newsletter 123 evangelize13

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This is a Christian -based Evangelism Newsletter. It's purpose is to uplift and inspire the church, to do the will of the Father which is the great commision to "GO" and make disciples.


“Take It To The Street”

quently, Deacon Fielder and Brother Ricardo Davis got involved with Christ Cove-nant Church's all night pray-er and evangelism outreach. After reporting to Pastor Hen-ley how the Lord had moved that night . Pastor saw the need to continue going out witnessing at night. Pastor ask Deacon Fielder if he would

Night prayer and evan-gelism ministry started the summer of 2007. As an answer to a burden the Lord laid on the heart of Deacon Fielder. This was the same year that the City of Phila-delphia experienced the highest death toll from street violence in the

nation. It was also the summer when his neph-ew was shot multiple times (11) and lived. As a result of this incident the Lord burdened Deacon Fielder's heart and al-lowed him to see that spreading the gospel was the only solution for the crime problem. Subse-

Inside this issue:

Reflections on History 1

Why Evangelize? 2

Street Ministry 2

Is Your Vision Adjusted? 3

Testimony 3

The Necessity To Pray 4

Final Thoughts 4

August 23, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1

Hello and Welcome to the “First Edition” of the “Evangelism News-letter” !!! To God be the Glory !!!

Sometimes before we plant the seeds of the gospel, we have to prepare the soil.

God’s purpose is fulfilled when we make disciples, who make other disciples, and plant churches that plant other churches. Peo-ple become disciples of Christ when we share with them the “good news” of Jesus. All Christians are sup-pose to be involved in this process. We may not all be soul winners “but we can all be involved in the effort”. All Christians can

use the gifts God gave

them in order to serve

others. Through this ser-

vice they can build the

kind of relationships

with friends and rela-

tives that provide con-

text in which people are

most likely to be recep-

tive to the gospel. If you

knew enough to

become a Christian, you already know enough to tell some-one else why you did What you did. That may not be enough to bring them to a point of conversion, but it can take them one step closer. If you can tell them what you know and get them to study the rest, all of us

And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and the hedges, and compel

them to come in, that my house might be filled. Luke 14:23

Submitted by Dea. Fielder

working together will lead many of the lost to Christ and salvation. Submitted By Sis. Pat Hasan

Like to continue going out at night at Beu-lah. That was the start of the night prayer and evangelism ministry.

Page 2 “Take It To The Street”

The first century church did not leave their world in the same way they found it. This group of committed, Spirit-empowered followers of Jesus made a difference. As described in Scripture, they made an impact on the world by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ {Acts 17:6}. How differ-ent is that from the church today? When the subject of sharing the Gos-pel come up we can make a lot of excuses for why we can not do it. In Fact, a recent survey among Chris-tians revealed that 95% of those sur-veyed had never led another person to Jesus Christ. Further, only 10% of those who claimed to be “born again” felt it was important to share

the gospel with others. Are you in these massive majorities? Or are you in that elite few who has had the privilege of helping a person pass from darkness to light? If not, today is the day to commit to sharing the gospel- Greg Laurie God has commissioned every Chris-tian to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After all, the Great Commission is not merely a sugges-tion. It’s a command!! Jesus said “You shall be my witness”, and we should understand that this command re-mains the same. Submitted by Bro. Jonathan James

Building a Firm Foundation

Why Evangelize

We walk- The Bible instructs us to go (Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world) Matt 28:19,20 We go in the power of God. We Talk- We share the gospel, we give a short presentation to all those who are willing to hear Which includes: Who God is : (Creator and Holy) Who people are: (Sinful and in need of a Savior) Who Jesus is : (God in flesh, sinless, substitute for sinners who rose from the dead) What we must do in response: ( Turn from sin and believe the Gospel in faith) We Pray: After explaining the Gospel we pray “Hurting Hearts” as we speak with people on the streets many ask for prayer and encouragement in their situations. Our prayer and desire is for deliverance and salvation to those we encounter (I Timothy 2:1)

Submitted by Sis. Bianca Fielder

“ Street Ministry”

What we do on the streets

when we have been spiritually blind. Sometimes, for a multitude of rea-sons, our vision became cloudy. Try-ing circumstances narrow our ability to see and emotions can blindside us in the blink of an eye. And whether on the road to Damascus or on the freeway headed to work, likely we’ve all had an experience which causes us to say “How could I’ve been so blind”. It takes a fresh anointing from Jesus Christ himself to open our eyes. Only He knows how to help us to see clearly. And when that happens, I believe we are led to do His will, because only we know the extent of the miracle that has occurred in our own heart. I don’t know about you, but I am happy to say that I can relate to the man in the book of John, because One thing I do know, is that, “I was blind but now I see”.

Submitted by Bro. Karim Hasan

It’s great to have an adjustment in our vision. That is even more im-portant when it comes to seeing God clearly, because when we do, we are led to do His will. There’s a story in John chapter 9, about a man who was born blind. Remember? Jesus saw the man, spat on the ground, made clay of the spittle, and anointed the eyes of the man, then told him to go wash in the Pool of Siloam. And just like that, the man was healed and able to see. I wonder how many times I’ve read that and never stopped to imag-ine what that must have been like. If a slight adjustment in an eyeglass prescription helps me to see more clearly, what did this man experi-ence? He had never seen anything. His eyes were opened for the first time. Can you imagine? When the man was hit with a number of ques-tions and some animosity on the part of the inquirers, he explained, “One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see”! (John 9: 25). And when Jesus revealed Himself to the man, the man

worshiped Him (John 9: 38). How about the story of Apostle Paul? In his past, (Paul formally known as Saul), was a devout Jewish leader who persecuted people who believed in Jesus, at least until that day on the road of Damascus. I find it inter-esting, that at the moment he met the Lord, he became physically blind. Yet, even in his blind state, he could see. We know this, because the Lord said that while Saul was praying, he had a vision (Acts 9:11-12). Not long thereafter his sight was restored, and he was baptized. Following his experi-ence he became a worshipper and a follower of Jesus Christ, the one true God. The man who previously perse-cuted people became intent on serv-ing God the best way he knew which resulted in his continuous labor to open the eyes of all people with whom he came in contact. How about our stories? Most of us have not had to deal with the challenge of physical blindness, but perhaps we can all recognize the times in our past

her to visit our church. She told me she had 8 children. I asked her name and introduced myself to her and took her phone number. She asked me for a hug and me and my husband prayed with her. As we walked back to the church we called just to make sure she gave the correct number, and she did. I’m convinced that God has a plan and purpose for everyone of his chil-dren. Let’s participate with Him and get into His will by sharing the gospel with others. Submitted by Sis. Kim Fielder

It was dark, but that wasn’t unusual because I’m involved in the night evangelism ministry. What made this night different however was the fact that it was cold., extremely windy and raining! I had every intention of staying in and praying, for this is how I originally started in the ministry, but as I approached the church the Lord said “No not tonight- you are going out”! So yes, after finding a suitable umbrella. I headed down Spruce street with my husband. We walked together against the wind and rain, passing out tracts and telling people

“Jesus loves you”. We turned down 52nd street toward Baltimore Ave. and stood on the corner near a store that sold beer, giving out tracks to everyone who would take one. I gave one to a women standing nearby us-ing a cell phone in one hand and holding a can of beer in the other. I told her “Jesus loves you” she said “I know he must have sent you to me”. She went on to tell me how she’s been struggling, bought up in church and now out of fellowship. We dis-cussed salvation; she knew she was saved. I encouraged and welcomed

Is Your Vision Adjusted ? Is Your Vision Adjusted ? Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

Testimony : Isaiah 6:8 I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I

send, and who will go for Us”? Then I said …….

You are Invited

We hope our newsletter has been a blessing to you. It’s our heartfelt desire that you are encour-aged and feel lead by God’s Spirit to come out with us and share your faith with those who don’t know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We go door to door, 52nd Street, Broad & Olney,

42nd Lancaster Ave. Market Street Concourse

(downtown), 69th Street (Upper Darby), 60th

Street, 56th Street and 40th Street.

The lost will not and indeed can not be saved un-less someone prays for them. This is a shocking statement that sounds unbelievable until we view the Biblical portrayal of the lost as being: children of the devil (John 8;44),under the authority of Sa-tan (Acts 26;18), a strong man’s house (Mark 3;27), prisoners of war (Isaiah 14:7) and blinded to the Gospel (II Cor. 4:3-4). All of these are daunting reasons why we “must” pray for the lost if they are to have any hope of salvation. Con-sequently eternal souls for whom Christ died are much to valuable for us to quit. Therefore we must learn how to pray effectively for them. As a matter of fact it may be our prayer that keep someone out of hell - Author Lee E. Thomas

Rev. William Henley, Pastor

Beulah Baptist Church

5001 –21 Spruce Street

Philadelphia, Pa. 19139

Phone: 215- 747- 4544

Fax: 215-747-7871

E van g e l i sm Te am

Take it to

the Street!!

The Necessity to Pray


Desk of Pat Hasan

Giving thanks to our other Team Member’s who’s Photo is not shown: Sis. Pat Hasan (Newsletter Coordinator) Rev. Harrod E. Clay Bro. Calvin Heard Bro. Vincent Hayward Sis. Kathryn Davis A Special Thanks go out to our former member who has been faithful to the ministry her name is Thelma E. Pattway

Meeting Times

Day Evangelism: 1st & 3rd Saturday

each month @ 10:30 p.m.

Night Evangelism: 2nd & 4th Friday

Each Month @ 8:00 p.m.

Training Classes: Every 3rd Saturday

@ 10:30 a.m.

Final Thoughts

Any questions or interest in learning how to witness: Please see Bro. James Mocum, Dea. Jerome Fielder & Bro. Ricardo Davis.

You Do Make A Difference !!!

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