new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1892-05-06 [p 5]....jt is afbaa bbm to tbe peopte, ln the worda of...

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Aibanv. May r> (Rpettal). Ptee imndred tBRgyaaea(rom taaieaa dlunaaa ln tke t'nited stites and Canada4i,d a Beore ol Btatatea aaaeaakkd la the ABmny(-4ji!r0r:ii today to wRaaaa UM oooauorattoa of tbe

Kfv. Pr. Ilenrv QebrleB *s btahop of the Dtoreae ofOgaaaabarg. Not evea uie apBndora ol Btahop Mcjiunnoii's ladaettoa lato tbe epBropate aarpaaaed the

ajaangnor !»«. negga, 01 nocoewter, a caaaann

BJaBRRJ frlend of the now BBkop, laad BB ofli< i.u

aoemneht* BWBtttdtBg Uie i-orctiiotiv to be liolrt, was

MrlKHik'- Ot tho ivit Rat tho vBRlog Mahopa.Areh-tisiioi'4 Dniiamoi. of Oitawa; Fabre, of Montraai;


nnrv. of Blngaton. and Chappene, madjntor of SantaFe: th" BBhopa of Prerktonee, llartfOrd, Brooklyn,Treatoa, Rewark. BaRalo, 8>n»ruaa, Manefceater,poaUae, Three Rlvera, Carlnm, PortBod, and UmaazUmry BBkop ol Doatoa; and th.- Mon Ignorl Parley,(.f ffew-York, and De Regge. of Roekaster. Standlngeround tlio consecrator were Ike most notahle pdeataor tbe provlnee. The deaeona ol the ma- were A*adnlatrator VYalak, of Ogdenahorg, onee promlnently¦amed for Uie. .--o, nnd |he Bev. Jamea Lyneh, of

rtlea, at 0:10 tinio Vkar-peraral of §yrarn«e. Tbed-:.,-.ns of boMor were tbe Bev. i>r. Pulasant, presenlbead "f ihe I'toy *¦mlnary. aud Brotbet Edwarda, of

Now York. Tu. Uo- rtgkt RtO *1 th" BiakopoBd in

a-bito Twlmtnte. alth BBhopa MeNBrney and Lanoeait his Baa, und his ebaphda, tbe Bev. Coaroy,-octor of tbe Ogdcaabnrg Cathedral. Aaalallng themrcre VkanMleneral Barha, ol AJbanyi CnaneoUorBooaay and Becntory ConnoBy, <>f New-York, and

BRteta. ii. the bodj of Uio ehnreh were graeped tin-

pdests and aemlnarlana.a fcw BKRitba ago tbe cereaaoay of roBaeeratton

ronld not have been hetd In Um ABmny Cathedral,for de Rtawtaary and roar ebapeB aree too -mali t,«

imve held aach a aanaher <>f prtost- and preBtee, Butthe old laBkartial. baflt torta yeara ago by CaratnalBhRBoahay, haa haaa eaBnged and beaatlfled by Umaaaaaad Baakap of Albany. Thl* was tho llr>t pub-llc ccreniony peeforaaed la tho now aaaetuary, but not

tha tirst tWMiiiiBllon. lor bete |he ROeood BBh rp of

Aibanv vas raked to Bb parBte, and Jasi tweatjye»rs ago Bdgar P. Wkdlaaaa, thc Vkar-General ofAlbany, fomierly an Efdeeopal eteifjatao, waa ln tidssame cathedral niade btahop of tlie see to Dr.

Oabrlels antnedtd today.Tke readers of The Trlbnne are nlrondy famlllnr

wttn tbe ektef Bnahatea af tbe eeeumetafttoa eareaaaay,through tke acoount of iii-hop BBDooaePB eeaoe-

cratlon. The Cathedral choir today wa* a-islsiedby 150 aUMlenU from Uie Troy Seminriry. Tlie seml-

Barfcns BBBf Uio Banaflg dkcUy eCBBMQted with theeonseeaatioii, aud tlie eajMtBBlJ baya »ang tbe re-

sponses tn tho "To Deam." Tho Btrvtoefl nnd fct-

iuou lasted over tkree hoare, RBhop McQaatta, ofHbchetner, wa.- tbc pieaeber. Ho dwek Urgety oa

tbe offioes and dutles of o bBkop, and aaid la Rtd>Maakeei

"^Tiot the aetnal jK.wcr of a l.lshop Is. tka prleaBof tbe poplo know; tbef BOW t" httn m torRag sub

BdaaBak th.v kiss tbe rlng apon bB hand and pkdgeof ktyaMy. UBgr rapporl hlm aa tbe one aaaa kokRngin tha dtocuae tke enaaadete power aad parfeettoa ofthe pilRRdknnd HB poalUos Ifl one of dreodfnl

iiBiiiaaabBlir. koarwver, and IB boedena are ofton too

groat for man. As the piardian of trutb. Uie t h..;-mu«» ba leadf ad any momeot to 6>fend it. Bitonee

4J, Bbn would be tieaekery. Hi« ofltee l^ nol merely|B btatraet tke 000B od bmo, bat lo noaHdi Itaeen.

jt is afbaa bbM to tbe peopte, ln the worda of 8tPaad, thut tkey akoakl glve ln-.-d to Ihe bhhopsBamofated eaee theaaj but Um ebtof warl af a bBkopla to rule over htm .If.

.Honor the dtgaitg of Uuit posllion to WhKh I>r.

flahfBB B rafaed laday. Be aau ever eatered tho

aaeartryarHi to aafl prepared aa IhB man. 1 or yearaUm btokoaa kava been Wa detitora ln the pattont work

he kaadone ta tka teaatnary; tke kondredi of prBatabeee preaent have fcet Ihe laRnenee of Wa aohB per.tooattty, wlthta and wltkoal tbc aandnary. Ana

u.w Ja* dtly cnters tbe hierarehy, a rakw who kaa

kmrned tke art of raBag htmeeM hefare attampttng to

,uie athera. Ike Beaalaary he eared lor Bvea ooJy a

Bw peara aaora. II beeaa Ma eajwet oa the baniis

of tke Hadaoa, faiiod there, falBd agaln oa tke banka

af the M, Uwraaee, BUed m rerdkaan, aaeee Bvelyundor BB eata of iMaarBM, Jewatta, and aagalarajtayta; aad a^rbad oat a trtampkaal eaaaet ealy.Baa tt.- BalgB- prteata of wkom beerai BlRader,BMk ir la eJaarsa. He haa beea ekoaea hj UB

Immtea. bBkop. of IhB Btoaiaee, whoai J^f?"man te reeeaUy ertaaBBhtled attk efcargea of onfaKk.fuir.o-s to daty aad Bogleel ed tka^.nt. Ikaae

caBVnJea tbe bBkopa fllng baeh wlth Beora aad

deniai. and Uaow thelr ImMfkweaM. and tketo Bamerrndtgln URa appelaUng a Baaogaaa le tbe ktgtamt koawra

ol u>e Aaterteaa ehnreb."Tke aaraaoa eraatad a gaofoaad BBpraaatoa Afu r

theoeretnony a splendid dinner «as BBtrae.IJB th

BBBJf iu inion llall. aad an addreaa aada pajrat 0

SScaTwaee paaaaartod to tke »« ... um. N*J.aeh he wBJ be recelved wlth fcaaota la ";;;./

De. BahetoB B a Babdaa, and a man of < Md. r

gltadBttnel. Ha B ^^'^^^JSbo.,, a arteai for U^lrUf ye«a J«.ggf^XaaaaarBdal Um mvo,-it> 'f .."";' ,, .,,..,..eetved U- degree of ***£l*l% ;, joaeph'aaaigmn prieat, j» »«* '¦ ' .k* ,vreoty -elghl rearaasadaary oa it^ openlng iu «' ..

agT aad tor tha ^.'t.:- part olaawtod be baa been Ita pro-idont.mj, o, t,., kBkopa Of tho pr.iv ln. ^-^ ,I()n.i;irvrwloti^ and ln two 01 tlirec < -^ M Maaanaor, of Vkar «-«-.,.;r:il. HB Marmna£u aoatoon brooafct Wm a i-ptitauon.aaUaw of Roveral kmrned wortiharaoter for pl'tv nnd InatnutioTis with tke peBdagabv eorr< too*iialo hlm one of "'

tke IniervenlngHa was ike aav1.0 importaot oe-

Jlo is tlioIn adltloii. hia

hta aRaetlonata re-wbon. he traincd, and th-k . ;.',. have all belped tomoat sirii.niK Bgarea ol ee

,.t< .(*. raiui, e.itiabie RelgianekaiBBReaJ < -rtoa Ile un> . - .» Hlfkaaperament, arw im tarsoi


Bpara»ent,»nd tke f^^ ».U^^gid indiccent. ^_^_,

PBJfRKD F^JBUM WAWTATEB.Tha pmdaatJ.raeraBe. 1 llV,'"% nT taaR^BkHW

BN MaaM Maal Ta.I ^'"' ^' "' ' i'U

aat ao ?paik.-r. of tbe ...d *» board afa m

5m Tk. giBBBRBBi aBaa eeeagBd aaaB to fraat

*£*£* .1. pr.-^-t of BW B-rdJTJSir :.««SV <¦-.- -^~-Havnoort, Jo.-.a. MBW .»""a

aow« wora iu ¦BtBBg tho BaaMMa '""",-T-Hekea

from that dl«.%e. All theae naiaaa waea BBMkaawith gm Bwta bb » eaaaM of Bhetr ***_?* .JZZiteovated. Tho-e who were B..duBt,-d w. re M"

Beaaaaa. RRaa k.u- dowimb. Wm RBBa U^aaMmuSm ida kV Bweat bttrn LtoaB m. O*"^**!?^0. -.trr. bttai laabi h. ity»" ""-1 «." Ann*

liioiiip-.n._Nortb «,oro Llmlted-N^-Vork'H\J**f* fSBmafternoon truln for Detrolt aud Cbieago. awiev*

.aTVke, *


RIRG GF.TS OOOD sri'FORT. a\d thi; RRW-TORR.i;rs maki: .six RUNs TO THR bkow.ns- FOUR.

LEAGUE GAMBaXN-w-York 0. Bt. Loai* 4. Rrcoklra 0. ChMbraaR 4.Uoaton 3. Loulaville 2. fltubing A l-ifitaSeiuhla 2Waablnfftoa 2. Ctevetaod l l nnaaanaam -

Bt Leata, May 5 -Tir-i, aaa a aanhtg na**reveaMalln UM Glaot*' ptaylni le-day, and in eeaaeoaeac* th«*beal tho St I, iis Mam. Thb ua- Xiw.York'i laatgane ot Um Br*< «Hea, and ,« it ulll . M,t.,. .',.'before Utey ptar bere aaain a Bood-ataed weekdar erowd.onrn-v.-d M «M gMaad*. RlOB .Bpled tb* baX (orthe visitois and h- wj« well rapperttai. i. ,. .,, -.--

Inatag* ih- heaw Man "aat et" ihe rlattora la a n hirnUiat did aot mak* Managar Pewer* feel bopefol but UmBrewa* .-my beM tbe ; aaui ahe *eventh Innmi. atwhich Mage of the ganrt UM Xew-Yark* lorged to their.nt bv aeortaa ihreeruo*. Tbe heme Man made a raln*ltcD,l)« '.m ¦l"1 rro«nd. Rtag wa* i. arUly ap-phwded, :.- ii- l* ttil! remenabered by Bt Louli peouieas thab CavorlM pltehei of th* pa«t The rroriBT, LOUIS. ,-..... ........

r "'f° a ' 'li'i.o a e<>0'k«, 8b. I -2 8 B lotn of £ aVoolurroil. | f. ..I 10 0 1 r.iti.V, ,ii. i i nW,.,,...., ii. n .. in n ,.,"«. I". 1 1 B 'I O

(.'i\'-w' '. } '£ ' ° "

0 0

Wnden, lb. o L' io o oOUwcok, .... 1 -' o 4 o 0;Rou7k'e - i . n ¦¦ oin.4i".,-1... i i .-, o u.i.,.1,rK:'.'.¦. °. 8 v"""".. <: i... i i ¦> v u i.i,n. , ,. ,, -, i .,rr"-°o i i;; £{&&»:" > . > 8Htrkaer, gb.... o 0 1 3 o gtu,

' ,. " ! 0 ¦"Rwrar, p. o o l o o paileV.a "*.'.'.'.'.'. l l 2 3 1Tota,,i.4 88411 1 7otjIS. C 72710 1&**!£. I l I 0 o n 0 0Maw.lew . lOliogioi-8Raraed run* st. Lonla a \>«..vnMi 4 r .»r i,>. ,.halM-OB Dwvei l off KlngV "tiJJk o'ul R^oSvre"!;u-Kgj.,ks. ,],.£.?£ luM^'J'r'Sto.,,'":v'.r:(.ni- -. O'Keurke. Rlehaiawm Kniler ii-ni. - ,'iv- i .,i^.Effi ..';>"'iun.-.n and Knll-r' Wl',1 'J, it. l's":H»\.r -J. Miil' .' l'u-..(i baiu-Hini t it,iv',.

'l i¦,pirv-i.ynch. faamef j[%*lrJ *' lu>h - l'"-


TEAhLCtmlnnatl. May R-Ward'a man pMyed another Bae

gma* Mday, and were agata rtetoHoo*. Tbe home dubtn-d McUIII aniixt th- f.r..,Kivn-. aad be waa fooadwaattog. lu oaly on. laatag ».- ink- i.u, u-,d thal»as in the sivth inniiif,-, wbeo ih- c.ii.i.,,.it!s acored (ourraaa, whleh Ued Ihe *eere. |a the tollewlag laalai Umvlallora aeoitd UM wlaalag raaa. The - .;¦

C1RC1NRAIL RROORLTR.. ,. .. , ! '.baa » e r llipo a eMrPhee, 2 l>... 1117 o'c-llinH. 1 f » 1 0 o ol.aii.111,. B b... 12 0 4 (1 Ward, 2 b.,.... t 1

"¦¦ oUalllsan, r T. 1 1 00 a Joye.- a b .... I 1 1 o ,,';"""'. '. f 1 1 11 o r.i-ntu, 1- j 1, o a ], -. ,,ON. Hl. 1 f... 0 I '.' 0 1 KoUtT f 0 0 0tomakep, 1 b. 0 1 14 0 j Ha* 9.11.... 0 0 :. a 0S Itll, s -. 0 o o I 1 11 0 .1Murp iv. r; ....0 0 7 1 o J alv. C .'. 1 2 B li .)MiOlll. i> . J 0 o a OlDtdky, t.. o i o o 1>

Xaaal.TV^^.i1"^" ." ° Li !Total- . 0 817 17 0

nndntiatl 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0.1Urooklrn .o o i o i o 2 o \"d raaa.ClaclnaaU :i. in-t baa* by error*.Brook-

vn i. i..ft on baaea Clnrlnaatl u nrooklrn i. FlratI".n ball'- i'IT McUlll i. ,,rr lnk< o. nfl lUM I. Rtnu k-it Br MeOIII i bv ln;.- :i. bl llart '. Ih.-ba-. hlli

.i..v.¦... nrouther*. Two-ba«e i,r- li illl ran DalSa.riil." l»;t. Mnlth. Colllna, \Said. 1 ..ut/. Btolen l.a- -,

Mrltiee Utham 2. Hurke, i»;,iv Ward. DouUu i .¦

Smith. MiT'i. and Comiakcy. I'mplre.Sherldan. Tihio-2 :07.


OAMEg IN OTHER CIT1E8,nflefadahaa, Mar f> (Baectal)..Tha I7alven|te af r. nn-

srUania aWeatrd a/Mlrrao ut btmehall t -dav la n alew aadBBtotereatlaa mn.". bv the aeove of J 2, RBM oitehidr-r Wealevaa, aad tbe QaauHer* ..Miid d. Ilttla with bl*dellvery, uimrt ftaaa rapMIn Bavaa, wba .Be u ttini-jnd twii ateatao, Bavae t--d a ihianminil a***e,-tiik!n« oal atoetaea mea. Beere br laalna*:

i: 11 r.|St,t,«r]van!<k .i o l i o o o o o.aWeideyao. 8 0 0 1 0 8 B 0 0 -'

LeatavlBa Miv 5..Th- K«-ond gatae betiri'«a u>°!- *nd Re*t*a toaaa »ti- aaa by UM vWior*.H-'ti piMbte* weM eBeetlva. The *eara:Uralavtlta n n 1 o n o n o 1-3BMatoa .l 0 8 0 fj 0 " i I.I

BaaablBt.Loatavtlb B Hfi-t-n 8 Rrrora iMWIavUk i.Bo-ton 3. Pltcben.Meekln and MntU, I'mplte-Hn:-t.

PtBhaVara, May B..Taday** r»me »a< wnn br tiiahenie *eom. wtio f-.'ind no trnnhl* ln tltm? i »r»'v.

BaMwta pftahad a ttoady gomc and wa» weii *aapened.The m .-.:

I'lit-t.iirif .:~.:.. .0 2 " 0 0 1 0 0 6 *.I'nltadelphla .o 0 18 10 0 8 0-2

nn ehlta riti*t.'ire s. nrhaMpbla 4. F.-mrs i'i--.l-irs 2, l'hii«deif,hia 4. Plteheia- lwild«in and Oawep.liniilr-.liaffney.

CtovekBMt, Jfav 5.-The 8<ma»ir«. bv (ItVee J.lavln?.walked off with to-day'a game. The ronW<»t *n ..x«-lt-

Iiir 'hrouabout, and w«h In d-nbt nntll RM BBB nain hndiKen rftlred. The hcere:t lev-land .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.1WaaalBCtoa .8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x--

BaarhlM fluutand h. Waahiagtea 4. Frruri- 0, Wwhinpton I. Pltcher* Capap aad Kiii-'-o.I'miilt --F.7i.-I...

Chleasa Mar 5..The CaMBRB^BBitaaer* elaba areat Mha\" phtyad todap. bal the patn<; «*< peataeaed aa aa>

eeaat of we? greaad*.ajew-Havaa, Ceaa., M«y 5 The Kain" M-day r-«-'ii^-<l-

r-nll. o 0 0 o 'i l 8-1yui-. 0 8 0 l 0 1 a.5

Baaehlt* Tale 7, CorreB 2. rTrrer* Tale 4, CoraeB S.Batterle*.rtowera nnd K-d-i". Prlest and KleM.

Provid'n .-. B. I., May ¦'. -PrevMeae* broke UM atrlniof vteMrtaa iMaed by Klaotre and waa the inmi* leday by'.if"<t.iv" and t,;iie. TB* atate:

provideaee . .... 1 ° P '-' 10 0 1 0-8FJjnlra.-- 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-8

Baaehiu.Provldence in. FJmlra M. F.rrora Pra2. I-.linlr* i. Jljtl'i"- Kllio and Ryao, SfroRell *a.)Btyd. _^_

Tin: RE00RO.Craba. BFoaJ*et,P.rt Clobe, w* i/-t p.rt.

jV.-'on 14 :* u'-'l Wanblnatoo . 7 B .-4<",7lliooklvn .... 12 I .750 U"\.iv,u 7 * .4.J7Loulivllle .. ll .> .'.-- Milladelpbla. . :i ,488pittabura .. il 0 ¦'¦'" «^i.''<'-'. . & ]i .818< lii.I.matl .. 10 H .500 M l.."il-.... 4 12 ,260New.Yorb ..7 7 '>'"> BalUaiore ... 1 I* MA

RAMEB TO-DAT.Chicaito vn. Rew.York, at Chleaaa,M l^-.iis \h. Jti.i.kl.n. :.: M I,,'il».( in.innnll vs. Boatnfl, nt ( Iie li.natl.Unilavlllu v-. plillu.l. :.l Lxnlnvlll*.t levelaod vs. Baltlmore, al Clrvelaad.j'itt-bnrir vs. Waabtagtoa, «t PI'Aabarc

REOIRXIRQ TIIF CRICRET REABOM.Tbe Maahatran Crleket <:iub apeaed it-. ».^s.., v.-i.r-

day bv 'aj.;ly d.-f-atine UM t.-:un of RM M*aa*ablp Umbrla,irbe weal aat M Piaapatt l'ark ta s.i»,t:iin a Befeat t>v i<>5

raaa. H. R. Cayae und P, J, PmaVrgaM ahawtd the,sa:ii>r» Mtae hard bMUag, peetty play aad -ia,r» raanlngnnd w-r- BMlaly taatraBMBMl 11 Ihe rletery, Th* f-i-

iiiwinc is th- aeereMiuihattan P, j. PieaatfTgast, o Oarter, 48; f-'. W,

Oteeaa, t rart-r, b Mead, l"; lt. H. Cayae, not <>nt, B8lB. riaiaaa. c Walker, b M-r.d i ii. C. Mortea, b w,i, |f«ad, i; '*. .'. aaewaet, b Carter, I; C. Mttrnell,l, tart-r. Oi W. iMWla, 1, ( iri-r, h; A. Riawa, b w,b carter, 0; A. nw. b Mead, ,14; byea, 8; tag-hye.l;wiii,-. l; no ball, l; total, 184,

gaeamahlp Oabrta u i(. Vau«, bCayae, 12; F. Jeeea,,. ]nx. i, Cayae, 8; .'. < CbaBhaer, raa oat, i; I. bMelgh,¦ aad b PMa*ler**aa, :i: .1. ( art*r, paa ont. 0: .1. BaUawoll,aat aat, 8; T, Maad, Mortao, b Pearaea, 8; W. Blaaet,,. uteea, b Pearaaa, I; <.¦ Teaafata, »> i»ir. I; T. Pem-h, rtea, <. Mertaa, b Pearaaa, i; C. Walker, raa .."t. «;

,,,.., 4; U,U1, 40,


Al o apertal aweUaa "f the Naaaattaa Teaali a»so.i».

Uaa taM algat, ai Ihe kaaae M BM pfaataaat, Kw. :ht B/t*ti'i....|,iuidr-il aiid-tlilrty-iMh-t.. Um Mrata Bf

tb- ManbaBMa Athhata . i>ii» «»« eleetef M Baanberahlp la

n,- aaieaiaUea. Th-y wfll aatet a aamhM <f playen ""

the iprrag baadleap MaraaaMat of tho aaaaetatton, whlehU.KI., .n Sat'U'l'V. Mav 11.

Tin- oeblM toaab raart* ta Oeaaral rark win ba Ihieaa

naa R» ptoy aa Sitnriuy BRawaeoa, ('..n-M-r.b'e rare

1,,, beea Blvan Mla -l.n../ I.y BM i«ik ButbartUr* U> l-.'-

lltli! ti.. v..I la aaed eaadatlaa, :.nd Um reaall <>f iheaaii or- ta iid'»r'"1'" tbe Bae apj* Biaaee -l tl .. eeart* AU

.f tha taekare, whleh f"i.rly eciaptod all ol Um avaitabM¦aaea ta Um taa Maaiahea«ea, have b."n BUea away, aad...ln rh.Ui". iMah* -il'-tniUH. IT- ,.,..- for thi* I* Urttoniv u r." pBapaeOtaa al kheaa 'M.<- play ta Ihe l'ark eeaM,',. .,.,... ..,(:at.d aaater the ald av*4**a, aad all by t* aew.

TB* Unal BMl'BBT la BM llr-t MuMleap ir.-.i.'-i-' UMIwa-

-,Bt "f UM Ar.-l T-nnls I'MI, Wlll b* l.!»v.d aa Mti.M.v

artoreooo 00 t.'l"b'« "",rt'- it One-baBaredaad-tblrty.iifti, st and 8*. Ann's-av". Uaattaewn** Baahlca, ladl--'

do.ible- and n.lxed doflbles are on BM pitpiBBBh_*-.

AT.YK BaUIRTATBl FROM M.v/: MEMTXAWT.Cliirlnnatl. Mav r>.-l.anc Theatoglea] S-mlnnrv. the

dtvlBlty aehaal af ""¦ rraalrrtorlBa eharek at this

*d*M8 IMBB R8 B*Bp-0l*»* lomin-nrement loaiap. M'"'

v..,..,^' tbetiioKiiins took ih-'ii aaajreaa. -ix of wtaaaire^ilready u,,.,, ,-tabll-h-d as .as,ors.


Kiur.n iiy a Ravto B/fRJijr.1 bata se«ton, tho Bflaea yaar aM eoiored K\t\ who »<«

sn brutallv lataBtm and ehok-d by I.ottl- <:,m^, atae

roiorei. »t No 3in Thtid-aV, leraep iity. on anadayiimriiins <"'-<1 »,K,ut ° "'rlor'1 ¦T<,',t'r,1«v Bftoraaaa. n>»

dlr-'t ca'u." of RM BjlFa d.'ath was on injniy of the apli",,Uii.s.-d by B vlcloii* twlat Ihe woman gwn th- Rlrl'* nei-k

wlille rho'dni; h-r.The pollee have be, . BIBIlblBg for the ««>'">"'

.,.,,. Monduy. ai.d |MlllBtg «ft-rnoo.i ahe waa BTreatelZ,a h.if an kaar aaMBe Bhe gMP. aaaeh, bp i""'^-

iHilto.i *nd Poyle. lo RaiBiaa* IMaee, J.rsev elty. M -I-

S. eeBMBg fron, RM ferry. Sho would not

Tay waere aaa b*d lyen for u,. Rad ara daga, but R la

lappoaad that ahoRBB been tai la thi. o.ty. ahe

.« loeked up on tbe eh*rge ol mallelopa aaaault. ahia

Itrntog *b. wlll be axreMaad aa Ua aaarge ol murder.




Waeklngton, May a.-Moel of tke Beoatora BBdRepreaentatlvei tlayed In 'own today to de a littlework ln order tbal they mlgtrl tteal off to the reeeato-morrow alth eaay eonartenrca. mlv aboul fortjCongreaamen were roonted on Ihe Bwn. Benol *

Renna bovered near ihe iwttinc rlng looklng foi g.Iifclnga, and never BIl lt excepl t.> roovey a Qob-iup to -oimtoi Ilarbour, of Vlrginta. and "Joe" Blacbl.iuti, ol Bentnrby. Tke Japuneae Mlnbrter and hl<wlfo aaw ihe rucea (rom a oarrmge In Ihe Beld.

Margnerlta wbj wlthdrawn from Um Brtl raee b"

rauae ihe wrner ol t'ardea, who exaeeted lo rnn

tec.l. Ihrentened to bld on ber, and raa '"'r >¦<¦'.

ing prtce np.. In bei nbaenre Vardee waa a toplofty favorlte at -J !'¦ ¦'<. an.l as ho had a roapleof udog»" t, beaf, bia tueceaa was ,a-v. Dr. B'lteoawas tecond, Mnbol R. I' nwroy Ibtrd.

VT, i>. nureh alnrted hia taro-yearohl BRy AllNlpht ln ibe teeond r."-. and two weH-kno«ra bookmakera u.i Rew-Yorh backed ber down Irom 4 t.» i

t. .1 t.. :,. RbMcn b] Mldgely ake aroa rati.or raaH]by a iu ad. Jlmmy Lnaabtey aee.I, Jilt tblra.

Wiiiiani Jennlngs'a imlbrlggaa won Ihe thlrd raee

wlth Romething to tpare, llardy Pos aeeond, Knn kRnach liiiv iinrd. IBJbrlggan, Mklgey ui>. w..s a

warm bvot Ite.Tke fonitii raee wenl te BmbBm, RatoBe B. aeeond,

NiiMau 11,1:tl. BallybOO, th" favorlto. blled to |Hii ptoce, Ibougb MIRer rode ber arlth mueh earneetnoaa.

Tho tteepBekaae wenl to Brarte, wko was glvenout tu tho mornlng as a good tbtog. Ral Oaktoy,tho favoiito, was poorly rtddeo bv Jenka, «'"> perii.iit.d hiin-eif to be aurprtaed wblto wtontog eaaRy.l'at was Beeond, DeBware thlrd.

Tbe bookmakera who ptoyed All Blght cxport-dI,. win .£0,000 on ber, bul laBed to |H thelr eom

,.i- lona placed throaghout Um eonntty. Mi" ""'>'.. blf Ui" rlng preity bard.

Batler Mahone, ton and prkle of Oeneral vnillam

Mabone, of Vlrglnla, baa gone toto tl,- bookmaklngbualneaa nnd U repr.nted at Bennlngi by a weU-known pencllbr, lor whoa be ^ tornUhlng th" necea

tary ipttol.Morello, It was report d, wai boagbl "f >'r- '*

wvil by Franl Vnn Reaa, of the OtooreBter tnrni oal tkal Uo- real Bnrcbaaer is BllUam M.

btngerly, of rh- Phlladelpbla Record/ Mr- etngerljI, i partner la tbe Uio.. tei stoble. Ile evtdenllydoei not Intend to ri bl i wllb tbe Board of coa<

trol tracka of Um Baal.ii i.. ui-. Jr. owner of PataHty and Delaware

and a well-known geattoman Jockey, waa qnletly ln

f,,,...,l b] Ihe rlnb lo-day that bl entrlea bereafl^v.,,1,1 ,.,! be aerepted. Many proteaB agalad Mr.

^"VhVptob d.'' nol mt.nd ln anj aay to re

"x- r&g'biy'q,':;; >.*«¦«Bnd Iralncn. ln bivak up Ih- ...-..i^. -' ,.'!!'...kbttrlBB^

/.v\t:-'^.'.;:.';^:.:;^-!a;:----. W."pollowin'g'ire ll.ntrka tor lo^rrow:

Pl. . rare Ma ond . hatt ^.^/^Bfi110; fynrwure. 114: Foralgner. n<». >".

Wnnderer II and Srrt llnlltv. '."-..

"Sr^iS-..;;¦;;.. .^..K-i."^.-:f-iu n<> Mnrgherlta. I«*. '' ."'" " .

Tlsrsts.trrw-fisawIT2: Kam Mon*. I«T; 1*0 Cnn. I'-. '.".'- .'¦

M'iiiI of *' I'o.i. 11". ....

|»7 l/Mlg Mald. .¦

Weatber ekar. Traek B t.

\ iTES AB " T THT 11 f&fS.Tho traek at Orave* -id «te i,.r.,.r aad -¦

momlnc bul aeveml boraea getfaal aark. Leoiatrert »«

cTln tke Brat ^1 Bbl k. .> -'- A m«

d.»i baa beea naM abaarl bla dlapcltMa. Al Ua*

f...s a, i,r-,k. aad eb rB areaad Bfter ba baa uku. Uree

.r bnr atrtdi -. ii. m Ual ... B aaa.i.' M ".. m i R

TeaavatMMrl. Park BM yaar. BB

mkleandaaal Ul "" vli;" "f ?:";' '*"¦

,. paprt I....,--'.- rt h Bbely ta ka aa adda aa tavai

t,... ,.... aboiiM ib.Bihei ba pliamal aad BM kmei aaad.Z«Z*i.I. prevtm to legard I. the »« r t.

KUUieof an>l -'.' "- «< '"" »,r" '' "".

li,. is ilkaJ] to I- ¦ tme wlth lha aaw at »t Um Bni«», «

.. u ia rapW waak an :. BiBafcly traek Ma daya prealUt. m.--. Paanoel .- Ilb. le '- R RMrlei H

,. ..... rwuDMi bora. dl UM ttaar, aad bara t

bHMi .i ibaa ba rm* be 1..- Bb.

.Pi. nraoklya Haadh M

MadMoae. got u. ¦¦ !"- B r, t. ' ¦....!.-

Uon -f the traeb ron.ld rd. tbla waa aa eood wark aa baa

:.." bv any of the. b. d. :¦

,,., perfont Br that raee, 11. Ured u.t t

¦¦.-... i.-.' tobbja.IbBl..-¦;........ «v« h« wlll not l.Wi.d »-. golng,. , that wrt of raee. fomanebe Ibe pe. I..M got bl. Orat (-I trtal. -i.,:- K»ea h aaa an bH

,,;,.k. li- .:-. tn- ii.-t ibree-lgbtk . aader a p,. sa^ ..,.,;,.|- UM dl a Ile la bl '. and Biil*ed be

Bv-elghth. ln 1 ¦<.-.. whieb waa ronrtdm 1 r.-v Toe-

l!:,..i.r I,,. hia warblng eompanloa, bat "1 i. i B m-v-

:ui b ngtha. , ,

Wbrpath and Rlltxard weata baR mlle In .-..«..:...,,. overed from bei attaek of alrhneaa and

,.. .,,. ,.i, ,., alve i.t every ehanee U> t

,.. ,. ,. ,.. t., da aay f^-t wark. "toa

.,,;¦¦ AJaa a -ti-r hall mlle B M«J R> "¦.'- *'»

,,. .relgfal np Bt. I'.na.iW-laaaea >.. '"" '..'"

aad ao mueh, H yeaterday'a « "« la . Iterloa,II.-J i,,. eouM !'¦-. Ui'-m II be «t" allnwod ta do bla be»t.

,',..',, f. ,-. rh advaneed to take aert la tbe Uioohlyameetlng. Alrplant v...s all oat Bt tu..- Batoh al .. bUB"

Blngataa bad a Btow gaRop. Me kleked and played.. ., weol paat i.nn tt apeed. II- R Uketyt« appear In raeea tt th* Bal af UM ...

Premoot dld a eaartet al a bjIB Ib 27 aeetada yertertayRMralng, wbleb la tbe r r, t wark ba baa daaa la ue*h«

Porteb. -'. plea . kta owBet nnd koa daaa all laat waa

ipected "f i. I'- i- Ubrty B ba aml aloag f« h ¦-

to-day. ..] 4 flarrl-oa, UM Bebey, dro%« oown t., tbe

traek, and tald Bal he wrf rhed I1M pounda Iu the TnrkUhbatk H" bbM that he had se eugi.awnl fai UM Braak-

lya llaadlrap, aad raaM eaally rkB B tke raee at 113

pounda. later ln th, day h" waa bb UM raad la Wa an.^t

,,,. pitapatrlek and NelarghBa aer.>* tl UM -.

tln... aii threa af theaa wfll rtda al Ma Broeklya BwvUaar.,n di.i not appea* aatll Bla. Ha aaaaaa v, kno« yeung

..Phll." aad dld aot "!'. aoy ipera. RflllB Bhaaaa la aa

tbe Rlek -t. n,..| ii.>v aot rkB for aaaaa daya Ckarade,UM muekesMdkad »i.I Ruree-yearald. tat i'> BB'ea a

;. |.,,,. He la apramBtaB Uujva>year-oM. IfetS-OOOhaabeea egered for blm, P. f. Dwyet dB aal kaaw aayUilnaahout UM ager. Bd. Brawa kad BM reeeat arrlvaU fraaaKmtoeky <>n rr.o traek Tkey feeked well, B"M «r- !¦*-'

regalnmg tbe brlaka.iMd by tbeli loa« bMuwey fraaaM.ii,i,i,is. \'eapa«Ba is Bke kk alra, pjaparer, and -it

i.. aMea Bke ke Beka, he'i * e» kaj, :.," aaa <>f BMtolored di\NUon renwrked.

.I-...., Rojrera kad a aaBa B l :«B»a. Ra la reaBy, and ta

llkely ta have bla namber rm np B tbe br-t weak ..f tt.,

aveUag. .b-iiii Dwyer bad bB III Baa i-"'v und i*.iyin It.u aat, Betk ..t tbeaa we twa-ytar aMa, a.«i wera

,,, /,,| through tbe atietrh a quarter In 3&H leeoaida, I ar-

roll, M:i-t.ii','i", Maaheraad Row -r Revei gM twe-mtaataa-erk Balahlng tbe BM quarter ,.t i metoi pa ".

Pesball Beeae waa at bla etable at u» "Jbarpabead Baytraek, and apemed wefl pteaaed wtth Ma aroapaita f.r

js'.r.'.' The iraek at UM Bay waa ktater Rata Ba Braokl>an,-k. aad Boked ..s ir lt were prepared fnr -i«.¦'

Tke Matran Ktakea t,. be raa u. htorrla Park aeal reat

w-lil be worttt gtO.000 to the wtener, whieb wlll aaRu R,,,,. ,,f me ii"-' iwluabB atakea ln UM ».o!d. Tka aaor.

moiis ,.f B7a 'i.t...- araa rerelved f'.r tka MaU .

Slj: ... nhirh eloaidlaat Jaanerr. Thta pwadaea to make

II «,,rtti at l:>-t 105.000 t" tbe wbtaet ... 180*. Tke Pra>am. st:.k'- to i"- run ..t Moomoutb Park tkB yeai wllli,. worth eOO.OOO ta U»e wtoner. with ao BMny raluableMv,"s for two-year^lda, It arfll ba poaaibte hw RM,,'...!.,, .v..v,r..,i.l. a few yeara benee. to wM $300,000i. bbv elBbt raeea. It wlll take a Trei.I to aeeoaapUah,,.. feet, kowever, and aaek koraea as Treaaaat u:.Iyaaaa aaee In a p atory,

Owie, UM v. im..-r af tke Rspeetattoa Btakea BM vonr.

,n,..^l the enUN aeaaea aaaV i aa en.« aedhrrae. Osric

i,v Charlea Reed'a AuatratBn korne tln vtpt. dam Abljer.i ,st ijfc" ,,,siii."" wa- alvea aa by Chei lot, daai AbbeyNC- Ti," arfataka waa aaada by Ba tn.I wl.nt-r.H

bha B Ike atake, aad waa ""t dto rveted oaUl raeeatiy.Aa hi- weaeol ewaara, Maaara. vValeatt t CampbaB. nur-

thaeed und raead WM m gaad Blth. Bad UM MaBee wera

,n naM tt tfcem, tkem wRI be .... traable an aeeeaml af a

At Jetome Park yeaterdar Merry Maaatak wetkad a

.,!!. i,, j -,., pajaail and (libnifo hud a BBd B:iII.,u

arlth a toree^bjfctka M a adB kraak al BM bkBe, HBuiakaeaa a t tlea w,,rk- l^adwlg eaaterei All th»

1,.,,-s Mieraaae Parb bm B gaad baaRfc, katlkati tram-r.

Insis- t.i keraee aro baekward ln ihoir tiainint'.

Tke lln.d nf C.ntK'l hetd a BRRtaBfl nt BMB rnoni»

Basaerdav. aaM a»w a bbobm RMwmB wkteh baMad aevaralbaana lltratrl BM faPawlaa i Tiataaia, f. t. Tbaraa.ii. w. Uawklwrat. R- «. tomd. B. RT. likailia. OataadatbeUrhtaa, winum Jeaalaea, M. "oiran. ii. w. Maaaa.laaaaa r K<»ii". a. .' i;o!dsix>n,ui.'h. it<.t>.rt Muriav. <

it BradBr. B. Waraka. tr« Mltaaal coi-man. Kdward

Ilr.wn: jockeys. »»rrT ¦.**»¦ Wllu»m Johnaon. Bdaaaaaaaabf, i;ira BBgdaa. CUrcnce Hancock. II. 11.

H. H. Numen. Henry HutacU.J. A. Murrla, U>o abaout meniber of Ue noard. con-

.-nrred with. lha P'.ard 111 iu BBttoB ln i*«uid to tialners.

.waeta, jck-v* and h<.r»-a 'hat rlolafed the rnl- -t BMBaard In najard la wBNei i«<it>* »"<! h'""" tratned *w

.li- traekt vrhl-h l,av- b.n ra-lnc (11 wlBMr.The reetfeeta of Maten lataad »re M have a raeeara. :<

lt wlll te. a aaU-Bata :ri.<-k at ReM Rea Brlgbtao.rhere wlll be both natateg and raaaUHj raee* everfBaMrday Inrtog Um Maaaer. MaHea W. bjbMBi win i*

>,- BMaager. It la lateadad M a'trsiet the i.-to-r da*.. 8MMB 1-land IHtjiala to Un UBI k, and Uie iniuhemeet wlll be ettladcd. Tht Maaaf Phrm a.lj..lna U.»

tr*ok. Polo wlll bfl a i.ron.lmnt 1-atui- at the a.u-onS

¦iort.. m -

60od TRornva at balIimore.TWO OP IHE THREC RACFJ BCCIDPSB.RR0©A1

ACini PEMPSCT.Balllmore, May r, (SpiMinii..Tlilrtcon liv.dv brati

were trotted al the Oenllemen'a Drlvlng Park here thi-

¦fternoon, >nd two of tbo three raee* were deelded.Th- thlrd looked ->< araek IRM B l"t» f"- Fnvor WHketthat ihe fadge* reaeelled Ihe tonrlb iteat BBd otderedt!:e drlver ol Klng Chartoa lo tmve bit borea properljrigged aad ready tu aia ip-raorrow. The 3:48 <!--.

farntabed greal BmoaapMat. aa Rhoda, a WUe mait

from Vlrgtna, bttehed to a prlaaltive taBry weighlng.iiritit alnety pounda and sh<»d only ln front, beal allihe favotite*. n-r drlver wai n raMlr of the mo*lpronoaared lype, bal prevad ¦ ehwer retn«man end¦did iae talenl np" after -iv beata, Rhoda pnlted ¦

front -'..... in Ihe foarM "f Ihe airaggM. bal wenl on

Wltk Ibe -ui|Tl" one. and ouila-ted lli- porty. Minnl-Data BBd Biae UgM carried roaatdewbie money, l""

had lo be rootenl «ifli aeeOBd nnd ihlrd plaeea, Anolber favorlle arenl dowa ba tii« -¦-" otaaaj mi-

Thomptoa *ohl nt even money over ihe BeM, bal l.iukaood Maid beal her eaallp. The wlaaer ta owaed bjlha trlfe ol a dortor al Wiimingfon. Del., aad -h-

watrbed Ihe ipeedy rhealBal amw tand a reedllablevlrtory, For Ihe foartk and laaf aay of Ibe a.lingt!.- J 290 trot and BrSS paOB fottow lha poBtpoaelrarea, Bummartea:

1 ir. I.X-S-1'1 RRR »400.Rhoda, bv Baai Pateh Heawell. B 1 d 8 l 1ftlue I.L'lit. iRIrhn'aoo . I J I J I 3Mmi:- Kii- rHewlttl . .. ."' II i ¦

Ueorge W. rllaiahl . ' 4 2 2 2rol-'l Mntr'il (McKaddrfl).- B J .> B orol,. l. C. lOrmari st' . "> " " ¦>'¦<¦Bea U*«e (Hentechel). I > B '. 'Ir

Tin* j ;.i. ...'..V.. 2:85, 2 :«7'.. 2 :t7. 2:88 _..

2 11 Cf.ASN l-ritsi". -ftoo.r.inkwo.-! xii.i.i i.v Trlpolltaa Chlef (Oreenwav).. 1 I I"VI . Tl.i..ll-wvtt,. '-' -;

Ve.t tNt.-Tl . 8 8 2Bay Bfate Morcan [liarrcti. ' ' ¦

tta Wllki - (PoiM-i. S ' I'I .¦>.- . -'.*-.¦ 2:27V, 2:T7I*.

° :i: CT.ABS PCBSE *ioo (URPIRIBHEBhFavor IVIIkea Rnah 8 t 1 0Mnllle O. (Khrev. 1 '> 8 0Nellle s.,i. ",... (Creenwayi. n 0K I,.-'- I- ,. t 2 4 Oiiiu.. i i-i" at. tlnn -- . ¦'. :i :< "l.i !¦, I! Thoi |M n .«.:' I B <>

Tin* : :n>4. J a".',. ! r,1,. Dertared

RBLftOR N<»T T<> RR ItFTNsTATF.n.rhlraga, May *>. Tha Baal *e*»lon of Uie Board of

Appeata of Ihe Aroerlcan Trotflng A- nelatlon waa 1/Mlodav. The fainons Relaofl < a- WBl lettled, Theraae l- Ibal ol r. P, Rehana, af WalervlUe. Me., andIhe i iv hoi - N-i-oii. Bpnliralton belng made for rei,.-lat-in-nl fi an lha Benalty Bf e\|iuMon. The nppUratlun wa* dcnled._

This d-i i..ii tetlhM tbe fBBMMM N-l -oii-AIrryonraae, BBd prevenl* Relaoa from troMmg on Ihe Irectarontrolled bi mrmber* of Ihe Rallnnal nnd AmerlranA-... laiion-. The ra .. ba beea f .r a tong Ubm beforo ihe I'.'.ntd >.f Appenh .<f both n««orlnllona and Inihe ..nri N-l-.ii :iial Abrynrn are now worthlea*f..r ra. in_- pnri>.' <¦-.

PAMOPd TRirTTERtl TO OOXPRTB.-f. J |,i. R ... M.v '.. The fnti.- trotter All-

ton wlll ii.t on ihe Bt, Joaepk trarh on Beptemb1.1 f..r B ptir-' ol 810,000, h1- owner, C, w. Rllllamhavtne made II entry. Nel<on, Axt-l and Delmarrhwlll ul o ompete f >r the pai -...

DRME I.IKKI.Y T'» START IN TIIF. DKRBY.London, May 5.."The Oloha" aiy« to-daj Uial

bwIiII" nc. "un-, t.'," i»,;k- af RTeataaln ter*» raeeboree wi.i. h l- iid t<. h.iv- i,...ii pois,.n-.i. waa tM-und at Ltoyda f«» £10,000, it jo galaeaii per eant,i- t itortlng for lha Perhy Btakea, whtok aawonla -nid ba I'-.i'i to tho ln*aren In Ibe evenl "f bl* noitorUng. "Tbe fitobe" nd.i- that Uta Duhe of Re I

minstrr, t.aiin." ol thi- toaoaactJan, f.«-< Baaoaneedh\* IntentlOfl of -tnrtlng <»rfhe bj the raee ai allit-ks, .\."i if bla aneaa haa ha raa en'tkree tega,

Ortaa M a dearandanl of Peri.y atoBeea, Dea>aho the raee ln 1m7:i. waa the s1r»> of

Baad (,r. who waa lt la 1880, ln i-1"1 OrBtoade,... of Itend 'r, wan it and < 'niie( th- *m "f' wnond*.

w»- Ntaht, prior to hia Rkaaia, Bhaly to bu tiiowlaaer Uda }. «r.


SWMT ,t . BTR THR ORARTJ TRITXR ROAD.CMeaga, May B fUprrtaB "Bhrltld Co. Btodadeelara

t,,,, m an m anp II mN for 8100AM la Jndaebkalgelt** <"un b>day agafaal UM ftraad Tnink Rallroad. Thb ralt I* drallar to atany thal have beenbegan ln the utata i.rli agalnal rallroad*. In wbh*hdl rrlmlnnllon In frelghl rate* ta altaged. .^wif: J <...

rhnraa Ihal between Roeambar, 1883, and Aptil,l --7, ih.\ ahlpped 10,000 i-nrM ot di wsi beef, mattonnnd i».iU om Um urand Traak n.a.i to Rcw-Vorfcai uitennedBite ardata. The n-mi tarifl wa* 03icnts per i'"» puanda, nnd pro raia oa Um baal* ..f

Ihe aame rate 11 other pninta, .".wifr d ". BertareIhal Umj pani th- fnll tarld rate, but that a. II.Hammond ,\ Co. Xefaoa Morrla d < .>.. Armour d Co.,Ibe Fi-' Bt. l.'.nis Heel aad Cannlnt t'ompanj andother rlval parklng-hnaara mrettad diawberh* or rabatea amonnUng t. - l renta i»-r 100, lt i- allegedthat Ihe dlarrlmlnatlon aaa n >t knowa by Hwtfi d Countll a s'n.ii iiiu,. before Ihe aril waa brongbt. Thearmngemrnl for Ihe dniwl«arka, it I- rbargid. ira* >.

..¦ Jadge Rbdgati rav* Ihe ilrand twenty dnya In whi.ii lo plcad or demni to tned" laratioii.

LABT DA\ T'> RRCR1VR TIIF BRTtrRrTIRA.Todaj i- Um bal <i;.\ la whtok the Ueairal tin-'

Company wlU rervfve degwdhi of PJebmoad lyarmlnal-,< iirill-s nnd Ih- iiuilerly mn --.iii lil .. of UM B| lemander Um uhtdl p5an ol reoigaalraiion. A ateetliigo| the Bexirganlzath,n ComralRee wlll ba heM t>> d-t-rleinn wiint atep -hall Beal be laaen lo rarry oal thelehema. Th,. oppanentt "f Un afnn ara suu oanfldxntly predlrtlBg II* taiinrc, and they allaga ttut ttat.-t:n- mn t i»- radlrall) < <>n UM otherbaad, it l- -ai i Uiaaftbe depeatt* of Ihe anaerlylng-eiurlii". havi larreaacd datrkledly n< ih- oxptraUotiBf th" tlnn; for d"|.0-lt BB* driiwn n-iir, nnd It 1- !.eIMved the romadttee wlll eontloue tt-» efforta t..

rarry Um arbeme Ihroagh, ln order to preveal lltlgaUn,-. and n-iiiMi-i,i)i- whlrh would liwvltabiy folhiwlt- fallnre.

- .*. .

TRTTRG TO KRRP II' PRStOIIT BATRR.Th" iinnii Hne -x-<iiiiv- eoaualtlee m-i yertarday

at r..inuii--loinr tlodddrd'i ofltoe In Ibe beme "f belngabte to pr"V"iit th. ndintion in dxth-chvaa eaatboandfietghl nl-'. nartudlng Kr:iln and whleh Um<*in-ai Tiufiir a--.« lattoa lin.-s had already Beeldcdiiihmi. it baa been aatortoa* for kbm tini- Uad thetarlh* 08 the 'J.', u'lit basb fro:u f'blragO to New Vork...a im.i betog obeerred aad lha btka Mnea wereraphfly redaetog thetr ralea t<. the r.T<> patat, it w.,

Baxhltd after n toag dtoraadoo thnt tri* arbedale eoaldliot h" BBBintalBCd ali'l a Mlurlloii to "JO OeOtB p-rHat poanda wa* ordreed, Um n<-w rate to laha effeel..n May ..'. aii af ihe raada, bowever, rotod t.. ti\tlie hiko BBd rall ra.1- .it 13 o-iii- and i<> permtt novarlalloi.s. Itiis rate is som-whal BUOVO Ih" a. lu.ilBgarea whleh have pisMiibd. An earneaf eflort wlUl>.. niad- to prtwenl nny lurther demorall*aUon ln iimarala acbaMaw.

TIIRRR ROAOS TO CORBOUDATR,Kiui as »',ty. May .'.. A BMeUBg "t th- dlre-toi-s

Of Um UrooliHeM and Nortliern, tBB hprtngflekt,ftedalta, Marahall and Rorthern an.i the Batdne Pa*^lollx elty and liuinth raUroada tra* beM bera taMrdght. The ol.Je.l was to nrniuire n rtm-olldatlou of

|he tlitee road* and pnsli tlielr rirtistriu ti'.n Bl rnphllvn- po--.ll.le. Tboao llitere-led ln UM mIioiii" .viy thattrafli" arraagBBMnta win Ihi bmRb wltk Um lowaI enlral, gOBtherB Mlnne-ota nnd St. l'a'il and IniliiTllroada, whleb wlB mrm a j-' Unoagh Hne. i,7ikjmiies iu toagtb, from Dnlath to ,-<.ibino l'a.s.


Mohll", May :..-In the ('hiliu.ry OOBrt to-dny, lnUM raaa af Strbotaa et al. ra. the Mohib and OhtoRallwap Oampanp, Chaaeellor Taptor deelded kt atvarof I'oiiipliilnanis nnd tlxeil tbe nppeal bond nt irlo.iKiO.Tha deetaa rtataa Muit trie nomnaaftiBBl* "is- entttled tor-llel, that lha prewnt BMBagBri of tlie roud mi) BOleaUthjd ba poaeeaBtah, nnd Bhal the r.aid mn-t jmssfrom t'ie rnntrol ol the FBlBMia' I.ogn and Tru-t loni-

gViny of New-Yorlt beeh Into UM fiunrt-. af tBB MOCaVholder- repr<'-"iite(l by l). J. Maikey and otliers, com-

pkunaati la Ibe oiiginui bin. ii ihe ehaaeeehara da-taton is illllrnn^l bv the Supreme ('i)'.irt, the dlii'itoiy

elecied bere Hrbruary 17 inst wlll lake aaarge.

RICIUOAR CRNTRALI BIMPhTIRO.Detrait, Mlch, Mav X.Tha raarty ataaaaaaal of (he

Mlrhlgan <*entr.ti Ralhaad BataaRted u> Ibe dhwelar*.f iiieir aaaaal *atettag to>dag aaabaa ihe Rdtoalagakaarhagi Orae* earalBgai eiBkSaa\8ajO, au ..f

*h»* as ompared with la>t yewr; expe.nses and

taxea, 811.107,300, an Inrreaae ol 81175,013; net ernrn-

baaa '84.0o..,300, au ltie,rea.^ of 8illiO,42d; baluncoafter divldeuds, etc, tahea out. 8107.350.




a Preoeh Defenee, addeh aotbe brBBaat ptoyera huvaBvored, deapBa Ra dulne*.. waa aguli, ipaotted to byghowalter la fho elu-hfb gume of tbe ataleh, ptoyed yea-torday, The earty parl of Bm defenee waa amihid bya new form of reBBtiBallon on Bbtuk*B sixth m>va,arhJeb is Um Invaartton of -hownitor. who flr-t pByadlt ln Ma Bat niafch ogalnst Mu.\ Judd. ln .*(. |/>uKThe idoa BBdettytag the novolty |s Ingnotoaa, and it.:,i> t- gjve Hlaek an even ganie at an oarly stnge <>ftho openlng, whtob waa the eaaa in the ptvsent, inatanee. After both piavor* had eaetfcd Ltpachafagot a rhanee to attoeh a eentre Pawa wbleb ho bndnmnaged lolaoBto, bat Showatter, wb » had deflberatetyallowed -u. li laolattoa, had pBaned a far tlghaud do.fenre, wbleb, bo-ides romprldag some ekwer tiaps,was s,m;,d in tho maln and BR Mm a Ht»,i» mnrgin ofadvantage In nosition that foreed tbe oppoaeot totdopt defenalve meaaarw oa Um etghteeath aaave.On the twentj teeond movo ShowalUt offered nn cx-rhange of Knlghta, whieb Bft Uie two plav.-rs wiihIU«hopa ,f ,,i>in,-it<> roton and no other mlnor pioeeon tln- i, «rd. Thla eomlngaeey leada t<> a draw ln a

majorlty of raeea. an.l aftee Upeehota had aeeeptedthe proffered exebaaaa of Kalgkto be bkMkad tke of the adverae Klng'a pawn arttl bB Cu.-en,wldeh bft bardly aay rhanee for n.-Uoii on ettker akte.Clo« at, tho explmllon of (ba time-llinlt. .-hownitorrepeated ihree tunes in Baeeeaalon a terlei of twoBMvea. Upaebnti tBo repeated twtoe a tertoa <>f, and when brth bad arrlved at th-U.irtytlr.stinovo, wiibh gave them 11rii.* f,rr redeeUoo on Uiomerlta of Uio poatBoa, a draw was eooreated to.

The aeore.IJpaebuiB :), BbowaHar 1, drawn 4.Tlie tollOWtog N the full play of (he eiKlitli ganie:


l±03*l IfEli13.J w*m 7./,.<,\ i

'<,:,.:¦* I

J * H

i 4 Sh A 5a !.2 f* -.h ti& i *

1- Kt )! *..[. (fiIB Ki K ;i¦-<> i: K H tn,¦ji q k jStti H K :..-.:: Kt \ Kf fg)Bd y K :;us i: ii o

.-'> i* y u n

.j7 y B- K ll sq

.-.> i; K an.BB y R.K ll s,j.:.> II K aa,31 y i:-k u s.|.

ROTB8 HY TV. Rl'BlRll'A,(ai Itejeeti'd as weak by Ibe playera and »u-

thoiltios f,,r IIm? last Ihlrty years. but llln.k's nov-lOOOUnuaUoa swins to i.trteve tbe varlntloa to tbeeztent of leuding BB an even game.

Uo It Is porluips advkmbte to phiy hon» Kt- K 2 lapeefer 'no-, |q o.-d.r to BVOtd Ihe ensulng c.|tiallzatton.

(r) Compare latredBeakBa,(di Apparently rl.iky, »s Ihe laolat/vl Klng'a Pawn la

-. smtngty aaak, but all real danger bas been deeplyprovktag aaiin~t.

(oi Ao aaeoBeal atova, whtrh indirertiy prot^ctsboth PBwna Bml are now utta.'ked. tso.- dlaerim.

.r Wrdte v.i-.dy lurns to defeiwtvc meaaoraa. IfI- Kl x l, IB B X Kt; 18 R \ K, IU Kt It :i wlim.or If 1- Ii x P, i.h y R li aq, t;ii-rnt<.ning to win aptere by Kt- lt 3, and nt Baal racoaailag tho PWwa»itii a aitperlor game.

Igl I'ni. tli.illy the dmw Is drrhirod uftor this o^-change.

(ln -7 y U .". w.'iiM have been dangorotit, a-itho fidtowlog rontinnatlon «as Bkety to reaalt: BBi; ll :. j- y * li P; -j;. R i V i h, -2:> B \ B 80 U x ltand -hotild wlti. for if :;o ... K l li; :il y-Kt ."> rh,31 K ll M|; 3d y li >-. h, M K Kt ta; 38 Q-U 7 rliat:d wtoa. Otherwlae Whlto Uweatona :tl H-R »l, fol-luared bP y Kt ."> h and mate to » few movee.

DETAIIjED PLAY OP THE 5EVENTI1 GAME.Tha fu'l aeore ol the gaveatk game betweea Mp

l',,sitiou nfior RBek'a iblrtyaixtb bmvi

t :i' I w

i ¦:.':, U :*- W!?'/"'.'¦."

D7-y x Pefa ir) .l.-Kt ^Kt mi3B-R U i 38-H Kt .1:iu-K x y BeBtgRB.


(al An old dofeni'o and ono i-Jo.t.'d bv tho autliorl-Uea, bat wa beBevk for baaafaetoat reaaaae, as inoar opmlon lt Oagfcl to lead 10 an oven game.

(tn Tbe preeeal ptoyer is the aaibor of tbis imiwr-tant liiiiovailon. arktok be Urst BBVBMad agatoB the lute

Coptola Maeeaaade. it dBpeaaea with the neee*»ityof amkanglog Baana, whtoh araadd reieuso the ad-

raraa BJBafa Knight from uaaetlvBy,(.) A.s usiial. the iitrlv i-x.liange of Iil»hop for

Knight doos not meet wlth our approval.(di A niove of BtaflBn typo whlch haa been fonnd

lo be of groat iiso lu oponlngs slnto It waa

iirst lotTodaeed by tho aaaolator ln tlie defenee oftho panatoal agalaal tln- Bto Mr. .ttohar in i9"a. iu*

appBcatlea to tbe preeeal opeatog bciongs to Mr.Llpachata, who tlr>if atemed lt la Ibe Hgth Amori.-anCho s Congreaa; Tbe hole nt KH Is of little Impftr-laneo, eaaactotey efhar BffcMaB Kn B'gaae. niaek'atwo RBkopa aad bB wafMaBBOftoi rentre ought lodve hlm at loa*t an even gume.

(ei A .straleglrnl fuult whl.h la the eblef causo ofall tho romlng tn.uble. Kt-Q It aq wlth the vlew olplaylng Kt-U li or -K 3 accordlugly waa muehauperlvr.

ifi Hather Indlfferent moves on earh side and waak-enlng eaperlolly I'.lark's Queen's wlng.

(g) Jilark hn- sturdiiy oppoaed tiie adverse rleverlyfornied attaefc, bnt hl* foreslght fails here. aqwhs now nereaaury.

(h) Too late. If he had done that a move prevlooahe ouuld now play P-Q Kt 3 or Q R-Kt s<j withoutloss. Ilut elther la obvlously at present out olipM'sflog. a.s Whlte would *8BMBer Kt x BJ,

Mi He evldtntly overlookad In hls fore cnlrulaUonithat at IMs BkBfa 11 U-Q r» sq., Wldte would unawerKt x II. attueklng the Queen.

(J) Qultc B*aee*B. His Qneen Is murh out of playher« and nilaxlit have done oeMer defchelve servlrowhera *he *.ui<tA.

(ki Deaatetag to hls Klnp's *ide wiUinu* t^e leaalneed. R-K aa, at once WB* strlklnplv I..i* of Ume,[Bt) The .aled move. lt looks an awkward re-

s-ouree and Is no lietter than 11s appeuranre. He prob-ably foaaaaw RM eemteg taerifMe and h« had ».mevagae id-a that be eoald reaae bt the r-s. n- with hl*Boob 0B the Klnjt's rtde aft-r ndvamlnc P.Q Ii 4.

¦;n Whlle baa in<.-t sl.llfully orptinlzed an nttorhwhirh he no* brtagh to a baad iu a aaoal IbbbbbbbbiBMBBer.

(0| Cliarmlng plav.ipi If 33 . . K-R sq. Wldte would win by tha

niiswer Q.Kt 5.(q, See dlairram.(n This anawera bf* winnlng parpoaea ln a slmple

mantier. Ilut mor- ln eooformlty with Showirttcr'Bl.fllllanl srtyle. Wolild have beea Ihe foUOWleg elepHrttertntnatloh whleh be ooaM now foree bv 37 Q.R 7 ch.,37 K.K .1 il».<stl: 3- l'-ll .'» (th^e-it-.'np n.a«" In 'w«aaove* beelnnlna aith R-Q <\ eh.). 88 . . . Kt.R 2:88 Q- Il :. eh.. 88 K-K 2 40 Q x II P ch., 40 K.RBq.; 41 H.R «i ch. and BMtea n.M move.



Tho Frlneetoa Chrh of N-w-York beld lt< qunrterly¦paettag last eTentog la tha baRaaaaa af UM HotelIhaamaRa, laaaaa w. AJasaadtar paaafalatj, TheBadvareity BtaadoUa eiub aaa present and supplied theUM musle far the OCiraibMI.

Tho tlrst rcport was that of the committec on nth-Ittiis, Traey n. iiarris, rhaJnaaa. '>nc bBttaaa ofIbfe reporl «n< thnt lt dlsrn'iraped mwlng. A strongptt* was Introdacad ln favor ef a n>'W gymnrisinm.« harl-s W. MrAlpIn rend tbe report of the eommlttcoon groanda and batMBaga, This aaeaRaaed amongIbe bnlbUnga recentty oeaaBjteted Um <heniKal bn*er>atory buiit i.y the Iraateea af tbe Mbb <'. Otaaae-tate. The taetare roonts wlll a<eoiiiuiodate 210 menaad lae hUMeatorlei i.vo. There ara *toro laoaaa,Baaay room. eaUaeta ef mlnerals, .le.. ntfnehtd. Theuaborn athtofle dahhoaae bbbm next, Um £ift ofPrafeaaor lianry P. Ooaera, BOxJR feet, to beli"1 by nthlelle teatns. The arehltt-ct was T. U.Kpter, of Miutii Ureaaa, who eoaaaMtted Mfeeaa 8 Rarda\ - BgO. The bwlldlnca Iu eoiiiso of eOBatmcUOB ureAtoaander Hall, tho gUl of Mra. C. B. AJaaaaaaar,whleb wlll COBtaln an uudltorlum and irall-ry vltli a

teaUng tapadty af 1,400, to i<e fnatplaled bp Map,1 e-1K»; the io-t of the buildlni: l!l It.s laagBa Ullllni.slledf. rm Is d at |BJg8j000.

The Whli: and CUo lmlK are to be daaBBBBBfl ntoinm-iM-ineiit. Tli-y uro af Whlte mnrble, Ionlo

Blpkt, UM monolltli mnrble BOaaaBBB nro in the fmadeaf eaeh hall. Tbe Datrfd Praaa H»n, new dormiiory,Um gfll "f Mra. Davkf Browa, af Pitaaataa, arUI baraady for oeenpaaey aast baptaBBhtr, nnd trfflBeeoaaaaodate leteatg Bae. Tho (TalvaraRy Cut-taga I'lulj Is nearly Ilninhed. iii-oiuil wlllsjon ba brahaa far tho bebefla MeCoak Inaaaaaapito ba lahnapl Octaher l, thaagh ^"..otaj mBtlll Baadad to eoeapaeta the buiMine ^l^;d. lha maiabtdMlag of Hms strtuture will be BBsdO Baat, two anda lialf storles lil^'h. The <.|ie for ITIneeton Inn hnibeen i!f»wii, and blds are bethg reatlvad, but there laHNBO doubt as to when lt wlll l.e lotnpleted.

Tlie n»w BBaVaeaffy fieid koaaa, ta be erected thissti'iimer o:i tho paaBBta, wlll Jiav- U^^ssltlK roonis a.'idl.nili- tt,r nthl.tlc t-anis. Tho .-tructuro wlll be ofbrt.k, one >t>.ry litirh. nafaaeor sioan ba.s aseaaadUM adoptlea of u aajg -ew-ra BJ -y-tem for (lr> town undeeUaga, whtah is phtaaed artal a view to the p-^testaeaaMa BarBaeBMa. The iniversity Radhag tiub fliien lanre hall ln the nnlveralty bulldlngs. The member-shlp Is 2711 nnd bonrd. Is eh:irne<l at tho rate of 84 a

weaht The Baaaaaa and managare win eaaabM ofttaj*Ba*8a,

An liiterestlng feature of proimsed. Improvementa lawhat win be Unown bk llrokaw Fleld, ln meaiory ofFtvderlrk BaabatW, a stmlent of the nnlverdty wholost IiN llfe ln an aftempt to resctic o drownlng woman

oa tho Atlantlc eonst somc time ngo. At the tlmc ofthe paaaag man's denth fhcre was a de«ire on U»e> partBf all eonnerted with the collego to contrlbutc to aomaniemoilal of hls bravery and self-saerlflee. It waatinally Btwpoaad to sernre snd dedleate to hls memoryan exterislve plnyirrotind, where students could playpaines of a hlnd not plnyed aa the repilur unlversltygronade, *7BJ**ei4pahBM bbbm torwaN with murii

proatpeaaaa »tid now aaaanal to aararal thoiuands ofdolliirs. Isaae V. BrOBBW, the BbUMT of tho drodathlete, e\pre>«sed a d.^lre lo joln ln UM memorlalwhlrh should e-itineet the name of Ms 6on with thonnivciMty, nnd he ha* aaaaaaaaaUy eeaMbaaad *u».-000, whleh wlll be nse<l In iho constructtan of a

Btetaortal nrrh nnd a ..-wlmmliic batli at the eturnncc afwhat wlll oo known as llrokaw Fleld. This Is lo bean esteaatva und beautlful Btretek af ktad, pra<1ed ardln rvery wny nilapt'M to the klnd af g:ime« to be

ahayed upon it. it ttiU be ba ehoaa Beaataattp ta thounlverslty bslkflflga. The conhraet will be let ut

once, and UM tieid wRI he ready for aae on ootot>cr laext. A rata ef thunks wa- jiii-stMi by tho rJaa forlha i-'ift.

Tlie r»'pTt of tho eOBBBtthM on en!lep» work waa

read by Bdward i>. Lyoa. Tnis ¦hatra that tiiero ara

Bl preaeal IjOOO Mndaata in the aadvereUf Beapep,wtth a eorps of ltft\s"ven laatraeaora. aTRf freshmanrlass eons|-ts of 888 BMMbera. Alt-ntlon Is ralled to

tlie of nnotlier profei-or Ifl UM dep.irtnient ofpblloaopby, nnd of four or Bva anl»er*lty feiiow»hlp*or graduate arhotorahlp*. In tbe departmeal of ldhtoryand pollilral pMloaophy there 1s a deeaand f.-r a pro-leaaor for pollilral eroaomt In order that PraaBBaarVVllaon niav give hls entire attenOon to Ma laiv.' ela«scsln inrlaprndenee nnd Interoattonal Liw-. Obb morepn.Ies-or Is ;,.hs1,^1 In the -partment of lanpiaffeannd llt. mture. The foUewlag commlttee was eteetedt.. make BomlBBflona f >r oltirers, to report at the tlrettue-Mng aeal bllW. M. Unnnlag, C. II. **,Mgel K. C. I.yon, G. U. Frencaand C. U. AgaaW,

nsxtturixiA tnuxitiiiAtt nr Biwroy.PhlliKielphia. May r>.-At tlits mornliiK's ses-ion of

llm ronventlon of tlk' Proteataal Kpls.ojail Chunli lutha Dtoreee of Peaaeytvaaaki ih«> substitutc for iho¦aaaaMBMal t" tha ..onMiiutton oRaead paBBaaBap aa*gtai.oii up and aaaeaaaed. The aadMlfhata is ns BaRearai

Provlded. Tl-ut no rlergYrann slmll be ..nticlod toa »out ln UM eonveiitlon Who Is bOBBd bv any vowof eretoiaatReal obedlente other thnn siirli an ls re-

iplln^l bv th.- Boob of OoBMBoa ITavVer. or by tlloconatttuUon and eanona of the PiwleMaat EplsropalChiiKh .pf tlie Fnlted Statea of Aniorlra, or by thernoetltaUofl nnd nanraaa of tiie Prataataad) EpLscopaliThiiren in |ba Dloraaa of Peaaeylvaaaa

To this sub-tlliite an aineiidment BaaflBg the follow-in« woeda wa* ofaaad: .. And anhtea no» js ineompaU-ble with llio Itidepeiident aetloti of BRBl cleno'mand- B tnriubrr af 18a "tivention."' lloth tlie Kiibstt-tute and Uie amendnient wero freelv and vleorouslpdiscnssisl bv the faa**pahra,

Tha adbawlag etartral aad kap aaaafBdaa were electelto tho Qaneral CaanrefyRaa Tha liev. Dr. \v. M. Mc-\li.Uar, Dr. .lames S. stuie, fi. II. Kltisoiving gnd Dr.DeWoU Perry, und Mtanra, ix'muel Oaaah, .Tames b.Ulddlo, <>e.»ce ('. ThOBBM ntid .1. \auelmii Morrtrk.

At the aaoalag bbmbbb the taaeaBalaa on Mr. Pat-toraon'a aabBUlato wa* rontlaaed, and on eouuni; toa vole by order- ih- auiendni-nts peopo*ed *r*ea de-faated aud Um Bahrdltate naiaad- raae 73, nars so,Ity BarUhea Uu' rate was paaa 4i», na>» 25, flvadlvMed.


R0TRB OP nu: wohjd-s PilR.Albnny, May ri.-World's Falr Coaimlsslouer Thaeher

«:ild to-day thal more than 40O npplleatlcns had B*>

ready been reeeivvd from persons Iu dlfferent pnrts oftha BBBtBi who deslre to make exhlblts. Tho Com-inl-slon eBgaMta to nJv-rtlse wldely, and to renehinearly every BBBBBlarlatiI ln tha ritate. Mr. Ihaahafsaia tiw Caatatbatoa had agnaaaa tha Caaama i>ure«M»at Raabangton, .'islilnn that the list, mnde ln lnOO, ofpataOna Iftgfg*4 ha the arta, ludnstrles nnd pnxtneteof bhe soii ha raptad ai tiie aipeeaa of the commisaionand bjIBBldad H Allmny. II this list ls securcd, ltwlll ba dlvld.-d, and Ihe list of earh dlstrlclwiii be Ranaidad to Um aaaaaalBBBBaBBe of that dia-

L'lilrngo btay B. Oeaap W. Chllds lnspoeted, thebuAdlnga «*t the WorU'a Palr. a?ynda^ today. _Mainivejled ln n *peetal «'ar by Pr.-sldeut Flsh.and aeeoppaanad i»> f'hicfs Raady. skiir. BMaaheaa ofthe Buurfl of OBBtral nnd other luvltej iruests. Mr.Chllds wont over oir tir- wooded. lsland, whero haplantetl nn Amerlcan llnden tree.

- a> -

BHB SH0T HKH SltAXDHUWi IX HIS CELT*San Antonlo, Tex.. May 5.-I. T. Wllson, of Mietv

wood. Iron Ciunty, was arrested last Juno nnd put laJull for tilanderlng a Mrs. Lennle Taylor, the wlfe of aMierwood bartier. Yest-rd iv afternoon about 1 o'elock,Mrs. Taylor went to the Jull armed with a pl-tol. and,as tlM Jnllor waa lakini; dinner to the ]>i1-oners ahosllpped ln l.ehind him aad upon r.-.e IiIiik tlie ca«eof her alanderer 88R scnt a bullet whliting througlihls braln, killlng him Inst.vitlv. The sympathy Uetrpog ln aopporiUig Mra, Tai'lor'a actloo and na arrealbaa betui made. ,.

top related