newsletter nov 2015

Post on 05-Dec-2015






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Alliance Academy



We are about to finish the first semester of school and we wanted to take an opportunity to update you on what the Lord is doing here at Alliance. We have been very busy between working at school, exploring Ecuador and building relationships with the community. In a very short period of time, we feel at home here and know this is where we are supposed to be.

It is now rainy season and every day from about 2-5:00pm you can count on torrential downpours. You can set your clock to it! We are thankful for rain jackets and a short walk to school. Speaking of nature, Cotopaxi, one of the largest volcanos in the southern hemisphere is on the verge of erupting. We are practicing drills

at school and preparing if it should erupt.

The opportunity to minister is all around us. At school, at church, in cities with no churches, and the potential to help train volunteer youth ministry workers in local churches. We are still in awe of God and his sovereignty. In Jeremiah 1:5 it says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” God knew what he would call us to and how he would use us long before we knew we were coming here to serve.

The kids are doing great! Julia is playing soccer and loving 3rd grade. Caleb enjoys learning Spanish with his Ecuadorian friends!

A day at the park for our Early Childhood Picnic!

The class of 2016 at “Juramento ala Bandera”. At this ceremony the students honor the national flag and carry the flags of many other nations around the world.

New staff trip to Reserva Ecologica, Cotacachi Cayapas!

Off To A Great Start!

Bill has had a rollercoaster start to the school year. He began the school year as a substitute teacher, but in the first week of school he filled a long term position as an ESL teacher for Bible and Language arts. Bible was a blast and language arts was

a challenge as he sought to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with 4 boys from China! This long term posting provided an opportunity to teach 5 classes a day and build relationships with over 25 students. The posting ended on October 8th and a new role has begun!

Two weeks into school, Bill was asked to consider

serving in the College & Career Advisor role. This position

would consist of advising all secondary students on their

future plans, assisting in the college application process,

connecting universities around the world to Alliance and

being available to students for all post-secondary needs..

Bill has agreed to fulfill this role and he began on

Monday the 12th. He is excited to serve in this capacity as

it will provide him with many opportunities to work with

the secondary students during a very uncertain time of their

lives. This position gives him a platform to ask questions

such as, “How will you be used by God to impact the


He will also be teaching seminars along with two

other staff members on personality profiles, learning styles,

leadership, and career aptitude. These sessions will help

students learn about themselves and connect that

information to their desired future careers. He looks

forward to weaving the message of Christ into these

conversations of future.


Some of Mrs. Berger’s KiddosBek has 13 Students from Ecuador, United States, and China!

Reading Time is So Much FunThe kids love to interact with the stories!

Caterpillar ThemeHungry Hungry Caterpillar is her theme!\

Pre-SchoolBek is absolutely in love

with her pre-schoolers. She has

students from various walks of

life and they bring excitement to

her day. In less than two months

they have impressed her with

their English speaking abilities.

Their favorite songs to sing are

“Itsy Bitsy Spider”,

“Skidamarink”, and “The Wheels

on the Bus.”

They have learned about

creation, the fall, Jonah, and

Zacchaeus in Bible class. They

have memorized 1st John 4:9 and

we will be singing it on

Grandparent’s Day. She is

excited to see them learn about

Jesus and to know Him


The Early Childhood team

that Bek works with is fantastic

and they make it hard to go

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