never land sponsorship booklet

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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And the strange thing is thatno-one seems to care...

One day it will rise so high that it swallows everything up...

Mrs Applebee says the sea isrising...

NEVER LAND is a 10-minute short about an eight-year-old boy called Noah, whose fears about climate change come true. It is being made in partnership with Cape Farewell and will star John Nettles and Marcus Brigstocke. It hopes to engage audiences to take action against climate change before it is too late.

The script underwent rigorous competition to win the Ideastap Short Film Fund and in-kind support and mentorship from the Northern Film School. It is being made film by a female writer/director with a talented team of female filmmakers.

In fact, the film has a 90% female crew. This is vital in an industry where only 18% of directors are currently women, and that number is even lower for other crew members!

To achieve the desired impact of the film we hope to raise an additional £2000 funding. We’d love to discuss sponsorship possibilities with you.


Set during the floods that battered Britain last year, NEVER LAND is the story of eight-year old Noah, whose fears about England being swept away come true.

Noah's parents think his compulsion to turn off taps is foolish, but even they can't deny the growing storms that are threatening their little fishing village. When Noah wakes one morning to find England flooded and his parents gone, the question is posed: who was foolish, after all?

It is left to Noah and his next-door neighbour Katie to save England. Together in their bathtub boat, they collect bits of the world they’ve known, in the hope that one day they might rebuild it.


The global climate change conference happening in Paris this December will send a clear message: now is the time for action.

It is easy to feel small and disempowered about climate change but it is on our doorsteps. The floods that hit England in winter 2014 shook us all. The images could have come from apocalyptic blockbusters but they came from rural Britain. The scale of what was happening made us all stop and recognise that unless we do something soon we will be leaving younger generations in a mess.

But in 2015 there is still hope. If we act now many small hands can and will make a difference to climate change. This film is part of that movement. And you can be part of it too.


"It seems to me that mankind is like a smoker who has seen 7 doctors, all of whom have diagnosed us with cancer and told us we must give up the fags. Instead of heeding the doctors warnings we have decided in our infinite wisdom to take the advice of our newsagent who smiling says 'well you look alright to me pal and would you like a bag of crisps with those Marlboro lights?" Marcus Brigstocke [Lamech] (2007)


Anna has an MA in Writing For Young People from Bath Spa University. She has worked for BAFTA, The Watershed, the BBC and the BFI. Her previous award-winning short films have been shown in festivals from Edinburgh to California. She writes for Tremolo Theatre Company and is a published poet. She was short-listed for the Lancelot Andrews Award by Carol Ann Duffy.

Robyn works for the BBC. Before this, she worked in development and funding for an indie in LA, and in production for an Oscar nomi-nated company in the UK. She runs a non-profit that provides education and health care for a Maasai community in Kenya.



PRODUCER: Robyn Forsythe

Sophie is as Trainee Designer at the Royal Shakespeare Compa-ny. Her work has been featured in The Palm Springs International Film Festival ShortFest (USA), The Edinburgh International Film Festival (Scotland) Aesthetica Short Film Festival (York) and The Cambridge Arts Theatre (England) 2015.

Iona has an MA in Cinematography from the National Film and Television School. Her films have been shown at BAFTA, AMPAS accredited EIFF, Rhode Island, and Film4 Fright Fest. At NFTS Iona studied under Brian Tufano BSC (Trainspotting, Billy Elliot), Sean Bobbitt BSC (Hunger, The Place Beyond the Pines, 12 Years a Slave) and Nina Kellgren BSC (Solomon & Gaenor). In 2015 Iona was selected by Alan Parker (Mississippi Burning, The Commitments) to shoot and direct a commercial for the national Kodak NAHEMI competition. Iona also has a BA in English Literature from Cambridge University and has

Vera has an MA in Editing from the National Film and Television School. Her short films have been selected for Cannes Film Festi-val, Annecy Animation Festival, Sheffield Doc Fest, London Short Film Festival and East End Film Festival. ‘The Bigger Picture’ was nominated for an OSCAR and won the 2015 BAFTA for Best Short Animation.


EDITOR: Vera Simmonds


As well as being part of an important movement against climate change and supporting Cape Farewell we can offer you:

Another way that you can help us is through donating, or lending, products to us for filming. If we think you have a product that is suitable we will have mentioned it on our sponsorship letter.

So you can see what you have helped to create.

Want to show the film to your company or visitors? We are very happy to discuss opportunities to screen the film.

We will highlight your contribution on our Indiegogo, Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Your film credit will reach audiences across the globe at some of the most prestigious festivals. Previous films by the team have been nominated for Oscars, won BAFTAs and been exhibited at Cannes, Berlin Film Festival, SXSW and many other prestigious festivals around the world.

Want to see your name- or products- in our film? We’re very happy to discuss how your product(s) can be integrated into our film.


A free pre-release copy of the film


Social Media Shout-Outs

Film Credits

Product Placement

Sponsorship In Kind

What about the grown-ups? Should wetake two of them as well?

We can’t take them anyway. They’d ruin it.

All images, comapanies own apart from:Port Isaac: courtesy of Rarb [,_Cornwall,_England.JPG]Protest courtesy of Andrew [https://www.�]Boscatle, CornwallBlog []

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