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Post on 31-Mar-2018






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MciDílorii SEwîttieVo1» XXX.N°- 9,23«. m:\vvohk, saturday, wovember 12, inm prick foui ceints.



ampirjuii RKPORT <ir thk co.imanhin«. oen-


HvIs.mnvs kKm.katini;.sTOSl asp mi'm-


TotBah. Friday. Not. 11, WTO.

A dlipah. N from (len. D'Aure.Ile« de Paladine«, the

ea7imfii.aiiiler of the Army of the I/vire, was apástese1hythe llinielaer of War last evenin«. and ha« jnutbas n gHea to the public. It ia .-»e follows:¦ We h.ivo lames psssssalea of the city «,f Otlssaa,

affe.r | light win« ti lias Iseesi two dava. Our aggrc-aadS !«>ks<« iu trimai anil vvuiiiitietl do not roach MM.while those of the enemy ure much larger..We have ninth more than 1,000 prison»».!« thn>

tai, anti aie continually udtliug to them, as w. lal¬la*. ii(> tlie llcen.g enemy. Among tlie property cap-Is:rod are two cannon oí the 1'russian model, Ma«nmuiiition-wngoiis, anti a paadj iminlicr of vans

ami provision wagons. The hott«*t of tlie fight took

plate amenai Conlmior on Wednesday, the 9th. Not¬withstanding tlie bad weather anti other unfavor¬able ctrciiniKt.nieea, the cían displayed by the troopewaa n nail kable."

lion. De Paladitna, on oocupying the city, issnedthe following congratulatory order to the officers,urulcr olF.ccrA, and soldiers of the Army of the Loire:

" 'I"ho tv tion of yesterday waa a glorious one foronr anny. Kvery poMtiou of the enemy was vigor¬ously oarri«>d, ami tho oueiny in now retreat-inn. I have informed the Government of youreonduct, iunl am instructed to return to you theirthinks fur your victory. Annd tho disaster« inwhieb Praam m plunged, hor eye« are upon yon, andelie «»tints upon your courage. Let ne all makeevery e.tVort. in order that this bope may not 1*>un*taken. D'Aurfjj'eh db Paxadikeh,

" Oommaniler-in-Chief.** fc'inrro«' Uraii'iuarkri, Nov. 1«, 1810."

«Hie jotirna.a report that tho Pniaffian» bave lost

over 10,0(0 men killed and wounded aod 1,000 pris¬oner» in the battle« around OiktoS, and aro retreat¬ing toward Chartres t£j EtanipeB. A large number<if K'un^ tntovvrt away by tlie enemy, have been

facltetj up and «ILHtribntod among tbe NationalOaai Ik at O. leane. Thee nure Anny of Uie Loire i«a«i vautitig.


Vkb*aiixk«, Friday, Nov. li, l&iO.

Gen Von der Tanti, having evacuated Orleans, re¬

porta t hut the enemy is not advancing along theIsaapa, aw previously rumond.

Bl. POKE TIIE BATTLE.caaaacraa ok thk heb and iyim»iti<in ne

mi-, calm. -THB noon constantly iuui.i-im¡ am> Patapaamci for earlyr.MiAOKMKNT BaaaTSOrBD.

|rK«)i, i,l U til'U'JAL COajtKi'PO.'vTigNT.lHkapquautkim, Army ok the Loiuf, Kal-

V». ii*, Osi VS.- A Bjmal camp at tills season Of the year is

«.rtainly UM mest dismal, dispiriting, and uninviting| as, l'i tlie world. Tbe Autumnal raina bave set intti earnest, itiiti uolioilv, uniese tlicy bud seen it, couldBBBM an Itleaof tbe ni'.iddy ami slusliy SSaMam I SMits-is at r>uil ¡is. It is a singular fact tlmt, as soou M Itaveirins to i ni», oil canipe become a baa of mini, (mt eren

Uli..'.nia «lui tap Uie raniH «oultî net eenie up to Ulis

BBsap ni tin Botocaa.I ¡tr i iv eil Hit re yen'srdAy evening with anacqnhint-ii.. I

li. the HSeanhBBeBa WhS bad his «martere there, which 1

shared for the night, bad I have how baal pnt at my di«

position a van« m willi h I have Und a mattress placed bltusón, mai u la i ni., n walch I can write ami dr.iw. ThisUU'e bOSSS is in the encampment of tbe Intendante of

thelUrtl l»,vi«K>n of the Fifteenth C<'n«, ami all thsate« em ni Intendance of the division are encamped on

viv Baot. They bave a BBMSBf who ia a capital-.«sk st, tliat with the M< aks nt titc euiiiuilssariat ant) a

lsvweaaamwma m ti« way of "sauen-sona, ¦. pate«,aVr., we iiiMiage not to uuderjro any very icrvat prlia-tsmia. TTi«' ?.m is drawn hy a bcrse win-in v. r the annyadv.-iM« a. Ki n mli fur my li.itaü

At .¦.;.out 6..0 this nioriiliiK, for miles and miles K.uiid,baa «ii .une, baaem, and trutnpete suddenly baami BM** Rev« ii" anii the " UiauTu." and IBBM Uwt« n, to

m\n .-r 'iiiirr, at 10 in the evennv, it le the suma monot¬

onous movement of " tract vim" tri the mud nod wet.

IV't! Mtej il.iyliubt Ulta mon lng ftii.ulyof laiicem, on

t%»<>[, BBBM l"-«l down the road whit ii paauuvs«eu th«ii», ni ut,<1 the v^iiaitier «««'lierai t, »as

nw-iy f.,'t«w.-d hy a "peloton" of Infantry. 1 f.innd there

tia.- Babas to he an eieaiitioii, ami f<.l!ow<«d. IttAMik pa, e ahout two mil** Quartier Ocne.rule.Tl.e asapaal wuu broujtht another way, I hOltOvO,Tin I .lili aot wee lilui Hil the pababm drew up. He was a

IBMSSS t.n>\ had Iris rloak tiimvin tiver lils abnuldert«.

Th« BOiai Im I nt ef ! «uv* wn part of bl« resrl-WMtit ÍMx,n»Uit there to witness th« < lia« tlseim nt of their«.on,tai'" Ma-fore be was sbot a hariilitereliW-f was putaser amaram «'.<' bM ei«>at Stbeaeal him, when m ii>

psamd ii. his sabrt aad trowt-eixutiy. Tlie aBMaaai tired

al a very ali.m ilistaiicc. Aft< r ,h« " feu de pclt/tou/" a

.afv|-«¡,iTt maul up to the pmsSraSa Uwly and flr»..i a sealtat«. Iii» ear Thi« la an old tradition w hit h BBSS aptattv lune «>f the oki 13r«>wn, when a man, afBM Inmiij»ftra-<l st hy it party of tw«-lvc men, was rery often nul

balf dsad With tin GaaBBBrpStj at the «ilKtanr« th«yOn .1, th« |a.<ii«ievll BMMl hav« lM«n d«ad enoiiifh. The

whole bahai l<M'"' pbam m nttont live ininut.*, th.-y have

gut so used to it. lame i* au « BOOattm marly every da]Turk». Ord. .*¦ I «'"iiiii aot aaaab my brttse at the

maippaaSaedap. Imsliedbaes smdasi'tBMaesJbs. A« i

b K1 2 on in Um f«w Un. h 1 «rot« st the «amp, rec«in-

iioisMiiia. es litoi not come {Heros* any l'tuselHUln^.i.a, butit i» i!,u«i. ti.a, tiicy had appeared near Ia Paste, alxuit

IJSJ »ti«'!,)/ They are lu forte alt.,it V« ndôine, tbeybael fwrtitted the (."hiiteau «le Tuig»au, <t<-.. Ac, and

aut*«etlve.r tw« neKletliuj} notbtUK to secure andBBBMOWI |T<M.ii positions. On our side everythiiiKb»* Nkmi at a itandstin. Gen. d'Aureti. s went frtun tbe

«.anti u> Tours yesterday and waa»«jre.tun. at 7 «Mjoi'k in

.tie t »ei.inir I «lo not know, nor floes any one, what the

.IS» 11 o' bia yonruey was but it le pr<il>ehle be Is golni?t* u«.4ke a roi,ve forward, for it seems niadne*s for the

a*jBBMh anny k< waa. where it ii till it is attacked. ThervnaaUio. are very likely about stnmK cloie to

Uae Isjtrt, on ttia rifcl't bauk, Just Isbind Oneans, aad

thsreifti, be very little d.niiit tliat tbey Luv« by tbiaBiaavn toa U tliat ta.» a pretty atrt...»/ hy U mj-oraiy works.

Aixiut th«- strenrth of »be French force* aliout Balhrls1 Uiiiik now I ov«:n;«ted tbem lu u.e last letter I wrote

about u« n, I a»w i wo .illinois vesterday whl«'h were

awl nsifirlv so «rt.i«,ir as tl»f two I bad sty-b the last MBH I

ina at the camp, tint thtn tbere bad been changeaBah,or i' k.» Troops bom Ix-en «eut fr«>Bi Balhrls toOlola to raei.forre tli* nth t or.* | pÉfeM fr«>m what Ia«T»' «>f ti.« ii,i< nu. c« the^ ,Kîr«.ist in the number ofBtViOli atsnui Hainur l^e bealihirf ,he ,r»<opa savins

**ry !fo««U on the whole. I saw at tin mititaiy stationeoiae wavous, lulo which mlss-ralii«. ).«okliig wietthesweis heit.* pat ti, l.e Badpaad off U» tbe h<«*plt.ilS atJNt.rory.»«,! Vu rt«.n, but of <«.,.*« m a lnrir» BSSaplBBIttui there must I* Soute illness. As for tbe food, it isahuntlâjitaj,dr.r.lar ii deliver) Ho laid la »lil h UMaxei. are kill«d, and wi,.h H oaBSI u, tb^ I);4r1.f the «sn.p I nie bl wi.. | uu, U/, . m ru,..r m. urlous slirht. Tie barp SBpaaS, Sf BJWiad 1»e«0Ter«Vl wl,h fl.yeai aiilluaJ*, «l,|, |, Br* |». ¦

ap. « 1th BWartSS! and all part* of Bal ..».., mhi-»«en ali eady «m li. |.ls«vs, li« aj,s «,» mfjsj fiuther or,,.zea tied u«,wa hy the boin«., befag Miad w:tr »,u#f,|inaih Us AU Uns is «liiiae by th« n,en o' the latamdsiie« ,

.udiacrs we iiotue a fac. v-hict. muk«* ,., t qseatlon-whether Haine la tin wuillk« nation a na- j,,,, BrBdHfar. Tlie duiuxuf taassadMti t .».. late, aaeeareeeitain:/ the BMSt «lls¡.|ír> < BbH af any mlilairy datiaiwithout tbe « xnteineiit ami BSSSf| of (surins- anos

ajad llKliling. for the «neu of the eoiniiiisaari.t, oi

vi» i>«iiu<J*!, as tbry an- i,n k n.n.e.l, a. vi i hav« u

tVlit- well, aim« thr BaMSmS ««.illiis' l8 BrBM BMMfrviti M ,0 se, «te , it I* womit I'ni how bobbmj bwSim a««t bato u u saan al th.- mouayiaaai bM, f > aatielp.iiuiK lbs «al. basj hem lae pi lilegas! eaooalag theiletta» .*!. o»Jil «.i :i i/sfto'iur. « sid wm iii' ataj aaj

over the place, «aid, " You see that man cooking our

breakfast; he 1« a young barrlHia-r. Thal eue th< re

cleaning tho-* pans is a bank« r's clerk. A« for that one

helping to »kin that ox In yonder field, he was a lawyer,und wav Just about pur« having hi» ttudt. (In Francehtaf purchase an ttudt or practice.) Certainly It Isvery unpleasant to he taken and forced Ito bOBBBI a

private, hut since they had to do It, it I» wonderful thntyoung men should lie found who prefer taking all thedrudgery, and even a greater «liare of the dnidgerr, inorder tai lie non-couihuUiit>. In contrast to thee an themen who go ae- Franc« tireur«, but with all that move¬ment of rianea-tlreura th. re are not, 1 hear, more ti.»n30,00ft of them und« r arms hi France up to thr pr«-aei.t«lay.

It Is probable thl» week will not pa«« withoutHie i..«.g . u ,, i,-.! battle taking place. Hod grantit tie a victory for us, bnt, alua, »«ddb-r« who liavegot Into the habit of giving way, ae the Frenchinfantry has, can scarcely have «mlldencc in« ulcat.-.linto 1 hem, unless they obtain a few easy «u«-«-e«.«-» to

«.ii«-ouiage them. Now it 1« more than probable we «hallencounter the Prussians, ora.eely «xiunl to the.n In num¬ber«, if not even, we fear, Inferior. Vie shall MOOO upw üb tinop« w ti«, lui» e in . n beaten In every OBOOBOlWior who have not yet sa « u Are at all, and who,«me and all,have got into such a habit of singing oat, " Weare lietrayed," whenever they cut and mu, lu

order to put the blame on other shoulder«; thalwhenever an unexpected Uro is opened upon them ina

bottle they say they are " lietrayed." They exjies t theiroffh ers lo tell them " them s-|iiada are î,000 men, we are

2,000, we mint fire at them ;" but If In th«- nu un«, hile a

battery opens upon tbem, or a eouceaU-d battalion opOOlUre from behind a hedge, they cry " Treason," andrim away. Ko doubt they have l»oeu oiten, andIn fact generally are, badly bandi« ti. Bo wtv tho

light cavalry at Balukjava, but they went on ami on, ami I

never said they were betray««!, 1 wa* talking ycBtrrduyto a cavalry officer who was at Sedan, and wa« v It h tin-

few stj-tiadrons who cut their way through, or ruth«rrushed off under a heavy fire into Ileigium, when thoGermans curled round the French through the villagewhich 1b near tbe Belgian frontier, on theroad to Bouillon, "Lo Chapelle," 1 think itla called He was at the battle «if Art henny, andgave me some Interesting and OOM ludí, rous etatails on the cavalry an*alr which took plan«' there. Tin00were nine regiments of cavalry there, nuder th«. conmaud of a brave but »tupid old general of th« name of IM-. De tooheaflto nave them w-llmas»«'«! fogítio t

so aa to offer au easy mark to artillery, and then orien Ia çh'iraîs upon tbe lYnssiun cavalry, ea« b reglmeiit Incolumn of h.iuadrnti«. It in well known the Prussian eegftairy never move without: a prop.«rti«malo aitonut ofarüllety. The OOBOOOOnhM *.«* that ItafJ hu<l notadvan«ved many yarda nef«tro.whrr, and k »hellpasses in the midst of them, followed rapidly by other».An Immediate retreut Is, of course. OaoeoBJary, which Un yfitcnted alowly. Itut undor fire «if the artillery. Now. If Ithat large force of cavalry bad '«stm spread nut In au ir¬

regular charge, against which while the Pronkm gun«liad comparatively little effect, the p-wilt might havelieen vtvy g«iod. The cuvalrv, which wa« b-ss numerous,

might have larsen envclot,s?«d and Its guns taken. Thehame uti'.« r told nu ti.«- ¦* i. . o' tb« sa.litn-rs, as Soon .-

they h«v;ir the can«made, are a remarkable «,OOi when they «ee the men abont them earrie«! oof they«. in-« to know where they are or what they bp- atM.utIf you want a msn to gallop mf to souk- nugi« y

«oil* to take a ningle ui«**agi-. ot for any reason what-

ever, It is only by sheer menace yon «ian indn.e him to

ride off. lu fact, they are torror-stricken, and yet the

«xivalry 1« latter thuu tke itifaittrv. How dur. eui from

the »obtient of tlie Crimea ami of Haly in the (.'rim« a,

soldiers soinetlui« s played at tatss-penny in th« tTOOOBOO.Ye-1« r.i». lu camp, I waa talking about di ,n g-

with .in officer, and b« remarked what a «liff« lOan th« n-

wa» In the " f.V|>e" <.f PkO lit m h sadd!« is. Ho wits ijnitelight. UM Frcuib soliller presents now nom. of ilia. Ililli.« t« -ii. s which«- him afilie study for tliepaint« r and draughtsman of uiilitaiy ts-encR. V r- onthe tine faces, ¦..,¦¦¦. none«, good mustache«and Imperials, strong Jaw«, and good shap« d me»

illino«, which we se« in the paluting* of Horace

Veinit, «li.-ii^ t, lie-Pang. Ai.t They 0007 "ul1 l>f '° ."',

lu th« p-iiin uitsof the Inijietlal (i.iard, aud in the g.-u-

dann« He but a« for tbe litte, a set of more bufo, a fa« «1

«ir elnl bj fueed tuen could not lie found. I am v« rymm b Bfraid nothing WtO la- done with tlii-m, bli.) I tr« m

bia tar Oe tama ed u«> isaitie ataofc noan loaBaannOsgaud for li> results.What will take plact If, a» 1 fear, we ar» aram Lady

Uulcn OB the |aOB0 I A» I «X1* ela «1, all th« K« pilbil. |Mw.m't hear of jaetw-e. The «.ov-nimeut know veiy vv.-ll

thut If tiny make peace ntnl.-r a blow, then vin, luve

put them Bp will kno. k them down again wlthent n-ir

scruple, Y« t It is dUBcuit lo Ota what tiny r« a I; t Ipi t

todo. If wv win the next battle.nothlug in impo*sihle.all may go well, for the PTOBOk troops sill

thu» tak«-a little i enrage. Bel ne kara jet to palo thalbattle, aud I am arguing in the much more probablebv potlu-ls Hint w. lone it. That battle »hen beinglost and the tro«.¡is «a. atta-red In the Ona] BhaVWOtn al

Kt-lchuffi-n, what will liccoin. of th« QeVOOOOOl at 1 Wo

shall Immediately have ail kind« of strife and eon

bnthno Wliat took pla.-, alt. S« «lui. f.«r th« Imp«nal li'viTiiineiit win parhapotahe pkmo for thi- Batthis l.ovciiiuu-tit will, no doubt, disputa- the Boat I" Ikomwho will attempt to put It out of it. At Hi« HUM Bo M

the I'm.Min., will be rimtiliig over Ii ¿nee WOCmtlian they are now. A«, yet it is only one f IiIpI of Francswhlih is rtii'iid. aud «mt of that third in«.M of th« .'.

pOOpfO have thvl, taking th« ir money with t.'iem. «Illiliti,« v are opOBnUBfJ bert- und In tlie OOdavaOed i»ait« of the

Kuintry. In the Invade«) imris t.Io-r. Is >in-<i-y, BO

money but pap«! looney, loa-ui bank« have « pey-meut, ever] thing I« at a stan«! -ti'l and ruin« «I

bul Inn- BOON I» nothing of the sort. Heit, andIn all the bVmtat, there is .«..«.,.. of money,abundance of fond, tradn«T>eo|,ie are coininguu-ii« v that is why they «lo not reattm whet vvlli poebaVfdy to them ere long. II« re, 1 think, cveijImkIvwho pur-nos «nythlug would tie <|uite leadylo make

Baan« la the Houth, where they are further off from tin-

Immodiab- peril, they are pi rhups more, foi wat; bul,mi the whob, all thinking, all snb-tantial poopoO, uri talJ» u.c. It 1» the Kepulillcan« wini emetm they willnot muk. poaoOtM lal be ib pul.Iii an. who, in a ».»rd, onlyi \ist lu lliis war, »Im ili.lan- '.Not an Inch r.f

ground «tr a MOOO of the nttaCOOn «hall N sur¬

rendered." As for the army, I ta ii j on li «it-hs me pearnutany price. Wo are verging toward «m h a « han-ofconflit ting purtlos. that It l« Impossible to fi.riu say attaaOf Whul thlaoouutry I* to become. I think the «ioveru

in.-ni un in u b-mble friglit itttont Hie Army of the Loire.

Ikay have poeppel Op UM hoi«-« Of their party au um. li

upon It, th«at ii H were to full, tb<- .-itiM iiui-iica^. will 1stbrrtblel

I goto take my ntiode »t the camp to-morrow.Toi a«, Ook 24)..As to the real strength of the army at

Hails-is, sine* my sotourn then- yet-fenlay I do not sin

r. r.ij boBon it I» more than 60,000 oi.-n. Tliey a\!d(tutiydesire It t«. be thought «Hanger.A letter received by a frb nd of mine from an officer of

Mobiles, belonging to a regiment Matkmed at M.-u andiM-longiug to the <v,xt«. nth ijorps, says the kmOBO ut Mi i

have order» to njein the Anny Corps at Ulm», th« BOaé-quarters.Tlie railway communications l^tween tierron and La

Marshav« thl« luttant fanui OOMBnnoi tot the pilbil«.Wbl« li means that the Army of tile Ixilp-is going to pivotround thi oanteoanh OonOj aoi going to « Uange front on

Its l.ft wing.I »bali prol.iiblv, if that is the case. Join the rhxU-cnth

«forpaat mots, ooaaMakhj my oopmookoon are carnot.1'. H. <^f ooem you know thnt the moblllfi'd Natlensl

«.lianls. Mid Mobiles, and Franc» tireur- of the West aro

tocou«. ntrala-at I.« Mats. Ii I- u*eli sr tv. attrmpt t«.l

«gtaipliiiig through.


«., ft HJ. M.I ft OK M'WIIIIKItiKII-l'kI'MII Hl'.l

TAItT MnVIMKNT**. 0,1 ITBiA,l «!:I>IA1P»N IH--, j mi i» I..I.M.HN HI BOBO

I^ia-miN. Friday. Nov. IS,IBMLut«- load BToaiag n lapori wim r.v«-iv«-«l here

thatth« garrison st New Up lOM I bad katani the white

. UM lanarB ooatknerl loattaj kj on «.ii.

potafc omasnooni aa oapâaUsskemaflkofoiaBon i i

n...iiss'..i pontonro,nakafna tnooamaaafaB looa tbe

bande ..t H.» ooroonoo Bo gun« mon oopBaroi. of the f-rtir i.ii.-..r of Old riTeteaehhoaalready begee, bow that ti» Pteaek work« on thooleer I

lb. liver nu-all I', *.' l.«nl-. li, li« BWfb.-.ita t> al the n«.r1h of tl»^ l"w11 h»s km reim.v. «1, and

if,« a-iinsliir- hi.s-is-.g isb-b '" MM lower tow llie

... oettitarybmiawea Bnaked k] na rraaokm ino»rmm at ft. Ita gePiat* |Tho noaak BtWBnTjfripoiln,*"< -' tkaavonkaakan

akokaamt ead ttaa. mi.lui. ata bob! Iko Mnta «."!«.

I u.i i i«a« |oea i«a«)iíü«d U» Matal duly. A <n>

patch from Criaguy reports a largs French fonve thcro,wellsnppllid with artillery and sufficient to resist the

adran«* of the Frnssliins. Troops from Lyons are march-

in« t« meet the I¦tmaaSSO. Fnni h reiMirts state tliat

Italian volunte«" rs «.ntliiiic to Join UarlbaJdl'e SSSBBMMdIn hirge Bambara, Hi-".' Ut gr. ¡it dtatress among the

poorer classe! of French, owing to the Uoverumeiit bav

lug aeliod ali the money in the saving«, bank!, Uigethcrwith the property of corponitions ami communes,which,by the French law, ». re platel In Ibo cuaUidy of tbo

¦bata,Sueeorresjrondeiitof The Time», writing from IVrlln

yestenlay, sa) s a slurp I'ply han Neil returned to Aus¬

tria In response to her note offering uiodlutioii, on tb«

ground that Aurtil.i, Imviin. nriued atthe heglnnlng of

tlio war, Is dls.|iiallllnl now to act as a neutrai. It li

r.eii«rally thought that Prussia will prefer the ann« na¬

tion of the two provinces, A!h:i<*> and Lorraine, mSMpS'larantec that the netitnl powers may BBJ fit to inake.

rnuwia's nl.itloiNi witii Austria and Ruasla uro not auch

as to rentier any guarantee of theirs Btock market bM SSBS greutly tlcpr4V*»od Uilaaflcr-

noon hy rumora that Austria ha« Joined Franco againstPrussia ; tliat the Kreuch troop» have retaken Orleans,and baal the French fleet have mail, important capture!.Tlie »trott is Bad »Kb rumors.

LOCAL UAH NT..VS..lie French Patriotic Lidies' Fair of this

city »ill I,, opened nt lite Artuorvof thoSlth Ib-gllWiit,corner of mBadWBJ aud TblftJ Stitt. St. WTl MoiKlayevening.The roci'ijitfl of Ifie Qualen Patriot ¡r. laâlm?

Fan nt |:r .¦¦(, un un te Tiiiit-ilaV Bight ¡iinounted IOlu.iwi h. lae Fair will be closed ir-night. Laal weuiiigtue AMu nanni mis tilled to Its BlBlOil rapacity.The HtiiiKrriptiiuih romveil by tlie North

(ieini.'UI Cnaul-l,eui lill st. Ulla peft the 1 'it»at week( to «4,too f,7; total receipt», IstTMsa ii,áa#dt to tho < '¡ntial buuitury «Joiuiuitteiou al Merlin,tlVA.UUU p.1.1.The Sick Aid Society of the (¡orman Evnn-

¦n beal Lutheran St. Matthew's <".nr, ti bm mi. a SMS io

the I'alriola Fund; the (' of Hie «iinniiu Lotheraa St. r .nil's Church, Mil 0, rmauaal <jreeii|M)int, L. I., Ip'.t io.

Th«, German Fair nt Coiii^rM' Hall, JorsoyCity,arm well altemied last «vein,is-, and the receipt» atthe domaran barajar tbaa oa aaypreeedraa algal. IheJerw'V Oty Kan».-, i limul sane. .lianinjí of prizesominen, ed at M, and w is coin unit .1 during tho .vening.

'1BB receipt* hav I be, n over ,6,00o.


\JSBXB KI ATKK OF COI.OMMA.LMTuca thi sysjt nrota rtitia iiaxweasiiafii


|FKOM Ol R OUR ItlRPK^I'ONIRNT.l1'anam N, Nnv. 2.--lu niy last lettrr I an¬

nounced to poa tin- nrnv.ii ¡it Aaplnwull of fir Challis

Itngbt, «hlil .f Ui« NVest India Cihle-laytnit expedí,uni.. in SraSMSadoPi the 19th i.l\, he was received at the depoi bj He President ind st:.ff, ami by a spe« lal

lb .. ptlm fwaiMlllia e< B psaad of the leading rendí nts

of lie city. A public dinner In his honor fol¬low.4 tb« srnie evening, mid the next dayan Baeaeahai wau given ),im down tbe beautifulMs» of PaaSBBBi sin <«" d'-d in the evening by a brilliantItali, attended i.v neariv ni! Ibeelita-of Fan nilli tin the'."Jd ult., Hr Cliafl. a ni,ti otho, BM B.BCIS "f tho « »[»editionr-Jlii'ned to A.-pinwall to prepare for l.ijinx MM shoret lui of the caine. The loilowiiig day, the I'ic idem a

a baraja party followed with Iba object of iBaaawrattRgthe cn mollies 'Hie vi. it her, however, piovc.l impm-J.III..US, Hie »i .i bring I.kj rough, ami the rainf.;¡i ea a ?eeouil ilelure The Fresulent, how¬ever, took advantage of the píeseme of hla.ilisl ninnis liedguest t<> ataba H lae eeeaaton of smetbag *'"l aamrestasthe p..line, of CbliatOpber Columbus, reeeully presen,«'dt.. the limn d Mates of Cullimbin ii) th« ex Fin pressI r.. ni.. Th« eemminv uf un, overinr the stalin' was

(«rforuied by Mir'es Itnrlit. Til'' »late of theni nth« r did iiot sduii, of layliiK the shore «ii,I of thetail*' until Mombil, the bMB Hint., aud Hie llui.isari ti for J inaba at 3:15 ii. ui. of that day,na.i lug out the culi.e at Hie de of als,tit three miles an

Baw. Bli Charlea, u|hui Ii- th-parior», I nat If a H «eut well the oat.lo won bl rene h Ja¬maica on the .lint lu«,. Ve row«, ho wo ver, has yet !.. eu

received of the lisi'lae milval.mid tina, «'«joplcd wlib11,h f.« t that while three dava out site wa« «'..iii|si!, <J io

ley l8 on .<¦< uuut of b:iii weather, «Ince which no

information vrhatev« r run lie prSBOrOd from the cleetri-au« at Aapliiwall, han led to Hie Inference thal disaster

.us bappenee.Ot.N se i.mis n took place st Tuboga, a small islsnd Inthis hay, on H.e lid nist. Tnu lirlflsli irob «lad Z-.ilous,w lu. ii was lhere for UM pu: pose of bikini.' in Wut. r, ami'.v. of lu r nu n on shore on leave. Tin result waa BBSsra ¦:. v, i,, « i .... » a-.-: in! r .ta ,-¡ wt en the tura and

1 be natives. "Mum of the a.uli rs, who were unarmed,n cel\o«l aev, re wounds, mid Hie Ah aide, or Minor, ri¬

ce, veil snell Injuries from ti-, 111K Illl-SlilcS ttlUt Le 'liedth saiii«! night. Tin- (,.,\ er.iiii, nt hi-re lins di uniude Ifrom the Mil:lab Admiral coiii|iensutluii for damages anda pensiun to oin: of liu widows of the deceased Alcalde.iii. a.'Blom aalied for Valparatm ea tbs Mtb sH. Piei.< wa from the Interior .« bm mer, «nd no, of a nature topBaaaaa mt. ii st tor the readi rs Bl IMS 'I BUS ne.


KXl'KH.TION.FoKT-At -I'uiNCK, Oct. 24. -l'iilmil linn r«-

larmil from the north, and .-> now at S»uu 'uan, well sup¬plied with munitions of nar.

The a. bemm Bil > Mti'ta.Capf. J... I ..n.and the stcniu-¦bip Virgiubi, whli h ai rived at Carama from New-Voik,baie «ailed ti..-,,.r for the < utan i oust, both reeeels mebMSm wnli atuis and lulliUiiv suppiu.for the pairiots.

MlscKI.l.ANKors CABLE DI8PAT0HEB.....Plfaaee Mai»ole«in Iiuh .irriviut in IlriiHuelH.....The Pen han fixed Iii* curipeiiKatitiii for

tlie liiipiovenienta ma«!«' BJ ililli lu Koine ut f.a-ajo.ia«.. I

_The new StfeiBShla (îr.if llinriruck off.' I.M u,en Line, wa« am esafiilly l.tuiu Ucd at (JrceU-Bebt B> «Hand, ou I ,n.iv,lu\.

_At a banquet nt Northamtifnu,, onTharsalay evealmt, .nu Uilpln, iii.- btoaiBeriH PatilaaMratt.,r,hat borough, pioiioun. .«I th«. war lu Praam ta botin lesul. of radicallaiii. Ile regarded M Lllllle (lillviersa the pii.ue nuliior of the war, and on«'of the BVeoteetradJeala ia Svaaro. aaaadesa was a .teapot and tvrant,with a barattas armj. leaapiHinbhraharplj imwbbi nu-.i"P"»-_,FATAl KA1LHOA1» ACi'IOKNT-SF.VFkAL K11.1.K1.

ANO WOllNDKD.C.i.iMHiA, S. I'., Nov. 11..A falal accident

or. tirrel yi««terdny on Hie fliwn ville ai d Columbia Itali-r..¡..l, alMiut H mil«»* from this city. It BBpaaes that a

,¦ .-» uf. i train frtm. i,r. t.. ii'., wa« pre,ipii.,r.,| . du-t., . ¦.' i'- I. et '.> tie ir¡ I'll' UBI ,, li tie-lie hlldjf, Ari Met traill was «flspBtclied lo tbo s«'«'iie of the BMBBBtmItiiiiisitlulely on the ri'ceipt of the new., un.l returned totins city v.ith the «'«. id and wounded ¡ii lj a'Sbiab laatriis'ht. Mrs. Phillp Foirartv, vibo waa leturnliig with herfiiiidlv to her beam in ('ballestón, waa killed ula...« halles Jay of New berri, }*. ('., (ira. «. Mon,italie, i olorcal«t. m 'ir. les>. nuil afliiPlva Farr, colored. The followingperseas were fuiaiiv bajared: Stepbeo Hiuith of Newlarry, llatram lauiioi, t-olored Stats Menator from AIiím«» lila-, ex Kt-bel Col. James Haar,-.I of Mouth aroiln.i.hteiihen hmlth, ««Midin tot; Isaara, «xpri-M liieseenver- ('.A Marnes, Miss M. Joy of Newlierry, and Major L. lilli.j. n nu,I- r «if others were seriously and painfully Inlurvd. The accident wa« CBBMed bj the breaking of n

wheel. Tue easlae tmdm and the last i.,.. n,,.| ear»i rs left M th« Ira« k.

UtarHiaillllM HY TI.I.M.KAl'H.....The Hon. s. s. Cox and e» fasal Obi. V.'ihhI-

;. 11 ara s VN «..lua-luu

_'Hie Piseaaeat Iirm appoint, ii Join, A Miuuiil m »4 Mau-» Alt. r r fur tl.a Sorlhr.-n |i,a.rl»t >.f AlaUaa....Tlie Ilev. W K. Fell ..f the Methodist Church,

»U Ui»«rly «alil/.r of FV /«j4/r .-Vwll-wl of Rain«-,). N. I dint .e.ui

im....Ali'ii, a thoiiMuul railroad SBlpIsalk, willin.u.-. , Sa.-a Isiiuani and iir»»" la las! «.. ,.,,, .., ,',i.. ,, ,

lla>u. Wlii,«io Mihlaiai I utn(«»aaa.ia».rc4 fr a> UaAlo r.p»«vt,»,a.s.¦ ma.1» t.. I Itiattra lb» Hat, »iiln Wilhaiaa I bariaa MaSaaaSST, aaal albara, au«r whirl, rr fivaLoa. nu w,t, aa.-vaaj k. Uit -twiiii««re» 4. The National I.aiul Cotupani hive t Isotei the

foi « ,, c uaa »d uBrer» J..bu s I auaiia nf N^w V M| Pr-»ll»nl I baa.ii baOJastBI ti tH lwi. a Kas-T^'an tai ',».«,.,. (, n (,, lU .fII... a OOaSnlAerrll NVis V IV 0 (¡e.o.tH,.i,,, ut llir !,.Irif! of k ii.l»i M ll;fri, t,»i,aral Mau.,.r lot iba lhs«r'.«t aft .....r» a

Tlil.KtiHAFIIir BBjyajBJ,_(¡lea, int-reMl n. rii.iiiifi-sted in '¡ail liaiiclsco

li 0a> .f.Bstasclilar i..!l...rl ...t.t.«l l>.«w»«a l>»»rt ana II m H., li awi.».. ( os -la.'... !>.*') nia.].- i.'.'jb r-.Ht.ta it, 4 Uil.!^«, uti 11ir»la>I ,-. ._

'Iheciii.'i« .( the ptaSBMt porHilutiuii ofKraMrlj lab» I Ut.tM ; ss tartaam u ll.a laat li itara .,( moll, awllb. b^gasSaaSsaf iatasas a*aawt) .u n^r bbbi h. a!.»»!« bbm b«... l«iu»iil

... Tlie fUai.o,.-! nimia the Kau K>aile»s.«, Mer-taai-l i.' ra.. I..II.t ««« |..,t j««r Ti« iMaMwmtaWjaaaaa

,,, t., aro,» i uf ilu.a«, f.i tUarilj- e:.,i"i« h,a»u Krsacl»eoaal ?' .." Il Si a. lora.

_Aa aditorial exetinloa aattj from northern ln-Haoa «rn.^i al Al «ota. I«a, .ratasla, All ara ...a-ljl. (InaaaJ «nit UmUtoah la.. ..flirt |.a1i lae Dia.1. arraacauumu l>. tarau ta llitl-Isasspi <al «'arl a IU|.ai,la» dall. v»|*j

_ihe K«'C.ieUry of Hie Navv hus tml. r« .1 .« f,-;nf Cfl.fiiinta .«>al al th» Ita«, lae! m Um Mut» la »rilar ta Vft.u7r.lsaI (j.-, «i U ia ».)a,.l"l fal ii»*» fUKia"»nr,4' j«nx)a,ra«» I, au. t laxf» nr. .. »ill ' Sf.aN «al .1. a*'|., , ,^»| ¡;.u, (I,, f^ji t,, ,(,, I ,, 5, .. .i

f..i aa'il paBMBm_

Til«' Ixuly uf nu i ii fun t ftiiiiiil in a vault inthe nar «»I a I«inanea, ou JcnVrsou st., near Jai st..

Foughkeepaie, on Tlnimilay Bight, ha* i ausad a stoodthai of . «. It.uii i.t lu the lower pall of that tit).i «nouer Andr.i» ¦"'.m« a ii.« ii..joV»t >«starday, and«iii wuUuu« ii o» Munder.


nOW TIIK AflSKMBLT rTTANOfl.Iafttor returns leatl tin to chang« oevernl of

the mum« published lu our list of the Assembly on

Thursday, a« probably elected. Of tin sa- uame« now Inserted aro thoie of Demo¬

crats, In pia.e of lt< publican«, and threeare those of Republican« In place of Democrats. Henry8. lim.Inn Dom., I« elected In Cortland County ; JohnM Wiley, Dem., In Hie Vth District, Erle County ; James<l. Ilennett, Dem., In the let District, BtenhenI «unity ; Chas. II Krack, Dom., In Hld District of UlsterCounty; Duncan (¿riffln, Dem., in Warren County, andHenry H. Joy, Dem., In Wyoming, Mortimer Wade, Rep.,1« n-turned from Fulton and Hamilton Comities; JosephI'oland has redeemed Lewis County for the Hepubii« an», and A. C. Harney, lo p Is electedli the lid District of BUmhon. With these altera¬tions our table shows a total of 16 Republi¬cans and ia Democrats.a Republican majorityof two. The Albany F.tening Journal givesßclmyier County fc» the I)«?jiiocrivt-, accreditingthe seat to William C. Coon Instead of Flmitlian Waiom.The Argvt had a special telegram yesterday claiming the. lection of a. W. Feign-on lu Franklin lustra«! of JanusII. Pierce. If these Journals are oorrect, the Assemblya oiil.l stand, according to our figure«, «3 Republicans and66 I>. nus raU, reversing the majority of two. Tho «pieaHou tuay nut be settled until the official return« are in.


votk ron ooosaaaooauta in witwark,Tho Moor«! of County t'aiivaiWTM «if Kfioex

r«mity tuet ycsta-rtla . to canvass the vote of the County.Tim followl.i« «re th«, returns of the vola for Cougreas-tuau:

C«r«-liai... Usai,

Wsr«l«, IHK Kstx b>mI....1.471 HI

».34« KUH....1.«98 371

2-.415 27/IT!...¿I*,....Ola! 20

27.....657 149TV... i.«".ii aso

1.44H lf)8V....1 .«MO 832

2."MA iv.oVI_1.409 HW

3..690 819VII....1.IN Ml

lie»«.Hal«**, 1» «I

«a-:» Dial, k>(. bt,a.Y1U....1.VA V*

3.843 »60IX....1.641! 16«

%..bO-l 104X....1.611 3'J3 8MXT....1.80« V*X11_1.331 tWHXIU....1.446 ra

a.460 :iï«..33? 111

Total.108<n tOW3.lui 3093.461 319

II 11«< y 's niHjoritv In Newark, 1*70.8173lia'.M > o v. f i i« v uland m Newark, lbo«.1:03

Republican gain.3010Mr. An. as Fitzpatrick, the uaudiditto uf tho »oung

Donoonaji W4 iv«-d 6 vote«.rOI'RTII COM,RESS DlffTKKT.

Ben. Iris R»0 D.OV

TVries«A4}M, li IL Kafir.» TovHuMp*. II,li. B«sVrtrFciiiikliu.137 w.Kiastoninre.«Xif BOlil on ti« lil. 664 BO West Orange.....l.iO 1H7

lO'llevillo .'.03 r s.mtb Orange....îïi MlCaldwell.3.0 3.7 Orang«-, 1st Ward ;6'1 1.«Clinton .Wi HI »I Ward 317 li«

Livingston.101 A4 3dWurd247 r.')Mil..ion.157 li»--

M.'i.tela.r.299 16Hi Total.«*H1 2851Wnmlsido >'. 451HU 's majority in ttami <Beaty Township«, 1,370.Hill's majority over Uutlorty iu miiki township« in tws


h.iM'i.ii'ii i'lJIA Oittritt.Hry. Jirm. Rrp. ft^n.

Sa. i.r e- Newnrtl Ham. Hu.

p.i.«imfl.-ld. 6X1 toil M Ward.«uw 6«Motrtelalr.3.14 178 6th Ward. W7 n»« «Idwell . 264 30T,ia v mi . l63 S7Bilburu. 1*8 111

Tata I _1879 MlHauvay'«ma.)orltv-4M)

anotad ¡>utrirt.

Ti.ui. ihn! umHorn's niajoritv 800

¿'ul/i Uitlnct.Ilr,...rla

«"linton .213luMouth Orango .200 931

W.l Newark.Utb W'il..i:«7 72*«li», kau.». - -

I ¡oat Orange. 5.9 r.O, Tv.taI.. .^,.^,.162» J«W1Wert tirang.-.123 B*l Hcmim-iVs iiia|«irTt>. 631Orango.667 871 Srwdh- /»(»Mci.

--1 Rrwark. Vii»««. UvirrTotal.1369 124M 3d Ward.IU70 8*3

Majority fur «ondit.Hi «I h Ward. H4i I 4

Hard IHttrirt. - - i'. mr«. Total.1911 enPel I«-, ill«). 196 176 Wilson's inaj.«ritr, 13*44.Kraukliu. io til I ¡uhtft Diêlnct.Woodside It!» iT» »rwar» Oip^r- WantN<cwurk nth W'd. con 54« Mb Ward. mt 7so

. iotaWard. mu «aiTotal. MM IN 13th Ward. .Wi «too

Kit« bell's milorlfv.. 1(44 - -

f'iMirlAWilrte/. Total.11*7 1*27Ne««rk. Jo?. Ka»;'«* Rlploi 'h majority_<o1st WHrd . Hil 4â5 Kinth IHttitrt.1th Ward. tie tool Wewark. kari, h Krwra.

-_ TlhWurd. «Ml 1044T«Ul.1591 904 Uth Ward. 33« 347

J«iv« major.ty.6ti7 Total.1207 lîïlF.rvvIns

PaianaJO coi NTY.Tlie PatsWtie Coimly Board of OîUiv.'isêerii

0M t in Paterson yesterday. Tho vole of tho «ounty waa

aniiotiiiie«t as follows:ForCnngr«««.John lilli. Rep., 4,371; Phillip Rafferty,

Dm., 8.H16; Bill's majority, AM.F r BenattK.Henry A. Williams, Rep., 4,6¿9¡ John

H..pp«-r, li« in. J.i I. Wl'iiains's majority. S94.1-or H irrogat«.Van Wagoner, Itep., 4,377; Ward, Deni.,

3,*5'.; Van Wagoner's majority, 622.Aammhly, [al Dtatrtet.m.-ImuioUIb, Rep., hwj, curien,

Deni., 1,734; «I'Hrleu's majority, 62. Ill District -HemIngvvai, Ib-p.,1,316, Holihs, Dent., 067; Hemingway'« mu

jorll),"*..'. Hil l»l-trit t-Torl»et, IUp. 1,422; Johnson.l»iin".,, lasrhatta majority, 383.

nu; cahuín <<h sty hai.i.ot-hox 8UA8(itiuumbi i miin

Camokv, Rev, li..TiV vote taken BBOaV tarnpiwta. 'Ion of OH H.ov.1'« reglm« nt lu Newton To«ru-

ship was twelve«! to-day by the Hoard of <'iinvans«-.r«».

1'Les.-returns make flu- majonty of John W. Cains for

County C'icik, 233. On the day of election, It will be re

BMmhOaofL a crowd of Philadelphia r«iwdles smashedthe ballot Is.v in Newton T.iwuslnp, at 5 p. m., und deriiov.-.l all the ballots. Tin I.« t iff all. «I ou» lln-r.-li

Reglinciit, Ca>l. J.i.n.« M. BOOVOI comiiiiuiilliig, whli li,. iib one OOmpanPi leoigaiiised the I ia ian I of Klealiaui,ami the balloting W. lit oil. Th» «hole I«', ui.lnic.aii ti. kitof Ciunileii County lias l»een elected


Kituir u.sTRt.-r

No <'<»ifi|»l«'t4' (igiir«'B for thin «ÜHtn«t have beenre.« i veil. The majoilty for Hauiiu-l Hiimbletou, Dem.,over Usury R. Torlwtt, Rep., I» reporte«! at 3,7». Themalority for IIantblef<iu in issu, over tho same opponent,WMlaOMa «howlug a Republican gain of 4,301 on nearlytlie san.«- vol«-.

OBOOxn I'isTKitT.«-1MB-, .-I80M-Hip li.n, K.p. iVm.

MtriD». « .. «li« J- .-., A,. -. ti»;Hiiltlllioie City. 4SÜ3 HS69 lifit. ... 1399 26.17 1I3HHaltiniore county.. I4.V3 /.«B 1310. ..Mm} 7766 4459Hurford.1674 3000 132* ..1<M 2369 »i»

Total.7.96U 1«,«TU 1.403....I.7M 13,671Bsmehimaa »raiii.

Til.Bli .UrtKI«T.-11H»B--,Rap. o-...

H,s Hwa.a. «.jBotaamneBp.... \oM* b»bb yam*

Republican gain.roiTlTII l'ISTBKT.

The majority for John Ritchie, Dein;, over Joba FHiiiltli. li» i» in this District, is reported at iuh. In limllaioiii, Dem., had a majority of tue over W«&ierl, Rep.Tue Ka publican gain Is 17*.

ririM nisTBicrWilliam IT. Merrlrk's majonty over James A. Harry in

this insti1.1, Is given by fAe Baltimore tlaietu til 1,473.Tin-malority of *ire«lcric Htone, Dem., over Wm J. Al-

irt. Boa m lai* was7,7«i*, wbb b show« a RepubUcaitgidu of 6.176

L01'IH1A>A.Till: RIOT».TIIK Otjonostaal VOTE.

Nkw-Oruíami, Nov. 11..The revenue rutt^rWilli« rn.w« bos gom» to Baton Kong«; to remove the riot¬

ers to a place of security.Donaldson! Hie is «inlet, and but little damage bas bean

done by the lire.Further reports show that all the «"1.ngn »«men are

«,:. « ta«i by larger majorities than before r«-ported, In¬

cluding Morey of the Vth District, Hypher, In the 1st

Dlttrlct, will receive 8,000 aud run 600 ahead of bia ticket,

pi« v lons ilguros on the State ticket are «infirmad.

HOW THE BtaaBXI MANIFACTCRK "MEWB,''NtwdKiuNs, Nov. 11..The Hebel reporto

of the burning of iMiuiUitsonvllle Iry o. groes provas to be

a mere canard. Only a kit« hen waa burned, and that

BO Identally.The I«, m .«-r.iiie» at Baton Rouge are to t«o

tried by tbe Culted Htates Cainimisstoiier, and it la hope«]that r-i-i." will he meted out to them. Tbe riotous

demouatratloiis bere last night were qnitsted by the

advice of proiiilueut mer« hauts and in. mrmneaa of the

Htate authorlti«*, so that the efforts of The NtwVrltant

Jimts to provoke a riot prov«sd a failure.


^^.nvAr^vKe carry tri m ate.

Laju Cul« ¿wv. ii- IL«,h «ni a auiskli ita!

here the night before election, .-»used by the n«*«rroce pa¬

rading tbe streeta with arma Thirty or forty «nota were

bred. Two negro« s were allghtly wounded. None of

the whites were burt. The negroes ha«l !bot guns andmuskets, and tbe whltea had pistols. After bring a vollev Into the whites, the nngross scattered.Tlie election througho it the Htate passed off quietly.

The retorna up to-day indicate that the conservative«have carried the State, «vlcetiug their Coiigressuiaii andLieutenant (Jorernor. Moven «trong Hepuhllran C< un,leagive them 8,709 majority. Tun Cons« rvatlv«» countiesgive a Conservative untjoitty of «,0ul. Mixteen otherConacrvatlve eui,'les to hear from will place themahead of the K>publicana Both Houses of the Legisbvlui« m« conservative.


CONOKKSsMEN.MAJORITY AliOLT ÖriVH).Montoomkry, Ala., Nov. 11..Atioiit 51 emin-

ties have lieeu Ina ti from. The lien,,., raia have 1,500majority. The remaining 14 counties will give « fuitherDemocratic majority of about 8,000. The Democratseb . t. so nu ihIm rs of the Inglula'ure out of 100, and prob¬ably five more. Tlie following are eleefed to Oiogrcsa :

1st District, Turner (colored), Rep lid District. Buck¬ley, Rep.; Hld Hlstrict, Handley, Dom.; IVih District,Hay«a. Rep.: Vth Diitriol, Coi, Dem.; Vlth District,Mina««, Deni

SOUTH CAROLINA.OFFICIAI. aaiuRbafa.. oi».-iM70..- -flov.-isea.-.

I'.rmHn Beau Kap .,,. 1.. f Rap. ¡a..

Aboevlllc.. 3,3X6 '.,194.a.H.1 LloOAnderson.1,4TB 1.H68.1,2*7 l,a»7hamwe I.,. a*fft 2,.ifl. 3,a4U MlKeaufort.6,141 99«.1,9:4 60charleston.13,411 mho.12,2«« 63Cambar.Liet l.iw.1,743 »m3Chesterfield. 94¡J l.ow. 113 tvci('Intention. 1.6J4 7«3. 1.3K144Coiictm.8,wj i,rso.8,w7i beeDarlington..3,t*J 1,'*).3,701 Ml

Edge ti. hi.4,647 3,7m.S..Í11 1,064Fiiirfleld.3,64:) I,l:i4. 1,»H6697OrKirgetoWU_3,641 343. 3,471 »6QreeavlUs.i,4S6 l.wo.l.iws 7tsHorn. 663 970. iTJ 767Kershaw. 1,794 «47.i,4<« 343Lttlicastaj. la>7 W8. 788 MiLaurens.SjStJ MSI. l,W8 1.099lexington. l,ini 1,413. 9M «23Marlua.Lim '»,i*e.l.fv* i.mwMarlboro. 1,449 1,143. MM 479Nuwherrj. 2.916 1,645. 2,4«« badOeaam. tn 9oo. 33« 6«.',

tn.iiigeluirg.3,797 I/13.ifiil 1.1.v.l'.ckeua. 613 773. :136 413Klcbland. 8,600 1,3*3. 2^01 1.246Bp11j-t.111b1.rg.... 1,423 1,923. 1,3*3 l#STIhUlllter.3,593 1.004.3,437 a!7Ulilou.1.862 1,744. 1,390 761Wiltiauishuig ... MSI l.iai.. L«43York.2.386 MM.Mai 1,60«

Tt tal.86,071 61,337.«9/.93 23,037Majority.33,634 .4C,«566

Ri'[millican majority, PCO. 3¡«.íi4

ltrpiiuit<«iii majority, ins«.tf.M*The majority for Onm lu iHft* « as only 17,1779, the Dem¬

ocrat«« running far aluad of their voto for OOVBSBSS od

the !'i e. ali uti.ii ticket.MEMBERS OF CONORKSS.

into, bums? iustkiit. lae*.Ralney, Ki'P. 20,200 Whim-mow-, R«p.. \1,H~7Dudbiy, Ref. 11,43« Covlngtoii, R*p.... 11,018

id publican majority, 1870. »,7'0Republican majority, 18C8 .6.44»

Republican guin.2,v21si:< bao Maraa t.

Deliargciooi' Bowen milite), Rep limaDcLaige over Kowen. 614

Bowen li ml a nmpirif.y over Heyuiour, Dem., of 16,549 Inthl" litslrtel iu lf«W. Tho vote Bl tliat fun" atoad: Rep«,BVMS; ixioi 8,391. Tula year the Democrat! made no

. 1.1,li atli-tyo. Tiiiim asárseos. if*id*«.

F'.tioitfeol'd), Rep..30,664 1 Iltslg", Rep. 1,766Katini, Reform ... H,W li. lil, Dem. ...11,774

R. pubtleaa aaahnity, ko.MSII* BaBCtatbl mujorlly, 1868. 3,008

KerriMbBBB galn.9,3781*>70. »-«hirth Bfamrice. 1*0*4.

Wallace, Kcp.íe.iw Wallam,Bée..y.**" Reform. 13.JV7 bl mpaon. Deni.14.U08Republican majority, 1H70 .2,1-7Democratic majority, 1868.IÍSM

Kcj.ii|iII. ¡in gain.6,47«THK STATE LLOISLATI'UE.

his.ii HOl'M».Ibipoblbram .26 | RepehUmaa.103lui nu« rats.. 8 Democrat!.23

Maturity.21 I Minority.80Republican majority on Joint tssllot.lui

ILLINOIS.THF. HECOXIi DISTRICT.MAJOKITT NEiRLY 8,000.WABUiNiiriiv, Nov. ils Pea. Farnsworth of

Illinois te:, »r.iii'ha to lil! frl« mia in this city: "Um«dei ted by muriy a,oor uialorlty. Oui; h¡ilf our vote waa


THF BANNER lilli ¦IPDlllClaJi MAJORITY,41.4K1.

Dal Moines, Nov. ll.-The State Board ofCanvass« rs la lay BSBMSaMSd the vote of the

HUit«. fbS majority for Secretary of State la 41,133 ;

for Auditor, 4J.0M, for Treasurer, UMi;foi Ke(fls.t« i of State Land Oltice, 42,612; for attorney-t.. n. tai, BtaSMi lot Bapeeeae Ceoit K«|K>rtcr, i-,*,4.5.Iowa claims the. hauner of the Uulou.



Nashville, Nov. 11..The KcprctientativcH«¦ to ('<>ngr«vss froai Tenncss««« are: 1st District, R.

It. Rutter, Kep.; lid District, Horace Maynard, Rep.; HldDlstri.t, A. L. (iarrelt, Dim.; I Vth District, Jno. W.Kright, Dom.: Vlti District, J. (.«illaday, l'eu,.; Vlth Dis¬trict, W. (.'. wbttebeuae. Deaaj VIHh District, R. H. CBaVt»well lx ni. VI I Iib Ins ti ict, W W. Vaughan, bein.

WtÊOOKLItKiiWN'!. MAJOKITY FKOM .15,000 IO 40,000.

Rt. Lons, Nov. 11..Complete rcturne fromtills c.uinly give Hrown 17,2i6; McfTurg, 4,673; Rrtiwu's

majority. Vifif.* Fifty four countiei give Brown ll.Ttf«;M, 'nu K. lo,i484, majority for Browu, -v.-ni. Ttieae Indi-

raw* that Ilrowu'a nialority in the Htuto will re.n h from

SMH to 44),oo0. Tlie Bolters have tuelr Comity Marshal,Clerk of toe Circuit Couit. and Auuatant FroatH'uUngAtt< riley for the Court of (Yitnlnal Correction In tillac«.in,tv. The Denio<:rats have all the other county office ra

by large maturities, lueliullnK Judgt sol tht ( ir. nil < ourt.


8t. Tx>fis, Noy. IL.Tho following ia therecuit of the election for m<min rs of the i-t.ite Le|»is)a-basfiu.iordiug to labams tnmu*sasaaemí House He>-Lepul.ii.-.uiia, .o, Kolters, Ml Democrat!, 67; liision(üoltcrs und DeiiKK-raf*), 16 H»'nat«» Rig. Rtipuldicaua,3; Bolters, 1 l«n...i«> 7; Fusion, I.


Memphis, Nov. IL.A iBMJdiba. «linpatrh fromLittle Roeb to FA! Avalantht says: Hanks (lieui )

majority in the 1st District «til be 7,000. Hynder (Rep.)Is proliaitly elected lu tbe lid District, and EdwardsI is-m in the Hld. Tlie Demotrat! are coñuda««! ofcarryiitsj tht legislature


CRAT IN THE KENATE.Lkavenwokth, Nov. 11..The K« pulilnaii

majority in tbe btate ia aboui 18,000. In the Soaatethem will 1rs only oue Democrat.

I .¦.neuworth «County gives a Kepuhlicaa majority enthe < «.t.«{ress ami Htate ticket«. Only two countiee

Clifirokee and Crawford.ara known to bare gone Daaaoeratie. The Leglalature la four oft ha Bepubllean.Tite eleetlon lodlcatea tbat Hark will not be eletjted totlie l »n.ted cut« s tenate Tbe resuit lu tbe oouiitteatluat haie nona Democratic Is duetotbetiueationrelaUnsrto neutral lands, lu » ht. h tbey are both lntaureatexL inLeavenworth tit« i«. has betu much personal feellcf in

regard ,o lotíal añaira._


OREÄ8MAN PROBABLY LLECTED.Kan Framciisoo, Nov. lO.-The Nevada elec-

tloa returna «M)tue io very «lowly. It la guuenUly b«vlleved tbat the Demócrata have carried tbe Htate, exoep»far l.'.niteuaut tioicrnor and MciuIm r of Cou»cr*es. «I.

HllngerlaniL Republie»n candidate for Lientenant-Oor-erii'.i. and Thoiuaa Kit, d. K. |,.il.|i.'aii canitldste for «'«»u-

grtiaiB, th« pt. s, nt luenmbeii,. are thought to i*r eU-c4«>«,.The result . auuot Lo given, however, until ta« «afflciulvote is known, "_THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD ROBBlUtSHalt Lake, UtoJi, Nov. 11..Tho annie party

of Munumi! who eaptured two men euppoeed to be coe-

Lsctcd with the Central Pacific Railroad robbery, alter

bringing the prtaouere lu, went out again after tbe

otb.-ru, an.t lirtiught two other meu in to-day. While the

tabbara ««¦.. atadaavsram to «sa-ap«', tu« y taoth iin-sw

away ti,, n aa.ldu-hags, which hsv«, ali... been Itiuud,and ooutaiufMl a l«rg«' auiounl of grttuihacks »,,., KoIm*

gold dust and soo-. Miwelry, whiili will c4«ivl«| Utain1 aim Si the aloa»«, lilalso, stasa rebbery af au«, a



,BT TKI.WIBAPH TW TUK i BlBOO 1.1Washin<.t«i*, Friday Mov li. nea

The Cabinet remain« «I In session an annaaally longtim: today, and everybody coiiciud*»! that Ute impendlug liureau «-hange« and appointment« wore the «uhj«antof discussion. It transpire.I, however, that nothing st

the sort was considered, other i|ue«tlons moiKipolulngthe entire mm ting. hut Just what they were nae not yatbe« out«- known. It la presumed, therefor«, that ti«*

Presld« nt wm merely clearing up his «.ftciat table preparaiory to a brief visit to Philadelphia, whither Lvswent t!ds evening, and where he Is to be the guest «a

» -... r. t.irv Horte until Monday uext.It Is nponoi that th.- <.'... .-ship f the United

States C«»urt of Claims, a life position, reeently resignedhy Judge Camy, «ni be temlered lo beuator Williams ofOregon.

Bairne of the Republican Senator» now bore are se muchIncensed at the cimrae of rVnatair Schurs in Missouri pailiii« s that they contemplate taking vigorous measure« to

puulah him for producing disae.inious In the party; andIn furtherance of this Intention they will endeavor to

r<-ad bim out of Uietr council.», take from bim hi« promi¬nent plasw on «jominltti. .«, and e «.elude him frou. the

party caucuses.

Judg«! Fas« hal, one of the attorney« for the M« 'larra

han claim, today publishes a caul ad I reseca! "To an

Impartial Public," in which ho refera toocrtaln »tate

nienfs made lu «Um n-tary Coi'« reoently published letta r

to the President. Ile says Cox again give« a false «er

sion to a certain stipulation; that tlie stipulation was

in writing; tbat tbo mlsrvpreseiitallon had been« «y

exposed, and In repeating It, therefore, Mr. Oil's mis-

statement waa intentional, that Cox la guilty of still mora

wicked mian presentation in lus reference to tue printedstatements of counsel, and he accuses "Cox of n '.- . «.

»enting th«- monia Ia regard to UM letter «b«iwn koCox, in which one of M'-Oarnthaiiw counsel off. r< «1120 ixe

t«> influence Cox'i favorable action toward Me« im ' »I »Paschal aays :" I «.ty unqualifiedly for myself, and I am «ore I can for

Shaw and every «itlur attorney engaged for Mc«.bit»han. that If any such letter was ever shown to Cox or

anybody else, it was a wholesale f« rgerv, suit I believetlie «tata-uieiit to have is .-n a mere inveution."The card « loses as follows : .' As to tbe <. sun Itself, Mr

Cox makes uot one statement alsaut it which is nut

grossly falsa or larg« !y exaggerated."Several persona, who claim to have absolute BOBWt

edge of the fact, assert to-day that the «.'ommlaeloncndilpof Internal Revenue has beau tendered to «Jen. AlfredPieasoiitou, and that bo ha» pmiui.ted to give an answer,

next week. The report cannot now be rer-ifled.Mr. Bowen, the present memlsr, wrttoa h« r»> matt mt

will nataBl the seat of I>- Large, the colonxl tjeBBBBInun elect (Kim the 111 South i .rollo* District Kowenclaims thnt the ballot Ihixi-s w. re stuffed after J.e pollswcro closed. It Is also clarged that De I>trge waa a

b!.h kad. runm-r «luring Ihi- war, ami look out Fiigllannat j'l.iui mu papers at Nassau.Commiseloiie.r Wilson has uot laren requested to res-ga,

and d«»-« not Intend to r«-sign. He lu« board nothingfrom tlte ITe«»d«ut iii reference t<> the matU-r, ami pur*

pool * remaining ui hi» oflloo until otherwise onmred *wthe Eiivutlve.


ÀMkVUfï of Jt.niiY DUMM.

THE ASSASsIN OK JAMES I.tXiAN NO. 2 .«k'l'ltrn.

Diteetive Irviiikf arriv««! in thin niv lastevening having in custody the notorious J« rxy Dunn.whom he arrested in Hf. Louis on a charge of murderingJames I/ogati Bo, 2, who wa« «usisb« ted of being the mur

derer of Mr. R«»gers, kille.1 ia Eaet Twelfth-»». On

the morning of Da-cember » Logan and «>trna

Smith went nth» Hie basement restant «ut No.

28 West Houaton-st. Heated at the aame Ubi«

were Jerry Dunn and two companions. Dunn mads a

groas allusion to the girl, which sas resented by LoganDuuu I«caine v« ry abusive and the girl left the saloon.

followed by I/Ogaii. As they stood ou the sidowOak, lofront of the saloon, I »sun and hte friends came out, andthe former Jost leal I... «n as he passed. Lognn followed

Dunn and demanded what he meant by in tilting htm.

A few words pas«*«!, emllng with Logan declaring ti*

could whip Dunn and bis friends.Dunn at ..nea- drew a pistol ami fire«! at f/igai», and is»

bal! «ufared hi« left br« «st The friends of Dunn rao

away, one of them dropping a slung shot. Donn piacrdtlte pistol In Ins (MK-ki f. und walk.-«! down Doustou-st ,

leaving-I/ogan lying on the sidewalk. He hail gone bul

a few steps, wheo «uti. >-r « rill« nilen, who had board His

pistol shot, ran ni», Knowiug Dunn to bo a d< «paral«character, the otrii «-r selz« «1 him. but tho prisoner «le.elared lie »as not the assassiu, aud «onie of his friendscoming up ile.-laicd that tin-u-sn who bad abot Ismaihad run bark into the restaurant and was e«,«l. *. .,r

tug to make his es« upe.The ofR« ii release«! l>uuu, and went te the crowd con

gralga ted around Logan. .Minni. Wilson, who had witne»se«i the «hooting, seised Dean oaen nftae he waa n»

taaaod i.y OBVer «Dritteedea. but wa« pcroaaded bj a

fiu-U'l lo let him go,as he would piobably shoot ber, andDunn then rail aioiimi tho con.« r mid made his OO »i-s

I/ngaii wan taki-n to BeUovao H-irpual, where be died hia f.-w duvs from the woiiuu. ft* «dolls to lu« «balli, bl«ant«- iiii.rt'.|n oeaooittoa was tata u by Coroner Fly nu, d«>tiillmg uiau.v of the u Ihi ve fact».Estarte W« r. m nie to Bad Dunn, but Where he bad gons

couhl no» he a .« . rtatnctl. M,i|h 11 ni«-mien t Joordi-n delavnina «It«- Mud Diutii, .* liosa- trie Ulla «aid be had trau« toIicbmil. hut thin waa proven to mt untrue. Just aboutthe time Sapermtenteni Jmirdau was taken I!!, Inform.-»Boa COOM t«> him from UoBtareta, tnat Dunn waa in theWest, tait the rauperUiLeiuleiit'« «loalh pr<oventeil an

Inmediata sear. h. Boon afterward, howev« r.

Chief Detective k. In», now !«uperinta-iideiit of P«-llee,and.iiistu'e Dowling, took the matter In band, and tlie J nail« »

wa« uiforiuod that Dunn had been seen noar OklOOfMlu the ne-an time Duuu had beoo indicted far murder inthe first «legree bv Hu OrwadJatT. «i.iOot. 1*, the dayK«¦ ¦-<> wa« appoltifa-d Su|ieriiiten«leiit, be detailed ActingSergeant Janice Irving and Thomas Dusenbury of the«bia-« uve force 1.1 go West <aud Und aud arrest

Tiny visited several places, and Anally reached Cbuag«»,stopping st the Slierman House undi r assumed natue«.From Poll.-e « apt s in HI. key they learned that Dunahad la ft tin- city in August, aud was cngagvd with «tiverthieves in picking pot-ketu ut van« us country Fairs i..

the Southern SUtes, more sspc« lavlly lu Ibu ilaate «.' ' ..-or

gia.The detectives then went to Atlanta, «la., fmn, there

to Corinth, Muan.,and to ('liattaiiisigu. line the» learumltbut Doun was m Richumud, Vu., att'toding tbe «olio«,fair, and tie > prm-envied thither, only lo And that h«bad gone to Baltimore. There they were i«o«| thal ...»

had gone back to St. I/mls, and. uutier the narnu of J liaMiitthew«, was visiting various pla««* with Tom Alien.Harney ».aron, and other notorious tn.eves and nut,*. -

The dcta-ctives communicated wita Chief-of l'on«*McDonald of St. Loin», requesting him to nmiiDunn under the v»giant art, and not to Nveal the fad that he was wantaxl for murder l «. ..

was soon ... r.-«'--i. and a few houi « afterward the «k. v.-1

Ives were on their way to et. Iannis, Detective «JOBOFagan of the 1 ni ted states Se« ret serviou too« th. pria...ia j across the river to Aiton, aud «1« ilvi red hiiu lo I *

tectlves Irving and Duaenbury, an«! they started on thavfirsi train for this city, re««vblug here last eveatu« Ti.»

prisoner was locked up tu a cell at Pulu« Hesad«iuart>r»,He is »erv reticent about ta« crime for wltlch fe« wa«

sn. »i. «1. Dunn la well know a as a itespatiata« ruffian. II«has tieaou often arreateaL, ouoe for persouatlog a detaretive.and ext'.rf tug money ta>m keeper« of feousasof evil reputeI r tin» uÄ. um -, he w.t- r«-nt Ir. Justice DvwUltg to lu.

Petrttentlury for six months. Hoon after ki« rai«awa«a, bebrutally beat («lershvim Cohan, a re«*4»»*r«tth9 citiaen olLo- Fuiilli vv inl. .-ii he eve of Ut« «»levtiou one yemago, because Hr. («»hen opi>oaed the oloetion of a «-ami«

date who had aee'ired Dunnw tvetrlc«» Bitty oaitascrimes are iharged «tgaiust bua.

CRIME«« AND CABCALTIIÜ nY fataMUPB....Al»«>ut «frjO.OtWof the money takou at Hie nrwt

n.laiVo na Ux- Pa.ul«; itilnad ka» «wa wra.wT-l

A -I'sn of the raiirotwl hndge building act«««

i.-.r BaaewlTp»m «. OB rsavi». a«a. BO .«strrsa;, kxlBaf ... mn

siai nuaâl nlaa viktn.

A freittht train on the Vermont Central Rall»«ad raia of th« «rae» aa*r 0»»b«vr., las« «'..-.» fiikr« f*>ai «ian an«

lad»«.»! ». MOem U»1B .« kaSVS.

«mW.^Uietslajrulght a narrr of maslowi rahler»luoVá ar«w IV«" ka» tan «* M»«»a»asl, «au« «a It. «mi. . aw,

i'k..u*a-»» ttaiU«.!. «Si «Su» la a.

..A boiler in the flour mill of M..-<h» QoBknaPial'aValaiS»u.»». Okio. mi-'»M «.-arlaj. Sa.«raI paiwaaa »*f»

^.^ «al waa k11 «1 L«w* abusa «».SOU.

...Tlie card manufactory ¡u Washington Centr«-g ii ..--' I" *.* . a»r«r»t i bra ¦¦; w -..u ti.« ..

far..a .«wtenUi. It' MaMil au «xwtlr «ami. Ik. t,a.k.,a». an., a

mea_Thomas A. Peehlea, Ktate Senator nie. t fhajBMauri « "i"«. Li n .»* a»."« a« aila»! «aa Yk.rwla, «rai «ana»Mill .'L A V.lalar. Tra» qa»/iMl«a» aj a i^iSaaal raaiattar rmau,annsl lu Ml/^«l«Uiaax. A .i"!.«, pa-aawnger bv the «teaiuahip City ol

C«.k, .ki.« «rio*» m» Tuarwai la liua*«M. »a. rriiaoaj f a. aavwurt« *f «liassuaSa I.» K.v«aaa .Bon«, .«*« th» |.| igir aUcaaiaKal ia

Bini4|ki la kia t.ttaaar-. Uui

-The trial «if Mita Mattie Uitthani. .,, Wha-.-lmi»W Va., hi U-r mitrlaa, f »V J M.Naat. .a. cuaalaaKal |l« li, trar» bnni«b« I» a »»nSi-t W »«i i»Hi." It »ill or .sa..,u,rl^ v .,«.at a .ra, a«.« Mia« Baltvaai. ah» ka» Isata aasan.^ '. M Na.« .i.aaK«ia» at kia Usn>na( Suaiaa. aaat «Iraaaal«« ia« LU« Ha. at f t. , r. », .. v,

marr; Ur. DpSBah reAaaiuj tai ^ a», as» «ktiMralclf iii«. . -..-..^

tiwi kia ««al wam

....Alaiut one week ainf«a, Mr. ami Mr« (îe.irvsaaaua «mari at ii .rati.llboa ia.i. (at t.» Mrrsaar »I . aiiU aaaa»rada Obi*. Maa us ^ Ik. «Uv. BVaaaaaBjaaBj auuats« Kia «X ti«la* M^ Ir. UI.IKI las. «.ra. «.!... ab«.^ UM S>v. » ,»

ol»»i awl! an ba.rr.aa. L«, Um, af »i..,k j^,, ,4^* ,a lila. u. .i.ll. Ilaaaan. aaa a »aVaatWj. au larwa¦ 1, t»u4 a na.'lassa al I«aimb Miuu »kara k. aaaala-u a«.ali »a ia. ravi..« m a

«i uw aaa mob Boo

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