is “baobab blast: god’s great get-together”. a baobab is a gigantic tree,...

Post on 31-Aug-2020






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1432 Centre Road Carlisle, Ontario

L0R 1H1 (905) 689-8630

Spring 2020

Easter 2020 Sundays, March 1 to April 12 – Lent theme for Sunday services is “Eco-Footsteps to the Cross” Thursdays, Feb. 27 to April 2 – Vine Churches Lenten Study, see Events Calendar for specific location each week ( event-calendar) Sunday April 5 – Palm Sunday service in Kilbride 9:30, Carlisle 11 am Thursday April 9 – Maundy Thursday service in Kilbride, 7 pm Friday April 10 – Good Friday service in Carlisle, 10 am Sunday April 12 – Easter Sunday service in Kilbride 9:30, Carlisle 11 am

A Lenten Invitation: Making Choices to Change Ourselves and God’s World

We know how the story goes. We’ve heard it each year, each spring, each Easter. With His outstretched arms on the Cross, Jesus freely chooses love and bridges the gap between heaven and earth. And in His triumph over death He defeats the last enemy and begins the new creation! Hallelujah!

We too, as followers of His Way, are also invited to be a part of this new creation (2 Cor. 5:17) as we follow His commandment to love God and love our neighbours; to love all who God loves – the stranger, the differently abled, our enemy, the one who looks, sounds, and thinks differently than we do – to love ALL of God’s creation. However, the command to love challenges us and is challenging for us. It calls us to sit with… listen to… hear the stories of our Indigenous sister, our migrant brother, the new refugee, the family at the Food Bank, the activists who speak for the air, the water, the land, the person fearing coronavirus or the results of medical tests. It calls us to hear stories of hardship and triumph, differing experiences than our own. The call to love and the season of Lent invite us to hear these stories with our hearts, minds and entire beings wide open, in Christ-like compassion, so we are better able (and willing) to have our understandings shifted, our biases debunked, our narrow vision expanded… our living transformed by the new truth we have come to know. When Jesus dies on the cross, it is not the end, rather the beginning! And when we let go of (or seek to unlearn) unhelpful practices, traditions, biases, exclusive theology, ways of living in relation with God and others there will be discomfort, dis-ease, perhaps even downright denial at first that anything or everything should change, including us.


From the Hebrew scriptures we heard these words in our recent Family Day worship:

"Today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and doom.... I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the LORD your God, heeding his voice, and holding fast to him. For that will mean life for you." (Deut. 30:15)

And the invitation to choose life was extended anew! This is what our Lenten theme ‘Eco-Footsteps to the Cross’ is also inviting us to do! Choose Life! Throughout our Lenten journey, you will be invited to reflect on how you can become a better steward of God’s creation. Ponder the denial, convenience, greed, guilt, despair and complicit ways you need to let go. Open yourself to see what you/we are crucifying in this world and what needs to die in order that Earth might live: Resurrection! We will also hear stories (the water’s story, the air’s story, the land’s story) so you might consider how your present practices and understandings are harmful or helpful to living into right relations with creation and the Creator. And as a result of our journey together, it is my prayer that each one of us will be able to speak the words of The New Creed, “to live with respect in creation”, with greater authenticity and clarity around the choices we now need to make so we can live justly and love more fully as God/Jesus loves all!

It has been said that not only do we make choices, but our choices actually make us… that we become what we choose, changing ourselves in the process. The forty days of Lent are your invitation to respond to the Holy's invitations to receive grace, to choose life in its fullness and to be reshaped by the Spirit, re-purposed for mission and ministry, renewed through your choices so you can

bring forth God’s message of redemption, restoration and resurrection that our world so desperately needs to hear through your words, your actions, and most importantly, your living! And as we walk our Lenten pilgrimage, as we contemplate how, what and WHO Jesus chooses, we will see Jesus indeed shows us the way! He shows us how to take off our earthly shackles so we can direct our choices toward God. He challenges the status quo. He loves beyond measure. He listens deeply. He allows himself to be led to and by God. He prays and reflects often. He dares to dream and risk. He builds God’s kingdom with every conversation and invitation, with every act of hospitality, offer of another way, gift of grace. He trusts completely and submits to God’s ways over the ways of the world. And by His saving life, death and resurrection, He IS our means for healing our fractured freedom, our broken world, and transforming our own capacity to choose abundant life! May it be so! Many blessings as you journey to Jerusalem and beyond!

Pastor Sue Cowan

Vacation Bible School ~ July 20 to 24

The theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School is “Baobab Blast: God’s Great Get-Together”. A baobab is a gigantic tree, found in Africa, that creates its own ecosystem and supports the life needs of many creatures, as well as serving as a meeting place for community. The program will run Monday July 20 to Friday July 24, from 8:30 to noon. Registration is open now on the Church website. Spaces fill up quickly, so please book early.


In Memoriam

Mary Katherine Currie April 2, 1929 – December 16, 2019 Predeceased by her husband David,

Mary is survived by her son and daughter, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was active in the Carlisle United Church Women for many years, and will be missed by many friends here. Our sympathies to all her family.

Alex Lambert December 29, 1926 – January 17, 2020 Beloved husband of Muriel, father

and grandfather, good friend to many at Carlisle United. Alex loved the home that he and Muriel built on Progreston Road. He loved fishing, hockey, photography and stamp collecting. He loved wood working and a good laugh with friends. He especially loved his family. We will all miss him, and our heart-felt sympathy goes out to Muriel, Michael and Louise, and all of Alex’s family.

Gerald Bruce Powell April 16, 1946 – February 24, 2020 Predeceased by his dear wife Sandy.

Gerry was a partner and operator at Arlington Crane for over 30 years. He was very proud of all his grandchildren and always made time for their sports and ‘tours’. Our sympathies to Gerry’s children and grandchildren, and to his in-laws Nan and Garth Dodman.

Migrant Workers News Although it seems that unlimited quantities of snow are yet to fall on us, if you look closely you will notice that there are buds on the trees and I heard of a recent sighting of a robin in the Flamborough Hills area. As we look forward to the hope, renewal and promise of Easter, we are reminded that in Mexico, Jamaica, Guatemala and St. Lucia, seasonal workers

are preparing for their annual journey to our area farms and nurseries, to plough and to plant the crops that will grace our tables, homes and gardens for yet another year. Some young people from Jamaica and Guatemala are already here, working at a nearby nursery. On a sad note, we learned that a long- time worker from Josling Farms, Eliseo Monroy Juarez, died recently in a traffic accident in Mexico. He leaves a wife and eight children. I doubt if Eliseo ever missed one of our events and many of you will recognize him from this photo. He will be sadly missed by his family, co-workers and the Joslings, who regard all their workers as family. I know you will remember them all in your prayers. On our church Facebook page, there is a link to a GoFundMe page, set up by the Josling family for anyone who would like to help the family financially in their devastating loss. For almost fifteen years, our twice-yearly events to honour our migrant workers have engaged our community in a flood of generosity, sacrifice and fellowship, amidst all the other demands on your resources. Our hospitality has become legendary to the workers and farm owners alike and it defines who we are as a community of faith. I hope we can continue with this fun outreach that blesses both givers and receivers. The date for our spring welcome dinner is set for Sunday June 14 and I am seeking some wonderful people who would be willing to be involved with the planning and organization. Don’t worry, we won’t start until after the Carlisle Festival! Catherine Swatten

(Photo courtesy of Terry Hubbard)


One More Messy Church This Spring The last Messy Church session this spring will be on Wednesday April 22, with the theme “Creation”. If you have not yet experienced Messy Church, it is a very popular alternative form of worship for busy families. Come and enjoy crafts, songs and stories with a Christian message.

Time: 5 to 7 pm. Dinner included. Register on the church website or by calling the church office at 905-689-8630.

Prayer Circles

All are invited to gather in the Parlour for prayer in support of one another, our church family and those who are in need due to illness, bereavement or other concerns. Prayer Circles are held the second Monday of every month at 12:45 pm. Upcoming dates: March 9, April 13, May 11 and June 8.

Finance As we start a new year and a new decade, we ask for your continued financial support through 2020. The budget for this year includes a 2% increase in donations which will help cover higher expenses due to inflation. Where you are able, we ask that you please consider increasing your weekly, monthly or PAR givings by 2% or 3%. Also, for those who generously donated to the LIFT fundraising campaign, if you would consider donating half of that amount to the church general givings, it would go a long way to achieving this year’s budget. Thank You. Barry Gilbert, Treasurer

Great Turkey Dinner

Thanks to so many people for making the February turkey dinner a great success. The meal was excellent, catered by Linda Speck and her kitchen team. Linda generously donated her time and talents in support of the LIFT fund-raising campaign. Thanks also to the Carlisle Pathfinders and Trex who did an outstanding job serving the guests, under the direction of Judy Speck. And thanks to everyone who enthusiastically bought a dinner ticket and participated in the raffles. The raffle prizes were donated by various local businesses in support of the LIFT campaign and also by LIFT Committee members. This was not only a fundraiser, but a wonderful community event, with a number of people asking when we will have the next one! The event raised over $1,500.

(Photo courtesy of Mary Gilbert and Maureen Trenkler)


Bread Tags and Milk Bags

As we are thinking about our environmental impact in the Lenten sermon series “Eco-Footsteps to the Cross”, Erika Friesen has a couple of good suggestions to keep things out of the landfill and reuse them for good purposes. Bread and milk bag tags are collected by local schools for many craft uses. And milk bags (the colourful outside bags) are very useful to several charities that make bed mats for tropical countries like Haiti in times of need. Erika has kindly offered to collect and deliver both of these items if you would like to drop them off at the Church. Milk bags should be thoroughly washed and dried please, and flat. There will be a collection box near the coat racks. It’s a tiny eco-footstep, but every little bit helps!

Monarch Habitat in Our Cemetery

Carlisle United Church Trustees have approved a small experiment this year in the Cemetery. We will be converting a part of the Hazel Watson Garden (adjacent to the south wall) into a Monarch Waystation. The Monarch Waystation project is underway across North America to provide vital habitat for all stages of life for the fragile Monarch butterflies. Many churches and public institutions are devoting a little of their space to a Monarch Waystation. We are hopeful that ours will attract and nurture butterflies, and also that it will signal to our community our commitment to sustaining the earth for which we are stewards. You can read more about the North American Waystation project at

In the Cemetery we will be removing some of existing ground cover in the Hazel Watson Garden area and improving the soil before replanting with new vegetation. There will be some plants that are needed for egg laying and feeding of caterpillars (species of less-invasive milkweed such as Asclepias tuberosa). And there will be other plants that provide nectar for the hatching and migrating adults (such as New England Aster, Zinnias and Neon Sedum). All of these plants were successfully grown last year in Bob and Cathy Moulder’s Waystation garden and proved to be hardy and low maintenance, as well as attractive to many kinds of butterflies and other pollinators. Work on the new garden will get underway in the spring and hopefully will be completed in time for the Cemetery Memorial Service on June 14. If you would like to sponsor a plant or help with spring planting or watering occasionally through the summer, please let me know. Information on work dates will be in the Church bulletin as the weather improves. And everyone is invited to come and view the garden throughout the growing season. Feel free to pull a few weeds or just sit on the bench in the sun! Hopefully you will see some butterfly visitors. Cathy Moulder, Cemetery Manager

Newly-hatched male Monarch nectaring on Neon Sedum (Mustard Seed Garden, Moulder’s Monarch Waystation, Sept. 2019)


U.C.W. Spring News

Wednesday January 8th was our first meeting of the New Year. It was great to be back together again. We spent the morning talking about Christmas with our families, about funny little stories that had occurred and about the coming year. Judy has stepped down as the leader of the UCW. It is hard to find the words to describe the energy, the ideas, the dedication and time that she put into successfully leading our group. We truly thank her for her leadership. Judy worked so hard, she had to be replaced with three people. We now have an Executive Committee consisting of Evelyn Gable, Eleanor Scholey and myself. The last few months we have been busy cleaning out our back cupboard. The room was painted by Shirley Hamilton and we sincerely appreciate all her hard work! It is so bright; we now have to wear sunglasses! While the room was empty, we took the time to revisit all our supplies. Sorting was definitely worthwhile and articles not required will be in our spring Craft Supply Sale. In February, the ladies purchased a new energy efficient refrigerator for the kitchen. The pie ladies are busy making pies for the Festival. As our numbers have diminished, another group of ladies has offered to make pies, too. We appreciate their offer and thank them. The craft ladies are busy making produce bags to sell, starting to work on bazaar items and sorting and pricing all the goodies we have for the Craft Supply Sale. We hope to see you on Saturday April 18. There are still tables available – contact if you are interested in participating. Supplies only please, no finished goods.

We are always in need of canning jars and jar tops. We appreciate all donations. We meet on Wednesday from 9 to 11:30 and we are always looking for new members. Please consider joining us for a morning of fun and fellowship. Marilyn Gray, on behalf of Eleanor and Evelyn

Welcome Little Children! We are always ready on Sunday mornings for school-aged children to learn about God's love for them. Palm Sunday (April 5) and Easter Sunday (April 12) are special Sundays in the Christian church year, and children would be very welcome to celebrate these special days with us, with stories, songs and crafts about Jesus entering Jerusalem and about His Resurrection. Linda Dodman

Kilbride United Church News We have started a new outreach program called “Kilbride Walks”. People are invited to meet at the church each Thursday at 9:30 am for a walk around the neighbourhood, followed by coffee, tea and conversation. Routes are flexible and you can decide how far and at what pace you want to walk. Come to the church rain or shine. If the weather is unfavourable for walking or you don’t want to walk… just come to the church for the chat portion of the program. On Sunday May 24 (not the long weekend), the Kilbride History Group is planning an Historic Tour of the Kilbride Neighbourhood. Seven historical sites have been chosen and speakers will give participants insight into the history and significance of the sites. For more information contact us at Maureen Trenkler and Helen Callaway


Mark Your Calendar

➢ Mondays, March 9, April 13, May 11, June 8

– Prayer Circle, 12:45

pm ➢ Tuesdays – “Talkback

Tuesdays”, 11:45 am, theme Exodus, light lunch included

➢ Thursdays – Kilbride Walks, 9:30 am at Kilbride United Church

➢ Saturdays, March 28, May 30 – Scout Bottle Drive, 9 am to noon, in the parking lot

➢ Saturday April 18 – Craft Supply Sale, 10 am to 2 pm

➢ Wednesday April 22 – Messy Church, 5 to 7 pm, theme “Creation”

➢ Saturday May 9 – Carlisle Festival, 4:30 to 8 pm

➢ Sunday May 24 – Historic Tour of the Kilbride Neighbourhood, time TBA

➢ Sunday May 24 – Joint choral concert, Carlisle United Church, 7 pm

➢ Sunday June 14 – Cemetery Memorial service, 11 am

➢ Sunday June 14 – Migrant Workers Dinner, 4:30 to 7:30

➢ July 20-24 – Vacation Bible School, 9 am to noon, theme “Baobab Blast”

Mama Mia, Here We Go Again! Due to the popularity of our spring 2018 choral concert, we are bringing back show tunes as the theme for our next joint choral event (with a sprinkling of music from the screen as well as the stage). The music directors of Carlisle, St James and West Plains United Churches are in the midst of planning a program stuffed full of some of our favourite musicals, such as Jesus Christ Superstar, Mama Mia!, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music, and even Frozen. We are excited to once again welcome the children's choir The Songbirds of Waterdown, the vocal ensemble The Friend Choir, and a variety of soloists and instrumentalists. We hope you will come join in the fun… and especially the singalong portions of the evening! So please mark your calendars for this special event: Sunday May 24, 7 pm, at Carlisle United Church with refreshments to follow. Freewill offerings gratefully accepted. All are welcome. Heather Olaveson

Pastor Sue WOWed the congregation with transformative science experiments on Transfiguration Sunday, which was also Baden Powell Sunday (February 23).


Carlisle/Kilbride Joint Search Committee Report

Your Search team is beginning the process of calling a Minister to the Carlisle/Kilbride Pastoral Charge. Your committee members are Jean Shaw from Kilbride; Bob Moulder, Mary Gilbert and Sheila Garrett from Carlisle; and Brenna Baker is Liaison of Horseshoe Falls Regional Council.

Although much of the work of the Committee is confidential, we will regularly share non-confidential progress updates. We ask for your prayers for this team as they begin this journey together on behalf of the pastoral charge.

In light of this, we are asking all of our church family to help spread the word of the current position. If you know someone (friend or neighbour) who may be interested or can help us with our search, please feel free to pass on the advertisement as stated on our Church websites.

Job Posting: Carlisle/Kilbride United two-point pastoral charge provides spiritual sustenance to two communities on the Niagara Escarpment north of Hamilton and Burlington. We are a community of worship rich in traditions and growth opportunities and are currently looking to welcome a full-time ordered minister.

We are seeking to form a partnership with a minister who has a strong background in traditional Bible-based theology but is willing to explore a variety of worship formats, including multimedia. We are also looking for an effective leader to help us achieve and sustain growth. Our goal is to welcome a minister with strong interpersonal skills and the ability to empower, motivate and inspire. We value the skill to reconcile varying points of view, the capacity to meet intergenerational needs, the ability to form strong community partnerships, and a sense of humour. If God is calling you to us, please send a resume/CV to

The LIFT campaign, raising funds for the replacement elevator, was officially completed with the dedication at Sunday service on February 16. The new plaque in the entry hall, shown here with the Josling family, celebrates all who contributed. Thank you, everyone, for your support!


Carlisle Festival – Saturday May 9 This year’s Carlisle Festival is scheduled for Saturday May 9. The Festival Committee is already hard at work, and we would appreciate your help. Volunteers are essential to the success of the Festival. Jobs are available for all ages, standing, sitting, ahead of time or on the day of the event. Please help as you are able. As always, we are in need of baskets, the ever-popular bottles of wine, unique craft items, gardening things, games for kids and power tools. Gift certificates are great sellers. Please think of our silent auction when you are shopping or house-cleaning. This year we have a special attraction for the Kids’ Zone: a “Wheel of Fortune”. Live music will be provided by the ever-popular local duo of Ria and Randy. Festival tickets will be ready for sale by the middle of April. This year adult tickets will be $20 and child tickets (12 and under) will be reduced to $8.

You are our most important “ticket sellers”. Please buy tickets as gifts for friends and encourage your neighbours and family to come and enjoy. Buy a ticket as a “thank you” for a care-giver, an employee or a special person in your life. We will do our best to make sure they have a great meal and a good time. The Festival is our major fund-raiser of the year, and this year we will again be supporting the Flamborough Food Bank, the Ontario Christian Gleaners and Wesley Urban Ministries. Contact any committee member if you have ideas for improvements or donations. And thanks for your help!

Case for Kids – Sunday June 7 This annual fund-raiser supports children and youth programming in high priority neighbourhoods of Hamilton. Llfting children and families out of poverty is a blessing for all of us. Please consider supporting this event. Cheques may be made out to Wesley Urban Ministries CFK. Marilyn Irish

Time for Spring Cleaning Have you have ever tried one of the “magic” KB Wonder window cleaning cloths? They clean windows streak free, spot free and lint free. You will never need chemical cleaners or paper towels again! If you would like to try one, or need a fresh one for your spring cleaning, please call Marilyn Gray (905-689-6809). (Editor’s Note: Marilyn will sell you the cloth; she will not clean your windows.)

This picture shows the wonderful joint choirs of St. James, West Plains and Carlisle United Churches at dress rehearsal for their Christmas concert. Your next opportunity to see this talented group in action will be their Show Tunes concert on May 24. (Photo courtesy of Lianne Tan)


Baptism Sunday, March 8, 2020

Carlisle United Church welcomes…

Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of Carlie Woodworth and Aaron Caven Julia Claire, daughter of Marlena Neville and Andrew Heeley

Eve Elizabeth, daughter of Marlena Neville and Andrew Heeley Georgia Grace, daughter of Samantha Cianfrini and Mathew Heeley

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