new testament survey no.21: paul - letter to colossae

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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OVERVIEW• Part of Paul’s Prison


Letter To Problem Theme

Ephesians Church None Church Nature + Purpose

Colossians Church Extra for Salvation

Christ Supreme + All-Sufficient

Philemon Individual Division ex-slave+Master

Reconciliation to Slave as Brother

Philippians Church None Unity + Joy

Overview: Paul’s Prison Letters

Overview : From Paul in Rome

Overview : Questions Who was the writer & recipient ? Is this letter mainly responding to problems or personal ? What was the challenge believers were facing in

Colossae ? What is the style / approach of this letter ? What is the purpose ? Why did Paul write this letter ? What is the overall theme of this letter ? How does the direction of this letter change from 1st to

2nd half ? In what way is Christ supreme ? What is this legalism, asceticism & mysticism ? What is our position in Christ ? What difference should it make to our way of living ?

OUTLINE• From / To • Situation • Approach / Style• Purpose• Theme

OutlineFrom : Paul in prison - RomeTo : Church in city of ColossaeDate : A.D. 61 (28 years after Christ’s death)Problem : False Teaching – Christ is not sufficient

for salvation

City of Colossae In Asia Minor Near larger Cities of Ephesus & Laodicea Small unimpressive Town

Church of Colossae Mostly Gentiles Founded by Epaphras (1:7) Paul did not start church : His fellow Missionary

did Paul’s mission strategy = evangelise & start churches

in main cities & send out his fellow missionaries to smaller towns in the region

Paul had not met them – but still prayed much for them (1:3,9)

ProblemInfected by False Teaching : Requiring: self-Denial (asceticism) + extra rules to

be saved (Jewish legalism) + worshiping angels (Mysticism) (2:8-23).

Dangerous mixture of Local Jewish & pagan folk religion

Danger of False Teaching : Take people captive through HOLLOW and DECEPTIVE

philosophies (2:8). Depend on HUMAN traditions (rituals and works).

Under-cut Truth + Freedom of the Gospel with Deceit & Chains

Approach of Letter Focus : on this Local Church CORRECTIVE Letter - to correct problems of the

city church Very Persuasive (like a lawyer arguing his case) (Similar to Galatians in approach)

Colossians = Corrective Letter

Colossians EphesiansChrist in relation to the

COSMOSChrist in relation to the


Emphasis - Christ as the HEAD of the Church

Emphasis - the Church as the BODY of Christ

Tone: More Personal; Local Tone: Less Personal; Lofty

Combats Error DIRECTLY Combats Error INDIRECTLY

Comparing Colossians & Ephesians

Purpose To correct false teaching• To assist believers being lied to by false teachers

who were telling them they need MORE than just Christ.

• To enable believers to know the supremacy of Christ & their position in Christ so as not to be pulled in by these extra myths & rules & rituals & worship of angels

Theme :

Theme =Supremacy + Sufficiency of Christ

THEREFORE – Salvation is Complete BECAUSE – Christ being God is full able to deliver / save

from death AS A RESULT – No extra laws to be saved


• Structure of every Letter• 1st half 2nd half • Structure of this letter

Structure of every Letter At that time = standard Greek structure of writing

Letter Paul used = similar structure for most letters

1. From + To

2. Thanksgiving + Prayer

3. Foundation of Christ

4. Living Application of being in Christ

5. Final greetings from Paul and fellow missionaries

6. Closing = grace + peace

Direction: 1st half 2nd half

• Paul’s Teaching = from Doctrine to Application

• From: What Christ did for us to living this out

• From Supremacy of Christ to Freedom in Christ

to Submission to Christ

StructureFocus The Supremacy of Christ

1:1-2:23Submission to Christ


Divisions Introduction


Preeminence of Christ


Freedom in


Position of the


Practice of the Believe




Topics Doctrine Application

What Christ Did for Us What Christ Does Through Us

Place Rome

Time c. A.D. 60-61

SECTIONS• Chapters• Central Messages

SectionsSupremacy of Christ

1. (Ch. 1:1-4) = Greeting + Thanksgiving

2. (Ch. 1:5-2:3) = Supremacy of Christ

3. (Ch. 2:4-2:23) = Freedom in Christ

Submission to Christ4. (Ch. 3:1-4) = Position of the

Believer5. (Ch. 3:5-4:6) = Practice of the

Believer 6. (Ch. 4:7-18) = Final Greetings

2. Supremacy of Christ (Ch. 1:5-2:3)

Christ’s supremacy over all things Christ is :

“image of God” (15). “firstborn over creation” (15). “creator of all things”(16). “sustainer of all things” (17). “head of the church” (18).

Key Verses : Supremacy of Christ

Colossians 1:15-16 ESV

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him.”

3. Freedom Christ (Ch. 2:4-2:23)

Fully Saved in Christ without : Extra Rules / Laws to be Saved (Legalism) Extra Self-Denial from certain foods (Asceticism) Extra Worship / Beliefs in Angels or Visions

(Mysticism)As a Result of Salvation : Live for Christ Submit / Obey Christ (John 15) Not to be saved - but because already saved: now

living for Him

Key Verses : Freedom in Christ

Colossians 2:8-9 ESV

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily.”

4. Position of the Believer (Ch. 3:1-4)

Have taken off old self when saved (3:9) Old Self died (2:20, 3:3) New life in Christ (3:1) Have put on new self when saved (3:9)

Called to daily live out what we are now positionaly in Christ

Key Verses : Position in Christ

Colossians 3:2-4 ESV Set your minds on things that are

above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

5. Practice of the Believer (Ch. 3:5-4:6)

Live out new position in Christ : Get Changed : Take off dirty clothes (evil

attitudes+actions) (3:5-11) : Put on clean clothes (Godly attitudes+actions) (3:12-14)

Put to death sexual immorality, impurity, evil passion, evil desire,

covetness, anger, malice, slander, obscene talk, lyingPut on compassion, kindness, humility, patience, forgiveness,

love, peace (fruits of the Spirit) ( very similar to Ephesians 4:21 – 5:21) (+ Work vigorously in all things - as for the Lord not for

people (3:23))

Key Verses : Live for Christ

Colossians 3:15-17 ESV let the peace of Christ rule in your

hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.

And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

1. Benware. 1990. Survey of the New Testament.

2. Berding & Williams. 2008. What the New Testament Authors Really Cared About

3. Tenney. 1985. New Testament Survey.

4. Zondervan. 1995. NIV Study Bible.

5. Crossway. 2008. ESV Study Bible.

Recommended Books : References

Overview : Questions Who was the writer & recipient ? Is this letter mainly responding to problems or personal ? What was the challenge believers were facing in

Colossae ? What is the style / approach of this letter ? What is the purpose ? Why did Paul write this letter ? What is the overall theme of this letter ? How does the direction of this letter change from 1st to

2nd half ? In what way is Christ supreme ? What is this legalism, asceticism & mysticism ? What is our position in Christ ? What difference should it make to our way of living ?

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