new microsoft office power point presentation (2)

Post on 26-May-2015






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Partnerplank is an independent Online Business Community for doing Business collaborations. It Collaborates the Business Partners to provide the opportunities for the growth of Business.


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2. Mission Statement
To act as a single destination forall vendors and partners our mission is tohelp them achieve these objectives through tools , applications which would help them collaboratereal time ,share information via multiple modes toprospective partners /companies , information management systemsfor helping them manage leads .
3. Who are we ?
Strong Understanding of Internet as a Medium
Team has ample experience of working with Technology vendors andpartners
4. What isPartner Plank
Exclusive Platform forVendors and their Partners
Web2.0 Tools for collaboration , finding and recruiting Partners
Tools for companies /vendors to create micro site
Platform backed by a large team focused on generating traffic to this platform
5. Extend Branding Efforts
Array of touch points and tools
Real time attributes of social media
3. Facilitate participation of more number of people for building relationships with Partners /vendors
6. Expand Reach
1.Access to new opportunities/markets
2. Ability for vendors to monitor online conversation which would help them asses opportunities or changing needs which can help themtailor their product or services to new market realitys
3. Opportunity to establish profitable partnerships with vendors and Partners
7. TapPower of communities /micro sites
Use them to do knowledge share/ information management and reducing challenges that professionals face everyday, they help in building brand, prospects and reputation
Companies by participating in existing communities can help solve problems and increase theircredibility
Positive third Party and direct referralspotential would increase exponentially
8. Become a Thought leader and increase your leads
Use of Text, Audio , Video in a dynamic platform to demonstrate expertise and gain exposure
Use forums , micro sites , Market research sections to engage with unique perspectives , ideas
9. Reduced Marketing Spend
No setup costsfor setting up your own social network
Increased Return on Spend as Internet is the most measurable and cost effective medium
Gain competitive advantage by getting instant visibility across your intended audience
10. Reduce Sales Cycle /Enhance Customer Experience
Engaging with Partners and Companies during entire Pre-sales and Post sales cycle using social media outlets
Power of Two way communication of social media ensure that you gain credibility and trust with your partners
11. Gain Competitive Advantage and Lessen complexity
. Take the first movers advantage.
. Monitor Online conversation with your Partners and vendors and identify new Product and services
. Tools like collaboration can be used to avoid confusions by providing adherence to a workflow
Information dissemination using tools like micrositecan help you position yourself as a trusted advisor
12. Product Snapshot
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Why Us
Providing market Intelligence tofeed your strategy
Strong Team of Marketers

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