newsletter december 2017 · 2017. 2. 14. · high team score 1,114 – helen bodnarchuk, marlene...

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Newsletter December 2017

No longer a dream or a vision – the Husky Retirement Club (HRC) now rings a bell in the minds of

people thus welcoming a good number of retirees. Some of whom signed up after opening their

Husky envelopes, others as they strolled into the gala night and others who followed their fellow

retirees just because……..and because of this, HRC numbers have risen to 260 from 231

members .

HRC warmly welcomes the following:

Denise Au-Yeung

Suzanne Akins

Karen & William Ault

Nick Badiuk

Phil Belding & Glenda Peters

Joyce Duncan

Robert & Maureen Faunt

Nydia Jimenez

Larry & Debbie Frederick

Kenneth & Deb Hansen

Linda & Roger Hesse

Wilhem & Melanie Heilman

Albert & Sheryl Hillaby

Sherry Hollis

Barry & Debra Johnston

Sheila Jongmans

Bet Leblanc

Paul & Kimberley Lloyd

Linda & Cecil Lukenbill

Brenda McDonald & Blair


Carol Mackie

Janice Macrae

Ken & Marie Mislan

Bev & Archie Morrow

Heinz & Jennifer Nagel

Carl & Mary Pacentrilli

Wendy & Steve Paget

Lil & Julian Patrao

Rob & Claire Penrose

Katherine & Ted Pihowich

Andrea Rhodes

Kim Richardson & Lorraine


Arnold & Gale Rivett

Pat Rozitis & Juanita


Gord & Lori Rutherford

Kadathur & Malini Shankar

Gerry & Karen Sillito

Ron & Josie Smith

Joanne & Jeff Tanner

Jack & Shirley Thacker

Tom & Cynthia Ward

Jackie & John Watt

Therese Yap

For the benefit of the new members, here are your Executives and Councillors:


In 2017, new friendships were developed as retirees met other retirees from different

departments of Husky that were known to them only by name…….. now it was putting a face to

that name, and exchanging work experiences while at Husky. While welcoming new members to

the Club, we also witnessed some setbacks experienced by some of our members, as well as

losing a dear member, Howard Westergard, to the heavens above.

Every year, we make New Year resolutions, and we all know that resolutions are good for the

first few months and then we forget all about them. Let us just concentrate on staying healthy,

staying in love, laughing lots and performing acts of kindness.

And so, on to the new year, but let’s take a while and see what these retirees have been up to in


As you can see, the most important event

takes place in January – budget and event

planning. Once this is all said and done, we

start the year with a…………………….

Lulu Crespo-President Carl Powell-Vice President Louise Hughes-Secretary

Ian Wilson-Treasurer

George Klesken Membership Coordinator

Bev Rumsey

Allan Timms Peter Daunhauer

Con Dinu

Gary Miller

HR Liaison Judy Montes






Valentine Lunch – February 14, 2017 held at the Glenmore Inn organized

by Allan Timms

And now, it’s time to limber up and get moving…………………………………………..…so let’s go bowling

MARCH 31, 2017 – 5-Pin Bowling where all members met at Mountain View

Bowling to show off their bowling techniques

Waiting eagerly waiting for their turn to bowl…….

Bev Pannett happily receives her floral arrangement………..

APRIL 20, 2017 we took it easy and settled for an

evening at the Martha Cohen Theatre to watch the Michael Healey play

“1979” – a hilarious battle of wits and the hero is Prime Minister Joe Clark

young, idealistic and stubborn. A political comedy about leadership and power.

MAY 10, 2017 took us to the ROSEBUD THEATRE organized by

Don Oliphant to watch…………………………………………………………………………...

A mad-cap comedic ride about the end of the world where anything can

and will happen. Thornton Wilder’s 1943 Pulitzer Prize for Drama

A wonderful road trip to watch a play and enjoy a buffet lunch.

HIGH TEAM SCORE 1,114 – Helen Bodnarchuk, Marlene Moore, Dabir Naqvi, Dennis Gabert with Allan Timms

LOW TEAM SCORE 639 – Madhu Prakash, Ted Liska, Kiran Naqvi, Godwin Ejiogu

MEN’S HIGH SCORE 266 – Dabir Naqvi plus a Mountain View Pin for 5 consecutive strikes!!! He had a good day. That’s why Dabir is all smiles!!!

LADIES HIGH SCORE 158 – Linda Olson smiling shyly ….aaaaahhh!!

The attendance was very good that the bus we ordered did not fit all of us and some took

their own vehicles. And off they went. But unbeknownst to them, there was a missing

passenger until they finally realized it was too late to do anything.

Then came June and let’s see what we can do different. How about painting??? No, we

don’t mean painting houses!!! You know, painting, painting like famous painters such as Van

Gogh! Quite sure that some out of there have terrific artistic abilities! And so we did! On

June 15, 2017 we held a Vin Gogh Paint Afternoon Organized by George Klesken at the Glenmore Inn complete with

aprons, brushes, colors, table easels, two instructors and the

best part of it all, the afternoon came with appetizers and a

choice of your favorite beverage!

The happy passengers, many of whom are new members, are in for a real treat! But a funny and curious thing happened . Where is Don? OMG the organizer (Don Oliphant) was not to be found!!! He was left behind at the Deerfoot Mall!!! What did Don do? Only he can tell you.

Before the show, they will tour the place or browse the gift shop. OH, who is this Queen Bee who looks like she owns/rules the place?? Well, if it isn’t Bev Rumsey. Where are your subjects Queen? Looking good Bev, ha, ha, ha!!!!

And here are some of the “hungry appetites” who can hardly wait to get in line at the buffet table….go for it guys!! What are you waiting for???

But before you get down to the nitty-gritty of things, you have

to fuel the belly!

And now, it’s time to get to work. Hey Skip, what’s on your mind??

And here’s Brock Blakely, an engineer at work!

But wait, who are these people playing cards??? George Klesken, Con Dinu, Brian Trevelyan, Peter and Mary Gubitz. I think they are in the wrong party!! No, no, no, they believe they cannot paint so they stuck themselves in a corner and played cards!!

And the results were - drum rolllllllllll please………………….

The up and coming future artists of Calgary!!

And as we enter into the summer months, it’s golf season! So on July 26, 2017, 39

members trekked to Springbank Golf Links and enjoyed a nine-hole golf event followed by a buffet lunch. Organized by Terry Shupe and Peter Daunhauer and his


Jacky Daunhauer, of course, flanked by her

ladies in waiting: Monica Dinu, Jane Isakeit,

Betty Powell and Linda Olson


And after several hours of walking and playing perfect

games, they celebrate their accomplishments. I couldn’t

think of a better way – burger and beer, yeah!

Don’t stop now - it’s still summer folks! Summer? Yes, summer is a time to enjoy the

outside world while the going is good. This is Calgary remember?? But we were blessed as

the weather was simply fantastic. We are now going to try our hand at something

different. Peter and Mary Gubitz introduced us to

Lawn Bowling, held on August 11, 2017 at the Rotary Park Lawn Bowling Club.

But before anything else, you need instructions. This is what Mary is doing. Have any idea if we are all absorbing what she is explaining to us? Remains to be seen, ha, ha, ha!!!!

Mary granted us some “trial runs” before the actual game. Here she is enthusiastically coaching Julian how to throw that ball with precision

The bowlers proud of their game! Standing on the right is Con Dinu holding a funny looking piece of equipment – that is used to gather all the balls left on the field. Then we all gathered inside the club house for pizza, wings, beer, wine and dessert. According to Mary, we all did very well and we all won “first place”. She certainly knew how to boost our egos – way to go Mary!!! A perfect end to a perfect day!!

We didn’t stop here! After a few weeks we were

all whisked away to Lynwood Ranch for a BBQ

Picnic held on Thursday, August 24, 2017,

organized by George Klesken.

Lining up for pulled pork, smoked brisket, oven roasted potato wedges, Lynwood’s original baked beans, garden salad, Kaiser bun, coffee, tea and dessert followed by the “sit down” to enjoy the food…hmmmmmm!!!

After that meal, some just took it easy, while others tried their skills at horseshoes and bean bag throwing

There was so much “memorabilia” to take you back in time

September took us to the serious side of things as we held the Club’s

on Friday, September 8, 2017

at the new Conference Centre at Husky’s South Tower. Attended by 60 members, Randy

Jahrig, Vice-President of Human Resources, gave us an update on the company’s position.

Also in attendance was Carleen Kay,Team Lead of Health Benefits and Retirement who

gave a thorough presentation on benefits and health. Lunch was provided by Husky


We’re in to the last quarter of the year…….WOW, how time flies!! October, and once

again we honor all the volunteers who have given of their time to help others in the

community. Organized by Con Dinu, on Thursday, October 19, 2017, the

Volunteer Appreciation Lunch was held in the Austrian-Canadian Club

Here are some of the volunteers who give of their time ……..

The ooompah pah band that rocked the place and oh! the food……………..

……and there are many, many more of these beautiful people……………..

And we continue on to November, and what a November it was! On the lighter side of

things we embarked on a night out to attend a Jubilations Theatre performance on

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 of “Downton Abbey” to the music of the

Beattles!! What a fantastic night –

Jerry Madsen of Rocky Mountain

House and Ted Liska were tagged to

go on stage to act as music conductors

and Olga Klesken went up on stage as

well to perform a few dance steps (we were not allowed to take pictures…sigh). Here

are a few of the 62 members who attended and what a splendid night it was!

Earlier in the year, we were approached by the Husky Social Club to see if we would

consider organizing the Children’s Christmas party. A survey was sent out to get a

consensus and a good number of responses to assist was received. We felt this was a way

of giving back to Husky for their financial support – and so we did!! We had a team of 22

retirees and several Husky employees and children who came out to help. So on

Saturday, November 25, 2017, we all congregated in the BMO Centre and

welcomed 476 children to the Husky Children’s Christmas Party who enjoyed

several hours of fun, pictures with Happy, face painting, balloon animals, bouncy houses, a

toddler section, photo booth and visits with Santa and the elves.

……..the crowd!

On the 12th month of 2017, my true love gave to me…….oh, yes, it is now December and so

on Monday, December 4, 2017 we gather at the Carriage House to celebrate our

annual Christmas Luncheon. Soon we will be stepping into another new year…WOW!

And as the year draws to an end, we come together to celebrate that magical time of the

year – Christmas – with all the glitter and hustle-bustle of the time. What an attendance

- we had 150 people with so many new members joining us!! Pretty sure there were great

stories to share and reminiscing memories!!

Elf Lil Patrao and Santa

Santa and Mrs. Claus welcoming a child Santa and Happy the Mascot

Santa and Mrs. Claus – wonder who they are? Hmmm!!

….and here is the “dedicated team” of volunteers without whom this would not have been possible!! THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL

Food and Prizes……..

Our Guest of Honor, Nancy Foster – Sr. Vice-President, Human Resources & Administration and her yearly update on the company

And the prize goes to…..

…..and counting more guests………

Helen Bodnarchuk: Coffee Basket

Kinley Baillargeon: Whiskey Basket (sorry Kinley, your picture did not come out very well)

Gord Oliver: Miscellaneous Basket

Shelagh Hawken: Carriage House Brunch for 2

Brenda McDonald: Carriage House Brunch for 2

Carl Powell: Cheese Basket

The guests……..

And they keep going as they welcomed the New Year, December 31, 2017

celebrating the coming of the New Year 2018 at the Austrian-Canadian Club!!

Christmas lunch is now over….really??? Think again people - the party did not stop

here !! On December 8, 2017, 96 retirees attended

the Husky Gala celebrating

the 1920’s. Here are some of the “fun-loving party animals” …what a bunch of crazies!!!

Believe me when I tell you….dressed to kill, bottles of wine on the table, drinks in their hands!! What next people!!! Glad there were taxi chits to take them home - others stayed over at the Hyatt and Marriott hotels.

And so the clock moves on, and well, 12 months have come and gone - is this all we

have done? Fun is the name of the game but do you think this is all we do? Let me tell

you……..we go to work as well!! In between all these fun events, we bend our knees,

stretch our hands, we pull, push and rip open boxes, sort non-perishable items and

produce for the Good Food Boxes spending 2-3 hours of our time giving back…..we do

VOLUNTEER work for……… the Veteran’s Food Bank, Community Kitchen, Heritage

Park and if there is an organization who is looking for people, such as in two occasions

where the Children’s Hospital needed help, we were there too.

And three years running now, we also volunteered during Diversity Day at Husky

Energy celebrating Canada 150 this year on September 28, 2017. There were

talks by Senior Vice Presidents and panels of women on topics such as immigration,

HACN Red Talks and a kick-off performance of a Metis Jig

signifying marriage between migrants and

First Nation people; as well as all day

events and activities. Judy Montes,

Carl & Betty Powell and Lulu were present

this year,wearing red and white outfits

commemorating Canada 150 as we managed the “food truck” frenzie controlling the

people in a line up!

On November 6-9, 2017 we held our 6th annual fund raising event organized by Bev

Rumsey every year, commemorating Remembrance Day for the Calgary Poppy

Fund/Veterans Food Bank, which is held at Western Canada Place with a table

strategically placed in the foyer. Donations received were 50% of what was raised in

2016. Considering the economic state of the oil and gas industry, we still managed to

raise $4,353.45, and the rest was made up in the form of an overwhelming contribution

of food. This is all attributed to the goodness of heart of the Husky Energy employees.


Community Kitchen - June Community Kitchen – September preparing Good Food boxes.

It’s not all work friends! Take a look at Missy Bev and her antics, while Pete and Jacky just smile! What will Bev think of next….stay tuned!

And here is our One-Man Cleaning Crew, Bill Ellsworth……. OK now Bill, make sure that floor is clean and tidy.

And here are some of the volunteers

Veterans - March - Ian Gordon & Bill Ellsworth deciding what to do? Looking on is Cheryl Myers..hmmmm!

At work at the Veteran’s food bank. Brock Blakely enjoying his work

Con Dinu, Volunteeer Coordinator reports that for the year 2017

are volunteer hours were slightly under to the tune of 978 hours -

short by 78 hours, when in 2016 our record showed 1,056 hours.

As such, he is in search of another organization we can offer our

services for.

Thank you to all the coordinators and members who smilingly and

willingly give of their time. You are truly and greatly appreciated.

God bless you all!!

Heritage Park – September 9

Ted Liska & Bob Coward – who are they saluting?? The carrots?? But the carrots are behind them!

Community Kitchen - September

This is how we end a work day – well deserved my


Just to show you how “outdoorsy” these retirees are, take a look at some of the hikes and

walks they lay claim to. These walks/hikes take place every Tuesday of every month,

when possible, and depending on weather conditions. These events are coordinated by Bev

Rumsey, Janette Wood, Larry Carry and Mike Pannett.

Carburn Park

Cochrane Ranch

Cross Conservation Walk

Sulphur Spring Elbow Valley

This is not the actual walk. This is where they ended after they trekked the West Irrigation

Hostel Hoop

Patella Walk

Ribbon Creek

My, my, my…. they are getting to be more daring - rafting on the bow?? Why not!! It’s exciting and enjoyable; but wait, I heard from a “little bird” they found this raft parked on the bank of the river and decided to have a picture taken. Fooled us, ha, ha! But maybe someday!! Never know!

Elbow River-Scotman’s Hill


Hans Terstappen, our retiree who lives in Victoria, B.C. travelled to Hungary in October

for the World Cup Short Track #1 Competition. He is active with the Marine Search and

Rescue Unit. His wife, Ellen continues to volunteer at the food bank. In November he

came to Calgary to attend the Grey Cup party, on to Montana to lay laminate flooring and

on the way back attended one day of the World Cup Speed Skating at the Olympic Oval.

This completed his 3,000 km trip back to Victoria. Hans looks back to 2017 as a sad

year for the Terstappen family having to say goodbye to seven members of their close

relatives and friends.


Ian Gordon represented Canada in the 1970 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh, in 1971

Pan-Am games in Cali, Columbia, in 1972 Olympics in Munich participating in the 400 m,

running on the 4 x 400 m relay team and they were the 4th team in the semi-final

breaking the Canadian record, but unfortunately did not make the final. He has been an

official since 1988 recruited as a starter at a local track meet. After retiring from

competition in 1985, he coached for a few years but things came to a halt to raise a

family. In 2001, he was a recall starter at the World Championship in Athletics.

Recently, Ian officiated at the World Master’s Championship in Athletics including indoor

championships in Kamloops in 2010, outdoor championship in Sacramento in 2011, Lyon

France in 2015 and Perth Australia in 2017. He is on the National Officials Committee

who sets up mentorship to help upgrade officials to reach National and International

Status. He is on the Board of Athletics Alberta and in July 3-9 worked as the Start

Referee in the National Championships in Track and Field in Ottawa. At the Athletics

Canada Awards Gala, Ian was awarded Official of the Year for 2016.

Our own Membership Coordinator,

George Klesken, formerly

Administrator at the Ram River

Plant is quite the handyman. He

builds houses and is helping build

his brother’s house.

Con and Monica Dinu don’t just

go on vacation to enjoy and have

fun while in Cancun. Every

Wednesday, they volunteer in a

nursing home, Hogar de los

Ancianos, run by the Order of

Carmelite nuns. They help walk

ladies to the garden, push

wheelchairs, serve lunch, feed

handicaps and clean the lunch

room. Con and Monica entertain

seniors who don’t have many


Rare Husky memorabilia earns top dollar at U.S. auction

At a recent Barrett-Jackson automobile auction in

Scottsdale Arizona, a rare 1939 Husky Gasoline

Service Station sign sold for $149,500 U.S. This

retro-Husky collectible is believed to be one of only a

handful of signs still in existence. It was dubbed the

‘Holy Grail of oil and gas signs’ by the auctioneer and

has set a new world record for a 30-inch double-

sided porcelain sign at auction. This rare Husky piece

was the first-ever to be offered at a public auction,

and was listed by a private collector. Submitted by

Marty Muir through the courtesy of Jack Thacker

A presentation was held during the AGM by

Carleen Kay, Team Lead of Health Benefits

and Retirement and reviewed the “My

Benefits” and “My Health”. A Q&A session

followed. The presentation can be viewed

on the HRC website:

Any changes in your personal data/profile,

log into or by calling

the Infoline at (403-296-6658 or 1-855-


Annual General Meeting was held on Friday, September 8, 2017 at the new Conference

Centre of Husky Energy, 5th floor South Tower, WCP. Lunch was provided by Husky

Energy for 60 members present. Minutes of the 2016 meeting and financials were

approved as presented and circulated. An update on the company’s performance was

provided by Randy Jahrig, Vice-President, Human Resources including the purchase of

a refinery in Superior, Wisconsin and considering what is happening to the oil and gas

industry, Husky is still transitioning, however the outlook is optimistic.

Your Executive is shown on the second page of this newsletter. Pencil this date in

your calendar.

Next AGM will be held on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 depending

on room availability.

Please remember to remit your membership dues by

December 31 of each year. Every registered, paid

member equates to financial assistance from Husky,

which in turn allows us to organize events. Yearly dues

are $10.00 per person or $20.00 per couple. Your

continued support is greatly appreciated.


For wellness tips to improve or maintain

our wellbeing, visit the website

Remember: “Out of Country”

coverage, has a 180-day trip limitation

“per calendar year” NOT “per plan

year”. “Out of Country” dental or

medical treatments that require follow

up will probably not be covered unless

the treatment was considered an

emergency. If in doubt, check with

Great West Life before travelling.


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