new college english unit 7 book 2 sibc dufe emma

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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New College English

Unit 7 Book 2SIBC DUFE


Unit 7


twin bed

one of a pair of two beds which are each big enough for one person.

gestures a movement of the hands, arms

or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling: Okay. Good luck! You are crazy. Come here. Going your way. No idea. Lame or Loser.

listing taboos in China Pronunciation-related taboos 1. Try to avoid saying the word “die” 2. Never give an umbrella to a friend which has

the connotation of separation or parting 3. Don’t divide a pear among friends or relatives Don’t stick the chopsticks in a bowl of rice. Don’t step on the threshold. Don’t throw rubbish out during the Spring


In-class Reading

Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully

Word List bridge slip into without when abrupt do smooth fluster ease surpass parting involve observe

protestfeasiblea flight of stairsall the waytroublewellfleeinadequatefancyholdin/with regard tosave

bridge 1

build construct + a bridge over a river erect

floating bridge 浮桥 cross-over bridge 天桥 wire bridge 悬索桥 moveable bridge ( swing bridge 旋转桥 )

Railway swing bridge

bridge 2 build a bridge between …and… serve as a bridge between the two warri

ng communities 在两个争斗的社区之间起沟通作用 to build a trade bridge with 与… . 建立贸易联系 He pushes his spectacles higher on the

bridge of his nose. 他把鼻子上的眼镜往上推。

to connect two things or to make the difference between them smaller

I bridged a gap in the conversation by telling a joke.

我讲了个笑话 , 使谈话不致中断。 How could we bridge the gap between the rich

and the poor in the country?

bridge a/the gap

slip into

to pass gradually into a particular state or situation, in a way that is hardly noticed

It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine.

There was 50-50 chance that the economy could slip back into recession.

with/without sb. or sth. done

The farmers went back home with all the apples picked.

They felt relieved with all the work done. Can you perform without all your weakness

exposed? The little hero faced up to the enemy without

his fright revealed.

When it comes to doing …

when the subject is… However, when it comes (down) to

somebody they know, they have a different feeling.

Most of us know we should cut down on fat. But knowing such things isn’t much help when it comes to shopping and eating.

When it comes to shoes, I wouldn’t buy any other make.


adj. 1) sudden and unexpected 2) impolite abrupt attack on Pearl Harbor abrupt manner / abrupt reply There may be an abrupt change in

weather patterns.


be suitable or acceptable Will it do if we let you have an answer by Frida

y? This hotel will do. This room will do me quite well. (够… . 用) Roses do well in a clay soil. ( 工作, 学习,生

活,生长 ) The patient is doing well. When at Rome do as the Romans do. Is the meal done yet? ( 熟 )


adj. having surface perfectly regular as smooth as silk The way is now smooth. 困难已经排除了 Cooperation is essential if you are going to lea

d a reasonably smooth existence in the office. 如果你想在办公室里相安无事,就必须持合态度。 He tried to make his path smoother for him. 他


smooth over to make problems, difficulties or disagreements less

serious or easier to solve

Bill tried to smooth over his argument with Mary by making her laugh.

He smoothed over the differences that had arisen between them.

We could see that he was trying to smooth over his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault.


to make (someone) nervous or upset Don't let that new tax form fluster you --

it's not as bad as it looks. a state of nervous confusion

The important thing when you're cooking for a lot of people is not to get in a fluster.


make something less serious; relieve Let us try and ease their food problem. They do this to ease their economical crisis. A meeting might ease the situation. This will help ease difficulties. These greatly helped to ease his conscience. The good news eased their troubled minds.


to do or be better than: The book's success has surpassed everyone's

expectations. The director has really surpassed himself with

this new film. The director has done better in making films

than he has done before.

parting [I or T] to separate or cause to separate: The curtains parted, revealing a darkened

stage. To be parted from him even for two days made

her sad. The pain of parting had lessened over the

years. It was a sad parting, because we knew it was

the last time we would see each other.


include … as a necessary part or result The job involved my living in New York.

Being a sailor involves long periods away from home.

cause … to become connected or concerned He was involved in a heated discussion.

Do not involve yourself with those people.


obey (a law, rule or custom) We try to observe the local customs so that

we don’t offend people. watch … carefully He likes to observe the behavior of birds. The role of the scientist is to observe and

describe the world , not to try to control it. make a remark about sth. She observes that it would soon be time to

stop for lunch. “I have always found German cars very

reliable,” he observes.

protest under protest 不愿意, 在表示不满/反对的

情况下 He paid the tax demand under protest. He accepted our decision under protest. Sign a document under protest without protest 乖乖地,毫无反对表示地 He gave way without protest. He paid without protest. They left without protest.

feasible The plan seemed most feasible. The electric car is technically feasible. [ 比较 ] possible practicable possible 指客观上又可能存在或发生 practicable 行的通,切实可行的,适用的 It was not practicable to postpone self-study time u

ntil 10 o’clock. feasible 侧重成功的可能性大 Your work plan is feasible, so we can build the brid

ge immediately. She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate

investment in these regions.

a flight of stairs

all the way as much as possible or completely

Having started a revolution we must go all the way. If you want to take it up with the boss, I'll support you all the way.

I'll take my complaint all the way to the managing director if I have to.

to emphasize how long a distance is

He had to walk all the way home. They came to visit me all the way from New York.


ask for trouble = look for trouble 找麻烦 have trouble doing sth. 做…遇到困难 / 麻烦 run/ get into trouble 陷入困境,遇到麻烦 put sb. to the trouble (of doing sth.) 给某人添麻烦 take the trouble to do sth. 费力去做… The boy caused a lot of trouble to his parents ; h

e was always in trouble.


Profits are well above our original forecast. 利润大大超过我们原来的预测。 He finished the exam well within the time allow

ed. 他在规定时间前很早就完成了试卷。 It is a very popular hotel; you will need to make

your reservations well in advance.


flee v. 逃跑 (强调逃跑时匆忙,常带有惧怕的意思) flee from the burning building. 本义造句: He killed the enemy and fled the country. [ 比较 ] escape ( 侧重结果,而不强调逃跑时匆忙,

危险 ) The prisoner escaped from the jail. The idea escaped my lips. The mistake escaped from me. The exact date of our meeting escaped me.


不够,不合适,不能胜任的 This method is obviously inadequate. 该做法明显不妥。 I am beginning to feel quite inadequate to th

e job. 感到能力不足 He made me feel totally inadequate. 他使我感到自己不够格。 The supply of the new car is inadequate to t

he demand.

fancy 1 )花哨的,花样的,高级的 fancy cakes 花样糕点 fancy diving fancy skating 花式跳水 花样滑冰 fancy fruits 特级水果 fancy birds 珍禽异鸟 a fancy dress 化装舞会 a fancy fair [英]小商品商场 2 ) 凭想象创造的,臆造的,特高的(价格) a fancy portrait He sells poor goods and charges fancy prices.


continue to be true, good or available Twenty years on, his advice holds good. If their luck holds, they could still win the

championship. As long as the mild weather holds, you can

keep planting.

in/with regard to

in connection with, concerning: I am writing to you with regard to your letter

of 15 March. In (or) With regard to our conversation

yesterday, I am sending the book to you by mail.

save to prevent time, money or effort

being wasted or spent: Thanks for your help - it saved me a

lot of work. I'll lend you a bag for your trip - it'll

save you buying one specially. Can you save it for later (= tell me

your news later when I am less busy)?

Save your breath Hold one’s breath

review 1. 我们需要建立东西方之间的联系。 We need to build a bridge between East and West. 2. 家长和青少年应该尽力弥补他们之间的代沟。 Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the

generation gap between them. 3. 说到现代爵士乐 , 没有什么人能比他知道得更多。 When it comes to modern jazz , very few people k

now more than him. 4. 他的离开很突然而且完全出人意料。 His departure was abrupt and completely unexpect

ed. 5. 我星期五把那些书带给你行吗? Will it do if I get those books to you by Friday?

6. 医生保证这些药丸能缓解病痛。 The doctor promised that these pills would ease the

pain. 7. 老师设法平息两个男孩之间的争吵。 The teacher smoothed over the quarrel between the t

wo boys. 8. 谁也没想到这本书会如此成功。 The book's success has surpassed everyone's expe

ctations. 9. 我不知道我为什么要烦这个心跟他说——我倒不如省

口气。 I don’t know why I bother speaking to him– i might a

s well save my breath. 10. 我们应该遵守规章制度。 We should observe the rules and regulations.

Translation If you sing the song several times, your

children will (begin to) pick up the words. We tried to assure the nervous old man

that flying / air travel was safe. An inadequate supply of vitamin A lead to

night blindness. I can use a computer, but when it comes

to computer repairing, I know nothing about it.


Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.

The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade.

I gave him some pills to ease his pain. The job involves traveling/ working abroad

three months each year.

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