new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1856-09-25 [p...

Post on 11-Aug-2019






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Imtln.u career. ,,, , ,',n Uli r«l! and Wint«r tty'.eBUtml»t.<) :fc,';u*b''''' .', f i..i. la Je.ian and .kill in BkMat/ir-tt he." IB* .» P""^'"!'h'", »:,d hi.hrr pnrod h.'l H

mmrnTtLmmTm\. IM Ha-BaaaE_'yiiiARii Fremont. John C. Hkhinas ami

, V.. . Moar P'. ¦"" *'"" "*T* .¦ KaoxV

k"*N~ BrtXVj «' ' «1M - <" ."**«*?'^yrTir^^iL»r»ji haMa u«bt. e:.-FM,t.a'»...i..


I.» "" »W' _

Tbf BMBirB of th« leMUB in l.v PaTM ¦ Hatij M t,** introduced by OtBia N«w Vi ik aad :>i» I'm .u lata

/of »«ax« ar«fp«r<! tl,e'qi:ir-i r',\ IfMNM «4 Ollll Ulkt r.vr:.

C .tylet of tlx day ; urd l.ia>.Li. II» r IUI aril kt I readlopwrM tbahblbr.t !a n . rail :. af men el tat.«

andmd»n»aat. 0»bib, Ho 114 Braadway,Opp.i .. -St PaaPl Thufh.

1 ah.s iSoiT (Frorti Hats..WV hnve remn-dpel " Pitraia" eeaeral r*». a of aupermr (Ftf)<lott HaTtofutw«tytee. which we ofler .t our <o inten

I.rnr h Co Loedcra and u'rodoi era «f Paabloa.At».r Hoiier. Brealwty

ym..L Ha is cok <;i:vii t v, v .Jiiitp. No. iL»nnuii ¦< arfli Bate Ihre Naw Bttlbi ef Hart far Ike eeaa i

araeoo oa MoaOAY, Brpt I Biar>. No 49 BailBB It.,b '»H k Liberty at. and Meilm hmv

IliP. a.oin«, M^ns Hat.-mi h Hvts in new

PMaaa. are tale day latredarad. Tbeir ad.pav.o toy* b|bm-a atid otter pointe of eirellenre, aa ttylo, quality and price,be.peak lur tl **» toe »p.a i."*-- <¦ mtj iiaatlaea> patiout. Lba*y k Ca a«or Hoaa*, Broadway.

Leaden and Ialtodea*fa *< PnakBea.

Genii KMf n'm silk Shimts. .A larajfuow na<!y at leer prieai At*o, Merlao, Caaaaaaaa LambiWool, fc<'.. la all .irr... Wholesale or K-Ui.

Ik. P.*: «.'. fc Sot n (>: n. at

The great Ceothino Mart for New-Yet* i*Oa« Hall. Noa. M and *S Paltea-al Pall and WisrraSTVLBe am now mired .' ..<!. N. w Btyl-a a..d u-w lattaratadapt, a tb»- aiuaan. kkaif (>..?. bai.l IhoMaaiBi ickCI rtk b|Ka'aidial.... ,.| B.w-.-rk._Ur. OaOQT.

Fa i.i. CldtrillMU.Biark Ctathataata.*>Ht a.arr. . (tta)'. JBirh M'.it Aa'teaa Vaata. 3Pin.- lllo. I>r. .. i ^ a. aCa.aioj.-r. Baakaaaa (. a'.. -'1 Vrt'i $!

At Evaaa'a f LOiHiai. Waar.Mot «r, 0». i MFottaa It

KlCH C'ARPETIN«.. .SMITH A LoCNSBKRT,flo. 4A6 Broadway, oear OlBodBt., ar« u .w . j t.. exiiildtUwlr Pai i. latroKTailoas of RaMIBI and PaaatH Caarn-ia«, eoeaprialna a**f| deaartpiloa and ar'W" fr"io tb« mor.

CoiTLr tu tkf Caaarati Kaaair.EatLisM BaVMBLt, goad atylea and .,'ia'i'y. k per yard.W. tk T. Lew ib. No. Gatl lirnadway, are re-

tolama tb.-.i fall lu'ponalioua of Rieb BBVtaBkl and Tarrt-

Iav Vai ». CaarKTa; alao, On. ClotiH, ptirrhaaed by our

If. T. la wla, in EhKlaud i-xpreaaly fur our own Rattail Tra-ln.Pattenia ol tbi< New.-at llraifiia at pri . a that comp, to withBap komi the tradt-.

WatJUER's Patent Salamander Saeeb..1- . butt Eiaa Pb«o» Baraa im rai .Voaitn.

1 WaaBABT. t> Paar noa DaatraBt*.Depot No. VÜ Water ..t.. aa« Wall. N V*.

B. o Witaaa a Ob.,Pali-nin-a and Manulai-turera

Iouine Water.. l11.«- M'-diciil Prc/eBBkw BodAp^hia .-»rt( a IBBBI A ( " ar>- pr. fi. i I I «upply rhe akora(T.etnUia. n«> ÜW Hi.«.»

Ct'RTAIN MATEKIALB.Of ' ri tj dra. lapttoB

atPmnoi A H i- m r ii a r r,

No .MM Broa.iwar, oppo.i'r St .Nirbolaa Hotel.

TO Pi ll« HASP. (-ARPETINONAt Or. at Baraaina

t .11 on

PBTBBBOB fc HirMrHHKVNu tM Broadway. eppaalM -st. Nlrh<.laa Hot.-l.

L. O. Wilson A Co.Ar« now prepared to ofl.-r la Ike trade their fall Imp .rta:i»rj ofDuraa Ooona, wbii-b will b. lound aana 'ban uaualiy ittaBOtttrrNo. ix(v>uriland at., and n«a. II and 11 D> y at.

TO W HOI esaleaar» Colmar pBOMiaTa.Babbbi A Pakk.

No 3B4 Bri.ailway. N. Y.. intiie lee Bttcaltaa f buyerato 'beir iununuae atock of BafaOl an aiel Ameii' an

Paiaar M> UK IB I *>.the moat rompiele aaao/tn i.t In i her hemiaplo-re. a' an 1 b.low peoprieiora* prin a, By IBe dosea, pa- kat.-. ..r PW paaa

¦aBBBa A Paaa, N v., rtarfanaf and Baa Pranoiaon

Bscosi -Hand Pianob at (.heat Barmainn..One o liiert Av.liau 7 <i<'aa-. j.riri- BBBB, io* BMB| one doa>>r a.Töi uue Baaaatl 7-iK.lave, price I r tlmone do. If, pike BIBB, tm f ICO, one BUB. * 10.'. #75, BIOand BP'*, taeeond Hand Mel..deuna. »40, *«». *60, B7n. Bkland a:*> . No tot Broadway. HOBACK waters,


WlOBI Wlos! Whip !.o,UW» ot those intinibh-»II» Wio. an.) It l-BBI at McUHt'Mar fc ( o 's, N... 21 MaidenUue, in ai.-11 Ibaraty kaat mnteriala, wamBtod not to akriakor (iuau e röter, and pelt. I '. fit auaiantei d. Bawara "I BBtraraIPHil Bn ail.. a> |.m, . lla.Mli« Hinds, ft Rls, fcr. Wkolr-aale and Ke'

h RANt.ii'ANM, mi eteriwl MitRnie, bbb be hadat Oao E. Im.i a fc Ca.'a, t in Batata, No. law Broadway. and atThuma.1 OaBMk'a, No. hi.j. Dalaa pla< .- Hi ltd,

IHN 7ÄI Broadway..Lovet's Wmipkne willreaitore Olaj Bali lo Ba yoBtbfUl app. arain ., aadaara baldanaavCaB Mid ?> a iVaae ah-, av.- bwu (ray and bald, and u-aw

taaea aa p. r ax lu-ada at ban aa WBOB yenBy. by naiua thewaaniiHerrin«, s 1'atrnt Champion Fire-Proof

Baraa.\a ub Hall'. Patent Puwder-Prwaf L»eka. the aauie tlia'were awarded aenarare oiedala at the World'a Pair, i/oudon,IBM and <be W tin . Pair, New York, la.i. and the .mir Amer¬ican Safe, that a ore avtar lcd mi daia a*, the London World'*Pair.Tba Patent** plaeed BEMBM Bobl In the one exhibited at

Iba World'a Pair, Loadea, and iuvited aft Uie pu k leeke iu thew .ild to opaa the Safe, wnh or without the keya. and take themoney aa a reward for their ingenuity.Tba aubeeribere ai.d tluur aaenu are the only prreoiu aothor-

aedto make and aril Ifraainc'i Parrar CiiAMriua Barr,WilbfUli'i Patent Powder Proof Lorka

B. f Haaaiae fc Co Oreon Block,Nia. IS.'. lal aud lA» Water at., and No. 5 marray at.. N. Y.

CBIKI'AKORO'H KXCEIJilOR Haik Dye..Whataieila ai l-, in r n ein»? They are iia rapid aotion. freedom fromoanatic, ihe n.a'<hleaa in line., of the Mark andbiowua it im-

rirla, Btd tbe »I.» .a certainty of pr.»durin« Ihe tiut ri-qmrw.1.Ir* nilnulaje onlv are required lur ihr areeeea, Bold and an

plied al bla WlO pAiTORY, No. 6 Aator llouae.

PtAKOri and Mei.odeonn..The Horace Wa-raaa auodem luiproaed Pianoi and Mri ouxomi are lo be(oendonty al Nu. Ha» Broadway. Pianoa lo trut, and rent ailuwedoe pon-baau, tor aalo on nauutbly uayiu.-nta, aeeoiid-hAiid Pi¬anoa trom Bau to Bit»! Muloneoua hvm *l" to BIAS Pianoataified and ii pane.I poluLi-d. boxed an.) more.I " The llora. sWal.-«, rkaöea." «... Che New York k..i.,i.|i.i[ "aaa Beaeoaa among tbe aery beat. We are enabled to apeak ot tlinae in-

atnioieota wltb aoioe dearer of ronfiduure fi.mi ei ranaal ku..a '.-

edao of enteilen! toue and durable quality."Sinoer'n Sewino Machines eor gim.TiNo

LlBiaca. he. Theareut .;>. ') ot S1n|er't MaOhlnBa filltdolltlna, u an ratabii.h.-d tai l. Both in quantity an.: quuBt t Iwölk i fry are niimaled a» v. ork ot ttiia kind la aa.-ertuniod to

he be*i.-¦'%» ben tin- BlBchtBea Work al a bub m-liK-lty, \re hareJoal added lo the -re- of ui q.,iVint leafklaaa, 'Phey nowcomplete rtra trirnaaa »r bbcb na\ .¦> raa aatrtaaWant No Btkaa qullnna ma. Inno, can be ruB, at a

rvnifaiiaiii¦ loa*, u hu h will xert loea alB*IIBl lo i M SI NOE ii fc Co

M >.". HroedttayWH..-. RaBB'DTB . Wii.i.- bati iip.I.or s

aa io > ai,' Toi raaabar* improTementi pai alba fu their hoaaa.Tboy aie i. I. btntl d ai! itu the world for tin ir <ra. .. beauty,BBB* Bad BaiabBBa Bllfcaa ta a charm. Tl.r l.u-at and brätatock aa the world. Tw. lve pma» aaaBM l»r applyiuat b .

taeaoueDii. Soldat BbTCBBLBB** Ha .XI Broadway.Uotcn. itkr.. For ludi^r.atiou, 1>> ape>o*ia, Liver

Complaint, aud lark f tone to the .y.tem. nothmr erer ate-d »erd «he »aair e#ert aa I i t. YaoaiAaLa SroMACHBlTTBBa. l'ho aale I* hBHMMB n>> weak Of eiuaciate.1 per-aon can aBord to neflct then, Suld by all Qrooera, llruaaa.ti*od taoteaa. Baaaa* a Paaa. Wh«4«wale Aaenta, New-York

&Hoi.iowa\'m QaHTMBMT. 'BbH Kheiitu, Si*or-aulicp.iupti.iai and Baaiifahi Hially halfthe baaaan raaa aaab«ar witm-aa to Ihr eScary ..f ihla wondi-iful BBfpaeBt la thecure of thiae diaeaaea. The\ BrTer taal hnWi T.-r l inj ."andiuaor dl BBI la'i- the raav may be

Hcmbank's Calcined Maonesi a la three tttBMtoe atreaBth of the comruou Maaur.u. and U i leal of BB|ant taate. Pour ttr.t pT. ir.t .:n mgti t ¦ tbtla aad a W rbt*a PaktBaeaat awarded, aa bein| thr be»t inter market. Vox vile bythe Dratftiti urneiatiy. and wholeeolc b? the niaautart iu-r.

T. J. IU ii kBB Paiiadrrph b.

Jtalm I0W Flowera..»/ BBTTy'a TriwfAaMaHttMThaloe'a Hair Dye..«i. Phalou'« Paphi.u Lvti m ...aBtallanTa Hair Dye.» Lyou'a P»ia ,1-r aad Pitta 1 Id

Ala*, a eerier* of Pomade». Pi-rfururrT. Bruaars Combi, fc v

PoaTkB A Paibcnilo, Noa- IM RtkBBea »:. >a..l BH o .

DAViDflfs Excelsior Indelible Ink wiriioiTPaaraBATlOB .Tbia ar-lr'..- baa hern nrr macS nipr..1atlira the lit of AafUet. and we new oaf-r it to the bjBjBa watb a

¦uaraaatee at itaavrxBioaiTV ov>.a any otmbb.

It iwed aeeawdin« io directi-iia Pol aale by ail Iii* priuclpalrt'a'toiierala the I'ulred State*.TaanaamDaiin. a. t'«« Manufacturin« S'.atinner*. N. Y

WkaTmaaTkk Fair..Thr- Annual Fair of the So« it) uf A(r,ncultur«- and Horticulture of Weutchoetrr( 'ititv, u to bn held at W hite- J'lnin*. on Thurad«yan! Friday of tl.ia w.-.-k. the V.-ith BjaJ '.>«Vh of their ath.

A»a»aaa Baavaa -\e.irtdar. ..n ib.- m^bbbi ,.i -h,.,-. u. I of Iheaurrrndrr of Mexico. Orn j ..

j ~ .ak.w to hare an inrro.luclk>n to the remnant aftha MewA\«J.Btew..B.l,»i... .I.r. i*e,,,.. Pr. -

.. ^^aoHoaon the «round thai Ihr, did not w ahaa a

anew wtlb any man that pnbocO i »¦,.., j ^n |.i . -e*ja»ratl>aaaoalloo tbe Hon Cbarl. a Sumner

nbovB in from an Abolition print in New-Yorkjipoae it will be rrw>dlrxU«j that the " No*--York

J f»ra'' aku kod at the battle of Chrrubueco, and1 bt Palmotlo Ke^inient, in whieh Col. Hrooka. < nded a (xtrnpatiy, had to take the poritiou va-« 1>.) tlwäir e. Setgta. Pwl and Fnr .11,

are n n Bpn'opriaie nvmpntbiicra with theC kl til/ Seoator. CmUrh BbfBJ Mereurj-, ML


< h- pnitcn Tribun.-. I'n. Krducrd.\\r prefaeetwarad TU B CAM PA Ii «N TKIBIME forth,

balam » >¦< the ( >trpM«n. i-omiwin tot » it u tbe paper «fOct Ik r

j. and eiuing lwc hope) with tbr word nfthr el^-tion of lu

»>. about Ntrtunher I- And. M ineurr tbtt IbA) tarntb * ii < tr :n« r:.. rc trän a met. fly-ib«**, « ptopoe» to laana U

Tu Icl a uir>, and of tbr full mt> of oar Daily. Weekly, and111Ml Tl'iafcll e.' W'e abali tboa bo ablr to «IT» aU Lb*proa of Iba <¦ y. arttb tba)baal apor. i»ea m C.r.troai. ot *!*«>where. Addren.ea, elaborate Do an.enta. an J full AiUil of all

¦tCtbtM ar.d Pi liM. al ntotemente thr.ugltout tba) etenifJr.tiTaji There will b» a arrat w>»t;y rb».»p Weekly Uaura folthe Campaign, oitbwbirh we prefer But to compete or iBtrr-| r< «!.. BT» piih.Uh. at Iba I'.weat endurahlr r>n - onr wbielai.tii t.rtr . aa Encyclopedia of tbe Cantata aad ba regardedl.y tp**kera, and Bf*r*e workrra for tba Bight,a. a tast-ke« b iBai monit r. Wa aak '.boo* who beiWe tucJ .

paprf m ill A; gra.»), to aid B* in eatendiag i'» < ireubuioB.TKBM> 1"R THI campaign TRIBf.NE.

To ar. laaVBBTWICfl a »'tm,Cotnirterielng with the r iperr.f theSd ofOBtoha*, and ending

,1 ». tie |Jtb ai N"»\rl, U T.«»T *a»r .« .Numbrra:Binalr C'.pie.,..$6 M

10 t'nplra. to one addreaa. ¦ AOV0 GaphBA »0 oBr addrw. } 00100 Cofdaa, to OM addreaa.«B BB

Ordera mm' la all ratea be accompanied with tne money.wl ii k n ay be nn.itted at onr riik. Notei of all ip»>OK,-payiti|pa:.k» it. 'i.r I t. .« d Stati-a rrrcirnd ai par, hut when Draft* oa

New York. Boatoa, or Philadelphia «an be procured, tbey wiEbe preferred. Mutey-letlera eliouid be certified by tbe Potrt-maater.Tboae of onr fri«-i,d» who may detlrr ti aid In th»'lr-ilvion

of TDK "SEMI WEEKLY CAMPAIGN TTUBCNF. will btkind encuah to aead their ordera at a* early a day a* pnaabi«.Al extra «"pj «11! b< aent to rarb pcraon waa gete up ae'ob.Addrea* ORfcr LEY a. M EL-rath.

Ttibnr.e (iffi. e. New-York.

t>*r. Kra^drrV I.rllrr und Mptrrrh.V.. afaaUjakdaBj on SATURDAY r.. it a Tract r.f 16 paare.

eoaiatalnpGot. R«eder'» I. ;«<r ii Invar ot Preaaoat. aadTkeiftp»« h at Nu» liav.n also, II.- Paor WMteeoftae Beatk,"abrtlai to tie- Ooatraof of wcj'h Carolina.Pri.<-p. r dea< Wet*.i par MR *l f>. mat 1,000. »1".Ordera Lacleah i the raah an- »< Ii. i'.d. Andrea*

OBERERY a MlELKATH. Tribune OBb e, N. Y

Mr. BAltKB, IDoonpiitoer)with a r^quinition pub-li-t;c<i in iitintiii r POhtniD, wi!! Mililn-aa MM (itiblic uf

\cv\-Y«-rk frciri Imt -t««p-i of UM Kxchani:«* in Walletrpft, lit ;:»J e'elodl p. in., t<'-day. TonnineiiiD to

¦poak Ircni that paBoe, wUeh bad booa iWaMod bjMr. SiniMjii, h Fnbuore man, wbn hrart m«»in«*

ehavfjo <rf th«* Ftrhangfi. mbi unutted ahumt imani-ii;mirl) bj tbe DaVeetura of that Mtabliahfiit. It

ia rievtili'He t«'Kh\ that th<- Bt«Xftifc>B will I»'» Lireo

Tbr i-xhiii.nation in tb«- «.«)'<. of MM hit** prize-BjjJil liefere < tnTOBCI I'erry v\;ia coneluilel y«-t -r-

day. Tbe teattnonj offered leaded to a more fulland cfdiiplete identifieati« BOfUMl pBltMM present at

tbe fißlit, eitbef a» wiUkMaei nr BBtan. The (!oro-n» r made n brief rhnrg«- to ÜM Jury, tvlo retinal,ami, after c< iieiiltatioii. ret)der»-d a verdict " tha»" Andy Keil) tBUtW !<¦ liin death by itijuri.-r* p'feived" at the bands of Charier LjBOb while eogBfed in.. a niftvfigbi iK'.ir the PaHaodea, Ifew-Jeney," September H;" and they BIBMbl t«*u iudividuitlawell kin wn in tbe pMgaJaVtk eirelea of thia city, ns

aiders and BBOttOFl at the fight.-a>-

The inec bBBMB and MWhiBgBBBB of thir, citj laatniüht nominated John N. (ienin as the IVople'senndidate fm UlJOP»


The Kair of the Aiiieri« an Inetitute upened last

Bkfhl v*ith mu« h eelnl. Wt irive a skefeh of the

OtMUIBg iiil'lu ¦¦-

With °.7(H) bend tjt boiloeka in the yards yester-dft), at thenreat enttl«- market, Fort)-fourth aiTOBi,there was a decided seareit) of beef cattle, and con-

kp«iiientl) the lew that were tit for the shamblesBold vi r) remlilv at III lo lie. a po'ind for the meat,«u half a cent ndvanee on the preriotaU week.

A lnree lt«-pubiietin nic'tiiiK, under the auapiee*of Ihe Kock) Mountain Club and the Fremont andDavtou Centiid Club, wh* held Bight at l'nion-aijuare. Mr. iMllUllgBBMl BBBda a MMg and power-lid Hp«teh, a mere sketch of whieh w»^ fjivo inam ther eclumn.

-a>-I Im' fklilkOf fBtiti CoBOtj Convention last nii(ht

noiiiinated Abraham l>. Kussell for City JBilge.This in an important ofleB, Bfld »hould be tillivl bya man Of high abilit), and tho immt unimpeaehablocharacter; «>ue whose asstK-iafions have made him a

stranger to the (ramblers biul ruffians of all grodfalto whtmi he may be called to dispetme justice.The chief competitors of Mr. RbbbbI were JtMfcBIB. l'hillips and Ambro««* L. Finney. Mr. Mallooywas nemmattd for AJBBB«BaMtM i.overnor, and theConvention adjourned.ihe Citnada anived at Halifax yiHiierday with

Liverpool da'«'* to the 13th. We (-ive a tele«rraphic*is of the news. Console clotted at lor

morn). Cotton remains uni-hanued. Hreodatutl'saHghtlt iuijiroved.

The Coiivenlioii of the Frotcstant EptBOOpB*Church of the EasttfB DioCBOB of New-York com-

BMWCcd itn tiiimial session ycst««rday. The BfOeecd»iiiatft iu another column.

We publish in anolher part of this pa|ht a mani-

lento u]mhi the Frcsulential question, which, fromvarious circumstuno-s, and from the imlicAtiona ofa Ibr riBohlng pctrpoae which it contains, is wellcalculafi'd to arrest the attention of the people ofthis country. We refer t«> an article from the( vmrritr tVi .. / «Vf.. Unit, tht* Kreuch journal of tluscity, advocatiiiat a fusion of tbe two Slaver)-Kxten-aieu parties u. the ouly means of tlefeatinij Kre-BkOBt, and preventina; the establishment of R«*publi-caiuein in the I iovcrnuii-nt of the Pttitwd StattV. Iteh«uld be known that, wh« :i. from a natural aym-pathy with the spread «.!' Bkvtny, or because a

(.rcat part of ita suprvort is derired from the slave,br. eding and slave-trad in« BtBtBB, the (Varrter hasct nstautly es|Kiused the cau-.e of which the llerdi-rItt mans are the practical champions. From thebe«iuuiiii( of the BBQTWMrMl for th«' repeal of theMisM.uri CoflBBTtMBBBC doWB to the preseut dav. the*)mpathi«*ti and UHiral aid of ihat journal harebrea b nt to the party of Slavery KxteunioD. Oft^urae, th« u, it would have pn fem-d to ^ Mr.Kuchnunn eltvted Fr. sideut. but lor the unfartunaU«butineaa of the Oeteep] Manif'. ato. aad th«- filibusterplanks of the- Cincinnati platiorm. Being thu,diivou fn.u. the BBBBl powerful and pniinisin« can¬didate of Slnvert F.xtentiou.theCoornrr naturally,though IBJglwtMJBj, Ml back upon the MM proiiuiieutUdBBBMfBblB r. pr.*entative ul the BnjTO BaWaBMB(ktdlBJ. It is tru. Mr. FBbBKarek a Know-Nothinaj.and the ( ommtr ia at BBbBB a rrem h au.l ¦ Cntholiöj. urnal, bnt tkBBB littl«. dia, r. j.,,.,,-,.a w,in, üt- MMBOBMI wh.n WIBgBui nvaiiiat the hinder dutv ofextendin*; the market Bad rai»in- the pri« t. .if's:.,\,.<aad cennriniti«* the eeatiw! of the Mrtal n-publiciu the hau«!- I* the r. -\ ,,f theBoath.Such are the BtttabBeaVata of the ' narrwr wirb

ppgaid to this i|t'eetion. We r«vall them \s cAstinglight upon the tiee which is ma*lc of it in the BBBf>on ua intrigue ehadowed forth and adv.vr t.-d in itset lun.n*. Rumor* of the project of abandoning Mr.Bin hanan on tbe ooe hand and Mr. Andrew 11 k-

ecn IV>tv»J*on on th* other, and f :«inr the entire¦Viaja of the Slavery F.itensinniate upon FTilaior*and Breoketindjo, h/ui tmmWt rearbed tbe puWif.It wm even believed that Mr. Breck*nr.da:e b m-

MM had been forward in urging this ecnern*. andwe had repeatedly been assured from eminent pl-lara of the Border-Ruffian connect.** that th* Re¬publicans would preaeritj) benstoniahedaadcniiue.!by i» me unexpected developrnent*. By tbl* mean*

the country Lad in it measure been preparedf< r a cdubication of the sort: and now the CtmrrurWi u!d -i-rm to b;\* lievri -ei.-, ted || the be*t chan-bfj f< r positively broaching the scheme without too

.reatly irritating th* ti 'hose voter*

of foreign hinh whom th* Border Ruffians intend to

kthl hy the nose now rs heretofore. If -«ch a

pit |*"»a] were first put forth by an accredited organOf the party, it might for a t.nie at leant eau*e Home

trouble among the faithful; but beirur thus broughtt'lwsrdbya reprtventative of the Catholic* and

¦brfflfB-baYI vot.-r», it ia of course le«* objectionableto ni< n of that class; and at the ram* tim* it can be

denied, if tmXtmmttJ, IJ those w>h<>, in their d**p*ra-t.i n, originated the project, and are r«ddy. -o tar

p* tbey m ti Dcerned, to carry it our.

No rational man will now dispute the correctnessof the ndmiaaicn wit* which the ( onrrur set* out.

namely, that an things now stand the Slavery Ex-tvnsi. ni»t« are beaten. The election* ot Iowa,Vermont and Maine, and the indication* from

N'ew-.Ierwy, Pennsylvania, Indiana aad IilinoU,Male* hitL.-rto considered as certain to cast their

voten for Buchanan, all coinbiii* to annihilate the

hope* of that candidate. When an cool and shrewdII IllajtW I WI ll lllii TlfJItill trntid of their cause is

compelled to despair of their sneer**, we can easilyurderstand bow their manager* can contemplatewithout repugnance the plan which they haveei-used to be laid before the public in *ui h a man¬

ner. Standing us they do to-day before the coan-

tty, tbey fed ihcmsrlv.s defeated. They are

fjrPlrirtl that the people have determined to expelth«m from the Government which they hare

prostituted to the most unholy end*; and to inau¬

gurate Freedom as ihe permanent law and .Slaveryaa the merely local law and exceptional condi¬tion of laboring men in America. In thia ex¬

tremity they are ready for anything. No mat tar

how atrocious the device, tbey will embrace it to

beat Fmuhii! and subdue Freedom. Some of them,like Wise and Brooks, propose, to seize the ar¬

chives and treasury at Washington «od preventthe inauguration of the obnoxious President; others

propose to adopt Mr. Fillmnre'* suggestion and

diiaihrfi the Fnion by some less heroic and more

gradual process; but, before resorting U» that lasteoncctivo for the will of the majority, it is not sur¬

prising that they should think of combining theirdivided forces in such a fusion as tbat which thei 'lurruT so plausibly advocates.

We muat be allowed, however, to aasure these

discouraged gamblers with the honor and welfare ofthe country, that this u*w trick can never save

them. laaifni. we defy them to try it. There isnothing which the) could do previous to the event¬

ful F< urth of No*ember w hieb would so increasethe numbers of the Republican masses, and ao in¬

spire the rising popular revolution, as the projectedintrigue. The only shadow of hope which theBorder-Ruffian interest ever had, lay in the divisionof the North upon two candidates, and the drawingi IT to Fillnmre of those weaker and more timid op¬ponents of Slavery extension, who were open to bei-Msily deluded, but who would otherwise be com¬

peted to \ote Igahaal ÜM.uspiracy to force Slaver/ii|m>ii Kansas. LH Mr. Filiniore be pJaevi, a* the(ourrirr pltipoeea, tm iiuivocallv upon the platform of Border-Ruffianism, and all that bodyof men will at otina go back to theRepublican party. Besides, what will then

happen to the Irirh voter*, alre.idy shaken in their

allegiance by the murder of Keating and the virtualapproval of the act by the Representative* of theslave-breeding interest in the House! The truthis, this plan of uniting the opposing division* of tho

Slavery* upon the Know-Nothingleader is a dangerous expedient. To have proposedit prove* the desperation of it* authors; by avoid¬ing it* execution they will be*t give evidence thatdiscretion ha* not altogether abandoned their coun¬

cil*. Our advice i* gratuitous; let them lie deafto it if tbey dare.

"A Scriptural Examination of the Institution of' Slavery in the I'nited States, with its Object* and

"Iltrpose*: By HowkllCorb, Cieorgia," waa re¬

cently laid on our table, where it incited the re¬

mark, "Saul it among the prophet*, and no mi*-takt ;" but a more careful scrutiny convince* ua thatour sometime frieud the i-x-Uovernor and ex-Speak¬er cannot be the author. We would not insinuate

tbat the ex-Speaker's piety ia unequal to the pro¬duction of such a work; but here ia a collection ofScriptural text* and scrap* culled from the letter*of missionaries which justify the presumption thatthe author boloug* or aspire* to the clerical call¬ing. Tb» re are Home iniquities which would losehalf their point and r.e«t unless euuuciated with a

nasal twang.Mr. Cobb »et* out to establuh two proportions,

via:1. African >la*ery il a punishment, inflicted on

the enslaved for their wickedness; and"2. Slavery, aa it exiita in the Tinted State*, ia

the Providentially arranged mean* whereby Africait to be lifted from her deep degradation to a itateof ci*iJ axd religiot* liberty.These two proposition* w ill seem to inauy mind*

slightly incoherent; but we do md mind that. Alall evils, profoundly regarded, are viaited on man

for the punishment of bi* sins, and we would gladlybflieie also for bi* ultimate enlightenment andelevation, we can afford to aecept Mr. Cobb *

proposition. We wish he could set? tbat Slavery ¦*

a punishment for the lio* of tbe master a* well a*

those of hi* bondmen.of the white father* of theSouth, too often cursed through tbe early and in¬curable debauchery of their ions; of tbe wives, toogeneraUy debased by Slavery to the rank of chiefmistress; and of the daughter*, forced to grow upin the knowledge that tbeir future Lar-band* havewasted tbeir youth in licentinui and debasing in-tercounte with senile, ignorant, brutalized negroe*.This i* but one of a thousand wayi in whichSlavery curar* and deprave* the dorrunant athast equally with the subject race, andmust mutual'} curse them ao long aa the*:ci(U» relatiin is maintained. We are quirewilling to auree with Mr. CoM that QeaJwill, in Hie own good time, inys'erii'iisly evolveg<« d from this -eetbing continent of evil; but thattti ¦:* to us no reasou for Man-* c.inspiring to up-bold and retain the erO. I >n the contrary, it iaMan'* business to war Bgaiaatt evil, and seek to re-

I'ia.e it instantly and always with good, in fallhtnh that these efforts will be Divinely crownedwilb sncce*s at exact!) the tit momeut Thia lanotoriously the dictate of iteaaaaj 5Dd Scripture

with regard to ffÄ gwitlly «rtd Mr. rV»b give*n« iv rea*on fst tria+ing Slavery an exception. In¬deed. Mr. Ölt- himself speeJii« ut.ctuousiy I f "the" t astonishing displays i f the l»ivine displeasure"inflicted on their [the Israelite*'] npprw*av>r* for"itrir ob»t,:.a<y ifj ITfaring t* IfI fWi psjfiplf go "

Tie reasi n f this hardening of Egyptian heart*i* <;i mbi -» |<s !<. found :n the fact that their

at iCaajtl and ittd.PJ Ion blindly resistedi n anripatii n anal PN pal pt I lad. the people jo

Mr. C hb think* Abolitionists great knave*, greatfi ola, t r both, and adds

" Sometimes :ndi*rreet individual* of th * characterpn-rapaf* o0 Southern soil. nothing< an be mote hazardous..*». r/rnnot, *-nV ao'. la (*>

..'. In act a few case* of th;* kind, the offenderha* received summarily »ui h cheatsement a* wouldetat him tinm a like nüdertakh g for the future, and

«hil. araaxld at* u.d "¦ la* an eaacctwav] adta aitiuar.ll other* in like manner disposed to offend..That wiildo. Mr. O l b. Ify -u th.nk the sub-

<¦' r> that u..; r.. : U a. .. .-- r von «hon'.lhave refrained from d; .cussing it; if it will heardiscmsim frt>m one aide, it will from the other.Fred Douglass's book would overbear fifty likey< ur«; be speak* from a larger, deeper experience.having tried both Slavery and Liberty, while youkm w experimentally but one of those states: andbe i* :n a U tter position for impartiality, beingallied equally to the two ra *. while you are pre-»t.i; ptrrefj a member of tie of them. If youwant to argue the point, he can beat you out ofnight; but. if you deem it one that will not beardi-rueeii n. pb' W the depth of \ our conviction byfirm burning your took and then holding yourtrngte.

.. Tie Republican Party and its Presidential Can¬didates,'' i* the title of a fair 1 'Jin o. of 519 page*,by Btnj. F. Hall, which ha* recently been issued.It is a summary of tbe Political History of our

country under its Federal Constitution, showingtie e»»ential identity of the party now supportingFun.« nt and Ibivtoti with that founded by ThomasJeflrrn n. We do not think thi* v lew eon*Ventwith all tbe fact* in the case. Any party lit to livewill necessarily accept and maintain the better

principles, ideas and purp« se» of each of it* prede¬cessor-.those which have stood the test of timeand experience.and reject those which have

proved mistaki ¦ and fallacious. This is tbe dictateof Riasin, Wisdom, Progress.thus only can

growth be aecured and a healthful vitality main¬tained. Mr. Hall, like other historian* who writeto maintain a preconceived and arbitrary theon,ottt n distort* the facta to suit his purpose.that is.he exaggerate* at nie mid belittles others, so as.

w it Lout actual mieatateuieiit, to produce false im-

pr>-sion*. Thus Mr. Hall make* Hamilton thefounder of the Federal party, and slurs over, so a*

to all but conceal, the fact that Wa-biugton waa an

original and zealou* Federalist. Iu fact, allthe ,b ffi-rsonian histories of Washington'sAdministration cotintvnanee the impressionflat Washington was a nonentity, or a pup¬pet, which is grossly unjust alike to hi* own

mtn ory and to that of hi* zealous and steadfastsupporter*. Washington livid and died I Federal-

iat, ..ctive, zealous and uncompromising, with thefault* a* well a* the virtue* of his parfv, and no

ii.ore likely to bo swerved from his own original con¬

victions PJ the influence of those oirroundiug himthan was Jackson or ( lay. The last public act pihi* life w as his vote for the Federal andidate* in his

county at a hotlv cotife*t<»d election, when to sup¬port them involved the -upport of .lohn Adam* andthe Alien ni.d Law*, against the doit rules

of Ike Viiginia and Kentuekj " Resokatioiis of Hn\".11 d 11 c< tir-e against their real author, Thomas.It flu at n. the truth be s|mkcn at all time*.

Mi. Hall fail* likewise to do jaatice to the oppo¬nents of our last war with Great Britain in assum¬

ing to state the ground* oHhoir opposition. He-aystl it Mr. Secret; rj Monroe dec'ared, in responseto Admiral Warn n, that "our Government could" uot hope for a durable peace until the question of" iu prer-meiit was settled;" hut fail* to state howthat question vis settled, or what became of it intbe negotiation* for peace.We these exceptions (which might faxailj

be extended) to the nature of Mr. Hall * under¬taking rather than to it* execution. The authorhas performed his task conscieuttouslv, in *uch a

mantier a* to throw considerable li^-ht on our con¬

stitutional history; but -uch a work, to be in the

highest degree instructive, must be written fromthe stand-point of aUoluto impartiality. It is ua-

fortunately true thnt many histories are partisanpamphlets, but it doe* not follow that partisanpt.mphlets are truly history. Mr. Hall's book isone af the In-st of a bad school.good-tempered,I., n. -. and r. ns.-ienti. as. but «tili history pre¬sented to make out a case, and t > be regarded ac¬

cordingly. Viewed in tbat light, we can heartilyIff* mnsend it to young inquirer* as among themost dignified and lucid works of its da*.*, andcalculated to ahed much light on its general sub¬ject. Take it up with a thorough comprehension'hat k" party ever was faultless, and no party'sadvocate is, or ever was infallible.that the Fed¬eralists and tbe Republicans of JefTeraon'a era

were each right on some points and wrong on

other*.that time silently rots away the baae rockand leaves the pure gold more and more exposed toob*»ivf.t:on and acquirement.and that to collectfhia and reject that is the proper duty both ofpatriots and parties of to-day.and you may readMr. Hall's book with decided instruction andprofit.

The Southern overseer* of the Huchaneer partys*-«m to put just ab*.ut the *ame estimate on theapiiC.ty and intelligence of their Northern dough¬

face allies that they do on the capacity and intelli¬gence of tbeir negroes. It is a common idea amongthe slaveholders that tbe poor negroes are by na¬

ture utterly unable to take care of themselves, andthat af they Were not kindly and aaaiduouslylooked after by some white overseer, called up iu<he morning by the blowing of bia horn, tidd whatto do, and when and how to do it, and stirred up. very now and then by a touch of the cowhide,tbey would all sorely perish of starvation. Andthis seems to be just about the e*timate which the

Southern Bncbaneer political overseers put uponthe rapacity of their white Northern negroes.These poor stupid creature* are not left to carry on

ti e campaign for themselves, but are everywhereput under drivers from th«> South, who »..und their

b. m* ro wake up their sieopy servants, and crack

ileir whip* to make ..'.< m -tir «.round, n the true

. .iveholditg .-tyle. Hardly any Northern onfor«

H, r. ird at the Buchaneer and but few at the

I more meetings. The right of speaking, tellingI apg what to do jnd how to do it. seem* to be

p:. ttj aatJ h tu« Pi j vBxfd by Southern orator*.

We are ifraid. however, that tbe succesa of theseS« uthorn gentry in superintending the political cul-

tapaj of the North mat not be much greater than.L. r kgn 'l.ti.ul sucee** at the South. It is wellkj i vi ihot 'he enVc' of al«'-eht>l<ltrjg agrciil'nre ia

to krll «Bf !aJi«7. *n,, tbmt bJ 8 v,,r> .f**-/ pr<vrM«.

It it no tukrvfrrtr^^ ¦» Durbers rielde

up. n which tA* prtfle- trr>< fi tbe pnmetal fore*t

are jet standing, all wafhcd kW*} i*f *. rajna and

reduc« d bj a barieir «Yserf. K.ven when tbia Jmbnot happen, tbe exhaustive b/steni ot" mrpping

invariably fi Dowed at the Soui.h, ueea up all the

cnerey of the eoil. ao that a part of every

S uth. rn plantation Cfiiaiata of "oH ri»Nd*" thrown

< ut of rdtivafii n. ard pnalaring ¦Bahhng but per¬il.n nm bushes and the worthless short-leaved pine.The sort of cultivation applied of BtM team mj

Boathefl pol.t:c:an* to the;r Northern pohtira!plantations has been preci-e'y of this aamekiud: and

irrfJM Ikely to be atteuded by vert similir result*.

They have seourged theae once-fruitful leJalfl moot

unrmrrcifully, till all their v:jri r tofOM. Lflait it

Maine. Hardly em ugh Southern com raised there

this year to serve for seed. I-ook even at the new

.State of Iowa. How the soil :« all washing awayH bit frightful gulliee'And prcttj Baach the same result may h»> antici¬

pated fn m Southern political labor in all the other

Northern he\ds. The Southern OTfracayri mat blow

thi ir horns and cnick their whipi as loud as theyp!ea»e. and work their poor white political slavessixteen In ura in the daj. The Ottl) effect will he

that a Large pari of them. BBtahle to stand this

treatment an* BMIgff, will pick Bp their little duds,rix their eve n the North star, and b.d "tuaasa"

I forever j ao that in addition to the exhaustionof the soil, there is this additional difficulty, that

iu the vi rv bight of the season all the best hands

take to ti e, and repenting to themselvesthe Dame of Knun at, start off OBJ exploring expe¬ditions in search of a free hoae.

S< uthern trr:cu!ture <reii«.ra!ly winds up with a

-I i nff*s suit and a writ of ouster, and Southern

politic1*, M f r ji-i the North if concerned, seem

I k»-!y to wind up much in the s.tuie way.

l.i rd Campbell observes at the clooe of his life ofChief-.lusfice BerBffB, that both the family and the

name have become extinct in EhYgtabd. The name,

however, and if not the bh>od at lent a good deal ofthe spirit of the Judkre is preserved herein New-

York. QcBBBfJ Gustavus Adolphus SCTOgg*, whoc< mmands tbe west wing of the Brooks'* Ameri¬cans, if not tobe compared in talent with the Chief..1 ust ice, deserves, however, the credit of doingwhat iittle he can to kivp up the reputation of the

name. The last of his public acts recorded in the

ne wspapers ia his figuiini; large in the RochesterConvention that nominated F.rastus Brooks forQo*lcrnor.precisely the sort of business best suitedto the taste and talmts of Scroggf.



CORORRMIOHAL NOMINATION.Special !'¦[.¦ l to TV N Y. Tribun-«.

Coi dw *i» a, Mu h., Sept. H, 1896-10 r. *.

Ute bob, HfthTJ Wnldrou has been t. ii. i:n:11fat. ¦< 1 for

Cctigrcs* by ncelnmnt :on. Twenty tlousaitd Kepub-braaa are assembled in Convention. Bscaera. Blair,Fiiirtield and Waldron of M ich i»riin, QeO. C. Hates of( ultfonua, and Bool ofOhio, are mw apeakiru,'

PROM WASHINGTON.Wt* hi no to*, Wednesday, Sept. 21, I80C1.

( i irmodore Arni', commanding the CnitedStuti i tiai h1 forces in the Kast India and Chum Seas,has trM'.hinifti d to our Government the OOffBBBajadlBbMbetaeta bJaaaatf and the QwratM ot Hottg^KoagiS.i John It. wiing, in telntion to the s. izure of John A.

I'hippM en board the American bulk Ant ie Kutmuii, of

wh.i h hi wns nn officer, by ii Mriti>h police force, undnieut whbrh stntimeiit have BBfeotly appaofod in the

aawapi pi n\It appean fmrn the offieiaJ dbajolefa that as soon as

C< Him. dore Anaatnaag l»< aaaa awan of the prooeadinga aboro rcfcwd to, be aavtwatly againstthen, averting the doetrioe that the UaJtad SiAtaaCm.-id had unthoiity in thnt und all similar CBam,and likewise eoaaplaaaaai of the diaaooftaooa treat-

mint to which CoBBBJ Kanan wae aaUOBBeaii owing tohis intervention ia behalf of Mr. f'hipps. To thisci niuiunication the OOTBfOf replied, claiming that,III Bg.Koog b« ing a Kritisb pmuieesiou, the anthoritieathen i f weie fully wairanted iu these acts, and enter-irg into a rr< hpitulation of certain points of ifitenta-tioiial law Lu iustiticatioD.The ('..tieiil had previouslv been permitted to sit with

tbe Judge to beat eaaafl nrticting Am. neun seeunou,but on Uli» eccasion the privilege iof courtesy inendy)was iti med. Hav ing failed to settle) the points in-

volvt d, the American Commodore and the IlritiehGuv t rut r havo nWetred the matters in issue to their re¬

spective QoaaraaHBIlta for a solution (involving thenjibts ( f Consuls in eases whem tlie ltl>erty of the per-Hm» of their*u is affected abruad|.Scretary Dobbin write* from North Carolina that

be is "comfortable and stronger," aud that hit health,so delicate when he left the city several weaka ago, isimprovinir.

Nctaiihetnnding the dtviaion of tbe Troaeury De-paitMaB iu favor of 'xiyinjr the extrn eoinpoueation to

per diem employees of tbe House of Kepreneutativee,the mini;, is not jet forthcoming, and. as a conse-

VBaflBtO, the i laima are bring lou-rinced to brokers. Itis now stated that there has been no final do« isionwith regard to the salaried employees. Though thisquistitm ia comparatively trifling it hau occasionedn h iiiveitigttion and trouble.


Kochfster, Tuesday, Sept. %\t IK'S.At the North American Convention, evening session,

the d mmittee on Credential reported one hundred undIw. nty-< ne delegate*. The temporary organizationwas continued permanently. When the Committee tothe American Convention returned, they introduced thefollowing resolution, which was adopted:

httotttd. That tbn Conreatioa i heerfuile rerponil* to tbeuaLly null frnteriai expreeaion of «jaipetny auti refard *a>

pretaed ty the An.eri. an C'envention. and will cordially <-.j-

operat* f< r lb. .1« tlon of the American ticket.A rt-solutlon of thanks was adopted to Stephen M.

Allen of MiiNOichucetts for his earneet devotion to thetnuee of the North Americans, by h;s noting as loBfO»tarv to the National Committee, and for his promptBBmJ honorabh- repulaii.a of the overtures of the KopubUca&B, wh.t h outeniplal. d the utter exclusion of theAm. m an pnetiph s and party.A n*«lut:on wa» ».!. |.-.-l indoraing Mr.

Allei/e letter to Mr. Kuggles rearlirniing the principle,!cf North Americani-m, and deeJtfhag Ute Naton-ilKxeiutive CoMMitlOB ; Convention adjourned gHM ...

THK AMKKICAN S'fATK CdNVKNTIoN.* Rochkstck, Weduerday, Sept. ^'|, lii>i.

The CoBjTBBBJoI rea.srmble.l nlxiut Li oflock laalniatht and complete.1 their nomination* ae follows:

Statt Hn*nn In*j>ertor.JAJBM P. BABOBU ofWeeti htatf r.Cf.rkof t.:it Covrt of Afptd.AKitKajnrtl Masm

of Monroe. >

>¦ »> L-iret.DABtn L'LLwasv of *teW-Y»rk andJr.*.! C D*\» f Erie.

/ ulncl KU-ctcrt.Ut Dietrirt. Wm. H. V«nderbjt ]AKoawrll Grxvea. Id. Joaepb H. Tune. 4th, B.-nedi.-: Lewia'r htk i.: bett i Ii'an. 6'h. H. nry Orinn.ll. 7tb AlexmlBet M C Bnith. Jth, Bicbard rt. Ifray. »th. Abr.ham llaTfrld. lü'n. Andrew Cvna.r 11th, Rufue W. VV ataon l»ibCLailrt WbitLt IfttA. Oraaiuua Katon. Uth, Le..nar.i (»'T.eEtcA 15th. Danu-1 A. Builard. ISth. H.r.rv V Br i»h17th. Bylreat.r Guber.. 18th, Charle* a "Fr«.ui,nmh, W». Ore*,« »h. Tkaa 8. raaaaa. Bern Aie.^de°rM. lb well. J?d Abner t. Ma.'loun. «d, U. !.rv it Rak-o. k24th II D.v,aN.... Jth. Mta B«.iaiBkaaoa. Bftk I^-wia H. CuW.r. dtb. a-hleaafkaa Child. 3nh. Abel Web-..., )Ut jutZ S p~ ?.

Ml - K.i. !..; bi, Jan... £ Johaaon.* *.

At :i o'elaeh thla bmet i g ta»- r»tbbübb adjourp,e,|i i t, with tweiv. baattj thean for the ticket,

CONCKES.MOKAL NOMINATKlJipuurTM, Wednerdav, 8ept. iv\ \f*fj

.Tomes If. Wall was nominated t'o-dav fe,r ^onfrreat,NUl:.fv;^'!rr',m'M,,i,>nofrhc v« D&rtTw

ABBITAL <>F THt CANADA AT »"ffj^I»v <mi*k tarei...».*¦ co Liat».«f/rtc«, »i «...

Hm im., Werlnearjar, IUr*\The Royal nihil st.aimihip Canada, Capt, La»

fn m Ldverpool D thr morning >>f tnUnrnrnr, SeptäiBVin, amvt'i hnr m II o'eloch tkia rauawrrae, au-o,.Ol «¦ hundred «C<1 twcnt; 41 Bf pa.w. :;g«rs too "p-Q^Oc Saturday the Canada passed « i»^.» a^,..

Di und east, supposed to ho the Per.;.,.Thr Collins steamer Muh . arrv..| e*J| .« li^^^

at «*. on Thursday, thr llth, having Wa (11*^^revetnl hours off the ba*.The l'mt. «1 State* »tonmer Arctic. C»pt. *Y R a^,

rvrtino, sailed DVaTJ Qa* i ¦-'l <<n !TlWiaaa^a*aaa*MB. pt, II, for St. John-, N. f. She a .11 make aj^*. ui dinfl ti ti' Atlantic on h.-r way home.

GREAT 1IR1TAIN.1! . ¦. ia aa politäfajl M wi et lata leant hatfaa^aaatl/A- I.'i.- ', /'.-. in».anal tanjava rt c.,inaj_.

the llud»on P«v Territory as a tntornbl- anal *»i,\ u i < ati Uial bm nt*

I- BAXC'B.Rumor* arc cum aj| that an cx<-hniig* ot calaikBk

i Dg| .,_>* botWCeu K«ni I I I". ^ ..ii. BnaJt, npher tavtetic* ontl.c mBIAlaaaalatIAaaa)|Webai ft tor the Island of Mauritiu*.

It is also reported that Franco wa<hc* n. eaaaaWtfi a: Denmark n strip of the Coast of k«aad forf..-l..i:_ It ia also turther reported u-ei th*,....,¦ ,; Alfft !. aV mauds n large ndibtioo to th*troop* stationed then . A tilision of -uu-lxvatu it ^I. -. i.r to N Dt gal-

The Fu nch ex let in the Masque Province en>tohtr> Bot id to Spa u.

lhe.Vioi. coatuataea the report fttsai th M cat*of Foreign Affni** proposing vaiiou* lofofaM \n tktitipli niatic *oi\ ice.

Tae EaTaparoria still at liiarhu. Ou die '.Hb ioj.he v sit. d Sun Srha>iian.

M'AIN.Tb. ti ia no political new., et" note. slight rr

ptiOBa), she c.aintry a a* tranquil, but the -vn. ta_tattaint} prevailed ns to the luture p.»licy and tat. 2)the ODoBBell Mlli.stry. The inline ot Narvae* rs

p e eti. ii bm nt.onetl, tnd the probabilities of bit tmti «' ding ti e pn -« !.! bm ¦ BtOCT openly <li*cu**ed.

II. E«h ahmte has resigned bin pool at Washington,¦lid hie n signal ion has bota bopi ptod.

It is new stated that the new constitution endo»gnnic law will be published on the 15th m*t., but thattlie new election* will Ik |m.stpen«Hl a* long a* p.

I he n poit is cunent (that at queatration m to b»< rasaatfrom the taaatarjBfed prepettj m Ouean ChrUtiua.

ITALY.Vi. nr.a piqH>r* aWeaBn that the faaH I'oaea,

have addneet^l a aaaaaaal noae a* Naples, in (beaaoiespirit as the former, but in nnldei langusge.Cent ral Toddlclx n was n^eiving a warm wolcaj,

in Sardinia.S\\ ITZKRLAN1»

rnirsia is said to hare iiotiti- <1 an inclination tofiv*tip her claims on Ncufcbatel in eichange t >raabi.deWltlitT, Of* wUeh tin* European Powers shall fli theBBBoant. Krai i^' supiw t* tfeVaa view* of IVuaau.The State Council of Neufcbntel report* that Caotoa

qaict.CKKM ANY. rick, Keceut ot Had. u, who has Imh-o erawcia-ii p the CoM iiilin nt in cons, queiu e of tbe mental ua-

becltttyat hi* .M.r biother, ha* assumed tlieaoraraaaaitp on bis own recount as fJfBKal Puke, (aeuar*.toiy to his marriage with the I'niiceaa ol' l'.u»*o»

.. a>

l'Kl SSIA.Tlie ceb bratisi trial'ting the stolen .}ispat.'h.a.

iateininated by the »ciitetcc of the aiTuseJ Fauo*agent to a long term of imptieonmeiit.

Neiifebatel affaiiN cau«i' some diplomatic a. tivity atHoiliu.


DENMARK.Berlin letaajre of tha &th baei. bbt that in the queetwa

ot the Sound Pies. Kiniue, ndbefnaj to the opinion pro-i,..nt.ceil by England, ha* pronounced in favor of th*principle of pulchaee.

SWEDEN.M. St. Jcmcld, Minister of Koreign iiffaira, ha* re-

eignetl. It is repo.tiil that tlie relation* between Bpps it und Sweilon are Incoming more and more ut<tr.udlv.


TL'RKEY.Kurs wh* foiiniibv h-.i..h.I bv the l.usaisjM loth*

T k - leptl mix i WM SSIA.

The I.oi.don paper* contain additiuaal aix-ounU aithe coronation ol tbe Czar.The Continental paper* profess to give the substance

of the amnesty to I" granted, as follows:Fir ft That tbe maritime provmi.-* shall lie exempt

ironi conscript a ai in torn v. or*.

tfaCOWd Aniniaty for tin. ev nt» ol IHüO, aadB31, but the ciitisiution of propel ty not removed.'Ihtrd Direct tajutiou, to fx- regulated by a new

eej -us.

It is reported that the Czar is about to effect a fulunderstanding in religioua mattet» with the I'ope.A new . du t rnniov i s all quarantine nwtrictions from

I', ssarabia, lie K s. a ajui .v-n of Azof until tbe closeof navigation for the present year.

. #> ...

INDIA.Kurther tolegrapbie ndv ice* anticipatory of the la-

dian mail have I.roecivo.l from T'ru«te. Tbodatssbom Calcutta are to August 'J, and from Ilombey ¦August 111.Ovde i* reporti d tranquil.The Hritieh ..r« nogotiniiug a treaty with the M*>

inui.d Chu f* ou the north-wiat frontier.The annual repoit ol the trideof Calcutta, as cor»

pared with pieviou* year*, ahow* an improvement.Extbai^ro at Calcatta ruled nt '-./If.At Kr nibay the import market waa dull. Money was

abundant, and the rate of exchange waa '2/1LThe ...j. in Mauritiiw Is ih,|,m« .-.)..ut.-.lly Urgn.

aniountmg to one hundn a and tweuty-nve thousaadtuns. The cholera had coased there.

CHINA.The latest date* from lloug Kong are to July £*h,

and ftom Singapore to August 'i.'The Chinene insurgent* took p**eea«ion of Tanyaaag,

July *), which brings tbom clone to Souchow, tbo eapi-tai of tb« Province and outlet of commerce fromfrom Siiaoghae.An lni|.-ri»i ri.. t of forty -ail i* blix kadid near

Nankin.Telegraphic reports say that the American boosext

Wetmore An Co. had failed; but advice* in Lndoothrow doubt on the statement.The export of tea amounted to l'i8,0UU pounds, aad

ot silk i.l1 o bales.

AUSTRALIA.Melbourne advi.i* ot sfajaaj It, are at Ijveipeol.

The balance of trade continued in favor of flic coioor.Agrh ultuie and domestic manufacture* were largelyextending^. 'I he mine* coutiiiu«d productive.

Kr< m New-Z*-aJandanoncoiinte» is report»-dbetweooti e british tri o]* and the uativi*. Kighn . n of thelatter it i» eaiu wert killed.A large -,ii.. in.t of property at Wellington Imd bi^o

d. stioy.i! by fire. B

New dliM over er ( | and copper wer- repor«e.l.IsATEUT INrEI.I.IOENCE BY MAIL

Krim a 1MB Rmi tao..Il appear* to be the com¬mon opinion in Paris tbat the P reoch and I^UakCabin* t* are at issue on several point*, though u*»o*w

fujpose* that these dirTerene.n can e'-entiolly atle 'ttin- alliance.The investment of CeneralO'Donnell with tbo grand!

Coid< n of the legion ol Honor, and the naa/ked, aUaa->,\. paid to Count MoriM-y by the Eiii|mt<w of Itmana

an i .,t likely to ple/.s. the English (ioverorrovuf. TVEnglish Cabinet takes the same side a* Turkey amiAi str a on the qu» st. u ot unitiog tbe Innmbsau Pre ,

cipnliti.*. Tbe Krerv h tioverntnent ia atib aadctaf atou this j-oint.


1 M r. LATEST.[By Tiifqrojl' Jrom Lotulan to Utmyfrnm^tm irJsi

wer*, ;ig-.Jt «.s rraa riMOtLS, Svpt. M..Tba Ku*aiaa^ a re forti¬

fy irg their entraoe« of the buy and tha t*» M bei»»Ns. laiff.The Engteh loot has letuned.The |s|e ? f Serpents is ev «eunAsrd, *U<\ X n. I .laikatiX

baa left.Tbo Saltan ha» h.-i.wi ÜM ?»©»*! of the mmfd**u Adi.. ral lltu-ton St. wart.SPai.v..MmikiD, Sept. |0-lbe if .,n ,: ,* not »et

ci nie to «ny du u-n n r h.tivo to hBB '..egatioii al Wo**-tngton, or to the ..p| on Um ut u£ the CoaMBBaaW*''t kJof tl'the Ualberdurr*.Bwmi t ton.. Prueeia BM lodged a proteat with

tlPcdkwal (luv«rnment agaPoat any mteiferroc« ¦iis part v« ith the affans uf Nr u/ohaUd.Fit*m^^».-Tle UotiUutr 0( yeaterday *aya thai**

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