new schools funding plan

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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NEW SCHOOLS FUNDING PLAN. AS ANNOUNCED SUNDAY APRIL 14 2013. Total funding package. $14.5 billion over the next six years from 2014: $9.4 billion (65%) from the Commonwealth $5.1 billion (35%) from the States/Territories Important: this is recurrent funding. Sector Shares. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Total funding package

$14.5 billion over the next six years from 2014:

$9.4 billion (65%) from the Commonwealth

$5.1 billion (35%) from the States/Territories

Important: this is recurrent funding

Sector Shares

Of the $14.5 billion …

Independent Schools: $1.0 billion 6.9%

Catholic Schools: $1.4 billion 9.7%

Public Schools: $12.1 billion 83.4%

State/Territory Shares of the$14.5 billion

NSW: $5.0 billion 34.5%Victoria: $4.0 billion 27.6%Qld: $3.8 billion 26.2%WA: $300 million 2.1%SA: $600 million 4.1%Tas: $400 million 2.8%NT: $300 million 2.1%ACT: $100 million 0.7%

New Student Resource Standard (SRS)

$14.5 billion - 83% (approx. $12 billion) is per student base funding

Remaining 17% - needs-based loadings: • Indigenous students• Students with disabilities• Low SES families• Limited English proficiency• School size• School location

Loadings % breakdown

SRS Component Australia

Students with disabilities 5.4%

ATSI 0.9%

Low SES 7.4%

LBOTE 0.2%

School Location 2.1%

School size 1.3%


BASE 82.7%

TOTAL 100.0%

New Student Resource Standard (SRS)

New SRS base funding amount (2014):

$9,271 per primary students $12,193 per secondary student

SRS base funding factors in non-govt. capacity:

from 90% least advantaged to 20% for the richest

New Student Resource Standard (SRS)

New SRS base funding amount is based on the resourcing provided to well-performing ‘reference schools’

Approx. 1600 government and non-govt schools across the country

At least 80% of students achieving above the minimum standard in reading and numeracy in all years for three years in a row (2009-2011)


The SRS will be indexed at 3.6% per year.

The new measure removes the old AGSRC

The Commonwealth:Maintain its current level of school education spending plus additional new funding under the National Education Reform AgreementIndexed at 4.7% per year from 2014 - That is, must grow by 4.7% each year. 


 The States/Territories:

In order to sign on to the Agreement, the states/territories must agree to maintain their current ‘funding effort’

Provide additional new funding indexed by at least 3% per year from 2014; i.e. commit to 3% annual growth of their schools funding. 

What the states and territorieshave to commit

Provide their one-third share of the total new funding for schools in their state; approx:

• NSW: $1.75 billion• Vic: $1.40 billion• Qld: $1.30 billion• WA: $105 million• SA: $210 million• Tas: $140 million• NT: $105 million• ACT: $ 35 million

What the states and territorieshave to commit

• Agree to stop education cuts/freezes and ensure 3% growth in school funding every year

• Sign a new National Education Reform Agreement on the new funding approach

• Reforms outlined in the National Plan for School Improvement.

The Needs-Based Loadings

Indigenous Students

The loading will start at 20% of the per student amount for the first ATSI student in a school:$1854 primary student$2439 per secondary student

Increases for schools with 100% ATSI students:$11,125 primary student$14,631 per secondary student

The Needs-Based LoadingsLow SES Students

Quartile 1 (lowest SES quartile): Sliding scale from $1391 primary student; $1829 for secondaryUp to $4635 per primary; $6096 per secondary.

Quartile 2: Sliding scale from $695 primary student; $914 per secondaryUp to $3477 per primary; $4572 per secondary.

The Needs-Based Loadings

Low English proficiency

Loadings per student: $927 primary; $1,219 secondary.

More work will be done on developing a better, nationally consistent way of identifying students with limited English language skills who need more support.

The Needs-Based Loadings

School Size

Schools will receive up to $150,000 additional funding for smaller primary schools (up to 200 reducing to zero for 300+)

$240,000 for secondary (up to 500 reducing to zero for 700+)

The Needs-Based LoadingsSchool Location

Schools in inner regional up to 10% loading of base funding rate.

Schools in outer regional areas between 10% and 30%.

Schools in remote areas between 30% and 70%

Schools in the most remote areas from 70% up to 80%.

The Needs-Based Loadings

Students with Disability (SWD)

The disability standard is still being developed.

The Government intends that the full loading for all SWD will be implemented from 2015.

Until then the Commonwealth will extend the current More Support for Students with Disabilities National Partnership by an extra $100 million in 2014 as an interim loading.

Failure to sign means…

A cut of $390 million in Commonwealth funding for public schools in 2014 if existing arrangements remain in place

Even worse in Coalition states where additional cuts have been imposed by state governments

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