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November 2016

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

LMGFC Committee 2016/2017

LMGFC Life Members Neville James, Henry Vanags, Neil Grieves, Pat Jones, Ivan Poole

Deceased LMGFC Life Members Gordon Guidoux, Dal James, George Creamer, Don McCloy, Ron Stace

& Arch Livingstone. y NSWGFA Delegates

Garry Russell, Toni Russell, Neil Grieves, Leanne Hoff. Alternate NSWGFA Delegates

Paul Hogg

President Garry Russell Mobile: 0438 432 967 Home: 02 4948 8561 Email:

Vice President Luke Stansfield Casey Sadler

Mobile: 0438 505 351 Mobile: 0418 660 986

Secretary / Boat Registration / Newsletter Editor

Toni Russell Mobile: 0439 466 401 Home: 02 4948 8561 Email:

Assistant Secretary Leanne Hoff Mobile: 0418 570 629

Treasurer Neil Grieves Mobile: 0407 006 114 Home: (20) 49712179

Capture Recorder Chad Owen Mobile: 0418 250 612 Email:

Sponsor Co-ordinator Doug Robinson Mobile: 0416 529 999

Weigh Master Neil Grieves Home: (02) 4971 2179Mobile: 0407 006 114

Committee Members Neil Grieves Chad Owen Alan Holl Doug Robinson Ryan Jones Paul Hogg David Ashman Brett Small Aleshia Small Jamie Cook

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

I would like to welcome all the new members to LMGFC and thank the members that have rejoined LMGFC.

The Summer season is well under way. All the tournaments are starting to happen.

Good luck to all the boats competing in any tournaments this season.

We are waiting for Sanctioning for our tournament the Big Fish Bonanza.

I would like to congratulate the boys on Screaming Hoff for tagging the 1st Marlin for the season.

The committee have been working hard to get the Big Fish Bonanza Tournament organized. Doug Robinson has been working overtime on getting sponsors and he has a lot of new sponsors as well as old sponsors.

Two juniors Joshua Deaves and Tyler Bowie have had their resume sent away hoping to get picked in the NSWGFA team for the Northern Zone Competition, this will be held in conjunction with Central Coast Game Fishing Tournament in January 2017. Good Luck with your nomination boys.

Congratulations to Melanie Hain on receiving the Tom Roach Trophy 2015-2016 - Junior National Tournament State Champion - Junior Female Angler - Tag & Release for NSW from GFAA.

Congratulations to Joel Nancarrow on receiving the Peter Goodby Trophy - Angler who Captured Heaviest Shark in Australia Waters. 625.2Kg Tiger Shark. Joel also received 1000lb Club Certificate, 1000lb Special Cap, Australian and NSW Record Certificates from GFAA.

Congratulations to Steve Dial on receiving - Assistance Certificate & 1000lb Club, Boat Plaque for Redemption from GFAA.

Just a reminder when more than two club boats are out fishing summer competition a sked sheet must be filled out by a club boat. If the sched sheet is not filled out and handed it to the recorder that day is then a none point scoring day .Make sure all paperwork is done.

Good Luck & Tight Lines.

Garry Russell.


NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

Thank you to all members for your patients with me. I am getting on top of things I think. I still have a lot to learn.

A special thank you to Chad Moore for the donation of the laptop computer.

It has been great to have it set up just for LMGFC so it will be handed over to the next secretary. No! I am not leaving yet.

There are new LMGFC Rule Books printed, they also contain the GFAA rules. I will have them at all social & committee meetings so you can get one of me there. I will also send them to anyone who emails me for one. They will be given to all new members when they join LMGFC.

We now have membership cards, for all new & renewed members. I will be handing them out and mailing them to people I don’t see.

There are membership and boat registration forms at Tackle World at Marks Point for your convenience. Originals still have to send them to the Secretary. There is a box inside the shop where you can drop of your tag cards, capture certificate and sched sheets and Chad Owen will pick them up.

Chad Owen has an email address now

You can email the capture certificates, tag cards and sched sheets to Chad Owen .Originals still have to be sent Chad.

Leanne and I have been working with David Stringer to get the new It’s Fishing up and running, all is going well.

I would like to thank the members who have donated money and goods for our Christmas raffle and prizes for the activities for the children.

Thanks to Aleshia Small for all the hard work she has done going around getting donations from businesses . For the raffles and prices.

2016/2017 memberships are all up for renewal now. Please pay your 2016/2017 membership by direct deposit, or posting a cheque to the club and complete and sign a membership form. Details are at the bottom of the New & Renewal membership forms, attached in this newsletter and also available on the website.

Please ensure you leave the correct information with your deposit ie: “Jane Membership” so we can trace your payment. This payment must be followed up with completed forms and forwarded to the club.

• Banking details are: BSB 650400, Acc No 945729407• 2016/2017 forms are available on the website at:

• Post to the club at: P.O Box 53, SWANSEA, NSW 2281• Or email to the Secretary

New Memberships. New Membership forms are available on the website. New members have to get two financial members of LMGFC to nominate them to LMGFC. They have to fill in the form and sign it with you.

SKIPPERS: Please note you MUST complete the SAFETY DECLARATION on the 2016/2017 Membership Renewal or complete a new vessel registration form to renew your vessels registration. You will need to send in a photo of your boat with the forms. This form is available on the website.

Toni Russell

New Members Welcome To LMGFC Briella Gyler- Dial Tahlee Isabella Lloyd

Darren Ham Matthew Ham Troy Ham Tyler Cook Leanne Hampo Ryan Eurell Tony Malaspina Warren Hill Brett Hoban Tazma Upward Torryn Upward Jason Scerri Caroline Scerri Bella Scerri Gavin Lancelott John Lancelott Ian Streeter

Social NewsIt is good to see the social nights are getting a good turnout. There is around 40 to 50 people turning up. There is a lot of fishing stories being told and a lot of laughs. I would like to thank all the members for turning up as we can’t have these nights without you.

We will be organizing some social events for the children after the tournaments as we are having trouble trying to fit them into the calendar.

We have our Christmas Party/BBQ on the 4th December at 12pm at Lake Macquarie Yacht Club. Address is Ada Street Belmont. Santa with gifts for the children. There will be activities for the children eg: (casting competition, treasure hunt, colouring competition) at the Christmas Party.There will be a BBQ lunch with salads & desert. Form is attached at the back of this newsletter.

A reminder the closing date for the information for the Christmas party is the 24th November 2016, ages & sex of children & how many adults.

Please give me a ring on 0439 466 401 or Aleshia Small on 0401 715 206 and let us know.

We would hate for Santa to miss someone.

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

DATES TO REMEMBER 4th December – Christmas Party

Please refer to event calendar at the back of this newsletter.

Committee Meetings

6th December 2016 3rd January 2017

7th February 2017 7th March 2017

4th April 2017 2nd May 20

6th June 2017

Social Nights 17th January 2017 21st February 2017

21st March 2017 18th April 2017

16th May 2017 29th June 2017

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

As the 2016/17 season gets away I’m excited to report we have already had some exciting captures and tags for both sharks and marlin. It’s great to see our boats getting into the action when the weather permits. Screamin Hoff was quick off the mark with the first marlin tagged and released for the season.

This season sees the reintroduction of the letter box at the fisherman’s warehouse at Marks Point. This box is available to drop off completed capture certificates and tag cards for point score. Sked sheets must also be handed in as soon as possible. Also all members are welcome to drop their paper work off at my house or call me to arrange a pick up on. 0418250612. 16 Redrose Avenue Belmont.

We have our first Northern Zone overnighter on the 12th & 13th of November and it would be great to see as many boats as possible out there having a go. Maybe that 200kg Broadbill Swordfish as well as some big Makos and Tigers will be waiting to jump on the hook.

Good luck to everyone for the season and i look forward to meeting as many of you as i can.

Chad Owen

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

Contact - Marks Point Marina[5/10/2016 4:10:13 PM]


Marks Point Marina

Address: 21 Edith Street Marks Point, NSW 2280, Australia

Phone: (02) 4945 4965

Mobile (After Hours): 0409 789 911

Fax: (02) 4947 7810


Finding Us By Boat

The marina is conveniently located on the Eastern shores of beautiful

Lake Macquarie, the largest salt water lake in the Southern

Hemisphere. Once through Swansea bridge, Marks Point Marina has

the largest marina facilities for your boating needs and is fortunately

situated on the northern side of busy Belmont Bay. The marina shares

Belmont Bay with Lake Macquarie Yacht Club and Belmont 16 ′ Sailing

Club, both thriving clubs in the boating community. Great central

position for any action!

Swansea Bridge Clearance:Low Tide – 2.2mHight Tide – 3.2mFor Swansea Bridge opening times

Antifoul and Slipping

Marks Point Marina are proud to

offer you the highest standards of

boat maintenance available to

ensure your properly maintained

boat will last longer and bring you

many more years of enjoyment.


Had a rough time?

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Safe Haven Shipwrights Contact no. 02 4032 0748

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Ask about your members discount Today.

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

Sched Sheets / Tag Cards / Capture Certificates

Another Reminder: Please ensure Skeds are being undertaken. For Summer comp Fishing times are 7am to 5:10pm. The Radio skeds must be conducted if 2 or more boats are at sea to be eligible for club point score. Radio skeds are conducted 10 minutes past the hour, every two hours starting at 7:10am Eastern Summer time (and 8:10am Eastern Standard time) Summer comp sked times are 7:10, 9:10, 11:10, 1:10, 3:10 and 5:10pm

Skippers, please make sure these forms are completed and forwarded to the Club Capture Recorder. All Sked Sheets / Tag Cards / Capture Certificates are to be mailed or scanned and emailed to Chad Owen, within 7 days of fishing from home port, or 14 days from an away tournament. Details are: Email:

Club Website & Facebook The LMGFC website can be found at: Point score is also available there. If you have any suggestions / photos / stories please let us know so we can share them with other members through the website. Like/Follow us on Facebook:

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter


I wish to receive my newsletter by REGULAR MAIL. I wish to receive my newsletter via EMAIL (Please provide current email address)

Name of Renewing Member: First Name ………………………………………….Surname ……………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………Post Code…..………

DOB: …………………………… Telephone………………………………………… Mobile ………………………...............................


Membership Class: …………………………… Boat Name: …………………………… Occupation…………………………………….

I hereby apply for membership renewal of the above named club. In the event of my admission as a renewed member, I agree to be bound by the rules of the club for the time being in force.

Signature of Member …………………………………………………………………………... Date………………………………………

Are you a member of another Club? YES / NO – Club Name …………………………………………………………………………….

Have you ever been refused membership of a Club? YES / NO – Club Name ………………………………....................................

Other Immediate Family Members from the same address being paid on this renewal (Please complete separate forms if above contact details are not the same as above)

1. Name …………………………………………………………… Membership Class ………………………………………………

Junior or Students Birthdates (if applicable) ………………………………………………. Amount: $ ………………………….

2. Name …………………………………………………………… Membership Class ………………………………………………

Junior or Students Birthdates (if applicable) ………………………………………………. Amount: $ ………………………….

3. Name …………………………………………………………… Membership Class ………………………………………………

Junior or Students Birthdates (if applicable) ………………………………………………. Amount: $ …………………………. Renewal Membership Fees – please tick applicable category

Adult Male $100.00 Full Time Student $60.00 16 – 18 years DOB……………………

Adult Lady $60.00 Junior $10.00 11 - 16 years DOB……………………

Pensioner $60.00 Small Fry $ 10.00 Under 11 years DOB…………………….

Note: To be eligible for point score, completed membership form along with correct membership fee must be in the hands of LMGFC Secretary or Committee person prior to fishing. Fees can be direct deposited to Newcastle Permanent BSB: 650400 Acc No: 945729407 Forward this form and receipt to: PO Box 53, Swansea NSW 2281.

I hereby declare being the owner/skipper of …………………………………………………… that the vessel meets the current maritime statuary equipment requirements and L.M.G.F.C Inc fishing rules safety equipment requirements. I will notify the club secretary/boat register of any changes to the required equipment levels. A new photo to be supplied if required.

Signature of Boat Owner/Skipper………………………………………………………..…. Date………………………… Office Use: Receipt Date: ……………………………… Receipt No: ……………………… Total Fish Date: …………………

Lake Macquarie Game Fishing Club

ABN: 52 671 464 619

President: Garry Russell

Telephone: 0438 432 967

Secretary: Toni Russell

Telephone: 0439 466 401

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter


JANUARY Committee Meeting 3rd Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

LMGFC Social Night 17th Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

33rd Golden Lure Briefing 6th

Port Macquarie GFC

Janeck Kaczorowski 0439 959 927

Weekend 1 7th & 8th Port Macquarie GFC

Janeck Kaczorowski 0439 959 927

Weekend 2 12th & 13th

Port Macquarie GFC

Janeck Kaczorowski 0439 959 927

Central Coast Blue Water Classic 7th & 8th Central Coast GFC Nathan Bajada 0428 025 926 Shimano Childrens Charity Fishing Comp 8th Kiama GFC Mark Way 0427 377 865 Tollgate Island Classic Tournament

20th to 22nd Batemans Bay GFC Adam Meyn 0431 019 114

Boatny Bay Bill Hayward Tournament

27th to 29th Botany Bay GFC Jim Kousoulas 0404 041 146

Bermagui Bluewater Classic

28th to 30th Bermagui GFC Ron De La Mere 0428 244 955

Big Fish Bonanza Briefing 27th

Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

Big Fish Bonanza 28th & 29th

Lake Macquarie GFC Toni Russell 0439 466 401

FEBRUARY Big Fish Bonanza Presentation Night 3rd Swansea RSL Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

Committee Meeting 7th Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

LMGFC Social Night 21st Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

Shell Harbour Fishing Tournament

11th & 12th Shellharbour Carol Goodger 0423 252 279

Garmin Shootout Tournament Briefing 17th

Newcastle & Port Stephens GFC Peter Simpson 0413 754 903

Garmin Shootout 18th & 19th

Newcastle & Port Stephens GFC Peter Simpson 02 49 810 021

NSWGFA Interclub Briefing 23rd NSWGFC Nigel Rushworth 0423 727 195

Interclub weekend 1 24th & 26th NSWGFC Nigel Rushworth 0423 727 195

Interclub Ladies Day & Presentation 27th NSWGFC Nigel Rushworth 0423 727 195

MARCH Committee Meeting 7th Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

LMGFC Social Night 21st Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

Jess Sams Tournament 3rd to 5th Ulladulla GFC George Lirantzis 0419 300 400

East Coast Classic 11th & 12th Newcastle GFC Scott Morris 0412 127 400

Alliance Tournament 11th & 12th Bermagui BGAC Ron De La Mere 0428 244 955

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

Eden S & GFC Open Tournament

18th to 20th Eden Sport & GFC Debbie Cummings 0408 766 076

43rd Shoal Haven Open

24thto 26th ShoalHaven GFC Liz Sikora 0402 715 861

APRIL Committee Meeting 4th April Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

LMGFC Social Night 18th April Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

Kiama Blowhole Big Fish Classic 1st & 2nd Kiama GFC Mark Way 0427 377 865 The Simrad 24th Broken Bay Invitational

29th & 30th (TBC) Broken Bay GFC Jamie Ward

MAY Committee Meeting 2nd Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

LMGFC Socail Night 16th Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

Shimano Port Hacking 100 6th & 7th Port Hacking GFC Paul Barning 0418 211 848 Canberra Yellowfin Tuna Tournament

20th to 22nd Canberra GFC Mario Imbriano 0421 049 191

JUNE Committee Meeting 6th Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

LMGFC Social Night 20th Lake Macquarie Yacht Club Toni Russell 0439 466 401

25th Merimbula Broadbill & 5th Southern Bluefin Tuna wkd 1 7th to 9th

Merimbula BG & LAC Robert Wood 0413 333 598

36th Merimbula Open Yellowfin Tuna Tournament

10th to 12th

Merimbula BG & LAC Robert Wood 0413 333 598

25th Merimbula Broadbill & 5th Southern Bluefin Tuna wkd 2

14th to 16th

Merimbula BG & LAC Robert Wood 0413 333 598

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter

NOVEMBER 2016 Newsletter


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It's going to be huge !

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