news in brief term 3 september 2015 edition ... zahrah singh, robyn searle, melisa mpoyi, sharleen...

Post on 15-Mar-2018






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The school’s new astro facility was

officially opened on Wednesday 23

September 2015.

Thanks to an excellent plan put to-

gether by Mr Lincoln (Sport Strategy)

and Mr Jarvis, (Governing Body mem-

ber) the school has been able to save

an enormous amount of money by

utilising the existing base of three ten-

nis courts. Belgotex, market leaders in

Astro turf were commissioned for the

project, which entailed laying a

15mm rubberised surface or shock pad

(made out of 25 tons of recycled car

tyres) on the court, followed by the

astro turf. This surface will allow a

number of sports to be played virtually

injury free.

The astro will be used as a multipur-

pose facility - chiefly as a hockey sur-

face for practise sessions. It will also

be used as a tennis court and for ball

skills and small sided games of soccer.

“Having our own astro will take the

level of hockey to new heights at the

school” says Mr Lincoln

Ms Gonçalves officially declared the

astro open in the presence of three

esteemed old girls who were re-

nowned for their skill on the hockey


Jeppe High School for Gir l s



MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMISTRESS “It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” - Robert H. God-

dard, US physicist & pioneer rocket engineer (1882 - 1945)

This quote truly echoes our Blanket journey this year. The dream of 670 blankets in Term 1, turned into the hope of 670 blankets in

Term 2 which transformed into the reality of 695 blankets in Term 3 - proving once again that it is difficult to say what is impossible.

Jeppe High School for Girls, as the only school in South Africa to have reached the 67 Blankets for Madiba target were rewarded with

the prize of R210 000 from Mrs Carolyn Steyn. We are most grateful for this generous ‘goodwool’ gift which will be used in the up-

grade of the changerooms on the Sports Fields.

To everyone that took part in the blanket drive, thank you for honouring the needs of the less fortunate – it was during the distribution

of the blankets we could feel the immense joy and gratitude from those receiving the blankets and knew that each stitch made with love

had brought not only hope but dignity too

The opening of the Astrofield was another dream which converted into reality. We wish the girls many happy days while they train and

compete on this beautiful surface.

Our guest speakers this term, Prof Jonathan Jansen (Vice-Chancellor of the Free State University); Mr Frank Magwegwe (CEO of Mo-

mentum) and Dr De Martini (International Human Behavioural Scientist) encouraged us to guard our dreams, nurture the hope of those

dreams and activate the reality of our dreams.

I would like to convey my gratitude to all the personnel who make our school one where girls can hope and dream of a better tomor-

row. To the academic staff and the administrative staff, your hard work is most appreciated. To all the girls who represented the school

in the various activities hosted during the term (as seen in this newsletter), your enthusiasm and dedication are commendable. To those

girls who have achieved exceptional standards in provincial and national teams, we are very proud of each one.

Thank you to all the parents who came to support their daughters at sport fixtures and cultural events, it always so wonderful to have

you cheering from the sidelines or supporting from the audience☺ Thank you to all the parents who sponsored items for the various

charity drives and Cake and Candy sales, your bold generosity is greatly appreciated and helps us achieve our goals. Thank you too for

all the weekly donations of sandwiches for Fairview Primary children.

Wishing everyone a most relaxing week. - Miss D Gonçalves

field – Debbie Visagie nee Zeller (class of

1977) a former Springbok, Kirsten

Mackenzie nee Ravenscroft (class of 1992)

who played SA U21 and Di Thompson nee

Rowan (class of 1971) who played for

Southern Transvaal - as well as parents,

staff and learners.

After a 6-a-side exhibition match played

by Jeppe Boys (Aitken Trophy Winners),

the Jeppe Girls 1st team took on the school

staff and coaches, ably assisted by Di

Thompson . Our guests of honour are in

the back row on the right—Di Thompson,

Debbie Visagie and Kirsten Mackenzie.

Page 2



Congratulations to our design students who have again excelled in The Star’s Design-an-Ad com-petition. 59 of our learners from grades 10 to 12 en-tered the competition, and we were the only school to have 4 learners men-tioned.

Lizan Potgieter (Grade 11) was voted the grand win-ner for the Front page category “Vision of Johan-nesburg in 2055”. Her win-ning design was featured on the outside cover of the special insert in The Star on 30 September. She took inspiration from the current priorities of the city – health, HIV and Aids, transport, foreign invest-ment and education. Lizan won a PS4, an android tab-let, Spar and Romans pizza vouchers and a floating trophy.

Jodi Lailvaux (Grade 12) was the third place winner for her ad in the Grade 10-12 category for Adams Discount Centre.

Chantelle Schoultz (Grade

feel safe, that you feel cared for and that you give the best of yourself also to care for others. Our schools, like this school, have to be exactly the place where we nurture those values. And in which every South African is accepted and valued regardless of race, regardless of gender, regardless of class, regardless of ideology. In which we all are simply South Africans.”

11) received a Highly Com-mended for her ad for the Front page “Vision of Johan-nesburg 2055” and Kayla Gailey (Grade 12) was rec-ognised for her contribu-tion to the competition. Both Chantelle’s ad and Kayla’s ad for Bakos

Brothers were published in the Star Supplement. Miss Gonçalves was pre-sented with a cheque for R5000 for the school by The Star which will go to-wards the Bridge fund.

Our design students have done well in The Star’s

Design-an-Ad competition over The last four years.

In 2014, Nicole Mychajluk was awarded third place in the Grade 10 – 12 section for her poster on Boston City Campus and Savan-nah Bennett (Grade 12 and Razeenah Manack (Grade 11) were recog-nised for their contribu-tion to the competition and their ads were also featured in the newspaper.

In the 2013 competition, Amy-Leigh Braaf was Run-ner Up in the front page cover design for “Freedom of the Press” which was only open to grade 12 pu-pils and Kayla Gailey (Grade 10) took first place in the Grade 10 -12 sec-tion for her advertisement for Sharpie.

In the 2012 Design-An-Ad competition, the front page cover design was won by Naya Panachande, who won a bursary to study at the Design School SA through the competi-tion.

Jodi Lailvaux, Lizan Potgieter and Chantelle

Schoultz seen here with Mrs Young who teaches

Design and Miss Gonçalves


On Thursday 10th September we welcomed Mrs Graça Machel as the guest speaker at our annual Ruth First Jeppe Memorial Scholarships presentation function.

This was great cause for celebration as we marked the fifth anniversary of the scholarship programme and have our first four scholarship girls matriculating at the end of this year.

The ten new scholars for 2016 bring the num-ber of Ruth First Memorial scholarship recipi-ents to 50.

Mrs Machel encouraged the girls to be citizens with no boundaries, to look for freedom and dignity for everyone and not just a particular race, gender or ideology.

She ended her speech with these words: “We hope you will grow and affirm yourself as young women in society where you don’t have to fear that anyone can violate you and you

Miss Gonçalves welcomes Mrs Machel

“Bem vindo ‘a nossa escola”

The U15 team did exception-

ally well and after winning 22

out of 30 games are now the

Girls U15 Gauteng champions.

The team was comprised of six

players - Mahima Vandayar,

Rethabile Maboko, Nompume-

lelo Dube, Zamokuhle Gama,

Kimberley Mugadza, Kimalda

Chetty – and Naomi Nakonga

who was reserve. Zamokuhle

and Kimberley both won all of

their 6 games and Nompume-

lelo won 4 out of 6 games.

The U15 team will be repre-

senting Gauteng at the Nation-

als in December in Cape


The U18 team also did very

well in the Games, taking third

place. Their team which com-

prised Dominique Meysel,

Nicole Song, Shannie Wu,

Minal Sarfaz, Tafadzwa Mak-

huza and Lizan Potgieter, won

19½ games out of 30.

Africa, Namibia, Bot-swana and Mozambique.

The theme for the Olym-piad was “Stories and Language of Mzanzi”.

This year, 3 of our en-trants won Gold certifi-cates — Azminah Jhetam and Jo-Anne Pringle who are both in Grade 12 and Firdous Hamid who is in Grade 11. Particular con-gratulations go to Azminah and Jo-Anne who were placed 16th and 17th re-spectively in the Olym-piad. They both qualify for full scholarships to attend Rhodes University.

Silver Certificates went to Savannah Thevan, Kayley Reveley, Jenna Orchard, Sasha-Lee Morare, Bianca Mayne, Raquel Leitao, Tasmiyah Laher, Sinead Hovelmeier and Ammaarah Akhalwaya.

Bronze Certificates went to Thirasha Waidyaratne,


Megan Visser, Nicole Mychajluk, Tafadzwa Makhuza, Gugu Mab-hena, Olea Khambule, Tamlyn Harker, Zakiyah Dockrat, Sinead De Jager and Ismatou Balde.

Merit Certificates went to Aarifah Alli, Tshiamo Se-lemela, Zahrah Singh, Robyn Searle, Melisa Mpoyi, Sharleen Ma-sango, Nolwazi Mamba, Zakithi Khulu, Sukeina Issufo, Bré Anne Holz, Ruth Furber, Jenna Franks, Gabriella Barrow and Jasmine Acton

Page 3


Our chess team have had a

wonderful term, playing in the

African Women’s Open Chess

Festival, the District Finals and

the Gauteng Games.

Seventeen of our learners took

part in the African Women’s

Open Chess Festival on 8th Au-

gust. We were awarded

“Overall Best Performing

School” and commended for

our excellent manners and good

behaviour. Special congratula-

tions to Shannie Wu who took

1st place, Mahima Vandayar

who took second place, Domi-

nique Meysel who took fourth

place and Tafadzwa Makhuza

who took fifth place .

On the 17th August the girls

took part in The District Chess

League Final. Our U15s won 6-

0 and our U18s won 6-0. This

is the third consecutive year we

have won the U18 section.

The Gauteng Chess Games

took place on Saturday 29th

August in Pretoria and Jeppe

Girls represented D9 with

teams in the U15 and U18 cate-




Thirty six girls took part in the De Beers English Olym-piad in March this year.

The competition attracted more than 8000 entries from high schools in South

U15 Gauteng Girls Chess Champions

Back: Nompumelelo Dube, Kimberley Mugadza and Naomi


Front: Rethabile Maboko, Mahima Vandayar, Kimalda Chetty

and Zamokuhle Gama

Jo-Anne Pringle, Firdous Hamid and Azminah Jhetam



For the second year, the

House Play Festival com-

prised two sections: one for

the juniors and a second for

the seniors.

The Junior House Plays

took place on 25 and 26

August. The casts and

crews of the plays con-

sisted of grade 8 and 9 girls

and the directors were

grade 11s.

All 6 of the plays were origi-

nal scripts—Nerine’s

“Celebrity Therapy” was

written by Gail Ngoveni and

directed by Gail Ngoveni

and Sophie Kowa; Cras-

sula’s “The Trip” was writ-

ten and directed by Raquel

De Oliveira; Disa’s offering

of “Black is the new

Black” was written and di-

rected by Yonela Dishi and

Makumya M’Membe; Pro-

tea’s “The Empty Chair”,

was written by Michaela

Giddion and directed by

Jenna Franks, Michaela

Giddion and Michaela

Halim; Gerbera’s “This is

not a Talkshow”, was writ-

ten and directed by Khany-

isile Ndaba and Harveya’s

decree was written and

direscted by Thirasha Waid-


Best Production: First place

went to Disa (Black is the

new Black), second place to

Harveya (Decree) and third

place to Gerbera (This is

not a Talkshow).

Best Director was awarded

to Thirasha Waidyaratne of

Harveya. The other nomi-

nees were Khanyisile

Ndaba of Gerbera and Yo-

nela Dishi & Makumya

M’Membe of Disa.

Best Actress was shared by

Kirsten Dickinson of Ger-

bera for her humorous por-

trayal of Frikkie in “This is

not a Talkshow” and Mishka

Moodley for her role as

Clayton in Harveya’s

“Decree” Motshebe Man-

gole (Harveya) was also

nominated for her portrayal

of Marion.

Best Supporting Actress

was awarded to Minenhle

Makhuba in Disa’s “Black

is the new Black.”Cailin

Fourie of Gerbera was also

nominated for her role as

Cindy in “This is not a Talk-

show” as was Baleseng

Noko for her role as Camp-

bell in Disa’s “Black is the

new Black”.

Penelope Mabhena of

Nerine, Bethany Harker of

Crassula and Khanysile

Ndaba for Gerbera’s Tab-

leaux) were awarded highly

commended for acting.

A special adjudicator’s

award went to Khanyisile

Ndaba in Gerbera for ad-

verts; to Tiffany Harzon in

Disa for great improvisation

and to Yonela Dishi and

Makumya M’Membe in

Disa for Best Original


Nominations for Best Back-

stage Crew went to Disa

and Crassula and Harveya

directed by Thirasha Waid-

yaratne won.

Best Off-stage organization

also went to Thirasha

Waidyaratne of Harveya.

Best Technical Production-

went to Disa (Yonela Dishi

& Makumya M’Membe).

Gerbera (Raquel De Olivi-

era) was also nominated

for this award.

The People’s Choice

Award went to Disa’s

“Black is the new Black”

written and directed by Yo-

nela Dishi & Makumya


The Senior House Plays

took place on 15 and 16

September. We can be

very proud of the quality of

the shows presented. This

year we saw five original

scripts. Gugu Mabhena’s

“The Journey “ which

showed the harsh reality of

life in South Africa through

they eyes of two street danc-

ers; Firdous Hamid and

Maryam Laher’s

“@cinderel_leigh” which

illustrated an addiction to

instagram; “Romeo and

Julie” written by Chantelle

Schoultz was an excellent

South African adaptation of

Shakespeare; “Some of my

best friends are white” writ-

ten by Sasha –Lee Morare

was a lovely script set in a

psychiatrist’s room and

“Take me to Church” written

and directed by Ntsako

Mhlanga was all about peo-

ple being duped by a fake

pastor, drawing on recent

events in South Africa. The

final play, “Joseph” was a

clever Africanization of the

biblical tale of Joseph. The

play was written by Sasha


The Awards for the Senior

Festival were as follows:

Harveya’s “Take me to

Church” won Best Produc-

tion and The People’s

Choice Award. Ntsako

Mhlanga also won a Special

Adjudicator’s Award for Best

Original Script and was

nominated for Best Director.

Keynesia Martin won Best

Actress for her superb por-

trayal of Pastor Knowledge.

Ntsako Mhlanga also re-

ceived A Highly Commended

for Acting Award for playing

Pastor Knowledge’s wife,

Gugu. Courtney Coleridge

who played Tamara was

nominated for Best Support-

ing Actress.

Best Director went to Monica

Redman of Gerbera for

“Joseph”. Gerbera also won

Best Technical Production

and came third in the Best

Production category. They

were nominated for Best

Backstage Crew. Mpho

Mvelase was nominated for

Best Supporting Actress for

her role as Simeon (one of

Joseph’s brothers) and

Victorian Sithole was nomi-

nated for Best Cameo for

her performance as Pru-

dence (The maid).

Disa’s play “Some of my

best friends are white “ di-

rected by Sasha-Lee

Morare and Bevelina Led-

waba took second place in

the Best Production cate-

gory and was also nomi-

nated for Best Director and

Best Technical Perform-

ance. Ashleigh Coetzee

and Katleho Lethiba were

nominated for Best Actress

for their respective per-

formances as Tee and


Highly Commended

Awards for Acting went to

Chantelle Schoultz of Pro-

tea who played Julie and

Edna Mungai also of Pro-

tea who played Romeo.

Chantelle was also given a

Special Adjudicator’s

award for Best Moment.

Sesethu Khuzwayo won

Best Supporting Actress for

her role as “Martha”. Best

off stage organization went

to Chantelle Schoultz of


Gugu Mabhena who wrote

and directed Nerine’s play

“The Journey” was

awarded a Special Adjudi-

cator’s Award for Best Mo-

ment and the Nerine play

was also nominated for

Best Backstage Crew and

Best Technical Perform-

ance. Bongiwe Nkabinde

was nominated for Best

Cameo Performance for

her portrayal of Ntate Kitso.

Best Backstage Crew went

to Crassula for


Lerato Maluleka won the

Shelley Nithianandham,

Sihle Nyalungu, Jade Olivier,

and Anisa Patel

Grade 9 – Cailin Fourie ,

Ruth Bowdler, Erin Conroy,

Tasmiyah Dawood, Ivana

Garvanski, Taskeen Laher,

Siduduziwe Motaung, Lak-

shita Padiachey, Carmen

Parker, Janah Potgieter and

Kgomotso Sekhukhune

Grade 8 – Marlene Angwa-

for, Kirsten Dickinson, Abi-

gail Hartley, Zainab Manack,

Sarah-Michelle Marais,

Kezia Reddy and Jenna


Baie gelukaan die wenners

Megan Pringle (Graad 12),

Thirasha Waidyaratne (Graad

11), Sihle Nyalungu (Graad

10), Cailin Fourie (Graad 9)

and Marlene Angwafor

(Graad 8)

We had our first Afrikaans

Redenaars (Public Speaking)

competition for the seniors on

31 July and for the juniors on 3


The judges were very im-

pressed with the girls’ determi-

nation and the standard of their


The following girls were

awarded certificates in


Grade 12 – Zoliswa Makhetha

and Megan Pringle

Grade 11 - Shannon Fraser,

Firdous Hamid, Tasmiyah

Laher, Wonisa Mazonde, Kutl-

wano Phale, Lizan Potgieter,

Monica Redman, Keynesia

Martin and Thirasha Waid-


Grade 10 - Tracey Adams,

Aarifah Alli, Ruth Furber,



We held our first Afrikaans

Literary quiz this term, with 17

Grade 8 girls, 17 Grade 9 girls,

13 Grade 10 girls and 15

Grade 11 girls taking part. The

girls had to answer multiple

choice questions on a set work

they had read in their houses.

The grade 8 and 9 girls had to

read the book “ Hoor jy die

skoenlappers” by Helene de

Kock, the Grade 10s

“Droomwa” by Barrie Hough

and the Grade 11s “Vlerkdans”

by Barrie Hough.

The winners were as follows:

Grade 8: Kirsten Dickinson,

Amber Lailvaux, Shannon

Palmer and Erin Devine


Grade 9: Ruth Bowdler, Car-

men Parker, Janah Potgieter

and Nawaal Satos (Crassula)

Grade 10: Refilwe Mdluli and

Margret Mashala from Protea

Grade 11: Zuhaira Ali, Tanita

Francis, Vaisshnavi Har-

richund and Naseeha Laher

from Harveya.

Well done to all of the girls

who read the books and took

on the new challenge of a quiz

in Afrikaans.

The Grade 10 and 11 class dances were put on with the usual enthusiasm this term.

Each of the Grade 11 classes performed a dance involving the entire class.

11 T were this year’s win-ners with their dance “High School Confor-mity”; 11E were second with “Septic”; 11C third with “Toys”; 11A fourth with “Junk Yard Robot”; 11U fifth with “Cartoons” and 11D came in sixth place with “Museum Statues.”

Congratulations to the following six Grade 10 dances who were ranked from first to sixth place:

1. Retro Respect

2. The Funks

3. The Plastics

4. Gruesome Puppets


6. Art Enemies

Page 5


Two charities were selected to donate the remaining blankets for our 67 blankets for Mandela Drive. Twenty two blankets as well as sup-plies of milk powder and nappies collected by the school were donated to the Door of Hope Children’s Mission in Hillbrow. The remaining 275 blankets were


The pool that the Jeppe de-bating team competes in the preliminary rounds of the SACEE competition is a rather formidable one—one that boasts some of the best speakers nationally. This year we were able to pro-gress far beyond that to the provincial rounds where we won 4 out of 6 debates against Gauteng’s best.

The team has performed exceptionally well this year and has made immeasurable progress since January. Spe-cial thanks to Ms Griffiths and our coaches for their consistent guidance and sup-port. by Azminah Jhetam


The grade 9 Market Day took

place on 23 September at the

same time as we celebrated

Heritage Day.

Each girl and staff member

were encouraged to adopt a

heritage other than their

own. They had to find out

about the culture, come

dressed according to the cul-

ture, learn how to greet one

another in the culture and

discuss traditional values that

are highly esteemed in the


This provided an exciting

backdrop for the Grade 9

market day.

The girls operated in groups

of four and had a term in

which to develop and manu-

facture a product that

Would appeal to their target

market of fellow learners and

teachers. They had to write a

business plan, source their

raw materials and produce

and market the product. They

rented their stalls for R5 each

and were allowed to keep any

profits they made.

Having seen their advertise-

ments displayed around the

school, their stalls did not

disappoint. With 50 busi-

nesses in all, there were

many diverse stalls, ranging

from T- shirts, hats and

custom made bags to cushion

covers, cushions, goods made

out of recycled bottles and

sweet wrappers, jewellery,

candles and sweet dispens-


Thank you to the Matrics who

ran the heritage food stalls

for the day.

67 BLANKETS Donated to Women of Vision in Westbury, Jo-hannesburg. They support over 200 child-headed households and have safe houses for abused women and abused children. We saw first hand some of the work both organizations do and met the children in their day care centres.

Wool is available at

R14 a ball from the

“Jeppe wool shop”

for those who want

to start their hand-

made blankets for

next year

overall with a time of 24 min-

utes 39 seconds Masego

Ramatsetse (9E) was the sec-

ond Jeppe girl in. She came

27th overall with a time of 27

minutes 29 seconds.

Ciara van Tonder (8E) was the

third Jeppe girl in and 30th

overall with a time of 28 sec-


Kasey Walters (8T) was the

fourth Jeppe girl in a time of

28 minutes 26 seconds.

Heather Holland (8U) was 5th,

in 28 minutes 30 seconds.

Danica Mellors (8A) 6th in 29

minutes 15 seconds.

Lerato Tsoai (8A) 7th in 29

minutes 18 seconds.

Baleseng Noko (9T) was 8th in

a time of 29 minutes 42 sec-


Jade Oliver (9U) 9th in a time

of 30 minutes.

10th was Robyn Walker (8C)

who came 63 overall in a time


The fifth year of the annual Inter house Debating tournament took place with seasoned debaters arguing alongside those fairly new to the


The gruelling preliminary rounds came to an end with Protea and Crassula in the final arguing the motion: “This house would limit government ministers’ standard of living to that of someone on the current median wage.”

Congratulations to the Crassula team who won the debate—Maryam Laher 11A, Lizan Potgieter 11A and Carmen Parker


Protea, the runners up, were represented by Sumaiya Shaik 11A, Hazel Chifa 11C and Humayra

Akhalwaya 9D.

Over 1 325 walkers and run-

ners completed the Jeppe

Fun Run on Saturday 15

August. It was a lovely

spring day and supporters

came out in force to take


Danya Finnegan of Jeppe

Boys took first place with a

time of 19 minutes 26 sec-

onds; Mark Chatham came

second in 19 minutes 55

seconds and Brendan Devine

took third place in 21 min-

utes 57 seconds.

Kathryn Du Boisson was the

first woman across the finish

line with a time of 23 min-

utes 52 seconds, coming

tenth overall.

Congratulations to the top

ten Jeppe Girls’ runners:

Talia McPherson (8T) was

the first Jeppe girl and the

second woman to cross the-

finish line. She came 15th

Jeppe participated in the TUKS

inter schools volleyball tourna-

ment held at the Groenkloof

campus in Pretoria on Saturday

12th September.

We sent 4 teams: 2 U19 teams, 1

U16 and 1 U14 team. Both the

U14 and U16 teams were placed

4th (out of 8 teams) in their re-

spective age-group categories.

Our U19 finished 2nd (out of 8

teams) and received silver med-

als. They lost 10-25; 15-25 to

their AISJ (American International

School Johannesburg) counter-

parts in the final.

Congratulations to the fol-

lowing runners who achieved

notable performances in the

first athletics meeting in Ger-


Juniors – Nadia Calore came

4th in 100m A and 3rd in

200m B: Masego Ramatetse

came 3rd in 200m A;Kasey

Walters came 3rd in 400m B

and Motshebe Mangole came

4th in 400m B. Talia

McPherson came 4th in

1500m and the junior relay

team (Lerato Tsoai, Aimee

Hegyi, Kasey Walters and

Nadia Calore) also came 4th

in the 4x100m race.

Seniors – Lindo Sukazi came

3rd in the 100m A race and

2nd in the 200m A race, Isa-

bella Maurer came 3rd in the

100m B race and Naledi

Nare and Sukeina Issufo

came 4th and 3rd respec-

tively in the 400m A and B

races. Our Senior Relay team

comprising Natasha Maurer,

Kayla Hawthorn, Isabella

Maurer and Lindo Sukazi

came 3rd in the 4x100m .


Of 31 minutes 26 seconds.

Thank you to Capitec Bank,

Toyota McCarthy Bruma,

Planet Fitness and our many

sponsors, as well as the

JMPD, Cleveland SAPS and

the staff and parents who

assisted with logistics and

organising the race.

Participation in the fun run

counted towards the Inter

House Cross Country

results, which were as


Crassula came 1st, Gerbera

2nd, Nerine 3rd, Disa 4th,

Protea 5th and Harveya 6th.

Congratulations to the Top

runner in each grade:

Grade 8 Tahlia McPherson

Grade 9 Masego Ramatsetse

Grade 10 Shaylene Clark

Grade 11 Lindo Sukazi

Grade 12 Robyn Searle



U19 Volleyball TeamU19 Volleyball TeamU19 Volleyball TeamU19 Volleyball Team Back: Jamie Japhta; Angelique Wöhrnitz; Laura Diallo; Okwethu Back: Jamie Japhta; Angelique Wöhrnitz; Laura Diallo; Okwethu Back: Jamie Japhta; Angelique Wöhrnitz; Laura Diallo; Okwethu Back: Jamie Japhta; Angelique Wöhrnitz; Laura Diallo; Okwethu Zwane (Captain); Masedi Ncamani(viceZwane (Captain); Masedi Ncamani(viceZwane (Captain); Masedi Ncamani(viceZwane (Captain); Masedi Ncamani(vice----captain) captain) captain) captain) Front: Meghan Jarvis; Caroline Msimuko; Nicola Howell (Coach)Front: Meghan Jarvis; Caroline Msimuko; Nicola Howell (Coach)Front: Meghan Jarvis; Caroline Msimuko; Nicola Howell (Coach)Front: Meghan Jarvis; Caroline Msimuko; Nicola Howell (Coach)


Sophie-Lee received the Dedicavit Equestri Award, the Top Achiever Award and her Ekhurhurleni col-ours for Dressage, Perform-ance Riding and Working riding on Loadsakrona.

Courtney Tully received a

Congratulations to Sophie-Lee Claassen and Courtney Tully for representing Jeppe Girls and winning category H over 15 other schools for the second year running.

At the Ekurheleni Eques-trian Awards Evening,

Victor Ludorum award, an Extra discipline certificate for Eventing and her Ekurhurleni colours for Show Jumping, Equitation and Working Hunter on the horse Leap in the Del and Dressage and Prix Caprilli on Alzu She’s a Lady.

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