new light of myanmar (17 jan 2013)

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  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (17 Jan 2013)


    Volume XX, Number 241 4th Waxing of Nadaw 1374 ME Monday, 17 December, 2012


    New Light of Myanmar

    NayPyiTaw, 16 DecThe following is the reproduction of the Thein Sein is STs

    Asian of the Year appeared on The Straits Times newspaper on 15 December.NLM


    Sein of Myanmar is TheStraits Times inaugural

    Asian of the Year.

    Mr Thein Sein, 67,

    was chosen by top editors

    of this newspaper for his

    role in loosening political

    and economic controls in

    Myanmar. This has led to

    democracy icon and Nobel

    Peace laureate Aung San

    Suu Kyi taking a seat in

    Parliament, the lifting of

    Western sanctions and a

    surge of investor interest in

    the once-reclusive nation.

    By his actions, he hasalso opened new strategic

    opportunities for his

    country and set in motion

    forces that could have a

    Thein Sein is STs Asian of the Yearpositive impact on not just

    South-east Asia, but also thewider Asian continent.

    Properly harnessed,

    these hold the potential to

    lift millions of people from

    poverty in a nation rich in

    natural resources, but held

    back because of a closed

    economy and decades of

    suspicion towards foreigners.

    There was a time

    when Myanmars generals

    were known for holding

    lavish weddings for their

    children, said Mr Warren

    Fernandez, editor of The

    Straits Times. The stepstaken by Thein Sein have

    put Myanmar back in the

    news, but this time, for

    better reasons. His bold

    and brave efforts will give

    his people hope of joiningtheir Asian neighbours in

    their march to modernity.

    The Asian of the Year

    award, to be announced

    every December, will

    recognise a person or

    organisation from the

    region that has contributed

    signicantly to changing

    lives for the better, whether

    in his own country or the

    wider region.

    The Straits Times,

    established in 1845, is

    uniquely placed to confer

    the award as few othernews organisations devote

    as many resources to

    covering the Asian region,

    said Mr Fernandez.

    NayPyiTaw, 17 DecOn the occasion of the National Day of Bhutan which falls on

    17 December 2012, U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar,

    has sent messages of felicitations to His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck,

    King of Bhutan and His Excellency Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Prime Minister of the

    Kingdom of Bhutan.MNA

    President U Thein Sein sends felicitations

    to Bhutani King, Bhutani PM

    NayPyiTaw, 16 Dec

    President of the Republic

    of the Union of Myanmar

    U Thein Sein arrived in

    Dawei, Taninthayi Region,

    this morning.

    He was welcomed

    there by Chief Minister of

    Taninthayi Region U MyatKo, Speaker of Taninthayi

    Region Hluttaw U Htin

    Aung Kyaw, Commander of

    Coastal Region Command

    Maj-Gen Khin Maung

    Htay, regional ministers,

    members of the social

    organizations, teachers,

    students and local ethnic

    people at the Dawei Airport.

    T h e P r e s i d e n t

    met with departmental

    ofcials, members of the

    social organizations and

    townselders at the City Hall.

    During the meeting,

    Chief Minister of TaninthayiRegion U Myat Ko reported

    on plans for building human

    resources development

    training school, for building

    shopping malls, private

    banks and hotels, power

    supply to Dawei and

    towns in Dawei District,

    a 150-bed private hospital,

    transportation, industrial

    zones and border trade

    camps and maintaining the

    water course of the Dawei


    Af t eward s , Un io n

    Ministers at the President

    Ofce U Tin Naing Thein

    and U Soe Thein reportedon opportunities for foreign

    investment and prospects

    for economic development

    in Taninthayi Region.

    Sp eak in g o n t h e

    occasion, President U Thein

    Sein expressed his hope

    that Taninthayi Region

    would achieve development

    though per capita income of

    the Dawei is currently lower

    than those of Kawthoung

    and Myeik. The nation was

    transformed into democracy

    beginning 1 April 2011

    and the Const i tu t ion

    came into force togetherwith the convening of

    the First Hluttaw session.

    Burgeoning of democratic

    practices is in good shape

    supported by three powers

    legislation, executive and


    T h e t w o - y e a r -

    o ld n ew g o v ern m en t

    President U Thein Sein views reference books and equipment displayed at Dawei University.mna

    was introducing reform

    processes for ensuring rule

    of law reinforced by peace

    and stability and socio-

    economic development

    inspired by 60 million

    people in the country. So we

    were moving towards to the

    emergence of democratic

    nation in accord with

    aspiration of the people,

    he said.

    In translating the nation

    into peace and prosperity,

    there are two parts

    political stabili ty and

    cessation of armed conicts.

    We had taken necessary

    measures for ensuring all-

    inclusiveness in the political

    conguration, setting aside

    the differences and building

    a common ground. Union

    spirit played a pivotal

    role in non-disintegration

    of the Union. In spite of

    being different, peace was

    witnessed in eastern part

    and southeast of the country

    through preliminary peace

    agreements with national

    r aces a rm ed g ro u p s .

    The President said he

    would like to see political

    stability and cessation of

    armed conicts and socio-

    economic development of

    the 60 million people in the


    He underscored theneed of qualied human

    r eso u rces wh o co u ld

    h arn ess r i ch n a tu ra l

    resources and the duty lies

    with the education sector.

    Foreign investments with

    substantial capitals and

    technologies were invited,

    he said. Lack of regulations

    in a l l o win g fo re ig n

    investments could beset

    more adverse consequences

    than favourable outcomes,

    he said. The Foreign

    Investment Law, which

    is one of the integral parts

    of legislation, has been

    enacted, he said.

    H e r e c a l l e d t h e

    experiences of 20 years

    of economic sanctions

    and said the country is

    now establishing amicable

    relations with all world

    countr ies th rough i t s

    unbiased foreign policies.

    M y a n m a r s r e f o r m s

    earned support not only of

    ASEAN but of the wider

    international community,

    he said. He said that the

    best example is the visit of

    US President Mr Obama.

    US eased sanctions and

    EU rewarded generalized

    system of preference forproducts from Myanmar.

    He said the ofcials

    have town plans and city

    plans ahead of entry of

    foreign investors. He said

    that the nation sees good

    prospects. He urged all to do

    work on a self-reliant basis.

    He pointed out that not only

    departmental personnel

    but also local people are

    to take responsibilities

    for regional development.

    Seven regions, seven states

    and Nay Pyi Taw Council

    Area are to show off their

    excellent performances

    in competitiveness. The

    authorities of regions and

    states are to join hands

    with the local people in

    their works.

    According to the UN

    Millennium Development

    Goals, he stressed the need

    to reduce poverty rate from

    26 per cent to 16 per cent

    by 2015. Eight points of

    rural development and

    poverty alleviation are being

    undertaken. There are over

    1200 villages in Taninthayi

    Region and over 60000

    across the nation. The

    government and the people

    are to harmoniously carryout rural development tasks.

    After the meeting, the

    President cordially greeted

    the attendees.MNA

    Political stability, cessation of armed conicts, socio-economic

    development a must: President

  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (17 Jan 2013)


    2 Monday, 17 December, 2012

    l o ca l n ew s

    New Light of Myanmar

    Yangon, 16 Dec

    An educative talks will be

    organized on the fth oor

    of International Business

    Centre which is being kept

    open at No. (228/240) Yangon

    Region Ofce of the Ministry

    Talks on economics on 20 Decemberof Commerce in Pabedan

    Township, here, at 9.30 am

    on 20 December (Thursday).

    Professor U Maw Than,

    retired rector of the Yangon

    University of Economics, will

    give a talk entitled Capital

    Market, Public Company

    and Corporate Governance.

    Those interested may take

    part in the talks and for further

    information, contact Ph: 01



    Tourists ood Shwedagon Pagoda

    Yangon , 16 Dec

    According to the press meet

    organized by the board

    of trustees of Shwedagon

    Pagoda on 13 December,

    more than 18000 tourists

    visited Shwedagon Pagoda

    during the rst period of the

    month of December.

    T h e n u m b e r o f

    globetrotters thronging

    Shwedagon Pagoda has

    reached 18243 during

    the period from 1 to 12

    December, helping the board

    of trustees earn US$ and FEC

    91215 as admission fee. Thai,

    French, German and Chinese

    and Japanese visitors are the

    greatest in number visiting

    the Shwedagon. The number

    of Iranian, South African,Dutch, Israeli and Filipino

    visitors was low. The board

    of trustees earned US$ 11155

    and FEC 10 as donations.

    A responsible person of

    the board of trustees said that

    an average number of tourists

    were 1500 a day. During the

    previous month, a total of

    47589 tourists arrived there

    and the board received an

    entrance fee of 226973 US

    dollars and 10972 FECs.

    On an average day

    1586 tourists thronged the

    Pagoda in the month of


    Acco rd i n g t o t h e

    records, the number of

    globetrotters who visited

    Shwedagon Pagoda from

    January to the end of

    November in 2012 was

    296486, more than the

    whole year arrival of tourist

    in 2011. Kyemon

    Yangon, 16 Dec

    A public drinking water

    lake at ward-63 in Dagon

    Myoth i t (South) , was

    named after Pale Sein

    drama troupe that performed

    entertainment to raise the

    funds for construction of

    the drinking water lake of

    300 square feet on the four-

    acre farmland donated by

    villagers U Kyaw Khaing

    and wife Daw Win Kyi in

    Pale drinking water lake under facingcontamination1975. Locals named the lake

    Pale lake.

    The lake offers drinking

    water for local people in

    nearby villages up to date.

    During the recent days, the

    lake has been polluted with

    household waste of houses

    and shops which are settled

    illegally around the lake. So

    locals relying on the lake for

    their drinking water are being

    annoyed by an undisciplined

    group of people who are

    dumping waste in the lake.

    As the summer comes,

    the lake is urgently needed

    to do cleaning up a rubbish

    dump in the lake for

    availability of safe water for

    local people, and clearance

    of the lakeside calls for

    measures to be taken for

    removal of illegal houses

    and shops around the lake.Kyemon

    Yangon, 16 Dec

    A fire broke out at the

    office of a company thatdeals with piling work

    on Mya Nanda s t reet

    in indust r ia l ward of

    Thakayta Township of

    Yangon Region at 1.50

    am on 14 December.

    The fire started from

    an overheated voltage

    regular at the office.

    Ofce re in industrial ward of Thakayta

    TownshipTwo administrative

    vehicles, 10 fire engines,

    two water tankers rushedthere and f i ref igh ters

    managed to bring the fire

    under control at 2.40 am.

    The re claimed property

    loss of K 6.1 million of

    company owner U Kyar Shwe.

    When the ofce building was

    on re, Thakayta Township

    Administrator U Hsan Min,

    Township Development

    Affairs Committee Executive

    Officer U Aung Thaungand Head of Township

    Fire Services Department

    U Ko Ko Oo and ofcials

    concerned supervised and

    assisted in controlling the re

    by reghters by providing

    them with adequate supply

    of water to put out the re.


    Pantanaw, 16 Dec A

    girl was pronounced dead after

    she was knocked down by a

    trailer on the village road in

    Asugyi village of Pantanaw

    Girl pronounced dead in road accidentTownship. A trailer driven

    by Sa Ai Say (25 years) of

    Thalakkhwat village of the

    township hit Ma Pyae Pyae

    Phyo (3 years) who was

    crossing over Mayan-Asugyi

    village road near Asugyi

    village at about 1.30 pm on 11

    December. The girl was killed

    in the accident.Kyemon

    Yangon, 16 Dec

    According to a man who led

    a philanthropic organization,

    the youth participation in

    philanthropic organizationshas increased signicantly

    more than ever before. He

    said that those who want to

    perform philanthropic works

    had to urge the youth for

    their contributions in the past.

    Now the youth of today were

    leading the organization and

    philanthropic works of their

    own accord.

    It was very pleased to

    see they are interested in

    community services while

    Philanthropic works see more youth participationtheir peers were in quest of

    pleasure going to the movies

    and concerts. He added that

    more than half of the total

    membership of his team was

    the youth who are making

    a substantial contribution to

    the society.

    W e s t a r t e d t h e

    philanthropic work on

    a managerial scale in

    cooperation with other friends

    while we are at school. We

    collect K 2000 from each

    member every month, and

    donate them to the schools

    for the blind or orphanages,

    a youth shared his experience.

    I cannot earn by myself

    as I am a college student. I

    make donation only through

    my pocket money. So I put

    my labour contribution tothe community services

    aimed to be more effective

    than my small amount of

    cash donation. I got a lot of

    knowledge and experience

    through philanthropic works

    and enlarge my social cycle

    making friends with other

    peers. I am very happy to have

    an experience of team work,

    a 20-year-old university

    student said.


    PYu, 16 Dec For

    ensuring Yangon-Mandalay

    up and down trains full

    safeguard and convenience

    of train users without delays,

    automatic track circuits that

    enable trains to overtake each

    other safely through a control

    panel have been xed at Pyu

    and Kanyutkwin railway


    Safety measures for Yangon-

    Mandalay up and down trainsMoreover, replacement

    of concrete sleepers in the

    places of old ones and other

    railroad works were being

    carried out at Kanyutkwin

    station and Pyu railway yard

    under the supervision of the

    senior engineer (civil) of

    Division (6), Yangon, on 12



    Pathein, 16 Dec Ahead-on collision between

    a bicycle and a motorbike

    occurred on Pathein-Yangon

    road. An old man on the

    bicycle was killed while his

    bicycle was in collision with

    a motorbike driven on the

    opposite direction at about

    3 pm on 11 December.

    The motorbike driven by

    Tun Tun Naing (27 years) of

    Aye village in Nyaungdon

    collided a head-on with the

    bicycle of U Kyo (78 years)

    of Chaungwa village at a

    place between mile post Nos

    (36/3) and (36/4) on Yangon-Pathein Road near Chaungwa

    village. The road accident

    left U Kyo dead with serious


    Motorbike, bicycle

    collide head-on on



    Election of new ward administrators in Pyu

    TownshipPYu, 16 Dec Election

    of new administrators for

    11 wards in Pyu Township

    of Bago Region took place

    at Myoma East Ward and

    Myoma West Ward in Pyuon 11 and 12 December

    under the supervision of

    departmental ofcials and


    New administrators for11 wards and 61 village-

    tracts will be elected before

    the end of December.


  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (17 Jan 2013)


    Monday, 17 December, 2012 3


    New Light of Myanmar

    Policemen gather near the site of a rocket attack at

    Peshawars Airport on 15 Dec, 2012. Four people

    were killed when militants attacked the airport in the

    northwestern city of Peshawar on Saturday and traded

    gunre with soldiers for more than 30 minutes before

    being repulsed, military and health ofcials said.





    mission to

    end in 2013Kabul, 16 DecThe

    combat mission of NATO-led International SecurityAssistance Force (ISAF) will

    over in 2013 and the Afghansecurity forces will take thesecurity charge of the entire

    country, President HamidKarzai said on Saturday.

    Addressing at the

    conference of Afghanambassadors and diplomats

    in his fortied Palace, theAfghan president statedthat the NATO-led forceleaves Afghanistan in 2014

    and there will be change in

    Afghanistans relations withthe world.

    There is no need toworry over the withdrawalof foreign troops from

    Afghanistan. You speakwith confidence to anycountry, President Karzai

    told the conference, sayingthe pull out of foreign troops

    from Afghanistan would notaffect the security situationin the country; rather would

    contribute in stabilizing thesecurity.

    He also asked the

    NATO-led troops to leaveAfghan villages for their

    bases on the way to theirrespective countries.


    Clinton sustains concussion; Benghazi

    testimony postponedSecretary Clinton becamedehydrated and fainted,sustaining a concussion,

    State Department spokesmanPhilippe Reines said in astatement.

    She has been recoveringat home and will continueto be monitored regularly

    by her doctors. At theirrecommendation, she willcontinue to work from home

    next week, staying in regularcontact with department and

    other ofcials. She is lookingforward to being back in theofce soon, Reines added.

    Clinton fell ill with astomach virus last weekendand was forced to cancel a

    planned trip to the MiddleEast and North Africa.The virus also hit other

    members of her staff, whowere returning with her froma European trip, and was

    described as uncomfortable,but not medically serious.

    Clinton, 65, has often

    been cited as a potentialcandidate for the USpresidency in 2016 and

    frequently refers to hergeneral good health, sayingin an interview with ABC

    broadcast that she hasincredible stamina and

    energy.She has maintained a

    punishing schedule in her

    nal weeks as the top USdiplomat, a position sheintends to leave toward theend of January when US

    President Barack Obama issworn in for a second term.

    Cl in ton had been

    expected to testify on20 December before the

    House of Representativesand Senate foreign affairscommittees on a report

    on the deadly attack onthe US diplomatic postin Benghazi, Libya, that

    killed the US Ambassadorand three other Americans

    and raised questions aboutsecurity at far-ung posts.


    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addresses a news

    conference in Brussels in this 5 Dec, 2012 le photo.


    Washington, 16 Dec

    Secretary of State HillaryClinton, who canceled anoverseas trip last weekend

    because of illness, suffered aconcussion after fainting dueto dehydration, prompting

    the postponement of her

    scheduled congressionaltestimony on the attackon a US mission in Libya,

    ofcials said on Saturday. W h i l e s u f f e r i n g

    from a stomach virus,

    US Senator John Kerry speaks to the media before

    Republ ican presidentia l nominee Mitt Romney andPresident Barack Obama meet in the nal US presidentialdebate in Boca Raton, Florida on 22 Oct, 2012.ReuteRs

    Obama to nominate Senator Kerry

    for secretary of stateWashington, 16 Dec

    President Barack Obamahas decided to nominateMassachusetts Senator John

    Kerry to be the next secretaryof state, CNN and ABC Newsreported on Saturday, citing

    unnamed sources.Kerrys nomination will

    not be announced for a

    variety of reasons, includingthe need to finalize theprocess and out of respect for

    the national mourning overFridays school massacrein Newtown, Connecticut,

    ABC said. CNN, citing an

    unnamed Democrat, said thenomination could be madepublic as early as next week.

    Kerry, the Democraticpresidential candidate in the2004 election and chairman

    of the Senate ForeignRelations Committee, wouldreplace Secretary of State

    Hillary Clinton if conrmedby the Senate.

    Clinton has decided to

    step down from her job inthe Obama administration.


    An elderly woman (C) sits as she queues outside a

    polling centre to vote during a referendum on Egypts

    new constitution in Cairo on 15 Dec, 2012.ReuteRs

    10 killed, over 40 injur ed in airport a ttack

    in NW Pakistanislamabad, 16 Dec

    At least ten people werekilled and over 40 othersinjured when an airport in

    Pakistans northwest city ofPeshawar came under attackon Saturday night, according

    to hospital and army sources.The killed include ve

    attackers, local media quoted

    army sources as saying.Pakistan Taleban later claimedresponsibility for the attack.

    Both Pakistani PresidentAsif Ali Zardari and PrimeMinister Ashraf condemned

    the attack while expressedgrief over the loss of livesin the attack.

    The attack took place

    at about 8:30 pm local timewhen militants coming inan explosive-laden vehicle

    launched an attack at BachaKhan Airport in Peshawar.

    The attackers rammed

    the vehicle into the wallsurrounding the airport andthen tried to enter inside the

    airport, said Mian IftikharHussain , Informat ionM i n i s t e r o f K h y b e r

    Pakhtunkhwa Province withPeshawar as its capital. Fourof the attackers were killed

    during the attack, said theminister.

    A n o t h e r a t t a c k e r

    retreated into a building

    nearby the airport and waslater killed by the securityforces in the search operation,

    according to army sources.All the international

    and domestic ights werecanceled during the attack.Airport officials said theairport will be reopened

    soon.Some local media said

    that ve rockets were red atthe airport during the attackand two of them fell on therunway of the airport. But

    airport authorities said allairport assets remained safein the attack.Xinhua

    Cairo, 16 DecEgyp-

    tians voted narrowly in fa-vor of a constitution shapedby Islamists and which op-

    ponents said was a recipefor deepening divisions in

    the nation, ofcials in rivalcamps said on Sunday afterthe rst round of a two-stage referendum.

    The result based on un-ofcial tallies, if conrmed

    for this round and repeatedin Saturday's second stage,may give Islamist President

    Mohamed Mursi limitedcause for celebration as itshows the wide rift in Egypt

    at a time when he needs tobuild consensus on toughmeasures to heal a fragile

    economy.Ofcial results are not

    expected till after the next

    round.Mursi and his backers

    say the constitution is vital

    to move Egypt's democratictransition forward. Oppo-nents say the basic law is

    too Islamist and trampleson minority rights, includ-ing those of Christians who

    Egyptians nar rowly back Islamist-shaped constitution, say

    rival campsmake up 10 percent of the

    population.The build-up to Satur-

    day's vote was marred by

    deadly protests. Demon-strations erupted last monthwhen Mursi awarded him-

    self sweeping powers andthen fast-tracked the consti-tution through an assembly

    dominated by his Islamistallies. The vote passed off

    peacefully with long queuesforming in Cairo and othercities and towns where this

    round of voting was held.

    The vote was staggered be-

    cause many judges neededto oversee polling staged aboycott to voice their op-

    position.But late on Saturday, as

    polls were closing, Islam-

    ists attacked the ofces ofthe liberal opposition Wafdparty newspaper, a party

    that was part of the Nation-al Salvation Front coalition

    that pushed for a no vote.The referendum was 56.5percent for the 'yes' vote, a

    senior ofcial in the Broth-

    erhood's Freedom and Jus-

    tice Party operations roomset up to monitor votingtold Reuters.

    The Brotherhood andits party, which propelledMursi to power in a June

    election, had representa-tives at almost all pollingstations across the 10 areas,

    including Cairo, where thisround of voting was held.

    The ofcial, who askednot to be identied, said thetally was based on counts

    from more than 99 percentof polling stations in thisround. One opposition of-

    cial also said the vote ap-peared to have gone in fa-vor of Islamists who backed

    the constitution, after theopposition had previouslysaid late on Saturday when

    voting ended that their exitpolls indicated the nocamp would win.

    Another oppositionofcial had suggestedas counting proceeded

    through the night that thevote would be very close.


  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (17 Jan 2013)


    4 Monday, 17 December, 2012

    Sci ence & Technol ogy

    New Light of Myanmar



    Banks fend off attacks designed to disrupt

    online banking access

    Boston/C harlotte,16 DecBank of AmericaCorp, JPMorgan Chase &Co and US Bancorp andother major US banks seemto have stopped a group ofhacker activists from seri-ously disrupting their on-line banking operations.

    A nancial services

    industry organization andseveral cyber security com-panies said a group of hac-tivists that impeded accessto some major US onlinebanking sites in Septemberhad so far failed to gaintraction in a second cam-

    A man works at his computer in V irginia Beach , Vir-

    ginia, on 7 Feb, 2012.ReuteRs

    paign that began this week.There has been no

    impact to critical nancialsystems, the Financial Ser-vices Information Sharingand Analysis Centre, or FS-ISAC, said in a statement.

    Tom Kellermann, vicepresident of cyber securityat security software makerTrend Micro Inc, said thebanks had been very suc-cessful.

    I wouldnt see anyprolonged outages for themajor nancial institutions

    in the coming year.Arbor Networks,

    which sells equipment thatcompanies can use to pro-tect their websites againstattack, said banks had bol-stered their defences sincethe last round of attacks in

    September. Everyone hasbeen through this once ortwice, said Dan Holden,an Arbor director. There isjust a better level of prepar-edness.

    On Monday, a groupthat calls itself the QassamCyber Fighters said on awebsite called that it was planningattacks against a group ofve banks that also includ-ed PNC Financial ServicesGroup Inc and SunTrustBanks Inc. The same grouptook credit for the disrup-tions in September.

    US Bancorp spokes-man Tom Joyce said the re-gional banks website wasperforming well, but somecustomers might be experi-encing intermittent delays.We can assure customersthat their data and funds aresecure, he said.Reuters

    Scientists nd new use for cells in

    human urine

    GuanGzhou, 16 DecChinese scientists havefound a new, innovativeway to use cells found inhuman urine that could aid

    in the treatment of a rangeof neurodegenerative disor-ders.

    The scientists havediscovered a new tech-nique for reprogrammingcells shed in human urineinto neural progenitor cells(NPCs) that can grow intomulti-functional neuronalsubtypes and glial cells.

    The technique is ex-pected to be used in thestudy and treatment of neu-ral disorders such as Parkin-sons disease, Alzheimersdisease and other neurode-generative disorders.

    Their ndings werepublished online on 9 Decin a research report in thejournal Nature Methods, amonthly publication cov-ering novel ndings in lifesciences.

    Pei Duanqing, a profes-sor at the Chinese Academy

    of Sciences Guangzhou In-stitutes of Biomedicine andHealth, said his researchteam has combined an epi-somal system to deliver

    reprogramming factorswith a chemically dened

    culture medium to repro-gramme kidney epithelialcells naturally shed in urineinto NPCs. These NPCs,normally only found in thehuman brain, were laterproven to be transgene-freeand self-renewing, he said.

    These neurons andglial cells can survive forup to one month whentransplanted into the brainof a newborn rat, said Pei.

    He said his team isworking hard to understandwhy their experimental

    condition allowed the urinecells to become NPCs so asto improve the techniqueand make it more efcient.

    Scientists have longsought to treat and studyneural disorders by obtain-ing and transplanting neuralstem cells. However, the

    previous method of isolat-ing and using cells fromeither fetal or adult humantissue remain challengingdue to ethical concerns and

    immune system rejections,he said.

    Pei hopes the discov-ery will be used to generateNPCs from patients withneurological disorders suchas Parkinsons disease.These NPCs from patientsmay help us discover newdrugs for these diseases.

    It is a remarkable ad-vance in the stem cell eld,

    said Fred Gage, professorwith the Salk Institute forBiological Studies.

    They reprogrammedsomatic cells with a non-integrating virus and epi-

    thelial-like cells from hu-man urine, a novel, safe andabundant source of cells, hesaid.

    The results and meth-ods derived from this studywill be of great value andsignicance to the eld, he


    Two sales-

    women show

    white and

    black Apples

    iPhone 5 mi-

    bile phones in

    Kota Kinaba-

    lu, capital of

    Sabah State,Malaysia,

    on 14 Dec,

    2012. Apples

    iPhone 5 was

    released in

    Malaysia on



    Dutch 4G frequency auction r aises more

    than expectedamsterdam, 16 Dec

    The Dutch state raised muchmore than expected in itsauction of fourth generation

    (4G) wireless frequencies,with prices so high marketleader KPN said it wouldhave to cut dividends to af-ford its licences.

    The auction raised amuch higher-than-expected3.8 billion euros ($5 bil-lion) and the result will leadto erce competition in one

    of Europes most lucrativemobile phone markets asthe winners roll out faster,fourth-generation serviceswhich allow consumers towatch video and surf the In-ternet on the move.

    The Dutch marketis currently dominatedby KPN, Vodafone andDeutsche Telekom, allthree of which won licenc-es, as did new entrant Tele2

    of Sweden.Two cable companies

    Ziggo and UPC, ownedby Liberty Global, which

    already have strong sharesin broadband and pay-TV said they made a jointbid but later pulled out ofthe auction later becausethe bidding went too high.

    KPN, which is 28 per-cent owned by Mexican tel-ecoms tycoon Carlos Slim,said the cost of the licencesmeant it would no longerbe paying a nal dividend

    for 2012 and would pay outonly 0.03 euros per sharefor 2013, far lower thanalready revised dividendforecasts.

    It had already cut itsdividend forecast for thisyear to 0.35 euros from aninitial planned payout of0.90 euros. It has paid aninterim dividend of 0.12

    euros.KPN had been plan-

    ning a payout for 2013 ofat least 0.35 euros.

    Traders and analystshave previously expressedconcern about the abilityof KPN to pay dividendsgiven it has a debt to coreprot ratio exceeding its

    own targets. KPN shares hita 10-year low of 3.90 eurosin November.

    Eelco Blok, KPNschief executive, later ac-knowledged on a confer-ence call that KPN waspaying a considerableprice for the licence, butsaid that as the marketleader, it could not afford tomiss out on the auction. Healso said it would produce agood return over its 17-yearduration.

    KPN, which expects toroll out its new 4G services

    from February, did retainits outlook for 2012 coreprot, cashow and capitalexpenditure.

    It said it would draw onexisting cash and its 2 bil-lion euro revolving creditfacility to nance the pur-chase. The dividend cut willsave it 800 million euros.

    Asked about the impacton debt and its nancial

    health, Blok said investorswould have to wait until thecompany reported fourth-quarter results on Feb 5.

    The Dutch govern-ment had counted on rais-ing about 480 million eurosfrom the auction, and thebetter-than-expected resultprovides a welcome wind-fall at a time of austeritymeasures and budget cutsamounting to 46 billion eu-ros by 2017.


    Microsoft, Motorola le to keep patent case

    details pr ivateseattle, 16 DecMi-

    crosoft Corp and GoogleIncs Motorola Mobilityunit have requested a federal

    judge in Seattle to keep se-cret from the public variousdetails from their recent trialconcerning the value of tech-nology patents and the twocompanies attempts at a set-tlement. Microsoft and Mo-torola, acquired by Googleearlier this year, are prepar-ing post-trial briefs to presentto a judge as he decides theoutcome of a week-long triallast month to establish whatrates Microsoft should payMotorola for use of standard,essential wireless technologyused in its Xbox game con-sole and other products.

    The case is just onestrand of litigation in anindustry-wide dispute overownership of the underlyingtechnology and the designof smartphones, which has

    drawn in Apple Inc, Sam-sung Electronics Co Ltd,Nokia and others. In a ling

    with the Western District of

    Washington federal courtin Seattle on Friday, Micro-soft and Motorola asked thejudge to allow them to le

    certain parts of their post-trial submissions under sealand redact those details in thepublic record.

    The details concernterms of Motorolas licenseswith third parties and Micro-softs business and market-ing plans for future products.During the trial, which ranfrom 13-20 November, USDistrict Judge James Robartcleared the court when suchsensitive or trade secret de-tails were discussed.

    For the same compel-ling reasons that the courtsealed this evidence for pur-poses of trial, it would beconsistent and appropriate

    to take the same approach inconnection with the partiespost-trial submissions, thetwo companies argued in the

    court ling. The judge has sofar been understanding of thecompanies desire to keepprivate details of their patentroyalties and future plans,although that has perplexedsome spectators who believetrials in public courts shouldbe fully open to the public.


    People attend the iPhone5 launch event in Jakarta,

    Indonesia, on 13 Dec, 2012. Apples iPhone5 laun ched

    in In donesia on Friday.Xinhua

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    BusinessWTO sees more trade disputes ahead after vintage yearGeneva, 16 DecA

    surge in trade disputes hasforced the World TradeOrganization to reallocatestaff to cope with a ood of

    litigation in the pipeline for2013, according to diplomats

    and documents at the globaltrade body in Geneva.T h e W T O s 1 5 7

    members have launched 26trade disputes so far in 2012,the most since 2003 and threetimes more than the eightnew complaints led in 2011.

    According to an internalWTO document seen byReuters, the WTO decidedto reallocate staff to thedisputes team to deal withthe increasing number andcomplexity of legal cases.We are seeking to reallocateresources f rom o therdivisions. Its happening

    already, said one WTOsource.

    As well as moving staff,the trade body also advertisedfor a senior dispute settlementlawyer, at a starting salaryof around 161,900 Swissfrancs (108,377 pounds),and is seeking short term

    candidates to help deal withthe caseload.

    The boom in litigationcomes as the WTO strugglesto get back on the path toreforming its rules, after

    the failure of the decade-old Doha round of tradenegotiations last year. Theless you negotiate the moreyou litigate, and vice versa,said one trade diplomat.

    The resort to the disputesettlement system signies

    both trust in the global trade

    rules and distrust among itsmembers, as they ght for a

    share of a pie that is not quiteshrinking, but expected togrow by a mere 2.5 percentthis year. Although the WTO

    expects global trade growthto quicken to 4.5 percentin 2013, that would remainbelow the annual average of5.4 percent over the past twodecades.

    WTO Director GeneralPascal Lamy will report toWTO members on the global

    trading environment onMonday, armed with a reportshowing they had broughtin 308 new trade-restrictingpolicies, covering 1.3 percentof traded goods, over the past12 months.

    The difficulties andconcerns generated by thepersistence of the globaleconomic crisis, with itsmany facets, are fuellingthe political and economicpressures put on governmentsto raise trade barriers,Lamys report says. Thisis not the time to succumbto these pressures.

    The countries attractingmost complaints in 2012were China and the UnitedStates, each the target ofsix disputes. The UnitedStates also initiated the mostdisputes three against

    China and one apiece againstArgentina and India.

    Th i s y ea r s n ewdisputes included manythat were either apparenttit-for-tat actions or counter-challenges, ensuring that theheat was concentrated incertain areas.Reuters

    World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Pascal

    Lamy speaks during an interview with Reuters on the

    sidelines of the annual meetings of the IMF and the World

    Bank Group in Tokyo on 13 Oct, 2012.ReuteRs

    Bayer seeks FDA approval for

    cancer drug radium-223

    FrankFurt, 16 DecGerman drugmaker Bayersaid on Friday it requestedapproval from US regulatorsfor an experimental prostatecancer drug that couldeventually generate morethan 1 billion euros ($1.31billion) in annual sales.

    Radium-223 dichloride,which Bayer used to callAlpharadin, is designed totarget bone metastases fromprostate cancer that cannot betreated by standard hormonetherapy. Bayer licensedradium-223 from Algeta in2009, and if approved in theUnited States, radium-223will be co-promoted byBayer and Algeta, the Oslo-

    based company said onFriday.

    Bay er , wh i ch o nWednesday said it wasrequesting EU approvalfor the drug, will marketradium-223 alone in Europeif the treatment is approvedthere.

    Bayer said last year thatRadium-223 dichloride couldbecome a blockbusterproduct with annual sales ofleast 1 billion euros.

    The drug has someproperties of calcium,which makes it cling tocancerous bone cells andthen destroy them via alpharays, which is more targetedthat the shotgun approach ofconventional radiotherapy.


    IVF twins pr egnancies riskier

    than two singletonsnew York, 16 Dec

    Having twins as a resultof in vitro fertilization(IVF) carries higher risks ofcomplications for both motherand babies than having twosingle babies from separateIVF procedures, according toa new Swedish study.

    The extra concerns thatcome with multiple birthsare nothing new. But evenas many fertility clinics havestopped regularly implantingmore than one embryo, debatehas continued over whetherhaving twins through IVF isreally a bad thing for couplesdesperate for children.

    A lot of patients, whentheyve had infertility for along time, think that its abonus to get two, said Dr

    Lynn Westphal, a womenshealth and fertility specialistat Stanford UniversityMedical Centre in Palo Alto,California.

    But, We know itsalways safest to haveone child at a time, saidWestphal, who wasnt

    involved in the new study.Researchers led by

    Dr Antonina Sazonova ofSahlgrenska UniversityHospital in Gothenburganalyzed data from freshand frozen embryo transfersdone at Swedish IVF clinicsbetween 2002 and 2006.Those records included 991women who ultimately gavebirth to twins after a doubleembryo transfer and 921mothers with two kids bornthrough separate rounds ofIVF.

    Almost 47 percentof twin babies were bornprematurely and 39 percentwere considered low birthweight, Sazonovas teamreported in the journalFertility and Sterility. That

    compared to the sevenpercent of singleton babiesthat were preemies and lessthan ve percent born small.

    Twins were also morelikely to have breathingcomplications, sepsis orjaundice.


    Banking supervisors say Basel accord

    wont be derailed

    London, 16 DecThefailure of Europe and theUnited States to meet nextmonths deadline on tougher

    bank capital rules wont derailthe global accord, regulatorssaid after they themselveswere unable to agree changesto one of the new rules.

    The Basel Committeeon Banking Supervisionconcluded a two-day meetingon Friday saying 11 countrieswere ready to start phasing inits Basel III bank capital andliquidity rules.

    The committee is madeup of nearly 30 countries butmajor nancial centres like the

    European Union and UnitedStates are delaying the startof the worlds main regulatoryresponse to the 2007-09nancial crisis.

    The accord requiresbanks to triple their basiccapital buffers in set stages

    over six years, with newmandatory liquidity reservesand a cap on balance sheetsadded from 2015.

    It is expected thatas remaining jurisdictionsfinalise their domesticregulations during 2013,they will incorporate allthe remaining transitionaldeadlines in line with theoriginal global agreement,committee chairman StefanIngves said in a statement.

    He said this would be thecase even when they have notbeen able to meet the January1 2013 start date.

    Hence, by the endof 2013, almost all BaselCommittee jurisdictions willbe implementing Basel III inaccordance with the agreedtimetable, added Ingves, whois also governor of Swedenscentral bank.

    This is an absolutely

    cr i t ical s tep towardsstrengthening the resilienceof the global bankingsystem. Talks to introduce

    Basel III into EuropeanUnion law reached a tentativeconclusion on Friday in adeal to delay the start offormal implementation untilJanuary 2014.

    The United States is alsodelaying introduction andBrazilian nancialnewspaper

    Valorsaid there were talks atthe countrys central bank todelay Basel III there as well.


    A man walk s past the headqu arters of th e Ban k f or

    Internation al Settlements (B IS) in B asel on 14 Sept,


    EU considers mor e free CO2 permits for

    steelmakersBrusseLs, 16 DecThe

    European Commission isconsidering whether to handout more free pollution

    allowances for the steelsector next year to counterthe risk the industry couldbe driven out of Europe, EUsources said.

    The cost of carbon on theEmissions Trading Scheme(ETS) has collapsed to recordlow levels under the burdenof excess supply. Earlier thismonth, it hit a new low of5.61 euros a tonne.

    The fall in price has

    reduced any additional costsfor major polluters.

    It is, however, expectedto rise. Some in heavy

    industry complain that, inany case, it does not leadto emissions cuts but onlyto relocation of industry topollute other nations, whereit does not have to buy thepermits. The Commissionis planning to draw up alist of sectors most affectedby the ETS regulations andthat are, therefore, at riskof relocating their activitiesoutside the EU, a seniorCommission official toldReuters on Friday.

    Sectors included inthis list should benet from

    temporary free emissionpermits as from 2013, saidthe source, who asked notto be named. Steel is the

    sector most likely to get freeallowances, another sourceadded. The Commissionhas already approved state

    aid grants in the form offree carbon allowances,specifying the moneyshould be used to moderniseenergy installations andinfrastructure.

    For the next phase of thecarbon market, beginningnext year, the system ofhanding out free allowanceschanges markedly, andauctioning becomes the rulefor the power sector.

    The Commission isstill collating wish lists ofcially referred to as

    National Implementation

    Measures of the installationsthat could be eligible for freeallowances, depending on EUcriteria.Reuters

    A work er controls a tapping of a blast f urnace at

    Europes largest steel f actory of Germanys indu strial

    conglomerate ThyssenKrupp AG in the western German

    city of Duisburg on 6 Dec, 2012.ReuteRs


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    Tunis, 16 DecTu-

    nisian security units havearrested 7 members of al-Qaeda Maghreb terrorist

    network, which aimed atrecruiting extremist mili-tants to conduct operations

    in the area, a spokesman forthe interior ministry said onSaturday.

    He said the seven menhad been arrested near theborder with Algeria on

    Thursday and that a search

    operation was currently un-derway to apprehend others

    still at loose.The interior ministry

    spokesman said that two

    Ir an war ns against Patr iot deployment on Syr ia frontierBeiruT, 16 Dec

    Irans army chief of staff

    warned NATO on Saturdaythat stationing Patriot anti-

    missile batteries on Tur-keys border with Syria wassetting the stage for world

    war.General Hassan Firou-

    zabadi, whose country has

    been a staunch supporter ofPresident Bashar al-Assadthroughout the 21-month

    uprising against his rule,called on the Western mili-tary alliance to reverse its

    decision to deploy the de-fence system.

    Each one of these Pa-

    triots is a black mark on theworld map, and is meant tocause a world war, Firou-

    zabadi said, according tothe Iranian Students News

    Agency. They are making

    plans for a world war andthis is very dangerous forthe future of humanity and

    for the future of Europeitself. NATOs US com-

    mander said on Friday thealliance was deploying theanti-missile system along

    Syrias northern frontierbecause Assads forces

    had red Scud missiles thatlanded near Turkish territo-

    Syrias Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem (R) meets

    UN-Arab League peace envoy for Syria Lakhdar Bra-

    himi in Damascus on 20 Oct, 2012. A portrait of Syrian

    President Bashar al-Assad hangs on the wall.


    Tunisia arests seven men

    belonging to a l-Qaedarecruitment r ing

    Students of B eijing Dance Academy perform a tra-

    ditional Chinese dance during the Youthful Vigor

    art show in Tsinghua University in Beijing, capital of

    China, on 14 Dec, 2012. Xinhua

    S African police on high aler t ahead of ruling ANC

    national congress

    BloemfonTein, (South

    Africa), 16 DecTheSouth African government

    on Saturday intensied itssecurity here before the rul-ing African National Con-

    gress (ANC)s national con-gress. The ANC will startthe 53rd National Congress

    on Sunday in Bloemfonteinto elect new leadership.Security has been beefed

    up for the conference withabout 1,000 police beingnow on duty, said a police

    ofcial.Bloemfontein is the

    capital city of the central

    Province of the Free Stateand the judicial capital ofthe nation, with a popula-

    tion of about 400,000.Many police cars were

    patrolling with siren ring-ing on the main streets, andsome police units were car-

    rying out tasks at the checkpoints around the confer-ence centre. We have been

    on alert around the clock inrecent days, a police of-

    cer told Xinhua. A high-

    ranking police ofcial ofthe Free State told media

    on Saturday that safety

    and security are a priorityamid the prevailing politi-cal environment, and that

    police are striving to makeBloemfontein a safer place,

    even preventive measuresare now in place to tacklepotential troubles.It was

    reported that about 4,500delegates across the coun-try will participate in the

    congress to elect the newleadership for all impor-tant positions, including

    the president. The contestfor the new party presi-

    ry. Damascus denies ringthe long-range, Soviet-built

    rockets. But, forced on thedefensive by mainly Sunni

    Muslim rebels, Syrias47-year-old Alawite presi-dent has resorted increas-

    ingly to air strikes and artil-lery to stem their advances.

    Warplanes bombed in-

    surgents on the airport roadin southeast Damascus onSaturday and government

    forces pounded a town tothe southwest, activistssaid, in a month-long and

    so far fruitless campaign todislodge rebels around the

    capital.Activists also reported

    heavy ghting in the Pales-tinian district of Yarmoukin southern Damascus be-

    tween rebels and ghtersfrom a pro-Assad Palestin-ian faction.

    Syria is clearly a cha-otic and dangerous situa-tion, but we have an abso-

    lute obligation to defendthe borders of the alliancefrom any threat emanating

    from that troubled state,Stavridis wrote in a blog on

    Friday.Batteries of US-made

    Patriot missiles, designed toshoot down the likes of theScuds popularly associated

    with Iraqs 1991 Gulf Warunder Saddam Hussein, areabout to be deployed by the

    US, German and Dutch ar-mies, each of which is send-ing up to 400 troops to op-

    erate and protect the rocketsystems.

    Damascus has accused

    Western powers of back-ing what it portrays as aSunni Islamist terrorist

    campaign against it andsays Washington and Eu-rope have publicly voiced

    concerns of late that As-sads forces might resort tochemical weapons solely

    as a pretext for preparinga possible military inter-vention. Foreign Minister

    Walid al-Moualem told UNhumanitarian chief Valerie

    Amos on Saturday that USand EU sanctions on Syriawere to blame for hardship

    in his country and urged theUnited Nations to call forthem to be lifted.


    dency will be possibly held

    between President JacobZuma and Deputy PresidentKgalema Motlanthe.

    The ANC is current-ly in an alliance with theSouth African Communist

    Party and the Congress ofSouth African Trade Un-ions in ruling the country.

    Given the ANCselectoral dominance inthe country, the new ANC

    president will be possible tobecome the next presidentof the country in the elec-

    tions in 2014.Xinhua

    men arrested last week

    near the town of Jendoubahad admitted being part of

    a local Salast Jihadist net-

    work. Explosives, weaponsand electric stun guns werefound onboard a rented car

    they were driving.On Thursday, secu-

    rity patrols also arrested 5

    members of the same net-work, including a man inpossession of a pistol and

    25 cartridges, the spokes-

    man said, adding that com-bat and camouage gearand maps were also foundat the home of one of the

    fugitives. Xinhua

    Farmers walk their sheep at a sheep competition in

    Lushan V illage of Changxing County, east Ch inas

    Zhejian g Province, on 15 Dec, 2012. The sh eep

    competition including sheep show, m utton feast,

    sheep racing was held here on Saturday.


    Philippine police kills Malaysian

    tr ying to detonate bomb

    Davao, 16 DecPhil-

    ippine security forces have

    killed a suspected Malaysian

    bomber of the regional ter-

    rorist group Jemaah Islami-

    yah (JI) who reportedly at-

    tempted to blow a bomb at

    a public park in the southern

    Philippine city of Davao on

    Friday night, police said on


    The Malaysian suspect,

    Mohammad Noor FikrieBin Abd Kahar, attempted to

    detonate a homemade bomb

    inside his bag when he was

    trapped at the park not far

    from his hotel, and police

    shot the suspect, said local

    police commander Ronald

    dela Rosa. Davao city police

    also arrested Kahars Filipina

    wife Annabel Lee, who was

    with the Malaysian on Friday

    night, when they were about

    to check out at the Sam-

    paguita Hotel. Police said the

    couple ran but were cornered

    and a sniper shot Kahar.

    We shot him immedi-ately because he was trying to

    detonate his bomb at the park

    where we cornered them,

    Dela Rosa said.Xinhua

    newTown, 16 Dec

    President Barack Obamaarrives in Connecticut

    on Sunday to join in themourning for 20 children,all 6 and 7 years old, who

    were slaughtered by a gun-man who forced his wayinto their school and shot

    them with a rie at closerange.

    Obamas appearanceat an interfaith vigil inthe once-tranquil town ofNewtown will be watched

    closely for clues as to whathe meant when he calledfor meaningful action to

    prevent such tragedies inthe wake of the massacreon Friday.

    But politics will takea back seat to grieving, as

    Obama to join mour ning

    Connecticut families in search

    for answersmore details emerge about

    the 12 girls, eight boys andsix adult women that gun-man Adam Lanza killed at

    the Sandy Hook Elemen-tary School before killinghimself.

    Olivia Engel had a part

    in a nativity play at St. Rose

    of Lima Catholic Church.

    She was supposed to be an

    angel in the play. Now shes

    an angel up in heaven,

    Monsignor Robert Weiss

    told a standing-room-only

    crowd at the church before

    the play on Saturday.Emilie Parker, another

    of the child victims, was

    studying Portuguese withher father. A Facebook me-

    morial page for her alreadyhad nearly 147,000 likesas of Saturday night. VickiLeigh Soto, 27, saved her

    rst-grade students lives byputting herself between the

    kids and the gunman. Brit-ains Independent on Sun-day newspaper splashed her

    photo on its front page withthe caption The Heroine ofSandy Hook.Reuters

    US President Barack


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    Students from Itami High School in Japan and Baruch

    College Campus High School in the United States pose

    for a photo session on 13 Dec, 2012, at the Japanese

    Consulate General in New York. The two schools are

    planning to start an exchange programme.


    EU leaders shocked by US elementar y school shootingBrussels, 16 Dec

    Leaders of the EuropeanUnion (EU) on Friday

    expressed their deep shockon the shooting incident inthe US state of Connecticut

    killing at least 28.It is with deep shock

    and horror that I learned

    this evening of the tragic

    fatalities in the shooting inConnecticut. Young livesfull of hope have been

    destroyed, said EuropeanCommission PresidentJose Manuel Barroso in a

    statement. On behalf ofthe European Commissionand on my own behalf, I

    want to express my sincere

    condolences to the familiesof the victims of this terribletragedy, Barroso said.

    EU foreign policy chiefCatherine Ashton said inher statement I would like

    to express my shock at thetragic shooting at the schoolin Connecticut today.

    My thoughts go out to

    Chinese Vice Premier Hu i Liangyu (C) attends a symposium in celebration of the

    20th anniversary of Chinas accession to the Convention on Wetlands in Beijing,

    capital of China, on 14 Dec, 2012.


    China to continue wetlands protectionBeijing, 16 DecChina

    will continue efforts to protectwetlands, Vice Premier Hui

    Liangyu said at a symposiummarking the countrys 20thanniversary of joining the

    Convention on Wetlands.

    This agreement, also knowas the Ramsar Convention,

    was adopted on 2 Feb, 1971,in the Iranian city of Ramsaralongside the Caspian Sea,

    highlighting internationalefforts to protect wetlands

    around the world.China has great ly

    improved the ecological

    condition of its key wetlandsover the past two decadesdue to timely protection,

    according to its vice premier.The country will further

    increase investment, promote

    legitimation and strengthen

    peoples awareness on

    wetland protection, Huivowed, noting that there is

    a relatively low coverageof wetlands on Chineseterritory. China is willing

    to deepen internationalcooperation with all parties

    under the framework of theRamsar Convention and makecontributions to wetlands

    protection, according toHui. By 2015, China willensure that 55 percent of

    Chinese wetlands are underprotection, according to theChinese authorities.


    the victims, their families andthe American people at this

    difcult time, Ashton said.The shooting incident

    at an elementary schoolin Newtown, the US state

    of Connecticut on Fridaymorning has left at least 28dead, with most of them


    A citizen walks past snow-covered veh icles in Beijing,

    capital of China, on 13 Dec, 2012.XiNhua

    US to send troops to Turkey

    for missile deploymentWashington, 16 Dec

    US Defence SecretaryLeon Panetta has signed an

    order to deploy two Patriotmissile batteries to Turkeyalong with 400 troops to

    operate them, PentagonPress Secretary GeorgeLittle said on Friday.

    The purpose of thisdeployment is to signal verystrongly that the United

    States, working closely

    with our NATO allies, isgoing to support the defenceof Turkey, especially withpotential threats emanating

    from Syria, said Little.

    Little said the troopswould be deployed in thecoming weeks once the

    two Patriot missile batteriesare in place but declined toreveal the location.

    Panetta issued the orderen route to Turkey fromAfghanistan, according to

    the Pentagon.Panetta told reporters

    during the trip that the

    United States and Turkey

    share common concernsabout the violence in Syriaand the threat that it posesto regional stability.


    Sudans DM heads to Addis Ababa for

    talks with South SudanKhartoum, 16 Dec

    Sudans Defence Minister

    Abdul- Rahim MohamedHussein on Saturdayheaded for Addis Ababa

    of Ethiopia, to reviewimplementation of the jointcooperation deal signed

    between Sudan and SouthSudan, ofcial SUNA newsagency reported.

    A delegation of theSudanese side in the joint

    polit ical and securitycommittee between Sudanand South Sudan, headed

    by Sudan s Minister ofDefence Abdul-RahimMohamed Hussein, left

    here today for the Ethiopiancapital Addis Ababa totake part in meetings of

    the committee there toreview implementation ofcooperation deal signed

    by the two countries, thereport said. Priorities ofthe Sudanese side to the

    meetings include immediatea n d u n c o n d i t i o n e d

    withdrawal of the SudanPeoples Liberation Army(SPLA) from four disputed

    border areas and stoppageof the support and shelterbeing provided by South

    Sudan to the rebel groupsin Sudan, according to thereport.

    Al-Sawarmy KhalidSaad , Sudanese army

    spokesman, was quoted assaying that the membersof the joint political and

    security committee wouldcontinue negotiations forthree days on what they

    have started in Khartoumand Juba regarding theoutstanding issues between

    the two countries.He added that the talks

    would also discuss how to

    implement what the twosides have recently agreedon with regard to the joint

    defense agreement in thepresence of the African

    Union (AU) mediatorThabo Mbeki who wouldreceive the two sides

    proposals in Addis Ababa.Khartoum insists on

    implementing items of

    the security agreementrst and demands Juba todemobilize all the northern

    troops within the SPLA inSouth Sudan, including

    those from South Kordofanand Blue Nile areas.

    On 27 Sept, Sudan

    and South Sudan signeda package of agreementson various issues during

    a presidential summit inEthiopia.

    Witnessed by members

    of the AU High-LevelImplementation Panel onSudan, the two sides inked

    three deals on cooperation,security and post-secessionmatters.Xinhua

    Oil tanker set on fre in

    northern Afghan townPul-e -Khumri , 16

    DecUnknown armed men

    opened re and set ablazean oil tanker in BaghlanProvince 160 km north of

    Kabul on Saturday, policesaid.

    Unidentified armed

    men targeted an oil tankerwith assault rie in Dushidistrict today morning

    burning the oil tanker,Deputy to provincial police

    chief Sayed Zaman HussainitoldXinhua.

    W i t h o u t g i v i n gmore details, he said thatinvestigation is underway.

    Meantime, locals at thesite of incident claimed thatthe tanker was supplying fuel

    to NATO-led troops whenTaleban militants attacked

    and set on re the vehicle.Taleban militants have

    yet to comment.Xinhua

    Gunman killed in US hospitalafter wounding thr ee

    Washington, 16 DecAgunman was shot and killed

    by police after opening rein a hospital on Saturday inUS state of Alabama, local

    newspaper reported.Bi rmin gha m News

    said the shooting took place

    at St Vincents Hospitalin Birmingham at about 4am. The gunman wounded

    two hospital staffers and aBirmingham police ofcerbefore he was killed by another

    Birmingham police ofcer.The shooting came one

    day after a deadly shooting

    in Sandy Hook ElementarySchool in Connecticut which

    left 28 people dead.

    The hospital is afliatedwith the University ofAlabama at Birmingham(UAB). The university

    released a statement sayingit does everything it can tokeep its patients, visitors and

    employees safe, including 24-hour security at all entrances tothe emergency department and

    throughout the area providedby UABs accredited andarmed police department, and

    having all persons enteringthe emergency departmentthrough the walk-in entrance

    pass through a metal detector.Xinhua

    Cr ewman killed as ship

    wracked in North Sea tideedinBurgh, 16 Dec

    A crew member has died

    and 11 others were res-

    cued after a vessel in the

    North Sea was battered by

    huge waves, as storms and

    unusually high tides caused

    signicant damage across

    north and east Scotland,

    the local media reported on


    The vessel named Vos

    Sailor was stranded 120

    miles (about 192 km) off

    Aberdeen and taking on wa-

    ter, while six other vesselsand three helicopters were

    sent to the scene and non-

    essential staff have been

    evacuated from a nearby

    rig, the online Scotsman

    newspaper reported.

    The body of the man

    has not yet been recovered

    due to severe weather but it

    is believed he was dead when

    the rest of the crew were res-

    cued, said the report.

    The Vos Sailorhad suf-

    fered signicant damage,

    said a local police spokes-

    man, adding that it ap-

    peared that one crew mem-

    ber suffered fatal injuries.

    Part of the harbour wall

    in Balintore, Ross-shire col-lapsed under the repeated

    force of the waves on Friday,

    showed dramatic pictures.


  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (17 Jan 2013)


    Monday, 17 December, 20128 New Light of MyanmarN a t i o N a l

    Monday, 17 December, 2012

    Nothing but the Noble TruthBuddhism or the Buddha Dhamma is

    the noble an d t imeless teachings of Buddha ,

    initially propagated in India, and later spread

    thr oughout many part s of the world.In fact, Buddhism or Buddha Dhamm a is

    an invaluable gem of many facets, attracting

    people of diverse personalities. Every facet of

    this gem has tested methods and approaches

    that can benet the Truth seekers with their

    various levels of under standing and spir itual


    The Buddha Dhamma has the power to

    heal the mental wounds and fulll the spiritual

    needs of all human beings, while science has

    no capa city to do so.

    Truthfully, the Buddha Dhamma is the

    fruit resulting from a most intensive search

    conducted over a long period of time by a

    compassionate noble pr ince whose mission wasto help suffering human ity.

    So, what actually is Buddhism or the

    Buddha Dhamm a? The simple answer is that

    Buddhism or the Buddha Dhamma is too

    vast and too profound to be neatly placed

    in any single category. Of course, it includes

    philosophy and r eligion and a way of life. But

    Buddhism goes beyond these categories.

    It h as also prevented the decline of mora l

    values and contr ibuted to peace, coherence with

    the embellishing of patience, loving-kindness,

    compassion and selessness.

    The source of all Buddhism is the experience

    which is called Enlightenment. With this

    experience of Enlightenment, the Buddhabegan His Teaching not with any dogmatic

    beliefs or myster ies, but with a valid, un iversal

    experience, which He gave to the world as

    universal tr uth.

    Consequent ly , the real defini t ion of

    Buddhism is Noble Trut h. Remember tha t the

    Buddha d id not teach from t heories. He always

    taught from a practical standpoint based on

    His understanding, His Enlightenment, and

    His realization of the Tr uth.

    So, on th e whole, Buddhism or th e Buddha

    Dhamma is nothing but the Noble Trut h.

    Maung Maung

    San Lwin




    why weve



    early.Social obligationsarent unmet


    Better business

    Nay Pyi Taw, 16 Dec

    British Minister of State for

    Foreign and Commonwealth

    Affairs Rt Hon Mr Hugo

    George William Swire and

    Ambassador of Britain to

    Myanmar Mr Andrew Richard

    Heyn, together with Deputy

    Minister for Border Affairs

    Maj-Gen Zaw Win and ChiefMinister of Rakhine State U

    Hla Maung Tin visited relief

    camps in Rakhine State on 14

    and 15 December.

    On 14 December, they

    ew to the relief camp of

    Rakhine victims at Kantha

    Htwat-wa Ward and the relief

    camp of Bangali victims at

    Taungpaw Ward in Myebon

    by helicopter.

    During the visit, the

    Rakhine State chief minister

    and the deputy minister

    conducted them around the

    relief camps and the British

    delegation observed theaccommodation, cause of the

    conict, duration at the camps

    and relief aids.

    They met with local

    British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth

    Affairs visits relief camps in Rakhine State

    people in Zaypaing Ward in


    In Mingan Ward in

    Sittway, they observed the

    resettlement of the victims at

    their homes and asked how

    the conict broke out Bangalis

    in Aungmingala Ward inSittway.

    They also visited the

    garage of the WFP and viewed

    the arrangements for shipping

    foods to the victims.

    On 15 December,

    the delegation visited the

    Kyeinibyin relief camp of

    Bangalis in Pauktaw Township

    and observed the sheltering of

    the victims at the temporary

    tents, food and water supplyand aids provided by the UK


    During the meeting, the

    British Minister discussed

    matters related to security,

    humanitarian aids, rule of

    law and seeking solutions for

    the issues between the two


    Deputy Minister for

    Border Affairs Maj-Gen Zaw

    Win discussed the reliefefforts, cooperation with

    INGOs and needs for further

    aids and for rehabilitation of

    the victims.MNA

    President U Thein Sein meets townselders, politiciansNay Pyi Taw , 16

    Dec President of the

    Republic of the Union of

    Myanmar U Thein Sein

    met with townselders and

    members of political parties

    in Mawlamyine yesterday.

    During the meeting,the President stressed the

    importance of the human

    resource development for

    the development of the

    country and called for

    making efforts reducing

    the poverty rate to 16 %

    in accordance with the UN

    Millennium Development

    Goals by 2015 as the

    countrys current poverty

    rate is 26 %.

    Armed conflicts had

    broken out since 60 years

    ago and any fallen from

    both sides during the armed

    conflicts are Myanmarcitizens, he said.

    It was not an easy work

    to reduce the poverty rate

    in Myanmar within a short

    time though the government

    had been undertaking the

    eight tasks to bring the

    easy livelihood to the rural

    population which makes up

    the 70 percent of the total

    population, he added.

    He also expressed his

    hope for more foreign

    investment in Myanmar as

    about 3 million of Myanmar

    citizens were currentlyworking in foreign countries

    causing the loss of labour

    force in the country.

    He also stressed the

    need for producing value-

    added products to benet

    the country which was

    mainly producing the raw

    materials due to lack of

    technology and humanresources.

    Myanmar has invited

    s m a l l a n d m e d i u m

    enterprises to invest in

    Myanmar with the aim

    of producing value added


    Myanmar enacted the

    FDI Law and the rules of

    the law would be completed

    in the near future with the

    aim of attracting foreign

    investment which would

    help Myanmar build large

    industries due to its richness

    in natural resources, he said.

    He also called forgiving IT training to

    young generations as the

    country lagged behind in

    development of IT and

    Telecom sector.

    He stressed the need

    for getting the GSP system

    in the trade sector as the

    economic sanction could

    h in d er t h e eco n o m ic


    Due to the changing

    international relations

    policy, US President Obama

    visited Myanmar and relaxed

    most sanctions imposedon Myanmar, he added.

    Though, the sanctions could

    not be eased easily by

    the administration as the

    sanctions were imposed

    through laws prescribed

    by the Senate, he said. EU

    also relaxed sanctions,

    the President said. Social

    and economic status of thecountry indicates progress

    thanks to political stability,

    he said. The modernity

    could not be achieved by

    the government alone, he

    said, calling for concerted

    efforts as the government

    has committed to making

    the reforms irreversible.

    He asked for advices

    from the townselders for

    development of Mon State,

    saying the the opening of

    border gate after improving


    road could bring about the hustle

    and bustle to Mawlamyine.He said he felt encouraged

    by agricultural development of

    the state. He said the electricity

    is key to urbanization and

    socio-economic development.

    He continued to say that the

    government has plan to install

    two gas turbines which could

    generate 50 Megawatts of


    He said the education

    sector must turn out high-

    quality human resources

    and underscored the human

    resource development of the

    region.Those present frankly

    discussed current concerns.

    Union Ministers at the

    President Ofce U Soe Thein

    and U Tin Naing Thein

    discussed matters related

    to investment, marketing,

    housing projects, job

    opportunities and coopera-

    tion with international


    T h e P r e s i d e n t

    h ighl ighted compet i -

    tiveness after establishment

    of ASEAN Free Trade Area

    in his concluding remarks.

    He also called formanufacturing products of

    high quality and marketing

    abroad in cooperation with

    officials of the state and

    the Republic of the Union

    of Myanmar Federation of

    Chambers of Commerce and


    NayPyiTaw,17 DecOn the occasion of the National

    Day of Bhutan which falls on 17 December 2012, U Wunna

    Maung Lwin, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs of the

    Republic of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message offelicitations to H.E. Lyonpo Ugyen Tshering, Minister of

    Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bhutan.MNA

    Union FM felicitates Bhutan

    Foreign Affairs Minister

  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (17 Jan 2013)


    Monday, 17 December, 2012


    9New Light of Myanmar

    NayPyiTaw, 16 Dec

    As it is time to harvest

    sugarcane plantation in

    farmer educative sugarcane

    farm in Nyaungbingyisu

    vi l lage of Pobbath i r i

    Township in Nay Pyi Taw

    Council Area, K 95/84

    sugarcane plants are being

    harvested as quality strainand distributed to other

    sugarcane growers on 10

    December morning.

    Knowledge of sugarcane plants for growersThe farmer educative

    sugarcane farm has been

    grown for 10 months. The

    strain of such sugarcane is to

    be grown again for 11 months

    to be milled as sugar.

    In-charge of the farm

    U Moe Kyaw Hlaing said,

    The educative sugarcane

    farm is cultivated on 10 acresof farmland. Small grafts of

    sugarcane are to be nurtured

    for 10 months, thence will be

    used as strains. The strains

    are to be put on farmland

    again for 11 months for

    production. The grafts from

    Nyaungbingyisu farm are

    distributed to farmers from

    Yedashe sugar mill area of

    Bago Region for growing

    them again. The plantations

    of grafts are to be harvestedat 11th month. One acre of

    sugarcane can produce 60

    tons.Myanma Alinn

    Bhamo , 16 Dec

    According to the infor-

    mation that motorcyclists in

    group abused narcotic drugs

    in the toddy plantation near

    Kachin mound of ManyutVillage of Bhamo Township

    in Bhamo District, a squad

    led by IP Maung Maung

    Lwin of Bhamo District

    Special Anti-Drug Squad and

    SIP Kyaw Thiha of Bhamo

    Police Station together

    with local authorities and

    witnesses seized the drug

    users recently.

    The authorities seized

    drug trafckers Hla Ngwe

    and Tun Tin and 26 drug

    users together with 28

    syringes, and 13 China-

    made motorcycles. The

    police station opened lesof lawsuits against them

    under Narcotic Drug and

    Psychotropic Substances

    Law.Myanma Alinn

    Drug users,



    Book show marks National DayDawe i , 1 6 Dec

    K a l e i n a u n g S u b -

    Township Information

    and Publ ic Relat ions

    D e p a r t m e n t a n dEducation Department

    jointly held the litera ry

    talks on National Day and

    book show at Kaleinaung

    Basic Education High

    School on 7 December.

    After Headmistress Daw

    Than Than Htay had

    made a speech, Head ofSub-Township IPRD Daw

    Nanda Hlaing explained

    the purpose of book show.

    Myanma Alinn

    Gymnastics referee course

    No. 1 on 17-20 DecyaNgoN, 16 DecThe

    International Gymnastics

    Referee Course No 1 will be

    conducted at the Myanmar

    Gymnastics Federation

    at Kyaikkasan Sports

    Grounds, here, from 17 to

    20 December for Myanmar

    gymnastic referees to be

    able to discharge duties in

    the XXVII SEA Games andinternational competitions

    and turning out outstanding

    gymnastic referees from the


    Mr Anuchit of Thailand

    will discharge duty as course

    instructor who will provide

    training to the trainees in


    Any enthusiasts of

    gymnastics may attend the

    course. Outstanding trainees

    from the course No 1 are

    allowed to attend the course

    No 2.

    After that, the FIG

    referee course will be

    opened in 2013. Those who

    passed the second course

    may attend the FIG referee

    course together with thoseof Southeast Asian, Asian

    and European countries.

    They will be presented the

    certicates recognized by

    FIG. Those who have the

    certicates of FIG can take

    out the duties of referees in

    the international and world

    gymnastics championships.

    Myanma Alinn

    Nay Pyi Taw, 16 Dec

    President U Thein Sein

    paid homage to Historic

    Kyaikthanlan Pagoda in

    Mawlamyine this morning.

    The President and

    President U Thein Sein pays homage to Historic Kyaikthanlan Pagoda in Mawlamyineparty offered owers, water

    and lights to the Buddha

    Image which is kept at the

    Prayer Hall, and made cash


    Next, the President, the

    Vice-President and Union

    ministers signed the visitors


    Then the President

    gave necessary instructions

    on development of Maw-

    lamyine, viewing from the

    precinct of the Pagoda.

    A f t e r w a r d s , t h e

    President and party left there

    for Dawei by air.


    President U Thein Sein pays homage to the

    Buddha image at Kyaikthanlan Pagoda in


    yaNgoN , 16 Dec

    Jointly organized by Yangon

    North District Maternal andChild Welfare Supervisory

    Committee and Health

    Department, the mobile

    clinic was launched in

    Thebyu Village of Hmawby

    Mobile clinic opened in

    Hmawby TownshipTownship on 10 December


    A t t h e o p e n i n gceremony, the cl in ic

    provided health care services

    to 205 patients from the

    village and gave medicines

    and refreshments to 20 older

    persons and 20 expectant

    mothers. The ceremony was

    also attended by Hmawby

    Township Administrator

    U Thein Myint, Chairman

    of Township Maternal and

    Child Welfare AssociationDaw Than Shwe and

    chairpersons of township

    Maternal and Child Welfare

    Associations of the district.

    Myanma Alinn

    yaNgoN, 16 DecA

    delegation led by Vice-

    President of Ethnic Council

    of the National Assembly

    of Vietnam Mr. Giang A

    Chu visited Shwedagon

    Pagoda and donated cash

    at 8 am today. They were

    Vietnamese delegation visits Shwedagon Pagoda,

    Chaukhtatgyi Shwethalyaung reclining Buddha Image

    accompanied by members of

    Amyotha Hluttaw National

    Races Affairs Committee

    U Saw Tun Mya Aung and


    The delegation also

    v i s i t e d C ha ukh ta tgy i

    Shwethalyaung reclining

    Buddha Image.



  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (17 Jan 2013)


    Monday, 17 December, 2012


    10 New Light of Myanmar

    Chinese and Israeli youngsters visit the graves of Israels rst prime minister David Ben-Gurion and his wife Paula at Sde Boker Kibutz in South Israel, on 14 Dec, 2012.Xinhua

    Gunmen kill lawmaker in northern

    NigeriaKano , 16 DecA

    member of the northwestNigerias Kano state Houseof Assembly, Danladi Isa

    Kademi was on Friday shot

    dead by unknown gunmen.The lawmaker, who

    was said to have been shotdead by unknown gunmenat Ring road in Hotoro

    quarters at about 5:55pm, local time at the time

    when motorcycle riders aretrying to meet their time of

    movement of 6: 00 pm, local

    time in the state. Securitysources toldXinhua that theLate Kademi was trailed to

    his guest House at Hotoro

    Maradun by eastern byepass in Kano metropolis

    by two gunmen riding ona motorbike.

    The source said the

    gunmen open re on thelate lawmaker, killing

    him instantly and escapedfrom the scene. State

    Commissioner of Police,

    Ibrahim Idris conrmed theincident and said he hadearlier warned lawmakers

    in the state to desist from

    relaxing at popular spots.The commissioner

    pointing out that a lawmakerin the state was recently shotdead by unknown gunmen in

    a similar circumstance. Hedisclosed that investigations

    into the incident have begun.Xinhua

    Winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature,Chinese writer Mo Yan (L, front), is welcomed at

    the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing,capital of China, on 14 Dec, 2012. Mo Yan returned

    to Beijing on Friday after receiving Nobel Prize

    in Literature at the 2012 Nobel Prize ceremony inStockholm, Sweden.Xinhua

    Supporters of gun control legislation hold candles andplacards during a rally to pay respect for the shooting

    victims in front of the White House in Washington,capital of the United States, on 14 Dec, 2012,

    following a deadly shooting spree in an elementaryschool in Newtown, Connecticut,

    which took place earlier in the day.Xinhua

    Family of slain border agent

    sues federal ofcialsPhoenix, 16 DecTheparents of a slain US BorderPatrol agent have filed a

    wrongful death lawsuit inconnection with the botchedFast and Furious federal

    sting operation that saw gunspurchased in the United Statesslip to suspected criminals in

    Mexico.The lawsuit, which names

    federal ofcials and a federalprosecutor as defendants,was led in federal court in

    Arizona and seeks unspecieddamages for Brian Terrys2010 death in a shootout withsuspected border bandits in

    southern Arizona.Terrys slaying set off

    a political restorm when itbrought to light the botched

    Czech military to resumeying L-159 planes after

    crashPrague, 16 DecThe

    Czech military will on

    Monday resume ying theL-159subsonic aircraft afterone of the planes crashed in

    November, killing the pilot,a military spokeswomansaid on Friday.

    Jana Ruzickova saidthe investigation of the fatalcrash ruled out any technical

    defect. But the cause of

    the accident has not beenannounced yet.

    The pilot crashed intothe ground when routinely

    training night piloting

    Vienna, 16 DecGen-der equality is vital to pro-

    gress in development andmust be at the heart of thedevelopment agenda, Vi-

    enna Policy Dialogue con-cluded on Friday.

    The two-day dialogue,

    organized by the UnitedNations, highlighted thegender equality and em-

    powerment of women.Despite the progress

    made on gender equalitythrough the Millennium De-velopment Goals (MDGs),

    with the 2015 deadline forMDGs approaching, gen-

    Vienna Policy Dialogue calls for integration of

    gender equality into development agendaHigh-level intl conference on

    nuclear safety starts in


    A research team of

    Japans Nuclear Regula-tion Authority examinesa fault in a trench on the

    premises of the Higashi-dori nuclear power plantsite in Aomori Prefecture

    on 14 Dec, 2012.

    Kyodo news

    Koriyama, (Japan), 16DecA high-level inter-national conference on nu-

    clear safety started Satur-day in Japans northeasternPrefecture of Fukushima,

    with participants expectedto afrm that safety is a pre-requisite for using nuclear

    power and assisting humanresources development for

    countries seeking the en-ergy option is vital.

    The three-day event,

    organized by the Japanesegovernment and the Inter-

    national Atomic EnergyAgency, is meant to share

    the lessons learned from

    the Fukushima Daiichiplant disaster last year and

    to discuss the progress inglobal efforts to strengthennuclear safety.

    The conference, heldin the city of Koriyama,

    brings together ofcials ofIAEA member states, manyof whom are represented atthe ministerial level, and rel-

    evant international organiza-tions.Kyodo News

    der inequality persists andwomen continue to face

    discrimination in access toeducation, work and eco-nomic assets, and participa-

    tion in government, accord-ing to participants of themeeting.

    Delegates, includingexperts and representativesof local governments, civil

    society, parliaments andwomens organizations,

    reached a consensus thatputting gender equality atthe core of the post-2015

    development agenda is both

    a moral and developmentalimperative.

    We should thereforeaim for a standalone gendergoal coupled with the effort

    to integrate gender equalityinto all aspects of a futuredevelopment agenda, Wu

    Hongbo, United NationsUnder-Secretary-Generalfor Economic and Social

    Affairs, said in the closingsession of the meeting.

    Over 100 countrieshave put in place nationalgender action plans.


    in Radovesnice, centralBohemia.

    The L-1 59 ALCA isa one-seat, one-enginesubsonic combat aircraft

    manufactured in the CzechRepublic.

    The Czech military has

    armed its air force with thismodel since 2003.

    In that same year, one

    of the planes crashed in

    the Jince military trainingground in the central

    Bohemian region causedby a pilot mistake.


    probe by the US Bureau ofAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearmsand Explosives into gun

    trafcking that let more than2,000 weapons slip across theborder into Mexico.

    The operation had beenenvisioned as a way to trackguns from buyers to senior

    Mexican drug cartel members.Federal agents who ran Fastand Furious focused on

    building cases against theleaders of a trafcking ring,and did not pursue low-level

    buyers of those rearms.Two rearms found at the

    scene of Terrys death were

    traced to the operation, althoughit was not clear if the bullets thatkilled him came from either


    Nigerian governor, ex-security head die in air crashLagos, 16 DecThe

    governor of Nigeriasvolatile Kaduna state anda former national security

    adviser were among sixkilled when a helicoptercrashed in the southerly

    oil-producing Bayelsa stateon Saturday, ofcials said.

    The helicopter wobbledin the sky before nose-divinginto a forest in Ogbia Creek

    at around 3:30 pm (0930ET), a local resident whowitnessed the crash told

    Reuters.By the time we got to

    the scene it was in ames,

    said Hitler Adunion, a local

    community leader. We triedto put them out but it was

    difcult. We saw the roastedbodies of those inside.

    The Nigerian Navyconfirmed that its Agusta

    helicopter had crashed whilecarrying VIPs to Port Harcourt

    but it didnt give a reason andcivilian authorities

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