement Tract Cortex: higher functions o Integration of sensory inputs (somatosensory, visual, auditory, olfactory cortices) o Understanding of sensory inputs (Brocas area, Wernickes area, visual association, auditory association cortices) o Processing of algorithms (frontal lobe) o Planning and decision (pre-frontal area) o Execution of motion (motor cortex) Brainstem: conduit for essential tracts and repository of nuclei for cranial nerves Cervical cord: conduit for essential tracts, primarily serves upper limb function Thoracic cord: conduit for essential tracts, primarily serves chest and abdomen Lumbar cord: conduit for essential tracts, primarily serves lower limbs Sacral cord: conduit for essential tracts, primarily serves perineum (and bottom of feet)


Somatotopy - Motor homunculus o Legs: central area, face: parietal area, hands: in between specific infarction may result in specific motor loss - Spinal cord o Syringomyelia: widened central canal within spinal cord compresses upper limb fibres, leaving lower limb motor and sensory function relatively intact, also, the lesion tends to widen laterally and rostral/caudally, leaving the dorsal column medial lemniscus tract intact and the paralysis may spread to involve the lower limb Neuroaxis - UMN lesion: hyper-reflexia, hypertonia o Cortex Infarction/lesion contralateral UMN hemiplegia + contralateral 7th nerve UMN palsy Middle cerebral artery: most common artery to be blocked, requires at least 15 ml/100g/min of blood flow Below threshold levels in haemorrhage/thromboembolism damage occurs Seizure: inappropriate neuron firing, epilepsy: recurrent seizures (injury, malformation, etc) Subcortical area Diencephalon: CN I, II Brain stem Midbrain: CN III, IV III: eye is down and out, testing of 4th nerve causes intorsion of eyeball (look at medial vessels), ptosis (LPS, compensated by frontalis), loss of accommodation (ciliary muscle) o Recovery horizontal movement may return first o Eye lesions: linked to thyroid and myasthenia gravis (orbit or muscle problems) Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), parapontine reticular formation (PPRF) lesion o Frontal eye field pushes eyes to opposite side, damaged in stroke eyes may be diverted to the ipsilateral side as the lesion o Frontal eye field (Brodmanns area 8) when activated sends signals to MLF of ipsilateral eye and PPRF of contralateral eye, causing activation of the medial rectus of the ipsilateral eye and lateral rectus of contralateral eye allowing coordinated movement o Lesion in MLF: failure to adduct eye on the same side of lesion causing nystagmus in contralateral eye when looking away from the lesion due to diplopia: internuclear ophthalmoplegia Horners syndrome: sympathetic interruption ptosis, miosis, enophthalmos, +/- anhidrosis Eye problems: look for lipid deposits, xanthylasmata at eye bags, arcus cornealis around iris Pons: CN V, VI, VII, VIII VI: longest intracranial course easily damaged Pons infarction/lesion contralateral UMN hemiplegia + ipsilateral 7th nerve LMN palsy o Bells phenomenon: eye rolls up as attempt is made to close eye, due to 7th palsy, orbicularis oculi is unable to completely close eye VII: common sites posterior fossa, pons, petrosal, parotid, peripheral (5 Ps) o Bells palsy: 7th nerve lesion, UMN contralateral face below brows affected, LMN ipsilateral face above and below brows affected o Common causes: inflammation (treated with steroids, acyclovir), good recovery o May have synkinesis: false innervation due to wrong nerve regeneration Medulla: CN IX, X, XI, XII XII: stick out tongue, innervation responsible for pushing tongue in contralateral direction, lesion to nerve will cause the tongue to point toward affected side (+ fasciculation and atrophy in LMN)

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o Cerebellum: look at balance and coordinationo Spinal cord Lumbar signs may be due to thoracolumbar spinal cord lesions, as the fibres may continue down before exiting the spinal column Spinal shock: in the first week of damage, UMN damage may present as LMN due to spinal shock


LMN lesion: hypo-reflexia, hypotonia o Anterior horn cells Non-length dependent pattern of weakness and loss of reflexes proportionate to weakness Reflex loss due to denervation and atrophy Fasciculations and wasting Wallerian degeneration/death of anterior horn cells causes sporadic random firing of neuron causing fasciculations and twitching of specific muscle fibres Example: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou-Gehrigs disease, Motor Neurone Disease) Not length dependent, furrows on tongue with fasciculation, involvement of swallowing muscles, speech loss, respiratory muscles weakness may also be present, bulbar atrophy o Spinal roots: radiculopathy/polyradiculopathy specific root motor and sensory function may be lost o Plexus Important due to co-localization of many peripheral nerves o Peripheral nerve Demyelinating disease: reflex is lost due to increased transmission time Symptoms: weakness, loss of reflexes, relatively little wasting, sensory abnormalities, proximal and distal neurological deficits Mononeuritis multiplex: classic cause Mycobacterium leprae o Sciatica: Foot drop, numbness, weakness of dorsi/plantar flexion, eversion and inversion o Upper limb: median nerve on one arm, ulnar on the other o Sural nerve below lateral malleolus grossly thickened Axon disease: length dependent deficit (Wallerian degeneration from point of damage) Symptoms: weakness, loss of reflexes, wasting, loss of sensation, paraesthesia, dysaesthesia, lancinating pain, allodynia, hyperalgesia (abnormal sensations), length dependent deficits Mononeuropathy: one nerve, mononeuritis multiplex: single nerve damage in multiple locations Diffused polyneuropathy: glove and stocking deficits, stockings before gloves, length dependent o Diabetes mellitus, Guillain Barre syndrome Specific examples Median neuropathy o Thenar eminence atrophied o Sensation: loss of sensation over median 3.5 fingers o Benedicts sign: thumb and index finger are extended when hand/fingers are flexed Ulnar neuropathy o Guttering on dorsum of hand due to atrophy of intrinsic muscles (interosseous), abduction of fingers and extension of interphalangeal joints are lost, allowing for unopposed flexion of proximal finger flexors producing a claw o Claw: ulnar paradox, more distal the damage, the worse the claw appears o Sensation: loss of sensation of medial 1.5 fingers o Froments sign: flexor pollicis longus (median nerve) compensates for weak adductor muscle (ulnar nerve), causing flexion of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb to maintain grip Radial neuropathy o Signs: wrist drop (extensor weakness), decreased elbow flex (brachioradialis weakness) o Commonly due to compression of radial nerve at spiral groove of humerus weak extensors but triceps are normal (Saturday night palsy) Others o Hip adduction: obturator nerve o Extension of knees: femoral nerve abnormal knee reflex Neuromuscular junction


Most common disorder: myasthenia gravis ACh receptors are targeted by immune system decreased receptors and resulting in failure of transmission Common presentation: ptosis, diplopia due to fatigue, dysphonia, dysarthria, respiratory weakness, proximal weakness o Edrophonium/Tensilon test: reversible ACh-esterase inhibitor increases ACh in NMJ by reducing breakdown o In myasthenia gravis, muscle weakness is reduced, in muscle weakness from cholinergic crisis resulting from too much stimulation, increase in ACh will worsen weakness o Treatment: allow receptors to regenerate by stopping the immune process

o Muscle

Lambert Eaton Myasthaenic Syndrome (LEMS): autoantibodies targeting presynaptic voltage gated Ca2+ channels at NMJ o 60% associated with underlying malignancy, especially small cell lung cancer

Intrafusal muscle fibres innervated by alpha motor neurons, interneurons of anterior horn, gamma motor neurons, Renshaw cells, granule cells Weakness may be due to muscle not in optimal position Tends to show patchy muscle weakness, not glove and stocking loss in the case of peripheral length dependent neuropathy

Abnormal movement - 4 categories o Automatic: learned, conditioned, packaged algorithm o Voluntary Parakinesia: intentional movement to hide involuntary movement Supranuclear gaze palsy: failure of depression and elevation, but physical manipulation allows eyes to increase range o Semi-voluntary Tourettes syndrome: motor ticks, can be controlled, but the urge is uncomfortable o Involuntary: unable to be controlled Benign essential tremors: no resting tremors, no akinesia, no rigidity, tremor of voice, intention tremors Chorea: involuntary, irregular, purposeless, non-rhythmic, abrupt, rapid, unsustained movements that seem to flow from one body part to another (extra-pyramidal system) Associated with: CHOREA o Cirrhosis: Wilsons disease o Hereditary: Huntingtons Disease, Acanthocytosis o Oestrogens: Chorea gravidarum (in pregnancy), oral contraceptive pill (OCP) o Rheumatic fever: Sydenhams chorea o Endocrinopathy: Diabetes mellitus (hyperglycaemic hemi-chorea, damage to basal ganglia), thyrotoxicosis o Autoimmune disease Athetosis: similar to chorea, slow, writhing continuous, involuntary and fluid movements Ballismus: violent large amplitude choreic movements of proximal parts of limbs, causing flinging and faliling limb movements Lesion in contralateral subthalamic nucleus and/or connections or contralateral striatum Myoclonus: sudden, brief, shock-like involuntary movements caused by contractions or inhibition, usually arrhythmic, but can be rhythmical May have specific triggers (sound, light), may be generalised or focal Causes: cortical (myoclonic epilepsy), brainstem (hyperekplexia), spinal cord (segmental or propriospinal myoclonus) Normal myoclonus: hypnogogic myoclonus, in response to stimuli - Tone o Generalised dystonia Twisted, eyes closed Abnormal tone May have blepharospasm o Psychogenic dystonia with sensory trick o Paroxysmal dyskinesia: various dyskinesia that occur, persist for a length of time, and disappear - Spasticity o Advantage Helps patients to ambulate, stand or transfer Maintains muscle bulk Prevents DVT, osteoporosis, pressure ulcer formation over bony prominences o Disadvantage Deformities (dislocation, contractures, or scoliosis) Impaired activities of daily living, decreased mobility Skin breakdown, pain/abnormal sensory feedback Poor weight gain Sleep disturbance, depression Treatment for hyperkinetic disorders - Treat underlying condition - Benzodiazepines - Neuroleptics - Dopamine depletors - Surgery - Botulinum toxin Red flags - Symmetry of signs - No tremulousness - Rapid deterioration - Autonomic symptoms predominate - Pyramidal or cerebellar signs


Alien limb phenomenon Poor response to dopaminergic drugs

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