new computationalism

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New Computationalism. Ron Chrisley COGS Department of Informatics University of Sussex. School of Humanities and Information, University of Sk övde October 19th, 2006. Overview. Will discuss four related claims/ideas: "Transparent" defense of computationalism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


New Computationalism

Ron ChrisleyCOGSDepartment of InformaticsUniversity of Sussex

School of Humanities and Information, University of SkövdeOctober 19th, 2006

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Will discuss four related claims/ideas:1. "Transparent" defense of

computationalism2. Falsity of the Church-Turing thesis3. Falsity of pan-computationalism4. Even if computationalism is false,

strong AI is possible

Transparent computationalism

• The claim that cognition is computation can be construed opaquely or transparently

• Opaque construal: The mind is best understood in terms of the concepts from current (or past!) computational theory

• Transparent construal: The mind is best understood in terms of whatever concepts, it turns out, best explain what computers do

• Many critiques of computationalism succeed only on the opaque construal

• Thus, transparent computationalism is not threatened

The transparent strategy

• For each critique, present:– A current (opaque) view of

computation– The critique based on that view– An alternative view of computation

that avoids the criticism– Independent motivation for that view

of computation

Critique 1: Dynamics

• Opaque view: Discrete steps in an algorithm essential to computation

• van Gelder:– Cognition isn't discrete, but

fundamentally dynamical– Therefore, cognition isn't computation

Dynamical computation

• Alternative view: Generalise notion of an effective procedure to include any physically realisable and exploitable process, even dynamical ones

• Independent motivation:Real-time computational control of an airplane wing

Critique 2: Externalism

• Opaque view: Computational properties are syntactic and local

• Fodor:– Psychological properties are semantic

and relational/external/non-local– Therefore, there can't be a

computational psychology

Externalist computation

• Alternative view: Even computational explanations are external/relational (cf Peacocke's "Content, computation and externalism", 1994)

• Independent motivation: Embedded computational systems

Critique 3: The Chinese Room

• Opaque view:1. All essential computational properties are

formal2. Non-formal properties of a computation are

mere implementation detail

• Searle:– Formal properties are insufficient for mind– Therefore, there can't be a computational


Grounded computation

• Alternative view:1. Having a semantics is crucial to

computation 2. Some properties that current formal theory

takes to be irrelevant play a constitutive role in determining computational state

• Independent motivation:1. Not every process is a computation2. Real-time computational control of an

airplane wing

The Church-Turing thesis

• An example of an explicit acknowledgment of the distinction and relation between informal and formal (theoretical and pre- theoretical) notions

• Diagonal arguments (Gödel, Lucas, Penrose) do not show what they purport to: falsity of Strong or even weak AI

The Church-Turing thesis

• Diagonal arguments highlight a special case of a general property:– For any set of things that can answer

questions, one can construct a question that no member of that set can answer, even though some things outside the set can.

• Implies, e.g., that odd-numbered TMs can compute functions that even-numbered TMs cannot

• And that TMs can compute functions we cannot


• One might think this violates Turing's famous result, that there exist universal machines

• But no conflict, since Turing's universality result is about simulation, not computation

Against pan-computationalism

• Putnam's sense: Everything instantiates every computation– fails because of the causal aspect of

causation (cf, e.g., Chalmers 1994, Chrisley 1994)

• More plausible sense: Everything has some computational desciption– Yes, but still too broad: IBM vs BMW– Suggests that we need to do more work to

capture real computation: Semantics

Computation and mind

• Traditionally, two ways computation is relevant to understanding or replicating mind:

1. Weak AI: Computational simulation of mind

2. Strong AI: Cognition is computation

Strong AI without Computationalism

• Even if cognition is not computation, does not imply falsity of strong AI– Not because of pan-computationalism– Third way: computation as the ultimate

plastic– Computation is a convenient way to

configure a system's causal/dynamical profile

– In between identity and mere simulation

Strong AI without Computationalism

• E.g. Suppose life is crucial for mind; and (e.g.) Boden is right that life is non-functional – Does not imply that one cannot

program a system to be alive – Falsity of (even transparent)

computationalism does not imply Strong AI is impossible

Thank you!

Video, audio and PowerPoint files of this talk and others can be found at:

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