new database to select phase change materials chemical nature properties and applications 2015...

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PCM - Energia - Polietileno - Materiales


Journal of Energy Storage 3 (2015) 18–24

New database to select phase change materials: Chemical nature,properties, and applications

Camila Barrenechea,b,1,2, M. Elena Navarroa,1, Luisa F. Cabezab,*, A. Inés Fernándeza,1

aDepartament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal�lúrgica, Universitat de Barcelona, C/Martí i Franquès, 1-11, 08028, SpainbGREA Innovació Concurrent, Edifici CREA, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain


Article history:Received 9 April 2015Received in revised form 24 July 2015Accepted 19 August 2015

Keywords:Phase change materials (PCM)Thermal energy storage (TES)Material selectionSelection data-base


Today, thermal energy storage materials are proposed as a promising solution to increase the energyefficiency in building sector and to reduce the total energy demand because building sector accounts upto 34% of total energy consumption. Under this situation, phase change materials (PCM) are well-considered as materials to store energy allowing high energy densities (between 50 and 600 MJ/cm3).Available materials to be used as PCM for building application in literature were added to a database for tobe used with CES Selector software. More than three hundred PCM whit phase change temperaturesbetween �50 �C and 150 �C and considering commercial and non-commercial PCM were listed andclassified by their properties and the values available of the materials have been introduced in thisdatabase. The main objective of this study is to generate a PCM database and draw on it in order tofacilitate the selection of the most suitable PCM depending on the building application.

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1. Introduction

Today, thermal energy storage materials are proposed as apromising solution to increase the energy efficiency in buildingsector and to reduce the total energy demand because buildingsector accounts up to 34% of total energy consumption indeveloped countries as state International Energy Agency [1,2].In Fig. 1 the energy consumption in building sector divided byworld areas and differentiating between residential and commer-cial buildings is shown. Notice that developed countries accountmore energy consumption in commercial buildings than inresidential ones.

Materials used to store thermal energy are divided in threetypes concerning the method used to store the energy. The first oneconsists on the heat stored produced when a temperature gradientis applied to a media (solid, liquid or gas) which is known assensible heat (SHTES) [3]. The second is the one concerning thelatent heat stored or released during a phase change state (LHTES)[3]. This method used phase change material (PCM) to storethermal energy. The last one consists on store the thermal energyproduced when a reaction takes place. This method is known as

* Corresponding author. Fax: +34 973003575.E-mail addresses: (L.F. Cabeza), (A. I. Fernández).1 Fax: +34 934035438.2 Fax: +34 973003575.ã 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

thermochemical storage (TCS) and thermochemical materials(TCM) are used for storage [4]. Thermal energy storage (TES) isproposed as one way to improve the gap between energyconsumption and energy supply [5]. Actually, there are differentcompilations to collect all the reported information about PCMproperties, not only the thermophysical ones but also otherrelevant properties [6,7].

In addition, phase change materials (PCM) are well-consideredas materials to store energy allowing high energy densities(between 50 and 600 MJ/cm3). The phase change temperaturerange will define the final application where this material/substance can be implemented: heating, cooling, domestic hotwater, cold storage, etc. Therefore, it is a material selectionparameter. Moreover, PCM are divided in several groups of PCMdepending on their chemical nature: paraffin, fatty acids, salthydrates, sugar polyol, etc. [8].

CES Selector is a software database developed by Granta Design[9]. This software is a very intuitive tool to help researchers anddesigners to select the most appropriate material for a determinedapplication taking into account the constrains. CES Selector wasused by Navarro et al. in order to define the best material candidateto store thermal energy as sensible heat [10], as well as Khare et al.[11]. This software has been used as a tool being the aim of thispaper to build a new database and to use this tool for the first timein order to obtain proper graphs that will help PCM selection.

Therefore, this paper aims to show the scope of creating aPCM database for CES Selector. The main source of data of PCM

Fig. 1. World zones energy consumption distribution divided by commercial and residential subsectors and others for 2010 [2].

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for building applications is the one considered in the review thatCabeza et al. published in 2011 [12]. Available materials to beused as PCM (commercialized and standard substances) forbuilding applications in literature were listed in this review [12]as well as materials commercialized as PCM. More than threehundred PCM were listed and classified by their properties andintroduced in this database. This database is a simple andintuitive method to obtain a general PCM list for certainapplication depending on the thermophysical properties re-quired.This tool is very used in material science field but it isnon-existent in the PCM field.

The main objective is to create a database that facilitates theselection of the most suitable PCM depending on the application.Moreover, the information that can be extracted from the datapresented in this paper will be discerned by presenting a casestudy for domestic hot water application in buildings.

2. Selection materials methodology

Following a materials selection strategy the main goal is toobtain a small number of materials candidates among a givendatabase taking into account a specific application. The systematicselection of the best materials for a given application begins byknowing the most relevant properties that has to be considered.CES Selector is software from GRANTA Design at the University ofCambridge that allows combining the information on materialsfrom its specific database and presenting the results in friendlymaterial charts. Moreover, it has a tool, the CES constructor, thatallows creating your own data base to apply the materials selectionmethodology comparing different materials from your database,the CES Selector database and also those found in the literaturethat are used in the desired application.

One of the main purposes of this work is to create a newdatabase of PCM to select them depending on their properties andtheir application. Therefore, a new database was created using theCES Constructor software to introduce the main properties such as

melting point and latent heat of fusion from the PCM found in theliterature and also from commercial PCM.

More than 300 PCM references were introduced in this softwareto be used to select material candidates for TES in severalapplications for building sector. The data introduced is based onthe review published in 2011 by Cabeza et al. [12]. Moreover, themain cited classification of PCM by groups is used in this databasewhich considered the chemical nature of the substances used tostore energy by their latent heat of phase change and the mainproperties that will characterize the thermal behaviour of a PCMare the working temperature range (based on the peak tempera-ture of the phase change) and the heat of fusion (energy that onesubstance is able to store as latent heat). These two properties areconsidered for all the PCM available in the new database. It is alsoimportant to remark that there are several properties that are veryrelevant as density, thermal conductivity, specific heat, etc. whichwere also introduced in the new database even though there is notdata available for all References

3. Results and case study for domestic hot water

There are 6 main groups or families that PCM are divideddepending on their chemical nature which are represented inFig. 2. Each PCM family has its own characteristics:

- Organic/Eutectic Organic/Paraffin/Fatty acids: these substancesalmost do not present corrosion problems. However, it isdifficult to ensure the thermal stability of cycling stability aftermany thermal cycles.

- Inorganic/Eutectic Inorganic/Salt hydrate/water solution: arethe PCM with the highest capacity to store energy but theypresent corrosion problems that must be taken into accountfrom the beginning of the system design.

However, one of the most important parameter to take intoaccount during the PCM selection step is the energy density which

Fig. 2. PCM representation of latent heat of fusion vs. melting point between 25–70 �C.

Fig. 3. Theoretical energy density vs. melting temperature from the PCM database.

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is calculated following Eq. (1), where ren is the energy density, r isthe density of the material and DH is the phase change enthalpy.

ren ¼ r � DH ð1ÞThis software is able to discern the materials with highest ren

which are located in the upper part of Fig. 3. Note that the materialswith highest energy density using latent heat to store thermalenergy are salt hydrates.

Otherwise, the working temperature range will define the finalapplication of the PCM. Different bubble colour of Fig. 4 meansdifferent application of PCM and commercial PCM are shown inblack colour (independently of the application).

In addition, Fig. 4 shows the PCM working temperature rangeselected for thermal comfort in buildings applications whereparticular applications are defined: heating, cooling, domestic hotwater, and thermal comfort.

In detail, it is important to highlight that the PCM available forthermal comfort in buildings are not many substances. Therefore,new substances can be developed or enhanced to be used in thismaterial gap (see Fig. 5).

Moreover, the thermophysical properties variation for such asubstance, for example butyl stearate (see Fig. 5b), is due to thedispersion in the values available in the literature: the meltingtemperature for butyl stearate is reported between 18 and 23 �Cand the latent heat of fusion is accounted between 123 and200 kJ/kg. This circumstance is mainly due to a lack on thestandardization for the thermophysical properties measure-ments [13].

Furthermore, using this available data it is possible to correlatewhich is the main component of one PCM available in the market.Taking into account Fig. 6, we may correlate octadecane as themain component of RT27 which is commercial product fromRubitherm because both materials have the same melting

Fig. 4. Latent heat of fusion vs. melting temperature

temperature and the same chemical nature, and the differencebetween both substances might be the melting enthalpy due to theadditives the commercial PCM has.

Moreover, this database could be completed by collecting otherimportant properties for PCM filed as thermal conductivity,specific heat, density, wholesale cost, etc. which must beconsidered during the design step of the system as well. Collectionof all these data is difficult and time consuming but some of thesubstances reported in this database have these propertiesavailable and they are presented in Fig. 7 that shows thermalconductivity vs. density. Note that salt hydrates are the PCM withhighest thermal conductivity while paraffin is the PCM group withthe lowest density.

4. Case study: domestic hot water

Domestic hot water is a field studied several times in order toimplement PCM successfully. For example, Mazman et al. [14]studied how the addition of PCM modules at the top of the watertank produces higher storage density and compensates heat loss atthe top layer. Moreover, several researchers have developedmodels to predict the behaviour of hot water tanks under severalworking conditions [15–17]. Furthermore, Barba and Spiga [18]studied the discharging process for encapsulated PCM in storagetanks and stated that among different geometrical configurationsof the PCM, it is found that the shortest time for completesolidification is matched for small spherical capsules. All PCM usedin these studies (eutectic mixture of palmitic and stearic acids,encapsulated 37.5% NH4NO3 + 62.5% Mg(NO3)2�6H2O, paraffin andstearic acid, TH58) have been included in the new database. Thetemperature range fitted to this application is between 50 and65 �C [14].

of materials introduced into the PCM database.

Fig. 5. Substances to be used as PCM for thermal comfort in building applications divided by application (a) and by PCM groups (b).

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In order to select the most suitable PCM to be used for domestichot water application the temperature range of work must be fittedbetween 50 and 65 �C melting temperature and they must presentthe highest energy density as well as the highest thermalconductivity (materials located in the upper-right corner of thegraphs). Within this area there are several PCM such as mixtures ofMg(NO3)2 and MgCl2, Na2S2O3, mixtures of Mg(NO3) and NH4NO3,being all of them salt hydrates. These are almost all selected in the

Fig. 6. Correlation between substances us

studies described above [14–17]. Moreover, not only salt hydratespresent high thermal conductivity but also several paraffincommercial wax which must be doped with conductive particlesbecause the thermal conductivity of paraffin is low, around 0.2 W/m K. Therefore, salt hydrates are the most suitable substancesto beused as PCM for DHW but several paraffin accounts high thermalconductivity enough becoming suitable candidates by losing alittle bit of energy density. Finally, the wholesale cost is one of the

ed as PCM and commercial products.

Fig. 7. Thermal conductivity vs. density of PCM introduced in the database.

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most important issues when selecting materials for an application.In general, the salt hydrates wholesale cost is around 0.5 US$/kgand paraffin wax is around 1–1.5 US$/kg. This fact also agrees withthe previous material selection when salt hydrates are identified asone of the most proper materials to be used in this application.

5. Conclusions

A new developed PCM database is presented in this paper. Thisdatabase includes properties from available PCM within thetemperature range between �50 �C and 150 �C consideringcommercial and non-commercial PCM. The properties collectedin this database are mainly the melting temperature and the latentheat of fusion which are two of the most important properties totake into account during the PCM selection step. However, thereare many other properties which are important, not onlythermophysical properties as thermal conductivity, specific heat(which are available for some PCM in the literature), but alsodensity, wholesale cost as well as embodied energy, water usage,etc.

Completing and complementing the information available inthis database, facilitates the selection of the best candidate for agiven application, considering at the same time several propertiesof the materials.


The research leading to these results has received funding fromthe European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. ENER/FP7/1295983 (MER-ITS) and under grant agreement no. PIRSES-GA-2013-610692(INNOSTORAGE). Furthermore, the work is partially funded by theSpanish government (ENE2011-28269-C03-02 and ENE2011-

22722). The authors would like to thank the Catalan Governmentfor the quality accreditation given to their research groups GREA(2014 SGR 123) and DIOPMA (2014 SGR 1543).


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