new zealand happy new year - forever living...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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EAGLE MANAGER RETREATQualify as an Eagle Manager in 2012 and in 2013 you will be going to ITALY to Sardinia Island in the Mediterranean. View the video at

HAPPY NEW YEAR Welcome to 2012 a year filled with exciting Forever incentives for you to achieve.




GLOBAL RALLY 2013 - HAWAIIQualification details on back page and go to to view the video

NZ Head Office & Product Centre278 Manukau Rd, Epsom, AucklandOpen Hours: Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 9am - 5pmSaturday 1pm - 3.30pmPh: 93092563 Fax: 93096540Email:

New ZealandNew Zealand

Forever New Zealand | 2

chairman’s greetings

Rex MaughanChairman of the Board & CEO

Forever yours,

The Light of Springthroughout the years with Forever, i have heard and even been associated with a great expression, “if you are not having fun, you are not doing it right!” i have used this quote myself many times over the past 30 years of traveling the Forever world. it has always been a very apt quote but never more so than now. as i read the same newspapers and watch the same news programs as you do, i am subject to a tirade of bad news and a list of all the things that are wrong in our economy and in our world. Of course we do not live in a perfect world, and i do not mean to suggest that the good families throughout the world who are suffering financial hardship at this time are not victims of a significant downturn. but i would like for a moment to suggest another way of looking at things.

i know for some of us it is hard to imagine that spring is just around the corner, as you are still ‘enjoying’ sub-zero temperatures and maybe haven’t seen the sun for a little while. however, i can guarantee that all of nature is just holding its breath waiting to (excuse the pun!) spring forward and jump into the new and beautiful season. Robin williams, the comedian and actor, said it perfectly: “spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘let’s party!’” in the next couple of weeks we will see examples of this party everywhere. the snow will melt, giving way to a lush landscape. we will see the new lambs running around the field of green grass. we will enjoy the breathtaking symphony of colors as wild flowers compete for the bee’s attention. it is like the start of a new football season when everything is possible. this is the start of the new season for each one of us as well; everything is possible. we are living in a world where people are looking at alter-natives both for income and health. the so-called traditional methods of earning an income and improving our health have been brought into question, while what we have been saying for 30 years, that “there is an alternative”, is being taking more and more seriously everyday. so we have a responsibility to get it right. don’t take any opportunity to legitimately share your business with someone for granted. Every moment that a prospect gives you is a gift. so prepare well for when that moment arises.

gregg and gary have just returned from a very successful trip to africa, and they were both touched and thrilled to see what is happening there. aidan just flew home from a European trip that took him to lithuania, England, spain and Romania, and he reports that we are making a good start to the year there as well. next week i am leaving for hong Kong for a Rally with my Forever friends. then i go back over to los angeles, where i will be with all of you at the north american Rally. From there i head to beautiful southern spain, to share in the excitement of the European Rally & profit share event. Rumor has it that we will be awarding over $8 million in one day. talk about fun and looking at things from a different point of view! in a world of downsizing, Forever will be giving out millions of dollars in one day! and that is on top of the millions we pay out every month in your bonuses.

all of us here at the Forever home Office and in our offices around the world are looking at this spring as a new and vibrant opportunity to make our great company better every day by improving the services we offer to our distributors and their customers. we are working tirelessly right now on the new products for 2009. we continue to make huge investments throughout our supply chain to bring our products to you in a faster and more cost effective manner. and we are updating our it structures on a daily basis to keep up with the speed of change in that area. i hope you had the opportunity to view the new year’s webcast a couple of weeks ago. if not you can view the recording of it on the front page of

being with you, the amazing distributors of Forever living, is what keeps me going and inspires me to do whatever i can to help throughout the world. whatever your goals and dreams for spring and the year ahead, be sure to incorporate some healthy eating and added movement to each day, because a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind. and a healthy mind makes the world a much brighter place. do your part to contribute something positive to those around you. share your light with others, focus on their strengths and support them in their efforts to improve their own lives. be a light of optimism. Most of all, don’t take yourself too seriously and remember to have Fun!

1-888-440-ALOE(2563) | 3

Message from the Chairman

January is one of my favorite months. It feels like a fresh start, a new beginning, and I’m always excited to be on the dawn of a brand new year. And what better way to begin a new year than to refresh my list of goals?Most people begin the year with a similar task, but often they call it something different - “New Year’s Resolutions”. Goals and resolutions can be confused as the same thing, but there is a real difference. Where resolutions are based on the overall outcome you desire, goals are your road map for getting there. And as Lawrence J. Peter, the famous management author once said, “If you don’t know

where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.”

The unfortunate truth is that many people make goals, but very few of them take the time and effort to write them down. Too often when I talk with Distributors about their goals, they tell me their goals are in their heads and that writing them down won’t affect their ability to achieve the goal. That is a classic mistake. A goal not written down is only a dream. It is simply a whimsical idea normally beginning with “I wish.”

When you take the time to put a dream into words, and then take the next step to write it down, you’re breathing life into your wishes. You are shaping the form those wishes will take. It shows commitment and intent. And although it may not seem like a lot, the first time you write down a goal and then check it off as completed could possibly change your life forever. It’s an empowering feeling when you look back and see your dream on paper, as a set of goals, and know as you reach each one that your dream became a reality.

Too often the resolutions people make on January 1st fall short by February 28. This is because while the resolution they made was attainable, they didn’t put the proper plan in place to get there. They didn’t set the right goals. For example, they will say, “This year I will be healthier” – but what is the first step to achieving that? Certainly you’re not going to wake up on the first of January and suddenly become healthy. Although the resolution is a good one, the problem comes in simply looking for a desired “Result”. It is critical that you put in place a plan that includes the steps to achieve this worthy result. These intermediate steps are called short term goals, but I like to call them “Action” goals.

In order to reach my result, the actions I have to take make up my list of short-term goals. These short-term goals could include: I will take my vitamins every morning; I will substitute a Forever Lite Ultra shake for my lunch; I will exercise for at least 60 minutes, 5 days a week; and I will limit myself to only one “junk food” item a week. All of these “action” goals, if followed regularly, will get me to my desired “result”.

By making an effort to define my actions and write them down, I am mentally preparing myself for the completion of my goal. It will feel wonderful to look at my list each day and say, “I took my vitamins, I drank my shake, I did my workout, and I ate only 1 cookie. These are all things I said I would accomplish and I did!” At the end of a couple weeks, these “actions” will become habits and eventually will lead to successfully obtaining your desired “Result”. Dedication to the small actions you take every day make the difference in the long run.

As you check things off by completing your actions and achieving your results, make sure to create new goals and revisit any old ones that are not yet accomplished. Constantly challenge yourself and don’t be afraid to dream. As Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” And, in this case... Discover Forever.

chairman’s greetings

Rex MaughanChairman of the Board & CEO

Forever yours,

The Light of Springthroughout the years with Forever, i have heard and even been associated with a great expression, “if you are not having fun, you are not doing it right!” i have used this quote myself many times over the past 30 years of traveling the Forever world. it has always been a very apt quote but never more so than now. as i read the same newspapers and watch the same news programs as you do, i am subject to a tirade of bad news and a list of all the things that are wrong in our economy and in our world. Of course we do not live in a perfect world, and i do not mean to suggest that the good families throughout the world who are suffering financial hardship at this time are not victims of a significant downturn. but i would like for a moment to suggest another way of looking at things.

i know for some of us it is hard to imagine that spring is just around the corner, as you are still ‘enjoying’ sub-zero temperatures and maybe haven’t seen the sun for a little while. however, i can guarantee that all of nature is just holding its breath waiting to (excuse the pun!) spring forward and jump into the new and beautiful season. Robin williams, the comedian and actor, said it perfectly: “spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘let’s party!’” in the next couple of weeks we will see examples of this party everywhere. the snow will melt, giving way to a lush landscape. we will see the new lambs running around the field of green grass. we will enjoy the breathtaking symphony of colors as wild flowers compete for the bee’s attention. it is like the start of a new football season when everything is possible. this is the start of the new season for each one of us as well; everything is possible. we are living in a world where people are looking at alter-natives both for income and health. the so-called traditional methods of earning an income and improving our health have been brought into question, while what we have been saying for 30 years, that “there is an alternative”, is being taking more and more seriously everyday. so we have a responsibility to get it right. don’t take any opportunity to legitimately share your business with someone for granted. Every moment that a prospect gives you is a gift. so prepare well for when that moment arises.

gregg and gary have just returned from a very successful trip to africa, and they were both touched and thrilled to see what is happening there. aidan just flew home from a European trip that took him to lithuania, England, spain and Romania, and he reports that we are making a good start to the year there as well. next week i am leaving for hong Kong for a Rally with my Forever friends. then i go back over to los angeles, where i will be with all of you at the north american Rally. From there i head to beautiful southern spain, to share in the excitement of the European Rally & profit share event. Rumor has it that we will be awarding over $8 million in one day. talk about fun and looking at things from a different point of view! in a world of downsizing, Forever will be giving out millions of dollars in one day! and that is on top of the millions we pay out every month in your bonuses.

all of us here at the Forever home Office and in our offices around the world are looking at this spring as a new and vibrant opportunity to make our great company better every day by improving the services we offer to our distributors and their customers. we are working tirelessly right now on the new products for 2009. we continue to make huge investments throughout our supply chain to bring our products to you in a faster and more cost effective manner. and we are updating our it structures on a daily basis to keep up with the speed of change in that area. i hope you had the opportunity to view the new year’s webcast a couple of weeks ago. if not you can view the recording of it on the front page of

being with you, the amazing distributors of Forever living, is what keeps me going and inspires me to do whatever i can to help throughout the world. whatever your goals and dreams for spring and the year ahead, be sure to incorporate some healthy eating and added movement to each day, because a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind. and a healthy mind makes the world a much brighter place. do your part to contribute something positive to those around you. share your light with others, focus on their strengths and support them in their efforts to improve their own lives. be a light of optimism. Most of all, don’t take yourself too seriously and remember to have Fun!

1-888-440-ALOE(2563) | 3


Explore. Dream. Discover.

Forever New Zealand | 3

chairman’s greetings

Rex MaughanChairman of the Board & CEO

Forever yours,

The Light of Springthroughout the years with Forever, i have heard and even been associated with a great expression, “if you are not having fun, you are not doing it right!” i have used this quote myself many times over the past 30 years of traveling the Forever world. it has always been a very apt quote but never more so than now. as i read the same newspapers and watch the same news programs as you do, i am subject to a tirade of bad news and a list of all the things that are wrong in our economy and in our world. Of course we do not live in a perfect world, and i do not mean to suggest that the good families throughout the world who are suffering financial hardship at this time are not victims of a significant downturn. but i would like for a moment to suggest another way of looking at things.

i know for some of us it is hard to imagine that spring is just around the corner, as you are still ‘enjoying’ sub-zero temperatures and maybe haven’t seen the sun for a little while. however, i can guarantee that all of nature is just holding its breath waiting to (excuse the pun!) spring forward and jump into the new and beautiful season. Robin williams, the comedian and actor, said it perfectly: “spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘let’s party!’” in the next couple of weeks we will see examples of this party everywhere. the snow will melt, giving way to a lush landscape. we will see the new lambs running around the field of green grass. we will enjoy the breathtaking symphony of colors as wild flowers compete for the bee’s attention. it is like the start of a new football season when everything is possible. this is the start of the new season for each one of us as well; everything is possible. we are living in a world where people are looking at alter-natives both for income and health. the so-called traditional methods of earning an income and improving our health have been brought into question, while what we have been saying for 30 years, that “there is an alternative”, is being taking more and more seriously everyday. so we have a responsibility to get it right. don’t take any opportunity to legitimately share your business with someone for granted. Every moment that a prospect gives you is a gift. so prepare well for when that moment arises.

gregg and gary have just returned from a very successful trip to africa, and they were both touched and thrilled to see what is happening there. aidan just flew home from a European trip that took him to lithuania, England, spain and Romania, and he reports that we are making a good start to the year there as well. next week i am leaving for hong Kong for a Rally with my Forever friends. then i go back over to los angeles, where i will be with all of you at the north american Rally. From there i head to beautiful southern spain, to share in the excitement of the European Rally & profit share event. Rumor has it that we will be awarding over $8 million in one day. talk about fun and looking at things from a different point of view! in a world of downsizing, Forever will be giving out millions of dollars in one day! and that is on top of the millions we pay out every month in your bonuses.

all of us here at the Forever home Office and in our offices around the world are looking at this spring as a new and vibrant opportunity to make our great company better every day by improving the services we offer to our distributors and their customers. we are working tirelessly right now on the new products for 2009. we continue to make huge investments throughout our supply chain to bring our products to you in a faster and more cost effective manner. and we are updating our it structures on a daily basis to keep up with the speed of change in that area. i hope you had the opportunity to view the new year’s webcast a couple of weeks ago. if not you can view the recording of it on the front page of

being with you, the amazing distributors of Forever living, is what keeps me going and inspires me to do whatever i can to help throughout the world. whatever your goals and dreams for spring and the year ahead, be sure to incorporate some healthy eating and added movement to each day, because a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind. and a healthy mind makes the world a much brighter place. do your part to contribute something positive to those around you. share your light with others, focus on their strengths and support them in their efforts to improve their own lives. be a light of optimism. Most of all, don’t take yourself too seriously and remember to have Fun!

1-888-440-ALOE(2563) | 3

Business Builders


Forever New Zealand | 4

Business Builders

You can join thousands of successful Distributors at amazing events but you need to work hard starting right now.

Become an Eagle Manager in 2012 to go to Italy.

Eagle Manager status is earned each calendarYear :1. Be active and Leadership bonus qualified each month

2. Accumulate min 720 total cc including 100cc from new personally sponsored downlines.

3. Personally sponsor and develop at least 2 newSupervisor lines.

In addition to the above Senior Mangers and above must also have Eagle Managers in their downline. The downlines can be any generation but must be in separate lines.

Senior Manager must have 1 Eagle Manager.

Soaring Managers must have 3 Eagle Managers.

Sapphire Manger must have 6 Eagle Managers.

See full details on the Eagle Manager program /get training/marketing plan


GOING GLOBALBE PART OF SOMETHING GREAT. THE FOREVER GLOBAL RALLY IN 2013.You need to qualify in 2012. Start right now!2013 will see the very first Forever Global Rally, an event that will consolidate all existing Regional Rallies into one super exciting affair. This will be an immense opportunity to rub shoulders with the absolute best in the business, access sophisticated and improved trainings, witness bigger recognitions and watch even greater world class entertainment.

HOW TO QUALIFYThe qualification for the Global Rally is simple. Achieve at least 1.5k (1500cc) case credits in 1 calendar year. Yes, that’s it! No complicated rules, no small print. Achieve 1.5k in one year and be active.

WHAT TO EXPECTDEPENDING ON HOW MANY cc’s A Distributor achieves in the calendar year will depend on how much of the Global Rally a Distributor will experience. Qualifying at 5k or above will entitle the Distributor to a 9 day stay at the chosen Rally destination. Qualifiers at 2.5k - 5k will experience 8 days with 1.5k -2.5 k qualifiers spending 6 days at this location.

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