news for all the saintsnews for all the saints

Post on 12-Apr-2022






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All Saints Memorial Church

P: 732-291-0214 F: 732-291-1605


February 2018

A Lenten Valentine for all


Events Calendar

Most Sundays

8:00am HE II (CH)

9:00am Family Service (second Sunday each


10:00am Choral HE II (CH)


7:00pm Quiet Time w/God (CH)

8:30pm AA (PH)


10:00am Healing Eucharist (CH)

7:00pm AA (PH)

Second Wednesdays

ECW Meetings (12:30)

Third Thursdays

7:30pm Vestry Meetings (PH)

Fourth Thursdays

7:00pm Landmark Trust Meetings (PH)


7:30pm DRA Meetings (PH)


8:00am AA Meetings (PH)

Mother Debbie Contact Information

The Rev. Debbie Cook

Rector, All Saints' Memorial Church

(Office) 732-291-0214

(Cell) 732-492-1943

(Rectory) 732-204-2836

Remember Mother Debbie’s day off is

Friday (except for

Pastoral emergencies).

Sunday, February 4

8:00am—1:00pm Souper Bowl & Bread Sale

In the Parish House (pg. 11)

Saturday, February 10

6:00pm Movie & Potluck Supper

In the Parish House. (see pg.14)

Sunday, February 11

Last Sunday after the Epiphany

9:00am Second Sunday@All Saints’ Family Service

Tuesday, February 13

5:00pm—7:00pm Shrove Tuesday

Pancake Supper

In the Parish House

Wednesday, February 14

6:00am Ashes to go at the ferries

12:00noon Holy Eucharist w/Imposition of Ashes

7:30pm Choral Holy Eucharist w/Imposition of Ashes

Mother Debbie's Schedule

Sabbath Day: We are all in need of time to rest and renew--and sometimes, just to catch up on other 'life'

things, like laundry! Just a reminder that Friday is Mother Debbie's Sabbath day. While she is always

available for pastoral emergencies, please honor her day off in parish communications that day, particularly

via phone or text.


A word from Mother Debbie “Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive

the sins of all who are penitent…”

As it happens once in a while—this time a longer while (62 years, since 1956)-

-Ash Wednesday shares the calendar with Valentine’s Day: a day more known

for hearts and flowers and candy vs. dust and repentance and sacrifice. It

seems like a cosmic clash of sorts: romance and joy vs. the more serious tone of Ash

Wednesday, where we are invited to a time of self-examination and turning toward God,

remembering our mortality. How do we go from poetry and roses, to ‘you are dust, and to

dust you shall return’? Where’s the link?


Mention love in the context of Valentine’s Day, and for many, that’s an easy connection: our

culture is all too happy to help us honor and celebrate that love, especially romantic love (or

the ‘signs’ thereof)—cards and gifts, candy and flowers, balloons and special dinners. And

while romantic love is real and desired, it is only one aspect of love, serving as a gateway to a

deeper, fuller love—the kind of love that God loves us with, no matter what. Even if we are


That is the gift and struggle of Ash Wednesday, and Lent. A time to remember that we are

created beings, we are mortal, we are finite—in other words, we are not God. But there is love

and good news in that as well: God chose to create us—and ‘hates nothing’ God has made. In

fact, God loves and cherishes all that God has made. And because we are so very beloved,

even when our mortal bodies may return to dust (the same stuff that makes up the stars and all

that is), that is not the end—for God is eternal, and through the death and resurrection of

Christ, invites us into that same eternal life. What a gift!—better than chocolate or roses any

day, to be honest.

Lent is a time to remember and honor that gift—the gift of grace, of mercy, of the love that

always has been and always will be; a love that is selfless, other focused, sacrificial. A love

that chooses to make room for the other—even if they are made of dust; a love that is willing

to enter into our messy, dusty world and redeem it, even unto death. A love that will not let us

go, even when we return to dust. A love that demands all of us—and gives all back. A love

that deserves our very best—every day, not just during Lent.


At All sAints’

Lent at All Saints

Lent, a liturgical season of 40 days (not counting Sundays) before Easter, is often a time of

renewed spiritual focus. Lent always begins on Ash Wednesday, which this year is February

14th. Many either choose to sacrifice by giving up a favorite food, beverage, website, or

entertainment; others take on an extra spiritual discipline such as additional prayer, worship,

study or service. Here at All Saints’ we will offer a variety of ways to honor Lent, from the

individual and personal, to those more group based.

Lenten Meditation Booklet

Offered by Episcopal Relief and Development, these booklets offer daily meditations from

Ash Wednesday, February 14th through Easter Sunday, April 1st from a wide variety of

contributors. Look for these in the back of the church or in the Parish Hall, and use these as

an inspiration to prayer and/reflection.

However, we are forgetful people—and oh! do we tend to wander! So Lent become a time to

focus, to choose and practice a discipline to turn our hearts and minds and lives toward God.

Whether it is through the sacrifice of giving something up, or by spending time in increased

prayer or scripture study or engaging in other spiritual practices, let us use this holy time as a

time to practice love: Love of God, love of neighbor. Let us focus on the true signs of love—

justice and peace, compassion and forgiveness, hospitality and humility—rather than just

candy hearts and flowers. And then maybe, just maybe, Valentine’s Day (that day of love)

could be every day, and not just once a year.

“Create and make in us new and contrite hearts…” this Lent, and for always.


Mother Debbie+


At All sAints’

Lent in a Box

Need something tangible to get you started? Pick up Lent in a Box; these small

take-out boxes will contain various objects to select from, such as a Lent cards

(Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving), a candle or seeds or even sand, along with handout

to help guide you. Great to use for families, or to as an individual.

Wednesday Morning Study

Wednesdays beginning February 21st at 11 am through Easter

‘Final Words’ by Adam Hamilton

In this series, Adam Hamilton examines Christ’s final words from the cross: what those words

meant to those at the time, and what they mean for us today. From ‘Father, forgive them’ to ‘It

is finished’, let us explore how Jesus’ final hours continue to teach and impact our spiritual

journeys. Contact Mother Debbie so enough books are ordered.

Movie and Potluck Dinner

Saturday, February 10th at 6 pm & Saturday March 10th at 6 pm

Parish Hall

Join Michelle Oquendo for a faith-based movie, potluck dinner, and conversation. Bring your

favorite dish and your questions! See sign up sheet or contact Michelle if you are interested.

The Good Book Club

From The Forward Movement

Enjoy the daily meditations in the The Forward Day by Day? Looking to engage scripture

more frequently? The Good Book Club encourages participants to read through the Gospel of

Luke during Lent, beginning Sunday February 11th through Easter. All you need to do is pick

up a list of the scripture readings and a Forward Day by Day booklet; read the appointed


At All Saints

scripture and the Forward meditation of the day, and meditate on the reflection question.

Prefer an app on your phone? Download the Forward Day by Day app (small fee involved) on

your iPhone or Android device, and the readings and meditation are updated each day.

Digital/Online Resources

The internet is full of ways of take on a Lenten activity or study. Here are a few free ones:

Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John: This study, offered by the Society of Saint John the

Evangelist, offers a video reflection emailed to you each day based on the Gospel of

John and his Epistles. You can even download a free prayer journal to accompany this

study. Sign up for this at:

Lent Madness: A holy take on March Madness, this Forward Movement program pits saints

against one another in daily matches. You can sign up for an email to be sent to you

with write-ups on the saints of the day, and then vote for your favorite. Day by day, the

brackets get filled in until one Saint wins the ‘Golden Halo’! A good way to learn about

the saints of the church as a family or individual, and have some fun doing it. Visit: for more information.

D365: This site provides a daily devotional that is accessible, brief, and reflective. Visit

And don’t forget about Centering Prayer in the Hall on Monday evenings, and Tuesday

meditation in the church with Nancy Pharr!


At All Saints

Ashes to Go

Wednesday, February 14th

6:00 am to 8 am (tentative)

The Seastreak Ferry, Atlantic Highlands, NJ & Highlands, NJ

Ashes to Go is a growing ministry of the Episcopal Church! It

started being offered by mostly urban churches, but has

expanded to suburban commuter locales, public squares, coffee

shops, you name it. Offered by clergy and trained lay persons

alike, Ashes to Go is simply just that: offering the imposition

of ashes to those ‘on the go’ on Ash Wednesday. It’s a

moment to stop and remember that even amidst our busy daily lives, God is at work in us, in

healing and reconciliation; the ashes serve as a reminder of our need for God, of who we are in

relationship to God. And since this year Ash Wednesday is also on Valentine’s Day, it can be a

reminder of how much God loves us.

Last year, Valerie Schauer, Faith Hahn, Bonnie Roberts and Candy Boeckel and Mother

Debbie offered Ashes to Go, assisted by Makayla Roberts, at the Atlantic Highlands and

Highlands Ferry docks and imposed ashes for about 75 to 85 persons at each location. This

year, similar crews will be heading out once more to Atlantic Highland and Highlands.

Ash Wednesday services will be offered at All Saints at noon and in the evening at 7:30 as



At All Saints

Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting 2018 Snapshot

Many thanks to all who attended All Saints’ Memorial Church Annual Meeting, which was

held on January 21. It was good to spend time catching up and sharing good food.

The following persons were elected to the various positions:

Sr. Warden (2 year term, 2018-2020): Bonnie Roberts

Vestry, three year term (2018-2021): Gordon Saunders, Allison Basile, and Valerie Ferrante

Convention Delegates (3): Michael Stasi, Diane Gribbin and Harry Brady

Convention Delegate Alternate: Michael Parmelee

Monmouth Convocation Delegates: To be announced

Alternates: To be announced

Congratulations to all our newly elected representatives!

We also showed our appreciation for the service of our retiring Vestry members: Michael

McClellan and Valerie Barradale. We are grateful for their faithfulness and dedication to the

All Saints’, and consistently going above and beyond duty time and again.

We also were able to view pictures from events throughout 2017, and take a more in depth

view of 2017 Stewardship for 2018, and hear about the 2017 financials as well as the 2018

budget. Ministry leaders were invited to share about upcoming 2018 plans. We also heard

about the areas of focus for 2018: Nurturing spiritual growth, Children and Family ministry,

continued engagement with the community and stabilizing our parish budget.

If you missed the Annual meeting, please know that there are copies of the Annual Report

available. New parish directories will be available soon!


At all saints

Diocesan Convention 2018

“Know your STORY; live it BOLDLY”

Friday, March 2nd to Saturday, March 3rd

Crowne Plaza

Route 70, Cherry Hill

Diocesan Convention is like a Diocesan Annual meeting--with clergy and delegates from all around the Diocese! Elections are held for Standing Committee and Diocesan Council members, as well as for many other boards and commissions; the Diocesan budget is discussed and approved; resolutions are made and voted on; any changes to Diocesan canons are proposed, discussed and voted on as well. Each parish sends three delegates; ours will be Michael Stasi, Diane Gribbin, and Harry Brady. The format of convention will change from prior years, and there will be less presentation of oral reports, and more time for discussion and reflection. The 2018 budget, which was an indirect focus of the October Special Convention, is expected to be a major topic of discussion as likely it will reflect a realigning of Diocesan priorities.


At All Saints

Mark your 2018 Calendar!

On Sunday, April 29th, 2018 Bishop Stokes will be visiting All Saints’.

He will lead us in worship at our 10 a.m. service, and will be available for

youth and adult baptisms, confirmations, receptions into the Episcopal

Church, or a renewal of Baptismal vows. For those adults who are

interested in being confirmed or being received into the Church, please

know that we will be offering an Adult Confirmation class beginning after

January 1st, which will be open to youth older than 16 as well.

Wanted! A new or gently used Refrigerator and Microwave

If you have questions or have one to donate

Please email the Parish Office with the specifics


At All sAints’



February 4 Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes

February 11 Canned Pork and Beans

February 18 Bags of Rice

February 25 Paper Towels

At All sAints’

2018 St. Mark’s Meals:

Join the Crew that makes and serves healthy and delicious meals

for St. Mark’s Center, Keansburg, NJ

Our next turn for meals at St. Mark’s: Thurs., Feb. 22 & Fri., Feb. 23

Chicken Alfredo Casserole, Mixed Veggies, Rolls, Tossed Green Salad, and finger desserts

made by our wonderful youth group! Thanks everyone

Sunday, February 4th, 2018-Super Bowl Sunday Soup & Bread Sale! We’ll be offering a whole host of fabulous soups, chowders, chilies, also breads—corn bread, artisans, and nut loaves, and honey, jams, jellies, chutney’s, and back again by popular demand—dips and spreads for your Super Bowl Game get-together! Wow! What a great list we have this year thanks to all of the donations from everyone! Not only is this a fun-filled time in our church life, it also raises much-needed funds for our chosen community agencies which help the neediest among us-such as the FoodBank of Monmouth & Ocean Counties, Family Promise, LOVE, Inc., St. Mark’s, and the AACC Food Pantry in Atlantic Highlands. So come in from the cold, and we will definitely warm you up with wonderful fellowship and some fabulous goodies made by your church friends!!


At All Saints


At All Saints

Hi All Saints Family!

So we can get into frame of mind for Season of Lent and reflect inwardly on how or if we

live our faith, I thought of something different for us - a movie & potluck supper with a

discussion afterwards.

Come us join us in the Parish Hall

on Saturday, February 10th at 6 pm,

and Saturday, March 10th at 6 pm.

The movie is ‘Do you Believe?’—and the description is as follows:

Twelve people. Twelve lives. Twelve different stories. What do all of these people have in

common? A yearning, a desire, a calling to be more than how the world views them. In the

movie “Do You Believe?” takes the viewers into the lives of each of these people. Each of

these people will have to ask themselves the ultimate question of all time, “DO……YOU……

BELIEVE?” These three simple words strike at the very core of the Christian faith. It means

living a life so complete that people see the difference in you, see the hope in your eyes, see

the example and say, “What is it that makes you the way you are?”

“Belief takes you to your knees, then raises you to your feet,”

says Pastor Matthew in this film.

Be the Church in the World,



At All Saints


At All Saints

Men’s Bible Study, Prayer, and Breakfast

Saturday, February 10 at 8:15am

This committed group of men and young men in the parish meet monthly on the 2nd Saturday

of the month for prayer and bible study, as well as fellowship and a hearty breakfast! This

month’s meeting will be on February 10th at 8:15am. All are welcome to join as you are able.

For more information or to RSVP,

contact Jim Cook at 732-614-3134.

ECW News

Ash Wednesday

February 14, 2018, "Valentine's Day"

ECW Meeting, 12:30 p.m., in the Parish House.

Next Coffee Sale will be on Sunday, March 4, 2018, after each service in the Parish House.

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