new infinite connexions corporate brochure

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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Infinite Connexions is a strategic advisory group,

working towards bringing about a metamorphic

impact on societies and businesses. We come on

board as agents of change, as problem solvers for

our client’s critical needs in vital new-age

initiatives of sustainability, urban rejuvenation,

water solutions, greenfield project management,

Coporate Social Responsibility, and for the crucial

domain of liaising (Corporate and Government).

Most business processes depend on a set of crucial

parameters, including precise personnel

deployment, deep business networks, unique

management skills, clear technical understanding,

flawless strategic and execution abilities.

Infinite Connexions puts into use all these

capabilities in an effective manner, across its focus

fields. In effect we complement our clients with

such advantages, which allows them to concentrate

on their own delivery strengths at ease.

�e primary lines of business engagement and focus are

Government/Corporate liaisons, representation, strategy,

sustainable development in all spheres of business and

social enterprise & brand management.

Infinite Connexions looks at building the complete

comprehensive supply chain from production to market

that leaves no loose ends. �is facilitates in clarification

and rationalization of the process, preventing aberrations,

anomalies and granularities. Its extensive amount of

networks & understanding of systems helps in resolving

the most vexing issues.

Demanding settings need demanding work

ethics. �e present socio economic conditions

are worth noting for the fact that they are

throwing up astounding challenges in every

sphere of human activity, sans precedents. An

imperative element in any development

strategy is the maintenance of achieved

objectives over time. We weave in sustainable

ideas to support our projects and advisory

work, and are also a strong advocate of it.

�is requires unparalleled solutioning on a war

footing that brings out the best of the mix -

clear perceptions, proficiencies and ingenuity.

Infinite Connexions was formed to traverse up

the same path by bringing together the best of

Industry professionals & experts to address our

extraordinary situations with the required

devotion to the task.

A key aspect in this is to custom tailor solutions

for the case in question and come up with the

most eligible solution on a case per case

method. We believe that putting the right man

for the job solves half the problem. We have a

unique methodology wherein the accurate

diagnosis shows the right direction towards

appropriate solutions. �ese are not generic

prepackaged formulas or schemes that are

squeezed around to fit any need that comes up.

�e solution evolves from carefully thought out,

worked out structures that look at fitting the

need to the T. �e diagnosis takes into account

all the necessary technical, financial, social,

political & practical aspects along with the

motivations of the client. Such a diagnosis

establishes a context for ideation wherein every

aspect is addressed & the best fit is suggested.


�e ability to get disparate things to work in

unison is an art that makes the most challenging

endeavors successful. We enable liaising with the

final objectives firmly integrated in our plans, this

ensures that the least amount of uncertainties

You may not be interested in strategy, but strategy is interested in you.

STRATEGYMANAGEMENTReconciling Strategic vision with short term

needs is one of the biggest vexations that most

organizations face, along with coherence and

consensus about goals. �ey grapple with

shifting environmental requirements which

impose upon their resources and objectives. We

help organizations to unite various incongruent

perplexing factors with strategy development

processes along with data driven foresight,

enhancing overall strategic decision-making

and improving execution. We support clients in

designing tailored solutions to specific issues or

in fully redesigning their approach to strategic

management and planning.

A critical part of enhancing the planning

process is improving overall strategic

decision-making capabilities. Left unchecked,

subconscious biases such as excessive

optimism, group thinking and loss aversion will

undermine strategic decision making.

Behavioral strategy provides a way to mitigate

the impact of the biases that are often inherent

in the clients’ decision-making processes.

We also help clients determine how they should

be translating the strategic planning process.

�e key is to have the right structure & the right

people manning the process, so that desired

objectives are achieved.

-Leon Trotsky


MANAGEMENThow business goals

and brand visioncan transform a brand

A brand is a distinctive idea of a product or service

with instant recognition, consistent associations,

a clear promise, strong emotional connection, and

high consumer value that is imprinted in the

consumer’s mind. �us, brands cannot be built up

simply by advertising; rather, a rigorous brand

transformation must occur. Brand transformation

can anchor a growth or turnaround strategy and

drive customer loyalty, profit, and shareholder

returns. However, the strategic investment

decisions required to shape and strengthen the

brand must be tackled with rigor and discipline.

�ey should be debated by senior management,

grounded in data-driven insights, and with its

ethos embedded throughout the organization.

We create and augment the brand from ground up,

clearly focusing on the end consumer of the brand,

keeping in mind the company’s alignment of its

business goals.

We strongly educate & evangelize with the clients

on their need to assimilate the subtle fundamental

elements that make up a brand consciousness. A

company’s workforce community and stakeholders

that’s completely aligned with the brand vision,

starts to react, produce & serve according to that


�en again we help in reinvention of the brand &

the company’s image according to altering market

challenges such as competition, technology trends,

culture shifts, demographic needs etc.


LIASING WITHGOVERNMENT &CORPORATES�e ability to get disparate things to work in

unison is an art that makes the most challenging

endeavors successful. We enable liaising with the

final objectives firmly integrated in our plans, this

ensures that the least amount of uncertainties

without incurring any capital expenditure.

We facilitate relationship management and

handle networking aspects for any entrepreneur

or an institution, to interact with the Govern-

ment and other regulatory bodies.

crop up for any of the stake holders. We provide

liaison services with Private, Central and State

Government Ministries, right from putting

across applications to obtaining approvals for

end to end solutions to your problem.

We have a panel of expert corporate lawyers and

chartered accountants who can handle all your

queries effectively. We offer representation services

to both domestic and foreign entrepreneurs who

wish to have presence in Indian market,



Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are

replenished constantly. In its various forms, it derives directly from

the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. Included in

the definition is electricity and heat generated from solar, wind,

ocean, hydel, biomass and geothermal resources along with biofuels

and hydrogen derived from renewable resources. �e key benefits of

focusing on renewable resources are reducing the dependence on

fossil fuels, decrease of financial burdens, cleaner environments and

perennial energy sources. With such obvious advantages, there is still

a lack in mass utilization of these energy systems.

Our endeavor is towards better management and education, while

helping set up quality process chains in place. We work together with

leading engineering consultants to put together all physical compo-

nents from ground up for the most cost effective and efficient power

production facilities, harnessing the right technologies. We help in

tying up the complete business chain in the least challenging

manner, that results in very productive business scenarios. Our focus

at present is in solar, wind and biomass utilization including waste to

energy, water recycling and waste recycling.

BIOENERGY�e company is backed by over ten

years of experience and has been

successful in converting large areas

of land, from traditional crops to

medicinal and aromatic plantations

all over the country. Encouraged by

the Central Government and

several State Governments, the

company has done extensive field

work on various aspects of Bio-mass

and Biodiesel plantations in its

endeavor to bring in more benefits

to the farming community and

contribute to the cause of economy.

We are at present involved in

holistic projects, sewing together

complete supply chains from farms

to fuel stations. From helping grow

bio-energy crops to extraction of

bio-diesel from oils to directing the

sale points of these, we advise and

help in establishing every nodal

point in the chain.

A brand is a distinctive idea of a product or service

with instant recognition, consistent associations,

a clear promise, strong emotional connection, and

high consumer value that is imprinted in the

consumer’s mind. �us, brands cannot be built up

simply by advertising; rather, a rigorous brand

transformation must occur. Brand transformation

can anchor a growth or turnaround strategy and

drive customer loyalty, profit, and shareholder

returns. However, the strategic investment

decisions required to shape and strengthen the

brand must be tackled with rigor and discipline.

�ey should be debated by senior management,

grounded in data-driven insights, and with its

ethos embedded throughout the organization.

Sustainability is not a fad theme restricted to only certain industries, ecological zones or rural areas, it is something to incorporate as a way of living in work and life environments. It is imperative that modern urban agglomerations incorporate sustainable practices into their fundamental structure, so that their systemic processes are geared around green procedures.



Some benefits from a sustainable and green cityscape building are cost reductions, healthier surroundings, aesthetic improvements to regular living conditions. A few pertinent issues that get addressed and undergo improvements in this process are management of garbage, upkeep of public spaces, infrastructure building, community activities, employment etc.



We advise urban bodies and communities on the sustenance, rehabilitation and recuperation of greener systems. We support urban architects in creating better habitable spaces without compromising on necessary infrastructure. Urban lifestyles often take resources for granted and need to be balanced between green building ethos and retaining essential aspects of modern development.

SOCIO ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTRural communities are overrun by modern

practices and haven’t been able to make a smooth

transition from previous scenarios. It has been a

highly disruptive exercise without any vision for

viable environments. In our attempt to bring the

old and new together in a balanced manner, we

would be looking at rural environments that do

not raise issues of identity, purpose & status as

they would get the best of both worlds.

�e most important consequence would be that

these new age rural communities would minimize

outward migration & in turn would be able to

attract quality professionals. Subsequently, cities

would be relieved of additional pressure.

Our professional set of activities are holistically

geared towards providing sustainability in all

spheres. We bring in the same processes of

solutioning to bear upon this problem too.

SUSTAINABLETOURISMDEVELOPMENTAs the name suggests, sustainable tourism is about exposing the

traveller to a natural habitat that is close to the fundamental bio

systemic processes that form the basis of plant and animal existence

on Earth. �ese trips differ from commonplace tours because they

are more experiential as opposed to the traveller being a mere

spectator who’s idling along. �e experience is transformative,

educational and has an incredible scope for

voluntary involvement. An important differentiator in this is that it

sustains local, social and ecological systems while improving upon

them, by curtailing any damaging impacts that more common

tourism modes have. We work with clients and partners in public,

private and voluntary sectors. We help to unlock the often hidden

value of natural and heritage assets.

We help in creating socio-economic opportunities for communities

through tourism, more so in unconventional destinations or areas

with the right resources & prospects but which are underdeveloped

per se. With a commitment to multi-stakeholder principles of

development and sustainable tourism, we have a particular interest

in integrated strategies that engage all interested parties and build

supply-chain links between tourism, community enterprises, local

flora and local economic systems.

As a result, people are becoming

more aware of the need for their

personal connection with nature

and also for preserving it in a big

way. We ideate, design and consult

for any social or commercial

organizations with an important

stake, in the development of a

range of set ups, from setting up

research stations to resorts.

�ere are substantial educational and

recreational lessons to be learnt from such

experiences, making even extremely

technologically dependent children and adults

inclined towards greener living. �us, we help

farmers, entrepreneurs and organizations with

different aspects of developing, expanding and

growing their businesses. We design solutions

and consult on establishing agri-edutainment

and agro-tourism businesses of many types.

Farm or agri tourism is an interesting extension

of eco tourism that has been catching up

around the world. In lieu of massive

urbanization, most urban societies are not in

touch with the rustic aspects of living, which in

turn leads to a skewed sense of how the natural

environment functions. Farm tourism fills up

these blanks by connecting travellers to the

novel part of the experience, as much as their

desire to explore their roots.

We always work closely with the local

populace and partner with them from

inception to completion of a project, to

make sure that the local ethos is

preserved. Furthermore, to ensure

sustainable success, our project proposals

also address the needs of the wider

community in ways that promote

regional and cross-sector integration.

As a result, people are becoming

more aware of the need for their

personal connection with nature

and also for preserving it in a big

way. We ideate, design and consult

for any social or commercial

organizations with an important

stake, in the development of a

range of set ups, from setting up

research stations to resorts.

One of the most interesting turn of

events in tourism since the past

couple of decades, has been the rising

interest for all things adventurous &

ecological. Apart from those who

have always been at it, this trend has

created a big spark of interest in a lot

of ordinary folk who are keen on

going out into the wild, roughing it

out and letting out steam.



�ere are substantial educational and

recreational lessons to be learnt from such

experiences, making even extremely

technologically dependent children and adults

inclined towards greener living. �us, we help

farmers, entrepreneurs and organizations with

different aspects of developing, expanding and

growing their businesses. We design solutions

and consult on establishing agri-edutainment

and agro-tourism businesses of many types.

Farm or agri tourism is an interesting extension

of eco tourism that has been catching up

around the world. In lieu of massive

urbanization, most urban societies are not in

touch with the rustic aspects of living, which in

turn leads to a skewed sense of how the natural

environment functions. Farm tourism fills up

these blanks by connecting travellers to the

novel part of the experience, as much as their

desire to explore their roots.


Our tools and resources help

facilitate and drive the necessary

change of equipping students with

practical know-how. Listed here are

some essential learning skills:

Creativity and innovation

Critical thinking and problem solving

Communication and collaboration

Information, media and

technology skills

Life and career skills

Flexibility and adaptability

Initiative and self-direction

Social and cross-cultural skills

Productivity and accountability

Leadership and responsibility

Present-day skills implementation requires the development of core academic subject knowledge and

a practical translational understanding of the same among students & professionals. �ose who need

to think critically and communicate effectively must have a sound base in core subject concepts. When

a school or corporate institution builds on this foundation, combining an entire framework with

necessary support systems - classes, assessments, curriculum and instruction, professional development

and learning environments - students are more engaged in the learning process and graduate better

prepared to thrive in today’s global socio-economic climate.

We believe education must include not only a mastery of core

subjects, but also promote an understanding of natural

processes at much higher levels in themes of global awareness,

financial/economic/business/entrepreneurial literacy, along with

civic literacy, health literacy and environmental literacy. Within

the context of core knowledge instruction, students must also

learn essential skills for success in today’s world, such as critical

thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration.

We promote the integration of the above mentioned skills with

real world skills such as survival tactics, team work, personality,

people management and on the job ingenuity using experiential

teaching aids such as challenge courses & outbound games.



Effective CSR activities make it possible for

conscientious enterprises to create highly

beneficial virtuous cycles which work for all

stakeholders. We work with our clients on all

aspects of corporate responsibility and beyond.

�ese include:

Advising on sustainability and CSR strategies

and programmes.

Helping design and create (social) products and

services — often in new areas and including

'bottom of the pyramid' consumers.

Undertaking or advising on stakeholder engage-

ment and impact reporting processes.

Designing and running strategic community

investment programs.

�e riches we make are intricately tied to the

quality of the environment we make it in.

Rural communities are overrun by modern

practices and haven’t been able to make a smooth

transition from previous scenarios. It has been a

highly disruptive exercise without any vision for

viable environments. In our attempt to bring the

old and new together in a balanced manner, we

would be looking at rural environments that do

not raise issues of identity, purpose & status as

they would get the best of both worlds.

�e most important consequence would be that

these new age rural communities would minimize

outward migration & in turn would be able to

attract quality professionals. Subsequently, cities

would be relieved of additional pressure.

Our professional set of activities are holistically

geared towards providing sustainability in all

spheres. We bring in the same processes of

solutioning to bear upon this problem too.

TECHNOLOGYSTRATEGIZING &E-GOVERNANCE�e present age is rightly called "�e information

age", yet few organizations have found the Holy

Grail that leads to effective implementation of

modern day tools for hassle free work & govern-

ance. A major reason for that is too many cooks

spoiling the broth, alongside a lack of vision for

IT Organization: Successful implementation of

an IT strategy requires an organization and

governance model tailored to the IT strategy.

We help support IT strategy execution by

designing the right models, decision making

processes, incentives and metrics.

effectual goals & milestones. Our consultants

bring a deep understanding of the client's

industry, technology trends and business needs

to help develop an information technology

strategy that will support and enable the

broader business goals.

�ese strategies draw heavily on our experience

in helping clients redesign technology

functions such as application development,

infrastructure, sourcing, and lean IT, including

on our knowlege of business strategy, sector

dynamics and ergonomics.

As a parting note, we would like to say that we

love to come in when things are knotted up in

several and strange ways.

We draw out new outlooks and perceptions,

the right kind of people are sought out for their

skills, the brick kilns of their brains are fired up,

the bottlenecks are made wider. Simple and

ingenious solutions are put out.

�e end result is that the streets get swept

clean of tricky issues, in spaces that appeared

foggy and slippery. Looking ahead, the road

looks far prettier and smoother.


We put things together to make them work in Sustainable,

Scalable & Efficient ways. �is requires the best among equals

to come together & commit themselves to making things

around them work beautifully. Our folks have the wisdom &

age, youth & tenacity, commitment & compassion to make

this happen. �e eclectic group here works incessently to

come up with clear yet contextual solutions to anybody who

requires our valuable sweat.

”Visit us at

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