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Vol. 72 October 2017

(For internal circulation only)


NCU Activities




International Conference on EmergingTrends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE) 2017

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical &

Industrial Engineering - ICETMIE 2017 from 13-14 October 2017. The Chief Guest Mr Anil Relia, CEO, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) inaugurated the conference and delivered the keynote address. Mr Anil Relia spoke about the growing need for research in India and the research facilities available at NABL. Prof. Prem Vrat, Pro-Chancellor sensitized the audience to pursue research in interdisciplinary fields for the benefit of the society. Dr CR Prasad, Chairman and Managing Director, Everest Power Pvt Ltd and Distinguished Faculty Mentor, NCU gave a talk on 'India Energy Mix and the path ahead' and shared his rich industry experience.

The objective of the conference was to disseminate and share knowledge about advances in Mechanical and Industrial technology. The conference

provided a platform for an active interaction between researchers and academia-industry representatives in the form of technical sessions and discussions on many interesting topics like Design, Thermal, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering.

The technical sessions began with an invited talk by Prof. Kannan Govindan, Professor and Head, Center for Engineering Operations Management; University of Southern Denmark on 'Achieving sustainability through circular economy in a supply chain perspective'. Dr Sanjay Sen Gupta, Editor, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR) delivered a lecture on 'Research methodology and how to streamline the process for better research output'.

Several research papers were received and after a peer-reviewed process 56 selected papers were accepted for the conference proceedings, which have been published in the form of a book with ISBN No. 978-81-9336-12-7. Selected papers will also be sent for publication to Scopus and Web of Science indexed international journals. 40 research papers were presented in the conference out of which 21% were from premier institutions such as IIT's and NIT's. 24 research papers were conceptual and 15 research papers were case studies.

Some leading partners of the conference were GAIL, NABL, DRDO, The Car Studio, Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers, JS Design and IFB. Several reputed journals such as IJPQM, JSIR, JAMT Scopus Indexed were the publishing partners of the conference. The conference ended with a valedictory session and a vote of thanks by Prof. Ravindra Ojha, Director, School of Engineering & Technology. The Convener of the Conference was Dr K Mathiyazhagan and Co-Convener was Dr Ashwini Sharma. (MED2017CO001)

Vol. 72 October 2017


(For internal circulation only)

International Conference on Right to Privacy

The Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies (CPGLS), School of Law, NCU organised an International Conference on Right to Privacy –

ICRP 2017 on 14 October 2017. The Conference was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mr Salman Khurshid, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and the Guest of Honour Dr Manjula Batra, Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia. Mr Khurshid gave enlightening legal insights of the recent Aadhar Judgement. He added that privacy as a fundamental right has far reaching implications for the democracy. “Celebrate the defeat of forces that wish to intrude in our lives,” he added. He further went on to say that it was time to address gender justice across the board. The Supreme Court, in a landmark judgment, declared on 24th August 2017, that Right to Privacy was a fundamental right and fell under the purview of Article 21 (Right to Life) of the Indian Constitution. The Right to Privacy, the Chief Justice said, was intrinsic to the right to life and was hence, a part of Article 21, Part III of the Constitution of India. He gave an analytical Jurisprudential view of the judgement and left open the platform for further debate, issues and challenges. A Compilation of Abstracts of the Conference in the form of a book with ISBN No: 978-164136210-8 was released at the Inaugural by Mr Khurshid.

The conference witnessed an overwhelming response from leading law colleges in Indian and papers were received from USA, UK, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and from all over the nation with around 100 participants. It included six parallel sessions followed by a panel discussion where the conclusion and suggestions given by the participants were discussed by the Chairpersons of all technical sessions. The themes of the sessions were: Right to Privacy and Aadhar Card, Right to Privacy: Intrinsic to Life and Liberty, Right to Privacy: A Fundamental Swift on Gay Rights, Right to Privacy in Digital Era, Privacy: Citizen v. State and Privacy: Extent on Crimes. Three Best Paper awards were given at the valedictory session to Mr Janamejaya and Mr Piyush Sharma, Aligarh Muslim University and Ms. Rhea Lobo, Symbiosis Law School, Pune. The event was coordinated

thby Mr Bilal Ahmad, assistant Professor along with core students team of 4 Year BBA-LLB (H). [SOL2017CO002]

he University organized a mega event TEDx on 22 October 2017 Twhich witnessed participation of different eminent speakers from various walks of life. TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a global set of conferences run by a private non-profit organization, Sapling Foundation, under the slogan 'Ideas Worth Spreading'. The goal of TEDx TheNorthCap University was to bring together bright minds and social influencers to give talks that are idea – focused and inspirational. These programmes were open source, local and community and driven events that inspired innovative thought leadership and visionary mission. The day-long event included the best speakers from various fields. Mr Amjad Ali Khan, Indian classical vocalist spoke on 'The essence and legacy of Indian Classical Music'; Ms Pooja Bedi, actress/entertainment personality on 'Deprogram, Reprogram and Reinvent'; Ms Divya Vasudeva, radio jockey on 'Radio, not a passive medium anymore'; Ms Saumya Kulshreshtha, writer on 'The Art and the Individual -Poetry in Our Times'; Ms Sadhika Tiwari, news presenter on 'Facts and Stories beyond propaganda journalism'; Mr Onkar Khullar, Cause artist on 'Equalism'; Mr Ankur Warikoo, Entrepreneur on 'Who defines success and failure?'; Mr Rahul Tyagi, Cyber security professional on 'Transforming Digital India to secure Digital India; Mr Abhineet Mishra, HR Manager/Stand-up comedian on 'Everything is a joke'; Mr Rahul Arya, sand artist/actor on 'Visions of an artist'; Ms Archana Sarma, Professor, on 'Exploring youth through music' and Mr Khurafati Nitin, radio jockey shared his journey of struggle and success and interacted with the students in 'Coffee with Nitin'.

The audience was excited to interact with the luminaries and was motivated by their talks.


ASQ conducted a two day ‘Yellow-belt Six-sigma Certification Programme’ for the first time at NCU from 5-6 October 2017. The

ASQ Yellow-belt Six-sigma Certification Programme at NCU

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)


Department of EECESantulan Society

News from the School of Engineering and Technology

Santulan Society organized an event to spread awareness about the harmful effects of burning fire-crackers and to celebrate Diwali in an eco-friendly way on 17 October 2017. The event was inaugurated by gifting saplings and lighting earthen diyas. Students and faculty members took a pledge to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali with no fire-crackers, which was followed by a display of posters by students on the same theme. The dress code for the celebrations was ethnic wear and on the spot prizes, in the form of mementos were distributed to the best dressed students and faculty members. Celebrations concluded with distribution of chocolates and photo sessions. [ECE2017O009]

q The Department organized a workshop on 'Robotics and Projects' for school students of Gurugram at the University on 11 October 2017. The event received an overwhelming response and over 70 students from popular schools of Gurugram participated in the workshop such as Amity International School, Lions Public School, Maurya School, Sun City School, Rotary Public School, CCA School and Drona Public School.

The workshop included an audio-visual presentation about NCU, Dept of EECE and a guided tour of the University. Students worked


q The Department organized a one day Workshop on 'Internet of Things' (IoT) in association with IIT Bhubaneswar and TechieNest (SPIE sponsored society) for BTech ECE and CSE students on 25 October 2017. Mr Prashant Singh and Mr Gaurav Kumar, Embedded Engineers at TechieNest conducted the workshop on topics such as Understanding of IoT Market Perspective, Future Aspects of IoT, Real World IoT design Constraints, Industrial Automation and Commercial Building, Automation in IoT, Controlling Devices, Interfacings of Peripherals, Serial Communication etc. Along with gaining theoretical knowledge, students also had hands-on sessions on 'arduino uno' board. Software, study material and certificates were provided by TechieNest in association with IIT Bhubaneshwar. Lifetime membership and guidance for minor and major projects with lifetime assistance will be provided by the company. The event coordinated by Ms Amanpreet Kaur and Mr Pankaj Rakheja. [ECE2017WO016]

q A technical session on 'Optical Communication' was chaired by Dr Anjal i Garg on 12

stOctober 2017 in the 1 IEEE sponsored In te rna t iona l Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation (IC3TSN-2 0 1 7 ) a t G D G o e n k a U n i v e r s i t y, G u r u g r a m . [ECE2017O010]

Faculty Activities

Certification Programme was inaugurated by Prof. Prem Vrat, Pro Chancellor and conducted by Mr Ciby James, Director ASQ South Asia. The Yellow Belt incorporated the White Belt skills, previously acquired by the students, along with team-working skills so as to develop them as quality professionals. Mr Ciby James conducted an extensive knowledge based session for the 162 outstanding students. To achieve better understanding of concepts the participating teams had to apply their knowledge through fun activities at regular intervals. This knowledge based session was followed by the Certification Test.

in groups and were given an opportunity for hands-on work on projects. Several projects on Robots were demonstrated. Students participated enthusiastically in all the activities and were awarded certificates. The overall feedback of the workshop was excellent. [ECE2017WO017]

q A technical session on 'Emerging Technologies' was chaired by Dr Anjali

thGarg in the 4 International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology (REDSET 2017) on 13 October 2017 at GD Goenka Un ive rs i t y, Gurug ram. [ECE2017O011]

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)

q Two technical session on 'Mobile Communication' and 'Data Analytics were chaired by Dr Sharda Vashisth on 12 October in

stthe 1 IEEE sponsored International Conference o n C o m p u t i n g a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n Technologies for Smart Nation (IC3TSN-2017) at G D Goenka Un ivers i t y, G u r u g r a m . [ECE2017O012]

q A technical session on 'Big Data Analytics' was chaired by Dr Sharda Va s h i s t h i n t h e 4 t h International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering a n d T e c h n o l o g y (REDSET 2017) on 13 Oct 2017 at the School of Engineering, GD Goenka University, Gurugram.[ECE2017O013]

Department of CSE and IT


Prof. Karmeshu conducted an interactive session on 'Uncertainty Modelling' on 25 October 2017 for PhD scholars. He emphasized on the application of uncertainty modelling with respect to the different domain areas. Stochastic Processes, measurement of uncertainty, Axioms of Probability are some of the topics covered during the talk. [CSEG2017008]

Mentor-Mentee Interaction

q The Department organized a guest lecture on 'Public Key Infrastructure' for BTech Final year students by Dr Yoginder Talwar, Scient ist E, Nat ional Informat ics Centre, Ministry of Communications & IT on 12 Oct 2017. He is working in the domain of security and looking after Firewall infrastructure installed at all the National and State Data Centers of NIC. The lecture was coordinated by Dr Kavita Khanna, Head, Dept of CSE and Dr Prachi. [CSEG2017009]

Guest Lectures

Ms Anuradha Dhull and Dr Akansha Singh visited the Maruti Center of E x c e l l e n c e , Manesar, Gurugram on 14 Oct 2017 a l o n g w i t h 2 0 students of BTech

rdCSE 3 Sem. Safety d e v i c e s , C M C l a n g u a g e a n d softwares used at the Centre were demonstrated and Machine Interfacing was explained to the students.

Industrial Visit

q A lecture on 'Applications of Discrete Structures in Computer Science' was delivered by Prof. BS Panda, Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi on 24 Oct 2017. He spoke about Algorithmic Graph Theory, Graph Algorithms, Parallel Computing and Design and Analysis of Algorithms. The lecture was coordinated by Prof. Prabha Sharma, Dr Jagdeep Kaur and Dr Yogita Gigras. [CSEG2017010]

q The Department organized a lecture on 'Importance of Design Thinking in Automation' by Mr Sanjeev Rana, Senior System

stAnalyst, VISA Worldwide Inc, Singapore, for BTech CSE 1 Year students on 3 October 2017. The interactive session focussed on how design thinking can be beneficial in making automation processes more cost effective and efficient. Mr Rana emphasized on the importance of design thinking in industry and gave practical examples of thinking-out-of-the-box and solving problems. He explained the various steps of design thinking by giving live examples from distributed batch scheduling operations. The lecture was coordinated by Dr Rita Chhikara and Dr Akansha Singh. [ CSEG2017011]


The ACM Student Chapter, along with the Dept of CSE&IT organized a session on Resilient Analytics, an emerging branch of Data science, on 4 October 2017 with Dr Sameep Mehta. Dr Mehta discussed the relation of Resilient Analytics and Machine Learning and different types of attacks and their counter strategies.

Dr Mehta talked about MLaaS offerings which have become very common and the rise in attacks on such services. He provided an overview of various attacks, some common examples of such attacks and counter measure strategies and also explained how Machine Learning is related to Resilient Analytics.

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)

Faculty Mentor Prof. B Chandra visited the Department on 13 October 2017 and discussed various aspects of Deep Learning, Statistical Classification & Clustering for Data Mining, Neural Networks for Statistical Pattern Recognition with mentees.

Mentor-Mentee Interaction

Prof. B Chandra Former Professor, Department of CSE, IIT Delhi


The Department organized a seminar by IDP Education Limited on 6 October for pre-final and final year students. It provided information regarding universities and colleges in USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Further details regarding courses and procedures for admission etc were also provided to the students. The talk was organized by Ms Garima Sharma and Dr Rita Chhikara.


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering collaborated with M/s G-Eng Advisory Services Pvt Ltd to facilitate its industry engagement for internships, placements and live projects. M/s. G-Eng Advisory Services Pvt is a developing Civil Engineering Consultancy providing complete Civil Engineering solutions for Land Survey, Quantity Survey, Material Testing, Designing, Consultancy and Supervision. They have carried out many large projects in the areas of transportation, highways, bridges, flyovers etc, their latest being the Gawar NH8 Project with NHAI. [CEE2017O024]

Collaboration with M/s G-Eng Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd

Guest LecturesIn continuation to the guest lectures under 'Aspiring Minds' in which rank achievers of various competitive examinations are invited to interact with BTech students and guide them regarding the strategy and approach

rd which should be adopted to crack national level examinations, the 3 mentoring session by the Department was organized on 23 Oct 2017. It focused on the core civil examination, Indian Engineering Services (IES)

nd rdin which 2 and 3 Year students interacted with Mr Vipul Bajaj who secured AIR 77 in IES (Year 2016) and is currently posted as Assistant Director, MES, Chandigarh Zone. Mr Bajaj, a graduate in Civil Engineering from NIT Kurukshetra (2008-12) and a Masters in Construction Management from IIT Delhi (2014-16) has one year’s professional work experience in a bridge designing company.

Mr Bajaj shared his experiences for the preparation of Indian Engineering Services entrance examination with the students. He spoke about the structure of the UPSC interview committee and the interviewing process for selecting IES officers. He also discussed about the changing pattern of the written examination and shared insights about the technical subjective and objective paper. He motivated the students to work hard for their dreams which will eventually pay off. [CEE2017G010]

Departmental Video

Students and faculty of the Department developed a short departmental video highlighting the achievements of the Department which was uploaded on YouTube. [CEE2017O023]

Faculty ActivitiesthDr A K Misra chaired two Technical Civil Engineering sessions in the 4

International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology – ‘REDSET-2017’ which was organized by School of Engineering, GD Goenka University, Gurugram on 13 October 2017. [CEE2017I002]

Department of Mechanical EngineeringAlumni Interaction

Department of ME conducted an interactive session with Alumnus Mr Gaurav Sharma, (Class of 2015), Associate Counsellor, Maruti Centre of Excellence, Manesar on the topic 'Lean Manufacturing System and its tools' for 3rd Year students on 4 October 2017. Mr Sharma discussed the Lean Concept that is followed at the Maruti Centre of Excellence. He also demonstrated the practical usage of Lean Manufacturing tools and discussed a case study demonstrating the same and further agreed to mentor students who are targeting placements in Automobile companies. The session was coordinated by Mr Anmol Bhatia. [MED2017O017]

Interactive session by Alumnus Mr Gaurav Sharma, Dept of ME

A training session was organised for students of Mechanical Engineering (ISHRAE members) at Emerson Cold Chain Centre, Gurugram on 16 October 2017. Emerson Climate Technologies is the world's leading provider of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration solutions for residential, industrial and commercial applications. Students were explained about the basics of refrigeration and air conditioning and the working components required, depending on the varying capacities of refrigeration systems. Component such as Condensing Units,

Industrial Visit

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)


Faculty ActivityDr K Mathiyazhagan delivered an expert talk on 'Hints on Scientific Research Publications' on 7 October 2017 at Noida Institute of Engineer ing and Technology, Knowledge Park-I I , GNoida, [MED2017I006]

Mr Arjyajyoti Goswami, Assistant Professor successfully defended his PhD Thesis at IIT Delhi on 12 October 2017. Ms Akanksha Mathur, Assistant Professor successfully defended her thesis in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Delhi on 17 October 2017.

The Mechanical Department, NCU congratulates Dr Arjyajyoti Goswami and Dr Akanksha Mathur on award of PhD degree.

Faculty Achievement

30 licence of Solidworks software have been integrated in CAD lab and installed on 25 high performance workstations. The software will add value to learning in terms of modelling, designing, and analysis of new products. It will also help in designing projects, research work, skill development, and consultancy. Planning for faculty training, student workshops, and integration with courses is under progress.

Lab Upgradation

Guest LecturesTo provide industrial and practical orientation to the course curriculum on ‘Modern Manufacturing Processes’ the Department organized:

q A guest lecture was delivered by eminent industrialist Mr Sudam Maitra, Dy MD, IFB Automotive on ‘Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) Process’ to Final year students on 4 Oct 2017. Mr Maitra shared his rich professional experience and challenges in the automotive sector with the students who interacted with him enthusiastically. Mr Sudam Maitra is a Former CEO (Supply Chain) of Maruti Suzuki and a celebrated speaker of the Indian auto-industry. [MED2017G007].

Department of Applied SciencesGuest Lecture

The Department organized a lecture on 'Mathematics for Engineers' by stProf. RK Sharma, IIT Delhi for students of BTech, 1 Year and BSc (H) on

11 Oct 2017. Prof Sharma deliberated on the importance of Mathematics in the engineering curriculum. He enlightened students Mathematical concepts essential for engineering students and discussed about future career options like research, teaching and industry in this field. He emphasized the need to focus on the applied aspects of topics that students were learning in class.

q Faculty Mentor Prof. KL Chopra visited the Department on 29 Sept 2017 and discussed with the mentees new research areas for doctoral study, results of their research work which are to be communicated to reputed journals and project proposals on Solar Cells to be submitted to CSIR. [APS2017O023]

Mentor-Mentee Interaction

Prof. KL Chopra Padma ShriFormer Director, IIT KharagpurSS Bhatnagar Awardee

q A lecture on ‘Injection Moulding’ was delivered by Mr Gajender Soni, AGM (Plant Head), M/s Poly Plastic Industries Pvt Ltd, Bawal, Haryana to Final year students on 11Oct 2017. His practical session included the intricacies of the process and its application

Compressor Units, Control units were put on display along with their working visualizations which reinforced student's understanding of the concepts taught in the class. The entire training facility was explored by the students and all their technical doubts were entertained by the Trainer, Mr Sanjay Kumar Hans. Future engagement regarding Industry Defined Projects and expert lectures were also explored with ISHRAE Student Chair, Mr Sunil Gautam. The visit was coordinated by Mr Jag Parvesh Dahiya and Mr Sanchit Mewar. [MED2017V017]

as well as the common defects. Mr Soni explained the different aspects of Injection Moulding and found its practical applications interesting and exciting. Students of Mechanical Engineering have been offered hands-on experience through summer internships at M/s Poly Plastic Industries.[MED2017G006]

Prof. Indira K VarmaMSc, DPhil, PhD, DSc,Glasgow University Honorary Doctorate Degree

q Prof. I K Varma visited the Department on 7 October 2017 and met faculty members and research scholars. Prof. Varma discussed prominent areas for project submission and funding agencies. She suggested writing a review article based on polymers and new courses in BSc and MSc Chemistry relevant in today's scenario. Dr Dipt i Vaya c o o r d i n a t e d P r o f . Va r m a ' s v i s i t . (APS2017O024)

Dr Seema has been appointed as a Reviewer for 'Mathematical Reviews' a database presented in MathSci Net and covers research literature in Mathematics by means of reviews written by subject experts. [APS2017O025]

Faculty Activity

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)


‘πRATES’ a Maths quiz competition was organized by the Mathemactive Society for BTech, BSc Maths (H) and MSc Maths students on 23 October 2017. It had two rounds which tested the speed, technique and mathematical ability of the students. The first round was 'Mathematics Tambola' which was based on solving tricky maths questions. 45 students participated in the event out of which 10 students qualified for the second round, 'Muffin Tin' in which each student had to select any set of five questions placed in a muffin tin and solve within a time limit. Students participated enthusiastically and were awarded certificates. The winners

st nd rdof the event were 1 Nikhil, 2 Nishant Kapoor, 3 Shivam Batra and the Consolation Prize was awarded to Puneet Aggarwal. The event was coordinated by Dr Anshu and Prof. Kalika Srivastava. [APS2017O026]

Mathemactive Society

Centre for Languages Learning

CLL organised ‘búsqueda del tesoro’ (Treasure Hunt) on 14 September 2017 for students of the Spanish class. Students used the language during the activity and their knowledge of the language and vocabulary was strengthen and tested.

The activity had dual academic objective-

• Encoding: Giving directions to others in Spanish

• Decoding: Reading given directions and reaching the instructed point.

The winners were awarded prizes. (CLL2017O012)

‘búsqueda del tesoro’

(Treasure Hunt)

News from the School of Management

Industrial Visit

Students of BBA went for an industrial visit to Yakult Danone India Pvt Ltd, Sonepat on 11 October 2017. Students were taken around the plant and

Synergy Club, SOM organized 'A Quiz Competition' on 12 October 2017 for all students of NCU to promote a fun way to study and improve general knowledge. Students from all Schools enthusiastically participated in the event. Shivam Panwar, Harsh Sharma, Vipul Sanghi, Sakshi Punia and Komal Yadav, MBA students were declared the winners. Dr Alpana Aggarwal coordinated the event. [SOM2017O007]

Synergy Club

q Dr Ruchi Nayyar attended IBM's annual event 'ISTC – 2017' at Leela Palace, Bangalore on 31 August 2017. This event was designed to build skills in the area of 'Emerging Technologies for the Engineering School Academicians and Faculty Members'. The IBM Analytics track consisted of various sessions including IBM Analytics: Planning Analytics, Real Time Safer Payments, Watson Analytics, IBM dashDB and Strategies for large-scale Teradata EDW migration to Pure Data for Analytics. [SOM2017O006]

q Prof R Narasimhan and Dr Phool Singh attended the Colloquium on Sharing Resources for Higher Education & Research on 14 October 2017 at the Central University, Haryana, at Mahendragarh. Dr Ram Bilas Sharma, Minister of Education & Language, Govt of Haryana delivered the inaugural address. [SOM2017CA004]

Faculty Activities

explained about the production and packaging process of their probiotic drink. Students interacted with the staff of Yakult and were shown videos related to the Yakult drink and explained its benefits.

Yakult Danone India Pvt Ltd is a joint venture between Yakult Honsha, Japan and Groupe Danone of France, both global probiotic leaders. This is the only Yakult manufacturing plant in India. Dr Deergha Sharma coordinated the visit. [SOM2017V001]

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)


q A guest lecture by Prof P C Jain (Former Principal and currently Advisor at SRCC, University of Delhi) on career guidance

st nd rd'Aspiration or Perspiration' was organized for BCom 1 , 2 and 3 Year students on 16 October 2017. Prof. Jain stressed upon the importance of enhancing soft skills and a holistic personality development along with their subject knowledge. He gave examples of the practices followed at SRCC to enhance students employability, apart from theoretical knowledge. He suggested that senior students should serve as mentors for the juniors. He also discussed GST and demonetization. The lecture was coordinated by Dr Sushmita B Waraich. [SOM2017G003]

for framing of charges by the court and the challenges involved in it. He shared his experiences including the challenges encountered by him. (SOL2017G008)

A workshop on Cyber Security and Law was organized by the School in collaboration with Skillhub Infotech and Cognizance IIT Roorkee on 4 and 5 October 2017 in which 80 students participated. The objective of the workshop was to give insight into the concept of Cyber Security and related issues. The workshop was an integration of technology and law to equip students to fight Cyber Crime better. Mr Devjeet gave an overview of Information Security, Email Account Hacking and Security, System Hacking, Google Hacking Database, Cryptography, Trojans and Backdoors and IT Acts and Cyber laws.


rdThree students namely Mayank Dhaiya, Aditi Jain BBA-LLB (H) 3 Sem thand Sagar Menon BBA-LLB (H) 9 Sem were selected to represent NCU

at the Inter College Cyber Security Competition at the Annual Function of IIT Roorkee. The resource person of the workshop was Mr Devjeet Singh, an entrepreneur, ethical hacker, speaker and consultant and has trained more than 10000 students and professionals. He is the Founder & Managing Director of RMAR Technologies Pvt Ltd. Mr Balwinder Singh Assistant Professor was the faculty coordinator of the workshop. (SOL2017WO007)

News from the School of Professional Attachment (SPA)

Campus Placements Process

q L u t r o n , a t e c h n o l o g y -centered and people-driven c o m p a n y, c o n d u c t e d a selection process on 4 Oct 2 0 1 7 f o r E n g i n e e r i n g students (Class of 2018). Results are awaited.

Steven DiGerardo, A3E Service Center Leader-Lutron' during the PPT

News from the School of Law

Guest LectureSOL organized a special lecture on 'Framing of Charges in Criminal Trial' by Mr Paul Haridoss, Civil Judge, City Civil Court, Chennai on 6 October 2017. Mr Haridoss focused on two crucial components of the justice delivery process i.e. integrity and honesty. Motivating the students to be a part of the judiciary, he opined that judicial service needs obedience to the inner sense as well as to the Law of the nation. He explained the procedure

q A guest lecture by Prof J N D Gupta, College of Business, on 'Using Business Analytics to Enhance Operations and Supply Chain Performance' was organized for MBA students on 4 Oct 2017. He spoke about the forces that are going to impact the future like IoT, disruptions, digitization etc. and how these would impact the entire supply chain. The trending topics in S-C Management and Application of Analytics in Business were discussed with examples of Walmart, Tesco, Coke etc.

Prof. Gupta is currently the Director of Integrated Enterprise Lab, Professor of Information Systems, Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. The lecture was coordinated by Dr Sushmita B Waraich and Dr Jaya Ahuja. [SOM2017G002]

Guest Lectures

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)



q HDFC Bank Ltd, a leading private Indian banking and financial services company, conducted a campus selection process for MBA students for summer internship and their final placements on 11 October 2017. Two students were selected for summer internship.

q Asahi India Glass Ltd, jointly promoted by Asahi Glass Co Ltd (AGC), Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) and B M Labroo & Associates conducted their selection process for MBA students on 12 October 2017.

q AVL India is an Austrian-b a s e d a u t o m o t i v e consulting firm as well as an independent research institute. It is the largest privately owned company for the development of powertrain systems. AVL conducted an on-campus h i r i ng p rocess on 13 October 2017 for the first t ime a t the Nor thCap U n i v e r s i t y f o r B Te c h students and four students got the final offer.

Manish Kulshrestha, HR-AVL India interacting with students

q Globus Eight was founded in 2013, by a group of like-minded people from Harvard Business School, IBM and Jumbo Group. The quest was to provide innovative solutions in a simple to use format for the education institutes and others. The company conducted a selection process on 16 October 2017 for Engineering students (Class of 2018) and ten students were extended job offers.

Alok Sinha, CEO-Globus Eight at NCU

q Spandana Sphoorty Financial Ltd (SSFL) is a public company engaged in the business of micro finance providing small ticket unsecured loans to women of low-income households in rural and urban areas. The company conducted its on-campus hiring process for the first time at NCU for MBA students on 17 Oct 2017. Results are awaited.

q Mando Softtech India Pvt Ltd, a leading manufacturer, service provider and supplier of Automobile spare parts, conducted an on-campus selection process for BTech students (Class of 2017) on 25 Oct 2017. Results are awaited.

q Xceedance, is a global provider of managed services to insurers etc. conducted an on-campus selection process on 27 Oct 2017 for BTech students and five students got the final job offer.

Student Speak

Himanshu ThapliyalB Tech, CSE (Class of 2018)

Being an aspiring engineer, I had always wanted to be a part of a technically strong company like AVL India. AVL India is a prime automotive consulting firm as well as an independent research institute. We were being hired for the profile of a software engineer.

The Placement drive started with a brief introduction of the company followed by an Aptitude test. The shortlisted students were then called to the AVL office for Technical F2F round which was purely based on technologies

like C++, C# and Data structure algorithms. Students selected after the technical round were called for an interview with the HOD where we were tested for our Database skills. My summer internship helped me a lot as a majority of the questions were related to my project only. The next stage was the HR round and those who cleared it were called on the next day. Fortunately everyone who went for the HR round got selected. Out of all the rounds I faced, the HOD round was the most difficult one.

I am eagerly waiting to start my carrier with AVL. This wouldn’t have been possible without the constant guidance and support of all the respected faculty members, SPA team, my family and friends. I want to thank everyone who guided and helped me put my first step into the professional world.

Research Papers Published



q Nutan Sharma, Sunita Bhagat* and Tejpal Singh Chundawat (2017) 'Recent Advances in Development of GPR40 Modulators (FFA1/FFAR1): An Emerging Target for Type 2 Diabetes', Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.17, No.11, pp.947-958, APS2017J023.

q Shubham Bansal, Anil Kumar Misra* and Purnima Bajpai (2017) 'Evaluation of modified bituminous concrete mix developed using rubber and plastic waste materials', International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, pp. 1-7, CEE2017J015.

q Ravindra Ojha* and Prem Vrat (2017) 'Integrated impact of highway infrastructure, labour productivity and circular material consumption on Indian manufacturing growth a system dynamics perspective', Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 527--542, MED2017J019.

q Navneet Kumar, Manoj Kumar Gopaliya and Dev Raj Kaushal* (2017) 'Experimental Investigations and CFD Modeling for Flow of Highly Concentrated Iron Ore Slurry through Horizontal Pipeline', Particulate Science and Technology, MED2017J020.


q Prem Vrat (2017) 'Sustainable Urban Transformation for Quality of Life: Challenges and Opportunities', Rites Journal, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 8.1-8.12, SOM2017J012.

Conference Presentations


q Aditya Sharma (2017) 'Lateral Flow Assay for Disease Detection', Conference Presentation, The Energy Research Institute, APS2017C008.

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)


q Harshit Kumar and Aditya Sharma (2017) 'Atomism of Devices', Conference Presentation, The Energy Research Institute, APS2017C009.

q Kashish Kochar and Aditya Sharma (2017) 'Immunosensing Nanotechnology', Conference Presentation, The Energy Research Institute, APS2017C010.

Corresponding Author*

Student Activities

Competitive Programmers Club

The Competitive Programmers Club's event Code Flux 2.0 was held on 15 October 2017. It was part of a series of short contests held online, of three hours duration and consisting of four problems - two easy, one medium and one of hard difficulty. The event received a positive response with over 103 registrations. Problem setters and testers were Alumni Navkrishna, Rohit Malhotra, Devansh Bhatia (Class of 2014) and Pulkit Kapoor (Class of 2012).

st nd rdThe winners were 1 Aadish Goel, 2 Prateek Kalra, 3 Vinay Garg.

Shrey Malhotra, BTech rd(ECE), bagged the 3 Prize

and a cash award of Rs rd52,000 in the 3 Indian

I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Fest iva l ( I ISF) held at Chennai from 13-16 October 2017. All these events were supported by a number of Ministries of the Govt of India

rdincluding AICTE. The 3 IISF was held at IIT Madras, Chennai. 60 participants were selected out of 7000 participants for a fully funded trip to Chennai to compete in the competition. Shrey's team was provided an individual stall at the IIT Madras campus to showcase their product and pitch their ideas at this startup expo. [ECE2017O007]

rd NCU student wins 3 Prize in the Indian International Science Festival

OSA Student Chapter in its init iative to reach out to v a r i o u s e d u c a t i o n a l institutions conducted an ou t reach programme a t DPSG School, Gurugram on 7 S e p t 2 0 1 7 t o p r o v i d e information about OSA, its programmes and to introduce magazines on Optics and Photonics, provided by OSA. The objective was to create interest in science and a

OSA Student Chapter

Rotaract Club NCU

q A team of Rotaractors visited a slum at Sector 12, Gurugram on 10 October 2017. The team interacted with 75 under privileged children of all age groups residing there. Through their programme ‘Horrifying Truth of our Nation’ they created awareness about topics related to health education, personal and environmental hygiene, prevention of mosquito borne diseases and the issue of child labour. Recreational activities and refreshments were also organized for the children. In all it was an uplifting and satisfying event for the Rotaractors. (SOL2017O015)

q Rotaract Club NCU organized an Organ Donation Camp to spread awareness a b o u t t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f donat ing organs a f t e r d e a t h a n d saving lives. The event had a positive i m p a c t o n t h e students and 60 students signed the pledge for donating their organs. (SOL2017O016)

passion to learn about the core subjects of Optics and Photonics. The faculty coordinator for the event was Dr Hukum Singh. (APS2017O022)

q With the hope of bringing happiness and light into the lives of the under privileged a group of Rotaractors celebrated their Diwali in a different way. They distributed special Diwali gift hampers amongst families living at various construction sites, including two clusters staying near NCU on 17 October 2017. It was a celebration of the ‘Joy of Giving’. [SOL2017O017]

q Under the Inter District Youth Exchange (IDYE), a programme to instill the ideal of ‘Fellowship through Service’ by sending Rotaractors of goodwill to visit another Rotaract district, five Rotaractors of NCU participated in a two-day exchange programme ‘IDYE-2017’ at Pune District-3131 from 14-15 Oct 2017. Rotaractors exchanged ideas, shared experiences and also enjoyed a road trip to Lavasa with members of the host club. [SOL2017O018]

Vol. 72 October 2017(For internal circulation only)


Trek to Thachi Valley

The club ‘Trekkers of NCU’ organized a breathtaking trekking expedition to the magical valley of Thachi, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh at a height of 3000mtr. A Team of 15 members comprising of enthusiastic students, faculty and alumni were part of this trek from 28 Sept to 2 Oct 2017.

The team camped in tents at the base camp of the lush green Thachi valley which is unlike other commercialized hill stations. The team visited the Bithu Narayan Temple and the Hadimba Temple. The trek kept translating from steep slopes to plains and then to narrow pathway, sometimes just enough to put a foot at a time. After enjoying the beautiful ‘3D’ view of the valley from atop the Hadimba peak the trekkers headed to the Chajwala Peak and sat by the side of a small lake with water flowing in straight from the mountains. The place was indeed picturesque and lively. The team interacted with the villagers and enjoyed their hospitality through ‘home stay’ at Zahira village, deep in the valley. The team also visited Saponidhar Grassland, a beautiful and unexplored site with never ending grassland on one side and tall Deodar trees on the other. The trip was full of excitement and adventure. The trip was coordinated by Ms Jyotsna Singh, Dept of CSE&IT.


Inter-College Table Tennis Tournament

Students Shubham Jain, Abhishek and Karan Joon participated in the Table Tennis Tournaments in the annual sports fest 'Udghosh' at IIT Kanpur 2017 held from 12-15 Oct 2017. The Chief Guest at the fest was Olympic Gold Medallist Mr Abhinav Bindra.

22 teams competed in the Table Tennis Tournaments. In the semi-final match: NCU vs IIT Roorkee, NCU team won 3-2 and in the Final Match: NCU vs IIT Bombay, NCU team beat IIT Roorkee 3-0.

In the Inter-Departmental Badminton Tournament 2017-18 held from 3-6 October 2017 the Winners Boys were the ME team which consisted of Vipul Garg, Tanmay, Yash, Vitesh and the Runner’s-up were the ECE team.

Inter-Departmental Tournaments

• Badminton

The Inter-Departmental Lawn Tennis Tournament 2017-18 was held from 10 to 13 October 2017. The Winners Boys were the CEE team which consisted of Dushyant Singh, Ishu Sharma, Suraj, Nishant Thankur and the Runner's-up were the CSE team.

• Lawn Tennis Tournament

The Computer Society of India Student Chapter organized an interactive session on the technical know-hows of GitHub by Akarshan Gandora and Harsh Lathwal, BTech Final year students on 12 October 2017. The session aimed at enriching the knowledge of the students about the vast unexplored field of open source programming. Akarshan and Harsh spoke about their projects on GitHub and also introduced the professional implementation of Git in development of projects in the industry. Students also learnt about the basic yet essential functions and commands of Git, the two Git software tools namely, GitDesktop and GitBash. The students were delighted to gain from this session and they look forward to many more such sessions.

CSI Student Chapter

st Abhinav Tyagi, 1 Year, Dept of CEE, participated in the nationwide Indian Junior Player’s League (IJPL) Talent Hunt cricket tournament held in Dubai, UAE, from 14-30 Sept 2017. There were 16 teams competing in the tournament and he got an opportunity to play for the Haryana State as part of the ‘Haryana Hurricanes’.

Abhinav qualified three league matches in the tournament and was awarded the ‘Man of the Match’ trophy in the third league game against the Delhi team.

NCU student awarded ‘Man of the Match’ trophy in

‘IJPL Talent Hunt’ at Dubai

(For internal circulation only) Vol. 72 October 2017

thStudent Ansh Gupta, 7 Semester, SOL played for the Kerala Cobras in the Premier Futsal League Season 2. After finishing up as Runners-up in Season 1 in 2016, this time Ansh played with the international footballing legends like Michel Salgado (Spain), Ronaldinho (Brazil), Ryan Giggs (England), Paul Scholes (England), Crespo (Argentina) and many more.

Ansh was one the 18 Indian players to be selected from all over India through a series of intense training camps. The tournament was held from 15 September to 1 October 2017 and organised in Mumbai, Bengaluru and Dubai. The tournament was broadcast live on Sony Ten 1, Sony Ten 3 and Sony HD.

NCU student shines in international football tournamentNCU students showcased their talent by playing friendly inter-university volley ball matches with BML Munjal University, Gurugram on 7 October 2017. NCU’s volleyball team comprised of Rohit, Arun Kumar, Rahul Singh, Rohit Sehrawat, Dheeraj Sharma, Manoj Gowda, Ankit Budakoti, Rohit Jakhar, Sachin Yadav, Parth, Ishu Chauhan and Akshay Kumar. Participating teams enjoyed the matches and we look forward to playing such friendly matches in the future also.

Friendly inter university volleyball matches

Outreach Activities of Prof. Prem VratPro-Chancellor, Professor of Eminence and Chief Mentor

q Prof. Prem Vrat attended the meeting of the Ind ian Nat iona l Academy o f Engineering for National Education Policy 2017 (INAE) of the Govt. of India at INAE, Gurugram on 4 Oct 2017.

thq Prof. Prem Vrat attended the 13 Meeting o f Managemen t Eva lua t i on and Accreditation Committee (MEAC) of NBA at NBA, New Delhi on 6 Oct 2017.

q Prof. Prem Vrat attended the High Level Committee meeting of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) at AICTE, New Delhi on 12 Oct 2017.

q Prof. Prem Vrat attended the book release and felicitation function at the M a h a r a j a S u r a j m a l I n s t i t u t e o f Technology (MSIT), New Delhi on 14 Oct 2017. Dr Satya Pal Singh, Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation was the Chief Guest at the event.

Prof. Prem VratPro-Chancellor, Prof. of Eminence and Chief Mentor

q Prof. Prem Vrat had a dinner meeting with Dr Ramesh Anand Vaidya, Former Member National Planning Commission, Nepal and Senior Advisor (ICIMOD), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development at the India International Centre, New Delhi joined by Prof. SK Garg, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Delhi Technological University in which possible future research collaboration opportunities with ICIMOD were discussed.

q Prof. Prem Vrat delivered lectures on 'Industrial Engineering' and 'Operations Research' at IIT Delhi as Honorary Professor on all Fridays in Oct 2017.

Published�by�: Editorial Cell, The NorthCap University, Gurugram

Tel.: +91-124-2365811 to 13 Email: newsletter@ncuindia.eduEditor: Ms Rekha Mathur • Graphic Designer: Mr Lalit Narayan Lal



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